I had a match against a Fatigue Warrior who, unsurprisingly picked the Armor fate. I got to pick the Portals fates, which actually completely ruined his Reno. Never has it felt so good to deny a Warrior their "I win" card.
That win with mill rogue against tempo mage was pretty inspiring. Opponent generated 5 fireballs off antonidas AND used them all but double brann + healbot healed him for 32 and then he vanished to heal for another 15. Then there was the spellbender that ate Kripp's gang up, but luckily he drew into his natural coldlights and was able to shadowstep them with brann to bring his opponent down to exactly 21 damage after fatigue so he couldn't get his dire fate. Just wow.
Loved the interaction with murloc decks picking the mad scientist swap. Toss in some raid leaders and stormwind champs, and you get stacking buffs because the stat swap makes them permanent, and then they get rebuffed. Had a 32 damage 29 health murloc warleader at one point. Beautiful.
Kibler's Manaburst was epic. Prep to make all spells cost 0, sacrifice minion, only card in hand that can be discounted is Malygos. 0 mana Malygos into super legal.
Important notes: 1. The windfury and Charge+Taunt Dire Fates only apply to minions played from the hand and minions on the board when the fate is chosen; it does not apply to tokens, or respawned Dreadsteeds, summoned Patrons, etc.The Draw a Card on Death dire fate does apply to all minions, including tokens. 2. The dire fate choice is checked for when a player takes damage... when a player has 20 or less health, then, at the start of your turn, you choose a dire fate. However, this does not happen when you go into fatigue (at least it didn't happen to me or my opponents) unless they take damage from source other than fatigue. This makes for some spectacular turnarounds as fatigue druid, since Poison Seeds + Starfall kills everything on the board twice and Naturalize makes them draw 3 cards. Of course, fatigue druid is terribly inconsistent, gets disrupted by the Portal fate, which a lot of mages are taking.
I had some huge success with Majordomo Mage. Always chose Fate: Armor. I had this one match against a warrior, who also chose armor fate, then he had like 250 armor at the end of the game, but still died to 80+ damage per turn. Priceless. :D
+kripparrian I was playing Druid mill. Really fun. Just held out until I could pop a poison seeds + starfall combo with the *every time a minion dies its owner draws a card* fate. Sit back and watch the fatigue pile up. Had one combo get them to -23 on the last fatigue. I'd definitely suggest giving that a try.
Portals makes this tavern brawl enjoyable for the beginners who dont have to many cards. Portals with summoning stone in a mage deck can create very-very crazy stuffs, mainly if your opponent pick the Fate:Spells. It lead awsome gamaplays. Armor is kind of warrior stuff, nothing spacial. Confusion works very great with hunter with handful of minion buffs (like Stormwind champ. raid leader, leokk.). the stats can grow quickly to crazy amount. Its a very fun, enjoyable brawl even for the beginners. I like it. (Excuse me if i made same mistakes.)
Agreed. There is so much variety in this brawl for almost anyone to enjoy. And best of all; there isn't a bullshit OTK combo or a deck or card that doesn't crushes this mode. That's what pissed me off about the create your deck brawls.
I've had a lot of succes with Silverhand Recruit Paladin. I use aura buffs that pump them all up (such as a doggie, Raid Leader and the SHR specific only) and pair it up with the "swap HP and Attack at the end of turn" which means my minions are growing stronger and stronger for every turn that passes. It speeds up rather fast and my opponents seem to have a hard time dealing with it.
I had a lot of fun with a druid deck: swipes, starfalls, and poison seeds for board clears, and some healthy minions. When it was time for the dire fate, windfury always ended the game. It was fantastic. Other favorite was a murloc Shaman. Good times, good times.
The best game I had was with a grinder mage against a flamewaker tetmpo mage. He picked spell discount, and I didn't have armor to pick, so i chose spell discount too. The 2 mana fireballs and all the cheap removal was crazy. This is definitely one of my favorite brawls so far.
