It's amazing that they not only invited you to the tour, but they fully took on board your ideas! THERE is a company that's doing it right and listening to the end users :O :D I hope you're very proud, Marius! :)
A great company would give the update for free to the clients who already bought this saw in the past. Selling them the updates even they messed up is somehow not right.
+Ivanovic Romano I couldn't agree more. It seemed like they asked Marius there for damage control and to put out there that they are fixing the issue. But for a saw at this price... They should send the parts out for the cost of shipping at least. I know being a company that makes the saws per order that they have to make a good profit to stay in the black. But then again this is their issue. So I guess it's a catch 22.
Absolutely. They knew if his video was out and they didn't fix it it could give them bad publicity. I agree they should send them out to anyone who has purchased the saw.
It's great the the company saw your video and your problems and then fixed the problem. I hope you got your upgrade for free after all your hard work. Great video.
Congratulations on 100K! Ditto for resolution of your table saw parts issue. It is surely a testament to the manufacturer's integrity in that they listened to you and improved the quality of their product!
I agree with an earlier comment that Felder should offer these parts free to all customers that bought this model with the defective parts. 60,00 € plus tax (and plus shipping I'm sure) is expensive to fix their design mistake. It is good to know that they really do make the machines in Europe… Thanks for telling us about your Felder experience Marius…
Marius, that is some seriously positive feedback. The world should work like this, and because of your intelligence, demeanor, and influence it did this time. Beautiful inspiration. There is no need for anyone to lament your act of corporate charity, it won't hurt your chances of success. You are finding your place...making things better. Success knows where to find you. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on the flip stop improvement. Very impressive to have a company contact you and put your improvements into productions. I hope they paid you for that, but even if that didn't that's a good thing to have on a resume.
I give Felder a lot of credit for their actions on this. It's great to see a large company listen to their users and improve on their product. They also invited Marius to the factory which shows recognition to both Marius and the existing issue. I don't see many other companies taking this type of approach.
Nice vid and I remember your video from when you complained about how badly it was made originally. But the fact the company contacted you so soon after your video and made a better version of what you had in you video is encouraging as it shows they are willing to take the criticism onboard and work on fixing them. Great result for you and others in your position. Thanks for sharing.
Good job Marius ! It is nice to see that they were watching your videos and paying attention to your suggestions and your upgrades. You can be proud of yourself !
That's amazing! Great attitude from Felder. Awesome that you got recognized for your ideas. Did they offer you any royalties or a creation fee? Not that it's any of my business, I know you're very generous with your knowledge, just seems like the right thing to do. It was in any case an amazing opportunity, and well deserved.
Felder - I know more about your products through the videos on this channel than any other source. I can't even find any Felder dealers in my state in the USA, but I still put your saws at the top of my list. Sponsor this channel or hire Marius!
Congratulations on the 100,000!!! Well deserved, always enjoy your videos. Sounds like an awesome company, hats off to them for listening, and offering you a visit to their manufacturing plant. -Steven
amazing that they contacted you, seems they wouldnt let go the business for the upgrade ;) i have the same issue with my hammer k3 basic (now i adjust it manually from time to time), i'd be really happy to get the ones u made. keep up the good work!
Well done! I dont have this saw, 50% of my work is in metal; but I appreciate your solution. I hope the just gave you the parts, you really deserve that.
Marius, My new K3 basic is en route to me as I type. I placed the order about 10 weeks ago based on your videos. I'm looking forward to assembling it. Thank you for your efforts in improving the product. My saw will be better because of you.
Well done !! Brilliant to see a large company taking notice of clever, out-of-the-box thinking. Now all you need is your own Amazon store and link to their re-design or your re-design of their original poor design( lol ) and you can get some commission. And also, HUGE CONGRATS for over 100k subscribers!
Harry and Hansjörg should treat you well. I was looking at getting a used Martin or Altendorf, but after watching you work with your Felder Hammer, I'm giving Felder a serious second look. In fact, I am now saving up in anticipatiion of spending some large coin for a brand new Felder 741 S Pro combo. I told my local Felder rep that you, Marius Hornberger, were the one who gave me "Felder Fever." I hope that others when buying a Felder product will mention your name, too. You are definitely a good influence and Felder should recognize and appreciate you appropriately.
