Yes with Wuling we can 👍 Elon Musk pranked our government and didn't want to invest in Indonesia... He just wants to sell his products (Tesla and Starlink) 😅
@@mastertrend4685 LOL if the USA invests in Indonesia, it makes Indonesia poorer in many ways. For example, the USA keeps saying cheaper currency will push the export higher. The fact cheaper currency will benefit the USA economy more than it benefits to Indonesia. For example, in 1997, the Indonesia debts in 1997 were USD 105 billion. In 1997, 1 USD = Rp 2,000. Thus, Indonesia debts were USD 105 billion x Rp 2,000 = Rp 210 trillion. When Soros came in 1998, 1 USD = Rp 16.800. Indonesia debts thanks to the IMF have risen from USD 105 billion into USD 135 billion. Thus, total Indonesia debts were USD 125 billion x Rp 16,800 = Rp 2,100 trillion in one night. Due to the US manipulation, Indonesia debts have risen. Rp 210 trillion -------------------> Rp 2100 trillion This is Rp 2100 trillion / Rp 210 trillion = 10x So basically, Indonesia has been made poorer 10x than in 1997. Imagine if the USD is manipulated into 1 USD = Rp 2,000 trillion?
@@mastertrend4685lol just look at freeport gold mine in papua,for 30 years before taken over by curent goverment thanks to the stupid soeharto regime we only get 1% of dividend every year and we cant do anything because of the contract betwen soeharto and freeport(usa) They got the gold we got the pop
Westerners and Americans say: Indonesia is already trapped in Chinese debt... but the IMF & World Bank have been doing it for decades, almost all over the world , so stop double standar & hypocrite
European countries do not want to invest in emerging Asian countries. Europe only wants to buy raw materials, process them and sell the products back to other countries at a value 5x greater than the price of the raw materials. Asian countries should not be fooled, all Asian countries help each other, cooperate mutually for mutual prosperity.
The cooperation between Indonesia and China in nickel production is an example of a good win-win investments by china and Indonesia in securing the essential material for the growing battery industry. Indonesia gains not only business but also factory , knowledge and jobs for the local people. This will increase Indonesia's economy and expertise in mining and processing nickel into added value materials.
Yes, unlike cooperating with the United States, it is always detrimental to the example of Freeport in the past, and for example, if Apple wants to build a factory in Indonesia, they give a condition of tax exemption for 50 years. 😂 Akhirnya kami melarang iPhone 16 di jual di Indonesia
dikasih 30 tahun tax holiday 🤔 raw nikel dibeli lebih murah dibandingkan harga pasar internasional. ($34 berbanding $80). sungguh kerjasama yang sangat menguntungkan. 👍
@@IndianexterminatorAll thanks to the Imperial Japan and Genghis khan race. They spread their genes brutally but now it is the major reason for mongoloid supremacy
Philippine has a lot of nickel too. But nobody wants to invest….USA, South Korea, Japan only want to buy raw material from Philippine….They don’t want that Philippine people could be rich….
Debt Trap diplomacy is very successful, so China is doubling down in Africa, the last frontier. XI TRIGGERS PUBLIC FURY CHINA GIFTS AFRICA $50 Billion. Xi Jinping Triggers Outrage! Despite China's Economic Hardships, Gifts $50 Billion to Africa September 14, 2024 As China's economy continues to stagnate and numerous industries face decline, citizens are struggling under the weight of a severe unemployment crisis. Despite local governments grappling with financial shortfalls, the Chinese Communist Party has pressed ahead with hosting the China-Africa Cooperation Forum. During the event, Xi Jinping pledged an astonishing 360 billion yuan in aid to Africa over the next three years, sparking widespread public outrage. Many Chinese citizens, already facing economic hardship, view this as a blatant disregard for their suffering. The CCP's so-called "money diplomacy" has shocked not only the domestic population but also the international community, as no other nation has displayed such audacity in lavishly spending taxpayer money.
pantesan propaganda anti china semakin kencang di indonesia belakangan ini.. indonesia jadi "terlalu dekat" dengan china, ini akan bikin amerika dan negara2 barat marah..
The most interesting part is that Indonesia is very open about who wants to invest. They welcome everyone to invest and that actually promotes healthy competition between manufacturers. I mean, Indonesia is a neutral country so any allied countries can invest there. But nooo, EU just want the raw materials and have no intention whatsoever to grow their partner countries in fear of potential rival. The most related case would be Africa. You know for the last decades, western countries gives billions of aid to the poor African countries. This make them look good while making the country depends more on them, halting their growth. China on the other hand, saw this as opportunity to move their manufacturing work there for cheaper costs. While it looks kinda bad on the outside, this is actually good for Africa because they can work and contributes to the growth of their nations. Just look, so many new infrastructure and factories that creates millions of job opportunities. This is the real equivalent of teaching the man to do fishing instead of giving fish.
I agreed that dude, who need more investment actually is the people. In Indonesian, extremely influenced by islam culture and destroying their how human the way thinking must be. They losing their balance (between world and afterdeath) and very aggresive about religion, one the proof is the best seller thing sold in this Indonesia is religion (btw lot of bombing happen here). (Anything have religion element on anything will be sold out😂) include election or stuff.
LOL if the USA invests in Indonesia, it makes Indonesia poorer in many ways. For example, the USA keeps saying cheaper currency will push the export higher. The fact cheaper currency will benefit the USA economy more than it benefit to Indonesia. For example, in 1997, the Indonesia debts in 1997 were USD 105 billion. In 1997, 1 USD = Rp 2,000. Thus Indonesia debts were USD 105 billion x Rp 2,000 = Rp 210 trillion. When Soros came in 1998, 1 USD = Rp 16.800. Indonesia debts thanks to the IMF have risen from USD 105 billion into USD 135 billion. Thus total Indonesia debts were USD 125 billion x Rp 16,800 = Rp 2,100 trillion in one night. Due to the US manipulation, Indonesia debts have risen. Rp 210 trillion -------------------> Rp 2100 trillion This is Rp 2100 trillion / Rp 210 trillion = 10x So basically Indonesia has been made poorer 10x than in 1997. Imagine if the USD is manipulated into 1 USD = Rp 2,000 trillion?
@@ismailfaturrohman1909 Bukan IMF saja sih bro tapi dari awal emang Amerika sdh petakan dunia termasuk Indonesia dan Indo cuma di jadikan pusat SDA mereka dan pasar, no more than that. Saya lupa judul buku yg dibuat seorang pegawai ASN Amerika. Dan itu bukan terjadi di Indo saja tapi di seluruh non-USA alies. Contoh. 1 USA-allies currencies a. UK -1 USD = 1 Pound b. Europe - 1 USD = 1 euro c. Jordan, 1 USD = 0.3 Jordan dollar d. Singapore, 1 USD = 1 Singapore dollar e. dsb 2. Non-USA allies a. Iraq, era Saddam, 1 USD = 0.3 Iraqi dinar. Setelah Saddam di bunuh sampai sekarang 1 USD = 1400 dinar b. Indonesia. Tahun 1969, 1 USD = Rp 7.5. Soros masuk di thn 1998, 1 USD = Rp 16.800. c. Venezuela, thn 2023, 1USD = 2.722 Bolivar. Sekarang 1 USD = 31 juta Bolivar. d. Iran, tiap tahun USD di manipulasi 2x lipat. e. dsb Bisa di lihat yah gimana dgn cuma tinta dan kertas, Amerika bisa dpt apapun di dunia dgn harga nyaris gratis. Itulah kenapa dgn tinta dan kertas utk cetak uang, Amerika bisa punya 700 pangkalan militer di dunia. Saya anjurkan anda tonton wawancara Aljazeera dgn Prof Richard Woff gimana Amerika bisa super power spt sekarang terutama setelah Arab Saudi itu tanda tangan kontrak petrodollar. Coba buka data GDP per capita bank dunia sejak 1967 sampai sekarang lalu bandingkan GDP per capita Indonesia dgn Amerika. DI situ terlihat jelas sekali tiap kali GDP Indoneisa naik, Amerika pasti jegal Indonesia. GDP Amerika naik itu biasanya ada perang di belakangnya. Dan itu gak cuma terjadi di Indo tapi di seluruh negara2 non-USA allies. Contoh setelah menang perang di Indo, Timur Tengah, Afghanistan dsb, GDP Amerika biasanya naik tajam. Dan Amerika spt itu bukan karena tanpa sebab. Amerika itu bekas jajahan Inggris yg mayoritas di isi org2 keturunan mereka. Inggris itu satu2anya negara penjajah yg fokus ke SDA. Kalau tonton BBC berjudul "the British Empire"" dan satu lagi saya lupa judul film dokumenter BBC itu, terlihat jelas Inggris sdh petakan dunia, daerah2 mana saja yg kaya SDA. Dan agar menghasilkan duit, warganya yg nganggur di kirim utk pecah belah negara yg di koloniasasinya spt yg terjd d itimur tengah. Contoh. 1. Amerika, negara terkaya SDAnya di dunia 2. Kanada, negara terkaya SDAnya no 4 dunia 3. Australia, negara terkaya SDAnya no 8 dunia. 4. Afsel, negara terkaya akan tambang berliannya 5. Timur tengah, regional terkaya akan tambang minyaknya di dunia. 6. dsb. Indonesia sendiri pernah di samperin Inggris di abad ke 16 tapi mereka gak temukan emas itu.
