Growl you deserve all the praises and compliments from not only myself but the entire wow community. I am bi-lingual, so naturally I have access to extra guides and WoW related contents compares to English speaking only players. However, I have to say, your videos are always top notch quality, super informative, educational and straight to the point. Just wanted to give you a shout out and let you know how much I appreciate you and all the help you bring to the community.
I will update this pinned comment with some additional info as things change in the coming weeks: 1. It looks like alchemy trinket will not be craftable at high item level, so you shouldn't be using this trinket even though I recommended it in the guide. 2. Apply moonfire before convoke to ensure your convoke doesn't cast it. 3. Flourish seems to have more use than I initially thought - I think its worth testing out in place of photosynthesis for burst healing. There are a lot of heavy aoe burst healing checks in Shadowlands dungeons that flourish is great for, just keep in mind you lose some tank healing from not having photo blooms. 4. I'm not as confident on the conduit/soulbind trees - I think there is a lot of testing to do. Social butterfly seems to have not as great of an uptime as I initially thought, and empowered chrysalis/wild growth conduit are only doing around 3% overall healing. I think there's a lot of room to try different stuff in the dreamweaver row including floral recycling or other conduits that I didn't mention. 5. Some druids are getting some use out of the swiftmend leggo and I'm looking forward to testing it down the line when I have the ability to craft it. Thanks for watching! I just updated my resto druid weakauras and party frame profiles in preparation for Shadowlands launch. Here are links for those, and you can expect an updated UI video shortly once all of the addons get updated . Resto Druid Vuhdo profile: Resto Druid UI Weakauras:
Can't wait for the UI video(s)! Been trying out your Weakauras for about 2 weeks and just installed Vuhdo last night and ran some BfA mythics today. Going to check out your Vuhdo setup this week.
excellent guide. I especially appreciate the format: thing -> what it is -> why it is -> opinion. Also displaying the in-game description for easy pause-and-read.
I picked up resto druid specifically to push Mythic+ keys for our guild team. Found your videos a few weeks back and I really appreciate the amount of information you provide. I've watch more than just the resto druid specific ones because I'm also our off-tank for raids, but these are fantastic. Keep the great info coming! Everything resto druid for Mythic+ is appreciated.
Bro, bro, i simple subscribed tru your intro! Thank you soo much for that one little sentence: "if you don't agree with me, thats a good thing, some things work for other people" You made my day. Thanks.
@mitebg Thats not remotely true, they have arguably they highest HPS of any healing class. Unless you or your group is constantly failing mechanics over and over that shouldn't be an issue.
@mitebg I main a mage and after two weeks of mythics I can say that the large majority of mechanics are avoidable damage, people not using dispels, soothes, interrupts or cc to deal with dangerous mechanics or you know just stand in bad usually is why the healer can't keep up.
@mitebg as a side note I've died a lot more to ripping threat when not focusing a target because the tank is lazy and keeps the same target the whole time or from bosses "tank me or ill aoe the party" attacks, the second boss in plaguefall is especially bad for that
I've been playing Resto Druid for awhile, but would like to get more serious about m+ in SLands (playing R.Druid, R.Shaman and probably Disc Priest). This video is great, thanks for all your hard work on healers during the beta, you're definitely a new favorite content creator.
I have to say this was an excellent video. I've been a resto main for a decade, so I'm just bouncing around looking at different coverage of recent changes. This has been one of the best guides I've seen recent that is spec specific. Nice job
Best Guide I have seen for any class so far, thank you very much sir! I main guardian but later in the season I will be healing m+ for our push group. Really appreciate this guide! Keep up the good work.
Thank you! This is exactly a guide I needed to confirm or deny my pre-thought stuff about rdruids in m+!! You really are helping all of us resto druids improve and min-max even when it’s the least we can do:) big thanks!
Top notch stuff! Thanks for doing this! Wish someone did a guide like this for Holy priests :) Had respeced to a druid recently but am not horribly good at it yet but would be excited to see what people would say !
