I played emulated C64 version a bit. Obviously, better graphics on ST (although not bad on C64 at all), but super smooth scroll vs flip-screens and music on C64 make quite a difference,
I like this game, use to play it often. As you say, the graphics are beautiful and colourful, it’s a fun platformer, but it’s a pity that it uses the STE capabilites but it has that annoying flipping scroll, the STE blitter scrolling could’ve been a good choice for this game.
I played emulated C64 version a bit. Obviously, better graphics on ST (although not bad on C64 at all), but super smooth scroll vs flip-screens and music on C64 make quite a difference,
I like this game, use to play it often. As you say, the graphics are beautiful and colourful, it’s a fun platformer, but it’s a pity that it uses the STE capabilites but it has that annoying flipping scroll, the STE blitter scrolling could’ve been a good choice for this game.
You are absolutely right, flip screen on STE shouldn't be allowed.