Daisy Juice. Have you been to Korea? Have you seen the amount of product women put on their faces over there? Also, food is also very important. Also this comes straight from the mouth of a Korean business woman who happens to make said products "Western women have such a great skin, it's too bad they don't take care of it" Women in Korea start using products at a very early age, and that coupled with healthy food makes for a very good looking skin. Also, most males also wear makeup in Korea
+Satch Boogie agree with you. it's not just genes , koreans are well known for their skin care routine , not just women but men too , alot of korean women look very old and wrinkley when they get old so i don't think it's just genes , skincare plays an important role too. specialy korean skincare it's known as the best skim care in the world not just the products but the steps and way they do it and the facial massages and all that stuff
but if she has such an amazing career why doesnt she support the man while the man does housekeeping and take care of the children. i would let a girl support me but whats funny is these women dont even have a career.
@@jakemoreno6502 I did it for a while. It's never appreciated, because you are expected to be the main bread winner in the family. Otherwise you lose whatever little respect you had.
Met my wife when she was 35. She never thought she was going to get married because of her age. I am the same age as her and went through bad relationships with the ex GF. We got married at 36 and still happily married at 49 with 2 beautiful daughters. Life is unpredictable.
Jayson Mokhwanatsi Who cares? Why are you obsessed about what other people have done or not done? Live and let live. And sex is not everything that defines a person or life, there’s more to it
How are single women problems different than single mens problems? Why do women need special consideration and assistance from the government? Women want equality but they don't want to give up their special victim status.
@exe 1. You are either a troll, severely misinformed at best, or just a liar at worst. By now we already know that the "wage gap" is pure fallacy because the broad number used, intentionally takes ALL women including the ones who work part time and compares their combined income with the total combined earnings of men who work full time. 2. Anyone who looks at any job posted knows that the salary is posted along with the job description, making it impossible (and illegal) to pay a woman less Just for being a woman. 3. Research shows that men take a fewer number of sick days and personal days, and men will stay at work to finish the job whereas women primarily work just enough not to get fired. This extra effort of going above and beyond the bare minimum that is required IS the reason that more Men rise to the highest levels of leadership and income in their field. I hope this comes to mind the next time you and the girls are meeting for happy hour while the men are still at work!
Woman: "I'm going to work." Patriarchy: "Ok." Woman: "For 10 plus years, maybe more." Patriarchy: "Ok." Woman: "Aren't you going to stop me?" Patriarchy: "No." Woman: "Well, I mean it." Patriarchy: "Ok." *20 years later* Woman: "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT." Patriarchy: "What?"
@Yanina Etcheverry no men do not get government welfare even close to the numbers women get. 95% of homeless are men for a reason men do not get government assistance and I'm fine with that stop all welfare for men and women its bad for the economy and deadbeats should not get to take others money.
@Yanina Etcheverry Men relying on govt. welfare are those men some women have feminized when they were young either by being their school teachers asking them to behave like passive girls or as mothers stopping them from playing in the sun thereby decreasing their vitamin D levels hence decreasing their testosterone levels causing them to behave feminine and rely on government assistance once they grow up.
Must read books:: 1. Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein: www.amazon.com/Virus-Mania-COVID-19-Hepatitis-Billion-Dollar/dp/375194253X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1600169229&refinements=p_27%3AClaus+K%C3%B6hnlein&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Claus+K%C3%B6hnlein 2. The Contagion Myth by Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell: www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510764620/the-contagion-myth/ 3. BÉCHAMP or PASTEUR? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel Douglas Hume: www.mnwelldir.org/docs/history/biographies/Bechamp-or-Pasteur.pdf "'Coincidence' is just a word for when we can not see the bigger plan." - Sonny Kapoor “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” - Voltaire, 1765
@@justinsmithy2102 lol no men get welfare just because he is single. This is a reason why the majority of the homeless are men. Name one such scheme that supports men just because they are single if you know.
@@justinsmithy2102 it is much more difficult for men to qualify for most welfare programs compared to women (in the USA). There are waaaay more homeless shelters for women than there are men.
Women spend more than men and therefore pay more taxes, it's as simple as that. Single men are much more cautious spenders and if they do have to spend they spend less, this is also why single men are shamed in our society... they are told they need a woman so they can pool their finances together so SHE can have MORE money to spend. Why do you think the majority of commercials are targeted at females? There's not such thing as love, it's a myth... the government knows it, women know it, the only people who don't know it are men who are still naive enough to believe women want them for love.
Until they get older, theyre friends cant meet often cuz they have families, and they begin spending more and more time alone and without anyone who cares to share their life with. Then eventually face dying without a spouse or children be there with you... Or even remember you ever existed.
@@aloowalia2849 each of us knows what will work best for ourselves. Some people are definitely solitary individuals. Personally I'm borderline like that myself. I still think most people are happiest if they are paired up with a partner that they fit well together with.
Not true I'm single in my 20's and I have never taken from a man and take pride in making my own. Men are a choice not a need and I don't need or want em.
@@AceCorr when you have no one in home to talk to, having late night dinner and waking up late, doing everything alone as you wish... what do you call it "freedom" or "loneliness"?
@@artemis7642 Freedom! At least to me it is. No one to nag me and I do everything as I want. When I want to hang out with someone, I hang out with my friends on the weekend. I can and do call my friends on the weekdays as well. You can have a good conversation and have a feeling of belonging while still living by yourself in your "man cave" and not having to be nagged.
@@SilientShadow That says nothing about being married to a narcissist. They are externally successful in the terms of career, business, or wealth, but often at the expense of a connected, rich family life. A 10/10 in career/business. A 2/10 in home life. It's neither right nor wrong.
Men manage somehow to save up money and not only that but they are expected to not only save money but shower women with gifts diamond rings etc while working those very same jobs so I can't help but ask myself if men can do all of that ... why can't you as a strong independent woman? Ohhh I know could it be because YOU AND YOUR WHOLE GENDER SUCKS!!!!! in comparison?
@@frikabg While they wonder why marriage and birth rates are the lowest in all of recorded history and wall hitting women cry that they can't find a "real man" and all they bring to the table is other men's unwanted children, no assets and loads of debt.
@Cricket They just haven't succumbed to feminism's myth that women provide equal work when in reality women work far fewer hours at easier and less dangerous jobs, taking far more sick and vacation time while putting out less work per hour. Here in the U.S. I don't mind that the government steps in to "help" women as all it does is show the truth that they're incapable of supporting themselves and that the horribly stupid personal choices they make are hilarious. Besides, it's never on my dime as I'm socking away money into retirement accounts, reducing my taxable income to the point that the form 8880 retirement saver's credit entirely eliminates my tax liability. By retiring early I can then convert ALL of my tax deferred retirement accounts to my Roth IRA slowly over time and tax free. Once in my Roth IRA the money is free from taxes and Required Minimum Distributions forever AND distributions from my Roth IRA will NOT increase the amount of my social security that's taxable or increase the amount that I pay for Medicare parts B and D. Meanwhile, women like you and your children and grandchildren will be funding my social security while you work until the day you die because you can't afford to retire, ever. Now tell me again slowly how men like me are ever going to whine about women like you.
@James Cen_sored It's the inconvenient truth that women aren't smart enough to face. They now make up the majority of college students so they're going to have an increasingly hard time finding men they think they "deserve". Most will also turn their noses up at plumber, electricians, etc despite these men's higher income. Save yourselves, Gentlemen...MGTOW!
@James Cen_sored Easy there, Jackrabbit! Sounds like you're smack dab in the middle of red pill rage. It's a rough stage, after learning about so many things at once and how bad everything really is. Next comes a pretty depressing time when you realize that you really can't change anything and that you'd be better off pissing into the wind as it would be more effective. Once you come to terms with this, you'll reach a time of incredible peace that you've never known and begin to focus on yourself and to build the excellent life you want. I don't belong to either party but I am a conservative in every sense of the word. Conserve the constitution, our rights, freedoms, fiscally and environmentally. I vote for the party that freed the slaves and against the one that created policies that keep POC in lifelong, multi-generational poverty and created the hateful organization you mentioned. I wish more POC would escape their trickery and take their rightful place on the ladder of success. Liberal states like those you mentioned will collapse under their own evil stupidity as the wealthy are fleeing them in droves, leaving behind bloated governments to feed upon themselves. Read my above posts as I've laid out in detail how you can completely eliminate your income taxes so as not to fund the system that hates you while shoving money into your retirement accounts. Once you learn about leftist and female nature, your anger (fear) will dissipate as they'll no longer pose a danger to you and they will be of no more concern that the wind or rain. Things will get better for you as you further process all of this and you figure out what you can do to minimize these problems in your life and you focus on becoming the best man you can be. Don't forget to enjoy your hobbies and to develop male friendships as well along the way. Cheers.
@Cricket Correct. Women who are equally qualified in the exact same field, working just as hard, for just as many hours, producing just as much, and taking no time off for maternity leave actually make MORE than men. Now STOP TROLLING!
Wtf.Dude cricket is mad trolling. She's going to all the top comments and talking about castrating man, fighting with thousands people at once. Calling everyone incel crybaby mgtow scum and whatever if anyone disagreeing with her. Judging by her other comments she's not interested in helping woman either. Just say anything what challenges her viewpoint. She'll start call you incel crybaby. Arguing with her is absolutely pointless.
If you want to waste that money go blow it out on some quality escorts still more cheaper than getting castrated by some bimbo that will suck your soul and masculinity away.
@@NyanHomeschoolGirl17 If you want to make money, don't work under someone else. Learn how to make your money work for you. You also need to have resolve and be willing to take risks. You have to ask yourself how much you're sick of your current life and if this is the road you want to keep continuing. I now make $10,000 a week but it took sacrifices. I was in a mental state to where I would have rather died than kept going on my current path. That's how you need to be too if you want to chase true success.
Micah Olson Thank you for the advice but I’m still curious about which careers are so well paying, what’s yours? And I’m really not into money, I just want to be able to make enough to pay my parents back for all that they have given me and then try to pay for University ^_^
20 year old female - don't talk to me! 30 year old female - why isn't he talking to me? 40 year old female - please talk to me! 50 year old female - hey i'm talking to you!
20 year old female - don't talk to me! 🙄 30 year old female - why isn't he talking to me? 😐 40 year old female - hey, I'm talking to you! 😠 45 year old female - someone please talk to me 😥 50 year old female - here kitty kitty 🥺
1800s: you need to be married so someone can take care of you ... But now we have jobs we can take care of ourselves 🥳 and plus women chose to be single now adays , they knee the risk of males , like abuse and being dominant not letting you to do many things youll love
@@okayotl5292 well guess what happens when ignoring the natural order of things and yearning for this idea of "gender equality" where women want a good life at the detriment of men.
@@theeyepatch1219 Kid i wish i was at your age when i learned about this I'm gonna be 34 tomorow as type this to you Chase your dreams and stay focused You are the prize not Women The Wall is God Not Woman Be carefull out there and let nobody take away your freedom and happiness
@@joekaijuabrams244 thanks man i thank my ex gal frnd every second of this mgtow life... When i told her i dont think feminism is a good idea she very proudly told me... BE AN INDIAN NOT A FEMINIST... Since then i have been doing my research about the world and damn i have learnd some harsh truths i still thank her... Shes a ...FRIEND now online only we never meet anymore
Men have come to realize they gain nothing from marriage and with the divorce rates at 50% the risk of losing everything they have is too high. The only way to not lose a game stacked against you is not to play.
Well, me as a male find myself increasingly more busy than ever before doing my part to take care of aging parents. Attempting to accomplish other pursuits also seems to be somewhat difficult and even elusive. These are complicated times, but worrying and stressing about the inevitable doesn't make your situation any better.
Lesson #1 young fellas here is knowledge from decades of living, NEVER GET A GIRL PREGNANT. If a woman wants a relationship then immediately force her to get her tubes tied and take her to get the operation. Also make sure she takes daily birth control pills and once/twice a week give her the 'Morning After' pill and tell her to take it in front of you when YOU give her the pill which you buy from the pharmacist. If she doesnt want it, kick her out and block her number. Do not get her pregnant ever. If she still wants to stay in a relationship then fine.
I’ve only marched with crazy girls that have red flags (looking for money/insurance, tattoos, half naked photos) or super old cougars. Debating about giving up on dating. They’re all looking for marriage & I screwed if we do.
@Cricket because debt for future generations. Because they take far more than they put in. Because this destroys the feminine. Because this breaks families and societies apart. Because children do need the conditional love of a father to grow with more real expectations of life. Because woman aren't happy. Because Aids. Because men lack purpose. Because most men in jail come from single mother homes. Because welfare makes the government bigger and people more dependent on it. Because people will pay more taxes. Because corporations go overseas, and everyone makes far less minimum wage. Because.... Lol.
