Vintage 1980s Blackface ProCo RAT

  • Опубликовано: 15 май 2022
  • Vintage 1980s Blackface ProCo RAT
    A versatile distortion pedal capable of low gain grit to near-fuzz territory by adjusting the filter and gain (or rolling the volume knob on the guitar as demonstrated)Its sludgy character is certainly not plesant sounding, the bass cut and upper mid boost might even sound harsh and dull in bedroom playing situation but it sits well and cuts thru in a loud band mix effortlessly, the rat is a classic for good reason.
    ProCo RAT 擁有介乎於 Overdrive / Distortion / Fuzz 之間嘅特質 ,能夠隨着Filter 同Gain嘅setting (或者扭結他上粒volume制)遊走喺不同領域, 不過佢爛爛地帶點邋遢嘅聲音表面上唔係咁容易令人接受,係單獨低音量情況下聽落甚至唔太悅耳,唔夠低音又尖令到唔少人卻步,但當係有一定程度音量嘅現場演出時,RAT唔單止能夠配合其他樂器,佢獨特嘅個性仲顯得相當有存在感,所以經典係有原因
    Gear :
    Amp: Fender 65 Reissue Princenton Reverb
    Guitar: Travis Bean TB1000S

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