This is exactly what I was looking for. I was trying to figure out a good Resto/Balance legendary and I didn't even think about using convoke for the eclipse window in Balance in All Things legendary. Guess I have to wait another week tho for the wing to open to get the drop but omg I was searching everywhere for an answer.
@yumytv you are my favorite streamer and i have to say you are the main reason i started play druid as main 1 year now. You miss 1 thing in uttiliy tha is great and i have to mention it so you can add it in future videos...Cyclone is one of the best spell again since can help from a mob to not get bolstering in specific weak also work as an interupt with a cast time, so if you combine cyclone and main you getting the bet M+ healer once again for this season!!! Hope you are all good great work and greedings from Greece and i hoppe to see you soon here if you ever deside it (My name is george i ont thing you can read greek name but you can call me Mister G) take care duddy
Funny interaction: the 200% of soul of the forst and the 100% of nature's swiftness combine to a 400% heal increase :) I like this setup to 0-100% a tank
one thing i would say around legendaries - best for raiding is vision of endless growth, best for m+ is dark titan's lesson (especially if you run photosynthesis talent)
I was a resto druid back in cata. Was in a VERY good guild. Anyways, so, I got cut/replaced at very start of Legion, took it hard, and I just started playing again. I opened up the resto-tree/spec, and OMG, "WHAT IS ALL THIS?" I can't BELIEVE how different Resto druid is now-a-days. In some ways, it looks VASTLY SUPERIOR to what it was before, but, at the same time, the skill ceiling looks MUCH higher.
i dont even like healing, i got 8x 50lvl and not even one healer but i fking love watching ur vids and ur knowledge is usefull for every spec and role, keep goin
Maybe an unpopular opinion here, but for m+ I think going with Niya conduit tree is the clear winner, grove invigoration is an insane amount of mastery and hp when you convoke and it will essentially carry you through very intense healing fights for 30 seconds. so you can hold on for as long as you can, then convoke and you will be healing like a god for 30 seconds and topping people off without too much of a problem, then go back into just holding on until the end of the fight. I just don't see enough from the Dreamweaver tree to entice me, and Podtender looks like a talent that bad players will love and high end players will find little to no use out of. If I die it should mean that my group doesn't have 10 seconds before they are dead as well because the amount of damage going out is just insane, and that's assuming you die out of an aoe which will kill the pod anyways. Figured I'd drop this comment for anyone else wondering about the other conduit trees, since I think Niya's Gove Invigoration is far superior to all other bonuses outside of the ones we can slot in. Also, yes, I will be doing double potency and taking the poison tools for the final row... it's completely useless as resto obviously, but most of them are completely useless and double potency is incredibly useful. Just my $0.02 on conduits for anyone else that looked at Podtender and actually thought about how it would play out in practice, because it really is a bad talent despite how fun it is.
Hi! Thanks for the awsome video! I wanna ask you something: I notice that you use weakauras and UI for the party, but which other addons do you use? I am intereseted in the addon for the bags (ita nos the same as bartender) and the addon to see the damage done and the healing done. Thanks a lot!
I am really looking forward to playing my Resto Druid and trying to push high M+ Dungeons. But I am worried right now, because I feel like Night Fae is the only real possibility. How do you feel about the other Covenants? I just dont like the aesthetics of Night Fae and would love to go for Venthyr. Will I be very far behind from a competitive viewpoint?
I'm thinking the exact same thing. Honestly, from what I can tell, the differences between covenants isn't too important unless you're aiming for top-tier play. Night Fae will make tings easier, but I'm probably going Venthyr nonetheless. Druid are looking really compared to other healers in m+, so I wouldn't worry too much!
Yeah, me too, i think i still go for venthyr, cause it sounds like a very fun and unique ability with not so much rng like convoke. And lets be honest, being a vampire is fcking badass xD
For me there are No other option for My druid than Night fae, even if Night fae was bad or mid Tier i would not want to go any other because for me Night fae is the real druid covenant.