@Cricket The clueless smartass, dumbass is YOUR ASS. Mgtow men have overwhelmingly consistently been some of the most respected throughout history, they have contributed a tremendous amount in their field of work or to society in general, and in your opening line you call them crybabies and losers. What is the level of your contribution , you piece of shit?
No, cats are just pets and animals , you aren't human , ok, I m gonna adopt 2 cats and a nice dog, I am 25 n unmarried currently jobless cause of covid n autism
@@failvn3539 thats because some people dont know their worth, I saw a video with a guy bowing to woman while giving her money and wondered, Why tf is he giving her that and calling her a goddess, because she has boobs and a pussy?, at that point your not even a man anymore
“Korea remains a patriarchal society.” Sure... that’s why they’re letting these women have the freedom to choose career over having a family, right? That’s why they’re having the government provide programs to help these women who chose to live a single life, right? Right? Seriously, women make choices then blame men if they cannot take the magnitude of the consequences.
Is there any documentary about unmarried single Korean men and their daily struggles? I bet that one would be even more dramatic. I bet they don't even ask or expect any support from society.
@jonsan astari Must read books:: 1. Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein: www.amazon.com/Virus-Mania-COVID-19-Hepatitis-Billion-Dollar/dp/375194253X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1600169229&refinements=p_27%3AClaus+K%C3%B6hnlein&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Claus+K%C3%B6hnlein 2. The Contagion Myth by Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell: www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510764620/the-contagion-myth/ 3. BÉCHAMP or PASTEUR? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel Douglas Hume: www.mnwelldir.org/docs/history/biographies/Bechamp-or-Pasteur.pdf "'Coincidence' is just a word for when we can not see the bigger plan." - Sonny Kapoor “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” - Voltaire, 1765
.. but since the card was pulled, it is worth to note, I'm not aware of any civilized, or even uncivilized society in which rape against women would be legal and or socially acceptable. At the same time, I'm not aware of any even civilized society in which rape of men would be taken even half as seriously as when it comes to women.
Exactly! Try to ask the so called "empathetic" people supporting unlimited taxation whether the would draw any boundary that the state should not cross. None. They literally treat the state as charity / nursery.
@@hautecouture2228 Support unmarried/divorced men? Are you kidding me? Single mother get massive help on the taxpayer's expense. On top of children's custody, alimony and spousal support from the ex-husband of course. Government support for single mothers vs single fathers is just incomparable which is strange given feminists are after equality.
@@hautecouture2228 Are you fking kidding me. The large majority of wealth that is taxed belong to men single and married. Plus the large majority of people that depend on social programs are single mothers. So stop with your intellectual dishonesty and think about what you have to say before you say it.
Not feminism, the women workforce, the ability to choose, degradation of family values and social expectations, spread of the egocentric viewpoint and so on. Europe and the US could be a good example to Korea. If these things starts to disrupt the social web, decline of the population, the culture and the society start to happen.
@Jason mraz I am in my 60s now I got divorced many years ago If I told the whole story it would put off anyone getting married Lies thieving adultery total lack of empathy financial recklessness violence leading me not to be able to work from injurys defamation The list goes on and on Thank you for your concern cheers
@@JR1300r you should tell your story it would save a young mans life. However its still your choice I know some ppl like to forget their past and move on.
@@kaputasri thanks for your reply Yes I have thought of telling my story and I should and yes I struggle just about every day trying to rid my mind of a very nasty woman and her deadbeat violent paracite manipulating family I will consider your suggestion as it would very much please me if my story could prevent another hard working morally correct young man from what I call being chopped up Cheers mate
@T Mac and here I find myself at 45 years old, in good health with plenty of disposable income and quietly relieved I never settled down and married. I would like to have children so I've not abandoned the idea of marriage altogether but I'm not taking any stupid risks either
@Otaku hunter thanks! Yeah I could adopt but I believe a child needs both a mother and father. It would be nice to give a chance to a kid who hasn't had a good start in life.
The men who take a vindictive glee in this are also drunkards, losers, and as tied to their bitterness and their gaming PCs as these women are to their tvs and their bitterness and their cats. Reject the sickness of the heart and be compassionate towards others with no qualifications
@@NormanOz I'm saying you're getting enjoyment out of others' loneliness and suffering and that's a sort of sickness that will ironically punish you by forcing you to share their fate. Choose compassion.
@@CHURCHISAWESUM Their loneliness is their choice but then relying on govt welfare for their personal choices is what makes this laughable. Be logical before being compassionate.
As a single man enjoying his single life, a part of me actually thanks feminism too, since I don't feel all much pressure to marry nowadays, and it's great! So if we can enjoy single life, so should the ladies! It shouldn't exactly be treated as an issue like this news is though. But if they want a fix, better fix society so that one income per family is enough for a decent life, without the one working being so overworked where they're sometimes contemplating suicide as they do in some of these asian countries.
Like those are the only 2 things which exist in life. As a man I’d be fine never getting married and just keep doing what I enjoy the rest of my life - that’d satisfy me.
@official asiangirl you can't really have both. everybody only have 24 hours a day. when you apply yourself on one side, you'll end up neglecting to other side. sometimes you'd have to make sacrifices. those "you can do whatever you want" speak are not grounded in reality.
@official asiangirl even the husband has to make sacrifices sometimes. there's working, and then there's excelling in a career. if you're working 9 to 5, of course it could work. if you're aiming to be C-suite, chances are you're absent a lot of time. I don't buy the whole 'quality time' idea. you can't plan a quality time for when the child needs discipline, or when they need you to be around to talk. it's easy to say from a far that people have everything.
I see everyone likes my "joke." It's funny because it's not funny. Women talk about male privilege like it always existed. When a man steals bread to feed his kids, he's imprisoned. When a man cons a person out of money to buy a Rolex, he's imprisoned. When a man can't earn enough to pay child support or alimony, he's imprisoned. When a man is feeling depressed, he is told to "SUCK IT UP AND GROW A PAIR OF TESTICLES!" When a man defends himself from physical and emotional abuse from a woman, he is imprisoned. When a man fails, he goes to prison. When a woman gets pregnant, despite having many more options for birth control, including abortion and the morning after pill, she gets rewarded with access to welfare and praised by the Sisterhood. When a woman can't afford to raise a childhood, she gets *more* welfare and praise from the Sisterhood. When a woman can't make rent, she can flash a titty on OnlyFans and receive money and praise from Simps and the Sisterhood. When a woman is feeling down and tells the world her woes, she receives comfort from Simps and the Sisterhood. When women meet resistance, life gets easier for them (well, when they're still fuckable). When men meet resistance, life simply becomes more difficult. People wonder why women aren't responsible. Throw em in jail! They abuse their boyfriend/husband? Throw em in jail! They spermjack a man to get child support? Throw em in jail! They marry a man and divorce him *just* for alimony? Throw em in jail! They take advantage of a little boy? Throw em in jail! They can't pay rent or support their child? Throw em in the street, THEN throw em in jail for vagrancy! If women started getting punished for their misdeeds, instead of rewarding them, give them a taste of "male privilege." Then, maybe, they wont need to ask "where have the good men gone?" The good men will finally notice them, for they will finally be decent women.
dgbelcher67 dude, she women get raped and they don’t want to date, not even have sex. Who wants to deal with a person who doesn’t care for anyone’s safety. Forget the chad. People have problems you would never think of
Russ Canduit man, because you went for the hottest girl with a broken childhood and now you blame all women. Just because you.’the lost yourself shows you will only chose a lost person. God these people and their baggage. Use that money and get therapy and I hope your view in life get better. Feels saddest for you:
"I will delay marriage until 37/38, when I have one egg remaining and all the professional men of my age have become able to command much younger women - what's that? I work as a Financial Analyst. Potential husbands must be 6' 6" and earn at least $659,000: that's most men, isn't it?"
"I am out of shape and i don't know how to please a man.. but that should not be an issue, right? Because it is all about the personality. Oh and don't mind my eternal inner conflict and the fact that i don't really trust you. That is just temporary for the rest of my life."
@@RobertLutece909 The woman who calls herself 'Cricket' (named after a men's sport: most appropriate) says: "Good luck with that... women in their 20s are not interested in a 40 year old male." Generations of experience say otherwise. Besides, even a 29-year-old woman with a 41-year-old man would be considered "within normal social parameters" (only 12 years). Add female hypergamy, and you will get 25-year-old women with 45-year-old men and onwards and upwards.
Peter Dixon that’s disgusting no young women want to be with men in their 40s they are old enough to be their fathers if any woman decided to be with some 45 years old man just because of his money men hit the wall too after maybe 28 lol if any woman just decided to be with you just because of your money well you know what you’ve reached to already 🌚 I’m 19 and will never get my eyes away from young hot guys in their 20s to put on some grandpas on their 40s or 50s around my father and mother age
@@robotgirl552 Surely the younger guys are "old enough to be the women's brothers"?! What sort of logic is that? A male can father a kid at any age between 12 and 90. You could be a grandfather (or grandmother) at 24. (This often happens to kids from single-mother families.) I am sure that the 19-year-old woman's ideal would be a wealthy, mature, successful hot guy in his 20s, but these are so extremely rare that women go for the non-youthfulness traits. I was equally surprised when told by a friend who went up to university one year before that the female students "usually went for older guys", but he was right. The male Wall is different: it strikes between the ages of 16 and 30 and is composed of inexperience, ignorance, no time to achieve anything - yet - and general confusion, with the inability to understand women at that age being ubiquitous. Don't shoot the messenger. I am merely reporting it.
@Leslie Starck that's exactly why u should legally avoid paying taxes. Big corps. like Amazon avoid paying taxes. We men need give away our jobs to the so called independent women so that they pay taxes and we men should start trading or do other businesses, exploit the loop holes in the tax system and avoid paying taxes. Let those so called independent woman do the jobs, pay taxes and end up disposing themselves.
I had more friends that were in their 30/40s that were single than those that were married. But honestly, most of the single ones WANTED to get married but can't find a suitable mate.
Woojong with the Word haha you here? Hello from japan, I’m your follower 😂 (sound creepy) I think people that is single but still want a couple must look for it in other countries too, world is big. :)
Most folks I know who married eventually divorced and now harbor great negativity over this failure… It always pops up in conversations. Being single isn't so bad.
@@dontrustwhiteyevery1 what's so wrong talking to your cat?, like?, as long as you are not hurting anybody like some genders are, stalking and groping people around, even assaulting people on public transportation, cannot handle their state of single ness so they lash it out on women or they even commit suicide, so please talking to your cat in the comfort of your home isn't such a bad idea if you ask me
@@nataliesparks4829you mean some genders when they take half of the wealth and divorce their partner, or you mean when they just sit in a couch and bark oppression?
It is the State's responsibility to maintain the welfare of its disabled and invalid citizens, those not able to be productive members. Did you not realize that an unmarried, childless woman is a disabled, unproductive member of society?
Yeah! and you won't have any girl to annoy you or shout at you or make you go poor if you get separated , the strong victim of marriage and divorce if the women has nothing and man is rich , man will take the strong damage , with child support and alimony and the splitting of assets
@@dman3540 even married women suffer worse .I know many such old women throughout the media and in real life who are abandoned by their children . Those who are not thrown live a worse life . Everyone whether married or unmarried has to prepare for their old age . My grandmother is the best example she was abandoned by her son which left her with severe mental issues.My mom is taking care of her now but she has her limit as my mother is a housewife . You will really realise at that age that your best buddy is yourself the love and attachment you have is for a reason when the reason fades your important fades and you become a burden
@@dman3540 Finding a partner doesnt mean you have grown up. What the heck are you talking about. Being single is sometimes not a choice but of circumstances and situations. By the way, even if you are married and have a partner, you can still grow old and be alone. Marriage doesnt garantee a lifetime of companionship, countless men cheat on their wives, and what if you divorced. At the end of the day, we are all ALONE. The ones who are capable of being alone even if old, are the grown up ones. What a lame comment. You cant bring your husband wife bf or gf to the grave with you. Life is temporary, whatever happens on earth is just a bus ride and a play
@@WomenofHighValue How about woman need to woman up for a change ? We rarely hear that eh ? I agree with the OP , these women clearly do not want or maybe incapable of being in a relationship . All the more reason they should NOT be in one .