Indonesia has enough potential to become one of the powerful nations both economically and socially i don't think so any country is making indonesia rich it's just Indonesia's hard work
"potential" is the keyword. Potential does not guarantee end result. Indonesian government is one of the most corrupt and the most Indonesian are well known lazy among other south east asian nations
China always a good economically partner and Indonesia also emerging asian power china have so large gdp 19 trillion dollars and very advance infrastructure in their country and china is a global super power so thats why indonesia have chance to emerg their economy or in china block the Indonesia will be save from cold war 2.0 from usa Democracy in their country as we see in africa or in middle east 🇮🇩🏡🛕📉 🇨🇳👹
Lol indonesia is non aligned country neither usa nor china can influence indonesia they have potential to grow by their own china has nothing to do with the growth and please stop glorifying china in every post or you're bot ??
@@MuhammadAhmad-db6sf ya China is a great partner if you want all of your natural resources stolen from your country to make up for China’s deficiencies of their own natural resources. At least with the U.S. we don’t need Indonesian natural resources as we are one of the largest energy producers in the world so the trading relationship is balanced and reciprocal. Haven’t you learned anything from seeing what the business community does in your own country with Indonesian people. They control 85% of public companies and exploit Indonesian people in their own country paying them peanuts of 4.5 juta UMR per bulan…. Wake up!
Don't fall for sweet words of China, It has already trapped, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines, Maldives. Only the people of Indonesia can stop Indonesia from getting trapped.
The fact that China was willing to hand over HSR tech to Indonesia says a lot. China doesn't want to "trap" Indonesia into its orbit. In contrast, Japan refused to do the same. Japan wanted to trap Indonesia so that they could use Indonesia when the time comes.
Indonesia hãy tự chủ về công nghệ khai thác tinh luyện sẽ tốt nhất , Indonesia sẽ độc lập xuất khẩu nhiều thị trường khác tốt hơn là một mình trung quốc họ độc quyền Chúc Indonesia ngày càng phát triển bền vững người anh em Việt Nam 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳
Lưỡi dài hay ngắn còn tùy thuộc vào cách nhìn của người đối diện . Nếu ban tự cho mình là lưỡi dài thì kệ bạn nhưng cách nhìn của chúng tôi lưỡi bạn ngắn
If Indonesia can build smelter by themselves they won’t invited foreign investors. Indonesia has been invited European and North American and Japanese and Korean investors to build smelter for nickel production but they declined and just wanted to buy raw material from Indonesia so they can process inside their European and North America and Japanese and Korean plans. The same as China at beginning also just wanted to buy raw nickel and process in their own smelter but after Indonesia President Joko Widodo went to Beijing and talked to president Xi China agreed to help Indonesia to invest and build smelters with transfer of technology to Indonesia joint venture company.
I really hope that it benefits Indonesia. I love that country. This is a turnaround of events from 1998 racial riots and now a partner. In the PH, it’s the reverse. Filipinos used to be close friends with China but it turned sour due to Spratlys.
Indonesia Sekarang khawatir Philippines akan menjadi Medan perang.dan pak Prabowo sekarang tidak tinggal diam.philipine tetangga Indonesia yang perlu di lindungi Indonesian
It turned sour due to Marcos Jr being in America's control. Bongbong is very worried that his family heir-loom of USD$43 billions, which late Pres. Marcos stole from the Filipinos, will be confiscated from him, if he does not agree to Pentagon's demand that 3 new military bases be allowed to be located in northern-most part of Philippines, closest to Taiwan Island, to be used by USN military against China.
@@noefvon I know. The Philippines had never experienced racial riots against Chinese but look at how China treated us. They are acting like pirates in the sea. Anyway, Chinese New Year is a holiday in the Philippines and all malls have these chinese new year lanterns/decorations. Chinatown is bustling with people.
It solely depends on Indonesia. Sometime Indonesia has to do what US needs. By partnering with China, it benefits both countries. A good example would be high speed train and other infrastructure projects. China doesn't force any country to buy only weapons. Indonesia is making the right choice and hope, learning good lesson as moving forward with its policy toward China.
Us Take So much gold in my Country, yes Asia belong to the asian, 3 of 4 Biggest population Country in Asia, We have China,India,Indonesia We can colaborate at Brics and make ASIA GREAT AGAIN
We indonesians need to realize that we have to learn to actually sustain the things we own for our country. As well as learn to not get exploited by any other country again. Its nice that china actually wants to invest in our country though.
For too long, developed countries have enjoyed importing raw materials from Indonesia at low prices, and they process them into finished goods or semi-finished goods and resell them at higher prices, to Indonesia and other countries, now is the time for the Indonesian government to ban the export of raw materials and if developed countries and other countries need raw materials from Indonesia, they must invest in Indonesia to process semi-finished goods or finished goods, this system is what is called mutualistic symbiosis, beneficial to both parties, from Indonesia will get higher benefits and open up employment opportunities for Indonesia and from investors get greater profits, this is the system that should be in trade so it does not harm either party…!👍
A corrupt political system is Indonesia biggest obstacle. Politics in the name of religion is not profitable. Religion is still in the system. People think from the perspective of religion rather than science. Very weak thinking.
Sains juga banyak di ambil dari ilmu agama.....!! Tentu kami akan selalu menjaga agama kami, karena kami melindungi pantat anak-anak kami, dan karena agama kami betindak layaknya manusia, bukan bertingkah seperti Hewan,,!! Karena Agama yang memisahkan Mana perilaku manusia dan mana perilaku hewan..!! "Jangan sampai anda bingung menentukan jenis kelamin anda sendiri..!!" 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Unfortunately, the ruling class depends on such corrupt system to control the people. Indonesia is a semi-feudal, semi-colony country, no wonder religion and backward tradition are still in the system.
Anda tidak akan faham jalan pikiran orang indonesia.., Khususnya kami orang indonesia..sains itu nomor 2 dan agama adalah nomor 1..,mengapa demikian? Sebab sains tanpa agama..maka manusia akan hidup tanpa akhlak yang baik..sehingga sains akan disalah gunakan untuk kehancuran dunia..,salah 1 contoh konkrit adalah reaktor nuklir..ketika nuklir digunakan oleh manusia yang memiliki akhlak yang baik hasil dari pembentukan karakter individu dalam masing-masing ajaran agama..maka nuklir akan membantu manusia untuk kebaikan..seperti penggunaan reaktor nuklir untuk pembangkit listrik dalam kehidupan manusia..,tapi jika manusia tanpa agama..maka akhlak manusia tidak akan terjaga dengan baik..sehingga yang ada dalam pikiran orang yang tidak berakhlak itu hanya bagaimana caranya membuat nuklir tersebut menjadi senjata pemusnah massal untuk menakut-nakuti sesama manusianya yang berlainan negara..bahkan menghancurkan dunia..,itulah mengapa orang indonesia lebih mementingkan agama dari pada sains..akan tetapi orang indonesia bukannya tidak mengenal sains..tapi kami hanya lebih mementingkan agama sebagai wadah untuk membentuk karakter manusia yang baik..,dan itu terbukti secara nyata..sebab jika anda melihat keadaan manusia disaat ini..hanya negara-negara muslim yang tidak mau membuat senjata nuklir..karena kami sebenarnya tidak mau berperang dengan antar sesama manusia..,timur tengah yang identik dengan umat islam berperang itu karena ulah negara-negara non muslim yang memanas-manasi keadaan..bahkan ikut campur dalam urusan dalam negeri negara-negara muslim..,peperangan ditimur tengah itu tidak lain karena adanya campur tangan dari negara-negara non muslim..sehingga negara-negara muslim banyak hancur karena peperangan..,pertanyaanku adalah apakah negara-negara non muslim tidak bisa diam untuk tidak ikut campur dalam urusan dalam negeri negara-negara muslim? Mengapa negara-negara non muslim selalu saja mencampuri urusan dalam negeri negara-negara muslim?