I've had the best time with control warrior. I've had 20 games with it and have not lost one! If you get the armour fate you have all the time in the world to deal with anything thrown at you. So OP
I actually had a lot of success with freeze mage (infinite fireball variant) this week, getting a 90% winrate. Armor is the priority fate; otherwise choosing a fate that won't help your opponent much (or at all) is the way to go. The reason it's pretty decent is simply - the hero power gives you ~20+ extra effective health, and you're aiming to take your opponent out in one turn, such that they won't be able to choose a Dire Fate themselves (and again, if you actually hit 20 effective health you choose either a Dire Fate that will help only you - such as murlocs - or one that won't hurt you/help them too much). Getting 20+ extra health and getting to skip their Dire Fate is a winning combination. Hell, in some cases the Dire Fate even helps your combo significantly. In one game I actually chose the "random card in hand costs 0" fate, and it effectively allowed me to skip the 2 Emperor ticks that are usually required to guarantee the OTKO.
Guys, doing dreadsteed warlock is SO good, since he just dies over and over again, if you ge tthe charge + taunt and the "when a minion dies, gain [something]", it's basically the never ending story if your opponent isn't running a silence specifically for your card! :D
i personally love the confusion fate in murlocs since if you have a warleader and another murloc the buff of the warleader sticks when the minions flip and gives a buff on top of it
This brawl I decided to play something out of the ordinary. So I went with mill Druid and actually had a surprising amount of success. Naturalize is such a good card and with keeper of the grove the deck is ridiculous.
I had a fun time with Enrage Warrior with the Dire Fate Taunt and Charge. I smashed a lot of people with really big Frothing Berserkers with Charge. Sometimes I'd also get stuck with confusion brawl so it became a massive taunt on my opponent's turn if I didn't win on the turn I played it. I also had fun with Grim Patron since it makes Non-Taunt Patrons which can hide under the massive enrage taunts.
+Kirin Spellender is in no way overpowered, it has an increased effect compared to counterspell (steals effects instead of cancelling it) to balance the fact that it activates on very fewer spells (the ones casted onto your opponent's own minions). The card is designed to steal a buff, and it cant really activate for much else anyway.. Its a strong, but very situational card, ie balanced. Thought spellbender could proc only on spells casted by the opponent on the opponent's minions for some reason
***** Nevermind all i said i was for some reason convinced it would proc only on own-minions casted spells (i mean spells casted on minions owned by the opponent)... No idea where i got that idea from tho
I really enjoyed playing High Attack minions and doing the swap attack and defense. Then dire fate into charge taunt. It has worked really well for me, and Has been pretty fun!
I played a ton of mill rogue in this brawl, I found the +2 armour per turn to be exceptional in combatting mill rogue's fragility, and if my opponent picked the +10 portals per deck to counter me, as I saw a LOT of, I could bring myself, even with the armour buff, into dire fate range by like turn 5 or 6, and with "all minions have deathrattle: draw a card" I could stomp these guys even with the 10 card thicker decks. It was great.
I really love manaburst. I played ironbark protector, emperor, and stormwind champion on turn 6. (I played the 3 treants, cleared the board with them first to make all the cards cost 0)
played spell mage. got a flamewaker. a mirror image and a sorceres apprentice on turn 3. while having like 3 bananas and 2 arcane missiles in hand. say what you want about the brawl. but it gave me my favorite moment of the year so far.
i played ancestral spirit>reincarnate>KT combo with a shit ton of direct removal, board clears, healing, and draw. 85% win rate over 20 games, it's preeetty good.
A good "off meta" brawl deck: Swapping Druid Go for the swapping fate (portals if you don't get it) and put in all high damage low hp minions like the 3/1 divine shield, magma rager, ice rager, salty dog, and also put in raid leaders, abusive sargents, savage roar, and any other 'temporary' buffs to attack (they become permanent). I have >50% winrate with this, you could also do this in rogue with cold blood, paladin with his attack buffs (and equality also doubles as set all enemy minions attack to 1), shaman if you make sure to buff the flametongue's attack before passing, probably many others too.
Testing a card idea using this tavern brawl. Card idea is for a rogue class card called "Coffin Seller", Minion, 3 cost with a garbage body and an effect that reads "When a friendly minion dies, gain a coin". I've made some jank plays, but outside the obvious haunted creeper and defias bandit synergy, it's not as broken as you think and could reliably resuscitate miracle in a controlled way.