Thanks, Marius, but just for the record, I'm a proud member of Women in Woodworking. (... making fine sawdust with the feminine touch for many years when I'm not racing my sailboat or peddling my bicycle up to the Marksburg or Burg Hornberg on European vacations.)
NICE! great that you got through to Felder! I have the C3-31 and am experiencing the exactly same issue! Would very mush appreciate a replacement from you Dennis
Hey thanks! This was a nice upgrade to my tablesaw. Installed it today and it's a big improvement to the older style flip stop. All in all a great brand, though a rather different style of machine compared to US brands. I'm hoping to complete my workshop with the jointer planer but I'll first have to convince my wife :) Have a good one!
That's crazy awesome, Marius! You got a company like Felder to incorporate the Hornberger Stop into a regular production piece in like no time flat! Good on Felder and good on you. I see the tip of the Marius iceberg just cresting the surface. How high will it rise? Everest?? Congrats my young friend!
Du kannst echt stolz auf dich sein wegen deinem you Tube Video hat eine so große Firma wie Felder auf das Problem mit der säge reagiert hier sieht man Mal welche Erreichbarkeit man als so großer RUclipsr hat
Fantastic Marius I brought this problem up with Felder Uk over 10 years ago The only solution offered was to buy a replacement flip stop . This I foolishly did it worked OK for a couple of months but let me down again. If only social media was available back then .
man, I envy people from other countries, here in Brazil the companies only gives the middle finger to you and continues with the fault part in their production. Very good video! thanks!
Hi Marius. Congrats that they saw and understood that your solution is quite an improvement. I have a B3 winner and would be interested in your modified flip stop.
sadly got after one month of waiting a first proper sales video, didn't expect that from you... anyway, hope this was exception and another 100k subscribers will only proof that your videos are purely for entertainment... Good luck, you are doing a great job and is pleasure to watch your skills and friendly approach!
servus Marius, vielen Dank! Ich hab den Kugelschreiber schon in der Hand um die Bestellung zu unterschreiben. Unter anderem haben Deine Videos und die erhebliche Verbesserung des Anschlags zu meiner Entscheidung beigetragen. So: thanks a lot!
That's funny because I just received my K3 with everything on it (April 11,2022) and it still has the original version your saw had. It took me 7 months to get mine and I'm in the USA.
That's very nice thing that Felder watched your video and they come with the new Flip Stop idea. And very nice that you are giving away for free your 2 Flip Stops that you have made and they are just perfect, one more thing my saw from Felder similar as yours but combination one it's on my way and I'm expecting to arrive sometime in September and that's only because I've seen yours when you first got it and it looks very good build, thanks for your videos
Die Firma Lang-Technik hat es einfach bei jeder großen Firma geschafft ihre Prägetechnik/Spanntechnik unterzubringen, das ist einfach ein geniales System :) The company Lang-Technik has just managed to accommodate their embossing technology / clamping technology at every large company, this is simply an ingenious system :)
WHAAaaT! NO Felder Swag ! ? or free stuff? Good on you! Well done Felder for listening to the small guy! (PS Felder you need at least give him a obscene discount voucher!)
Felder/hammer seems to produce expensive hardware (for Hammer must be build in China...) and we pay for high quality products but (there is a but) small parts of equipment can make you crazy when you try adjust your Hammer tools. Thanks you Marius for those brillant ideas I want to buy those two items .... quickly!
man, i love your videos, i hope you will go full time with it... hope you got something more out of it than just a tour and a part you already got.. but stil, nice gesture from felder :D
Hello Markus, this was again a very interesting video. Since you can also work after finishing your studies. You can not find such a good engineer so quickly. And all the best for your new subscriptions. MfG André
Es scheint so, als wenn du die Firma für dein Praxis-Semester gefunden hättest😜 Aber mal im Ernst! Das ist doch praktisch ein Ritterschlag für dich, wenn so eine Firma deine entwickelte Verbesserung übernimmt! Wahnsinn!
Scheinbar weckt man mit seinem (Deinem) tun auch bei solchen Firmen Begehrlichkeiten 👍Alles haste dir verdient, egal ob 100k oder das andere auch mal Zuhören
That's really good news for those who own a tablesaw of the same brand as you do. I was wondering when the company would contact you regarding your home made stop. The new one looks very good and congrats on 100,000 subs :) BTW They should've sold the parts for a lower price. They shouldn't make money of their mistakes.
