Sorry to see that JM, next time it gets that low, it may be a good opportunity to dig it out, contour and line the sides!. There is also some cool ideas of limiting evaporation from small ponds. Looking forward to joining your masterclass next time its available!
We are so happy to see you in this new format! As a long time followers of your work, even outside this channel, we are very glad you decided to share a bit more personal perspective of doing this type of work for supporting your family. Your book and DVD are also amazing and being a part of our homesteading journey for many years.
that makes me so happy to hear! That's the idea, to share more of my life and the lives of all the amazing growers I meet! There are so many stories to share and here we have a way to share them! =)
Hello from Italy. We have been living this situation for a few years. This year we only had enough water for basic family uses from July 15th until September 5th. While my garden is not my business, I think they only way to combat this is through organic matter. I think we need twice as much land so that we can grow cover crops even in season. My peppers and eggplants survived an Italian summer with no water for 6 weeks. It wasn't good enough for business, but it was food to eat. I believe that the more organic matter I can create through the roots of plants the better I can survive climate change. Good Luck and thanks for everything you have done!!!
I read your book "the market gardener" when I first started my market garden journey and so glad I did!!! Thank you JM for sharing your wisdom and experience!!!
More coming than you’d think. A lot of farms irrigate and are drying up ground water globally. Chem trails also causing mass rainfall in areas and droughts in others. Start storing and elevating water
New subscriber! I came in through an off the grid worm-hole. I am so depressed about the apathy on climate change. Your pond AND Aquifer drying up is terrifying and now I am literally in tears. I hope we all make it. I am turning to permaculture and trying to learn everything I can. We have 10 acres on Puget Sound in Washington state USA ....we rarely leave it anymore.
Salut trop cool d'avoir une vidéo de votre ferme. J'aurais aimé savoir si vous avez acheté ce terrain comme terre agricole et si vous aviez obligation de la cultiver.
My wife and I are about to buy some land in France, near Bergerac. We've worked and lived in South America and Africa so our planning has been key so far. Can you offer any additional tips on how we can choose a plot that will be climate resilient? We have already looked at rain and heat projections but any additional tips would be great! Thanks for inspiring us and sharing your vast wealth of knowledge.
That's awesome! There's a lot to consider, far more than can be described in a comment, so all I can say is do your research, find as much information out there as you can on the topic... books, videos, websites etc. and eventually you will come to a good understanding and feel confident about your decision when you choose a piece of land. Best of luck! ♥
@@TheMarketGardeners thanks for your reply. We have taken permaculture courses and hope to copy the style of your home farm. We also really appreciate having a more "wild" market garden farm but want to make sure we are as climate resilient as possible. Thanks again for your transparency, ongoing help and inspiration. Much love and respect
Hey JM sorry to see your pond go dry. I'm from Australia and we see this happen a lot. Just wondering if you can install rain gutters on your polytunnels if you havnt already? That amount of surface area would equal a lot of water catchment over the year. Anyways love you work. I just stared my own market garden. Wish me luck
Hey jm, I've been wondering how do you pump/filter pond water to a degree that it can run in drip tape. I have a huge pond on my land that I'm building a farm on. We pump it with a gas pump to tanks to water trees for now, but drip seems tougher.
Aloha from Hilo, Hawaii. I've been a small scale veggie grower for over a decade and am thrilled to finally see your farm up close. We typically get 120 inches a year but have noticed a bigger variation between dry periods and wet and seem to be getting more extreme. Mahalo from Chad's Organics!
Wow. I'm sorry man. I considered digging a pond for irrigation after reading your book years ago, but the reality of climate change is very real now, and think I'll need a deep well dug in hopes that supplies my needs with less risk. Was hoping to meet you at the Common Ground Fair this year, but looks like it'll have to wait. Excited for more episodes to see a deeper look into your home farm, the place that began my spark in small scale sustainable market farming. Good luck & thanks JM!
