I think the important basic tip for malz was left unmentioned - you can push the lane while not even being there - so press your buttons on the wave, then rotate, and the wave would die on it's own.
I've played a lot of Malzahar. He's one of the easiest champions mechanicly, but the true challenge of playing him is that he's not exactly a solo carry champion. You'll never see a Malzahar with insane high KDA scores with the highest damage on the team, he's a champion designed to test your fundamentals at macro, you need to know when to roam, when to rotate, you need to know who and when to use your ultimate, play for objectives, when you should splitpush, when to play for peel, what teammate to play around with, either aggressively or passively. I definitely recommend him for people trying to learn midlane and / or improve macro fundamentals.
Fun facts: His Q refreshes Malefic Visions' duration. So does your ultimate. His ultimate is two parts: the suppression and the damage. The suppression deals no damage.
Yeah that is all true. I will say the most surprising one was the suppression doesn’t deal damage I got a kill or 2 cancelling it and running away while they died
@@EcoreLoL the ult creates a zone around the target doing percent hp magic dmg along with the suppression and refreshes the cooldown of the E on the target the same way ur Q refreshes the cooldown. So the combo is to start with E and hopefully have 2 charges for W to spawn 2 voidlings and either Q -> ULT or ULT -> Q
Few more tips for Malzahar i can give is 1) use VelKoz Q logic on your Q. If you use it at the right angles, its slightly longer due to how the portals spawn. 2.5) to expand on yours is that summoning minions with W also does not stop or slow you, and can be cast while moving. They also apply rylais, so you can use them to kite at times too for a cheeky escape. Though, do keep it as emergency use 😂
Loved this vid! Malz is one of my most favorite champs in the game so it was fun watching you learn him. But I still can't wait for the next ADC champ lol
Nice video, its rare to see someone who actually talk about weakneds of malzahar and tech to learn, to be efficient, and not just mocking the character and said dumb champ
Malza is not a champion without rylai's. It's better to rush this item right after the tear and lost chapter. Slows it provides can win many fights and give you the safety you seek for on side lane. After this powerspike you can literally 1v2 if they have no any gap closing abilities
Я мейню мальзахара как раз за его стиль игры Мне нравится, что его е как чума тикает урон одному, потом прыгает на другого, то что можно е заразить миньона, а тот передаст его врагу. Мне нравится потенциал ульта 1 в 1. Мне нравится оборонительный стиль игры, где ты ловишь врагов на ошибке. Это буквально мой персонаж, мне нравится именно его образ, его скил сет и его стиль игры. Единственное что, я бы поменял механику щита, всë таки сбивать его автой-это дико просто, пусть он работает как щиток морганы (против именно первого скила) , либо как седжуани(работает около секунду после активации) И войдлингов(проблема таже, вы либо урон им от ап дайте, либо пусть они хоть добегать до врага успевают) Ну и одна из последнмй идей:противостояние с кассадином за личинок(одна роль-мид, оба вырезатели кэрри) Пусть на 14 минуте тот, кто имеет больше личинок получит училение(мальзахару 4 войдлинга, или повышение ап процента на их укусах, а кассадину либо пусть q 1 раз отскакивает, либо усилие е)
As malzahar regains mana by having his E active on minions while they die they usually spam their abilities to the wave to try to push & proc E in enemy champ while regaining its cooldown + Q has a lot of range and silences + shield passive makes him a bully in lane that actually pushes a lot. My point being that he probably overpushed so he didnt get ganks.
Toplane on the other side is the less ganked lane because there is less gold to make (2 kills en botlane) & mid is in the center of the map with multiple angles to gank.
As a Malz main, you pretty much hit the nail on the head (other words got it spot on). However, there is one thing you missed and that is how your teammates not knowing how to play around/ with Malzahar.
@Mordhereck Well yes. Malz is a easy champ to learn but hard to play, and because of how teammates not knowing how to play around you/ with you. Once you played a few games you will truly know what me and the 0.5% mains are on about
I KINDA said it when I said “it was my first gank in 4 games” (literally have a “Press this button for a free kill” button and my jungler NEVER GANKS!!!)