@@Red2Shadow well if i were you i would just pick the one i enjoy better, who knows blizz might nerf the hell out of night fae in a later patch and then you stand there with the faries and moonshine and want to change to venthyr
Watching your videos have made me main a drood for the first time since MoP, are you going to main drood as well? And Wich spec would you recommend leveling in?
Awesome vid, thanks for that! Regarding Memory of the mother tree: Do the additional RJ/RG also copy buffing effects like SotF or Nature Swiftness? It`s totally unreliable, but just for having the option for max output
Just curious thoughts on Necrolord covenant for druid. I pvp and pve so came in late. Reason I chose is because 1. The shield and 2.increase to dots with swarm. Would love to know others thoughts and what they chose and why /how its working out. Thank you for this video, GG Sir ;).
Awesome video man✔️ Question, where in the settings of elvui did you manage to get the hots showing on your partyframe? I'm using a whole other addon for that.
Hi ! First, thanks for your vidéo, it's very helpfull for people like me that begin in healing with druid. But I have a question, at 11:14, which spell is on all member of your group ? (The one in the middle of each name case). Don't know if you will understand what I mean xD I don't recognize the logo.
You should make a video or something about how Lycara's Fleeting Glimpse works. I am super curious about if you need to be in constant combat the entire time to make use of it or it just stops the timer at some point and resumes later. I have looked everywhere for this info but no where I could find has any information on it
There is a lot of stuff missing. I think the video is more intended to be a basic guide for starters. He also doesn't sound like he calculates any kind of builds. It feels more like a copy paste version of icyveins, who just give very basic information aswell.
Personally I don't like to spec/skill into proc chances too much, so not a fan of memory of the mother tree. I'd rate dark titans lessons the best M+ Legendary bar none. I mean Circle of Life and Death is kinda nice, but those Photosynthesis buffs are just too strong.
Swiftmend does NOT prioritize regrowth > wild growth > rejuv (3:00). It prioritizes the HoT on the target that would net the least amount of healing over its remaining duration
Hey Growl any plans on adding an Eclipse tracker for Balance Affinity on your Weak Aura? I'm loving playing around with Balance Affinity but tracking Eclipse is something I'm struggling with. The trackers for DoTs and Combo points for Feral Affinity were really nice and I'd love to see some love for Balance in your WA.
Please answer me why do you think Memory of the Mother Tree >>> The Dark Titan's Lesson? I'm in big doubt about what will I target as my first leg in SL =) Cheers, great content!
I think its more global efficient. Dark titans lesson forces you to be casting lifebloom constantly throughout the dungeon to make use of it, and if you arent making use of it you actually are losing healing because your lifebloom is -10%. I don't think legendary makes a big difference and if you prefer any of the others, or if you want something for pvp I think you'll be fine healing dungeons with any leggo.
Could you give an estimation on how much better you think memory of the mother tree is compared to dark titans lesson? The only downside seems having to maintain 2 Lifeblooms. Mother tree however drops from halfway through the raid. Is the Lessons' synergy with the potency conduit Flash of Clarity significant enough?
Thanky you very much! Really great video :) It seems like you have a Convoke the Spirits Tracker at the beginning of the video. I totally need that! Could you tell me how to get that? Thank you very much!
Great, now I want to play my restro druid first in SL :D. I've heared plenty of times that Feral Affinity is best with restro but I don't get it... As a restro you have all your stats on intellect so Balance Affinity should do the most damage?
I might be talking out of my ass now but I think it has to do with stat priority, feral scales better with resto stats + increased movement speed is always welcomed. Hopefully someone corrects me if I’m wrong.