It's a great video! I hope the rain will be coming soon🙏 I want to ask. Does your farm open internship for international agriculture student? I am from Indonesia and I am interested with your farm management👍
We're in the midst of the worst drought since 1976, here in the far north of Scotland. The salmon are dying in the rivers, unable to swim upstream. All my ponds are dry. We're just starting to lose trees I planted in 2018. But today, we finally have rain! Such a huge relief. I have 5 ponds so far, but this year has convinced me to add 3 more, big ones. And I'll expand the existing ones too. We all need to brace ourselves for more of this, and far worse. It's terrifying how little is being done. People seem to be in a state of permanent denial.
Since 1976? So what? The earth has been going through droughts and massive rainfalls for the last ten million years. Yes, in human time, 45 years is a crazy long time but not in earth years. See what I'm saying?
@@CairnOfDunnCroftPermaculture Oh has it? So its the last few years that has established the climate as far as your concerned? Well good, then plan away my friend. Here in Arizona we've had a drought for about a year and now we're getting more rain than we know what to do with! The weather on the bus goes round and round. Round and round. Round and round....
@@rythmicwarrior the scientific consensus among climatologists is clear. I am not being drawn into a debate about the climate emergency with unqualified strangers on social media.
Central Newfoundland we SOooo Dry this year, the salmon had no water in the rivers. Our pond was lowering all August. Less than 10mm of rain in each of May, June, July and half of August. This was scary. Worst in >50 years.
Thank you thank you thank you! Love this new project. We have always enjoyed learning from you and your book is what inspired us to do our first CSA this year that was a success. Look forward to more videos and discussion about climate change
I dried up a creek that ran by some of my row crop land just by improving soil organic matter and it’s ability to absorb and retain water. It’s not running off like it used to. It’s not walkways global warming.
Allô! Merci pour le partage. Est-que c’est possible de créer du contenu spécifiquement sur la création d’un étang d’irrigation svp? Nous allons démarrer notre ferme florale et nous avons l’intention de créer un étang pour irriguer nos cultures et notre forêt nourricière. Par contre, très peu d’informations semble disponible sur les démarches à suivre! Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated! 🙂 Thanks guys!
sorry to hear of these new struggles, but I'm super excited to see more of you! you have enriched my life in so many ways. I will pray for your situation.
Bonjour, J'ai eu la chance de visiter la grelinette en 2017 avec d'autres maraîchers français c'est vraiment une belle ferme. Ça nous a beaucoup inspiré mon épouse et moi, et nous avons créé notre ferme. C'est plus ou moins la même chose que chez-vous. Le manque d'eau est vraiment quelque chose d'effrayant, nous avons eu 3 ans de sécheresse et c'est vraiment pas facile, mais il existe des solutions pour s'adapter. Je suis sûr que vous allez y arriver, bon courage à vous.
Can you find records for drought/flood occurrences in Quebec? The only info that I can find that talks about past flooding there is on wikipedia. "Droughts in southern Ontario/Quebec are usually shorter, smaller in area, less frequent, and less intense. Nonetheless, there have been some major drought occurrences there as well during the 20th century."
Salut JM, impressionnant ces mares quasi vide! Et pendant ce temps la, en France, le temps a été tellement pluvieux et gris tout l'été que ca a été une catastrophe pour la plupart des jardiniers, notamment pour les tomates, poivrons etc.. (par contre les choux et courgette ont bien profité). Le climat se détraque et c'est de plus en plus visible. C'est compliqué pour les petits jardiniers amateurs. Je n'ose meme pas imaginer pour les professionnels !
Does everyone remember when California was burning up last year and Gavin Newsom stood there in front of the flames with a HUGE smile on his face and said "Ok, this settles it! Global warming is real! Debate is over"!!! And a few days later he said "Well there were one hundred million dead trees that we never dealt with and that did contribute to the fire...cough....cough.... Gee Gavin, ya think so!?
Hey Jean I think your facing problems of low water and climate changes. But we in India we is to face every year. But I am big fan of techniques and all but iam seeing you facing a problem this year lot. Iam waiting to complete my UG and go for masters in Environmental science. And you did the same your always a inspiration to come into farming. I wish and hope you get rain and your wells fell with water soon. In case if get any chance to meet you I will meet you. :-):-) (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ From India you and your team.
Thanks Manju. Exactly, we are not the only ones and definitely not the first ones to be facing this problem. Best of luck in your studies and farming projects!
