Henna Maria | Full Interview

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • The next release in our interview series is with Henna Maria, a peace activist, practitioner of ancestral healing arts, and coordinator for the international Police for Freedom movement.
    We catch up with Henna in Acapulco, Mexico, where she discusses Western culture’s hard-wired cycle of traumatic conditioning resulting in acceptance of dehumanizing measures in exchange for fallacious freedoms.
    This dependence is a prerequisite for slavery. How then do we finally liberate our hypnotized family, friends, neighbors and police forces? Through a redirection of anger and protest to one of activism, which is an extension of the healing arts.
    Find out how Henna’s street activism initiative, in particular, has created communal “bonfires” to take back our inalienable rights from the powers that be. Thank you and please help to make this spread like wildfire globally.
    Please make a donation to our efforts if you value what we do, and share our content far and wide. We are all in this to make a difference!
    We are the change!
    James Patrick
    Director of the “Planet Lockdown” documentary

Комментарии • 19

  • @jflu79
    @jflu79 Год назад +7

    What a beautiful soul and message ❤ Thank you!

  • @juperrr
    @juperrr Год назад +3

    "Dependency is always a prerequisite of slavery" True.

  • @patty9101
    @patty9101 Год назад +2

    Most people don’t care until it affects them personally. As long as they make good money and have comfortable life they aren’t curious what’s happening around them. At least that’s how I see it in Canada.

  • @LowtechLLC
    @LowtechLLC Год назад +1

    Great video!

  • @clairehughes6280
    @clairehughes6280 Год назад +1

    Very well said Henna Thank You 💙💙💙

  • @dumpsterchicken6287
    @dumpsterchicken6287 Год назад +1

    I've been thinking about these issues. Glad I found your great video.

  • @Mrspeedwell
    @Mrspeedwell 11 месяцев назад

    Well done, great interview. Top chick, loved her work during the nonsense. I missed her presence.

  • @funkibloo3811
    @funkibloo3811 Год назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your common sense. 💥👍

  • @VincentTubed
    @VincentTubed 11 месяцев назад

    Absolutely fantastic to listen to, thank you! Not sure if there is more to do, you do not know who will come and raid your eco village unfortunately. So I think both this great positive energy force is needed, but also the targeting of the people that ruin it for everyone else and to try as much as possible also to replace them. ARC by Jordan Peterson is also a great movement I suggest to join when possible, indeed to come all together and do it the way we want is the answer.

  • @jamesmcquitty8875
    @jamesmcquitty8875 Год назад

    Very nicely said, cheers.

  • @ogfoundation
    @ogfoundation Год назад +7

    So many boomer-babies afraid to question anything

  • @sr-kt9ml
    @sr-kt9ml Год назад +1

    2:45 that was deep. Well put

  • @roysmythe3760
    @roysmythe3760 10 месяцев назад

    Beautiful ❤️

  • @nwogamesalert
    @nwogamesalert Год назад

    Very inspiring! Thank you!

  • @HowToBeFree
    @HowToBeFree Год назад

    To Henna Maria's point...
    May this cut-and-paste comment be shared at best, tolerated at worst, and, if it's censored, then it's for the unethical gov.corp.goons who know that whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech and controlling the flow of information.
    Some might think the following to be unrelated, but, I'm convinced it is absolutely related.
    Once one concedes that a single world government is not necessary, then where does one logically stop at the permissibility of separate states? If Canada and the United States can be separate nations without being denounced as in a state of impermissible "anarchy", why may not the South secede from the United States? New York State from the Union? New York City from the state? Why may not Manhattan secede? Each neighborhood? Each block? Each house? Each person?
    - Murray Rothbard
    Secession indicates consent, but, government is in reality established by the few; and these few assume consent of all the rest, without any such consent being actually given.
    Government is self legitimized organized crime.
    Government is the violation of free will masquerading as the protection of it.
    Thinking a tiny fraction of equally corruptible men and women who claim - by "passing ledgislation" - to know more about what is best for all the rest, and believing their claims are legitimate, is a symptom of military, media (and possibly) pharmaceutically induced mental illness.
    Those aware of the evil totalitarianism intent of the new world order that so many politicians advocate, but think that voting will prevent it, are not fully aware.
    You don't get to be in the political spotlight/a puppet without somehow, knowingly or not, first joining the "club".
    The good news is, that in order for this nonsense, this evil psychopathy to survive, they do need propaganda, and that's why countering propaganda is so vitally important.
    If you think the road to freedom is through political and legislative scribbles; you're not even free in your own mind yet.
    - (paraphrased) Larken Rose
    Voluntaryism, if realized, will likely be the skeleton key that frees us from the shackles of parasitic, tyrannical psychopaths.
    It does not take a majority to prevail...but rather, an irate tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
    - Samuel Adams
    Do you think the majority would agree a system of "community guidelines" aught be made by the community and be one of voluntary association? Wouldn't that foundation alone make obsolete the unethical system of involuntary association?.. and we can build from there?
    To be and see the good one wants in the world, does one first become aware that happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of a single principle - some things are within one's control, and some things are not?.. That the only one you can improve is yourself, and by that you set an example which ripples out inspiration?
    Is it really a surprise that as the government gets bigger and bigger and bigger, everything in life becomes more and more hyper-political?
    When you think about the profound differences that people have, how christians and atheists sit next to each other all the time with some of the most profound differences in belief. One person believes that the person next to them is going to burn in a pit of hell forever, and the atheist believes that's delusional. But they're fine with each other. They're not going to war because it's separated from politics. Now, if there would be a vote tomorrow over whether the government is christian or atheist, those people start going to war, because it's over who controls or rules over you.
    It's not that we have differences, it's that differences are politicized.
    Buckminster Fuller also said, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.".
    Changing people within this system changes nothing, because the people do not run this system, this system runs the people. We need the right systems for the right people.