Lu ngomong seakan-akan Indonesia udah punya reaktor nuklir aja.. manusia itu harus tulus seperti merpati tapi disaat yang sama harus cerdik seperti ular.. Lu tau simbol iblis apa? Betul, ular.. Maksudnya, jangan polos-polos amat jadi orang, jangan terlalu naif, seakan-akan lu seperti domba ditengah hutan yang menyangka hidup sendirian, padahal sekeliling lu banyak serigala, macan dan singa yang lapar yang siap memakan lu setiap saat 😂
@@wall78aja82 Lah..itu memang kenyataannya..,negara2 non muslim selalu saja ikut campur urusan dalam negeri negara2 muslim..,kalau masalah senjata nuklir..memang indonesia tidak memiliki senjata nuklir..tapi itu bukan berarti indonesia itu harus takut pada negara yg memiliki senjata nuklir..,mengapa harus takut mati karena senjata nuklir..toh mati hari ini,besok,lusa ataupun mati karena senjata nuklir itu sama saja yaitu sama2 mati..,ketakutan anda nampaknya bukanlah gambaran orang2 indonesia pada umumnya..,orang yg berkata seperti itu adalah seorang penakut..yg takut akan kematian..dan orang indonesia yg takut akan kematian dalam peperangan itu adalah termasuk seorang yg mentalnya hanya seujung jari saja...
what have USA done to improve Indonesia? I can't see any, but China has helped Indonesia to build High speed railway, which improves their economy so much!
Indonesia has abundant natural resources, but Indonesia's national income is mostly the result of taxes from its people, and the Indonesian government is the most corrupt.
You do know that only around 15 Millions out of 200+ Millions of indonesian pay taxes? The lower class who mostly don't pay taxes should quit complaining and be grateful that they are enjoying PSO paid from middle to high class tax money.
As an Indonesian, I truly hope that this endeavor can somehow contribute to improving Indonesia in various aspects. Personally, I pray not only for Indonesia to flourish, but also for countries with lower economies and significant shortcomings to experience prosperity.
Every contract is negotiated by both parties, and China has not forced any country to sell its own minerals. The premise of cooperation is that everyone benefits.
sadly as Indonesian, i didn't really feel "Rich" as middle class income in Indonesia. what i feel just debt, with increasing what i must pay to government and a lot uncertainty in government sector due influence of political foolishness👿
Karena baru dimulai oleh Jokowi, mana ada buka tambang langsung untung tahun pertama. Liat aja nanti, Prabowo bakal jadi presiden dgn pemasukan negara terbesar, tapi itu karena inisiatif Jokowi
No doubt there will be opportunities for some Professional benefit and prosper from this bilateral relation. But that's up to the individual skillsets to seize it
Indonesia has a big problem right now. most of its generated wealth are capital intensive wealth in industry and infrastructure. But it needs labor intensive economy for its population. Youth unemployment is now 16% and 10 million went from middle class to poor because govt focused too much on capital intensive economy. Million others strangled in debt from online loan and gambling
Indonesia will not be fooled twice by America. Bad propaganda with the themes of war, politics, cooperation, aid from China turned out to be unsuccessful. Even for a short time, cooperation with China will gain benefits that will surpass all the achievements of cooperation with other countries. and the one who is hurt is of course America and its alliance.
There is also law that required Chinese and other foreign companies to invest, utilize local workers, SMEs and materials from Indonesia for their products up to a certain degree. If they don't comply, they can't sell their products legally in Indonesia. Recent example is how iPhone 16 banned in Indonesia because Apple fail to realize their investment commitment.
The establishment of industrialization in Indonesia cannot be separated from the role of SBY, the 6th president, who paid off Indonesia's debt to the IMF from 1998 (the Soeharto era and the World Economic Crisis). it took several years for downstreaming and industrialization to move after the debt was paid off, yup, that's right, the IMF debt restricted Indonesia from industrializing, this happened when Indonesian Nickel was criticized by EUROPEAN countries and the IMF itself, but they ( Europe & IMF) cannot attack directly through political policy intervention, but they attack Indonesia by prohibiting imports of processed palm oil products
It feels weird and outdated that theres so much focus an drama on nickel acquisition and smelting, when newer batteries dont even use nickel as theyre lithium and silicon-based
Jalan raya mulus dan jalan tol, koneksi internet buat judol, bendungan air, landasan udara baru dll itu kayaknya tumbuh begitu saja, bukan karena diusahakan pemerintah ya.
I like this type of video; this video makes me understand that China is an important partner in the economic world, and the essence of the video is easy to understand. Keep making this type of content. However, I do not understand why Timor Leste and Brunei became part of Indonesia. in the video some type of miss info or such ?
This is misleading! We must pay a high rate, and maybe it'll finish after hundred of years! And please re-check abt raw resources that Indo gov, easily give to them. Indo makes china rich!
Good to hear CHINA will invest in INDONESIA...but reality cannot make INDONESIA RICH COUNTRY... The main problem is CORRUPTION still on the TOP.... 2ND.... geopolitics in INDONESIA are UNPREDICTABLE...
oh begitu ya? bagaimana dgn argentina dan yunani negara mereka pendapatan perkapitanya rakyatnya lebih besar daripada indonesia tapi paktanya negara mereka bangkrut! bahkan argentina pernah menduduki rank 1 di dunia pendapatan perkapitanya
itu tergantung harga barang sendiri, jika gdp perkapita kecil. tapi harga kebutuhan terjangkau tidak masalah. sebaliknya di eropa gdp perkapita tinggi tapi mereka bahkan membeli gas sangat mahal.
There's lots of corruption in these Indonesia mining . Only corrupt rich are getting richer, while poor remains poor & destruction of their land & livelihood and pollution of water resources 🤣🤣🤣LOL
biasakan membaca brita mas,biar tau,negara mana yang memberi pinjeman paling banyak,,padahal koruptor,dan pengemplang pajak,hidup nyaman di negara itu,,
Indonesia has de-industrilized because of Jokowi... causing millions of Indonesia people to lose their jobs in the past few years....forcing them to sell food and drinks by the road to earn a living. Indonesia has to import 70% of its rice...90% of medicine...70% of oil/gasoline....90% of its fertilizer....the list is very long.....because it's cheaper to import...than deal witj the hassles of operating a company in indonesia with high taxes, high fees....corruption... Whats the use of all these natural resources...if the profits the rich and powerful in Indonesia?? Poverty and hardship is swelling up in indonesia...with no end in sight... Just sayin...
Lah terus apa untungnya jual bahan mentah ? Setidaknya dengan industri, ada banyak pekerjaan. Dari pada jual bahan mentah. Tau tidak keuntungannya ?? Yang buat subsidi itu dari hasil pajak perusahaan yang kau sebut percuma itu. Tanpa pendapatan negara dari sektor pajak, kamu akan menikmati harga tinggi tanpa subsidi. Banyak orang bodoh bikang "yang menikmati itu orang tertentu" , padahal yang miskin jauh lebih banyak tertolong dari pendapatan pajak tersebut .
Deindustrialized because of Jokowi lmao, if anything we became more industrialized by forcing raw material processing to be done in country rather than merely selling raw materials as is
@@AHappyCub thats called "down streaming" not industrialization....senior economist Faisal Basri said, the nickel downstream policy, claiming that China was reaping huge profits even up to 90 percent. This is because China owns all the nickel smelting factories in Indonesia. Moreover, almost all of the nickel smelter's processing products are exported to China. Indonesia's downstream program actually supports China's industrialization. From downstream, Indonesia only get 10 percent, while 90 percent of it goes to China...
at least win-win solution between Indonesia and China, Indonesia can produce a product with higher prices not just export raw materials with cheaper prices like what Western always want to....we dont give any shit to Western neo colonialism demand, this is our resources, you want it just come, make any investment here, i really hate double standard of western
@@mastertrend4685actually today Indonesia was china largest trading partners. And mexico the largest partner of USA. I see USA-Mexico and China-Indonesia Had similarities
Examples of Debt Traps from the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Debt Traps caused by BRI 1. Sri Lanka's Hambantota Port * Background: Sri Lanka faced significant economic challenges and sought Chinese investment to develop the Hambantota Port. * Debt Trap: The port project became a major financial burden, and Sri Lanka struggled to repay the loan. * Resolution: To alleviate its debt, Sri Lanka was forced to lease the port to China for 99 years. 2. Djibouti's Port Doraleh * Background: Djibouti, a small East African nation, sought Chinese investment to modernize its port. * Debt Trap: Djibouti has faced concerns about its growing debt burden, with some analysts suggesting that it could be at risk of a debt trap. * Concerns: The terms of the loan agreement, including interest rates and repayment schedules, have been a subject of scrutiny. 3. Other Countries with Concerns * Pakistan: Pakistan has received significant BRI investments but has also faced concerns about its debt levels. * Mongolia: Mongolia has been grappling with debt issues, with some analysts linking it to its participation in the BRI. * Myanmar: Myanmar's debt burden has also been a subject of concern, with some attributing it to BRI projects. . China is destroying Africa through its belt and Road initiative. AFRICA IS DONE WITH CHINA. Beijing Is Desperate for African Aid. Sep 16 2024 China was turning Africa into a colony. But now Africa is holding the upper hand. The truth about China in Africa. China is raping Africa. Hambantota port in Sri Lanka surrendered to the Chinese.
China is raping the Pacific Islands . China is raping Africa . China is raping the entire continent of Africa through the belt and road initiative. . The Belt and Road initiative is a business venture, not financial aid. .China invades the Pacific Islands like Fiji. China's dirty tactics to control the Pacific. By 60 Minutes Australia Mar 24, 2024 Startling vision showing China's dominance over a Pacific nation. This is happening twice a week every week all over the world.The truth about China in Africa. China is raping Africa. Hambantota port in Sri Lanka surrendered to the Chinese.
