The Beginner - A meeting between Yoshigasaki Sensei and Yehudi Menuhin - Aikido

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • "The Beginner" by Alain de Halleux
    A meeting between Yoshigasaki and Menuhin.
    Made in 1996
    In arrangement with the maker of the movie, Alain de Halleux, you now can see the whole movie here online (32 min).
    The two masters to discuss a common topic for musicians and masters of martial arts: Harmony.
    The extract of 45'' comes from the film of 30 '.
    About the movie Alain explains:
    "I was supposed to make a documentary about Yehudi Menuhin. But this master was traveling so much that i never succeed to catch him in order to shoot.
    One day we were eating in a restaurant and we were speaking about harmony. So i explained him about Aikido. He asked me to show him some exercecises. So we stand up in the middle of the tables and praticed. The people arround were wondering who were those guys making exercices in a very chick resaturant...
    I am telling this in order to describe who was Yehudi Menuhin: A 80 years old man willing to learn more and more. I proposed him to meet Yoshigasaki Sensei, to follow a lesson and to discuss afterward with him about harmony.
    The Musician would speak from the point of view the violonist but also someone who did yoga a lot and the Sensei from the point of view of martial art...
    We spent one day with people coming from Holland and Belgium. The sun was rising, which is not common in Belgium and all the aprticipants got a souvenir of a very beautifull day, full of harmony and light...."
    Yehudi Menuhin, Baron Menuhin, OM, KBE (April 22, 1916 -- March 12, 1999) was a Russian Jewish American violinist and conductor who spent most of his performing career in the United Kingdom. He was born to Russian Jewish parents in the United States, but became a citizen of Switzerland in 1970, and of the United Kingdom in 1985. He is often considered to be one of the greatest violinists of the 20th century. (From Wikipedia)
    Kenjiro Yoshigasaki (1951-2021) was an aikido instructor, in Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido. Born in Kagoshima, Japan.
    Kenjirô Yoshigasaki Sensei started to practise yoga when he was ten years old. Later, he began to practise Aikido and many other martial arts. He has also studied Zen Buddhism, new Shintôism, Catholicism and Islam. He devoted a year to the study of yoga in India in 1971 and in 1973 became an instructor of Aikidô. Teaching Ki and Aikidô in Europe since 1977, he connected to more than 120 dôjô and 4,000 students in Europe, South America, and South Africa.
    He has also written the book "Inner Voyage of a Stranger,
    Pathways to a New Perception"
    « The Beginner » de Alain de Halleux
    Une rencontre entre Yoshigasaki et Yehudi Menuhin (le violon du 20° siècle).
    Les deux maîtres y débattent d'un sujet commun aux musiciens et aux maîtres en Art Martial: l'Harmonie.
    L'extrait de 45'' est issu de ce film de 30'.
    This film is made public for free, in arrangement with the maker of the movie, Alain de Halleux.
    You can see trailer of movie here:
    He is also know for the documentary "Chernobyl 4 Ever" from 2011.
    (see more below)
    The 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe (April 26th of 1986) raises anew the question of how to handle the consequences of the nuclear catastrophe over time, from generation to generation. The problem is not only technical, but has important social implications. The story of the supervisor of the Chernobyl sarcophagus, whose son and grandson will both take over his position, is only one among many stories to be told about the aftermath of the nuclear meltdown.
    The documentary is the most recent work of Belgian film-maker Alain de Halleux. After having studied nuclear chemistry and film, Alain has been awarded for photographical works in Afghanistan and films for enterprises. A few years ago he has returned to the nuclear issue as a film-maker. Screenings of his documentary RAS nucléaire have turned into profound and vivid debates between nuclear workers, employees of nuclear companies and anti-nuclear activists trespassing ideological frontiers.
    The chain of events in Fukushima underlines that the questions raised in Alain's film are not limited to the Chernobyl accident. Whether we chose to continue or abstain from using nuclear energy, we will need a strategy to handle the risks of radiation for many centuries to come.
    Alain de Halleux has also made a movie in and about Fukushima - see more here:
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Комментарии • 14

  • @stephanebelizaire3627
    @stephanebelizaire3627 10 лет назад +3

    Sir Yehudi Menuhin's Universality is Treasure for everyone !!!

  • @lordbyron3603
    @lordbyron3603 9 лет назад +2

    WOW! My favorite violinist and Aikido together. How perfect. TY 4 uploading.

    • @michido
      @michido  9 лет назад

      +Lord Byron, thx. its also possible to see (and like:) at vimeo:

  • @lordbyron3603
    @lordbyron3603 9 лет назад +2

    What a great explanation of Aikido. TY Sensei.

  • @GezzMediaAuckland
    @GezzMediaAuckland 4 года назад +1

    Very moving video. The master violinist meets the quintessence of aikido.

  • @quinto190
    @quinto190 8 лет назад +2

    What a wonderful film! And I actually met both of them in the 90s, but didn't know, that they knew each other...

  • @mavs1973
    @mavs1973 8 лет назад +1

    a True Masster and genius! I'm amazed by your books and teachings

  • @kingofaikido
    @kingofaikido 10 лет назад +2

    Wonderful video! I wonder if Menuhin's idea was ever taken up. Go to a school with troubled kids and transform them through aikido. I know Jeff Haller the Feldenkrais teacher did this with a basketball team in a rough neighborhood. Has it been done since?

  • @specialonly1452
    @specialonly1452 7 лет назад +1

    Aikido is love,aikido is respect to each other.Aikido is competly wented with your partners,Aikido is the situation awareness and the tension control.
    Aikido is a gift for everyone.

  • @specialonly1452
    @specialonly1452 7 лет назад

    This is a wonderful life giving power

  • @specialonly1452
    @specialonly1452 7 лет назад

    This is just結び,結びmeans connection。you can not move a dead man,if the guy is like a dead man please dont touch or just show the deadly force to create a strong connection then move the guy.

  • @specialonly1452
    @specialonly1452 7 лет назад

    Why we learn Aikido?We learn aikido in order to spread the great idea of peace from O Sensei