This Is What The World Looked Like Before The Flood

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 664

  • @dontmindme9323
    @dontmindme9323 4 месяца назад +449

    Am I the only one who thinks a Souls like Dark fantasy rpg set in the pre flood era would be a dope video game 😂

    • @divad7137
      @divad7137 4 месяца назад +39

      That's an interesting idea

    • @your_name_here2158
      @your_name_here2158 4 месяца назад +33

      I'm writing such a thing as we speak : )

    • @Guciom
      @Guciom 4 месяца назад +24

      How dare you put such an awesome idea in my head!

    • @Marinanor
      @Marinanor 4 месяца назад +8

      No joke.

    • @ethancoster1324
      @ethancoster1324 4 месяца назад +21

      After the Fall.

  • @mrfendty8936
    @mrfendty8936 4 месяца назад +63

    Glory to the most High God!☦️

    • @guruware8612
      @guruware8612 3 месяца назад +2

      The most high one, must have the best weed.
      A reason to strive for heaven ?

    • @WWJD799
      @WWJD799 2 месяца назад

      "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."
      ~ Galatians 6:7
      "Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins."
      ~ James 5:19-20
      "Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon."
      ~ Isaiah 55:6-7

    • @WWJD799
      @WWJD799 2 месяца назад +4

      "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."
      ~ Galatians 6:7

    • @andres-morales
      @andres-morales 2 месяца назад

      Why? He wanted us dead.

    • @VascoZaharra
      @VascoZaharra 2 месяца назад

      @@WWJD799 yahweh and jesus can hit this wood

  • @marcusbullock2753
    @marcusbullock2753 4 месяца назад +207

    The book of Enoch goes so hard man they keep it hidden.

    • @Hidan-qv5er
      @Hidan-qv5er 4 месяца назад +3

      @@happyjo390no you don’t

    • @willemvandeursen3105
      @willemvandeursen3105 4 месяца назад

      Well, Internet changed that, eh?
      I bet that Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf are the sons of Satan. As Yahweh is too conservative to invent the Dark Internet and even too oldskool for a Light Internet. So Kahn and Cerf got together and said "Let this matrix roll." Heroes to whom we all are indebted! 😍

    • @bryanbulmer6716
      @bryanbulmer6716 4 месяца назад +6

      Who's hiding it?

    • @ryankristianto1569
      @ryankristianto1569 4 месяца назад

      ​@@bryanbulmer6716catholic church

    • @altarush
      @altarush 4 месяца назад +5

      The Book of Enoch is not canon in the Protestant Bible.

  • @SamsClub427
    @SamsClub427 4 месяца назад +47

    The Flood was absolutely terrifying from everything you hear about it.

    • @KB8Killa
      @KB8Killa 4 месяца назад +12

      Well if the world was that dark surely the flood was a relief to some

    • @guruware8612
      @guruware8612 3 месяца назад +2

      So is the story of mordor.
      What makes one a fantasy and the other "the truth" ?

    • @KB8Killa
      @KB8Killa 3 месяца назад

      @@guruware8612 marine fossils on mt Everest to start with, there is a lot of evidence please take a look

    • @WWJD799
      @WWJD799 2 месяца назад +3

      @@guruware8612 The Word of GOD is 100% Truth, whereas, the story of Mordor is not; hence one being "fantasy," and the other being "the Truth."
      "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
      ~ Hebrews 4:12
      "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
      ~ 2 Timothy 2:15
      "For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water."
      ~ 2 Peter 3:5-6

    • @Issy-xz1xj
      @Issy-xz1xj 2 месяца назад

      ​@@WWJD799sadly there isn't any evidence for it friend. You can state all the bible passages you want...there isn't my evidence to support it

  • @mosescola4174
    @mosescola4174 4 месяца назад +181

    Every ancient cultures talked about a great flood.

    • @efraim3364
      @efraim3364 4 месяца назад

      Neanderthals were cannibals also ands known that actively hunted other humans so they fit in nicely with the Nephilim mythos

    • @dark_natas_666
      @dark_natas_666 4 месяца назад +4

      How could they if they all died?

    • @slarzyer
      @slarzyer 4 месяца назад +8

      thats what happens as glaciers melt and coastlines erode

    • @dark_natas_666
      @dark_natas_666 4 месяца назад

      @AngiraBlu, You have just said the bible is wrong about the flood. The bible said all life was killed except Noah's family. You can't have it both ways. Either the bible is accurate, or the bible is full of sh1t.

    • @isaacsilva8045
      @isaacsilva8045 4 месяца назад

      @@dark_natas_666maybe they didn’t

  • @Noteven0
    @Noteven0 4 месяца назад +107

    If a pragmatist wanted to know which is the path to the true God, he would look to the path that the devil has always tried to disparage, discredit and discourage man from following.

    • @CarlTuckersonn
      @CarlTuckersonn 4 месяца назад

      Keyword is “discredit”.. generally when one side of a debate resorts to character assassination to the opposing side, yet doesn’t actually have valid disputes to their position, the side they are trying to discredit has something to it. Could the serpent really have been trying to guide humans to a path of freedom and knowledge? Could “God” have been a slave master tyrant colonizer? Its possible.

    • @mastergems5145
      @mastergems5145 4 месяца назад

      Everything that the world pushes today seems to be the opposite of what God pushes. It also seems to be a repeat of history and also a deep hatred of an unseen force and hand for/against man.

    • @sharper68
      @sharper68 4 месяца назад +8

      Be sure to pick the correct iteration the Devil to draw guidance from. The best place to look for guidance is internally, you know what is right.

    • @trendgil
      @trendgil 4 месяца назад +15


    • @trendgil
      @trendgil 4 месяца назад +16

      ​@@sharper68the holy spirit brings us truth, Jesus made it this way. He is the truth, the way, and the life.

  • @FutureMythology
    @FutureMythology 4 месяца назад +32

    I'm constantly amazed by the rich tapestry of stories explored in these history videos.