You know it's a dam shame, when the just south of you, in the New England States, they have been getting a lot of rain all summer.... I am in the South Central PA and we had been pretty dry right where we live, but not "well dry". We just got 5 1/2" off hurricane Ida , sorry you didn't get any of that.... One thing about the weather it is always changing... Hang in there and I love your videos.
I live in Maine and was basically in a red zone one year drought since last year leading all the way up through early summer. We did get more rain mid-late summer, but much of the state is actually still in a drought. It was so bad for so long that even getting downpours, inches of rain at a time, didn't take us out of a drought. Many dried up wells.
@@ericgonya2413 We vacationed in York Harbor Maine the middle of July and they were wet. but that was on the coast. Maybe you'll get extra snow this winter....:)
@@ericgonya2413 There was a recent MOFGA newsletter article about underground water storage, to capture and store water from rainfall, no evaporation, much cheaper than drilling into deep aquifers that won’t be recharged for centuries.
La pluie est une bénédiction qui vient de Dieu! Zacharie 10:1 Demandez à l'Éternel la pluie, la pluie du printemps! L'Éternel produira des éclairs, Et il vous enverra une abondante pluie, Il donnera à chacun de l'herbe dans son champ. Hébreux 6:7 Lorsqu'une terre est abreuvée par la pluie qui tombe souvent sur elle, et qu'elle produit une herbe utile à ceux pour qui elle est cultivée, elle participe à la bénédiction de Dieu; Deutéronome 11:14 je donnerai à votre pays la pluie en son temps, la pluie de la première et de l'arrière-saison, et tu recueilleras ton blé, ton moût et ton huile;
Qui aurait pensé que la gestion de l'eau serait devenu un enjeu au Québec. Nos réservoirs (collecte d'eau de pluie des bâtiments) sont également à sec...notre seule solution est d'ajouter quelques réservoirs au printemps prochain pour ne pas gaspiller les grandes quantités du printemps. Bon automne.
The average temp has increased by a few degrees in the past century. No doubt that change is happening, but do you really think you would notice the difference in that small of a change. Imo climate change is difficult to observe. Temp is incredibly variable and focusing on the extremes is misleading. Record breaking heat or drought does not suggest a trend until it really starts to affect the averages on a larger time scale. However being prepared for extended droughts maybe good insurance. Great video btw
The unpredictability of our weather is the biggest challenge. The trend we are seeing is that we now have to be prepared for all extremes, whether it's major flooding or major drought.
Indeed. With the phase our Sun is going into, the extremes of weather will become more extreme. The fat tails as Taleb would say. We are getting a shot across the bow respective to our regions. In my state, we got a very early out of season ice storm followed shortly by arctic temperatures. Antifragility is the name of the game going forward.
WEATHER you realize it or not WEATHER can be and has been manipulated over and over since the 60's with technology such as cloud seeding, manufacturing plants, electric plants running off of coal, HAARP project and so on. So not only are we dealing with mass interference from world government projects and mega corporations we are being told climate change is because of cow farts. What a time to be alive.
After watching your presentation where you were asked about conserving water on your site. I watched as you told the lady you didn't need to you had plenty of water. Now it must be climate change not your mismanagement or bad design. LOL
Truth is this has been an crazy dry year here in the eastern townships of Quebec. On the ridge just up the road from my house 15 houses have had their wells run dry. And they water nothing at all.
@@benoitrobitaille5798 It's almost like droughts are a nature occurrence and the typical man made built environmental creates, and exacerbates these drought cycles. One would almost think proper water management, Aqua fir recharge design and a drought contingency plan would be great if I was creating a "masterclass" about environmentally wise farming. Oh wait, never mind, it's climate change, one year out of decades without water is a pattern, not a normal cycle. It's not like there were droughts in the 1930's and 1960's. :)
Hey JM, think about what your saying. So your pond is the lowest you've ever seen it but you've been observing it for what, 14 years or so? The earth has been around for billions of years going through all kinds of weather patterns from extreme droughts to extreme precipitation. Just because your pond is almost dry, you think that's the ultimate proof regarding global warming? Are you sure that's enough proof for you to make such a determination? Perhaps you would like to look into it a little more? I'm not saying there is or is not global warming either way. I'm just saying maybe you should delve into the subject beyond your pond observations. I live in Arizona and we've had a drought for about a year and everyone was screaming "Global Warming". Now we're getting more rain than we know what to do with and everyone has shut up. For now anyway. I suppose they will start screaming again at the signs of the next drought we have.....