I had a lot of fun playing mill, even the mill druid worked really well for me! The "when a minion dies you draw a card" (can't recall the exact text) was seriously fun, as well as the banana/coin Especially with most people playing easy to remove minions, coupled with all the removal in rogue, as well as druid Was awesome! If the brawl is still up I recommended trying the mill style. I also found mana addict to work quite well with all the spells you will usually end up with in hand. (bananas and coins) She won me a few games hanging onto the spells and using dire fate: WIndfury
@Kripparrian One combo that I came up with was Mana Addict + Charge warrior... as long you get the coin or at least the banana fate in the beginning + eventually Thaurissan, and then maybe you get Windfury fate later on, you can do some crazy shit with this! In the deck in threw just about any damage buff below 4 mana and sticky/deathrattle minions to generate coins.
I made a ramp druid since I had no idea what was going on. Went in and got the reversing switch one. Since switching health isn't a huge problem (except for darnassus aspirant). I was fighting warrior which made it even better
So many people are playing banana's and coins that Fat Warrior has been so much fun to play. The extra bananas and coins they give you let you play big sticky minions and then clearing their board and playing a coldlight has made multiple opponents concede on the spot.
Had a game earlier where both myself (mill Druid) and the warlock I was against picked the coin fate, I was reduced to dire fate range, picked the card draw one, and Milled my opponent with the poison seeds/starfall combo on 5 minions, forcing them to draw 10 cards, 7 of which were milled because they had a hand of coins after 3 died, won the game after passing following that play
Dire Fate: Card is insane with Mill Druid. After I picked it I cleared the board with Posion Seeds and Starfall and milled my opponent for about 10 cards because he drew cards for the summoned Treants as well (and he picked Fate: Coin in the beginning).
Was kinda bored with the brawl then ended up going Spell Hunter. It worked surprisingly well by either decreasing the spell cost or by giving myself portals to supplement my spells. Lock and Load was MVP, seriously.
This was absolutely crazy, i was able to have a turn 2 Ysera!. i was playing druid and my opponent a paladin. we both picked the coin fate, my turn one had 2 saplings and he killed them both, i had a coin already, and an innervate, so next turn BOOM, Ysera!
The other "missed lethal" was just to use abusive on the mad scientist since it had 2 base dmg with windfury and the mage only had 7 hp. But finishing with Krush is always worth it :P
I'm honestly surprised he didn't see the _other_ lethal in that last game. I mean, Flare into Abusive on the 2/2 Windfury'd Mad Scientist seemed more obvious to me personally. Then again if you win there is no missed lethal, only hilarious BM.
34:06 Wait. So the first echoing ooze gets the banana and coin deathrattles; then it duplicates to a second echoing ooze; then the second echoing ooze gets the banana and coin deathrattles again? tfw this gets pointed out at 35:00 vov
Dire Fate: Card can be super annoying for your opponent when they have about 6-7 minions and you have a board clear + they've picked coin or bananas then you have a board clear and mill half their deck. It's won me about 3 games or so. Also, I used a slow, and I mean slow, Control Priest deck that even was minus a few LoE cards. It made pretty much every game take about thirty years, but with as many board clears as I had it was easy to outlast and overrun most opponents with the armor fate.
I use a Paladin zew deck , with a lot of card draw , and the coin fate . I draw a lot of cards , place bunch of minions , get coins , and draw a lot of cards with high cost spells , and finish him off with high cost legendaries.
I tended to play Druid with some early tokens, boardclear & some late-legendarys -> coin>banana (armor against hunter) and went great, the best is with the dire fate card for fatigue xD
Most of the time in this Tavern Brawl I ran a Druid, I would pick the armour as often as possible and I would most of the time go into fatigue, I would gain three amour a turn because of the hero power. I have had at least 30 amour at one point.
yogos360 That's true. I guess it does work then :P Although there's about a one in three chance of not getting the draw fate, which still isn't necessary.
I was playing oil rogue and got the all spells cost 1 less fate and was able to prep sprint on turn 3. Then I got the windfury dire fate, dropped my southsea, double oil, and then wrecked face. :)
I had fun with mill rogue choosing armor at the start. And later either murlocs if needed or if not I pick when minion dies player draws a card. It is super effective.
My first impression was miracle rogue, freeze Mage, and mill decks would work well. Mill with the armor or filling someone's hand with bananas or coins then playing coldlight. Freeze works well because of flamewaker, Antonidas, and either cheaper spells or lots of coins.