Agi vs Int doesn't matter these days. Blizz have balanced stuff in such a way that you just don't have to think about that. Feral is really nice for a few reasons. The passive movement speed is really strong, you get a stun (which you can often use as an interrupt) and the damage fits between healing well. To expand on that last point, your energy keeps regenerating when not in cat form. Because of this, you can do damage and empty your energy then do some healing out of cat and swap back to cat form when your energy is back. You don't lose much of your potential dps this way, and you can do full dps while moving too. Balance on the other hand needs to be casting constantly. Your damage is much more closely tied to how many gcds you spend casting offensive spells (and not healing). It does have high damage potential - especially with convoke - but it's got very low mobility while doing that damage compared to feral. On the other hand, Typhoon is a big plus for balance and shadowlands is looking somewhat unfriendly to melee so... Overall it looks like balance and feral will both be good in Shadowlands. Definitely a harder choice than it has been and I expect to be swapping between them depending on what I need at the time.
photosynthesis is considered the best talent for M+ content, not for raids, but he, this is a M+ video. dark titan and whispers of the mother three is something els. Both are very close but the second also functions in raid content, thats why he probebly suggests it as a first item. dark titan is not mentioned, thats a bit wierd I agree.
Hi Bro, great guide. I am quite basic in terms of addons, can you recommend a few essential ones, that you recon will help me become a better healer? thanks alot
My favorite thing I learned from the guide: Using Balance affinity is called Boomboxing
omg thats my favorite thing of today
Wouldn't Feral then be Catboxing?
Well damn, I've been calling it owlweaving
Growl you deserve all the praises and compliments from not only myself but the entire wow community. I am bi-lingual, so naturally I have access to extra guides and WoW related contents compares to English speaking only players. However, I have to say, your videos are always top notch quality, super informative, educational and straight to the point. Just wanted to give you a shout out and let you know how much I appreciate you and all the help you bring to the community.
I will update this pinned comment with some additional info as things change in the coming weeks:
1. It looks like alchemy trinket will not be craftable at high item level, so you shouldn't be using this trinket even though I recommended it in the guide.
2. Apply moonfire before convoke to ensure your convoke doesn't cast it.
3. Flourish seems to have more use than I initially thought - I think its worth testing out in place of photosynthesis for burst healing. There are a lot of heavy aoe burst healing checks in Shadowlands dungeons that flourish is great for, just keep in mind you lose some tank healing from not having photo blooms.
4. I'm not as confident on the conduit/soulbind trees - I think there is a lot of testing to do. Social butterfly seems to have not as great of an uptime as I initially thought, and empowered chrysalis/wild growth conduit are only doing around 3% overall healing. I think there's a lot of room to try different stuff in the dreamweaver row including floral recycling or other conduits that I didn't mention.
5. Some druids are getting some use out of the swiftmend leggo and I'm looking forward to testing it down the line when I have the ability to craft it.
Thanks for watching! I just updated my resto druid weakauras and party frame profiles in preparation for Shadowlands launch. Here are links for those, and you can expect an updated UI video shortly once all of the addons get updated .
Resto Druid Vuhdo profile:
Resto Druid UI Weakauras:
Impressive stuff, are you covering shaman soon?
U r the best Growl
Shaman is next I hope
Thanks a lot for this awesome guide, there is any chance I can find your nameplate addon and profile? Thanks in advance :D
Can't wait for the UI video(s)! Been trying out your Weakauras for about 2 weeks and just installed Vuhdo last night and ran some BfA mythics today. Going to check out your Vuhdo setup this week.
A raid healing guide for resto druid would be awesome.
excellent guide.
I especially appreciate the format: thing -> what it is -> why it is -> opinion.
Also displaying the in-game description for easy pause-and-read.
I picked up resto druid specifically to push Mythic+ keys for our guild team. Found your videos a few weeks back and I really appreciate the amount of information you provide. I've watch more than just the resto druid specific ones because I'm also our off-tank for raids, but these are fantastic. Keep the great info coming! Everything resto druid for Mythic+ is appreciated.
Bro, bro, i simple subscribed tru your intro! Thank you soo much for that one little sentence: "if you don't agree with me, thats a good thing, some things work for other people"
You made my day. Thanks.
As a dps main I really appreciate this guide as I'm going to be trying my hand at playing resto druid in open beta!