Oscaka 007 the reason why women don’t need to woman up is because when they are burdened/masculine/lonely, they are incapable of overriding their emotions with rational decision making of what they “should” be doing. Men are telling women to become like men. Look how that turned out. Men are responsible for feminism, and are also the only ones that can bring women out of that spell.
crimson_noir Man up for YOU! That’s the only person that matters right? The act of creating a family that WORKS in the loooong run, is a “selfish” deed that has profound benefits for YOU, but also everyone around you, including society at large. Creating this only comes about because you are an amazing leader and understand the woman. What’s the alternative? If you end up not having the depth that comes from family relationships, what else is there? Sleeping around casually forever ends up not creating fulfillment in the long run. Like Dan Bilzerian says: “pleasure is not happiness”. My take on it? Depth of connection is happiness! It’s the same thing with setting the goal of a million dollars. You do it not for the million dollars, but because of who you become in the process. Selfish, but with profound benefits for everyone around you!
@GoldenShower Potato Sometime gals forget about that after they keep waiting for Mr. Perfect lol. I knew few of gals in real life they are so picky on guys. She still have a chance maybe with 50years guys.
@GoldenShower Potato I'm pretty sure they looking for Mr. Prince + Mr. Perfect. I'm pretty sure their co worker or friend's friends have a crush of them. Oh well Mr. Prince probably only want some simple, naive gals lol.
@@Landstalker1999 I think that's what a lot of these women don't understand. Your career doesn't give you value as a woman, atleast not in the eyes of many men when it comes to a relationship. Youth does. Personality does. Looks does. A woman who puts her career before everything else is not attractive to a man, especially not a woman who is already 30+. While women are still young, they should be looking for an established man to form a relationship, or at least start forming one with a guy their age who they see potential in. Sorry but your career won't lay down with you in bed, kiss you goodnight and tell you that they love you. Your career won't provide you with children to carry on your legacy. Your career won't love you unconditionally like your kids will. Your career won't be by your bed side, mourning you as you slip away from this world. To those who say such a view is sexist and unfair. That's ok. It doesn't matter if you think it is. That's the way it is despite what you think. So enjoy your loneliness and cats until you die of old age, or suicide. I genuinely feel sorry for these women who have been fooled into thinking that their career is the most important thing in life. And angry at the society that has fooled them into thinking this.
@@noonwraith401 not at all, women are doing better than men in finances thats a fact, i am a guy i am extreme mgtow no sex for life not helping women in survival situation but facts dont change women get more govt support and social support, women always get more support men never get an thats fact dont fight facts no one can change facts
Men can father children even in their old age. Women, however, have a short time to do so. Not many women over forty have enough children to keep the population stable. Besides, the "strong, independent women" need constant care and consideration.
@Jamilla Dobson On this point i wholeheartedly agree with you. There are very few systems in place to help men. I can only hope that if more women speak up about it that this will change as womens opinions tend to be more regarded then mens.
...this is what happens when you let women make their own choices hehe. Making good decisions will never be a skill in their tree - but if spending money was an olympic event they would all have a gold medal.
@Jenna Jewels Yes marriages don't last as the vast majority of modern women are overly promiscuous and can't pair bond anymore. So they divorce their husbands.
Researches shows that kids are happier staying with mom . In this case we all should provide good living standards for these mothers and kids, as they are a part of the society we all live in. In my country single mothers are no1 in priority and we are all happy that a part of our tax money goes to those mothers and their kids have same opportunities in education, sports and entertainment as every other kid! That system reduces the crime statistics and creates more happy citizens and quality in our society. My country is the Netherlands which is among the top 10 in the world for wealthiest living standards and among of the top 10 countries with the most happy people !
that's because the majority of single parents are women and take welfare to raise their kids . You know... those kids that men doubt , don't pay for them, keep their money and therefore don't have need for taking welfare.........
Hehe, yea..."choosing" my ass=) No man wants them - we don't pay full price for old broken cars with too much bagage and miles on them. Your buying a PROBLEM. A stubborn selfish goat with a vagina that looks like an spunch....heeell noo
Just because someone is married doesn't immediately mean they're happy and have a perfect life y'know. It makes me sad that people marry because they feel pressured to by society instead of marrying because they genuinely love each other.
@@Dr.MantisTobogganMD as a woman you will likely outlive your husband. Your one or two children could hate you. Have children to be selfless but don’t expect anything in return. Your sister hood as women (given we live longer in average) is more important 😊
Marriage is a good thing though that's the whole point. Any idiot can say that marriage will be bad if the people are bad. It's like saying you can die while driving a car but it's a good thing to drive somewhere if you need to get there
My mother's uncle is 68 yo and time and time again I hear the women in my family talking about whether he's gonna get married or not, and I'm like bruuuuuuuh
Richard Herrington-Tell them it's none of their damn business! As annoying and rude as it is being asked that question as a man, when you're a woman its far worse how people treat you if you dare choose to be single.
@@gwenshin With the way everything has changed in life, I think it is smart for a man or a woman to remain single... concentrate on building a successful career and financial security... never depending on anyone for anything.
In india, relatives and neighbours are more worried n intrested thn parants about a single women' marriage. Good to hear that you people have freedom to lead your life on your own way. 💐
I think they are improved enough but that doesn't matter because they will never be satisfied or happy anyway. They are black holes that is only good for whining, spending money and causing problems.
1.) Tell men you don't need them and that they aren't important. 2.) Wind up alone. 3.) Wind up Lonely. 4.) Wind up on tv talking to happier people about how you're alone, lonely and remorseful.
@Yanina Etcheverry that is extremely wrong; watch sandman video about japanese women (pretty recent video); it is just the west general view on them as being more mysterious, having more honor etc, but it's all the same
Yanina Etcheverry I lived in Korea for a year, Korean women (Koreans in general) party harder than most Americans even. You are so wrong. Any country that has western influence is going to have a break down of male and female relations
Taking responsibility for your own actions is just as alien to a woman as real aliens - they have no sense of what the hell you're talking about but I don't think they will listen anyway
Samantha Smith she looks aged as fuck according to Korean standards. Also seems to have ton of testosterone which increases in women due to stress. Look it up if you think I'm lying. This is the reason why Manly Women age faster.
I'm a Northern Middle Eastern woman and I am in my 20's. And many people still think I look like I'm 15 or 16 years old LOL!..My sister who is not married and doesn't have kids is in her 30's and she also looks like she is 17 or 18 years old...
Samantha Smith Wow....this is really really true!!!👏👏👏men ruin our life!!!!! If men know how to treat women good and in respectful way. Women sure will treat men like a king and beautiful wives are all depends on how men to behave!
OMG Oh: you're full of shit, the stats show that it's women who ruin lives with their special privileges and special punishments for men. Now mother nature gives the spreading ass under the melting face. Sadly, women age in hormone years while men age in a paradigm that is over 200,000 years old. Men age like wine while women age like flowers. Sucks to be female but I, as a man, have the option of using this formula - 1/2 my age + 7-10 years, as long as the final female target is over 21. Women are done by 40. Sorry about that, luck of the draw.
@@AJ-jg7xf are you a worried father or mother? Do you really care for her? I don't think so because you don't know her at all. It's her choice for her own life. It is not your life.
@@Smsl-nh9sl chill bro, i just dont want her regret her decision. she is still in the late 20, she got her chance l. but if she really choose that decision, who am i forcing her....
@@vaxel0068 that's because the majority of single parents are women and take welfare to raise their kids . You know... those kids that men doubt , don't pay for them, keep their money and therefore don't have need for taking welfare.........
@@AlphaSigmA1 really? Don’t pay for them? Govt makes them pay for children that turn out to be someone else’s. Vindictive exes extort huge amount of money for 18 yrs because of corrupt child support system. I mean how thankless can you be that there is a welfare system to protect you paid by men as tax payers and you still find a way to blame men !
ps4 and pc is what I do, also movies. Only reason why someone would want to be with me is money. Thankfully I don't min being alone and it's looking like hundreds of thousands of other are too with stuff called the redpill or blackpill.
Becoming parents is a huge responsibility. Having kids is a huge responsibility. You have to make them food, teacher them right from wrong, discipline them, make sure they get to school safely, help them with their homework, doctors appointments, dentist appointments, birthdays, helping them with problems. You have to buy extra clothes, extra food, shoes, the crib, diapers, baby food, school supplies, the list goes on. When you are a parent you are extremely busy 24/7. It can be difficult to have time to yourself. It's very expensive, time consuming, and requires commitment. I'm still single. I'll admit being single I'm already busy enough as it is. I don't need to be even more busier.
I have 6 kids. I own an online business that makes 6 figures a year, automated. I also am a part time engineer, and part time farmer. I own land and raise cattle too. All this means I have more than enough of resources for us all. Even if I lost all the monetary things, I still have my farm with lots of food supply.
@Ann Cobbler Anecdotal evidence. Fact remains that this is not a normal way of life in Korean culture, it is considered disgraceful there, and these women are suffering. Reality is, most women who do this wind up suffering in one way or another no matter what culture they come from.
@Ann Cobbler I see, you're a misandrist. So sad. You should see a Psychologist to help you get over your misandry and live a mentally healthy life and have a chance at a loving relationship.
Men suck. That’s the end of it all. If they figured out women, then all would be well. Understand the woman, and you will understand the world. Blaming the gender who in a burdened state are not able to control their thoughts or emotions is weak. Men, be strong!
@@Dikshaleeminho yes. Men dont think with their dick. Young men go for oldest women to have easy sex or the milf have a lot of money... I fuck a lot in my twenties with mid thirties women, because EASY FUCKING SEX. After 3 months one of them start to talk about a serious relationship. FUCK THAT Ghost the bitch.
Artur João Costa Rebelo and mid 30s women does not need to settle down with 20s man 😂 you got your EASY SEX be happy instead of SOUR AND HATEFUL MALETARD
Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with single cat ladies. However, they ALWAYS seem to group up with other single cat ladies, form a movement, and then demand my money. Support your OWN cats ladies. Fempowered. You got this!
@Fuck Nugget i mean to be fair its better if all of us stop having offspring and died off as a species thats for the best considering how fucked up the human race is
Most women today be like "we are independent and we don't need a man" 🤦🏻♀️ People don't get what feminism is I do wanna work too but get married to my significant other too Also people be thinking being feminine is a problem This generation fr-
It's only shame if men does it - anything women do is great haven't you heard? Go vagina! it is doing wonders to our civilization !we have never been greater and happier! wait what
@Pieces109 true. If woman is not getting paid enough they should work hard, save money and invest.they should Build their own business. Bagging for welfare is shameful.
nunya baznus lmao stfu no one asked you for your great wisdom (lol) on marriage...no one wants to marry the ugly “nice guy” who turns out to be another piece of shit...and the crap you wrote after that I won’t even get into 😂
Wrong..that's why is better to be single at the end who suffers the most is the unwanted kids who are in the middle of 2 dysfunctional parents!! don't get married,don't have children. There are too many already!!too many sick minds!! Just live your little life and drop dead!!
I was willing to watch till the end just 'cause i was curious, but... This is just how single life is. You don't hear men complain about how "hard" it is to be single. Whatever happened to the "strong independent woman"?
Sure. Old age will be a much worse hell alone and forgotten. When people you know start do die one by one, you will soon find yourself alone, wishing for kids and husband or anyone who cares about you. Too bad people doesnt understand what is really important in life. Career is important but it cant be your main focus. Choosing that path is always leading to suffering and pain. When they finally realize this its already too late.
I understand what you're saying but having a husband or wife isn't the only option. Friendships can run deeper than blood but it takes work like in any relationship...
That's right. All I'm saying is that we should be smart enough to learn from the past and realize that society often tells us what we should do, what we should feel, how we should dress, etc. but in this time of globalization and access to info via the web, we should realize that there is more than one way to live our lives. Some people find peace in isolation, some find peace in a single, life-long relationship, others through a community of friendships.
Sure, some people dont mind being alone when they are young or in mid age. However i never seen anybody in my 5 years -working as a social worker bringing food and take care of old people- who didnt want to have somebody to speak, to love or just simply to be there. We were the only social connection for those people. Most of them doesnt have family, their friends were died out, their health doesnt allow them to leave their home. Even those who had family were alone after their spouse died. If some people say they like being alone all the time, they are lying, either to you or to themselves but usually both.
all good points and i agree but being married doesn't mean that the problems associated with being alone will disappear. as you said, everyone dies sometime and married people are then alone without their spouses. there certainly isn't a simple, single solution to this problem. it's part of existence, part of life, that at one point, our bodies will become weak, our friends and loved ones will die, etc. which makes living life day by day so important.
I am a American senior citizen and I live on much less than $1,500. a month. I live a simple lifestyle....I have a good life. Being happy is not about having money. No one wants to be homeless or go hungry....but with a budget and creativity a person can live a good life with little income.
As a man I never got married because I've seen my friends go threw divorces and then live off alimony from their ex-husband. Once they can get the money for free they don't need the man.
@fireson23 Exactly these asian tiger broads pretending to be lil kittens is disgusting. Ive seen the whole thing i used to work in an Asian restaurant in that restaurant the husband is the slave and the wife is the manager.