    • @Issy-xz1xj
      @Issy-xz1xj 2 месяца назад

      Sorry, you made a typo. You said history videos, this is a fiction

    • @xxchinen
      @xxchinen Месяц назад

      ​@@Issy-xz1xjyou must be fun in parties lol

    • @Issy-xz1xj
      @Issy-xz1xj Месяц назад

      @@xxchinen oh well done you, what a wonderfully original response.
      If being fun at parties is dependent on going along with obvious bullshit theories and stories, that fact show disprove, I don't really want to go to your sort of parties mate.

    • @xxchinen
      @xxchinen Месяц назад

      @@Issy-xz1xj exhibit A. Predictable for a incel to respond quickly.

    • @xxchinen
      @xxchinen Месяц назад

      @@Issy-xz1xj yeah cause nobody inviting your @ss

  • @ArchitecturalOrphans
    @ArchitecturalOrphans 4 месяца назад +34

    For the next video you mentioned, there is a book called “echos of Ararat” that tells the stories of 300 flood stories from just the western hemisphere alone.

    • @ArchitecturalOrphans
      @ArchitecturalOrphans 4 месяца назад +6

      @AngiraBlu yep, and it’s crazy how similar they all are

    • @guruware8612
      @guruware8612 3 месяца назад

      ... commonly known as plagiarism

    • @jonathanhensley6141
      @jonathanhensley6141 3 месяца назад

      The biblical flood was taken from sumerian flood stories and reshaped into their religion. The Egyptian priest told Solon there has been many floods and global disasters over the ages.

  • @hanzohattori5908
    @hanzohattori5908 4 месяца назад +28

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤ and welcome back legend of history

  • @hannacarter1352
    @hannacarter1352 4 месяца назад +9

    There were different names because of the different languages, but they were referring to the same person. And remember that the devil likes to copy and twist, and add to or take out. Beware. Pray and ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior.

    • @blaque5582
      @blaque5582 3 месяца назад

      You just used a wrong and inaccurate name for the messiah… no wonder people still doubt his existence. He was not born Roman or Greek so STOP using those words in place of hist actual name. You speak of Satan twisting things… yet how easy is it also for the thoroughly uneducated to pass on their inherited misunderstandings as truth. Are you too a devil. Study to show yourself approved and then you’ll be worshipping in spirit and truth. Stop relying on hand grenade logic and worship with precision and intent.

  • @gilly25th
    @gilly25th 4 месяца назад +13

    Great video. Thanks for the content!

  • @joehardy1288
    @joehardy1288 4 месяца назад +38

    Remember when your creating your visuals that the giants had 6 digits on their hands and feet and double rows of teeth

    • @sshreddderr9409
      @sshreddderr9409 4 месяца назад +8

      I don think any of those was true. but they were 9-12 feet tall, bearded, caucasoid and had reddish hair

    • @umwha
      @umwha 4 месяца назад +3


    • @MrLardobutt
      @MrLardobutt 3 месяца назад


    • @FoundSheep-AN
      @FoundSheep-AN 3 месяца назад +4

      @@umwhathe Bible

    • @FoundSheep-AN
      @FoundSheep-AN 3 месяца назад +1

      @@sshreddderr9409also humans can be born with 6 fingers so what’s the issue?

  • @Crusader-Ramos45
    @Crusader-Ramos45 4 месяца назад +23

    I know this is from fantasy, but how about Charn from The Chronicles of Narnia: the Magician’s Nephew? The preflooded world was probably so much like Charn, a massive city as big as a planet, filled to the brim with evil that would make ancient Babylonia and Ancient Rome look like elementary school bullies, and make the evil seen in horror movies and horror novels look like Halloween ghost stories, leaving the world an urbanized Mordor.

    • @murraychallans9199
      @murraychallans9199 4 месяца назад

      CS Lewis was a deep occultist revealator.
      Is that actually a word?
      Let’s assume so.
      So, it’s probably best to treat his books as half fantasy - and half text book.
      However, we will have see what turns up and out, shortly, to discern which is which.
      Seeing is believing.
      Only it isn’t.
      Very far from it.
      Contain your fear - and believe only what is intelligibly sensible.
      To Lie - that person has to know The Truth.
      The Truth is hidden in The Lie.
      Fear is the mind killer.
      As is fatigue, poor nutrition, lack of exercise and low access to sun light.
      Focus on those - and things become clearer.
      Much clearer.
      All else - Lies.
      Keep it simple, silly.
      Keep the faith - hold the line.

    • @gtechnosinc2518
      @gtechnosinc2518 3 месяца назад

      Well, things in the bible have been proven, it's not a fairy tail, it is true, ans soon you will find out, I hope you believe before too late.

  • @deepwaters3335
    @deepwaters3335 3 месяца назад +11

    CERN is a new version of the Tower of Babble.

  • @barryslattery563
    @barryslattery563 4 месяца назад +16

    Welcome back David

  • @jaylove9844
    @jaylove9844 4 месяца назад +11

    Did you know that the Original, the first giants became Demons after they were destroyed. The angels that fell with Satan are evil spirits, not demons. Satan angels were KICKED OUT OF HEAVEN, the ones that LEFT their positions create giants with women. The women became sirens after they died. But of course, I'm crazy according to some.

    • @venator-fb7yy
      @venator-fb7yy 4 месяца назад +8

      Your not crazy, when the giants "died" during the flood their bodies perished but not their spirits. They inhabit the spirit realm which we could call the 4th dimension. (I can continue if you'd like, it gets weirder)

    • @olgalabadie3024
      @olgalabadie3024 4 месяца назад

      Go on

    • @theblackmonk3153
      @theblackmonk3153 3 месяца назад

      @@venator-fb7yyso sirens are real ?

    • @venator-fb7yy
      @venator-fb7yy 3 месяца назад +1

      @@theblackmonk3153 They might have been, our ancestors may not have fully understood what they saw but they SAW something to start the legend. Alot of human history has been suppressed throughout the last several generations so our modern view of the world may be very different from what it really is.