Malzahar is my go-to champ for ranked since Season 3. I would like to add some small details which make a big difference in my opinion and also go easily unnoticed. Always start your rotation with W. Your pets a some seconds to spawn and reach the target. Also, your follow-up spells with give you new stacks so can cast W at the end of your rotation for another wave of pets. Later on you push by a wave by casting one rotation on a wave and leave your E + W will finish them, just make sure to damage the canon minion enough and maybe start with the range minions. If you can push a tower without an enemy, wait for the canon minion to take turret aggro and then use W to spawn minions. They can get you some crazy fast platings!
Malza became one of my favorite Champs cause my old internet was terrible. So a champ that can keep up his farm and be useful on 600 ms was great for me.
I play Malz if I’m autofilled mid. And some of my favorite plays aren’t with ult. The Rylais dance of reapplying E over and over on someone is so fucking funny
hey just so you know the video checkpoints or whatever when you hover the sections are labelled as annie guide, annie gamplay etc. not malz. also theyre not accurate to the timestamps
One thing you didn't get to try on Malzahar mid was Battlesong. Quite a good item if your goal is to roam early and it also gives Malzahar some MS which he lacks normally
I main Zyra support but I have a ton of games on Malzahar. The most important things I learned about Malzahar is that he requires more gold than supports. Also, I ALWAYS rush Liandrys and then Rabadons. Malzahar has to have the flat AP to do damage. His kit isn't as bursty as Zyra or Brand. Once I started only playing Malzahar mid lane and rushing Liandrys into Rabadons (Ryalis 3rd), did I consistently win games.
Im a support main and Malzahar is by far my best support, you can tank cc for your ADC and sit behind the front liners throwing out constant burn. Youre also super useful even when youre behind because you can trade your teams weak support for the enemies fed Akali with your ULT x
The problem of using a champ in a role it isn't supossed to be is that its not super efficient, morgana can do exactly what you said whit his W covering CC, your Q being a long cc and your Ultimate being a AOE point & Click just like your ultimate, yes malzahar does damage but as a support you're not supossed to do damage but help your team
@@mapache.6522 problem is Morgana R is not instant and you have to wait 3 whole seconds before it stuns, during which enemy carry may have already annihilated your team and teamfight is over, and her Q isn't point and click
@@geoDB. Malzahar isn't carry and cannot carry, as said in this video, your team just wouldn't have damage, enemy adc will outscale you, and you aren't even that good at poking them
and how many games you get where a game is carried by the "ad carry" instead of them being a useless money sink that absorbs all the gold and does nothing with it as they build full damage and then get oneshot? how many pubs does your team pick utility such as frontline, buffs and crowd control to help enable the rest? get real
I love playing Malzahar but I avoid Summoner's Rift at all cost, so I only play him in Arena and Arams (been aram only for 10 years). The thing that makes Malz extremely op in my opinion is the E reset on Q. If you time it correctly you can keep it up pretty much constantly if you Q someone at the end of the E to reset it, because once the poison runs out again your E will already be available. I love juggling 2 Es at the same time, especially if I get a double Q off as well. Double E is way easier though if you let it buffer in a minion wave before applying it to an enemy. And while on topic, this e resetting also pairs extremely well with waves, because people just don't pay attention to the poison. Once you have a liandry's, the e will eat through waves like they're nothing. If you see that the caster minions are low and a melee minion is about to die, you can e the melee and q the casters once the poison switches which will transport the e instantly to a champion that would otherwise be out of range. Honestly if you don't have to silence a champion, waiting a couple seconds after Eing a target to Q them is hidden op. You will just melt everyone, as it's essentially the longest uninterrupted DOT in the game.