I know a lot of happily married house wives and know a lot of satisfied single women who are very successful. Both life choices have its problems and benefits. The single ones focus on their careers or businesses. The married ones focus on their children and family. I think they are both valid choices as long as they have a purpose in life they strive for. In my experience the housewives biggest problem is the difficulty of raising kids and for a few cases their husbands. For the single ones it's loneliness . Among the married, the most miserable are those who's children are poorly raised and husbands cheating. While the most miserable among the singles are those who have no career or life goal and just living day to day. It could be different for you but it seems the general trend amoung the people I know.
being alone is not a problem, if someone thinks that is a problem then they should get married. people just keep repeating this nonsense that being alone is bad and sad when in fact it is not.
Mark lee nice try, even in the United States dependents need there guardians to sign for medical procedures. The woman in this video talking about this particular issue is trying to get her girlfriend recognized by the state!!!
I’d rather not marry as well - my dad who’s really irresponsible with money just puts our whole family (extended as well) down the cliff and I’d rather die alone than meet someone like that. In Korea there’s a saying meeting wrong friends make you suffer ten years and meeting the wrong man makes you suffer for life
Casey Banana a bit difficult when you’re just afraid of it happening all the time so you just don’t entertain that and because of that I just lost interest in guys and never had a relationship in my 21 years of life. The bad thing about it that because of my lack of experience I’m not the greatest judge of what a right guy is :(
Fast Pins well there’s different between enjoying being alone and being afraid of making a mistake. Not wanting to be married doesn’t always equal to wanting to be alone.
she is 41? she needs to drop that skincare routine for us
Abdulrahman Adel Genetics bruh...
Is not genetics. Is some of the best skin care products the world has to offer. Korean products are the best all around
Daisy Juice. Have you been to Korea? Have you seen the amount of product women put on their faces over there? Also, food is also very important.
Also this comes straight from the mouth of a Korean business woman who happens to make said products "Western women have such a great skin, it's too bad they don't take care of it" Women in Korea start using products at a very early age, and that coupled with healthy food makes for a very good looking skin. Also, most males also wear makeup in Korea
It's genetics. Asians have chubby cheeks and it keeps skin tight.
+Satch Boogie agree with you. it's not just genes , koreans are well known for their skin care routine , not just women but men too , alot of korean women look very old and wrinkley when they get old so i don't think it's just genes , skincare plays an important role too. specialy korean skincare it's known as the best skim care in the world not just the products but the steps and way they do it and the facial massages and all that stuff
If your fine being alone ... stop complaining about and be alone.
What about unmarried men ... not one mention about government support for them.
@@glenglen6386 ...Get a man's _money_ later. Keeping the man around is optional.
@@glenglen6386 and whose fucking fault is that??
but if she has such an amazing career why doesnt she support the man while the man does housekeeping and take care of the children. i would let a girl support me but whats funny is these women dont even have a career.
No were the plow horses are money keeps the machine moving
@@jakemoreno6502 I did it for a while. It's never appreciated, because you are expected to be the main bread winner in the family.
Otherwise you lose whatever little respect you had.
"Outside the welfare system, single women have to find their own means to secure their futures." Oh no, imagine that!
You men just like men? Ahahahhaha!
@@lreeher speak English
That sounds absolutely horrible! Wait a minute...
Choices have consequences. Who would know?
Met my wife when she was 35. She never thought she was going to get married because of her age. I am the same age as her and went through bad relationships with the ex GF. We got married at 36 and still happily married at 49 with 2 beautiful daughters. Life is unpredictable.
Lol you got married, what a DUMB idea!
@@Asilentlearner43 especially to a 36 year old who's been passed around in her prime.. 😂
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.
@@Alexandriafrancescakiel he soon be divorced or a simp or a stupid to marry a women
Jayson Mokhwanatsi Who cares? Why are you obsessed about what other people have done or not done? Live and let live. And sex is not everything that defines a person or life, there’s more to it
How are single women problems different than single mens problems? Why do women need special consideration and assistance from the government? Women want equality but they don't want to give up their special victim status.
That's this type of woe-man for ya.
It's a fucking me to crisis
@exe 1. You are either a troll, severely misinformed at best, or just a liar at worst. By now we already know that the "wage gap" is pure fallacy because the broad number used, intentionally takes ALL women including the ones who work part time and compares their combined income with the total combined earnings of men who work full time.
2. Anyone who looks at any job posted knows that the salary is posted along with the job description, making it impossible (and illegal) to pay a woman less Just for being a woman.
3. Research shows that men take a fewer number of sick days and personal days, and men will stay at work to finish the job whereas women primarily work just enough not to get fired. This extra effort of going above and beyond the bare minimum that is required IS the reason that more Men rise to the highest levels of leadership and income in their field.
I hope this comes to mind the next time you and the girls are meeting for happy hour while the men are still at work!
Horatio Jones always the victims women are.
Never bother
Cos those bitches are in government now, so they help them selfs.
Woman: "I'm going to work."
Patriarchy: "Ok."
Woman: "For 10 plus years, maybe more."
Patriarchy: "Ok."
Woman: "Aren't you going to stop me?"
Patriarchy: "No."
Woman: "Well, I mean it."
Patriarchy: "Ok."
*20 years later*
Patriarchy: "What?"
Extremely accurate.
shit test: failed
Sub to my channel...clearly we agree on some stuff....
Fare warning...its a men's only space
Strong independent women complaining about lack of government welfare. Lol!
They don’t need no man because they rely on the government.
The government is the husband of the independent woman.
very typical unmarried/divorced women collapse systems.
@Yanina Etcheverry no men do not get government welfare even close to the numbers women get. 95% of homeless are men for a reason men do not get government assistance and I'm fine with that stop all welfare for men and women its bad for the economy and deadbeats should not get to take others money.
@Yanina Etcheverry Men relying on govt. welfare are those men some women have feminized when they were young either by being their school teachers asking them to behave like passive girls or as mothers stopping them from playing in the sun thereby decreasing their vitamin D levels hence decreasing their testosterone levels causing them to behave feminine and rely on government assistance once they grow up.
Narrator sounds like he’s doing an infomercial for a blender
He really does xD
lol !
Hahaha!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
That's like life of single men, why should women be treated differently if they're equal !
Must read books::
1. Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein: www.amazon.com/Virus-Mania-COVID-19-Hepatitis-Billion-Dollar/dp/375194253X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1600169229&refinements=p_27%3AClaus+K%C3%B6hnlein&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Claus+K%C3%B6hnlein
2. The Contagion Myth by Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell: www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510764620/the-contagion-myth/
3. BÉCHAMP or PASTEUR? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel Douglas Hume:
"'Coincidence' is just a word for when we can not see the bigger plan." - Sonny Kapoor
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” - Voltaire, 1765
exactly if men can get welfare so can women simple as shit
@@justinsmithy2102 lol no men get welfare just because he is single. This is a reason why the majority of the homeless are men. Name one such scheme that supports men just because they are single if you know.
@@justinsmithy2102 it is much more difficult for men to qualify for most welfare programs compared to women (in the USA). There are waaaay more homeless shelters for women than there are men.
Women spend more than men and therefore pay more taxes, it's as simple as that.
Single men are much more cautious spenders and if they do have to spend they spend less, this is also why single men are shamed in our society... they are told they need a woman so they can pool their finances together so SHE can have MORE money to spend. Why do you think the majority of commercials are targeted at females?
There's not such thing as love, it's a myth... the government knows it, women know it, the only people who don't know it are men who are still naive enough to believe women want them for love.
"Roses are red, love is fake. Weddings are funerals with a cake"
Oh shit🧸
Anonymous must be a woman.
I like this. This is good.
Mmmm... cake.
*laughs in toxic masculinity*
Many married people wish they were single and many single people wish they were married. A never ending cycle of life..
Until they get older, theyre friends cant meet often cuz they have families, and they begin spending more and more time alone and without anyone who cares to share their life with. Then eventually face dying without a spouse or children be there with you... Or even remember you ever existed.
@@jimmothymcjimmersmith8948 married people themselves suffer from loneliness
@@aloowalia2849 oh, I'm not suggesting they don't. Id assume there are more single lonely people than married on a percentage basis though
@@jimmothymcjimmersmith8948 I agreed
I would say those people who are voluntarily single are very less
@@aloowalia2849 each of us knows what will work best for ourselves. Some people are definitely solitary individuals. Personally I'm borderline like that myself. I still think most people are happiest if they are paired up with a partner that they fit well together with.
Strong single women: we want your money anyway.
Big agree
Not true I'm single in my 20's and I have never taken from a man and take pride in making my own. Men are a choice not a need and I don't need or want em.
@@SC-sn3xs they're asking for government support = increasing taxes or taking existing funding of other programs to fund themselves. Pretty selfish.
@@SC-sn3xs we'll check back when you're in your mid 30s and see if you're singing the same tune
@Craven Moorehead The ancients knew better and told us women were adult children. But nooo we had to be hard headed and give them the right to vote
the worse thing about being single is having unhappy married couples try to make you feel like your missing out.
Those people are actually jealous of single people! No one to nag them! Single people have freedom!
@@AceCorr that's sweet ☺
@@AceCorr when you have no one in home to talk to, having late night dinner and waking up late, doing everything alone as you wish...
what do you call it "freedom" or "loneliness"?
@@artemis7642 Freedom! At least to me it is. No one to nag me and I do everything as I want. When I want to hang out with someone, I hang out with my friends on the weekend. I can and do call my friends on the weekdays as well. You can have a good conversation and have a feeling of belonging while still living by yourself in your "man cave" and not having to be nagged.
does it work ? haha i bet they try that sales pitch extra hard
misery loves company 🙂
I think it's better to remain single than having a partner that you never wanted..
It's much more toxic than being single. Trust me..
Yeah, just have sex and fuck around
Totally agree
@@pike815 better to be single than with the wrong person or a toxic individual
P K Yes, and I don't mind at all. For many, solitution sounds like a nightmare..
But me? *Nope.*
Why does she feel society needs to step in? She is experiencing the consequences of her choices.
imagine men asking society for help
It would have been worse if she married a narcissist. There will always be some disadvantage with either being single or married.
@@Aman-qr6wi Really? The most powerful and successful men are typically narcissists.
@@SilientShadow That says nothing about being married to a narcissist.
They are externally successful in the terms of career, business, or wealth, but often at the expense of a connected, rich family life.
A 10/10 in career/business.
A 2/10 in home life.
It's neither right nor wrong.
@@CurtisMoe I wouldn't know, having never been married, least of all to a male narcissist. XD
"I can't afford to save for retirement" is really "I spend every dime I ever made on myself and now you have to pay for me"...NO THANKS!
Men manage somehow to save up money and not only that but they are expected to not only save money but shower women with gifts diamond rings etc while working those very same jobs so I can't help but ask myself if men can do all of that ... why can't you as a strong independent woman? Ohhh I know could it be because YOU AND YOUR WHOLE GENDER SUCKS!!!!! in comparison?
@@frikabg While they wonder why marriage and birth rates are the lowest in all of recorded history and wall hitting women cry that they can't find a "real man" and all they bring to the table is other men's unwanted children, no assets and loads of debt.
@Cricket They just haven't succumbed to feminism's myth that women provide equal work when in reality women work far fewer hours at easier and less dangerous jobs, taking far more sick and vacation time while putting out less work per hour. Here in the U.S. I don't mind that the government steps in to "help" women as all it does is show the truth that they're incapable of supporting themselves and that the horribly stupid personal choices they make are hilarious. Besides, it's never on my dime as I'm socking away money into retirement accounts, reducing my taxable income to the point that the form 8880 retirement saver's credit entirely eliminates my tax liability. By retiring early I can then convert ALL of my tax deferred retirement accounts to my Roth IRA slowly over time and tax free. Once in my Roth IRA the money is free from taxes and Required Minimum Distributions forever AND distributions from my Roth IRA will NOT increase the amount of my social security that's taxable or increase the amount that I pay for Medicare parts B and D. Meanwhile, women like you and your children and grandchildren will be funding my social security while you work until the day you die because you can't afford to retire, ever. Now tell me again slowly how men like me are ever going to whine about women like you.
@James Cen_sored It's the inconvenient truth that women aren't smart enough to face. They now make up the majority of college students so they're going to have an increasingly hard time finding men they think they "deserve". Most will also turn their noses up at plumber, electricians, etc despite these men's higher income. Save yourselves, Gentlemen...MGTOW!
@James Cen_sored Easy there, Jackrabbit! Sounds like you're smack dab in the middle of red pill rage. It's a rough stage, after learning about so many things at once and how bad everything really is. Next comes a pretty depressing time when you realize that you really can't change anything and that you'd be better off pissing into the wind as it would be more effective. Once you come to terms with this, you'll reach a time of incredible peace that you've never known and begin to focus on yourself and to build the excellent life you want.