China membantu Indonesia Mengelola nikel Dari awal hingga menjadi bahan setengah jadi Tanpa mengexpor bahan mentah, itu meningkatkan perekonomian dalam negara 😊
Yeah they say make indonesia rich etc... but our economic is soo not good... iam working since 2014 and yes 2024 i have so much rise in my payment. But all food price, clothes, gas, all premier need price is so much more raise than my paycheck.
Belt and Road initiative Bait and Rob Initiative is destroying the World. Chinese Debt trap in Nigeria The belt and road initiative in Nigeria. . China plundered Sri Lanka Pakistan Djibouti by using belt and road initiative Loans . By employing Chinese people, using Chinese materials, etc . IMF doesn't do that. . the West offers loans but don't plunder the country. Do you see American European workers on the site ? Most workers are Chinese and all overpriced materials are Chinese and overpriced projects. CHINA CAN'T BUILD . CRUMBLING! 10 Years of China's Belt and Road Initiative This year China is celebrating 10 years since the launch of its Belt and Road Initiative, or as some call it, it's Debt and Noose Initiative. It's supposed to help developing countries that wouldn't qualify for aid from western-backed institutions to develop their infrastructure. But the BRI has gained a reputation as putting developing countries deep in debt for shoddy projects that don't make money. Victims of the belt and road initiative. WHEN CHINESE TOFU COLLAPSE THE WORLD. Chinese Tofu Constructions Nightmares: Unveiling the Perils of China's Belt and Road Initiative. Unveiling the Perils of China's Belt and Road Initiative | China Undercover
Its the opposite. China has gutted Indonesia.. and also Phillipines, Thailand etc, thanks to the disastrous RECP agreement that allowed free imports of goods from China. They lost all their basic industries. Now these countries only have tourism and hospitality industries. Unemployment runs in tens of millions. Now, these governments have imposed over 100% import duties for goods from China, to preserve whatever industries that is left. Nickel prices have fallen. So has iron ore and coal. Indonesia has banned export of raw nickel ore last month.
China, also other investing countries NEVER EVER try to make the countries they invest in rich. The opposite: they make them poor with debt. If Indonesia wants to be rich, it needs a government that works to make it rich. Switzerland with no resources is not rich because someone invested in Switzerland.
Investment is not "helping". its only business. Exploitation of local natural resources using imported Chinesse blue collar remained polluted water and environmental damage
Do you support Chinese investments into Indonesia's nickel industry?
Yes, as an indonesian, this is a great way to attract foreign investment, spinning the wheels of the economy
@@60detikpintar If the investor is USA, nobody would ask that stupid question….
Yes with Wuling we can 👍
Elon Musk pranked our government and didn't want to invest in Indonesia... He just wants to sell his products (Tesla and Starlink) 😅
@@mastertrend4685 LOL if the USA invests in Indonesia, it makes Indonesia poorer in many ways. For example, the USA keeps saying cheaper currency will push the export higher. The fact cheaper currency will benefit the USA economy more than it benefits to Indonesia.
For example, in 1997, the Indonesia debts in 1997 were USD 105 billion. In 1997, 1 USD = Rp 2,000. Thus, Indonesia debts were USD 105 billion x Rp 2,000 = Rp 210 trillion. When Soros came in 1998, 1 USD = Rp 16.800. Indonesia debts thanks to the IMF have risen from USD 105 billion into USD 135 billion. Thus, total Indonesia debts were USD 125 billion x Rp 16,800 = Rp 2,100 trillion in one night.
Due to the US manipulation, Indonesia debts have risen.
Rp 210 trillion -------------------> Rp 2100 trillion
This is Rp 2100 trillion / Rp 210 trillion = 10x
So basically, Indonesia has been made poorer 10x than in 1997.
Imagine if the USD is manipulated into 1 USD = Rp 2,000 trillion?
@@mastertrend4685lol just look at freeport gold mine in papua,for 30 years before taken over by curent goverment thanks to the stupid soeharto regime we only get 1% of dividend every year and we cant do anything because of the contract betwen soeharto and freeport(usa)
They got the gold we got the pop
Westerners and Americans say: Indonesia is already trapped in Chinese debt... but the IMF & World Bank have been doing it for decades, almost all over the world , so stop double standar & hypocrite
It's not easy to borrow money from the IMF. You don't just ask them for billions, there's millions of work just to get those loans
@@CCP-Liesno money comes easy, every single cent needs a lot of effort, whether it's a loan from IMF or Chinese Investment.
@@CCP-Lies. The IMF requires liberalization of the economy for westerners to further exploit the country. You obviously don't read much
Yes..i agree with u..thats is the truth in indonesia right now
@@CCP-Lies Don't be a liar. Nobody and No country want to lose money. Loan is never easy anywhere.
European countries do not want to invest in emerging Asian countries. Europe only wants to buy raw materials, process them and sell the products back to other countries at a value 5x greater than the price of the raw materials. Asian countries should not be fooled, all Asian countries help each other, cooperate mutually for mutual prosperity.
They are greedy! Colonial mentality and superiority syndrom!
The cooperation between Indonesia and China in nickel production is an example of a good win-win investments by china and Indonesia in securing the essential material for the growing battery industry. Indonesia gains not only business but also factory , knowledge and jobs for the local people. This will increase Indonesia's economy and expertise in mining and processing nickel into added value materials.
Yes, unlike cooperating with the United States, it is always detrimental to the example of Freeport in the past, and for example, if Apple wants to build a factory in Indonesia, they give a condition of tax exemption for 50 years. 😂 Akhirnya kami melarang iPhone 16 di jual di Indonesia
dikasih 30 tahun tax holiday 🤔
raw nikel dibeli lebih murah dibandingkan harga pasar internasional. ($34 berbanding $80).
sungguh kerjasama yang sangat menguntungkan. 👍
yes, asia unite and prosper together
Muốn xây dựng châu á thịnh vượng thì dừng ngay việc ăn cắp đảo của Việt Nam và Philippines chúng tôi luôn
Yes i agree ,china is strategic mitra for indonesia.
Indonesia has changed !! Gas, Nickel, Copper, Aluminum, Gold, Tin and Quartz Sand Industries from Upstream to Downstream. Rich in Natural Resources.
raw materials and of course better demography.
economic growth is only 5%
and none of this is enjoyed by the Indonesian people
Asia's people so hardworking
Because they're poor. No choice
That applies to only east asians
@@IndianexterminatorAll thanks to the Imperial Japan and Genghis khan race. They spread their genes brutally but now it is the major reason for mongoloid supremacy
@@Indianexterminatoryou iq 1
@@IndianexterminatorEast Asian is currently experiencing stagnation, while Southeast Asian (SEA) is growing rapidly
Philippine has a lot of nickel too. But nobody wants to invest….USA, South Korea, Japan only want to buy raw material from Philippine….They don’t want that Philippine people could be rich….
Debt Trap diplomacy is very successful, so China is doubling down in Africa, the last frontier.
Xi Jinping Triggers Outrage! Despite China's Economic Hardships, Gifts $50 Billion to Africa
September 14, 2024
As China's economy continues to stagnate and numerous industries face decline, citizens are struggling under the weight of a severe unemployment crisis. Despite local governments grappling with financial shortfalls, the Chinese Communist Party has pressed ahead with hosting the China-Africa Cooperation Forum. During the event, Xi Jinping pledged an astonishing 360 billion yuan in aid to Africa over the next three years, sparking widespread public outrage. Many Chinese citizens, already facing economic hardship, view this as a blatant disregard for their suffering. The CCP's so-called "money diplomacy" has shocked not only the domestic population but also the international community, as no other nation has displayed such audacity in lavishly spending taxpayer money.
Manila needs to pass the same law as Indonesia then.
@@TheWinezen Lol, Indonesia is an independent country while Philippine is not. Your master would not allow you to pass that law. So day dream….
@@TheWinezen Pinnoys forever under servitude of their American masters.
@@TheWinezen 😮 USA : You wanted buy our weapons or taste our weapons?
pantesan propaganda anti china semakin kencang di indonesia belakangan ini.. indonesia jadi "terlalu dekat" dengan china, ini akan bikin amerika dan negara2 barat marah..
Propaganda anti china itu salah 1 nya ya dr malaydesh
Utang kok bangga ke China kocak
they are jealous of indonesia progressing , they want indonesia to stay in middle income trap
@@Muhammadfahruribehukungga juga, hubungan antara malaysia dengan china juga bagus
beberapa kali terjadi intrik
@@pakstalin2074angkatan laut juga butuh hiburan bro
Natuna Island , hubungan Indonesia dan China adalah sangat baik
Meanwhile 99% of Americans and europeans never heard indonesia
Indonesia? Oh Bali😅
Hanya negara kuat yg mengenal indonesia 😂, negara kecil² tidak akan tau🤣🤏🏻
Americans don't know about Bali?