"Trust your hots" is the anthem of resto ^^
It's not the HoT's i dont trust, it's the idiots that fail another mechanic before the HoT tops them off and then die.
i trust my hots just not my dps avoiding shit xD
@mitebg Thats not remotely true, they have arguably they highest HPS of any healing class. Unless you or your group is constantly failing mechanics over and over that shouldn't be an issue.
@mitebg I main a mage and after two weeks of mythics I can say that the large majority of mechanics are avoidable damage, people not using dispels, soothes, interrupts or cc to deal with dangerous mechanics or you know just stand in bad usually is why the healer can't keep up.
@mitebg as a side note I've died a lot more to ripping threat when not focusing a target because the tank is lazy and keeps the same target the whole time or from bosses "tank me or ill aoe the party" attacks, the second boss in plaguefall is especially bad for that
I've been playing Resto Druid for awhile, but would like to get more serious about m+ in SLands (playing R.Druid, R.Shaman and probably Disc Priest). This video is great, thanks for all your hard work on healers during the beta, you're definitely a new favorite content creator.
Seriously the best guide I've ever seen for any spec. Definitely want to see the high end guides happen. I watch almost everything you make ♥️
I have to say this was an excellent video.
I've been a resto main for a decade, so I'm just bouncing around looking at different coverage of recent changes.
This has been one of the best guides I've seen recent that is spec specific.
Nice job
Congrats on packing so much info into one short video. Amazing work. Everything concise, relevant and clearly explained. Another great vid from you!
by far THE best resto druid shadowlands guide
im actually learning resto druid so this really helps
Best Guide I have seen for any class so far, thank you very much sir! I main guardian but later in the season I will be healing m+ for our push group. Really appreciate this guide! Keep up the good work.
This is probably the best guide I've ever watched. I feel super ready for shadowlands now!
Thank you! This is exactly a guide I needed to confirm or deny my pre-thought stuff about rdruids in m+!! You really are helping all of us resto druids improve and min-max even when it’s the least we can do:) big thanks!
every "hello friends" goes up in pitch as shadowlands approaches
Very impressive comprehensive review ..... love it mate .. keep up the great content!
I really appreciate your guides and videos! It's always nice to wake up in the morning and listen to you (I'm from Berlin)! :D
Ma man! Thanks for all of your efforts.
I can watch your videos all day because of the fluency and tone of dat voice ^^
Excellent video.. my first time choosing Resto Druid as main. Thanks for the great info!
Top notch stuff! Thanks for doing this! Wish someone did a guide like this for Holy priests :) Had respeced to a druid recently but am not horribly good at it yet but would be excited to see what people would say !
This is exactly what I was looking for. I was trying to figure out a good Resto/Balance legendary and I didn't even think about using convoke for the eclipse window in Balance in All Things legendary. Guess I have to wait another week tho for the wing to open to get the drop but omg I was searching everywhere for an answer.
@yumytv you are my favorite streamer and i have to say you are the main reason i started play druid as main 1 year now. You miss 1 thing in uttiliy tha is great and i have to mention it so you can add it in future videos...Cyclone is one of the best spell again since can help from a mob to not get bolstering in specific weak also work as an interupt with a cast time, so if you combine cyclone and main you getting the bet M+ healer once again for this season!!! Hope you are all good great work and greedings from Greece and i hoppe to see you soon here if you ever deside it (My name is george i ont thing you can read greek name but you can call me Mister G) take care duddy
Thanks Growl, appreciate your hussle pre-release!
Thanks for taking the time to make this!! Great content again
Lots of great Mythic+ content with your dungeon guides and stream - would be great to see some advanced rDruid raid tips at some point
Funny interaction: the 200% of soul of the forst and the 100% of nature's swiftness combine to a 400% heal increase :) I like this setup to 0-100% a tank
Hello just want to give a big thank you to your content.its inspired me and a group of friends to make m+ team for shadowlands.
Thanks so much for this, very informative and thorough, really enjoyed it!
I love that I found a mythic+ healer youtuber that I like!
Hello friends, this is Growl=) I don't know why but you sound so friendly.
This is the best resto druid guide. thank you!