I don't belong to either party but I am a conservative in every sense of the word. Conserve the constitution, our rights, freedoms, fiscally and environmentally. I vote for the party that freed the slaves and against the one that created policies that keep POC in lifelong, multi-generational poverty and created the hateful organization you mentioned. I wish more POC would escape their trickery and take their rightful place on the ladder of success. Liberal states like those you mentioned will collapse under their own evil stupidity as the wealthy are fleeing them in droves, leaving behind bloated governments to feed upon themselves.
Read my above posts as I've laid out in detail how you can completely eliminate your income taxes so as not to fund the system that hates you while shoving money into your retirement accounts. Once you learn about leftist and female nature, your anger (fear) will dissipate as they'll no longer pose a danger to you and they will be of no more concern that the wind or rain. Things will get better for you as you further process all of this and you figure out what you can do to minimize these problems in your life and you focus on becoming the best man you can be. Don't forget to enjoy your hobbies and to develop male friendships as well along the way. Cheers.
When talking about the challenges singles face, but you are only concerned with how difficult it is for the women and don't even mention men...
MEdia NEVER mention men and never will because they are toxic left.
@Cricket Correct. Women who are equally qualified in the exact same field, working just as hard, for just as many hours, producing just as much, and taking no time off for maternity leave actually make MORE than men. Now STOP TROLLING!
Wtf.Dude cricket is mad trolling. She's going to all the top comments and talking about castrating man, fighting with thousands people at once. Calling everyone incel crybaby mgtow scum and whatever if anyone disagreeing with her. Judging by her other comments she's not interested in helping woman either. Just say anything what challenges her viewpoint. She'll start call you incel crybaby. Arguing with her is absolutely pointless.
@@Hegemony_of_man she sounds like a typical feminist. She's gonna get dipressed and die alone.
I make 157k/yr... I can almost afford a divorce, but I'm staying MGTOW
If you want to waste that money go blow it out on some quality escorts still more cheaper than getting castrated by some bimbo that will suck your soul and masculinity away.
@@kaputasri #1 rule of the rich, "If it flies, floats or fucks, rent it. Never buy."
Dude what career do you have?!
@@NyanHomeschoolGirl17 If you want to make money, don't work under someone else. Learn how to make your money work for you. You also need to have resolve and be willing to take risks. You have to ask yourself how much you're sick of your current life and if this is the road you want to keep continuing. I now make $10,000 a week but it took sacrifices. I was in a mental state to where I would have rather died than kept going on my current path. That's how you need to be too if you want to chase true success.
Micah Olson Thank you for the advice but I’m still curious about which careers are so well paying, what’s yours? And I’m really not into money, I just want to be able to make enough to pay my parents back for all that they have given me and then try to pay for University ^_^
20 year old female - don't talk to me!
30 year old female - why isn't he talking to me?
40 year old female - please talk to me!
50 year old female - hey i'm talking to you!
Too late honey.
20 year old female - don't talk to me! 🙄
30 year old female - why isn't he talking to me? 😐
40 year old female - hey, I'm talking to you! 😠
45 year old female - someone please talk to me 😥
50 year old female - here kitty kitty 🥺
1800s: you need to be married so someone can take care of you
... But now we have jobs we can take care of ourselves 🥳 and plus women chose to be single now adays , they knee the risk of males , like abuse and being dominant not letting you to do many things youll love
Men alone = HAPPY AF
Women alone = please big gov help me
@@okayotl5292 well guess what happens when ignoring the natural order of things and yearning for this idea of "gender equality" where women want a good life at the detriment of men.
Sam is her rich uncle.
Plenty of men are miserable as fuck when they are lonely.. Look at dating sites and men paying online just to chat with females for example..
@@michaelangst6078 they do but after 5 minutes they're all good if ya know what I mean
Femenism and Sexual Liberation
Oh well not my problem
I got Beer and a Boat
Fishing any one???
I'm more of a gun range and motorcycle kind of guy but it's the same idea.
M into crafts like sword making m really young and broke rn tbh 17 yr ol gonna persue mah intrests in my late 30s through 50s mgtow👆
Yeah i like bikes to
Kid i wish i was at your age when i learned about this
I'm gonna be 34 tomorow as type this to you
Chase your dreams and stay focused
You are the prize not Women
The Wall is God
Not Woman
Be carefull out there and let nobody take away your freedom and happiness
@@joekaijuabrams244 thanks man i thank my ex gal frnd every second of this mgtow life...
When i told her i dont think feminism is a good idea she very proudly told me...
Since then i have been doing my research about the world and damn i have learnd some harsh truths i still thank her...
Shes a ...FRIEND now online only we never meet anymore
Men have come to realize they gain nothing from marriage and with the divorce rates at 50% the risk of losing everything they have is too high. The only way to not lose a game stacked against you is not to play.
Or learn how to play the game without needing involvement from the government.
Scott K that or get a prenup
Scott K - divorce rate in the USA when aggregated across 20 year intervals as opposed to single year snapshots is actually 96%
Deep Blue - 80% of divorces are initiated by females in the USA
Well, me as a male find myself increasingly more busy than ever before doing my part to take care of aging parents. Attempting to accomplish other pursuits also seems to be somewhat difficult and even elusive. These are complicated times, but worrying and stressing about the inevitable doesn't make your situation any better.
Lesson #1 young fellas here is knowledge from decades of living, NEVER GET A GIRL PREGNANT. If a woman wants a relationship then immediately force her to get her tubes tied and take her to get the operation. Also make sure she takes daily birth control pills and once/twice a week give her the 'Morning After' pill and tell her to take it in front of you when YOU give her the pill which you buy from the pharmacist. If she doesnt want it, kick her out and block her number. Do not get her pregnant ever. If she still wants to stay in a relationship then fine.
I feel you bro👊
I’ve only marched with crazy girls that have red flags (looking for money/insurance, tattoos, half naked photos) or super old cougars. Debating about giving up on dating. They’re all looking for marriage & I screwed if we do.
Still his channel is blank. Sad
Same goes for women
They chose to remain single and now they are asking for the Government for help?
@Cricket because debt for future generations. Because they take far more than they put in. Because this destroys the feminine. Because this breaks families and societies apart. Because children do need the conditional love of a father to grow with more real expectations of life. Because woman aren't happy. Because Aids. Because men lack purpose. Because most men in jail come from single mother homes. Because welfare makes the government bigger and people more dependent on it. Because people will pay more taxes. Because corporations go overseas, and everyone makes far less minimum wage. Because.... Lol.
Exactly, family values disappeared with chicks wanting to be men, but trans,sexbots and escorts taking over.
This comment and its replies are disturbing on so many levels, it's actually deeply concerning.
But your crying about mgtow and telling people to stop crying.... classic...sounds like you hate the male gender.
@Cricket The clueless smartass, dumbass is YOUR ASS. Mgtow men have overwhelmingly consistently been some of the most respected throughout history, they have contributed a tremendous amount in their field of work or to society in general, and in your opening line you call them crybabies and losers. What is the level of your contribution , you piece of shit?
There is a big difference between being "single" and "un-married"
Go Boldly single- no partner
Unmarried- partners without a legal union
Jazz Jackrabbit There shouldn't be. If you love someone, marry them. It shouldn't be a problem.
Pardon Me, that's not what he is talking about though.
He means long term dating.
Pardon Me this is really bad advice given all the factors that go in a relationship and a person, it's too naive just to marry for love.
Invest in the cat food industry boys...
Purina and Duracell
Do you know some good enterprises/holding etc. to invest in??
Sometimes I feel like feminism is an agenda started by the cat food industry in order to increase their sales.
As a domesticated cat, I demand fresh tuna fillets and caviar…. Nothing less!!
God damn!!! You damn pussy!! Even i never eat caviar in my whole life
No, cats are just pets and animals , you aren't human , ok, I m gonna adopt 2 cats and a nice dog, I am 25 n unmarried currently jobless cause of covid n autism
so demanding... are you in your 20's, cat age?
You are entitled to that Sir Shitalot 😂
Men and women are more single than ever. Women most affected
Real men don't give a fuck, we got better things to do like having a LIFE.
We don't chase women - women chase us.
@@roserevancroix2308 keep dreaming 😭😭. If women were chasing men they wouldn't be incels
Lmao, its true tho (I mean which gender spends their time with their cats and wine rather than chasing their dreams?)
@@failvn3539 thats because some people dont know their worth, I saw a video with a guy bowing to woman while giving her money and wondered, Why tf is he giving her that and calling her a goddess, because she has boobs and a pussy?, at that point your not even a man anymore
@@roserevancroix2308 first why we need women????
“Korea remains a patriarchal society.”
Sure... that’s why they’re letting these women have the freedom to choose career over having a family, right? That’s why they’re having the government provide programs to help these women who chose to live a single life, right? Right? Seriously, women make choices then blame men if they cannot take the magnitude of the consequences.
Big agree
Perfect !
Right on brother!
Feminist logic bro and the guy uttering it is just illogical beta simp!
Is there any documentary about unmarried single Korean men and their daily struggles? I bet that one would be even more dramatic. I bet they don't even ask or expect any support from society.
@jonsan astari
That would be sexist to women...
@jonsan astari Must read books::
1. Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein: www.amazon.com/Virus-Mania-COVID-19-Hepatitis-Billion-Dollar/dp/375194253X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1600169229&refinements=p_27%3AClaus+K%C3%B6hnlein&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Claus+K%C3%B6hnlein
2. The Contagion Myth by Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell: www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510764620/the-contagion-myth/
3. BÉCHAMP or PASTEUR? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel Douglas Hume:
"'Coincidence' is just a word for when we can not see the bigger plan." - Sonny Kapoor
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” - Voltaire, 1765
@Celtic Cross oh yeah, pull the rape card when got nothing else to pull. Oldest trick in the books.
.. but since the card was pulled, it is worth to note, I'm not aware of any civilized, or even uncivilized society in which rape against women would be legal and or socially acceptable. At the same time, I'm not aware of any even civilized society in which rape of men would be taken even half as seriously as when it comes to women.
Its funny that they can choose to be unmarried but us men can't choose to pay less taxes to support these unmarried women.
Exactly! Try to ask the so called "empathetic" people supporting unlimited taxation whether the would draw any boundary that the state should not cross. None. They literally treat the state as charity / nursery.
So the unmarried women don’t pay taxes? To support unmarried men or other people’s children?
@@hautecouture2228 Support unmarried/divorced men? Are you kidding me? Single mother get massive help on the taxpayer's expense. On top of children's custody, alimony and spousal support from the ex-husband of course. Government support for single mothers vs single fathers is just incomparable which is strange given feminists are after equality.
@@hautecouture2228 Are you fking kidding me. The large majority of wealth that is taxed belong to men single and married. Plus the large majority of people that depend on social programs are single mothers. So stop with your intellectual dishonesty and think about what you have to say before you say it.
... or men can't choose to be driven to war
Comments on here are funny. The woman want to know what her skin care routine is while the men point out why feminism is to blame.
Some women can't even stay on track of what the video is about and comment accordingly lmao. Go watch skin care routine videos for that shit
Not feminism, the women workforce, the ability to choose, degradation of family values and social expectations, spread of the egocentric viewpoint and so on.
Europe and the US could be a good example to Korea. If these things starts to disrupt the social web, decline of the population, the culture and the society start to happen.
Men get a career get married have babies. Women get a career got to stay single to focus.
Steven Jenkins exactly the women with career has much life experience and man prefer not so clever wife so that she can do what they say.
I got married when I was 28 Absolutely destroyed just about every aspect of my life Still have nightmares about it BE VERY CAREFUL about who you MARRY
@Jason mraz I am in my 60s now I got divorced many years ago If I told the whole story it would put off anyone getting married Lies thieving adultery total lack of empathy financial recklessness violence leading me not to be able to work from injurys defamation The list goes on and on Thank you for your concern cheers
@Jason mraz thanks mate from Australia 🤣
@@JR1300r you should tell your story it would save a young mans life. However its still your choice I know some ppl like to forget their past and move on.
@@kaputasri thanks for your reply Yes I have thought of telling my story and I should and yes I struggle just about every day trying to rid my mind of a very nasty woman and her deadbeat violent paracite manipulating family I will consider your suggestion as it would very much please me if my story could prevent another hard working morally correct young man from what I call being chopped up Cheers mate
@@JR1300r i and many others would like to hear your story, your story could possible save a man's life.
Strong single independent women : "Can the men please give me all their money?"
Lol. 'Please'? They don't know that word. They know 'gimmie' very well though.
The anti male legal system / family courts : "Of course. That's why we are here".