+Tyler Johnson Obviously it would not be an exact copy of the freeze mage decklist, I was thinking more like a combination of tempo and freeze mage, with the lower mana cost on spells. Besides, this was just a first impression. No need to get so nasty about it.
Control priest was so good for me in this brawl, sometimes I even got to mill out some opponents lol. Love picking coin when minion dies and when minion dies it owner draws a card, just let to build a board and wipe it and then watch them mill 8 cards lol
This is the first Tavern Brawl in like a month that didn't seem to me like a RNG-laden face deck borefest; this one seemed to require at least a little bit of strategy and skill. Me personally, I've found a Merlocadin deck to be pretty effective, as it counters or mitigates some of the bad fates, takes advantage of the murloc board clear fate, and has cards cheap enough to allow you to spend as many bananas as you'd like without worrying about your hand being too full.
I think I finished 13-2 playing control preist and going for Fate:armour. The small minions really struggle to kill you before your late game kicks in (its also the best I've ever done)
I played a fatigue priest, that uses lots of board clears, as long as i get armor or my oppenent picks it i win. the minion dies + draw speeds up the fatigue
I never skip the Kripp.
+TheQuentinSK8 mvp
optional for the non-butthurts. streaming: www.twitch.tv/Skipperino_Kripperino
+Skipperino Kripperino No one cares about your stream. You only exist to save our lives.
Emeric Saunier PJSalt Kappa
+Mom someone's triggered
I nid viwers guys. I cnt ex1st wthout attention.
I had a match against a Fatigue Warrior who, unsurprisingly picked the Armor fate.
I got to pick the Portals fates, which actually completely ruined his Reno.
Never has it felt so good to deny a Warrior their "I win" card.
What is Kripparrian's weakness? Kripptonite
+Legend Stuff I thought it was top deck Uldaman
shitty beards?
That win with mill rogue against tempo mage was pretty inspiring. Opponent generated 5 fireballs off antonidas AND used them all but double brann + healbot healed him for 32 and then he vanished to heal for another 15. Then there was the spellbender that ate Kripp's gang up, but luckily he drew into his natural coldlights and was able to shadowstep them with brann to bring his opponent down to exactly 21 damage after fatigue so he couldn't get his dire fate. Just wow.
Watched parts of your stream while you were brawling in the tavern, and unusual plays are really where you shine.
Well played, indeed.
This brawl has so many animations that it's so much more difficult than usual to do everything in the given time
I have literally nothing interesting to say, but I still want upvotes.
you can go fuck yourself
You posted three times
0:00 Don't skip the Kripp, ladies and gentlemen.
Good job partner! You are learning fast 👍🏼
9:27 Skipperino you've failed us
+thrashish Did your parents skip your childhood or something?
+thrashish dafq son
+thrashish lmao, look at your pp bro (~_^)
+thrashish lmao, look at your pp bro (~_^)
+thrashish skiperino is the least cancerous ironically
Another Brawl, another week of being overshadowed by Alexstrazsa and Malygos
Don't worry you'll be so meta in standard
+Ysera what about nozdormun he is so underated
+shadowrocks95 Noz is buggy trash, yo.
Good news everyone! I now have a partner! You Kripp skippers are fucked >:)
+Coperino Kripperino AKA Copperino Kripperino What if i skipped the Kripp?
+They call me Diego You would've got fucked.
Oh damn it D:
+Coperino Kripperino AKA Copperino Kripperino you cant killl the skip
Kripp, its so obvious when you are passionate about Taverns, you loved this 1
You forgot Violet Teacher! Infinite 1/1s!
Kripptonite, chemical abbreviation RNG, Mass Number 69, Proton number 42, only affects a singular human being.
Further reasearch seems warranted.
Loved the interaction with murloc decks picking the mad scientist swap. Toss in some raid leaders and stormwind champs, and you get stacking buffs because the stat swap makes them permanent, and then they get rebuffed.
Had a 32 damage 29 health murloc warleader at one point. Beautiful.
38:45 this slightly uncomfortable look into the camera, like he didn't knew what was going to happen next cracked me up
I seriously think that is the best game of Hearthstone I've ever seen.
Same bro
Mill Decks are so much fun in this mode. They may not win all the time, but when they actually work, it's amazing.