What annoys me with malz is people thinking he is broken or stuff like that( he might well be in silver where people might have never seen him before), but while yes malz kit is simple winning with him is harder than it looks. Almost every champ in mid can push him out of lane at lvl 1 , even those that can't ,usually have the upper hand anyway because malz has no mobility (even with movement speed runes, you will still have less than most other champs), has piss low dmg before liandry's. People talk about his clear but the only good thing about it is that you can wave clear without being there late game, but early game even with the execute on e you still miss tons of farm if you can't reach the wave and playing him you will find out that almost every mid champ clears waves faster and better than you. The good thing about him is his r but it is countered by a qss or bringing a friend, and lastly for some reason most junglers don't know how to play around you and gank when you can barely do anything pre-6 but never come again after you got your r for free kills. I think his dmg needs to buffed, if you are feeding you do no dmg, if you get fed you think you are doing dmg but then see dmg scores at the end of the game and see you did way less dmg than everyone else Tldr : his r seems broken to people who don't play him but he has to many shortcomings to be consisntently viable in anything above gold
Funny thing in certain matchups ex morgana support or mid(cause low elo is weird) but in those matchups you can use his spell shield to all in kinda whenever you want because she has little to no way to stop you
For Malz if you can get enough pressure early from your jungle and take DH it could be a massive boost to the damage but Arey is also amazing for the early game damage just depends on how you play it.
Tbh playing support mages help me to be better at skillshot, since you don't have to focus on cs but poke ennemis and "protect adc" but then thats also why I suck at cs x) I love your videos ! Really fun
Try zyra in every role. She can be played as support, jungle and mid lane normally cause 2 buttons ( E + R ) outplay and her plants deal INSANE damage even when behind. She has got also one of the fastest jungle clears. ( I know cause i played her a lot )
i prefer playing him with the comet because sometimes you dont really get much use out of aery, but your E, your pets, your ult dmg, basically entire kit, just keeps reseting it. i feel like its way stronger than aery
Malz is a great pick for macro play though, whenever I'd get autofilled mid I'd pick Malz, play safe, push down the mid tower then rotate and help take both T1 side lane towers pretty much immediately after. I'd get pinged a ton for it when I just insta rotated up and pushed the wave, but after the tower went down right after, people got over it. No, he's not some flashy 1v9 pick, but he is a very safe, very high pressure pick who shines if you're playing to win not playing for KDA.
I do think he is a safe autofill and blind pick champ for sure and you can kinda control the flow of the game with minions. But the problem is (especially in like silver and gold) a lot of games come down to a few big RANDOM teamfights where other champs shine. Like Annie I don't think is actually as good as Malz, but her ult and high damage made my winrate with her WAY higher at least in lower elo if that makes sense
running full burn with shadow flame and maximum damage items while selling boots for stormsurge lategame is WILD, especially if you run dark harvest. shit you not ive gotten triples while i wasnt looking because a single e spread while we were pushing their base😭
You can actually do a lot of dmg with this champ if you build malignance, shadowflame and stormsurge (followed by the dcap, void and other classical stuff).
Malz is my go to pick for ease of use to just play passive and shove constantly. Good blind pick, the only really bad counter pick I found is veigar. He stacks off ur voids and hell outscale you innthe farm game
People don't understand champs with very simple kits are harder to win with. Since they don't have anything crazy to outplay people with. I played a ton of malz and it is hard to win with against most champs. While champs like ekko, lux, and velkoz can split a game open by getting a lead.
10 hours and guy never learned the to farm two lanes at once, or the push and roam tech. You should be pushing 10 minions per minute every game with that demon!
I mean I was at 9 cspm I am just still not that used to mid lane. I kinda just played like a top laner and split pushed which I know was not the right mindset. I did fix it near the end though
i mean i can play every champion fairly well viego is very situational they say it takes a lot more then 10 hours to master something so i doubt the video will allow you to understand a lot because how long its taking you to go through the entire champion pool changes, buffs/nerfs, itemization changes which changes match ups etc
Garen is the fundamentos champion in toplane And malzhar is the fundamentos champion in midlane U play them to learn the game, not for mechanical learning, cause they dont have any mechanics
the only thing that i would like to say is if you are doing this to have the best viego video then you are not suppose to press R/ult with any champ because viego R/ult when he take the champ will just make him viego again
Malzahar, despite the obvious strengths as a support, is not a great support. In addition to not having a hard CC outside of R, It's way too easy to ruin the wave state as him. And you're right, he loses the splitpushing potential.