I'm just sitting here trusting my hots when doing keys right now! great video!
I am picking resto as alt, I wanna do some m+ and have fun and it is fun already doing the dungeons while leveling, thanks for the guide.
one thing i would say around legendaries - best for raiding is vision of endless growth, best for m+ is dark titan's lesson (especially if you run photosynthesis talent)
Great vid! Would love to see some healing focused raid boss guides as Castle Nathria approaches.
I was a resto druid back in cata.
Was in a VERY good guild.
Anyways, so, I got cut/replaced at very start of Legion, took it hard, and I just started playing again.
I opened up the resto-tree/spec, and OMG, "WHAT IS ALL THIS?"
I can't BELIEVE how different Resto druid is now-a-days. In some ways, it looks VASTLY SUPERIOR to what it was before, but, at the same time, the skill ceiling looks MUCH higher.
i dont even like healing, i got 8x 50lvl and not even one healer but i fking love watching ur vids and ur knowledge is usefull for every spec and role, keep goin
you should give it a chance its more challenging then dps and alot of fun if you play with friends
Really Nice Video! Would be awesome if did a guide to mistweaver! Keep up the great Work!
Hey growl, great video. U could make a continuation video with more specifics for each dungeon and affix combination? Keep up the great work
Ty for all Man, really enjoyed while watching.
This guide is amazing. Thank you so much, Growl!
Maybe an unpopular opinion here, but for m+ I think going with Niya conduit tree is the clear winner, grove invigoration is an insane amount of mastery and hp when you convoke and it will essentially carry you through very intense healing fights for 30 seconds. so you can hold on for as long as you can, then convoke and you will be healing like a god for 30 seconds and topping people off without too much of a problem, then go back into just holding on until the end of the fight.
I just don't see enough from the Dreamweaver tree to entice me, and Podtender looks like a talent that bad players will love and high end players will find little to no use out of. If I die it should mean that my group doesn't have 10 seconds before they are dead as well because the amount of damage going out is just insane, and that's assuming you die out of an aoe which will kill the pod anyways.
Figured I'd drop this comment for anyone else wondering about the other conduit trees, since I think Niya's Gove Invigoration is far superior to all other bonuses outside of the ones we can slot in. Also, yes, I will be doing double potency and taking the poison tools for the final row... it's completely useless as resto obviously, but most of them are completely useless and double potency is incredibly useful.
Just my $0.02 on conduits for anyone else that looked at Podtender and actually thought about how it would play out in practice, because it really is a bad talent despite how fun it is.
Super helpful and great pacing ty!
great guide for both, beginner and the more advanced resto druid :p
Best wow guide on RUclips. Could you please make how to heal mythic plus as resto druid?
Great video thanks! I love you UI setup.
The only restoration druid guide i trust ngl
Hi! Thanks for the awsome video! I wanna ask you something: I notice that you use weakauras and UI for the party, but which other addons do you use? I am intereseted in the addon for the bags (ita nos the same as bartender) and the addon to see the damage done and the healing done. Thanks a lot!
Very helpful guide!
Awesome guide! Just a little question, what is that Weak Aura? It looks awesome
Hello! Great vid! What You think about using Flourish instead of Photosynthesis in higher m+?
Over healing for resto druids now provides a damage absorbing shields so its so tempting to do it.
hey mate, loving your content. U plan on doing a guide on resto sham too? ty for your work.
he was saying on stream about guides for all of the healing specs :)
@@smallpandochka oh cool...thank u :)
I am really looking forward to playing my Resto Druid and trying to push high M+ Dungeons.
But I am worried right now, because I feel like Night Fae is the only real possibility.
How do you feel about the other Covenants? I just dont like the aesthetics of Night Fae and would love to go for Venthyr.
Will I be very far behind from a competitive viewpoint?
I'm thinking the exact same thing. Honestly, from what I can tell, the differences between covenants isn't too important unless you're aiming for top-tier play. Night Fae will make tings easier, but I'm probably going Venthyr nonetheless. Druid are looking really compared to other healers in m+, so I wouldn't worry too much!
