I 3d printed parts to make a pcb spinner it's a centrifuge with room for 4 pcb's up to 4x3in. It uses a 1200kv bldc motor on a 3:1 belt on a 480w psu at 19v using custom firmware on a 80A drone esc. I thin matt black solder mask and apply with a foam brush coat the boards in the centrifuge and hit run cycle. This tells an esp32 to run a sequence This runs the boards to 200 rpm stops reverse and run to 800rpm after 15sec it turns on the internal uv-lights. After 3 sec it slows to 200rpm and runs for another 18sec then shuts off the uv and turns on white leds and unlocks the lid. The wheel that holds the pcb's is 3d printed. I can stack 5 wheels on the 3/4 solid Tool steel shaft. The wheels are printed on p1s.
I 3d printed parts to make a pcb spinner it's a centrifuge with room for 4 pcb's up to 4x3in.
It uses a 1200kv bldc motor on a 3:1 belt on a 480w psu at 19v using custom firmware on a 80A drone esc.
I thin matt black solder mask and apply with a foam brush coat the boards in the centrifuge and hit run cycle. This tells an esp32 to run a sequence
This runs the boards to 200 rpm stops reverse and run to 800rpm after 15sec it turns on the internal uv-lights. After 3 sec it slows to 200rpm and runs for another 18sec then shuts off the uv and turns on white leds and unlocks the lid.
The wheel that holds the pcb's is 3d printed.
I can stack 5 wheels on the 3/4 solid Tool steel shaft. The wheels are printed on p1s.
How do you say "bastidor" instead of "i 3Dprinted this 'circle' " other than that great video!
Sir please explain what kind of g codes are used to operate laser cnc please. Thanks
I have bunch of M430F148 microcontroller IC.
Can you make some project tutorials with this IC.
Love you from India ❤❤.
Can a laser cut through a PCB??
A fiber optic laser can, but Co2 and Diode, not so much.