    • @Issy-xz1xj
      @Issy-xz1xj 2 месяца назад

      Lol no they didn't

  • @stephanieamoakohene576
    @stephanieamoakohene576 3 месяца назад +6

    I dont like how the creator is being protrayed, like He is some revengeful, bitter and heartless Maker. He didn't like the offering of cain as it was blemished, not great and cain did it with contempt, where as Abel did what He liked with joy and gladness in his heart, so the Maker accepted it. He didn't just want to kill everyone, he gave 120 years notice to the people to change their ways before the flood came, the world as you can see in those days and even now need a cleanse. He also didn't want to sabotage man, he did it, as they built that tower to kill Him for the flood, so he changed languages to destroy their plan. He is a kind, long suffering, sweet, merciful, forgiving and amazing ruler, people just take the piss. HIs wrath is terrible, but it doesn't come unprovoked.

    • @jjkhawaiian
      @jjkhawaiian 3 месяца назад +1

      Amen. America is ripe for judgment, as is the rest of the world. God is love and wrath. However, his wrath comes at the end of God's long-suffering and patience, while sending many warnings to repent.

    • @marcusaurelius7039
      @marcusaurelius7039 2 месяца назад

      The god of the Old Testament is a Demon.

  • @j.justin1511
    @j.justin1511 3 месяца назад +2

    Wow, this was so cool! I just discovered your channel via this video, and now I'm subscribed (and hooked). As a believer in the God of the bible and the literal young earth model, this was fascinating to me. That era of humanity is shrouded in so much mystery, and only the barest echoes of what it must have been like survive. Thanks for sharing.

  • @Ditchhead
    @Ditchhead 4 месяца назад +13

    6:57 is that Wendigoon?

  • @Daves-not-here
    @Daves-not-here 4 месяца назад +4

    One of my favorite memes is the one with the time traveler that goes back in time to see Jesus teach his disciples and when he is done he turns to the traveler and in perfect English tells them "You are not supposed to be here." before he touches the traveler and they "wake up" back in their own time. this just kind of came to mind when you were talking about if we found ourselves closer to Adam or Moses's times. Closer you are to the beginning of creation the more likely you would be to experience the works of the divine I'd say is something most assured. Even if the divine ending up being aliens which would kinds be funny in a sense.

  • @lokivato
    @lokivato 4 месяца назад +3

    Love your voice and these narrations. Thanks 🙏

  • @Fukit8All
    @Fukit8All 4 месяца назад +14

    A video about Aztecs and Mayans would be nice. Greetings from Mexico.

    • @Garbeaux.
      @Garbeaux. 4 месяца назад

      U know how to speak Latin?

    • @Fukit8All
      @Fukit8All 3 месяца назад

      @@Garbeaux. a little.
      Quid aguis? (I think it's spelled). wbu?
      I know

  • @MrPink-qf1xi
    @MrPink-qf1xi 4 месяца назад +5

    Glad to see you again mate.

  • @zach6395
    @zach6395 4 месяца назад +16

    The thing with the Great Flood is that the flood itself was ancient to the ancients. I believe that this idea of a flood would have happened in a time when humans were still few in number, and in one location. From there, as human migrated across the world, the flood story would have traveled with them. I think the Mt. Toba eruption is the event that would have triggered this, as the ensuing bottleneck of the population wouldn't have as much knowledge of the pre-eruption world. It would have seemed to them that world was ending to them.

    • @aarongronsman2170
      @aarongronsman2170 4 месяца назад +3

      I also don't think the story could have begun with the Sumerians. After all, I don't think it is plausible that peoples as remote as the Polynesians and Mesoamericans could possibly have learned it despite not being contacted by anyone from the old world for so long.

    • @JoshuaMoehle42
      @JoshuaMoehle42 4 месяца назад +3

      I heard a theory that the story started at the end of the last glacial event. with the ocean rise many coastal settlements, which were some of the most prosperous do to the abundance of the ocean, were flooded out. the refuges from these floods brought the story with them. Cant say how credible this theory is.

    • @VideoSaySo
      @VideoSaySo 4 месяца назад

      Look up Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson...Joe Rogan did an episode with both of them. They explain how most of the world flooded around 11,000 years ago due to some sort of cosmic impact. They show pictures and have proof a huge flood tore through North America then...There is a podcast with Randall Carlson on Rogan by himself...that might be the one you'd enjoy watching most! Very riveting! There's more proof of a global flood at the end of the Younger Dryas than there's proof it didn't happen.

    • @bryanbulmer6716
      @bryanbulmer6716 4 месяца назад

      Interesting. I believe the flood covered everything, which is why we find sea shells and such fossilized on top of mountains. And after the flood receded then came the ice. And man had about 1500 years to populate the earth before he flood so I imagine there was many people.

    • @jjkhawaiian
      @jjkhawaiian 3 месяца назад

      @@aarongronsman2170 people multiplied and covered the Earth after the Flood and the Tower of Babel. Word of mouth was used to spread stories, fiction and true, as people spread over the Earth. History was spread this way before writing existed.

  • @AzureSkyCiel
    @AzureSkyCiel 4 месяца назад +14

    Ancient humans: *Build this biggest settlements near bodies of water*
    Bodies of water: *Overflow and flood, submerging massive swaths of land and said settlements.*
    Ancient humans: *surprised pikachu face*

    • @SweetUniverse
      @SweetUniverse 4 месяца назад +3

      With water, water everywhere it's hard to believe only one man had a boat.

    • @nobleman9393
      @nobleman9393 4 месяца назад +1

      It would make the soil very fertile tho.

    • @bryanbulmer6716
      @bryanbulmer6716 4 месяца назад +1

      Im guessing they got wiped out by giant waves full of mud and rock from the fountains of the deep bursting. Which is why we find animals preserved half way through giving birth and eating a meal.

