Daniel Hannan Schools Sean Hannity on U S Foreign Policy

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2024
  • Hannity is about as intelligent as a bag of hammers. Hannan is clearly on another intellectual level and everything he says goes right over Hannity's head.

Комментарии • 120

  • @asdfjklo234
    @asdfjklo234 8 лет назад +6

    Mr. Hannan always fills me with a warm glow of UK debating culture and Received Pronunciation.

  • @ronnieswoleman4290
    @ronnieswoleman4290 8 лет назад +10

    Hannan is like a beautiful painting in human form. No homo.

    • @candidvoice7267
      @candidvoice7267 8 лет назад +7

      Daniel Hannan is so erudite we need to take our hats off too him. I would vote for this guy to be our PM. Hannan or Cameron / Corbyn? enough said...

    • @mielerodriguez5678
      @mielerodriguez5678 8 лет назад

      Its funny you should say that because I thought he had nice eyes and im a straight fella too.

  • @ronmatthews1738
    @ronmatthews1738 8 лет назад +3

    I don't know much about Sean Hannity, but your criticism of him seems a little harsh to say the least. He obviously understands what is being discussed and he asks intelligent questions then gives Daniel Hannan the time to expound on them. Mr Hannity does a better job than many other interviewers I have heard and it makes for interesting listening.

    • @CaradhrasAiguo49
      @CaradhrasAiguo49 8 лет назад

      Regardless of Hannity's intelligence, he is undoubtedly one of the foremost 'neoconservative' media personalities in U.S. cable news networks, and that's saying something given the preponderance of Neocon thought in Washington.

  • @peterclatworthy2112
    @peterclatworthy2112 9 лет назад +4

    What is this nonsense about the USA "backing the Shah". The reason the Shah of Iran was deposed was because the USA removed its support for the Shah because the Shah gave in and supported the OPEC rise in the oil price.

    • @richrupert1951
      @richrupert1951 8 лет назад +5

      +Peter Clatworthy who do you think deposed the elected Prime Minister of Iran in 1953. It was the CIA and no less than Teddy Roosevelt's son Kermit. The CIA and US trained the Shah's secret police and armed forces. The US under Carter rightfully stopped supporting the Shah, unfortunately Carter neglected to support a smooth transition and hence the crazies in Iran today. Peter, the history is out there, take 15 minutes google and read. another causality of the Cold War.

    • @rogerbaker2068
      @rogerbaker2068 8 лет назад

      The Shah was a US/Israeli puppet.

    • @nonyadamnbusiness9887
      @nonyadamnbusiness9887 7 лет назад

      You really need to learn some history. Your ignorance is showing.

  • @ohevshalomel
    @ohevshalomel 10 лет назад +5

    Does Hannity not even understand the basic mechanics of having a conversation? He keeps jumping over his interviewee. Where do Brits get the idea that we Americans are loud-mouthed and stupid? From listening to people like Hannity, it seems.

    • @danielj4818
      @danielj4818 8 лет назад

      You have trump

    • @ohevshalomel
      @ohevshalomel 8 лет назад

      I don't have Trump. You must be mistaking me for someone else.

    • @dogseggs2000
      @dogseggs2000 8 лет назад

      +ohevshalomel We like Lawrence Krauss, Ben Shapiro, Neil DeGrasse Tyson and American people like that though.

    • @ohevshalomel
      @ohevshalomel 8 лет назад

      Thank you?

    • @ronnieswoleman4290
      @ronnieswoleman4290 8 лет назад

      +Daniel J The typical American liberals are far more ignorant, loud mouthed and annoying than Trump could ever hope to be.

  • @issackrupps8229
    @issackrupps8229 8 лет назад +2

    Daniel Hannan - A man of our time.

  • @ArnellaMaturin
    @ArnellaMaturin 11 лет назад +1

    I've always despised Hannity and loved Hannan but I have to admit that Hannity was right in this instance. Can't fault Hannan for optimism but no one was "schooled" here.

  • @curt3494
    @curt3494 9 лет назад +1

    European member of parliament? Well, yes, he's European and a member of a parliament......but Hannity didn't say which parliament.
    He should have introduced Hannan as a 'member of the European Parliament'.

    • @rogerbaker2068
      @rogerbaker2068 8 лет назад

      Hannan is an MEP...Member of the European Parliament...NOT a British MP.