Kibler's Manaburst was epic. Prep to make all spells cost 0, sacrifice minion, only card in hand that can be discounted is Malygos. 0 mana Malygos into super legal.
Important notes:
1. The windfury and Charge+Taunt Dire Fates only apply to minions played from the hand and minions on the board when the fate is chosen; it does not apply to tokens, or respawned Dreadsteeds, summoned Patrons, etc.The Draw a Card on Death dire fate does apply to all minions, including tokens.
2. The dire fate choice is checked for when a player takes damage... when a player has 20 or less health, then, at the start of your turn, you choose a dire fate. However, this does not happen when you go into fatigue (at least it didn't happen to me or my opponents) unless they take damage from source other than fatigue. This makes for some spectacular turnarounds as fatigue druid, since Poison Seeds + Starfall kills everything on the board twice and Naturalize makes them draw 3 cards. Of course, fatigue druid is terribly inconsistent, gets disrupted by the Portal fate, which a lot of mages are taking.
I had some huge success with Majordomo Mage. Always chose Fate: Armor. I had this one match against a warrior, who also chose armor fate, then he had like 250 armor at the end of the game, but still died to 80+ damage per turn.
Priceless. :D
+kripparrian I was playing Druid mill. Really fun. Just held out until I could pop a poison seeds + starfall combo with the *every time a minion dies its owner draws a card* fate. Sit back and watch the fatigue pile up. Had one combo get them to -23 on the last fatigue. I'd definitely suggest giving that a try.
That game vs mage was the best fucking thing I've seen in ages. It's like they were actually having a duel. Tons of healing, tons of damage
Portals makes this tavern brawl enjoyable for the beginners who dont have to many cards. Portals with summoning stone in a mage deck can create very-very crazy stuffs, mainly if your opponent pick the Fate:Spells. It lead awsome gamaplays.
Armor is kind of warrior stuff, nothing spacial. Confusion works very great with hunter with handful of minion buffs (like Stormwind champ. raid leader, leokk.). the stats can grow quickly to crazy amount.
Its a very fun, enjoyable brawl even for the beginners. I like it.
(Excuse me if i made same mistakes.)
Agreed. There is so much variety in this brawl for almost anyone to enjoy. And best of all; there isn't a bullshit OTK combo or a deck or card that doesn't crushes this mode. That's what pissed me off about the create your deck brawls.
I've had a lot of succes with Silverhand Recruit Paladin. I use aura buffs that pump them all up (such as a doggie, Raid Leader and the SHR specific only) and pair it up with the "swap HP and Attack at the end of turn" which means my minions are growing stronger and stronger for every turn that passes. It speeds up rather fast and my opponents seem to have a hard time dealing with it.
Congrats on your best play so far I think. Nicely done!
I had a lot of fun with a druid deck: swipes, starfalls, and poison seeds for board clears, and some healthy minions. When it was time for the dire fate, windfury always ended the game. It was fantastic.
Other favorite was a murloc Shaman. Good times, good times.
This is my favorite Tavern Brawl so far. Of course Mage with Flamewaker and Antonidas are absolutely OP.
The best game I had was with a grinder mage against a flamewaker tetmpo mage. He picked spell discount, and I didn't have armor to pick, so i chose spell discount too. The 2 mana fireballs and all the cheap removal was crazy. This is definitely one of my favorite brawls so far.
I've had the best time with control warrior. I've had 20 games with it and have not lost one! If you get the armour fate you have all the time in the world to deal with anything thrown at you. So OP
@27:30 holy fuck the mill rogue game was INSANE, nice job man.
I don't know why but the phrase "coins and bananas" just cracks me up so bad
I actually had a lot of success with freeze mage (infinite fireball variant) this week, getting a 90% winrate. Armor is the priority fate; otherwise choosing a fate that won't help your opponent much (or at all) is the way to go.
The reason it's pretty decent is simply - the hero power gives you ~20+ extra effective health, and you're aiming to take your opponent out in one turn, such that they won't be able to choose a Dire Fate themselves (and again, if you actually hit 20 effective health you choose either a Dire Fate that will help only you - such as murlocs - or one that won't hurt you/help them too much). Getting 20+ extra health and getting to skip their Dire Fate is a winning combination.