Yeah, me too, i think i still go for venthyr, cause it sounds like a very fun and unique ability with not so much rng like convoke. And lets be honest, being a vampire is fcking badass xD
For me there are No other option for My druid than Night fae, even if Night fae was bad or mid Tier i would not want to go any other because for me Night fae is the real druid covenant.
@@skoogson5416 and this is exactly How I feel about venthyr...
@@Red2Shadow well if i were you i would just pick the one i enjoy better, who knows blizz might nerf the hell out of night fae in a later patch and then you stand there with the faries and moonshine and want to change to venthyr
damn... amazing content man helped me a lot
Watching your videos have made me main a drood for the first time since MoP, are you going to main drood as well? And Wich spec would you recommend leveling in?
Love your UI, could you please tell me what AddOns you use? Especially the raidframes and the bar below your character looks nice..
Awesome vid, thanks for that! Regarding Memory of the mother tree: Do the additional RJ/RG also copy buffing effects like SotF or Nature Swiftness? It`s totally unreliable, but just for having the option for max output
Just curious thoughts on Necrolord covenant for druid. I pvp and pve so came in late. Reason I chose is because 1. The shield and 2.increase to dots with swarm. Would love to know others thoughts and what they chose and why /how its working out. Thank you for this video, GG Sir ;).
What addons do you use? Especially I'm curious about this addon with healing spells at the top? What's the the name of it?
Great content man
Which addon shows you the nameplates with the buffs and debuffs? It looks realy cool and clear
I like how raid is the smallest section. Yet all the good gear will be from raids this expansion.
It's specifically an M+ guide, he just briefly mentioned raid healing.
Hello, can you tell the name of addon that track your cooldowns and stays in the middle of your screen :) ? Very good guide!
Will you do the same type of guide for the Restoration Shaman? I would highly appreciate it.
Awesome video man✔️
Question, where in the settings of elvui did you manage to get the hots showing on your partyframe? I'm using a whole other addon for that.
I don't think it's ElvUI as no other elements of the UI looks like ElvUI.
Where do u get your Grid2 Profil? Looks really good for healing 😅👍🏻 nice Guide thx
Hi ! First, thanks for your vidéo, it's very helpfull for people like me that begin in healing with druid. But I have a question, at 11:14, which spell is on all member of your group ? (The one in the middle of each name case). Don't know if you will understand what I mean xD I don't recognize the logo.
You should make a video or something about how Lycara's Fleeting Glimpse works. I am super curious about if you need to be in constant combat the entire time to make use of it or it just stops the timer at some point and resumes later. I have looked everywhere for this info but no where I could find has any information on it
no mention of the dark titans lesson? thats a little strange
There is a lot of stuff missing. I think the video is more intended to be a basic guide for starters. He also doesn't sound like he calculates any kind of builds. It feels more like a copy paste version of icyveins, who just give very basic information aswell.
Personally I don't like to spec/skill into proc chances too much, so not a fan of memory of the mother tree. I'd rate dark titans lessons the best M+ Legendary bar none. I mean Circle of Life and Death is kinda nice, but those Photosynthesis buffs are just too strong.
Do you not rate the dark titan's lesson + regrowth conduit combo at all? It seems potentially worthwhile.
Swiftmend does NOT prioritize regrowth > wild growth > rejuv (3:00). It prioritizes the HoT on the target that would net the least amount of healing over its remaining duration
From my testing I think you are incorrect.видео.html
this video changed my life thank you man
amazing video growl
Hey Growl any plans on adding an Eclipse tracker for Balance Affinity on your Weak Aura? I'm loving playing around with Balance Affinity but tracking Eclipse is something I'm struggling with. The trackers for DoTs and Combo points for Feral Affinity were really nice and I'd love to see some love for Balance in your WA.
the eclipse tracker he uses on the latest videos is this one
Cheers !
Please answer me why do you think Memory of the Mother Tree >>> The Dark Titan's Lesson? I'm in big doubt about what will I target as my first leg in SL =)
Cheers, great content!