But America taking indonesian gold
Know India instead
The most interesting part is that Indonesia is very open about who wants to invest. They welcome everyone to invest and that actually promotes healthy competition between manufacturers. I mean, Indonesia is a neutral country so any allied countries can invest there.
But nooo, EU just want the raw materials and have no intention whatsoever to grow their partner countries in fear of potential rival.
The most related case would be Africa. You know for the last decades, western countries gives billions of aid to the poor African countries. This make them look good while making the country depends more on them, halting their growth.
China on the other hand, saw this as opportunity to move their manufacturing work there for cheaper costs. While it looks kinda bad on the outside, this is actually good for Africa because they can work and contributes to the growth of their nations. Just look, so many new infrastructure and factories that creates millions of job opportunities.
This is the real equivalent of teaching the man to do fishing instead of giving fish.
Rich or not, it depends more on Indonesian's willing. Chinese investment is only bringing the opportunities.
I agreed that dude, who need more investment actually is the people.
In Indonesian, extremely influenced by islam culture and destroying their how human the way thinking must be.
They losing their balance (between world and afterdeath) and very aggresive about religion, one the proof is the best seller thing sold in this Indonesia is religion (btw lot of bombing happen here).
(Anything have religion element on anything will be sold out😂) include election or stuff.
LOL if the USA invests in Indonesia, it makes Indonesia poorer in many ways. For example, the USA keeps saying cheaper currency will push the export higher. The fact cheaper currency will benefit the USA economy more than it benefit to Indonesia.
For example, in 1997, the Indonesia debts in 1997 were USD 105 billion. In 1997, 1 USD = Rp 2,000. Thus Indonesia debts were USD 105 billion x Rp 2,000 = Rp 210 trillion. When Soros came in 1998, 1 USD = Rp 16.800. Indonesia debts thanks to the IMF have risen from USD 105 billion into USD 135 billion. Thus total Indonesia debts were USD 125 billion x Rp 16,800 = Rp 2,100 trillion in one night.
Due to the US manipulation, Indonesia debts have risen.
Rp 210 trillion -------------------> Rp 2100 trillion
This is Rp 2100 trillion / Rp 210 trillion = 10x
So basically Indonesia has been made poorer 10x than in 1997.
Imagine if the USD is manipulated into 1 USD = Rp 2,000 trillion?
The real debt trap itu sebenernya hutang kita ke IMF ga sih. Mentang mentang waktu 1998 kita lagi krisis ekonomi mereka ngejebak kita 🥲
Smart bro
Yeah, yeah just say it to japan. Because that's how they got their golden age 🗿
@@ismailfaturrohman1909 Bukan IMF saja sih bro tapi dari awal emang Amerika sdh petakan dunia termasuk Indonesia dan Indo cuma di jadikan pusat SDA mereka dan pasar, no more than that. Saya lupa judul buku yg dibuat seorang pegawai ASN Amerika. Dan itu bukan terjadi di Indo saja tapi di seluruh non-USA alies.
1 USA-allies currencies
a. UK -1 USD = 1 Pound
b. Europe - 1 USD = 1 euro
c. Jordan, 1 USD = 0.3 Jordan dollar
d. Singapore, 1 USD = 1 Singapore dollar
e. dsb
2. Non-USA allies
a. Iraq, era Saddam, 1 USD = 0.3 Iraqi dinar. Setelah Saddam di bunuh sampai sekarang 1 USD = 1400 dinar
b. Indonesia. Tahun 1969, 1 USD = Rp 7.5. Soros masuk di thn 1998, 1 USD = Rp 16.800.
c. Venezuela, thn 2023, 1USD = 2.722 Bolivar. Sekarang 1 USD = 31 juta Bolivar.
d. Iran, tiap tahun USD di manipulasi 2x lipat.
e. dsb
Bisa di lihat yah gimana dgn cuma tinta dan kertas, Amerika bisa dpt apapun di dunia dgn harga nyaris gratis.
Itulah kenapa dgn tinta dan kertas utk cetak uang, Amerika bisa punya 700 pangkalan militer di dunia. Saya anjurkan anda tonton wawancara Aljazeera dgn Prof Richard Woff gimana Amerika bisa super power spt sekarang terutama setelah Arab Saudi itu tanda tangan kontrak petrodollar.
Coba buka data GDP per capita bank dunia sejak 1967 sampai sekarang lalu bandingkan GDP per capita Indonesia dgn Amerika. DI situ terlihat jelas sekali tiap kali GDP Indoneisa naik, Amerika pasti jegal Indonesia. GDP Amerika naik itu biasanya ada perang di belakangnya. Dan itu gak cuma terjadi di Indo tapi di seluruh negara2 non-USA allies. Contoh setelah menang perang di Indo, Timur Tengah, Afghanistan dsb, GDP Amerika biasanya naik tajam.
Dan Amerika spt itu bukan karena tanpa sebab. Amerika itu bekas jajahan Inggris yg mayoritas di isi org2 keturunan mereka. Inggris itu satu2anya negara penjajah yg fokus ke SDA. Kalau tonton BBC berjudul "the British Empire"" dan satu lagi saya lupa judul film dokumenter BBC itu, terlihat jelas Inggris sdh petakan dunia, daerah2 mana saja yg kaya SDA. Dan agar menghasilkan duit, warganya yg nganggur di kirim utk pecah belah negara yg di koloniasasinya spt yg terjd d itimur tengah.
1. Amerika, negara terkaya SDAnya di dunia
2. Kanada, negara terkaya SDAnya no 4 dunia
3. Australia, negara terkaya SDAnya no 8 dunia.
4. Afsel, negara terkaya akan tambang berliannya
5. Timur tengah, regional terkaya akan tambang minyaknya di dunia.
6. dsb.
Indonesia sendiri pernah di samperin Inggris di abad ke 16 tapi mereka gak temukan emas itu.
Bukankah sebelum gutang sudah di jelaskan gimana dan bagaimana
kenapa kamu meyalahkan si pemberi utang ?
Indonesia has enough potential to become one of the powerful nations both economically and socially i don't think so any country is making indonesia rich it's just Indonesia's hard work
"potential" is the keyword. Potential does not guarantee end result. Indonesian government is one of the most corrupt and the most Indonesian are well known lazy among other south east asian nations
You can say anything if it makes you happy
@jason980e same to you
big potential but the corruption took 40% of the fund
@@sinatraforeign almost all developed countries had this issue once even china but they worked on it i am sure Indonesia will too
Very great. The information about development of Indonesia nickel industry is described briefly but comprehensive.
China always a good economically partner and Indonesia also emerging asian power china have so large gdp 19 trillion dollars and very advance infrastructure in their country and china is a global super power so thats why indonesia have chance to emerg their economy or in china block the Indonesia will be save from cold war 2.0 from usa Democracy in their country as we see in africa or in middle east 🇮🇩🏡🛕📉 🇨🇳👹
Lol indonesia is non aligned country neither usa nor china can influence indonesia they have potential to grow by their own china has nothing to do with the growth and please stop glorifying china in every post or you're bot ??
@@MuhammadAhmad-db6sf ya China is a great partner if you want all of your natural resources stolen from your country to make up for China’s deficiencies of their own natural resources. At least with the U.S. we don’t need Indonesian natural resources as we are one of the largest energy producers in the world so the trading relationship is balanced and reciprocal. Haven’t you learned anything from seeing what the business community does in your own country with Indonesian people. They control 85% of public companies and exploit Indonesian people in their own country paying them peanuts of 4.5 juta UMR per bulan…. Wake up!
Don't fall for sweet words of China, It has already trapped, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines, Maldives. Only the people of Indonesia can stop Indonesia from getting trapped.
The fact that China was willing to hand over HSR tech to Indonesia says a lot. China doesn't want to "trap" Indonesia into its orbit. In contrast, Japan refused to do the same. Japan wanted to trap Indonesia so that they could use Indonesia when the time comes.
Congratulations to Indonesia 🇮🇩, this provides a great example for other Glibal South resource rich nations to follow.
Indonesia hãy tự chủ về công nghệ khai thác tinh luyện sẽ tốt nhất , Indonesia sẽ độc lập xuất khẩu nhiều thị trường khác tốt hơn là một mình trung quốc họ độc quyền
Chúc Indonesia ngày càng phát triển bền vững người anh em Việt Nam 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳
长舌妇对于一个和睦的家庭意味着什么样你是知道的,我们要团结,我们都 生活在东南亚!
Lưỡi dài hay ngắn còn tùy thuộc vào cách nhìn của người đối diện . Nếu ban tự cho mình là lưỡi dài thì kệ bạn nhưng cách nhìn của chúng tôi lưỡi bạn ngắn
If Indonesia can build smelter by themselves they won’t invited foreign investors. Indonesia has been invited European and North American and Japanese and Korean investors to build smelter for nickel production but they declined and just wanted to buy raw material from Indonesia so they can process inside their European and North America and Japanese and Korean plans. The same as China at beginning also just wanted to buy raw nickel and process in their own smelter but after Indonesia President Joko Widodo went to Beijing and talked to president Xi China agreed to help Indonesia to invest and build smelters with transfer of technology to Indonesia joint venture company.