Thank you for sharing this little piece of heaven you guys have created! Your work has inspired millions. Viva la revolution 🌿🍃🌍
one of the best video! This is my life too, be happy, JM! 🙂👍🌞🌞🌞
I just ordered your book! Can’t wait!! 🙌🏼✨👩🏻🌾
Blessings to all!
Sorry to see that JM, next time it gets that low, it may be a good opportunity to dig it out, contour and line the sides!. There is also some cool ideas of limiting evaporation from small ponds. Looking forward to joining your masterclass next time its available!
We are so happy to see you in this new format! As a long time followers of your work, even outside this channel, we are very glad you decided to share a bit more personal perspective of doing this type of work for supporting your family. Your book and DVD are also amazing and being a part of our homesteading journey for many years.
that makes me so happy to hear! That's the idea, to share more of my life and the lives of all the amazing growers I meet! There are so many stories to share and here we have a way to share them! =)
Tu es inspirant J.M ! C’est grâce à des personnes comme toi que les changements prennent forme! Un geste à la fois!
No farm is complete without a random boat laying around! I have 2 haha. Love it!
thanks for everythings bro.
Hello from Italy. We have been living this situation for a few years. This year we only had enough water for basic family uses from July 15th until September 5th. While my garden is not my business, I think they only way to combat this is through organic matter. I think we need twice as much land so that we can grow cover crops even in season. My peppers and eggplants survived an Italian summer with no water for 6 weeks. It wasn't good enough for business, but it was food to eat. I believe that the more organic matter I can create through the roots of plants the better I can survive climate change. Good Luck and thanks for everything you have done!!!
You guys rock!!
Oh man I love this! Great work, y’all (except for the drought, obvz)
I read your book "the market gardener" when I first started my market garden journey and so glad I did!!! Thank you JM for sharing your wisdom and experience!!!
So happy to hear =) Farm On!
More coming than you’d think. A lot of farms irrigate and are drying up ground water globally. Chem trails also causing mass rainfall in areas and droughts in others. Start storing and elevating water
Content i was waiting for real thing just amazing 👏👏👏
These videos are great and helping to pull me from my covid slumber!
New subscriber! I came in through an off the grid worm-hole.
I am so depressed about the apathy on climate change. Your pond AND Aquifer drying up is terrifying and now I am literally in tears. I hope we all make it. I am turning to permaculture and trying to learn everything I can. We have 10 acres on Puget Sound in Washington state USA ....we rarely leave it anymore.
Thank you for joining us. It really is terrifying isn't it? Best of luck to you in practicing permaculture on your property!
I wrote it a little while ago but it's still pretty good 😂 It is always going to be a great book. Awesome tour!
I love the other model but this is more of what I'm aiming for
Thanks for the video!
Salut trop cool d'avoir une vidéo de votre ferme. J'aurais aimé savoir si vous avez acheté ce terrain comme terre agricole et si vous aviez obligation de la cultiver.
Thank you for this insight into your life. I hope next year is not as dry :-(
love the work Jm and familys been following for years now..using so much of your ways...peace and love..
My wife and I are about to buy some land in France, near Bergerac. We've worked and lived in South America and Africa so our planning has been key so far. Can you offer any additional tips on how we can choose a plot that will be climate resilient? We have already looked at rain and heat projections but any additional tips would be great! Thanks for inspiring us and sharing your vast wealth of knowledge.