    • @jjkhawaiian
      @jjkhawaiian 3 месяца назад

      @@SweetUniverse they didn't know rain. Just morning dew. They didn't even know about boats back then. That's why God had to describe to Noah the supplies to use and how to build the Ark. Physics/science must have been different in those days perhaps.

    • @jjkhawaiian
      @jjkhawaiian 3 месяца назад

      @@bryanbulmer6716 we have plenty of examples throughout history to know the force of water and the damage it causes/caused. Many floods throughout the Earth. It's very devastating and described as you stated.

  • @mathieuleader8601
    @mathieuleader8601 4 месяца назад +9

    the pre-flood era of the Bible is great for budding fantasy writers to write stories about

  • @DodoJacket
    @DodoJacket 4 месяца назад +1

    It could have become almost customary to build high buildings in case there was another massive deluge as you can see in ancient buildings. It's also very likely the structures like the pyramid was built to act as a leyline to prevent the strange world earth was before.

  • @atomrahzrahstorm9819
    @atomrahzrahstorm9819 4 месяца назад +1

    Yes playing out all flood myths on 1 video will be amazing.

  • @TheQuincyEdwards
    @TheQuincyEdwards 4 месяца назад +1

    Looking forward to seeing the video about the various flood mythologies! Thanks!

  • @-RONNIE
    @-RONNIE 4 месяца назад +5

    Thanks for another good video

  • @smillstill
    @smillstill 2 месяца назад

    In the Mesopotamian Atra-Hasis, Enlil first sends a plague, a drought and a famine/infertility to wipe out humankind, but Enki tells the people how to survive or helps them by providing food. So, then Enlil sends the flood and makes the other deities swear not to interfere. It's not explicit, but you would think humans would have got the message from Enki that Enlil was trying to destroy them because they were too loud and just didn't change or eventually reverted to noisiness after the 1200 year intervals in between catastrophes.

  • @DiscordianKim
    @DiscordianKim 4 месяца назад +4


  • @Procopius464
    @Procopius464 3 месяца назад +8

    There were Nephilim before and AFTER the flood. Some of those giant skeletons have been found, and some of them had elongated heads. Weird shaped heads. Incidentally, giants are also a recurring element in lots of different legends around the world.

    • @guruware8612
      @guruware8612 3 месяца назад

      omg, an ancient alien fan

    • @Procopius464
      @Procopius464 3 месяца назад

      @@guruware8612 I'm not. I'm agnostic on whether or not aliens are real, but I think if they are real they would stay away from Earth for many good reasons.

    • @jjkhawaiian
      @jjkhawaiian 3 месяца назад

      Goliath and his brothers were from the race of giants from the people of the Philistines. Most likely his ascendents were also. Not all Philistines were giants. Some of the Canaanites were also giants.

    • @Procopius464
      @Procopius464 3 месяца назад

      @@guruware8612 I don't know whether or not aliens are real, but I don't believe they would come to earth if they are. That ancient aliens stuff is foolishness.

    • @Procopius464
      @Procopius464 3 месяца назад

      @@jjkhawaiian Right. So it seems that the occurrence of giants has more to do with the region than any particular group.

  • @marcusbullock2753
    @marcusbullock2753 4 месяца назад +6

    Imagine making a game based on this.

    • @Game4oSale
      @Game4oSale 4 месяца назад

      What would be the goal of the protagonist?

    • @enzorillotv
      @enzorillotv 4 месяца назад

      @@Game4oSale to find an ark that can survive the flood

    • @Guciom
      @Guciom 4 месяца назад +5

      @@Game4oSale Survive.

    • @inkscapepanda
      @inkscapepanda 4 месяца назад +1

      There is already a game similar to this fantasy world. It's called Dungeon's and Dragons but it's way cooler.

    • @AxolotlVR_was_taken
      @AxolotlVR_was_taken 4 месяца назад

      @@Guciom build the ark on the crisp of time as the flood is slowly approaching... get every animal on the ark as fast as you can... new game arriving 2029

  • @eldeguello9154
    @eldeguello9154 2 месяца назад +1

    This book: "The Formosan Great Flood Myths: An Analysis of the Oral Traditions of Ancient Taiwan" chronicles hundreds of global flood myths ALL from Taiwan's Austronesian tribes.

  • @Bar-Buryin
    @Bar-Buryin Месяц назад

    Before the flood there was no rain. Water came up from the ground and from bodies of water. That is why all the people laughed at and mocked Noah, said he was crazy. Not only was he talking about water covering all the land but it also was gonna fall from the sky to do it.

  • @icehockeylover189
    @icehockeylover189 4 месяца назад +8

    Enlil harboured no love for mankind. To him, we were simply a tool or means to an end. In the Sumerian account, the Annunaki became aware of a celestial object, on course to hitting Earth (potentially, the younger dryas impact). A meeting was held between the Annunaki leadership where Enlil expressed his irritation at how fast and widespread, humanity had grown. He found us to be a nuisance and put it to a vote that humanity would not be spared from the impending cataclysm. Enki, who saw humanity as his creation and more importantly as his children, protested but was overruled by the council's vote. Enlil knew that Enki would not just accept the ruling so he also made Enki along with the rest of the council swear, that mankind was not to be warned of the coming catastrophe. However, Enki had a plan to alert one of his most favored humans, who was also of his direct bloodline; Noah. And the rest of the story, we know.

    • @elijahlyons8164
      @elijahlyons8164 4 месяца назад +4

      Enki is not the father of Jesus christ. Be wise when understanding myths and history.

    • @VideoSaySo
      @VideoSaySo 4 месяца назад +1

      Enlil tried to wipe most of humanity out with a disease too...

    • @thelittlebosniaexperience8181
      @thelittlebosniaexperience8181 4 месяца назад +3

      That’s some good crossover fanfic there

    • @altemenancy
      @altemenancy 4 месяца назад +1

      Who created mankind?