I did also try that the issue I found was you have like NO ABILITY HASTE without a mana item (They usually give 25). Without it you do less damage and your ult has an even longer cooldown but that was just me
Unfortunately, this is something that you notice by watching his streams, that he does pretty frequently. If a game doesn't go according to his standards, he just says "we're not counting this one", which kinda defeats the purpose of this great video concept... He also doesn't really follow the steps he claims, he goes straight to ranked games most of the time 😅
That’s not totally true. I usually allow myself to get 3 vetoes for various reasons. Sometimes I change the order of 1 or 2 games for funny moments (like the first kill because my “yay” reaction was a perfect fit). And I do usually play normal games first (just not at low ranks cause they are basically normal games already lol) I do adjust some things but like you kinda have to for scripting reasons. Like people LEAVE when I show a game where I go 0/6 so I HAVE to remove it or the video does way worse so I gotta get a game where I go like 1/4 to show a loss
He is hard to play for carry players. If you more supporty player like a tank player, he fits right in, where they play a long macro game instead of mash button kill one
There is no learning Malzahar. There's only playing Malzahar.
No you are wrong (i play garen)
@@4hpla743 yeah your opinion is def significant especially with that fact, he is def wrong.
10 hours 100 hours or 2 sec it all looks the same to me
I think the important basic tip for malz was left unmentioned - you can push the lane while not even being there - so press your buttons on the wave, then rotate, and the wave would die on it's own.
Well I said “you push the lane… and then leave” but you did make it more clear
I've played a lot of Malzahar. He's one of the easiest champions mechanicly, but the true challenge of playing him is that he's not exactly a solo carry champion. You'll never see a Malzahar with insane high KDA scores with the highest damage on the team, he's a champion designed to test your fundamentals at macro, you need to know when to roam, when to rotate, you need to know who and when to use your ultimate, play for objectives, when you should splitpush, when to play for peel, what teammate to play around with, either aggressively or passively. I definitely recommend him for people trying to learn midlane and / or improve macro fundamentals.
Missed the opportunity to have a "This is a challenger malzahar player" and show the clip of caedrel cancelling his ultimate
lol that woulda been funny
Fun facts:
His Q refreshes Malefic Visions' duration. So does your ultimate.
His ultimate is two parts: the suppression and the damage. The suppression deals no damage.
Yeah that is all true. I will say the most surprising one was the suppression doesn’t deal damage I got a kill or 2 cancelling it and running away while they died
@@EcoreLoL the ult creates a zone around the target doing percent hp magic dmg along with the suppression and refreshes the cooldown of the E on the target the same way ur Q refreshes the cooldown. So the combo is to start with E and hopefully have 2 charges for W to spawn 2 voidlings and either Q -> ULT or ULT -> Q
@@EcoreLoL I've seen somewhere that the zone will underneath will deal the same damage even if you cancel it midway, weird interaction
Few more tips for Malzahar i can give is 1) use VelKoz Q logic on your Q. If you use it at the right angles, its slightly longer due to how the portals spawn. 2.5) to expand on yours is that summoning minions with W also does not stop or slow you, and can be cast while moving. They also apply rylais, so you can use them to kite at times too for a cheeky escape. Though, do keep it as emergency use 😂
W is the best way to stop skill shots like Ahri E
Loved this vid! Malz is one of my most favorite champs in the game so it was fun watching you learn him. But I still can't wait for the next ADC champ lol
Nice video, its rare to see someone who actually talk about weakneds of malzahar and tech to learn, to be efficient, and not just mocking the character and said dumb champ
Malza is not a champion without rylai's. It's better to rush this item right after the tear and lost chapter. Slows it provides can win many fights and give you the safety you seek for on side lane. After this powerspike you can literally 1v2 if they have no any gap closing abilities
Interesting. Everyone I saw built liandres first but your comment makes a lot of sense
I second this. Every game my first item is rylai's. It's all about the slow
Я мейню мальзахара как раз за его стиль игры
Мне нравится, что его е как чума тикает урон одному, потом прыгает на другого, то что можно е заразить миньона, а тот передаст его врагу.