Hell, in some cases the Dire Fate even helps your combo significantly. In one game I actually chose the "random card in hand costs 0" fate, and it effectively allowed me to skip the 2 Emperor ticks that are usually required to guarantee the OTKO.
Guys, doing dreadsteed warlock is SO good, since he just dies over and over again, if you ge tthe charge + taunt and the "when a minion dies, gain [something]", it's basically the never ending story if your opponent isn't running a silence specifically for your card! :D
i personally love the confusion fate in murlocs since if you have a warleader and another murloc the buff of the warleader sticks when the minions flip and gives a buff on top of it
This brawl I decided to play something out of the ordinary. So I went with mill Druid and actually had a surprising amount of success. Naturalize is such a good card and with keeper of the grove the deck is ridiculous.
I had a fun time with Enrage Warrior with the Dire Fate Taunt and Charge. I smashed a lot of people with really big Frothing Berserkers with Charge. Sometimes I'd also get stuck with confusion brawl so it became a massive taunt on my opponent's turn if I didn't win on the turn I played it.
I also had fun with Grim Patron since it makes Non-Taunt Patrons which can hide under the massive enrage taunts.
I loved this tavernbrawl. Rogue + coins were definitely the way to go. Seemed like a really solid counter to all the mages.
I've never thought about spell bender activating on gang up before, but i laughed so much when i saw it happen
Spellender is in no way overpowered, it has an increased effect compared to counterspell (steals effects instead of cancelling it) to balance the fact that it activates on very fewer spells (the ones casted onto your opponent's own minions). The card is designed to steal a buff, and it cant really activate for much else anyway..
Its a strong, but very situational card, ie balanced.
Thought spellbender could proc only on spells casted by the opponent on the opponent's minions for some reason
Nevermind all i said i was for some reason convinced it would proc only on own-minions casted spells (i mean spells casted on minions owned by the opponent)... No idea where i got that idea from tho
I really enjoyed playing High Attack minions and doing the swap attack and defense. Then dire fate into charge taunt. It has worked really well for me, and Has been pretty fun!
I played a ton of mill rogue in this brawl, I found the +2 armour per turn to be exceptional in combatting mill rogue's fragility, and if my opponent picked the +10 portals per deck to counter me, as I saw a LOT of, I could bring myself, even with the armour buff, into dire fate range by like turn 5 or 6, and with "all minions have deathrattle: draw a card" I could stomp these guys even with the 10 card thicker decks. It was great.
I really love manaburst.
I played ironbark protector, emperor, and stormwind champion on turn 6.
(I played the 3 treants, cleared the board with them first to make all the cards cost 0)
@kripparrian may I correct you. You don't actually lose the deathratles when you choose the 1/1 murluc fate you actually trigger the deathratles
played spell mage. got a flamewaker. a mirror image and a sorceres apprentice on turn 3. while having like 3 bananas and 2 arcane missiles in hand. say what you want about the brawl. but it gave me my favorite moment of the year so far.
i played ancestral spirit>reincarnate>KT combo with a shit ton of direct removal, board clears, healing, and draw. 85% win rate over 20 games, it's preeetty good.
A good "off meta" brawl deck: Swapping Druid
Go for the swapping fate (portals if you don't get it) and put in all high damage low hp minions like the 3/1 divine shield, magma rager, ice rager, salty dog, and also put in raid leaders, abusive sargents, savage roar, and any other 'temporary' buffs to attack (they become permanent).
I have >50% winrate with this, you could also do this in rogue with cold blood, paladin with his attack buffs (and equality also doubles as set all enemy minions attack to 1), shaman if you make sure to buff the flametongue's attack before passing, probably many others too.
Testing a card idea using this tavern brawl. Card idea is for a rogue class card called "Coffin Seller", Minion, 3 cost with a garbage body and an effect that reads "When a friendly minion dies, gain a coin". I've made some jank plays, but outside the obvious haunted creeper and defias bandit synergy, it's not as broken as you think and could reliably resuscitate miracle in a controlled way.
FeelsBadMan when dad misses the windfury crush on antonidas at 38:38
Another video, another time not proving the existence of the RNG gods
I had a lot of fun playing mill, even the mill druid worked really well for me!
The "when a minion dies you draw a card" (can't recall the exact text) was seriously fun, as well as the banana/coin
Especially with most people playing easy to remove minions, coupled with all the removal in rogue, as well as druid
Was awesome!