    • @altemenancy
      @altemenancy 4 месяца назад

      I think the 200 watchers that made the pack on mt. Hermon, who made a pack before sleeping with the daughters of man and bore the giants, who also taught man kind things, could have also lied to these people back then to make them believe they are good when they are satans.

    @RAY.POLARIS 4 месяца назад +5

    The world in those days was more thrilling and magical nothing like in our modern days which is dull and boring as f**ck.

    • @bryanbulmer6716
      @bryanbulmer6716 4 месяца назад +8

      Hey at least you won't be eaten by a giant or some kind of lizard person, lol

    • @KB8Killa
      @KB8Killa 4 месяца назад +3

      @@bryanbulmer6716could still happen lol not likely tho

    • @jjkhawaiian
      @jjkhawaiian 3 месяца назад +1

      @@bryanbulmer6716 stay away from national and state parks.

  • @MatthewKruse-ri8ep
    @MatthewKruse-ri8ep 3 месяца назад +1

    The rebel angels, after siring the giants, didn't just "not stick around" "because the giants were so monstrous" - if you read in Enoch, God has the rebel angels who sired giants have to watch their children turn against and kill eachother in bloodthirsty madness, and then, God has the rebel angels thrown into a pit of darkness (think the phantom zone) to be held for 70 generations. - nevertheless, these rebel angels didn't reject the giants. They were their progeny. It was a punishment on those rebel angels to see their giant children kill eachother in an event called, "The War of the Giants" - which is also chronicled in Greek Mythology as the Titanomachi (forgive me if my spelling is off).

  • @richardburns6305
    @richardburns6305 3 месяца назад +1

    Multiple languages would have cause confusion and separate us, therefore we would be easier to manipulate and control. One language one people would have unified us. One can draw several thoughts on this.

  • @michaelhansen2818
    @michaelhansen2818 4 месяца назад +9

    In Norse mythology they have a flood story similar to the Enlil version, but instead on human kind that was causing a ruckus, it was the Jötnar, when Óðinn, Vili and Ve killed their grandfather Ymir, blood poured out of his body causing a biblical sized flood that wiped most of the Jötnar out.

    • @Jewel_Screaming_Chango8387
      @Jewel_Screaming_Chango8387 3 месяца назад

      Those are trolls basically a giant ugly humanoid that’s violent kinda similar

    • @christincommon5496
      @christincommon5496 3 месяца назад

      What you speak of is when the “gods” watched their sons kill one another just prior to the flood.

    • @michaelhansen2818
      @michaelhansen2818 3 месяца назад

      @christincommon5496 sorry but no, their was no killing prior to the flood, the killing of Ymir and the Jötnar was a result of them being rowdy and chaotic, if you read the Eddas you would understand this.

    • @christincommon5496
      @christincommon5496 3 месяца назад

      @@michaelhansen2818 I don’t need to read the “Eddas” to understand what happened, as
      The account of what happened appears in other sources, which is how I know that God’s judgment of the fallen angels was having to watch their offspring annihilate each other. It was a blood bath.

    • @michaelhansen2818
      @michaelhansen2818 3 месяца назад

      @christincommon5496 if you haven't read the poetic and prose eddas, no you don't.
      And I'm willing to bet you've never read the book of Enki, or the book of Enoch, those stories tell a different narrative than what's portray in mainstream Christianity.

  • @nemesisprime2993
    @nemesisprime2993 3 месяца назад +1

    First thing God, wasn't and not a bad God he's righteous, true and just, this is why he couldn't leave the wickedness to continue in those days, or he wouldn't be a righteous God, is the same way he will not leave all the wickedness to go on in these days and eras, he's going to bring them to and end once and for all, this is why Jesus Christ came so we are without excuses if we have to continue and die in our sins and wickedness.

  • @davidchase9424
    @davidchase9424 4 месяца назад +3

    How can she have an upside down cross if Jesus hadn't been crucified yet?

  • @ryvirkelley5047
    @ryvirkelley5047 4 месяца назад +2

    Thank you!

  • @TerryB01
    @TerryB01 4 месяца назад +13

    Thank God (literally and figuratively) these things aren’t around anymore.

    • @exposingtruth600
      @exposingtruth600 4 месяца назад +7

      The giants exist as disembodied spirits these they call demons.

    • @KimberlyWard-Evans717
      @KimberlyWard-Evans717 4 месяца назад +3

      Think again. Have you heard of the new mental phenomena called “demon face”? Yeah, it’s a made up thing because people are seeing demons in the flesh these days. Jesus, Yeshua said, “as in the days of Noah…” What do you think he meant? “They” are back! But; our King comes

    • @mrh3894
      @mrh3894 4 месяца назад +2

      you think they were ever around? LOLLLLLLL

    • @HyperspaceCafe
      @HyperspaceCafe 4 месяца назад

      They didn’t and don’t exist. 🤦🏻‍♂️ religion is such a evil thing look what it does to humans brains 😂

    • @4Redwall
      @4Redwall 4 месяца назад +3

      They are still around, we call them bigfoot, dogman, wendigo, skin walkers, giants, fairies, aliens etc.

  • @jamesvan2201
    @jamesvan2201 3 месяца назад +1

    Actually, the cherubim had the faces of a man, a lion, an ox , and an eagle. The video says the first face is a cherub.....well, to those who don't know what a cherub looks like, "face of a cherub" is kind of redundant as they have 4 faces...., a man, an ox, an eagle and a lion. Not "the face of a cherub" as the face of a cherub consists of those 4 aforementioned thngs.

  • @martine123go3
    @martine123go3 3 месяца назад

    I have never heard that version before. Usually, it talks about a perfect world with abundance and unparalled beauty. Interresting

    • @christincommon5496
      @christincommon5496 3 месяца назад

      Which narrative speaks of abundance and unparalleled beauty?

    • @martine123go3
      @martine123go3 3 месяца назад

      @@christincommon5496 myths and legends of Atlantis, which is the antediluvian world. Plato talked about this place. On the legend, there are also Giants, Nephilims, gods and people playing with genetics and creating monsters but only toward the end of this era, before the flood

    • @jjkhawaiian
      @jjkhawaiian 3 месяца назад

      @@martine123go3 Atlantis was NOT the whole Earth nor included all inhabitants.