  • @hughjarce3517
    @hughjarce3517 9 лет назад +1

    The Fox News type interviews are such a horrible example to young people of how two people intelligently discuss a topic. Constantly interrupting, talking over, shouting (as though it somehow adds weight to your argument), starting out with 'do you agree with me that.....), etc etc. the Fox News type find it impossible to report anything intelligently, discussing nuances of arguments, finer points, difficult or contradictory points that aren't easy to reconcile and prevent themselves from telling everyone their own view. Just embarrassingly awful.

    • @brucet7965
      @brucet7965 9 лет назад +1

      Yes, MSNBC, who have been caught out completely doctoring their news stories to a complete left bias and CNN, who think asteroids coming close to earth is caused by the global warming fraud, are so much more intelligent.

  • @richrupert1951
    @richrupert1951 8 лет назад +3

    I think you do a disservice to hammers.

  • @manchesterfellow
    @manchesterfellow 11 лет назад

    Sometimes. I did fight in Afghanistan. The truth is: people in Afghanistan live in what can only be described as tribes. Totally cut off and ignorant from the outside world and politics.
    People in Afghanistan struggle to find out what's going on in the next village - never mind in other countries. All people in those villages want is the safeguard of their village.
    They don't want the Taliban or the west.

  • @ralfrath699
    @ralfrath699 11 лет назад

    After terror attack on unquilty britsh soldier/ the suffer of unqilty britsh families: britsh people cant live without fear in own country! - this babaric act has changed situation tremendously! If birtian future is more muslim country - perhaps 100% muslim - and if britian is britistan then leaving europe as fast as possible makes sense - and joining afganistan!
    Therefore we must work together in europe - money is not so important! - if europe/ britian in future lose more and more identity!

  • @zilmanar
    @zilmanar 12 лет назад

    ALSO you got the policy of Dhimmitude wrong too. See, you could NOT worship "whatever they please" as a Dhimmi. If you put up an altar to Zeus (or the spaghetti monster) they kill you. Judaism and Christianity get a special pass because the God they worship is assumed to be the same, but they have to acknowledge the inherent superiority of Islam (an admission which is equivalent to apostasy to many Jews and Christians) AND permanently accept servitude status in society (like an Eta).

  • @zilmanar
    @zilmanar 12 лет назад

    Spain, Balkans, the beginning of the Reconquista, etc. See; before Islam, Christianity had a very strong pacifistic bent theologically speaking. There was this big tension because the warlike Germanic tribes were converting and the pacifistic Romanized Christians didn't like warfare (to the point of just standing by and watching as Vandals destroyed their homes sometimes), but after the Jihad that took Spain, Christianity developed it's own version, called Crusades. HOWEVER;...

  • @PierzStyx
    @PierzStyx 12 лет назад

    Fascism in Italy, Japan, and Germany arose from countries that either had no experience with democracy (Japan), had democracy forced unwillingly upon them by their deadliest enemies (Germany, which should serve as a warning about what happens when you force a government on another nation), or had almost no experience with democracy or democratic traditions (Italy was only a democracy for 60 yrs before Mussolini). The same with Russia going from Czarist to Communist. And the same with Palestine.

  • @canteluna
    @canteluna 12 лет назад

    to say that human nature is the reason for war or belligerence is beside the point. aggression (war on a social level) is learned behavior as much as peace & cooperation are. certain systems bring out our better or worse angels. look at which countries are the most successful economically & socially (e.g. mostly western europe & canada) & then look at their systems (democratic socialism in a capitalist/corporatist world economy). any anthropologist knows the benefit of more egalitarian societies

  • @canteluna
    @canteluna 12 лет назад

    you & i shouldn't presume to understand egypt too well via polling info & stats. your general critique would be more aptly applied to the US. i see no evidence that americans are less ignorant, gullible or confused in matters of public policy than egyptians. all countries are experiencing an identity crisis vis a vis globalization with a unique impact on each culture. egypt's likely to move away from sharia toward democracy while US seems to be moving toward plutocracy. so we're more gullible.

  • @Mackberserk
    @Mackberserk 12 лет назад

    How about because Democrats are the rule without exception?
    Egyptians gullible? Polling over the years in that country strongly suggest an overwhelming support for Sharia Law (while they allegedly desire Democracy). They also have an overall 70% literacy rate... And let's not dismiss the history of the Muslim Brotherhood that is anything but moderate despite their benevolent political message.
    Ignorance is much more widespread than you would like to believe.