I really hope that it benefits Indonesia.
I love that country.
This is a turnaround of events from 1998 racial riots and now a partner.
In the PH, it’s the reverse. Filipinos used to be close friends with China but it turned sour due to Spratlys.
Indonesia Sekarang khawatir Philippines akan menjadi Medan perang.dan pak Prabowo sekarang tidak tinggal diam.philipine tetangga Indonesia yang perlu di lindungi Indonesian
It turned sour due to Marcos Jr being in America's control. Bongbong is very worried that his family heir-loom of USD$43 billions, which late Pres. Marcos stole from the Filipinos, will be confiscated from him, if he does not agree to Pentagon's demand that 3 new military bases be allowed to be located in northern-most part of Philippines, closest to Taiwan Island, to be used by USN military against China.
That racial riots only in jakarta and that is political...
@@noefvon I know. The Philippines had never experienced racial riots against Chinese but look at how China treated us. They are acting like pirates in the sea.
Anyway, Chinese New Year is a holiday in the Philippines and all malls have these chinese new year lanterns/decorations. Chinatown is bustling with people.
It solely depends on Indonesia. Sometime Indonesia has to do what US needs. By partnering with China, it benefits both countries. A good example would be high speed train and other infrastructure projects. China doesn't force any country to buy only weapons. Indonesia is making the right choice and hope, learning good lesson as moving forward with its policy toward China.
Us Take So much gold in my Country, yes Asia belong to the asian, 3 of 4 Biggest population Country in Asia, We have China,India,Indonesia We can colaborate at Brics and make
We indonesians need to realize that we have to learn to actually sustain the things we own for our country. As well as learn to not get exploited by any other country again. Its nice that china actually wants to invest in our country though.
Western said Indonesia third world country but there is no homeless like in US today
US: So you don't give your people the freedom of homeless? You should be sanctioned!
No homeless😂 you are joking right? Did you see the slumps under the highway bridge? Beggars on the traffic lights?
@@otron805you missed the point exactly
@@otron805 Beggars in Indonesia have houses and large areas of land in their villages, they just pretend to be poor
❤New World of Indonesia❤
But you are with G20 not Btics 😂
@@Eye-xg9bz G20 includes Russia and China too, try again
@@Eye-xg9bzDon't worry, Indonesia will change the president and will enter the brics🇮🇩💪
Why didn't the west invest like this?? It's like they wanted to keep them dependent
@@Eye-xg9bz rusia & china G20 to.. LOL
For too long, developed countries have enjoyed importing raw materials from Indonesia at low prices, and they process them into finished goods or semi-finished goods and resell them at higher prices, to Indonesia and other countries, now is the time for the Indonesian government to ban the export of raw materials and if developed countries and other countries need raw materials from Indonesia, they must invest in Indonesia to process semi-finished goods or finished goods, this system is what is called mutualistic symbiosis, beneficial to both parties, from Indonesia will get higher benefits and open up employment opportunities for Indonesia and from investors get greater profits, this is the system that should be in trade so it does not harm either party…!👍
China is helping all countries around the world to be rich. The common sense, rich countries can effort to buy things / product from china.
A corrupt political system is Indonesia biggest obstacle. Politics in the name of religion is not profitable. Religion is still in the system. People think from the perspective of religion rather than science. Very weak thinking.
Sains juga banyak di ambil dari ilmu agama.....!!
Tentu kami akan selalu menjaga agama kami, karena kami melindungi pantat anak-anak kami, dan karena agama kami betindak layaknya manusia, bukan bertingkah seperti Hewan,,!!
Karena Agama yang memisahkan Mana perilaku manusia dan mana perilaku hewan..!!
"Jangan sampai anda bingung menentukan jenis kelamin anda sendiri..!!"
Unfortunately, the ruling class depends on such corrupt system to control the people. Indonesia is a semi-feudal, semi-colony country, no wonder religion and backward tradition are still in the system.
Anda tidak akan faham jalan pikiran orang indonesia..,
Khususnya kami orang indonesia..sains itu nomor 2 dan agama adalah nomor 1..,mengapa demikian? Sebab sains tanpa agama..maka manusia akan hidup tanpa akhlak yang baik..sehingga sains akan disalah gunakan untuk kehancuran dunia..,salah 1 contoh konkrit adalah reaktor nuklir..ketika nuklir digunakan oleh manusia yang memiliki akhlak yang baik hasil dari pembentukan karakter individu dalam masing-masing ajaran agama..maka nuklir akan membantu manusia untuk kebaikan..seperti penggunaan reaktor nuklir untuk pembangkit listrik dalam kehidupan manusia..,tapi jika manusia tanpa agama..maka akhlak manusia tidak akan terjaga dengan baik..sehingga yang ada dalam pikiran orang yang tidak berakhlak itu hanya bagaimana caranya membuat nuklir tersebut menjadi senjata pemusnah massal untuk menakut-nakuti sesama manusianya yang berlainan negara..bahkan menghancurkan dunia..,itulah mengapa orang indonesia lebih mementingkan agama dari pada sains..akan tetapi orang indonesia bukannya tidak mengenal sains..tapi kami hanya lebih mementingkan agama sebagai wadah untuk membentuk karakter manusia yang baik..,dan itu terbukti secara nyata..sebab jika anda melihat keadaan manusia disaat ini..hanya negara-negara muslim yang tidak mau membuat senjata nuklir..karena kami sebenarnya tidak mau berperang dengan antar sesama manusia..,timur tengah yang identik dengan umat islam berperang itu karena ulah negara-negara non muslim yang memanas-manasi keadaan..bahkan ikut campur dalam urusan dalam negeri negara-negara muslim..,peperangan ditimur tengah itu tidak lain karena adanya campur tangan dari negara-negara non muslim..sehingga negara-negara muslim banyak hancur karena peperangan..,pertanyaanku adalah apakah negara-negara non muslim tidak bisa diam untuk tidak ikut campur dalam urusan dalam negeri negara-negara muslim? Mengapa negara-negara non muslim selalu saja mencampuri urusan dalam negeri negara-negara muslim?
Lu ngomong seakan-akan Indonesia udah punya reaktor nuklir aja.. manusia itu harus tulus seperti merpati tapi disaat yang sama harus cerdik seperti ular.. Lu tau simbol iblis apa? Betul, ular.. Maksudnya, jangan polos-polos amat jadi orang, jangan terlalu naif, seakan-akan lu seperti domba ditengah hutan yang menyangka hidup sendirian, padahal sekeliling lu banyak serigala, macan dan singa yang lapar yang siap memakan lu setiap saat 😂
Lah..itu memang kenyataannya..,negara2 non muslim selalu saja ikut campur urusan dalam negeri negara2 muslim..,kalau masalah senjata nuklir..memang indonesia tidak memiliki senjata nuklir..tapi itu bukan berarti indonesia itu harus takut pada negara yg memiliki senjata nuklir..,mengapa harus takut mati karena senjata nuklir..toh mati hari ini,besok,lusa ataupun mati karena senjata nuklir itu sama saja yaitu sama2 mati..,ketakutan anda nampaknya bukanlah gambaran orang2 indonesia pada umumnya..,orang yg berkata seperti itu adalah seorang penakut..yg takut akan kematian..dan orang indonesia yg takut akan kematian dalam peperangan itu adalah termasuk seorang yg mentalnya hanya seujung jari saja...
the title should be : "How china is helping make some indonesian rich and richer"
also make Indonesian poor become richer
asean +5% karena china, yang harus intropeksi diri adalah kebanyakan nyebat & gamau kerja keras maunya langsung kaya seperti dubai.
orang miskin bukan salah negara , tapi salah diri sendiri .
Dept trap is coming Indonesia 🎉
pekerja tambang nikel : apasih k*nt*l
what have USA done to improve Indonesia? I can't see any, but China has helped Indonesia to build High speed railway, which improves their economy so much!
it's build through huge debt
Indonesia has abundant natural resources, but Indonesia's national income is mostly the result of taxes from its people, and the Indonesian government is the most corrupt.
Stupid. Most indonesians don't pay taxes. Taxes are mostly from corporates not citizen
You do know that only around 15 Millions out of 200+ Millions of indonesian pay taxes? The lower class who mostly don't pay taxes should quit complaining and be grateful that they are enjoying PSO paid from middle to high class tax money.
@@rezakusuma4863 Yeah agreed. They paid not a single rupiah coin for income taxes. This is really unfair to middle class economy.
@@Rumble2024injungle semangat jilatnya, 80% pemasukan negara dari pajak, SDA habis dikorupsi😝😝😝😝😝😝
@@sweetgorilla922 learn English so you understand the comment you are responding to
As an Indonesian, I truly hope that this endeavor can somehow contribute to improving Indonesia in various aspects. Personally, I pray not only for Indonesia to flourish, but also for countries with lower economies and significant shortcomings to experience prosperity.