Мне нравится потенциал ульта 1 в 1.
Мне нравится оборонительный стиль игры, где ты ловишь врагов на ошибке.
Это буквально мой персонаж, мне нравится именно его образ, его скил сет и его стиль игры.
Единственное что, я бы поменял механику щита, всë таки сбивать его автой-это дико просто, пусть он работает как щиток морганы (против именно первого скила) , либо как седжуани(работает около секунду после активации)
И войдлингов(проблема таже, вы либо урон им от ап дайте, либо пусть они хоть добегать до врага успевают)
Ну и одна из последнмй идей:противостояние с кассадином за личинок(одна роль-мид, оба вырезатели кэрри)
Пусть на 14 минуте тот, кто имеет больше личинок получит училение(мальзахару 4 войдлинга, или повышение ап процента на их укусах, а кассадину либо пусть q 1 раз отскакивает, либо усилие е)
"It took 3 games but I got my first gank"
bro Ecore was suffering my luck when playing top lane 😂
As malzahar regains mana by having his E active on minions while they die they usually spam their abilities to the wave to try to push & proc E in enemy champ while regaining its cooldown + Q has a lot of range and silences + shield passive makes him a bully in lane that actually pushes a lot.
My point being that he probably overpushed so he didnt get ganks.
Toplane on the other side is the less ganked lane because there is less gold to make (2 kills en botlane) & mid is in the center of the map with multiple angles to gank.
As a Malz main, you pretty much hit the nail on the head (other words got it spot on). However, there is one thing you missed and that is how your teammates not knowing how to play around/ with Malzahar.
Is it legal to be a Malz main???
@Mordhereck Well yes. Malz is a easy champ to learn but hard to play, and because of how teammates not knowing how to play around you/ with you. Once you played a few games you will truly know what me and the 0.5% mains are on about
I KINDA said it when I said “it was my first gank in 4 games” (literally have a “Press this button for a free kill” button and my jungler NEVER GANKS!!!)
Malzahar is my go-to champ for ranked since Season 3. I would like to add some small details which make a big difference in my opinion and also go easily unnoticed. Always start your rotation with W. Your pets a some seconds to spawn and reach the target. Also, your follow-up spells with give you new stacks so can cast W at the end of your rotation for another wave of pets. Later on you push by a wave by casting one rotation on a wave and leave your E + W will finish them, just make sure to damage the canon minion enough and maybe start with the range minions. If you can push a tower without an enemy, wait for the canon minion to take turret aggro and then use W to spawn minions. They can get you some crazy fast platings!
Malza became one of my favorite Champs cause my old internet was terrible. So a champ that can keep up his farm and be useful on 600 ms was great for me.
Послее него забываешь как фармить к
It's so funny that you mentioned MF specifically, because that is the bit combo me and my duo use
I play Malz if I’m autofilled mid. And some of my favorite plays aren’t with ult. The Rylais dance of reapplying E over and over on someone is so fucking funny
hey just so you know the video checkpoints or whatever when you hover the sections are labelled as annie guide, annie gamplay etc. not malz. also theyre not accurate to the timestamps
yess... finnaly, my main on your channel!!
congrats on being 3th malz main in the world
@@Noxx_ should i make youtube channel? lmao XD
I love your 10hrs learning series! new subbb to you!
binged most of these 10hour vids, subbed loving the series would love see u try evelyn
I love shitting on "'high skill champs" as malz, they ALWAYS rage lmao.
Yeah LOL. I do it with all my titles sometimes
Malz mains , assemble
One thing you didn't get to try on Malzahar mid was Battlesong. Quite a good item if your goal is to roam early and it also gives Malzahar some MS which he lacks normally
I main Zyra support but I have a ton of games on Malzahar. The most important things I learned about Malzahar is that he requires more gold than supports. Also, I ALWAYS rush Liandrys and then Rabadons. Malzahar has to have the flat AP to do damage. His kit isn't as bursty as Zyra or Brand. Once I started only playing Malzahar mid lane and rushing Liandrys into Rabadons (Ryalis 3rd), did I consistently win games.