  • @elbazart
    @elbazart 12 лет назад

    Hannan's assessment of Egypt is wrong because he assumes that from now on Egypt is going to be a democracy.
    Sure, If Egypt were to become a democracy, even one which is less friendly towards the west than the previous regime, then that's basically a good thing.
    But that's the problem, that there will be no democracy in Egypt. The MB regards the very idea of democracy as blasphemous. They will never relinquish power, and their tyranny will make the Egyptians miss Mubarak.

  • @Wrongway1965
    @Wrongway1965 12 лет назад

    Hiya Elbaz,.. So Hannan's is right about freedom & democracy,.. but his assesment of 'Egypt' was wrong?
    Could be why the MIlitary has been trying to limit the President's Power & Influence ??
    Also, didn't the military try to do away with parliamant?? Why??
    There's a lot goin on there right now & good for them..
    I personally hope the Egyptian People take full advantage of this & grant themselves the most liberty possible..

  • @Mackberserk
    @Mackberserk 12 лет назад

    I believe that's because he's missing the key geopolitical factor that many of the Egyptian electorate (and population) are muslims -- an anti-democratic and imperialistic religion/political system by definition (their own definition, of course).
    He makes the mistake, as you allude to, that the people (with their beliefs) are compatible with freedom. What's the point of democracy if the majority enslaves the minority and all but strips them of their rights?

  • @Mackberserk
    @Mackberserk 12 лет назад

    "There's no way they would win an outright majority..."
    Daniel Hannan is extremely brilliant. However, I find it hard to believe that he could so easily underestimate a political influence that can identify with the majority of Egyptians based on common religion and could soften their tone for the purpose of getting elected... If democrats can obfuscate and use glittering generalities to win elections, the Muslim brotherhood can certainly play on people's ignorance and charade as moderates.

  • @elbazart
    @elbazart 12 лет назад

    Excuse me, but Hannan got it all wrong this time.
    What is the point of having a multi party elections in a country like Egypt, if the party most likely to win opposes democracy in the first place, and intends to abolish it the moment it reaches power?
    In order to have a liberal democracy, you need a fair amount of educated people who hold democratic values dear, and are willing to fight for them. In Egypt this does not exist and so they are headed towards becoming a Sunni version of Iran.

  • @hellsunicorn
    @hellsunicorn 12 лет назад

    If any sense can ever be spoken to Hannity on foreign policy, Daniel Hannan has done the best job here. Sadly, I fear that the former is an intellectual reprobate and will never shed his Neo-con superstitions. I would love to be proven wrong, but I don't think I will be.

  • @RobinGething
    @RobinGething 12 лет назад

    Presidential primaries. on live tv. fox news debate "they come over here because we are over there" "we need to talk to our enemies. i have and this is what they told me" i think the anchor said "do you think we should get our marching orders from al Qaeda?" "no....no....we should take our marching orders from the constitution!"

  • @FishOnTwoWheels1
    @FishOnTwoWheels1 11 лет назад

    Mmm, very good point David, didn't think of it that way. Bit like the Tory MP who is tabling an amendment to the Bill "obliging" the next Government (if Conservative) to hold an In/Out referendum on the EU... to be brought forward to BEFORE the 2015 General Election.

  • @boxwoodgreen
    @boxwoodgreen 12 лет назад

    @elbazart Where you go wrong is you very wrongly assume that the majority of the Egyptian people even in a quiet time would choose a secular government. The muslim middle east street will choose fundamentalist governments because that is who and what they are.

  • @invisibleaznDJ
    @invisibleaznDJ 12 лет назад

    I don't recall RP ever saying that, but it seems to be common sense that one would have LESS enemies if you weren't bombing them. Just saying. If you trade liberty for safety you will have neither. Guess who said that.

  • @RobinGething
    @RobinGething 12 лет назад

    love it. foreign policy in this bubble is. "our policy for other people" not "how do we deal with other people" the west's way of diplomacy. "What are we going to do if they don't live how we tell them to?"

  • @IAMLS360
    @IAMLS360 11 лет назад

    I was expecting a shouting match, but actually, this is a very calm debate with some excellent points of view and an adroit sense of history, mainly from Hannan IMO. Very interesting to listen to.

  • @DaUglyWunSpeaks
    @DaUglyWunSpeaks 12 лет назад

    i did not see this interview but im willing to bet anything that Hannity had that confused Lovie Smith look on his face half of the time Daniel was speaking. He had no idea what was going on.