Unbelievable that Felder is still shipping the saw with the crappy first design. The upgrade costs ~70€. I just bought a K3 and the FlipStop is still the same rubbish as in the beginning. Felder refuses to change it even if the FlipStop you can by in their online shop is showing the new design. Not what i would call customer friendly....
Can confirm it's still a problem. I got mine 2 days ago so exactly 3 years after this video was made. I was really surprised seeing that old design. The Finnish import company doesn't even have the new flipstop listed as an option so it never even occurred to me that I'd be getting the old failure of a design.
Hi Marius, das Video ist nun zwar schon recht alt aber ich hab es trotzdem erst letzte Woche gesehen. Und ich hab dann dabei doch tatsächlich festgestellt dass ich genau den gleichen Fehler/Problem habe. Dachte bisher nur immer dass ich die Fehlerursache bin. JEdenfalls hab ich mir meinen Anschlag nun genau angesehen und dann war klar dass ich sofort bei Felder diesen Anschlag bestelle. Das hat mich nun schon echt gärgert. Ich habe die Basic aus dem Online shop. Und final bestellt habe ich sie mir nachdem ich Dein Video gesehen habe :-). Bin auch nach wie vor sehr zufrieden damit und immer noch froh dass ich es tatsächlich gekauft habe. Jedenfalls vielen Dank für Deine tollen Videos - "Hammer" was Du alles zauberst ... - ich fühle mich hier immer wie ein blutiger Anfänger :-)
wow....that is not nice . They are sooo cheap about this. Anyway congrats on you and shame on them because they don't give for free those 2 items to those who payed a ton of money for Hammer and Felder machines. Some big company, huh!?
Why not shim between the fence and 90° stop with coresponding feeler gauges like Mr. Ing does in the original 5 cut methid video? Seems a bit faster and more precise than eyeballing the adjustment screw and cutting again. Seems like the old 'bump and pray' method vs the new school fine adjustment methods
Hope Felder give you a small kick back for each sale considering it was your idea. Do you ever plan up-sampling your videos to 4k for the higher bit rate in the future? Congrats on 100k by the way.
Dunno about that, by the vid it sounds like they were already well on the way to correcting the issue when he visited. Their solution is significantly different from his.
He said it was about 2 weeks after his video that he visited them. They could have easily designed and made those parts in a day or two. Also, the only real difference was replacing the cam lever with the set screw.
Marius suggested, designed and build a solution for a problem. Before that happed Felder sold probably hundreds of these machines with a (known) problem.
except that there wasn't much difference between his solution and felder original solution.... They did borrow from him, but he borrowed from them to start with.
Thanks for the info, very helpful! I have a K3 Winner and the same problem with the crosscut fence.Please throw my name in the hat for the fix you made. Thanks!
I cannot believe it, but I just received my new K3 Winner and it still has the old flip stop design. It is impossible to accurately set it because as you described, the set screw moves with the offset screw. They did however upgrade the large knob of the pivot point. Unbelievable how a €2,00 part is not upgraded when they have a better design available and this on a €6000 Euro machine. I'll cool down now and call Felder first thing Monday morning.
@@MariusHornberger Because it is not an option on the price list or brochure. It is not something they offer. And who would expect them to not make this the default?
Hi Marius, maybe you could answer a question. What is your opinion on the Hammer C331 comfortline. There is a second hand one for sale and I am not sure if I should buy it.
Sadly, as of December 2018, Felder still sells their very expensive saws with the defective stop. The corrected version designed by Marius costs an additional $108. Tip for anyone buying a new Felder saw is to order it with your saw. You'll still have to pay for it but it won't cost additional for freight and you won't have to go through the removal process, which is very frustrating.
It's amazing that they not only invited you to the tour, but they fully took on board your ideas! THERE is a company that's doing it right and listening to the end users :O :D
I hope you're very proud, Marius! :)
So cool that they listened! I'd be ridiculously proud.
That's a great company if they are willing to admit they messed up and fix it for you and everyone else who has that problem.
A great company would give the update for free to the clients who already bought this saw in the past. Selling them the updates even they messed up is somehow not right.
Ok I meant good company lol
+Ivanovic Romano I couldn't agree more. It seemed like they asked Marius there for damage control and to put out there that they are fixing the issue. But for a saw at this price... They should send the parts out for the cost of shipping at least. I know being a company that makes the saws per order that they have to make a good profit to stay in the black. But then again this is their issue. So I guess it's a catch 22.