I think its more global efficient. Dark titans lesson forces you to be casting lifebloom constantly throughout the dungeon to make use of it, and if you arent making use of it you actually are losing healing because your lifebloom is -10%. I don't think legendary makes a big difference and if you prefer any of the others, or if you want something for pvp I think you'll be fine healing dungeons with any leggo.
@@yumytv thanks alot!
Please help, what mod are you using for you UI, specifically the party frames that's show their buffs and debuffs?
Tnx a lot ,rly usefull videos ,Im fan
Could you give an estimation on how much better you think memory of the mother tree is compared to dark titans lesson? The only downside seems having to maintain 2 Lifeblooms. Mother tree however drops from halfway through the raid. Is the Lessons' synergy with the potency conduit Flash of Clarity significant enough?
He explains it in one of the comments below.
Great vid, would you consider doing a MW monk guide next?
He'll be putting out vids for all healers (minus holy priest).
that IU is beautiful
What addon is that for the player bars? I like it
15:40 how did u apply regrow to all party?🤔
Thanky you very much! Really great video :)
It seems like you have a Convoke the Spirits Tracker at the beginning of the video. I totally need that! Could you tell me how to get that?
Thank you very much!
It is weakaura, I believe you can find it in his auras link
@@smallpandochka Yeah already tried that but couldn't find it in any WeakAura :)
@@hayato6326 maybe this will help you to find the answer quicker - it is Growls discord
you're the man dawg
what add-on is that GCD around your mouse pointer? sorry if that was asked somewhere else lol
Great, now I want to play my restro druid first in SL :D.
I've heared plenty of times that Feral Affinity is best with restro but I don't get it... As a restro you have all your stats on intellect so Balance Affinity should do the most damage?
I might be talking out of my ass now but I think it has to do with stat priority, feral scales better with resto stats + increased movement speed is always welcomed.
Hopefully someone corrects me if I’m wrong.
Agi vs Int doesn't matter these days. Blizz have balanced stuff in such a way that you just don't have to think about that.
Feral is really nice for a few reasons. The passive movement speed is really strong, you get a stun (which you can often use as an interrupt) and the damage fits between healing well.
To expand on that last point, your energy keeps regenerating when not in cat form. Because of this, you can do damage and empty your energy then do some healing out of cat and swap back to cat form when your energy is back. You don't lose much of your potential dps this way, and you can do full dps while moving too.
Balance on the other hand needs to be casting constantly. Your damage is much more closely tied to how many gcds you spend casting offensive spells (and not healing). It does have high damage potential - especially with convoke - but it's got very low mobility while doing that damage compared to feral.
On the other hand, Typhoon is a big plus for balance and shadowlands is looking somewhat unfriendly to melee so...
Overall it looks like balance and feral will both be good in Shadowlands. Definitely a harder choice than it has been and I expect to be swapping between them depending on what I need at the time.
Sorry is ElvUI the app/mod adding that smaller bar in the middle of the screen?
Do you think balance affinity with night fae is gonna be the go to damage dealer affinity for m+?
How do you have the spell icons on your party frames? Mine just show solid red/green squares
I'd like to know this too!
Hey Yummy, love the content. Are you planning to do something similar for resto shammy?
Guess it's a weakaura. Search for it at
How in the world do you recommend photosynthesis and not recommending dark titan lego with a straight face?
photosynthesis is considered the best talent for M+ content, not for raids, but he, this is a M+ video. dark titan and whispers of the mother three is something els. Both are very close but the second also functions in raid content, thats why he probebly suggests it as a first item. dark titan is not mentioned, thats a bit wierd I agree.
Leaning towards Necrolord covenant over night fae, it seems pretty strong for M+ but it seems everyone is going NF.
Top Video, Thx!
Is this a good guide for raiding as well?
Hi Bro, great guide. I am quite basic in terms of addons, can you recommend a few essential ones, that you recon will help me become a better healer?
thanks alot