  • @bluemassgamer17
    @bluemassgamer17 Месяц назад

    I always thought of the tower of babel as some form of partical collider. I know that sounds stupid but the design of looks like one to me.

  • @AlphaLima6
    @AlphaLima6 4 месяца назад +2

    Amazing work 😘

  • @ronniewestherly3435
    @ronniewestherly3435 3 месяца назад

    In one of the apocryphal books there was a very small number of the giants didn't kill or eat people. They lived amongst thier humans mothers people an would fight the gaints that wanted to eat people.

  • @hannacarter1352
    @hannacarter1352 4 месяца назад +1

    Biblical God? There's only One. Bible tells us the truth. God's Word gets through to His children. Doesn't matter what person wrote what. God can do almost anything. The one thing that God can't do is lie.

  • @docked9953
    @docked9953 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm gonna have to have a serious talk with my algorithm

  • @troyelam8978
    @troyelam8978 4 месяца назад +6

    We have to stop with this idea, that Nephilim, fallen angels, children from the union between angels and humans, etc., were somehow ugly! They were ugly only if they wanted to be!
    If these creatures actually existed, they would have had supernatural powers, and would have either been extremely attractive, just by the very nature of what they were, or they would’ve been able to fashion whatever physical appearance they wanted, most of whom would probably logically chose to appear to be beautiful!
    I know it’s our habit from the Renaissance. To think Satan, demons, etc. Their half breed offspring, etc. were ugly, but if you logically think about it, that most likely is the furthest thing from the truth, considering they could pretty much look like however they wanted.

    • @KamiTenchi
      @KamiTenchi 4 месяца назад +2

      I agree with everything you said. I believe these entities existed and were born with supernatural abilities. It only makes sense as they were bloodline came from Fallen Watchers.

    • @troyelam8978
      @troyelam8978 4 месяца назад +2

      @@KamiTenchi exactly! Angels are pretty much able to put on whatever physical body they want, so why would they choose to look like Predator? They certainly wouldn’t have made their babies ugly. Also, these angels would have chosen which ever human females they wanted, most likely the most attractive. So, if you pair, an angel, an inherently, beautiful creature, who can appear however they want, and a beautiful woman together, most likely the children would’ve been beautiful. They would not have looked like monsters, gorgons, etc.

    • @exposingtruth600
      @exposingtruth600 4 месяца назад +2

      I understand what your saying they can masquerade as anything but one thing I should point out is that beauty itself comes from God and also truth does too sâtän is a liar and he hätês truth and he is the enemy of God I know satan masquerades an an angel of light but these beings dislike beauty as well since it comes from God.

    • @troyelam8978
      @troyelam8978 4 месяца назад

      @@exposingtruth600 yes, but God did not do individual intervening with demons. The Bible still describes Satan and Demons as basically angels who went bad. They are physical appearance would no more change than a bad human’s.

    • @exposingtruth600
      @exposingtruth600 4 месяца назад

      @@troyelam8978 When they were casted out of heaven they lost their former glory and splendor they had in heaven.

  • @nikhilmathur7122
    @nikhilmathur7122 2 месяца назад +1

    Please make a video on great flood based on hindu mythology

  • @alfasiger4178
    @alfasiger4178 3 месяца назад +1

    People did not live longer back then. If you read what the Sumerians and Akkad said, you would realize that these guys were the bloodline of the Anunnaki. This bloodline was mimicked in Genesis 5. That is why they were living for so long. Adam (Adamski) was the first successful human made by Ninmah and Enki. Egyptians told the same tale.
    Adams bloodline was claimed by many rulers and religions as justification of their divine right to rule over all. These post flood civilizations tried to mimic ancient Sumer and Akkad. Religions were repeated by civilizations and kings/emperors used these old tales as their divine right to rule. They had everyone believing in their divine right to rule because everyone thought they came from the Genesis 5 bloodline. World domination was always something humanity tried to do, it is never conspiracy theory. Its no different than today.

    • @douglaspaxson
      @douglaspaxson 3 месяца назад

      So people and animals didn't live hundreds of years and grow bigger from the extra canopy of oxygen? King Og in the Bible wasn't close to 14 feet? Goliath wasn't a giant?

    • @alfasiger4178
      @alfasiger4178 3 месяца назад

      @@douglaspaxson As the bible described: they were the sons of Anik/Anak. Goliath was 1 of 4 giants. David was chosen to destroy them throughout the book of Samuel and Kings.
      In the book of Joshua they came across the Canaanites and the spies said "we are grasshoppers to them." They even described it as a land that consumes itself. Giants need constant sustenance.
      There is a distinction between normal people and nephilim here.
      It was the early christian church that changed bible canon and history itself.
      I've learned the bible does go along with secular history when looking through the orthodox lens. The ancients wrote about the same beings calling them "those from heaven to earth came" or "the shining ones" by the Assyrians, "Watchers," etc...
      All the same story, different version.

  • @marilyndafeta3064
    @marilyndafeta3064 3 месяца назад

    I honestly believe the world right now is much much darker than it was back then
    Much darker…

  • @bodeprime
    @bodeprime 4 месяца назад

    Your voice is perfect for the type of content you create

  • @christianfastidio9891
    @christianfastidio9891 2 месяца назад

    Any One Piece's fans here? Understand every words and sentences, sounds familiar like on the 1:26 he said that the deity who's followed by humans is the one who'll drown them.