Im a support main and Malzahar is by far my best support, you can tank cc for your ADC and sit behind the front liners throwing out constant burn. Youre also super useful even when youre behind because you can trade your teams weak support for the enemies fed Akali with your ULT x
The problem of using a champ in a role it isn't supossed to be is that its not super efficient, morgana can do exactly what you said whit his W covering CC, your Q being a long cc and your Ultimate being a AOE point & Click just like your ultimate, yes malzahar does damage but as a support you're not supossed to do damage but help your team
Juat play it bot lane carry
@@mapache.6522 problem is Morgana R is not instant and you have to wait 3 whole seconds before it stuns, during which enemy carry may have already annihilated your team and teamfight is over, and her Q isn't point and click
@@geoDB. Malzahar isn't carry and cannot carry, as said in this video, your team just wouldn't have damage, enemy adc will outscale you, and you aren't even that good at poking them
and how many games you get where a game is carried by the "ad carry" instead of them being a useless money sink that absorbs all the gold and does nothing with it as they build full damage and then get oneshot? how many pubs does your team pick utility such as frontline, buffs and crowd control to help enable the rest? get real
I love playing Malzahar but I avoid Summoner's Rift at all cost, so I only play him in Arena and Arams (been aram only for 10 years). The thing that makes Malz extremely op in my opinion is the E reset on Q. If you time it correctly you can keep it up pretty much constantly if you Q someone at the end of the E to reset it, because once the poison runs out again your E will already be available. I love juggling 2 Es at the same time, especially if I get a double Q off as well. Double E is way easier though if you let it buffer in a minion wave before applying it to an enemy. And while on topic, this e resetting also pairs extremely well with waves, because people just don't pay attention to the poison. Once you have a liandry's, the e will eat through waves like they're nothing. If you see that the caster minions are low and a melee minion is about to die, you can e the melee and q the casters once the poison switches which will transport the e instantly to a champion that would otherwise be out of range. Honestly if you don't have to silence a champion, waiting a couple seconds after Eing a target to Q them is hidden op. You will just melt everyone, as it's essentially the longest uninterrupted DOT in the game.
What annoys me with malz is people thinking he is broken or stuff like that( he might well be in silver where people might have never seen him before), but while yes malz kit is simple winning with him is harder than it looks. Almost every champ in mid can push him out of lane at lvl 1 , even those that can't ,usually have the upper hand anyway because malz has no mobility (even with movement speed runes, you will still have less than most other champs), has piss low dmg before liandry's.
People talk about his clear but the only good thing about it is that you can wave clear without being there late game, but early game even with the execute on e you still miss tons of farm if you can't reach the wave and playing him you will find out that almost every mid champ clears waves faster and better than you. The good thing about him is his r but it is countered by a qss or bringing a friend, and lastly for some reason most junglers don't know how to play around you and gank when you can barely do anything pre-6 but never come again after you got your r for free kills.
I think his dmg needs to buffed, if you are feeding you do no dmg, if you get fed you think you are doing dmg but then see dmg scores at the end of the game and see you did way less dmg than everyone else
Tldr : his r seems broken to people who don't play him but he has to many shortcomings to be consisntently viable in anything above gold
Funny thing in certain matchups ex morgana support or mid(cause low elo is weird) but in those matchups you can use his spell shield to all in kinda whenever you want because she has little to no way to stop you
For Malz if you can get enough pressure early from your jungle and take DH it could be a massive boost to the damage but Arey is also amazing for the early game damage just depends on how you play it.