That's awesome! There's a lot to consider, far more than can be described in a comment, so all I can say is do your research, find as much information out there as you can on the topic... books, videos, websites etc. and eventually you will come to a good understanding and feel confident about your decision when you choose a piece of land. Best of luck! ♥
@@TheMarketGardeners thanks for your reply. We have taken permaculture courses and hope to copy the style of your home farm. We also really appreciate having a more "wild" market garden farm but want to make sure we are as climate resilient as possible. Thanks again for your transparency, ongoing help and inspiration. Much love and respect
Amazing home! 🌦🌦🌦
Inspiring as always. Wish we could send you all our excess monsoon water from our very full ponds. 😅
Hey JM sorry to see your pond go dry. I'm from Australia and we see this happen a lot. Just wondering if you can install rain gutters on your polytunnels if you havnt already? That amount of surface area would equal a lot of water catchment over the year. Anyways love you work. I just stared my own market garden. Wish me luck
Merci JM
Hey jm, I've been wondering how do you pump/filter pond water to a degree that it can run in drip tape. I have a huge pond on my land that I'm building a farm on. We pump it with a gas pump to tanks to water trees for now, but drip seems tougher.
Aloha from Hilo, Hawaii. I've been a small scale veggie grower for over a decade and am thrilled to finally see your farm up close. We typically get 120 inches a year but have noticed a bigger variation between dry periods and wet and seem to be getting more extreme. Mahalo from Chad's Organics!
Wow. I'm sorry man. I considered digging a pond for irrigation after reading your book years ago, but the reality of climate change is very real now, and think I'll need a deep well dug in hopes that supplies my needs with less risk. Was hoping to meet you at the Common Ground Fair this year, but looks like it'll have to wait. Excited for more episodes to see a deeper look into your home farm, the place that began my spark in small scale sustainable market farming. Good luck & thanks JM!
And what will you say when JM's area gets record rainfalls next year?
It's a great video! I hope the rain will be coming soon🙏 I want to ask. Does your farm open internship for international agriculture student? I am from Indonesia and I am interested with your farm management👍
Beautiful farm!
Thank you for sharing l suscribe,
We're in the midst of the worst drought since 1976, here in the far north of Scotland. The salmon are dying in the rivers, unable to swim upstream. All my ponds are dry. We're just starting to lose trees I planted in 2018.
But today, we finally have rain! Such a huge relief. I have 5 ponds so far, but this year has convinced me to add 3 more, big ones. And I'll expand the existing ones too. We all need to brace ourselves for more of this, and far worse. It's terrifying how little is being done. People seem to be in a state of permanent denial.
Since 1976? So what? The earth has been going through droughts and massive rainfalls for the last ten million years. Yes, in human time, 45 years is a crazy long time but not in earth years. See what I'm saying?
@@buyerofsorts the climate has become increasingly destabilised in the last few years, and I'm planning for that.
@@CairnOfDunnCroftPermaculture Oh has it? So its the last few years that has established the climate as far as your concerned? Well good, then plan away my friend.
Here in Arizona we've had a drought for about a year and now we're getting more rain than we know what to do with! The weather on the bus goes round and round. Round and round. Round and round....
Climate change is cyclical and driven by the Sun. You are terrified that people are doing so little? What do you suggest we do about the Sun?
@@rythmicwarrior the scientific consensus among climatologists is clear. I am not being drawn into a debate about the climate emergency with unqualified strangers on social media.
great to see you doing some long format films. hope the rain comes soon.
Thank you! We are really excited about it too!
Drought in Quebec - unheard of! Wow.
Central Newfoundland we SOooo Dry this year, the salmon had no water in the rivers. Our pond was lowering all August. Less than 10mm of rain in each of May, June, July and half of August. This was scary. Worst in >50 years.
😢 it really is scary isn't it? I hope you get a rainy fall and snowy winter over there
Plumb your rooftops into the pond. Rooftop runoff catches a lot of water.
Thanks for sharing, we are sorry for your situation. You handle stress so well. I hope more people see this.
Thank you thank you thank you! Love this new project. We have always enjoyed learning from you and your book is what inspired us to do our first CSA this year that was a success. Look forward to more videos and discussion about climate change
So happy to hear this! =) Especially that you had a successful first CSA season. It only gets better from there! ;)
I dried up a creek that ran by some of my row crop land just by improving soil organic matter and it’s ability to absorb and retain water. It’s not running off like it used to. It’s not walkways global warming.
Old man plops around his successful market garden farm that's when you know you've made it!
