Check for Traps - The Crane Claw Trap (CR 7)

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Crafting this trap requires a team of blacksmiths and iron workers, as well as a trap builder (who can be NPCs or enemies in your campaign) several weeks to craft, assemble and set. This half-ton iron claw is elevated 20 feet above the ground in any set dungeon or indoor setting. It can be modelled to resemble or even be a chandelier. (It is not hard to spot) The trap is triggered when a PC or any other creature (Ie familiars, roaming creatures, etc.) walk over the floor below it.
    Note: Even a flying familiar can potentially cause enough of a disturbance for the trap to be triggered by the air pressure created under it's wings as it flies. This can cause problems for PCs that rely on familiars to scout out areas ahead. DMs adjust according to your party and how much of a challenge you want to create (or if you have familiars you want to endanger or kill off). Listen check DC 15 can hear a loud crash from 500 feet away if it's set off. +5 to the DC for every 150 ft after. (Echoing areas change to 250 ft)
    Once triggered, the claw comes crashing to the ground, dealing 8d6 points of damage when it strikes it's victim. A character can attempt a Reflex save (DC 20) to escape entrapment. If the save succeeds, the character suffers only half damage. Characters with the Evasion ability avoid entrapment and all damage with a successful save. If the save fails, the character is trapped, held immobile and helpless. Diminutive or Fine creatures can slip out through the bars if trapped. Huge or large creatures are merely caught in the claw.
    After it is triggered, it begins to retract back up to the ceiling after one round. It takes one full round to lock and set back into it's start position.
    DM Note: Players may potentially try to re-trigger the trap using ranged methods to "save" a companion. In the event the trap is triggered again, the claw opens as it falls dealing normal damage to anyone contained within as well as dealing the same damage and potentially scooping any additional PCs or creatures that may have wandered below it in the attempt. Use caution.
    Trapped creatures can attempt to slip free (Escape Artist DC 30) or pry open the cage of the claw (Strength DC 30). However any character who escapes from the claw must make a Climb check (DC 25) or fall to the floor, potentially taking damage from the fall. Characters also risk the trap being triggered again.
    Stats: Challenge Rating 7
    Search DC 25
    Trigger: Super sensitive floor plate below the trap (So sensitive that slight changes in the air pressure can trigger this trap off on occasion)
    Damage (initial) 8d6
    Reflex Save DC 20 halves**
    **Evasion + successful Ref save negates damage
    Disable Device DC 30 on the floor plate disables the claw.
    If more than one claw are set up in a room, they run off the same mechanism above (it costs more in supplies, time and labor to create several seperate operating mechanisms but can be done at the DM's disgression. XP should be awarded for all mechanisms disabled in this manner. In lamens terms, 9 claws, one check, XP for one encounter or 9 claws, 9 checks, XP x 9 for encounter... How generous are you when giving out your XP??? My thoughts exactly... ;) ) If a PC flies or climbs up into the gear work of this trap, a Disable Device DC 30 disables all trap components in that one room. Other room's mechanisms may or may not be effected by this save if the trap exists elsewhere in your dungeon. DM decides.
    If caught in the trap:
    Escape Artist DC 30 to escape
    Strength DC 30 to pry open claw's "fingers"
    PLUS Climb DC 25 or PC falls to the ground risking damage and retriggering the trap.
    Tumble save check should be made to determine if PCs take full damage from the fall and to see if PCs "tumble" out of harms way. If Tumble fails, reroll Reflex save because the claw is coming back down...
    Claw's "cage" (the part that will capture and hold anything that triggers it) : hardness 10, hp 60, AC 4, break DC 30, 2 inch thick iron

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