If the brawl is still up I recommended trying the mill style.
I also found mana addict to work quite well with all the spells you will usually end up with in hand. (bananas and coins)
She won me a few games hanging onto the spells and using dire fate: WIndfury
Comeback combo Auctioneer Druid is pretty cool with some of the available fates
I actually played an Eydis-Fiola Druid deck. Super fun, love experimenting in Tavern Brawls!
@Kripparrian One combo that I came up with was Mana Addict + Charge warrior... as long you get the coin or at least the banana fate in the beginning + eventually Thaurissan, and then maybe you get Windfury fate later on, you can do some crazy shit with this! In the deck in threw just about any damage buff below 4 mana and sticky/deathrattle minions to generate coins.
Mill Druid with Rivendare and the Coin/Card Draw fates are amazing
Fates are in the cards! Props to who gets the reference.
''Where's my fate''
- Unfaterino Kripperino
I made a ramp druid since I had no idea what was going on. Went in and got the reversing switch one. Since switching health isn't a huge problem (except for darnassus aspirant). I was fighting warrior which made it even better
So many people are playing banana's and coins that Fat Warrior has been so much fun to play. The extra bananas and coins they give you let you play big sticky minions and then clearing their board and playing a coldlight has made multiple opponents concede on the spot.
12:21 ....BUT WHAT WE MAKE, KRIPP! NO FATE BUT WHAT WE MAKE! ....I'll show myself out now.
Wow that last playaround was very skillfull gg
Had a game earlier where both myself (mill Druid) and the warlock I was against picked the coin fate, I was reduced to dire fate range, picked the card draw one, and Milled my opponent with the poison seeds/starfall combo on 5 minions, forcing them to draw 10 cards, 7 of which were milled because they had a hand of coins after 3 died, won the game after passing following that play
These kind of Brawls are the exact reason why I haven't played the format in like 5-6 weeks.
I had a deck with Dire Wolf Alpha, Raid Leader, and Stormwind Champion and aimed for the Confusion.
Bonus if you can get a Micro Machine in with that.
Dire Fate: Card is insane with Mill Druid. After I picked it I cleared the board with Posion Seeds and Starfall and milled my opponent for about 10 cards because he drew cards for the summoned Treants as well (and he picked Fate: Coin in the beginning).
Really? You haven't seen Dire Fate: Card? Mill Rogue, Vanish destroys say two creatures, two more cards destroyed.
Kripp. That mage game was dirty. If I was that mage I would have felt dominated beyond belief.
Was kinda bored with the brawl then ended up going Spell Hunter. It worked surprisingly well by either decreasing the spell cost or by giving myself portals to supplement my spells. Lock and Load was MVP, seriously.
always when krip starts finishing speak he smiles
This was absolutely crazy, i was able to have a turn 2 Ysera!. i was playing druid and my opponent a paladin. we both picked the coin fate, my turn one had 2 saplings and he killed them both, i had a coin already, and an innervate, so next turn BOOM, Ysera!
The other "missed lethal" was just to use abusive on the mad scientist since it had 2 base dmg with windfury and the mage only had 7 hp. But finishing with Krush is always worth it :P
I'm honestly surprised he didn't see the _other_ lethal in that last game. I mean, Flare into Abusive on the 2/2 Windfury'd Mad Scientist seemed more obvious to me personally. Then again if you win there is no missed lethal, only hilarious BM.
I got Aviana with an Unstable Esportal and the got it to cost zero thanks the the dire fate, it was great
Most fun deck imo is Summoning Stone Mage, I didn't use FlameWaker because I don't have it, and I just picked spells cost 1 less, and it was fun.
Archmage Antonidas is very strong in this Brawl imo . Especially if you get to choose the coins or the bananas you can create a ton of fireballs.
So the first echoing ooze gets the banana and coin deathrattles; then it duplicates to a second echoing ooze; then the second echoing ooze gets the banana and coin deathrattles again?
tfw this gets pointed out at 35:00 vov
Dire Fate: Card can be super annoying for your opponent when they have about 6-7 minions and you have a board clear + they've picked coin or bananas then you have a board clear and mill half their deck. It's won me about 3 games or so.