No single project can bring about big changes in a country. Sustained progress requires the joint efforts of the government and the people.
Your map of Indonesia erroneously included the nation of Brunei in Borneo. 1:22 ( The two yellow areas on the northern part of Borneo)
😂 Giant eat tiny parts.. And All Thats part willi becoming Indonesia Raya😂
@@Operasisenyap-x4tjgn goblok
Greatest Indonesia just beginning 🗣️🔥
I was about to comment on that when i realised.. 😂😂
@@farthurf.5221beginning from sleeping😂😂😂
Every contract is negotiated by both parties, and China has not forced any country to sell its own minerals. The premise of cooperation is that everyone benefits.
sadly as Indonesian, i didn't really feel "Rich" as middle class income in Indonesia. what i feel just debt, with increasing what i must pay to government and a lot uncertainty in government sector due influence of political foolishness👿
Ayooook kerja keras kalau mau kaya 😂😂😂😂😂
Ya ente juga mesti kerja keras dan ga ngeluh2 salahin pemerintah terus. Ya emang pemerintah kita ga beres tp masa kitanya mau ngeluh terus.
Increase ASN salary😂
Karena baru dimulai oleh Jokowi, mana ada buka tambang langsung untung tahun pertama.
Liat aja nanti, Prabowo bakal jadi presiden dgn pemasukan negara terbesar, tapi itu karena inisiatif Jokowi
@@jakmarzhallSetuju, kita harus bekerja keras kalau mau hidup sejahtera,
No doubt there will be opportunities for some Professional benefit and prosper from this bilateral relation. But that's up to the individual skillsets to seize it
Indonesia has a big problem right now. most of its generated wealth are capital intensive wealth in industry and infrastructure. But it needs labor intensive economy for its population. Youth unemployment is now 16% and 10 million went from middle class to poor because govt focused too much on capital intensive economy. Million others strangled in debt from online loan and gambling
Saya tahu indonesia harus banyak belajar karakter pendidikan pengetahuan semangat dan aturan harus banyak yang diubah lebih cepat
Indonesia will not be fooled twice by America.
Bad propaganda with the themes of war, politics, cooperation, aid from China turned out to be unsuccessful. Even for a short time, cooperation with China will gain benefits that will surpass all the achievements of cooperation with other countries.
and the one who is hurt is of course America and its alliance.
There is also law that required Chinese and other foreign companies to invest, utilize local workers, SMEs and materials from Indonesia for their products up to a certain degree. If they don't comply, they can't sell their products legally in Indonesia. Recent example is how iPhone 16 banned in Indonesia because Apple fail to realize their investment commitment.
The establishment of industrialization in Indonesia cannot be separated from the role of SBY, the 6th president, who paid off Indonesia's debt to the IMF from 1998 (the Soeharto era and the World Economic Crisis). it took several years for downstreaming and industrialization to move after the debt was paid off, yup, that's right, the IMF debt restricted Indonesia from industrializing, this happened when Indonesian Nickel was criticized by EUROPEAN countries and the IMF itself, but they ( Europe & IMF) cannot attack directly through political policy intervention, but they attack Indonesia by prohibiting imports of processed palm oil products
Only a very small few are getting rich - not the Indonesian public as such. The costs of living keep rising while salaries rarely go up.
Indonesia's new president is a fan of Deng Xiaoping, he wants to mix socialism and capitalism.
Ew hell no
@@yr2985me to >>>>🇨🇳🇧🇩
Indonesia, regardless of population, has the potential to create jobs in more industries
It feels weird and outdated that theres so much focus an drama on nickel acquisition and smelting, when newer batteries dont even use nickel as theyre lithium and silicon-based
the only one get rich here is goverment circle
Jalan raya mulus dan jalan tol, koneksi internet buat judol, bendungan air, landasan udara baru dll itu kayaknya tumbuh begitu saja, bukan karena diusahakan pemerintah ya.
Mantab trimakasih pak presiden utk visi masa depan, membuka jalan untuk generasi yg akan datang , indonesia makmur
Nah indonesia is doing all by their own 🇮🇩❤️
I like this type of video; this video makes me understand that China is an important partner in the economic world, and the essence of the video is easy to understand. Keep making this type of content. However, I do not understand why Timor Leste and Brunei became part of Indonesia. in the video some type of miss info or such ?
This is misleading! We must pay a high rate, and maybe it'll finish after hundred of years! And please re-check abt raw resources that Indo gov, easily give to them. Indo makes china rich!
kerjasama itu penting bagi setiap negara
Silakan kalian orang² yg pintar untuk berkomentar😂😂
NO ONE help Indonesia to be rich country, except it will make themself more rich and rich
Good to hear CHINA will invest in INDONESIA...but reality cannot make INDONESIA RICH COUNTRY...
The main problem is CORRUPTION still on the TOP....
2ND.... geopolitics in INDONESIA are UNPREDICTABLE...
As an indonsleisan i totally agree. Only very few can benefits.
@@mrsetiawansudjie FALSE.. if u move your focus from java u can...
What happen in Kalimantan.chines fellow stealing gold worth 300T.
Ty from showing correct map of India ❤
Yg dinamakan negara kaya itu bukan bergantung kpd GDPnya tapi pada pendapatan per kapita rakyat nya
oh begitu ya? bagaimana dgn argentina dan yunani negara mereka pendapatan perkapitanya rakyatnya lebih besar daripada indonesia tapi paktanya negara mereka bangkrut! bahkan argentina pernah menduduki rank 1 di dunia pendapatan perkapitanya
Sama aja tong, PDB dibagi jumlah penduduk, ga merepresentasikan keberadaan ekonomi
itu tergantung harga barang sendiri, jika gdp perkapita kecil.
tapi harga kebutuhan terjangkau tidak masalah.
sebaliknya di eropa gdp perkapita tinggi tapi mereka bahkan membeli gas sangat mahal.
Indonesia has all the resources, and sadly the people there do not live prosperously.
There's lots of corruption in these Indonesia mining . Only corrupt rich are getting richer, while poor remains poor & destruction of their land & livelihood and pollution of water resources 🤣🤣🤣LOL
The corruptors in Indonesia mostly from Yemen lol
For many years, gold raw material export To US
Thank you China, you make world better place
dear Admin Behind Asia, can you create another video with the title how China today getting rich from Indonesia in 1990s,
But why electric car still expensive here in Indonesia..
If you mean oligarchs and politicians, yes they became richer and richer
For ordinary Indonesians like me, life has became increasingly difficult 😔
makanya jadilah pejabat.
Ga ada modal
Bukan anak Mulyono gw 😆
@@suryahadiwinatas2932 maksimalin otak, jangan malas dan mengeluh terus. Gak semua yg sukses di Indonesia itu anak Mulyono.
@@brn2122 betul, kalau bukan anak mulyono ya setidaknya jadilah anak pejabat atau old money. solusi terbaiknya, tabung dan keluarlah dari indonesia
@@brn2122bro berpikir semua bisa jadi mafia
Thanks for sharing this video...✍️📢
Dengan terpilihnya presiden joko widodo dia menambah hutang ke china dan membebankn hutang tersebut ke rakyat .
Be le gug 😂
biasakan membaca brita mas,biar tau,negara mana yang memberi pinjeman paling banyak,,padahal koruptor,dan pengemplang pajak,hidup nyaman di negara itu,,
Indonesia has de-industrilized because of Jokowi... causing millions of Indonesia people to lose their jobs in the past few years....forcing them to sell food and drinks by the road to earn a living.
Indonesia has to import 70% of its rice...90% of medicine...70% of oil/gasoline....90% of its fertilizer....the list is very long.....because it's cheaper to import...than deal witj the hassles of operating a company in indonesia with high taxes, high fees....corruption...
Whats the use of all these natural resources...if the profits the rich and powerful in Indonesia??
Poverty and hardship is swelling up in indonesia...with no end in sight...
Just sayin...
Lah terus apa untungnya jual bahan mentah ? Setidaknya dengan industri, ada banyak pekerjaan. Dari pada jual bahan mentah. Tau tidak keuntungannya ?? Yang buat subsidi itu dari hasil pajak perusahaan yang kau sebut percuma itu. Tanpa pendapatan negara dari sektor pajak, kamu akan menikmati harga tinggi tanpa subsidi. Banyak orang bodoh bikang "yang menikmati itu orang tertentu" , padahal yang miskin jauh lebih banyak tertolong dari pendapatan pajak tersebut .
Nose losers 😊
Deindustrialized because of Jokowi lmao, if anything we became more industrialized by forcing raw material processing to be done in country rather than merely selling raw materials as is
@@AHappyCub thats called "down streaming" not industrialization....senior economist Faisal Basri said, the nickel downstream policy, claiming that China was reaping huge profits even up to 90 percent. This is because China owns all the nickel smelting factories in Indonesia. Moreover, almost all of the nickel smelter's processing products are exported to China.