  • @skyterror77postman47
    @skyterror77postman47 3 месяца назад

    Trees are just a symbols , knowledge we seek and gain, while immortality we have from our Lord ,Jesus Christ .AMEN

  • @patremagilbert682
    @patremagilbert682 4 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for videos

  • @TheHoneyBadger-yh5vj
    @TheHoneyBadger-yh5vj 4 месяца назад

    God bless you and your work sir 💙 respect from Croatia 😇😇😇

  • @jamesvan2201
    @jamesvan2201 3 месяца назад

    The man is the same in all 3 accounts. He's just known by those different names due to culture and language. Just like Michael is the equivalent to Miguel in Spanish, but in Russia it would be Mikhael or Mikhail. And José is the Spanish equivalent to Joe or joseph.

  • @ravensthatflywiththenightm7319
    @ravensthatflywiththenightm7319 4 месяца назад +4

    Looking forward to your next video already!

  • @user-nk7yn6yj4d
    @user-nk7yn6yj4d 4 месяца назад +2

    Wow dude,over complicating a my opinion, Methuselah's extra years of life was more of a favor to all the rest of God's creations because when Methuselah dies the judgement comes, Methuselah means his death shall bring, anything that would be rotting and is as a corpse would not be alive in my opinion 😐

  • @4everPhire22
    @4everPhire22 Месяц назад

    Whoever wrote this and was the narrator didn't write this from a principal point of view. He said meat eaters would've starved. Whether this was said in a joking matter or serious, principally speaking, there was no death until Cain killed Abel. So meat was death and NOBODY ate meat. And the notion that giants were "half breeds" is FALSE. I don't care who said it is real. The bible does not speak of angels having sex with women. The "sons of God" are regular men. Giants were around because of the environment produced it. A Japanese scientist by the name of Dr Kei Mori explains the environment and the difference it made. He actually did a science project in his home by creating a small replica of the environment and its VERY eye-opening.

  • @4everPhire22
    @4everPhire22 Месяц назад

    Every ancient talked about the great flood because EVERY culture had an ancestor that came from that 8 on the boat! And just because you wrote it down first doesn't mean it happened that way.

  • @Joe_Goofball
    @Joe_Goofball 3 месяца назад

    It's starting to look that way, now...

  • @timadams3975
    @timadams3975 3 месяца назад

    Interesting vid and great animations. Makes me wonder why the god of most bibles would have allowed things like the giants to exist to begin with when he knew there wasn't no food source for them.

  • @ronniewestherly3435
    @ronniewestherly3435 3 месяца назад

    In the book of Enoke it is told God made the flood to save the few pure blooded humans that was left from the giants.

  • @hardikgurung6027
    @hardikgurung6027 Месяц назад

    Thanks ❤

  • @Trendle222
    @Trendle222 3 месяца назад +1

    wtf so god got tired of us and flooded the earth killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people (probably mostly at least half way good) Gotcha, what an awesome god he is , he really loves us

    • @ThomasStewart-ze8tw
      @ThomasStewart-ze8tw 2 месяца назад

      Read the book of Enoch. He gave them 100+ years to repent and they didn't.

  • @ronniewestherly3435
    @ronniewestherly3435 3 месяца назад

    In the book of Enoke the garden was some place else.Enoke was being held by a angel while flying an Enoke looked down an seen the garden but didn't get to go down to it.

  • @destryfrazier4705
    @destryfrazier4705 4 месяца назад +1

    I never read this comic book. 😂

  • @merlinwizard1000
    @merlinwizard1000 4 месяца назад +6

    4th, 24 April 2024

  • @DozerfleetProd
    @DozerfleetProd 3 месяца назад

    It's not saying that literally all plants were near-impossible to harvest. It's saying that there would be the occasional thorn or thistle. And that working beneath the sun would grow tiresome. In other words, that gardening would be like what gardening is today. That includes plants sometimes getting sick from things like fusarium wilt.
    In the Garden, he could work all day, constantly, barely break a sweat, and all the plants worthy of bringing forth a harvest were thorn-and-thistle free completely. Gardening was almost zero-effort and fun, not a chore like today.

  • @percival1137
    @percival1137 4 месяца назад +1

    If you wanna know what it reeeeally looked like, just look around. We're about to get swamped again. I mean, duh.

    • @AxolotlVR_was_taken
      @AxolotlVR_was_taken 4 месяца назад +1

      god said he would never flood the earth again, but that doesnt mean he cant flood california 😂😂😂

  • @mathieuleader8601
    @mathieuleader8601 4 месяца назад +1

    my mum said to me when I was going to sleep when I was little he's off to the land of Nod when I read the Bible when I was older apparently the Land of Nod was the wasteland Adam and Eve went to after being exiled from Eden.

  • @johnnycage112
    @johnnycage112 4 месяца назад +10

    I wonder if the Watchers are get along with, or fight with the angels that fell with Lucifer?

    • @henrythecat3094
      @henrythecat3094 4 месяца назад +8

      Imagine a kingdom full of envy, ungratefulness and hate. They were not loyal to their Creator, what makes you think they would be to their own?

    • @noahtylerpritchett2682
      @noahtylerpritchett2682 4 месяца назад

      Samyaza's rebellion and Helel/Lucifer's rebellion are both self serving tyrants.
      Yahweh Elohim rid Samyaza millennium ago.
      He'll rid us of Lucifer as well.
      Baruch Hashem.

    • @blackhoney121
      @blackhoney121 4 месяца назад +1

      I always thought Lucifer and his crew fell first and the watchers figured since God didn’t make hell yet, they figured they could get away with disobeying God and do a better job of ruling the earth. I do enjoy pondering these topics tho

    • @jokerface51
      @jokerface51 4 месяца назад +1

      Lucifer is Azazel in the book of Enoch. The scapegoat.

    • @henrythecat3094
      @henrythecat3094 4 месяца назад

      @@blackhoney121 watch Reversing Hermon from Dr Michael Heiser is an eye opener 😳 👀

  • @christtrockministeries5542
    @christtrockministeries5542 3 месяца назад

    1 thing i believe in period of Noahs Preaching, is it must have been abit Like todays world, in which 1 could tell them, that God Praise Him is a judging God an uses things Like heat floods or whatever disaster it is as a Judgement, an they will just-say Like a former neighbour woman, of a religion i wont name, that it wa-not God, that done it because He is a Loving God.!
    True but also a Judging God Praise Him. 21 to 4 pm gmt.