Also, I used a slow, and I mean slow, Control Priest deck that even was minus a few LoE cards. It made pretty much every game take about thirty years, but with as many board clears as I had it was easy to outlast and overrun most opponents with the armor fate.
I use a Paladin zew deck , with a lot of card draw , and the coin fate . I draw a lot of cards , place bunch of minions , get coins , and draw a lot of cards with high cost spells , and finish him off with high cost legendaries.
Weird that Kripp didn't go for the Lorewalker Cho Milling route. Felt like that'd be right down his alley.
And here I am, still waiting for Unstable portals brawl Kappa
+Pan Kowalski I'm waiting for a raven idol tavern brawl
I tended to play Druid with some early tokens, boardclear & some late-legendarys -> coin>banana (armor against hunter) and went great, the best is with the dire fate card for fatigue xD
Most of the time in this Tavern Brawl I ran a Druid, I would pick the armour as often as possible and I would most of the time go into fatigue, I would gain three amour a turn because of the hero power. I have had at least 30 amour at one point.
I did a miracle rogue this brawl. The fates combo well with it most of the time. I've had like 5 mana addict - gagetzan combo wins
I used mill rouge bcuz one of the fates say if a minion dies draw a card to its owner.
Actually it says Gain a coin or Gain a banana
+Nautilus theTitanoftheDepths And by the time you get to that one, the games already over :P
+Nautilus theTitanoftheDepths not really since mill rouge has some good healing.
yogos360 That's true. I guess it does work then :P Although there's about a one in three chance of not getting the draw fate, which still isn't necessary.
It's a dire fate I just saw
I was playing oil rogue and got the all spells cost 1 less fate and was able to prep sprint on turn 3. Then I got the windfury dire fate, dropped my southsea, double oil, and then wrecked face. :)
I had fun with mill rogue choosing armor at the start. And later either murlocs if needed or if not I pick when minion dies player draws a card. It is super effective.
+Dead Pool Try it with the coin fate
I do when I dont have a choice to pick armor.
+Dead Pool Wow that's what I played too! It was so much more fun than zoo.
38:40 0/10 BM, should've killed Antonidas first.
My first impression was miracle rogue, freeze Mage, and mill decks would work well. Mill with the armor or filling someone's hand with bananas or coins then playing coldlight. Freeze works well because of flamewaker, Antonidas, and either cheaper spells or lots of coins.
Freeze doesn't use Flamewaker. In fact Freeze is utter trash, it has no good fates.
+Tyler Johnson Obviously it would not be an exact copy of the freeze mage decklist, I was thinking more like a combination of tempo and freeze mage, with the lower mana cost on spells. Besides, this was just a first impression. No need to get so nasty about it.
27:45 try to play this moment with closed eyes or with screen shut down
Gay moment
Control priest was so good for me in this brawl, sometimes I even got to mill out some opponents lol.
Love picking coin when minion dies and when minion dies it owner draws a card, just let to build a board and wipe it and then watch them mill 8 cards lol
@Kripparrian You got so many at 34:12 because your Echoing Ooze copied its own brawl-induced Deathrattle, then gained its own Deathrattle.
This is the first Tavern Brawl in like a month that didn't seem to me like a RNG-laden face deck borefest; this one seemed to require at least a little bit of strategy and skill. Me personally, I've found a Merlocadin deck to be pretty effective, as it counters or mitigates some of the bad fates, takes advantage of the murloc board clear fate, and has cards cheap enough to allow you to spend as many bananas as you'd like without worrying about your hand being too full.
Had a loatheb on turn 6, got to 19hp, picked windfury, had kings, might, and abusive sergeant in hand.
Resulted into a -You win... this time.-
Capslockerino childerino is that you?
I think I finished 13-2 playing control preist and going for Fate:armour. The small minions really struggle to kill you before your late game kicks in (its also the best I've ever done)
I played a fatigue priest, that uses lots of board clears, as long as i get armor or my oppenent picks it i win. the minion dies + draw speeds up the fatigue
I played a game where both of us picked armor. Sadly, he lost connection when we were about 20 turns in, at ~60 health each.
There is a good synergy with mana addict and the fate confusion. It works.
Is it just me or do he looks like he have hurt his left side of the face in the opening?
Dont die kripp, we love you
amazing mill brawl, thanks! 5 coins and 5 bananas that switch health in hand