Absolutely. They knew if his video was out and they didn't fix it it could give them bad publicity. I agree they should send them out to anyone who has purchased the saw.
Except for the fact the improved part is only available together with the fence lock system and costs €90+...
It's great the the company saw your video and your problems and then fixed the problem. I hope you got your upgrade for free after all your hard work.
Great video.
Congratulations on 100K! Ditto for resolution of your table saw parts issue. It is surely a testament to the manufacturer's integrity in that they listened to you and improved the quality of their product!
I agree with an earlier comment that Felder should offer these parts free to all customers that bought this model with the defective parts. 60,00 € plus tax (and plus shipping I'm sure) is expensive to fix their design mistake.
It is good to know that they really do make the machines in Europe…
Thanks for telling us about your Felder experience Marius…
Nice to see a company that listens to its consumers. Congrats on the 100k mate.
Marius, that is some seriously positive feedback. The world should work like this, and because of your intelligence, demeanor, and influence it did this time. Beautiful inspiration. There is no need for anyone to lament your act of corporate charity, it won't hurt your chances of success. You are finding your place...making things better. Success knows where to find you. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on the flip stop improvement. Very impressive to have a company contact you and put your improvements into productions. I hope they paid you for that, but even if that didn't that's a good thing to have on a resume.
It looks like your initiative was a wake-up call for the Felder engineers! Thank You for that and keep up the good work Marius.
I give Felder a lot of credit for their actions on this. It's great to see a large company listen to their users and improve on their product. They also invited Marius to the factory which shows recognition to both Marius and the existing issue. I don't see many other companies taking this type of approach.
Nice vid and I remember your video from when you complained about how badly it was made originally. But the fact the company contacted you so soon after your video and made a better version of what you had in you video is encouraging as it shows they are willing to take the criticism onboard and work on fixing them. Great result for you and others in your position. Thanks for sharing.
Good job Marius ! It is nice to see that they were watching your videos and paying attention to your suggestions and your upgrades. You can be proud of yourself !
That's amazing! Great attitude from Felder. Awesome that you got recognized for your ideas. Did they offer you any royalties or a creation fee? Not that it's any of my business, I know you're very generous with your knowledge, just seems like the right thing to do. It was in any case an amazing opportunity, and well deserved.
Felder should call it the "Hornberger Flip-Stop"...
Marius, thanks for the video. I ordered the parts you refer to in this video from Felder. You are doing a great service for us Hammer owners
Felder - I know more about your products through the videos on this channel than any other source. I can't even find any Felder dealers in my state in the USA, but I still put your saws at the top of my list.
Sponsor this channel or hire Marius!
Great stuff, Marius. Awesome of Felder to Picknick your idea and invite you over.
Congrats on 100K!!!
I guess now you can say you helped engineer that model of Felder saw! Very cool :)
Congratulations on the 100,000!!! Well deserved, always enjoy your videos. Sounds like an awesome company, hats off to them for listening, and offering you a visit to their manufacturing plant.
Schön, dass Du nun auch endlich die (wohlverdienten) 100.000 Abonnenten erreicht hast!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch :)
Fish Mc Von mir auch :D
amazing that they contacted you, seems they wouldnt let go the business for the upgrade ;) i have the same issue with my hammer k3 basic (now i adjust it manually from time to time), i'd be really happy to get the ones u made. keep up the good work!
Very cool. Nice to know they pay attention to their customers and make appropriate changes.
congratulations on 100k subscribers! It's nice to see that felder actually watch your videos.
Very cool that they used your idea. I hope you were compensated for your idea.
Well done! I dont have this saw, 50% of my work is in metal; but I appreciate your solution. I hope the just gave you the parts, you really deserve that.
Marius, My new K3 basic is en route to me as I type. I placed the order about 10 weeks ago based on your videos. I'm looking forward to assembling it. Thank you for your efforts in improving the product. My saw will be better because of you.
Very nice upgrade. I was hoping when the video started they were going to sponsor you. Thank You and congrats.
Well done !! Brilliant to see a large company taking notice of clever, out-of-the-box thinking. Now all you need is your own Amazon store and link to their re-design or your re-design of their original poor design( lol ) and you can get some commission.