Allô! Merci pour le partage. Est-que c’est possible de créer du contenu spécifiquement sur la création d’un étang d’irrigation svp? Nous allons démarrer notre ferme florale et nous avons l’intention de créer un étang pour irriguer nos cultures et notre forêt nourricière. Par contre, très peu d’informations semble disponible sur les démarches à suivre! Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated! 🙂 Thanks guys!
sorry to hear of these new struggles, but I'm super excited to see more of you! you have enriched my life in so many ways. I will pray for your situation.
Toujours top de revoir la grelinette !
Parfait merci et Bravo !
What's the annual salable production (weight) per hectar in those kind of vegetables farms?
Keep up the great work!!!
12:46 starts talking about pond
J'ai eu la chance de visiter la grelinette en 2017 avec d'autres maraîchers français c'est vraiment une belle ferme.
Ça nous a beaucoup inspiré mon épouse et moi, et nous avons créé notre ferme. C'est plus ou moins la même chose que chez-vous.
Le manque d'eau est vraiment quelque chose d'effrayant, nous avons eu 3 ans de sécheresse et c'est vraiment pas facile, mais il existe des solutions pour s'adapter.
Je suis sûr que vous allez y arriver, bon courage à vous.
Can you find records for drought/flood occurrences in Quebec? The only info that I can find that talks about past flooding there is on wikipedia.
"Droughts in southern Ontario/Quebec are usually shorter, smaller in area, less frequent, and less intense. Nonetheless, there have been some major drought occurrences there as well during the 20th century."
The last 3 of 4 years here in northern Pennsylvania my garden has been flooded. Strange times we're living in.
Hope you get enough snow this winter.
Salut JM, impressionnant ces mares quasi vide! Et pendant ce temps la, en France, le temps a été tellement pluvieux et gris tout l'été que ca a été une catastrophe pour la plupart des jardiniers, notamment pour les tomates, poivrons etc.. (par contre les choux et courgette ont bien profité). Le climat se détraque et c'est de plus en plus visible. C'est compliqué pour les petits jardiniers amateurs. Je n'ose meme pas imaginer pour les professionnels !
"our well and pond are completely dry and we can't water the plants but we have this big swimming pond in the back, no big deal"
I know, right!? :)
Does everyone remember when California was burning up last year and Gavin Newsom stood there in front of the flames with a HUGE smile on his face and said "Ok, this settles it! Global warming is real! Debate is over"!!!
And a few days later he said "Well there were one hundred million dead trees that we never dealt with and that did contribute to the fire...cough....cough.... Gee Gavin, ya think so!?
Hey Jean I think your facing problems of low water and climate changes. But we in India we is to face every year.
But I am big fan of techniques and all but iam seeing you facing a problem this year lot. Iam waiting to complete my UG and go for masters in Environmental science. And you did the same your always a inspiration to come into farming.
I wish and hope you get rain and your wells fell with water soon.
In case if get any chance to meet you I will meet you. :-):-) (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ From India you and your team.
Thanks Manju. Exactly, we are not the only ones and definitely not the first ones to be facing this problem. Best of luck in your studies and farming projects!
You know it's a dam shame, when the just south of you, in the New England States, they have been getting a lot of rain all summer.... I am in the South Central PA and we had been pretty dry right where we live, but not "well dry". We just got 5 1/2" off hurricane Ida , sorry you didn't get any of that.... One thing about the weather it is always changing... Hang in there and I love your videos.
I live in Maine and was basically in a red zone one year drought since last year leading all the way up through early summer. We did get more rain mid-late summer, but much of the state is actually still in a drought. It was so bad for so long that even getting downpours, inches of rain at a time, didn't take us out of a drought. Many dried up wells.
@@ericgonya2413 We vacationed in York Harbor Maine the middle of July and they were wet. but that was on the coast. Maybe you'll get extra snow this winter....:)
@@ericgonya2413 There was a recent MOFGA newsletter article about underground water storage, to capture and store water from rainfall, no evaporation, much cheaper than drilling into deep aquifers that won’t be recharged for centuries.
La pluie est une bénédiction qui vient de Dieu!