Tbh playing support mages help me to be better at skillshot, since you don't have to focus on cs but poke ennemis and "protect adc" but then thats also why I suck at cs x) I love your videos ! Really fun
Well always focus on CS man it’s how you make gold consistently XD
Try zyra in every role. She can be played as support, jungle and mid lane normally cause 2 buttons ( E + R ) outplay and her plants deal INSANE damage even when behind. She has got also one of the fastest jungle clears. ( I know cause i played her a lot )
Fun fact: he used to be good ad when his pets used to scale ad and scaled malza armor pen as well, good times
No way. I never played Malz he used to scale with AD?!?!?!
9:08 that synergy was actually crazy
Im glad someone else has finally tried mal sup
I went 1/1 but it was surprisingly fun XD
Simple kit doesn't always mean easy, and yes you got it malz is "supportish" style, peel your fed teammate and stay behind the scenes 😂
i prefer playing him with the comet because sometimes you dont really get much use out of aery, but your E, your pets, your ult dmg, basically entire kit, just keeps reseting it. i feel like its way stronger than aery
Malz is a great pick for macro play though, whenever I'd get autofilled mid I'd pick Malz, play safe, push down the mid tower then rotate and help take both T1 side lane towers pretty much immediately after. I'd get pinged a ton for it when I just insta rotated up and pushed the wave, but after the tower went down right after, people got over it. No, he's not some flashy 1v9 pick, but he is a very safe, very high pressure pick who shines if you're playing to win not playing for KDA.
I do think he is a safe autofill and blind pick champ for sure and you can kinda control the flow of the game with minions. But the problem is (especially in like silver and gold) a lot of games come down to a few big RANDOM teamfights where other champs shine. Like Annie I don't think is actually as good as Malz, but her ult and high damage made my winrate with her WAY higher at least in lower elo if that makes sense
running full burn with shadow flame and maximum damage items while selling boots for stormsurge lategame is WILD, especially if you run dark harvest. shit you not ive gotten triples while i wasnt looking because a single e spread while we were pushing their base😭
You can actually do a lot of dmg with this champ if you build malignance, shadowflame and stormsurge (followed by the dcap, void and other classical stuff).
Поясните за dcap and void
@@Teflon3690 lot of ap and pene -> lot of dmg
I can't wait for the Yuumi video
Annie Asu goes crazy
i main malzahar since season 7 i can say that if you master macro you can be good at him
he play in a way like singed and oriana
Malz is my go to pick for ease of use to just play passive and shove constantly. Good blind pick, the only really bad counter pick I found is veigar. He stacks off ur voids and hell outscale you innthe farm game
Самый страшный контр-пик -Ëнэ
Он постоянно сбрасывает тебе уложу, быстро сближается, и его е просто отвратительно при игре на Мальзахаре
Please see play Zoe soon!! I PROMISE you it’s going to be super fun wacky and unique games!
i playing 1ST mid 1ST time Malz, went 12/4 with 300 CS in 30 min, easiest lane and game in my life
Im soooo in love with ur videos i love ur channel so much
Q + E the whole wave and walk away. W if there are many or a cannon. Passive income for days. 300 cs at 30 minutes with no need to ever last hit.
i hope your next video is 10 hours on the boss himself, sett
It took three days untill i had my first ganks... lol, how i can relate to that :D
Give zoe a try, you will probably like her, and will be entertaining to see, especially after alot of easyer caracters
nice video! malz in my heart!
People don't understand champs with very simple kits are harder to win with. Since they don't have anything crazy to outplay people with. I played a ton of malz and it is hard to win with against most champs. While champs like ekko, lux, and velkoz can split a game open by getting a lead.
we want next video to be with Bel’Veth
There is literally only two things you can do on Malzahar:
1. Clear wave
2. Press R
10 hours and guy never learned the to farm two lanes at once, or the push and roam tech. You should be pushing 10 minions per minute every game with that demon!
I mean I was at 9 cspm I am just still not that used to mid lane. I kinda just played like a top laner and split pushed which I know was not the right mindset. I did fix it near the end though
now I wanna see zoe
Udyr top, trust man youll love it
I will probably play him jungle cause that’s his main role but will probably try top 1-2 times
Yo you think you can do yone next
He refused to try my Rocketbelt Malz build 😢
You should play yone next
Can you play taliyah for the next video?