And also, HUGE CONGRATS for over 100k subscribers!
Harry and Hansjörg should treat you well. I was looking at getting a used Martin or Altendorf, but after watching you work with your Felder Hammer, I'm giving Felder a serious second look. In fact, I am now saving up in anticipatiion of spending some large coin for a brand new Felder 741 S Pro combo. I told my local Felder rep that you, Marius Hornberger, were the one who gave me "Felder Fever." I hope that others when buying a Felder product will mention your name, too. You are definitely a good influence and Felder should recognize and appreciate you appropriately.
Haha, cool. Thanks man!
Thanks, Marius, but just for the record, I'm a proud member of Women in Woodworking. (... making fine sawdust with the feminine touch for many years when I'm not racing my sailboat or peddling my bicycle up to the Marksburg or Burg Hornberg on European vacations.)
NICE! great that you got through to Felder!
I have the C3-31 and am experiencing the exactly same issue! Would very mush appreciate a replacement from you
How cool is that, Marius! Felder taking up your idea. Nice!
Congrats on having an impact in a big company. Do you have a job offer for the future?
Hey thanks! This was a nice upgrade to my tablesaw. Installed it today and it's a big improvement to the older style flip stop. All in all a great brand, though a rather different style of machine compared to US brands. I'm hoping to complete my workshop with the jointer planer but I'll first have to convince my wife :) Have a good one!
Nice job man, that's something to be proud of, and so is 100k!
Marius congrats for 100k.
And thats great that Felder watches videos about them products.
And what is more important they have balls to admit mistake.
Dude, you're the man. And good on Felder for listening! Thumbs up!
Hi I have a k3 winner saw and would love your flip stop upgrade. Hats off to Felder for giving you the chance to tour there factory 👍
Congrats on 100K!!!
U Make a good Felder better.
Das gefällt mir verry gut.
Schön das du bei Felder eine Verbesserung ansteuern konntest.
cool that your upgrade actually made a difference, well done mate.
That's crazy awesome, Marius! You got a company like Felder to incorporate the Hornberger Stop into a regular production piece in like no time flat! Good on Felder and good on you. I see the tip of the Marius iceberg just cresting the surface. How high will it rise? Everest?? Congrats my young friend!
It's quite funny how I go by the Felder factory every day and didn't notice it until I saw your video
Du kannst echt stolz auf dich sein wegen deinem you Tube Video hat eine so große Firma wie Felder auf das Problem mit der säge reagiert hier sieht man Mal welche Erreichbarkeit man als so großer RUclipsr hat
cool ,good for you,,, nice that the manufacturer takes real person reviews and modification seriously , shame there no video, great work all around
Wow! So they took on your design as the new standard parts? Congrats :)
It was nice to see an update too
What an accomplishment! They should call it the "Hornberger Flip Stop"
Fantastic Marius
I brought this problem up with Felder Uk over 10 years ago The only solution offered was to buy a replacement flip stop . This I foolishly did it worked OK for a couple of months but let me down again.
If only social media was available back then .
Congrats on your 100K sub Marius, It is well deserved. Good Job
Thanks man!
man, I envy people from other countries, here in Brazil the companies only gives the middle finger to you and continues with the fault part in their production. Very good video! thanks!
Hi Marius. Congrats that they saw and understood that your solution is quite an improvement. I have a B3 winner and would be interested in your modified flip stop.
sadly got after one month of waiting a first proper sales video, didn't expect that from you... anyway, hope this was exception and another 100k subscribers will only proof that your videos are purely for entertainment... Good luck, you are doing a great job and is pleasure to watch your skills and friendly approach!
servus Marius, vielen Dank! Ich hab den Kugelschreiber schon in der Hand um die Bestellung zu unterschreiben. Unter anderem haben Deine Videos und die erhebliche Verbesserung des Anschlags zu meiner Entscheidung beigetragen. So: thanks a lot!
Felder should give you a reward, well done.
Good to have you back, Marius! Missed you:-)
Absolutly amazing that Felder fix dis problems i never see that befor.... :D
That's funny because I just received my K3 with everything on it (April 11,2022) and it still has the original version your saw had. It took me 7 months to get mine and I'm in the USA.
