Thank you Bete Habasha . I learned better about Ethiopian History from you . I have had Tekilstadi Makuriya. But I gave to someone in ethiopia before I left my country.
All this is fake story felasha never came to Ethiopia as there is no black israel , before Christianity into Ethiopia there were Egyptian jews who were traders that brought the religion to northern regions felashas/ locals are converts just like Christians converts.
Look you one big..big baraya without identity,there was no christianty or islam in ethiopia ,you still worship white jesus who is never ever exist.let you know more in ancient time in africa contient also in that fake place which called middles east( north east africa) at that time i mean in ancient time there was ni single white atae baraya lij, go look in inside pyrmida in egypt on the wall,all black people,you as baraya yoy still worship white angel white jesus,all your 9 saint are white people abte baraya baray lij,if proof us there was christianity or islam before beit israel,greek and roma they took our knowledge history and hid it and they leran it keep it far ftom us ,and later they wrote they newtesment abd the quran ,all found in vatican today ,ante gem what heraing now from the aritcal are fake ..fake ..tert...tert ,there is no christianity or islam ot jews in our beit israel bible(orit) ,so where did you get it ante y baraya lij,
መቼም ቢሆን ኢትዩጵያውያን ዘፈን፣ ፊልም ማየት እንጂ፣ እንዲህ የመሠለዉን እውቀት የሚሰጠንን የራሳችንን ታሪክ እንኳ ማወቅ የማንፈልግ የዕፋኝት ልጆች ነን። ዳሩ ግን፣ በጣም የሚያስደሥት ታሪክ ነው።🙏
በጣም ደስ ይላል ግን "ከመድፏ" ላይ አልስማማም። መድፍ የመጣ በአፄ ቴዎድሮስ ዘመን ነው ያውም አልሠራም
Thank you Bete Habasha . I learned better about Ethiopian History from you . I have had Tekilstadi Makuriya. But I gave to someone in ethiopia before I left my country.
በጣም ይዘገያል ለምን?
በሰርጸ ድንግል ዘመን ትግራይ እና አክሱም ይለያዩ ነበር። በዚያን ጊዜ ከትሩክ ጋር የሚያብር ጠላት ነበረን።
የቱርክ ጠላትነት ከአመስት መቶ አመት በፊት ጀምሮ ነው። ለቱርኮች አህያ ሆኖ የሚያገለግል ኢትዮጵያዊ ነበር።
All this is fake story felasha never came to Ethiopia as there is no black israel , before Christianity into Ethiopia there were Egyptian jews who were traders that brought the religion to northern regions felashas/ locals are converts just like Christians converts.
Look you one big..big baraya without identity,there was no christianty or islam in ethiopia ,you still worship white jesus who is never ever exist.let you know more in ancient time in africa contient also in that fake place which called middles east( north east africa) at that time i mean in ancient time there was ni single white atae baraya lij, go look in inside pyrmida in egypt on the wall,all black people,you as baraya yoy still worship white angel white jesus,all your 9 saint are white people abte baraya baray lij,if proof us there was christianity or islam before beit israel,greek and roma they took our knowledge history and hid it and they leran it keep it far ftom us ,and later they wrote they newtesment abd the quran ,all found in vatican today ,ante gem what heraing now from the aritcal are fake ..fake ..tert...tert ,there is no christianity or islam ot jews in our beit israel bible(orit) ,so where did you get it ante y baraya lij,