Lee andre's 😂 Edit: Also, how do you pronounce Italy? Same "I" for Irelia.
i mean i can play every champion fairly well
viego is very situational they say it takes a lot more then 10 hours to master something so i doubt the video will allow you to understand a lot because how long its taking you to go through the entire champion pool changes, buffs/nerfs, itemization changes which changes match ups etc
At least he didnt cancel
I did SOMETIMES I just didn’t show XD
This champ will atrofiate your brain
Now that you played an anti carry can you carry with akshan?
all fun and games until enemy buys cleanse
Malza secret : JUST REFRESH THIS FKICNG E , thanks thats all , rly
Just teamchat "Anyone who comes mid once I hit Level 6 gets a free kill."
Dude it’s WILD how no one ganks me. I literally have a “free kill button”
Garen is the fundamentos champion in toplane
And malzhar is the fundamentos champion in midlane
U play them to learn the game, not for mechanical learning, cause they dont have any mechanics
Zoe next? :D
08:05 just like Orianna R and Annie R.
I'm a malz main, the only reason I choose him cause I don't need to learn anything
I mean it’s more learning Macro and some basic trade patterns but yeah he is a pretty easy “just play the game” champion
Please try Rakan!!
Man vlad is so fck fun į recommend 1000%
the only thing that i would like to say is if you are doing this to have the best viego video then you are not suppose to press R/ult with any champ because viego R/ult when he take the champ will just make him viego again
LOL imagine i immediately mess it up
how many more champs until veigo?
So many…
Malzahar is weak af levels 1-3 and if my jungler does some bad plays then I just ignore them because I know that I can't help
10 hours off sett when!?
Malzahar, despite the obvious strengths as a support, is not a great support. In addition to not having a hard CC outside of R, It's way too easy to ruin the wave state as him. And you're right, he loses the splitpushing potential.
I find mana is unnecessary if you go tear start. Then go liandry and they cant go near wave. Blackfire sucks on him imo
I did also try that the issue I found was you have like NO ABILITY HASTE without a mana item (They usually give 25). Without it you do less damage and your ult has an even longer cooldown but that was just me
@@EcoreLoL when i play malz im doing it for brainless farming lol
4ft video waiting for zoe
why did you change the timer??
Unfortunately, this is something that you notice by watching his streams, that he does pretty frequently. If a game doesn't go according to his standards, he just says "we're not counting this one", which kinda defeats the purpose of this great video concept...
He also doesn't really follow the steps he claims, he goes straight to ranked games most of the time 😅
That’s not totally true. I usually allow myself to get 3 vetoes for various reasons. Sometimes I change the order of 1 or 2 games for funny moments (like the first kill because my “yay” reaction was a perfect fit). And I do usually play normal games first (just not at low ranks cause they are basically normal games already lol)
I do adjust some things but like you kinda have to for scripting reasons. Like people LEAVE when I show a game where I go 0/6 so I HAVE to remove it or the video does way worse so I gotta get a game where I go like 1/4 to show a loss
Play Kayn broo plz
Kayn when
Day 1 of waiting for talon vid
4:37 Worse than Morgana root, he couldn't play at all
Instead of 10h, you should try to get mastery 5~7.
The the midlane account really still new?
I mean it’s just the intro to say I have an account for every role. I am not still new XD
day 1 of asking for yone 10 hours
Malzahar is one of the easiest champions ive ever played
2:27 - "Nasussy"
What about thresh
try sylas pls
He will be at the end of the challenge cause he is a lot like Viego (he steals ultra)
Try udyr for 10 hours trust 😅😂
watching this as master elo gives me physical pain...... not only his mistakes but wtf is going on those games is this legal 😭😭😭
Azir mid??
Annie 😂
saying that malz is hard is so wild bro its the easiest XD
Its sarcastic XD. I said he was one of the most mechanically difficult champs in the game at the start lol
He is hard to play for carry players. If you more supporty player like a tank player, he fits right in, where they play a long macro game instead of mash button kill one