That's very nice thing that Felder watched your video and they come with the new Flip Stop idea. And very nice that you are giving away for free your 2 Flip Stops that you have made and they are just perfect, one more thing my saw from Felder similar as yours but combination one it's on my way and I'm expecting to arrive sometime in September and that's only because I've seen yours when you first got it and it looks very good build, thanks for your videos
Die Firma Lang-Technik hat es einfach bei jeder großen Firma geschafft ihre Prägetechnik/Spanntechnik unterzubringen, das ist einfach ein geniales System :)
The company Lang-Technik has just managed to accommodate their embossing technology / clamping technology at every large company, this is simply an ingenious system :)
WHAAaaT! NO Felder Swag ! ? or free stuff? Good on you! Well done Felder for listening to the small guy! (PS Felder you need at least give him a obscene discount voucher!)
wow i didn't expect felder to even care about you and your problem. but this reaction os really cool.
Felder/hammer seems to produce expensive hardware (for Hammer must be build in China...) and we pay for high quality products but (there is a but) small parts of equipment can make you crazy when you try adjust your Hammer tools.
Thanks you Marius for those brillant ideas
I want to buy those two items .... quickly!
As I already said, everything is build in Austria.
man, i love your videos, i hope you will go full time with it... hope you got something more out of it than just a tour and a part you already got.. but stil, nice gesture from felder :D
I hope Felder paid you for using your invention. That is a nice improvement. 👍
Congrats on the 100K subs! That's an impressive response from Felder, but it's too bad they didn't arrange to let you film *something*.
I always wondered why my square cuts never worked out that good. Therefore I have a k3 and would be very pleased to have 1 of these upgrades.
I have a K3 Winner and would love one of your beautifully crafted Flip Stops You're a top fella Marius!
Congratulations, I picked your name for the giveaway! Please contact me through my E-Mail: so I can send you the parts.
I have a K3 Winner saw, and would be very grateful for your upgrade parts. Well done on 100k, and getting an invite.
Congratulations, I picked your name for the giveaway! Please contact me through my E-Mail: so I can send you the parts.
Hello Markus, this was again a very interesting video. Since you can also work after finishing your studies. You can not find such a good engineer so quickly. And all the best for your new subscriptions.
MfG André
Ja mein Fehler , war zu viel mit dem übersetzen beschäftigt. 😁
Es scheint so, als wenn du die Firma für dein Praxis-Semester gefunden hättest😜 Aber mal im Ernst! Das ist doch praktisch ein Ritterschlag für dich, wenn so eine Firma deine entwickelte Verbesserung übernimmt! Wahnsinn!
Incredible Marius! Great work!
Es ist interessant, dass du bei der Produkt qualität nachhelfen konntest. :)
Felder 4 the win!
Das bestärkt mich für zukünftige Anschaffungen!
thanks for the 2 movies! i have the same problem and will try to solve it with the new parts from felder :)
Scheinbar weckt man mit seinem (Deinem) tun auch bei solchen Firmen Begehrlichkeiten 👍Alles haste dir verdient, egal ob 100k oder das andere auch mal Zuhören
Congrats on the 100K. You are very deserving.
Multiple viewers with the same saw! Damn, I really wish I had that saw and was one of those viewers.
Hopefully these new upgrades will be on my new K3 when it comes.
That's really good news for those who own a tablesaw of the same brand as you do. I was wondering when the company would contact you regarding your home made stop. The new one looks very good and congrats on 100,000 subs :)
BTW They should've sold the parts for a lower price. They shouldn't make money of their mistakes.
I have a C3-31 and would like to be considered for your give away . Keep up the great work!
Unbelievable that Felder is still shipping the saw with the crappy first design. The upgrade costs ~70€. I just bought a K3 and the FlipStop is still the same rubbish as in the beginning. Felder refuses to change it even if the FlipStop you can by in their online shop is showing the new design. Not what i would call customer friendly....
Really??? Are you from Romania?
Can confirm it's still a problem. I got mine 2 days ago so exactly 3 years after this video was made. I was really surprised seeing that old design. The Finnish import company doesn't even have the new flipstop listed as an option so it never even occurred to me that I'd be getting the old failure of a design.