@T Mac and here I find myself at 45 years old, in good health with plenty of disposable income and quietly relieved I never settled down and married. I would like to have children so I've not abandoned the idea of marriage altogether but I'm not taking any stupid risks either
@Otaku hunter thanks! Yeah I could adopt but I believe a child needs both a mother and father. It would be nice to give a chance to a kid who hasn't had a good start in life.
This whole video is a serious red pill. Men, let's sit back and watch them crumble.
The men who take a vindictive glee in this are also drunkards, losers, and as tied to their bitterness and their gaming PCs as these women are to their tvs and their bitterness and their cats.
Reject the sickness of the heart and be compassionate towards others with no qualifications
@@CHURCHISAWESUM idk what the hell you're talking about, but whatever. 😂😂
@@NormanOz it’s a shame tho watching these pretty Korean girls they have been westernized but let’s hope not all
@@NormanOz I'm saying you're getting enjoyment out of others' loneliness and suffering and that's a sort of sickness that will ironically punish you by forcing you to share their fate.
Choose compassion.
@@CHURCHISAWESUM Their loneliness is their choice but then relying on govt welfare for their personal choices is what makes this laughable.
Be logical before being compassionate.
That woman is 41?!
No way.
jackfavvv looking great 👍🏾
For real!!!! I thought she was 22 the most!
nah she looks early thirties.
Asian people like me it's hard for you to guess how old they are, they look younger than their age than you think.
Remove the 1 kilo of makeup and you'll see her real age.
The saying " Happy wife Happy life" is bs .
"No wife happy life" thats more like it. MGTOW is growing and women are helping us.
Happy Man Is The Plan
I smell a bitter woman in this comment section (Crickets).
@Cricket don't be mad because no man of value wants you
The bitter troll hagg has snuck in....that time of the month to do some man hating?
I see it more like this. As a man, I have to make a choice. Either I become depressed, lonely and have no sex life.....
Or I remain single.
They can thank feminism for their single life. Now go back to work and get that rent money...
And medical benefits...
It's people like you who make me be wary of people.
@@StephJ0seph Truth a little too close to home?
@@StephJ0seph What do you mean by "people like you?"
As a single man enjoying his single life, a part of me actually thanks feminism too, since I don't feel all much pressure to marry nowadays, and it's great! So if we can enjoy single life, so should the ladies! It shouldn't exactly be treated as an issue like this news is though. But if they want a fix, better fix society so that one income per family is enough for a decent life, without the one working being so overworked where they're sometimes contemplating suicide as they do in some of these asian countries.
women: career or family, there can only be one, choose wisely.
Like those are the only 2 things which exist in life. As a man I’d be fine never getting married and just keep doing what I enjoy the rest of my life - that’d satisfy me.
@official asiangirl you can't really have both. everybody only have 24 hours a day. when you apply yourself on one side, you'll end up neglecting to other side. sometimes you'd have to make sacrifices. those "you can do whatever you want" speak are not grounded in reality.
@official asiangirl even the husband has to make sacrifices sometimes. there's working, and then there's excelling in a career. if you're working 9 to 5, of course it could work. if you're aiming to be C-suite, chances are you're absent a lot of time. I don't buy the whole 'quality time' idea. you can't plan a quality time for when the child needs discipline, or when they need you to be around to talk. it's easy to say from a far that people have everything.
career, beech, byeee
Career. Sorry. I'll adopt a kid in the future. No husband though, eww
Where's the social welfare for single men who decided on low earning careers?
You mean prison?
Solus Aldrain Good one 🤣
@Solus Aldrain top kek 😂
I see everyone likes my "joke." It's funny because it's not funny. Women talk about male privilege like it always existed.
When a man steals bread to feed his kids, he's imprisoned.
When a man cons a person out of money to buy a Rolex, he's imprisoned.
When a man can't earn enough to pay child support or alimony, he's imprisoned.
When a man is feeling depressed, he is told to "SUCK IT UP AND GROW A PAIR OF TESTICLES!"
When a man defends himself from physical and emotional abuse from a woman, he is imprisoned.
When a man fails, he goes to prison.
When a woman gets pregnant, despite having many more options for birth control, including abortion and the morning after pill, she gets rewarded with access to welfare and praised by the Sisterhood.
When a woman can't afford to raise a childhood, she gets *more* welfare and praise from the Sisterhood.
When a woman can't make rent, she can flash a titty on OnlyFans and receive money and praise from Simps and the Sisterhood.
When a woman is feeling down and tells the world her woes, she receives comfort from Simps and the Sisterhood.
When women meet resistance, life gets easier for them (well, when they're still fuckable).
When men meet resistance, life simply becomes more difficult.
People wonder why women aren't responsible. Throw em in jail!
They abuse their boyfriend/husband? Throw em in jail!
They spermjack a man to get child support? Throw em in jail!
They marry a man and divorce him *just* for alimony? Throw em in jail!
They take advantage of a little boy? Throw em in jail!
They can't pay rent or support their child? Throw em in the street, THEN throw em in jail for vagrancy!
If women started getting punished for their misdeeds, instead of rewarding them, give them a taste of "male privilege."
Then, maybe, they wont need to ask "where have the good men gone?" The good men will finally notice them, for they will finally be decent women.
@Bruno Araujo I'm workin on it every day. Look up Tom Leykis, brother. He was the first, and he remains the best.
Marriage is not a game.stay single if your not ready yet.
Women should get married at the age of 18.
Your right
boaz appelbaum that’s a fucked of way to think of a women. age does not determine worth.
my channel you are wrong marrige is a game for many women just ask all the divorced men
my channel exactly
They all waited for a rich guy to come along....... And still they wait....
legend says to this day she still sitting there waiting...nagging... ;)
If I was a rich guy I would fuck and dump them. Good thing I am still working on being rich.
dgbelcher67 dude, she women get raped and they don’t want to date, not even have sex. Who wants to deal with a person who doesn’t care for anyone’s safety. Forget the chad. People have problems you would never think of
Russ Canduit man, because you went for the hottest girl with a broken childhood and now you blame all women. Just because you.’the lost yourself shows you will only chose a lost person. God these people and their baggage. Use that money and get therapy and I hope your view in life get better. Feels saddest for you:
Meanwhile poor guy they didn't want becomes rich guy and mgtow
I feel like I do want to get married but the idea of sharing my personal space with someone whome I have to see everyday scares me 🤡🤡
Same here. That’s why I never married.
🫤 same
Please just take the risk. You will thank me one day
@@raisa_cherry35please get someone to get married to. You're too beautiful to remain single
"I will delay marriage until 37/38, when I have one egg remaining and all the professional men of my age have become able to command much younger women - what's that? I work as a Financial Analyst. Potential husbands must be 6' 6" and earn at least $659,000: that's most men, isn't it?"
"I am out of shape and i don't know how to please a man.. but that should not be an issue, right? Because it is all about the personality. Oh and don't mind my eternal inner conflict and the fact that i don't really trust you. That is just temporary for the rest of my life."
They got no connection to how the real world works ,just ignore them.
@@RobertLutece909 The woman who calls herself 'Cricket' (named after a men's sport: most appropriate) says: "Good luck with that... women in their 20s are not interested in a 40 year old male." Generations of experience say otherwise. Besides, even a 29-year-old woman with a 41-year-old man would be considered "within normal social parameters" (only 12 years). Add female hypergamy, and you will get 25-year-old women with 45-year-old men and onwards and upwards.
Peter Dixon that’s disgusting no young women want to be with men in their 40s they are old enough to be their fathers if any woman decided to be with some 45 years old man just because of his money men hit the wall too after maybe 28 lol if any woman just decided to be with you just because of your money well you know what you’ve reached to already 🌚 I’m 19 and will never get my eyes away from young hot guys in their 20s to put on some grandpas on their 40s or 50s around my father and mother age
@@robotgirl552 Surely the younger guys are "old enough to be the women's brothers"?! What sort of logic is that? A male can father a kid at any age between 12 and 90. You could be a grandfather (or grandmother) at 24. (This often happens to kids from single-mother families.) I am sure that the 19-year-old woman's ideal would be a wealthy, mature, successful hot guy in his 20s, but these are so extremely rare that women go for the non-youthfulness traits. I was equally surprised when told by a friend who went up to university one year before that the female students "usually went for older guys", but he was right. The male Wall is different: it strikes between the ages of 16 and 30 and is composed of inexperience, ignorance, no time to achieve anything - yet - and general confusion, with the inability to understand women at that age being ubiquitous. Don't shoot the messenger. I am merely reporting it.
this phenomenon amongst women is hilarious!
"we don't need men!"
actually , ladies, you're finding out that the truth is , *we don't need you*.
They do need a man they need the biggest man - the government.
@Leslie Starck eso no será así.... antes me lio a tiros que pagar la pension de una puta mujer que no a hecho nada en la vida
@Leslie Starck that's exactly why u should legally avoid paying taxes. Big corps. like Amazon avoid paying taxes.
We men need give away our jobs to the so called independent women so that they pay taxes and we men should start trading or do other businesses, exploit the loop holes in the tax system and avoid paying taxes. Let those so called independent woman do the jobs, pay taxes and end up disposing themselves.
They usually get their actual husband the government. to do things for them..... ALWAYS THE CASE
I had more friends that were in their 30/40s that were single than those that were married. But honestly, most of the single ones WANTED to get married but can't find a suitable mate.
Woojong with the Word haha you here? Hello from japan, I’m your follower 😂 (sound creepy) I think people that is single but still want a couple must look for it in other countries too, world is big. :)
More like they were too picky and kept making up stupid reasons to reject good men.
@@cennon good man are as real as unicorns. And what's wrong if they're single?
@@marte1376 you're admitting you're picking the wrong men and this prove my point.
That's their downfall dude.
Most folks I know who married eventually divorced and now harbor great negativity over this failure… It always pops up in conversations. Being single isn't so bad.
Yes it is. When you start talking to your cat.
@@dontrustwhiteyevery1 what's so wrong talking to your cat?, like?, as long as you are not hurting anybody like some genders are, stalking and groping people around, even assaulting people on public transportation, cannot handle their state of single ness so they lash it out on women or they even commit suicide, so please talking to your cat in the comfort of your home isn't such a bad idea if you ask me
@@dontrustwhiteyevery1better than talking to men like you😏
@K-G-99No. It's grown up fragile feminist women crying and whining miserably.
@@nataliesparks4829you mean some genders when they take half of the wealth and divorce their partner, or you mean when they just sit in a couch and bark oppression?
Why does just being an unmarried woman by choice qualify anyone for government support?
So dumb i hope they dont give in any support.
Because they are whamen, what else could be?
Because women think they r special
It is the State's responsibility to maintain the welfare of its disabled and invalid citizens, those not able to be productive members. Did you not realize that an unmarried, childless woman is a disabled, unproductive member of society?
@@liemokid Unproductive I can agree with.
This is good for men...
This will reduce sucide ratio of men
This will reduce tension, stress etc etc of Men.
Yeah! and you won't have any girl to annoy you or shout at you or make you go poor if you get separated , the strong victim of marriage and divorce if the women has nothing and man is rich , man will take the strong damage , with child support and alimony and the splitting of assets
Why no one talk about single men's , even they are most unfairly treated in society and country
@Kris Galhos I think there. is nothing wrong to follow Che Guevara . And who think such things are
Mother f****r
@Kris Galhos Every ideology kills man.
Because there is no end to suffering and we will not be responsible for it. Being responsible for is the only way to end suffering.
Feminism is the problem here. I jist dont get it why all men does not wake up
AG Arts its deeper and way more horrific than feminism...that is just an effect
Being single is not a deadly problem that has to be solved.
Tell that to your 47 cats and the gyno that has to treat your STD's lady, everyone else knows you're insane 😂
@@dman3540 even married women suffer worse .I know many such old women throughout the media and in real life who are abandoned by their children . Those who are not thrown live a worse life . Everyone whether married or unmarried has to prepare for their old age . My grandmother is the best example she was abandoned by her son which left her with severe mental issues.My mom is taking care of her now but she has her limit as my mother is a housewife . You will really realise at that age that your best buddy is yourself the love and attachment you have is for a reason when the reason fades your important fades and you become a burden
@@dman3540 Finding a partner doesnt mean you have grown up. What the heck are you talking about. Being single is sometimes not a choice but of circumstances and situations. By the way, even if you are married and have a partner, you can still grow old and be alone. Marriage doesnt garantee a lifetime of companionship, countless men cheat on their wives, and what if you divorced. At the end of the day, we are all ALONE. The ones who are capable of being alone even if old, are the grown up ones. What a lame comment. You cant bring your husband wife bf or gf to the grave with you. Life is temporary, whatever happens on earth is just a bus ride and a play
Then why are men whining about male loneliness epidemix
@@elizabethd5264thanks ur comment makes me braver to be single
*"As a cat owner"* . Yep, we all saw that coming.....