Zacharie 10:1 Demandez à l'Éternel la pluie, la pluie du printemps! L'Éternel produira des éclairs, Et il vous enverra une abondante pluie, Il donnera à chacun de l'herbe dans son champ.
Hébreux 6:7 Lorsqu'une terre est abreuvée par la pluie qui tombe souvent sur elle, et qu'elle produit une herbe utile à ceux pour qui elle est cultivée, elle participe à la bénédiction de Dieu;
Deutéronome 11:14 je donnerai à votre pays la pluie en son temps, la pluie de la première et de l'arrière-saison, et tu recueilleras ton blé, ton moût et ton huile;
Do religious freaks have to comment on every single video? Next time you break your leg, please do not go to the ER, just pray for god to heal you.
Hi what about a deep borehole that is a investment for the market garden and yourself thanks Richard Hnd hort
Thanks for the idea Richard. We will look into this!
Qui aurait pensé que la gestion de l'eau serait devenu un enjeu au Québec. Nos réservoirs (collecte d'eau de pluie des bâtiments) sont également à sec...notre seule solution est d'ajouter quelques réservoirs au printemps prochain pour ne pas gaspiller les grandes quantités du printemps.
Bon automne.
The average temp has increased by a few degrees in the past century. No doubt that change is happening, but do you really think you would notice the difference in that small of a change. Imo climate change is difficult to observe. Temp is incredibly variable and focusing on the extremes is misleading. Record breaking heat or drought does not suggest a trend until it really starts to affect the averages on a larger time scale. However being prepared for extended droughts maybe good insurance. Great video btw
The unpredictability of our weather is the biggest challenge. The trend we are seeing is that we now have to be prepared for all extremes, whether it's major flooding or major drought.
Indeed. With the phase our Sun is going into, the extremes of weather will become more extreme. The fat tails as Taleb would say. We are getting a shot across the bow respective to our regions. In my state, we got a very early out of season ice storm followed shortly by arctic temperatures. Antifragility is the name of the game going forward.
WEATHER you realize it or not WEATHER can be and has been manipulated over and over since the 60's with technology such as cloud seeding, manufacturing plants, electric plants running off of coal, HAARP project and so on. So not only are we dealing with mass interference from world government projects and mega corporations we are being told climate change is because of cow farts. What a time to be alive.
When the pond is that low you should dig it big you might not get another chance
Stay tuned for next Monday's episode ;)
I was thinking the same thing.
After watching your presentation where you were asked about conserving water on your site. I watched as you told the lady you didn't need to you had plenty of water. Now it must be climate change not your mismanagement or bad design. LOL
Good point Fred ! I can tell you for sure 100% that things aren’t like 5 or 6 ago …. Not sure when I said that , but my message is different now ✌🏻
Truth is this has been an crazy dry year here in the eastern townships of Quebec. On the ridge just up the road from my house 15 houses have had their wells run dry. And they water nothing at all.
@@benoitrobitaille5798 It's almost like droughts are a nature occurrence and the typical man made built environmental creates, and exacerbates these drought cycles. One would almost think proper water management, Aqua fir recharge design and a drought contingency plan would be great if I was creating a "masterclass" about environmentally wise farming. Oh wait, never mind, it's climate change, one year out of decades without water is a pattern, not a normal cycle. It's not like there were droughts in the 1930's and 1960's. :)
Hey JM, think about what your saying. So your pond is the lowest you've ever seen it but you've been observing it for what, 14 years or so? The earth has been around for billions of years going through all kinds of weather patterns from extreme droughts to extreme precipitation.
Just because your pond is almost dry, you think that's the ultimate proof regarding global warming? Are you sure that's enough proof for you to make such a determination? Perhaps you would like to look into it a little more?
I'm not saying there is or is not global warming either way. I'm just saying maybe you should delve into the subject beyond your pond observations.
I live in Arizona and we've had a drought for about a year and everyone was screaming "Global Warming". Now we're getting more rain than we know what to do with and everyone has shut up. For now anyway. I suppose they will start screaming again at the signs of the next drought we have.....
Happy to hear Arizona is getting lots of rain. Have the aquifiers filled up?
@@kareharpies I really don't know.