Hi Marius, das Video ist nun zwar schon recht alt aber ich hab es trotzdem erst letzte Woche gesehen. Und ich hab dann dabei doch tatsächlich festgestellt dass ich genau den gleichen Fehler/Problem habe. Dachte bisher nur immer dass ich die Fehlerursache bin. JEdenfalls hab ich mir meinen Anschlag nun genau angesehen und dann war klar dass ich sofort bei Felder diesen Anschlag bestelle. Das hat mich nun schon echt gärgert. Ich habe die Basic aus dem Online shop. Und final bestellt habe ich sie mir nachdem ich Dein Video gesehen habe :-). Bin auch nach wie vor sehr zufrieden damit und immer noch froh dass ich es tatsächlich gekauft habe. Jedenfalls vielen Dank für Deine tollen Videos - "Hammer" was Du alles zauberst ... - ich fühle mich hier immer wie ein blutiger Anfänger :-)
I hope I get new stop to my new Hammer when i get it in about 1-2 months.
And Congrats to 100K!!!!
They told me that the new knob is standard equipment from now on. The better flip stop unfortunately not, still an upgrade piece
wow....that is not nice . They are sooo cheap about this. Anyway congrats on you and shame on them because they don't give for free those 2 items to those who payed a ton of money for Hammer and Felder machines. Some big company, huh!?
Why not shim between the fence and 90° stop with coresponding feeler gauges like Mr. Ing does in the original 5 cut methid video? Seems a bit faster and more precise than eyeballing the adjustment screw and cutting again. Seems like the old 'bump and pray' method vs the new school fine adjustment methods
Wow! Congrats on 100k! Keep up the great work!
congratz marius for 100 k subs love your vids keep them up
congrats on 100 k how awesome
Hope Felder give you a small kick back for each sale considering it was your idea. Do you ever plan up-sampling your videos to 4k for the higher bit rate in the future? Congrats on 100k by the way.
I agree, Marius did the work that the Felder engineer should do in the first place.
But nice of them to invite Marius over.
Dunno about that, by the vid it sounds like they were already well on the way to correcting the issue when he visited. Their solution is significantly different from his.
He said it was about 2 weeks after his video that he visited them. They could have easily designed and made those parts in a day or two. Also, the only real difference was replacing the cam lever with the set screw.
Marius suggested, designed and build a solution for a problem.
Before that happed Felder sold probably hundreds of these machines with a (known) problem.
except that there wasn't much difference between his solution and felder original solution.... They did borrow from him, but he borrowed from them to start with.
Awesome job, very cool. Keep up the good videos, I always enjoy watching them.
Just got my Hammer K3 Winner yesterday and guess what it didn´t have? The new flip stop, although I ordered it in April.
I know this is years old but did the fence repeat its accuracy after taking it off and putting it back on?
Unfortunately I can not seem to be able to get the stop on the Felder USA site. Any ideas on how I can get one in the US?
Thanks for the info, very helpful! I have a K3 Winner and the same problem with the crosscut fence.Please throw my name in the hat for the fix you made. Thanks!
Nice work, Marius!
That's great that they have listened and found a solution. Did they have a solution to the fence issue you mentioned in another video of yours?
They're response to you was to avoid getting a bad rep, but does a newly bought saw now come with the proper stop?
I cannot believe it, but I just received my new K3 Winner and it still has the old flip stop design. It is impossible to accurately set it because as you described, the set screw moves with the offset screw.
They did however upgrade the large knob of the pivot point.
Unbelievable how a €2,00 part is not upgraded when they have a better design available and this on a €6000 Euro machine.
I'll cool down now and call Felder first thing Monday morning.
But if it's that important to you, why didn't you ask for that when ordering?
@@MariusHornberger Because it is not an option on the price list or brochure. It is not something they offer.
And who would expect them to not make this the default?
I have never seen a video that is 9:59 minutes long wich was published in 2017 because youtubers are all about money these days.
Gut ab Marius :)
My RUclips says 10:00, but I still wouldn't care about extra ads just for the money. My videos are always as long as they are
That means "hats off" doesn't it?
Hi Marius, maybe you could answer a question. What is your opinion on the Hammer C331 comfortline. There is a second hand one for sale and I am not sure if I should buy it.
Sadly, as of December 2018, Felder still sells their very expensive saws with the defective stop. The corrected version designed by Marius costs an additional $108. Tip for anyone buying a new Felder saw is to order it with your saw. You'll still have to pay for it but it won't cost additional for freight and you won't have to go through the removal process, which is very frustrating.