Cricket I'm curious to see that that thought changes in about 10-15 years... lol some women are going to be BEGGING for the asshole.
@Cricket We assholes don't marry anyway🤪we bang and leave.
Hahaha I read this right when that part came in
It’s better to be single than to have a toxic marriage and eventually divorce your partner. No toxic feelings and stress.
Min Agustd completely agree. Men need to man up. :)
@@WomenofHighValue How about woman need to woman up for a change ? We rarely hear that eh ? I agree with the OP , these women clearly do not want or maybe incapable of being in a relationship . All the more reason they should NOT be in one .
Oscaka 007 the reason why women don’t need to woman up is because when they are burdened/masculine/lonely, they are incapable of overriding their emotions with rational decision making of what they “should” be doing.
Men are telling women to become like men. Look how that turned out. Men are responsible for feminism, and are also the only ones that can bring women out of that spell.
crimson_noir Man up for YOU! That’s the only person that matters right?
The act of creating a family that WORKS in the loooong run, is a “selfish” deed that has profound benefits for YOU, but also everyone around you, including society at large. Creating this only comes about because you are an amazing leader and understand the woman.
What’s the alternative? If you end up not having the depth that comes from family relationships, what else is there? Sleeping around casually forever ends up not creating fulfillment in the long run. Like Dan Bilzerian says: “pleasure is not happiness”.
My take on it?
Depth of connection is happiness!
It’s the same thing with setting the goal of a million dollars. You do it not for the million dollars, but because of who you become in the process. Selfish, but with profound benefits for everyone around you!
1:18 she is not ugly. I think she is just picky and waiting for the Mr. Perfect.
@GoldenShower Potato Sometime gals forget about that after they keep waiting for Mr. Perfect lol. I knew few of gals in real life they are so picky on guys. She still have a chance maybe with 50years guys.
@GoldenShower Potato I'm pretty sure they looking for Mr. Prince + Mr. Perfect. I'm pretty sure their co worker or friend's friends have a crush of them. Oh well Mr. Prince probably only want some simple, naive gals lol.
@@song1861 I'm pretty sure the prince is too scared to approach her
did you actually watch the video or do you just like to talk out of your ass?
@@Landstalker1999 I think that's what a lot of these women don't understand. Your career doesn't give you value as a woman, atleast not in the eyes of many men when it comes to a relationship. Youth does. Personality does. Looks does. A woman who puts her career before everything else is not attractive to a man, especially not a woman who is already 30+. While women are still young, they should be looking for an established man to form a relationship, or at least start forming one with a guy their age who they see potential in. Sorry but your career won't lay down with you in bed, kiss you goodnight and tell you that they love you. Your career won't provide you with children to carry on your legacy. Your career won't love you unconditionally like your kids will. Your career won't be by your bed side, mourning you as you slip away from this world.
To those who say such a view is sexist and unfair. That's ok. It doesn't matter if you think it is. That's the way it is despite what you think. So enjoy your loneliness and cats until you die of old age, or suicide.
I genuinely feel sorry for these women who have been fooled into thinking that their career is the most important thing in life. And angry at the society that has fooled them into thinking this.
Single women are the happiest group, let them be happy
Yeah before the age of 30.You forgot the most important part in the research.
@@noonwraith401 not really women who are 40 and over and single with money are happy as well
@@newgodxOmega nope.Women in that age group are in the worst condition
@@noonwraith401 not at all, women are doing better than men in finances thats a fact, i am a guy i am extreme mgtow no sex for life not helping women in survival situation but facts dont change women get more govt support and social support, women always get more support men never get an thats fact dont fight facts no one can change facts
“Unmarried Men”
Naaaah, who cares...
“Unmarried Women”
There we go~
That’s because age doesn’t matter for men in Asia
@@crxtube187 I don’t think you get the joke
@@Born2Losenot2win hmm ye... I got it. But .... It's a fact. People just give more attention towards single woman than single men.
@@Born2Losenot2win here you go. Take a like from me.
Men can father children even in their old age. Women, however, have a short time to do so. Not many women over forty have enough children to keep the population stable. Besides, the "strong, independent women" need constant care and consideration.
In the next article we look at single men who are struggling to secure their future..... just kidding there are none
@Saturn sounds like they need to reorganize their priorities
I just died laughing at this comment. I had to let you know
@@growingnest8091 your most welcome :)
@Saturn an interesting article. Its the general narrative of mainstream media though and what i would expect to read
@Jamilla Dobson On this point i wholeheartedly agree with you. There are very few systems in place to help men. I can only hope that if more women speak up about it that this will change as womens opinions tend to be more regarded then mens.
This is what happens when you move away from Traditional Values.
...this is what happens when you let women make their own choices hehe.
Making good decisions will never be a skill in their tree - but if spending money was an olympic event they would all have a gold medal.
@Jenna Jewels yes thank women, and feminism for making that a reality lmao
@Jenna Jewels Yes marriages don't last as the vast majority of modern women are overly promiscuous and can't pair bond anymore. So they divorce their husbands.
"there's barely any governmental support for them"... good, that's equality. Men live like that as well.
you don't understand
You do understand this would apply to everybody whos an older single women are just the ones pointing out the trend
in many cases men abandoned their kids to women. What we should do as a society?? Let the mother and kids live in the streets??
Researches shows that kids are happier staying with mom . In this case we all should provide good living standards for these mothers and kids, as they are a part of the society we all live in. In my country single mothers are no1 in priority and we are all happy that a part of our tax money goes to those mothers and their kids have same opportunities in education, sports and entertainment as every other kid! That system reduces the crime statistics and creates more happy citizens and quality in our society. My country is the Netherlands which is among the top 10 in the world for wealthiest living standards and among of the top 10 countries with the most happy people !
that's because the majority of single parents are women and take welfare to raise their kids . You know... those kids that men doubt , don't pay for them, keep their money and therefore don't have need for taking welfare.........
Single women with cats. It's the same every where.
mgtow , not even cats
Lol Fuck outta here, I'm a single woman with 5 dogs. They're more loyal than the men I've been with.
Cats are the Best ! Everywhere...
The sounds good to me then all those problems that come with a husband 😂
And they called their cats children.. And yet act like i don't want a baby. I dont need man and kids in my life. 😂😂😂
The first girl has 41 years?!?!? She looks like 25!!!
+Alex AM Asians don't go raisin.
Keep telling yourself that white boi. Diet and genetics. Every person of color ages better than any white person.
@TheSasGaming U act as if plastic surgery is cheap shit u do daily lmao no , its genetics and healthy food
Alex AM or she's asian?
TheSasGaming korean fit in the asian category
Blue Pill OVERLOAD. I already knew when I heard "women in their 40s are CHOOSING to be single!"
Hehe, yea..."choosing" my ass=)
No man wants them - we don't pay full price for old broken cars with too much bagage and miles on them.
Your buying a PROBLEM. A stubborn selfish goat with a vagina that looks like an spunch....heeell noo
RoseRevanCroix 😂😂😂😂exactly 💯💯👏🏾👏🏾😂😂😂
Yeah well it's no accident that the magic age number for booty-calls is 39.
RoseRevanCroix who didn’t want you that you have to take it out on woman who chose that they’d prefer to have less eye bags and more freedom.
Forced to be single, because of patriarchy. Women most affected.
why is there even a story about this? they are strong powerful women, they don't need men.
Lol... cause they need men
Just because someone is married doesn't immediately mean they're happy and have a perfect life y'know. It makes me sad that people marry because they feel pressured to by society instead of marrying because they genuinely love each other.
Very true
It’s really sad to be alone in a hospital room when you’ve outlived everyone.
@@Dr.MantisTobogganMD as a woman you will likely outlive your husband. Your one or two children could hate you. Have children to be selfless but don’t expect anything in return. Your sister hood as women (given we live longer in average) is more important 😊
Marriage is a good thing though that's the whole point. Any idiot can say that marriage will be bad if the people are bad. It's like saying you can die while driving a car but it's a good thing to drive somewhere if you need to get there
Marriage was never designed for happiness. Biggest lie sold to women!!!
At 75 years old... women still ask me if I am ever going to get married? I just reply: "Yea... I may get married some day when I grow up."
Just tell them the truth. "I'll get married when women are great again".
@@RangerAlone ill get married when women stop embracing feminism. and we all know THAT'LL never happen
My mother's uncle is 68 yo and time and time again I hear the women in my family talking about whether he's gonna get married or not, and I'm like bruuuuuuuh
Richard Herrington-Tell them it's none of their damn business! As annoying and rude as it is being asked that question as a man, when you're a woman its far worse how people treat you if you dare choose to be single.
@@gwenshin With the way everything has changed in life, I think it is smart for a man or a woman to remain single... concentrate on building a successful career and financial security... never depending on anyone for anything.
You can give women more money, but you can’t make them any better at managing it.
Yep they always got a ulterior motive ,beware of the SUCCUBUS
You can lead a woman to water, but you can't make her drink 😊
In india, relatives and neighbours are more worried n intrested thn parants about a single women' marriage. Good to hear that you people have freedom to lead your life on your own way. 💐
I am not interested in improving conditions for women anymore.
i never was
@A C ohhhhh kayyyy?
I think they are improved enough but that doesn't matter because they will never be satisfied or happy anyway.
They are black holes that is only good for whining, spending money and causing problems.
@@roserevancroix2308 exactly!
1.) Tell men you don't need them and that they aren't important.
2.) Wind up alone.
3.) Wind up Lonely.
4.) Wind up on tv talking to happier people about how you're alone, lonely and remorseful.
They dont need men they need children
@@ma111ma11 no chidlren wihtout men you tool
You should have began with "Here's Karen" and ended with "Don't be Karen."
G Vis There is such thing as test tube babies or adoption
@@ma111ma11 and children need their fathers!
The cat population will benefit from this.
Not if those cats get treated like surrogate men.
I should just sell cats, this is a lucrative business
@@musakgoete6071 cats are everywhere. They are free.
Hahahahaha.... good one
Not in Asian countries--cats are a delicacy!
This trend seems to be happening all over the world.
When they're done with the Chads, they get cats.🐱
Actually it's when the Chads are done with them they get cats.
@Yanina Etcheverry that is extremely wrong; watch sandman video about japanese women (pretty recent video); it is just the west general view on them as being more mysterious, having more honor etc, but it's all the same
@Yanina Etcheverry the shortage of women would mean they get their pick and boy oh boy do they stay at the choosing stage for years and years
@Yanina Etcheverry Bullshit.
Yanina Etcheverry I lived in Korea for a year, Korean women (Koreans in general) party harder than most Americans even. You are so wrong. Any country that has western influence is going to have a break down of male and female relations
WHAT!? Women have to face the consequence of their own life choices?!
Oh noOoOoOoOo, say it ain't soOoOoO!
I will not gooOOo!
Turn the lights offf!
Carry me hommme!
Taking responsibility for your own actions is just as alien to a woman as real aliens - they have no sense of what the hell you're talking about but I don't think they will listen anyway
@@roserevancroix2308 just say you don't get laid and go
The reason she looks so young is she doesmt have the stress of a relationship
Samantha Smith she looks aged as fuck according to Korean standards. Also seems to have ton of testosterone which increases in women due to stress. Look it up if you think I'm lying. This is the reason why Manly Women age faster.
I'm a Northern Middle Eastern woman and I am in my 20's. And many people still think I look like I'm 15 or 16 years old LOL!..My sister who is not married and doesn't have kids is in her 30's and she also looks like she is 17 or 18 years old...
Korean beauty products makes a look quite young.
Samantha Smith
Wow....this is really really true!!!👏👏👏men ruin our life!!!!! If men know how to treat women good and in respectful way. Women sure will treat men like a king and beautiful wives are all depends on how men to behave!
OMG Oh: you're full of shit, the stats show that it's women who ruin lives with their special privileges and special punishments for men. Now mother nature gives the spreading ass under the melting face. Sadly, women age in hormone years while men age in a paradigm that is over 200,000 years old. Men age like wine while women age like flowers. Sucks to be female but I, as a man, have the option of using this formula - 1/2 my age + 7-10 years, as long as the final female target is over 21. Women are done by 40. Sorry about that, luck of the draw.
Im 28 years old,and i dont see myself marrying or having a child .Maybe in the next life.
arent you gonna be lonely when you hit your 40's and older?
@@AJ-jg7xf are you a worried father or mother? Do you really care for her? I don't think so because you don't know her at all. It's her choice for her own life. It is not your life.
@@Smsl-nh9sl chill bro, i just dont want her regret her decision. she is still in the late 20, she got her chance l. but if she really choose that decision, who am i forcing her....