  • @leafwatch
    @leafwatch 12 лет назад

    Even better since he loves wars, suit him up in some military costume and give him the gun he longs for, let him go to battle against the Nemesis he believes in so much.

  • @CharlieEarthRoast
    @CharlieEarthRoast 12 лет назад

    I want to keep listening because of Daniel, but I want to stop because of the stupidity coming out of Hannity's mouth. Daniel Hannan is much more patient than me. Bravo.

  • @IMFHater
    @IMFHater 11 лет назад

    Hannan is 100% correct. Least we forget the Reagan administration even supported Saddam Hussein back in the 1980's. Lessons have not or will not be learned.

  • @saturnined
    @saturnined 12 лет назад

    I know! Let's make Sean Hannity, Islamic Middle-East GENIUS and American Historian Extraordinaire that he is, Special Ambassador to the Middle-East!

  • @krasstian12
    @krasstian12 12 лет назад

    slightly offtopic: why dont they use skype on long-distance interviews instead of phones?? i dont get it. the quality could be so much better!

  • @avisionofsorrow
    @avisionofsorrow 11 лет назад

    He should go ukip, tories will never let him rise up the ranks and he'd easily rise high with ukip. They would let him flourish.

  • @miltonfriedman1000
    @miltonfriedman1000 12 лет назад

    Interesting discussion, but i don't think the title of the video was accurate. Thank you, and a like to Eric21ND for the upload.

  • @davidporterrealestate
    @davidporterrealestate 11 лет назад

    If possible better having an ally in the Conservative party pulling the Conservatives closer to UKIPs goals

  • @darwincity
    @darwincity 11 лет назад

    I would love to see a Sean Hannity-Boris Johnson match. Hannity would be exterminated in seconds...

  • @temporaldisplacement
    @temporaldisplacement 11 лет назад

    A beautiful mind enlightens a sufferer of being fleeced, exploited and lied to.

  • @yourliestopshere
    @yourliestopshere 11 лет назад

    Can someone please kick hannity and piers out of the country already. D. Hannon, YOUR THE MAN!!!!

  • @dmhtuber
    @dmhtuber 12 лет назад

    The bozos making comments on here think someone is intelligent if they have an English accent.

  • @creamycurdy
    @creamycurdy 12 лет назад

    Way too much intelligence for Hannity to absorb here, he was way out of his league here.

  • @Grimdopple
    @Grimdopple 12 лет назад

    that's true, but its also true about every allied country except the US and France.

  • @TheTommyC
    @TheTommyC 12 лет назад

    Now time has past and Hannity turns out was right.

  • @Seaworldexists
    @Seaworldexists 10 лет назад

    Yeah that Egyptian democracy worked out well.

  • @lamdash
    @lamdash 12 лет назад

    This is painful to listen to (because of Sean Hannity, of course.)

  • @Jekyll_Island_Creatures
    @Jekyll_Island_Creatures  12 лет назад

    Hannity is such a scared little housewife.

  • @The_Ballo
    @The_Ballo 12 лет назад

    I didn't know pretzels could talk, let alone have a radio show

  • @freedomordeath123
    @freedomordeath123 12 лет назад

    Blowback is a bitch - get the t-shirt, spread the word

  • @1regorsemog
    @1regorsemog 11 лет назад

    Bring this man home from Brussels. We need him here.

  • @stewy1109
    @stewy1109 8 лет назад

    I wish he was a candidate for the UKIP leadership.

  • @FishOnTwoWheels
    @FishOnTwoWheels 11 лет назад

    Come on Daniel, do the right thing and join UKIP!

  • @yourliestopshere
    @yourliestopshere 11 лет назад

    LOVE HIM!! And im a dude! go figure....!

  • @InvincibleNumanist
    @InvincibleNumanist 11 лет назад

    protectionists? fuck that.

  • @rctube1958
    @rctube1958 12 лет назад

    What's smarter a brick or Hannity?

  • @InfiniteAsylum7
    @InfiniteAsylum7 12 лет назад

    Turns out, Hannity was right....

  • @DrThursdaythe12th
    @DrThursdaythe12th 12 лет назад

    Bill whittle is great isn't he?

  • @0xAdam
    @0xAdam 12 лет назад

    @FreddyTheJumpingCat how?

  • @robris09876
    @robris09876 12 лет назад

    find a hobby.

  • @wayne17700
    @wayne17700 12 лет назад

    los he is too