  • @SoundReaper88
    @SoundReaper88 3 месяца назад

    I can tell you right now they did not all die. And are still here.

    • @keshavrao212
      @keshavrao212 3 месяца назад

      I am interested, please provide details.

  • @DozerfleetProd
    @DozerfleetProd 3 месяца назад

    Methuselah is historical, not a "character." Remember the Methuselah Project, which was a major exhibit at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry? They demonstrated how it should be possible to extend human life to a thousand years. However, it'd be prohibitively expensive to revert human DNA to that level of efficiency, so as to improve cellular division rates and telemore integrity while also improving the efficiency of waste elimination at a cellular level.
    All indicators in the Bible are that DNA in humanity became degenerate over time. And we see plenty of evidence of that in how many new disorders have come to exist in the course of just the last century.

  • @lynnmitzy1643
    @lynnmitzy1643 4 месяца назад +12

    Today is 4/24/24. Now read it're welcome ❤

    • @TheJurnalyst
      @TheJurnalyst 4 месяца назад +1

      A number palindrome...

    • @DaniBenn-jn3vr
      @DaniBenn-jn3vr 4 месяца назад +2


    • @qwerty-tf1jg
      @qwerty-tf1jg 4 месяца назад

      Our country the days first like the rest of the world you Americans are farked

    • @TheJurnalyst
      @TheJurnalyst 4 месяца назад

      @@DaniBenn-jn3vr 🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @anthonycavallero6637
      @anthonycavallero6637 4 месяца назад +3

      Do geese see God
      Now read it backwards. . .
      You're welcome ❤

  • @shaundramann9161
    @shaundramann9161 26 дней назад

    God doesn't use magic (6:54). He is Omnipotent. Magic is an ancient practice that involves rituals, spiritual divinations, and cultural lineage.

  • @lastchancemst1
    @lastchancemst1 3 месяца назад

    god kicked man out of the garden for gaining knowledge, also confounded language due to the tower, and reputes angels for teaching humans,,, sounds like a matrix to me

    • @martine123go3
      @martine123go3 3 месяца назад

      Sounds like humans had too much fun and some became jalous. Jaleousy... What a destructive emotion, to this day

  • @jamesvan2201
    @jamesvan2201 3 месяца назад

    We didn't age like we do now. Alligators for instance, don't age as fast as we do. A 50 year old alligator could look just like a 15 year old alligator, just bigger and maybe more scars. So an 300 year old man may have looked like a 30 year old man and 400 year old > 40, etc. I'm not exact on the age equivalence, but yeah, we didn't age as rapidly as we do today. This is most likely due to things that affected us do to the damage caused by the flood such as, first and foremost, the genetic bottleneck. Due to the gene pool being severely reduced because 99% of the human population was destroyed. The next would be oxygen. The oxygen in our atmosphere is something like 72% less than it was preload. In turn and related, sun radiation.
    Also, diet. We didn't eat meat preload. Post flood, we eat meat and scientific studies have shown that consumption of meat speeds up aging in the DNA of humans.

  • @LoriESCOTT
    @LoriESCOTT 4 месяца назад

    Well that was interesting ...I've seen the Gateway documents but somehow missed page 25. That's a lot to take in. I feel a little in shock with it. You would think that would be being shouted from the rooftops. This world is in a deep I guess that's the point huh? Thank you for your work on all these great subjects!

  • @rickjames6902
    @rickjames6902 4 месяца назад

    Theres so many different tellings of the same incident is because of the tower of Babel when God confuses all the languages .

  • @humanity600
    @humanity600 4 месяца назад

    Very interesting comparison. What kind of other monsters where present in the Biblical pre-flood? I saw a giant sea monster thing...maybe a tanin?

    • @bryanbulmer6716
      @bryanbulmer6716 4 месяца назад +1

      I would guess the monsters from Greek mythology and such were real before the flood

  • @rickywhite7578
    @rickywhite7578 3 месяца назад

    And it seems the world is slipping back into that type of environment

  • @DenethordeSade.90
    @DenethordeSade.90 2 месяца назад

    What a loving god. Non capital used on purpose

  • @Sudden-Death
    @Sudden-Death 3 месяца назад +2

    World seems worse now day tbh

  • @halcyon3116
    @halcyon3116 4 месяца назад +3

    @07:56 the earths rotation was faster as well so very likely timekeeping was incredibly different

  • @ujjawaldutta3859
    @ujjawaldutta3859 Месяц назад

    There is something similar in Hindu mythology
    Flood part

  • @gtechnosinc2518
    @gtechnosinc2518 3 месяца назад

    and everything that was in the days of Noah is going to come back and we are going to live it, so prepare because it's coming.

  • @oasissands8584
    @oasissands8584 2 месяца назад +1

    That's clickbait if I ever seen it an upside down cross well before the crucifixion

  • @jeremymott
    @jeremymott 4 месяца назад

    What most people don't know is that the Hebrew for Garden of Eden and the Hebrew for Heaven are the same Gan Eden

  • @danielguzman9482
    @danielguzman9482 4 месяца назад +2

    Amazing work ❤️

  • @cianmoriarty7345
    @cianmoriarty7345 3 месяца назад

    Look at Doggerland. And entire country the size of Belgium 20-80 meters below the current north sea. From Britain to Jutland, West Germany and The Netherlands. Antler barber spear points, other tools, mammoth and Neanderthal skulls started be dragged up by herring boats in the early 20th century. No one had suspected it ever existed. It vanished quite suddenly beneath the waves some time around 6500-6200BC.

  • @Chase_baker_1996
    @Chase_baker_1996 4 месяца назад +1


  • @umbrellacorp.
    @umbrellacorp. 4 месяца назад +1

    I would of loved to see how the world was back then. But people are all the same, no matter what culture you live in.