Indonesia's downstream program actually supports China's industrialization. From downstream, Indonesia only get 10 percent, while 90 percent of it goes to China...
Prrriittttt not Indonesia but conglomerats and officals of Indonesia richer
It doesn't make sense that China will make someone rich, quite the opposite
Maknya otak kmu belajar jdi faham tentang investasi,bukak yutub negara afrika skrng maju pesat kerjasama dg tiongkok
At least they ain’t delivering democracy bombs as they do lol
@@tuyingandi4502 iya maju pesat karena karyawannya dari China
@@Cou-kanyauda pake karyawan indogdesh aja yg hytam java it
at least win-win solution between Indonesia and China, Indonesia can produce a product with higher prices not just export raw materials with cheaper prices like what Western always want to....we dont give any shit to Western neo colonialism demand, this is our resources, you want it just come, make any investment here, i really hate double standard of western
Show india's correct map..
Crying 😭??
There's no correct map of india. India is claiming parts of Kashmir, China etc. It'll soon start claiming Bhutan and Nepal.
China should not forget the previous happenings Indonesia never appreciate the good will of china
How Indonesia making china Rich 🤑
@@okman9684 whole world, not Indonesia….
@@mastertrend4685actually today Indonesia was china largest trading partners. And mexico the largest partner of USA. I see USA-Mexico and China-Indonesia Had similarities
wrong, check again
Sama-sama rich lah
So what, theyre also making us rich too, unlike US who pretend to help but in reality only makes us poor
How rich, I as a citizen here am unemployed and only see heavy equipment crossing the road
How China is making The Philippines RICH?
Examples of Debt Traps from the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Debt Traps caused by BRI
1. Sri Lanka's Hambantota Port
* Background: Sri Lanka faced significant economic challenges and sought Chinese investment to develop the Hambantota Port.
* Debt Trap: The port project became a major financial burden, and Sri Lanka struggled to repay the loan.
* Resolution: To alleviate its debt, Sri Lanka was forced to lease the port to China for 99 years.
2. Djibouti's Port Doraleh
* Background: Djibouti, a small East African nation, sought Chinese investment to modernize its port.
* Debt Trap: Djibouti has faced concerns about its growing debt burden, with some analysts suggesting that it could be at risk of a debt trap.
* Concerns: The terms of the loan agreement, including interest rates and repayment schedules, have been a subject of scrutiny.
3. Other Countries with Concerns
* Pakistan: Pakistan has received significant BRI investments but has also faced concerns about its debt levels.
* Mongolia: Mongolia has been grappling with debt issues, with some analysts linking it to its participation in the BRI.
* Myanmar: Myanmar's debt burden has also been a subject of concern, with some attributing it to BRI projects.
China is destroying Africa through its belt and Road initiative.
Beijing Is Desperate for African Aid.
Sep 16 2024
China was turning Africa into a colony. But now Africa is holding the upper hand.
The truth about China in Africa.
China is raping Africa.
Hambantota port in Sri Lanka surrendered to the Chinese.
Pilipines is hopeless haha
Answer : Stay Away From USA
Filipinos are consistent when it comes to international law UN votes .they dont look at status to side with powers .
@@Goodluckbae-v6q hahahaha are u living under a rock? Everyone knows pilipines is a US lapdog 😂
It is Allah SWT who has made the Republic of Indonesia, whose Capital is IKN, a Rich Country, Alhamdulillah‼️
Islam is arabs fairytale. Allah swt is fictional character
The title should be "How Indonesia is Helping Make China Rich"
China is raping the Pacific Islands . China is raping Africa .
China is raping the entire continent of Africa through the belt and road initiative.
The Belt and Road initiative is a business venture, not financial aid.
.China invades the Pacific Islands like Fiji.
China's dirty tactics to control the Pacific.
By 60 Minutes Australia
Mar 24, 2024
Startling vision showing China's dominance over a Pacific nation. This is happening twice a week every week all over the world.The truth about China in Africa.
China is raping Africa.
Hambantota port in Sri Lanka surrendered to the Chinese.
China membantu Indonesia
Mengelola nikel
Dari awal hingga menjadi bahan setengah jadi
Tanpa mengexpor bahan mentah, itu meningkatkan perekonomian dalam negara 😊
Are you really an Indonesian or a westerner?
It’s a win-win. The west always want to get everything…..
Indonesia is rich but the corruption is so bad that poverty is still become the biggest problem.
Making Indonesia Rich ❌
Making some peoples in Indonesia Rich ✅
mesakke cah.
We offered to cooperate with Elon but did not get a good response, so we looked for other markets. Namely China and Hyundai Korea
That is wrong. The correct sentence is, How Indonesia is helping China Rich. Since corruotion is very high is Indonesia
Yeah they make rich Indonesians richer not the people lol
Solve corruption. Not stop development.
you think indonesia coruption is big? wait until you know how much US coruption is, and even legal lol
@@zee9709if it is legal its not corruption
Yeah they say make indonesia rich etc... but our economic is soo not good... iam working since 2014 and yes 2024 i have so much rise in my payment. But all food price, clothes, gas, all premier need price is so much more raise than my paycheck.
P1gnoy will be jealous🤣
Belt and Road initiative
Bait and Rob Initiative is destroying the World.
Chinese Debt trap in Nigeria
The belt and road initiative in Nigeria.
China plundered Sri Lanka Pakistan Djibouti by using belt and road initiative Loans .
By employing Chinese people, using Chinese materials, etc .
IMF doesn't do that.
the West offers loans but don't plunder the country.
Do you see American European workers on the site ?
Most workers are Chinese and all overpriced materials are Chinese and overpriced projects.
CRUMBLING! 10 Years of China's Belt and Road Initiative
This year China is celebrating 10 years since the launch of its Belt and Road Initiative, or as some call it, it's Debt and Noose Initiative. It's supposed to help developing countries that wouldn't qualify for aid from western-backed institutions to develop their infrastructure. But the BRI has gained a reputation as putting developing countries deep in debt for shoddy projects that don't make money.
Victims of the belt and road initiative.
Chinese Tofu Constructions Nightmares: Unveiling the Perils of China's Belt and Road Initiative.
Unveiling the Perils of China's Belt and Road Initiative | China Undercover
Eating pagpag is not healthy
Mereka selalu iri sama Indonesia
Hyundai is pronounced as "Hun -Day". The 'Y' is silent and Dai is Day
It's 현대 [hʲʌn̪.de̞].
China making indonesia rich?
Dream indogdesh stil poor dude 😮😅
Its the opposite. China has gutted Indonesia.. and also Phillipines, Thailand etc, thanks to the disastrous RECP agreement that allowed free imports of goods from China. They lost all their basic industries. Now these countries only have tourism and hospitality industries. Unemployment runs in tens of millions. Now, these governments have imposed over 100% import duties for goods from China, to preserve whatever industries that is left.
Nickel prices have fallen. So has iron ore and coal. Indonesia has banned export of raw nickel ore last month.
Dont let them buy any raw material, eventually they will come knocking your door to beg for the materials they need to keep their factories working.
Only communist country can invest to corrupt government😂
You are a person who is always pessimistic😂😂😂
South Korea communist ??
@@blackeagle9192you are buzzer mulyono 😂😂😂😂
Communism is dead,
It is totally wrong, but Indonesia makes China rich
Think again, China don't even need Indonesia to get rich...if i was China i would not invest in an ungrateful country.
China makes Indonesia in debt trap. @@stevenpreston5619
@@stevenpreston5619iya betul org indonesia sdm nya masih terlalu bnyk yang rendah bahkan ada yang namanya “anti chinese” benar benar bodoh
Murricans : here it comes, democrazy 2.0
China : nope, ocuppied
China, also other investing countries NEVER EVER try to make the countries they invest in rich. The opposite: they make them poor with debt. If Indonesia wants to be rich, it needs a government that works to make it rich. Switzerland with no resources is not rich because someone invested in Switzerland.
The debt trap myth has long been debunked. There's even a documentary on Bloomberg. Keep up.
At least China doesn't force you to sell raw materials, not like the European does
Europeans should learn to be ashamed of their hypocrisy
Eropa sudah di permalukan oleh Indonesia, rusia dan sebentar lagi oleh 🇨🇳cina!!!
Investment is not "helping". its only business. Exploitation of local natural resources using imported Chinesse blue collar remained polluted water and environmental damage
Indonesia should get more FDI
Alhamdulillah, adanya kebijakan bapak Presiden Ke 7 Indonesia dapat nilai tambah atas pelarangan nilai ekspor bahan mentah. 👍🏽👍🏽
Andai kebijakan ini dilakukan Indonesia 20 tahun yang lalu, saya rasa Indonesia akan mandiri soal teknologi pemanfaatan sda
20 tahun lalu negara kita diserang amerika melalui george soros.
Only the authority harvest that...never the people
Indonesia is rich in natural resources, but does not have money enough money for most of its citizen