Sue Price's nude scenes were horribly gratuitous...that having been said..they were the best part of all of the movies. I tried to watch all of these films, and in each case, I got about 30 mins in before i just started fast forwarding until something interesting happened...and I think in the last film, that meant I fast forwarded through almost the whole film from like 10 minutes in.
The sequels are just downright awful. This movies are some of Pyun's worst direction. They probably works better as a standalone franchise than being tied to Nemesis or Cyborg.
Aww.. great channel m8. Keep it up
Sue Price's nude scenes were horribly gratuitous...that having been said..they were the best part of all of the movies. I tried to watch all of these films, and in each case, I got about 30 mins in before i just started fast forwarding until something interesting happened...and I think in the last film, that meant I fast forwarded through almost the whole film from like 10 minutes in.
The sequels are just downright awful. This movies are some of Pyun's worst direction. They probably works better as a standalone franchise than being tied to Nemesis or Cyborg.
They're not. They're total and utter crap.