@@AJ-jg7xfpfff marriage is so BORING …what’s the positive of it ? Most married people are MISERABLE as fuck…
Why don't you let a nigga hit. Why you stingy with that 😸?
It's gonna wither away eventually.
She's in her 40's, damn, She looks in her late 20's...
That's because she's single😭🤣
Honestly, that’s because she is single
Cause she’s single and don’t have an annoying ass person making her life miserable
When he said 41 I was like why are you lying like that?? She barely looks 30 the woman drink The whole fountain of youth!!!
Its cuz asians age way better
Men shouldn't have to pay taxes to support single women. It's their choice to live that way.
@@justinsmithy2102 women get so much welfare money that as a demographic they don't pay taxes.
@@vaxel0068 that's because the majority of single parents are women and take welfare to raise their kids . You know... those kids that men doubt , don't pay for them, keep their money and therefore don't have need for taking welfare.........
@@AlphaSigmA1 really? Don’t pay for them? Govt makes them pay for children that turn out to be someone else’s.
Vindictive exes extort huge amount of money for 18 yrs because of corrupt child support system.
I mean how thankless can you be that there is a welfare system to protect you paid by men as tax payers and you still find a way to blame men !
It's Fun to play Ps4 rather than Marriage.
This is the only comment I can take seriously in the comment section 😭
Why not play PS4 with your wife?
women collect cats men collect games so you all are losers
@MARS PLUTO lmao im not working my whole life to serve some bitch who wants nothing but money. No thanks
ps4 and pc is what I do, also movies. Only reason why someone would want to be with me is money. Thankfully I don't min being alone and it's looking like hundreds of thousands of other are too with stuff called the redpill or blackpill.
Becoming parents is a huge responsibility. Having kids is a huge responsibility. You have to make them food, teacher them right from wrong, discipline them, make sure they get to school safely, help them with their homework, doctors appointments, dentist appointments, birthdays, helping them with problems. You have to buy extra clothes, extra food, shoes, the crib, diapers, baby food, school supplies, the list goes on. When you are a parent you are extremely busy 24/7. It can be difficult to have time to yourself. It's very expensive, time consuming, and requires commitment. I'm still single. I'll admit being single I'm already busy enough as it is. I don't need to be even more busier.
I have 6 kids. I own an online business that makes 6 figures a year, automated. I also am a part time engineer, and part time farmer. I own land and raise cattle too. All this means I have more than enough of resources for us all. Even if I lost all the monetary things, I still have my farm with lots of food supply.
Than your parents are regret to borns you, because you are the product of marriage!
Dumb selfish folks you are...
@@loveisthemostpowerfulforce1397 not everyone is well off
Women “The men will save us and pay.”
Men “Not anymore, be strong independent and successful like you claim to be”
Yeah, but don't forget to be "fierce". That's the one that makes me laugh.
Why are men here so bitter? Omg, all of you hate women.
@@itisallanillusion6302 It's nice to see that equality was never the end goal. It's nice to see women getting what they earned.
Apparently Korean whamin cannot save money just like all western whamin.
@@itisallanillusion6302 feminist are bitter and resentful lol. We just find it quite funny
this video is not talking about the real problem: that men simply dont want them
that's the elephant in the room, the problem is them but the truth is sexist so they blame men
@Ann Cobbler Anecdotal evidence. Fact remains that this is not a normal way of life in Korean culture, it is considered disgraceful there, and these women are suffering. Reality is, most women who do this wind up suffering in one way or another no matter what culture they come from.
@Ann Cobbler LOL. Sounds like you have a story to tell...
@Ann Cobbler I see, you're a misandrist. So sad. You should see a Psychologist to help you get over your misandry and live a mentally healthy life and have a chance at a loving relationship.
Men suck. That’s the end of it all. If they figured out women, then all would be well. Understand the woman, and you will understand the world. Blaming the gender who in a burdened state are not able to control their thoughts or emotions is weak. Men, be strong!
They chose to not get married in their 20's. Now they have no choice, they will remain single looking for the cat store.
Sara kadi lol men don’t pick older women unless they are easy. Trust me it usually isn’t the first choice.
RamboK221 maybe for men who thinks with there dick do that
@@Dikshaleeminho yes. Men dont think with their dick. Young men go for oldest women to have easy sex or the milf have a lot of money...
I fuck a lot in my twenties with mid thirties women, because EASY FUCKING SEX. After 3 months one of them start to talk about a serious relationship. FUCK THAT Ghost the bitch.
Artur João Costa Rebelo and mid 30s women does not need to settle down with 20s man 😂 you got your EASY SEX be happy instead of SOUR AND HATEFUL MALETARD
@@arturjcrebelo3275 I take 3000$$$ from older 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Coming to a modern western civilization near you: Unwanted Cat ladies.
@ג'וקר נשי remember that time you commented something about men being salty about women choosing to be single? Kettle meet pot.
Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with single cat ladies. However, they ALWAYS seem to group up with other single cat ladies, form a movement, and then demand my money.
Support your OWN cats ladies. Fempowered. You got this!
@Fuck Nugget i mean to be fair its better if all of us stop having offspring and died off as a species thats for the best considering how fucked up the human race is
Most women today be like "we are independent and we don't need a man" 🤦🏻♀️
People don't get what feminism is
I do wanna work too but get married to my significant other too
Also people be thinking being feminine is a problem
This generation fr-
Strong independent Woman begging for Welfare. Shame
It's only shame if men does it - anything women do is great haven't you heard?
Go vagina! it is doing wonders to our civilization !we have never been greater and happier! wait what
Very shameful...
@Pieces109 yes
@Pieces109 true. If woman is not getting paid enough they should work hard, save money and invest.they should Build their own business. Bagging for welfare is shameful.
I agree. Welfare hungry wuaman should go their own ways. Just don't bitch about it later.
I would rather be single than be married and miserable. There are ways to overcome loneliness but it's hard to live a life of misery
Black Widow - Samehere! Marriage is overrated anyway
nunya baznus lmao stfu no one asked you for your great wisdom (lol) on marriage...no one wants to marry the ugly “nice guy” who turns out to be another piece of shit...and the crap you wrote after that I won’t even get into 😂
Keep making guys happy, stay single. Keep your Misery to yourself it's better that way.
Wrong..that's why is better to be single at the end who suffers the most is the unwanted kids who are in the middle of 2 dysfunctional parents!! don't get married,don't have children. There are too many already!!too many sick minds!! Just live your little life and drop dead!!
Another one who makes sense, you get a thumbs up.
I was willing to watch till the end just 'cause i was curious, but... This is just how single life is. You don't hear men complain about how "hard" it is to be single. Whatever happened to the "strong independent woman"?
Strong independent women is the biggest joke of the century 😃😂😁
Probably because a lot more single men are enjoying the peace, solitude and quiet.
They hit the frickin wall
you earned my respect for you ......
this is the greatest comment of all time .....
Uhm it was mentioned in the video that single women living alone are the target of sexual assault?
women sometimes set the bar too high for the men who approach them, so many men turn to look for other women who don't have too many requests.
I don't think the second lady is looking for a husband, I think she wouldn't trade her "roommate" for any man in the world.
damn, it's pretty bad but i totally respect someone who prefers to stay single. marriage can be hell and isn't for everyone
Sure. Old age will be a much worse hell alone and forgotten. When people you know start do die one by one, you will soon find yourself alone, wishing for kids and husband or anyone who cares about you.
Too bad people doesnt understand what is really important in life. Career is important but it cant be your main focus. Choosing that path is always leading to suffering and pain. When they finally realize this its already too late.
I understand what you're saying but having a husband or wife isn't the only option. Friendships can run deeper than blood but it takes work like in any relationship...
That's right. All I'm saying is that we should be smart enough to learn from the past and realize that society often tells us what we should do, what we should feel, how we should dress, etc. but in this time of globalization and access to info via the web, we should realize that there is more than one way to live our lives. Some people find peace in isolation, some find peace in a single, life-long relationship, others through a community of friendships.
Sure, some people dont mind being alone when they are young or in mid age. However i never seen anybody in my 5 years -working as a social worker bringing food and take care of old people- who didnt want to have somebody to speak, to love or just simply to be there. We were the only social connection for those people. Most of them doesnt have family, their friends were died out, their health doesnt allow them to leave their home. Even those who had family were alone after their spouse died.
If some people say they like being alone all the time, they are lying, either to you or to themselves but usually both.
all good points and i agree but being married doesn't mean that the problems associated with being alone will disappear. as you said, everyone dies sometime and married people are then alone without their spouses. there certainly isn't a simple, single solution to this problem. it's part of existence, part of life, that at one point, our bodies will become weak, our friends and loved ones will die, etc. which makes living life day by day so important.
I am a American senior citizen and I live on much less than $1,500. a month. I live a simple lifestyle....I have a good life. Being happy is not about having money. No one wants to be homeless or go hungry....but with a budget and creativity a person can live a good life with little income.
Ithaca Comments how old are you?
Ithaca Comments yes,amen..as long you healthy,gratefull &enjoy.there good time and bad time no matter married or not🎢🎡
You are the first one that made sense, YOU GET A Thumbs up and a Thank You.
Thank you for coming out and sharing your story.
Ithaca Comments aww thanks. !
As a man I never got married because I've seen my friends go threw divorces and then live off alimony from their ex-husband. Once they can get the money for free they don't need the man.
That's not always the case and you probably know that. You are just frustrated because of your conclusions.
Translation: Hit the wall, and didn't even know it.
@Red Pillaging Maybe for the western men, in Asia they see it different way.
@Red Pillaging Asian men dont think like that after 25 you are out.
The entitlement knows no bounds;)
@deadfrontier240 We might have to go back to that. Kids will... "Waste" their reproductive years playing video games and riding the CC.
"Honey I'm home....oh I forgot I'm not married."
- birth of catwoman 😂
Miauw! 🐈
Lol@Cribhaus. Had me chuckling a bit there good, kind, Sir.
Aj Cribhaus ... Lol oh look a butt hurt man 😂😂😂
So whats the problem? They dont have the ability to take advantage of someone else? Many tears.
in this country the man is in charge. but in your western country the women lead the men, we know this.
@@jakemoreno6502That is because of our damned court system.
Chris Barr & cue all of the men who’ve been burned and hate women 🤣
@fireson23 Exactly these asian tiger broads pretending to be lil kittens is disgusting. Ive seen the whole thing i used to work in an Asian restaurant in that restaurant the husband is the slave and the wife is the manager.
There's plenty of white American guys for these Korean women
I know a lot of happily married house wives and know a lot of satisfied single women who are very successful. Both life choices have its problems and benefits. The single ones focus on their careers or businesses. The married ones focus on their children and family. I think they are both valid choices as long as they have a purpose in life they strive for. In my experience the housewives biggest problem is the difficulty of raising kids and for a few cases their husbands. For the single ones it's loneliness .
Among the married, the most miserable are those who's children are poorly raised and husbands cheating. While the most miserable among the singles are those who have no career or life goal and just living day to day. It could be different for you but it seems the general trend amoung the people I know.
being alone is not a problem, if someone thinks that is a problem then they should get married. people just keep repeating this nonsense that being alone is bad and sad when in fact it is not.
perfectly said 👍
Well said!
An inteligent comment here.
Aren’t these the same “issues” faced by single men???
No in Korea women need family to sign for their hospital surgery but that isn't the case for men .
Mark lee nice try, even in the United States dependents need there guardians to sign for medical procedures. The woman in this video talking about this particular issue is trying to get her girlfriend recognized by the state!!!
Women most affected!
Except they are strong enough take care of themselves and wouldn't complain
men aged like a fine wine
I’d rather not marry as well - my dad who’s really irresponsible with money just puts our whole family (extended as well) down the cliff and I’d rather die alone than meet someone like that. In Korea there’s a saying meeting wrong friends make you suffer ten years and meeting the wrong man makes you suffer for life
BluebearChu then pick carefully according to your standards
Casey Banana a bit difficult when you’re just afraid of it happening all the time so you just don’t entertain that and because of that I just lost interest in guys and never had a relationship in my 21 years of life. The bad thing about it that because of my lack of experience I’m not the greatest judge of what a right guy is :(
BluebearChu:- Stay Single and Die Single, all the men in the world including me thank you, i wish all women could think like you, ROFL!
Fast Pins well there’s different between enjoying being alone and being afraid of making a mistake. Not wanting to be married doesn’t always equal to wanting to be alone.
Do you
Hello fellow Kevin Samuels fans!
what the french toast
Strong independent women looking for a handout?
hi can we meet and have a private chat if you don't mined I will send you my contract
@Anna annanymous because childless thots led social security to bankrupt.
where's the lie
Whatever happened to ' women need a man as a fish needs a bicycle."