I have the conversion kit with the circuit boards. Looking forward to fitting it with the LEDs. Just one thing “effectively a diode” - it IS a diode. It’s effectively a ‘one way electrical street’ which allows the lights only to come on in the direction of travel. Electronics background.
Fantastic guide Aidan thanks for posting it. I bought a broken HST during our NZ lockdown to restore so was intrigued by your video. Ordered the LEDs which arrived yesterday after a looooong journey! The installation worked a treat even though I suck at soldering. The dummy car lights seem dimmer compared to the power car so may not have positioned them quite right. Cheers David
Hi David, well thank you. It was just an experiment at first. It really has turned out to be a very cost effective replacement for the older model. Really glad it has helped. Cheers, stay safe
only just found this channel, im very much enjoying it - love the cap too always good day out and not far from me. i love the hst got a full 4 car set 29 pounds i payed just need more coaches
I have also ordered some. I going to test fit one and if it makes a real difference I may do it to all of mine. This video was just really an experiment budget wise and it still worked 👍
Hi. I can’t find the exact supplier but these are the same. I hope this helps. rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F262920680726
Hi Will. I’ll try and find the packaging. Sadly the eBay shop I purchased them from seems to be hard to track down. If you look in the comments for this video I’m pretty sure I posted a link for someone else. Stay safe Will 👍
Thanks for thos great mod tried a pre soldered board i found but didnt work out for me will give this a shot prob work my lima hst to so bonus im thinking 12v leds for dcc running that will be experiment thanks again
*_Hi Darryl, thank you for the kind words. As in the video this was an experiment that thankfully worked and has proven quite popular. As for using this idea with dcc, a possible solution would be to use led's rated at a higher capacity ie 15v etc. Good luck and thank you again._*
I followed the instructions but can’t get the lights to work. I don’t have a rolling Road so I can’t test. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong, wrong lights? wrong polarity?
you can improve on the effect if you do something little bit less intuitive build a small box out of black 1 mm thick polystyrene so light can't escape it, feed your leds inside and install ir on the other end of the body then run fiber optic conductors used for house decoration from the box to each lightin frontright behind the headlights lenseswhere in real life model color bulbs would be, you can make lights bi directional and light for each color can come out from a different part of the front lamps, you can mix and match fiber optic thickness ont tip about lights though, use warm white leds or place yellow polariser in front of the leds if they are too blue
Hi . Thank you for commenting with all this information. Weirdly enough I have done something very similar to your comment when I built a HST-E full set. As I am sure you are aware the lighting formation and position on the front of the HST-E would have proven quite difficult with just led's. I used fibre optic wire from a cheap toy. Thank you for watching and getting in touch. Cheers
@@AidansRailways i have this model on N scale but sadly unmotorised and it just caught my eye . and i am building polish eu07 based on class 83 right now. as you may guess N scale is twice as small as H0 or 00 so i strictly can't use full blown leds (smd if i'm lucky) i always liked intercity class 43, even though it never came close to where i live :P
I have the conversion kit with the circuit boards. Looking forward to fitting it with the LEDs.
Just one thing “effectively a diode” - it IS a diode. It’s effectively a ‘one way electrical street’ which allows the lights only to come on in the direction of travel.
Electronics background.
Thank you, great pace of explanation. Thank you.
You are welcome!
I hope this video has been of some use to you. Cheers
Fantastic guide Aidan thanks for posting it. I bought a broken HST during our NZ lockdown to restore so was intrigued by your video. Ordered the LEDs which arrived yesterday after a looooong journey! The installation worked a treat even though I suck at soldering. The dummy car lights seem dimmer compared to the power car so may not have positioned them quite right. Cheers David
Hi David, well thank you. It was just an experiment at first. It really has turned out to be a very cost effective replacement for the older model. Really glad it has helped. Cheers, stay safe
Brilliant,thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for this, just ordered some LEDs to convert my original set
Cheers. Hope this has helped 👍
only just found this channel, im very much enjoying it - love the cap too always good day out and not far from me. i love the hst got a full 4 car set 29 pounds i payed just need more coaches
Awesome, thank you!
Hi aiden great video very helpful. Would you have a link to the L E s
Let's please
Sorry link to L E D S
Sorry no but they are plentiful on EBay. Hope this helps
Great video Aidan I’m thinking to use some LED boards that you can get on eBay
I have also ordered some. I going to test fit one and if it makes a real difference I may do it to all of mine. This video was just really an experiment budget wise and it still worked 👍
Did you ever film the motor conversion? I can't find it. I assume it's not going to be too different.
Hi there
Great video
Have you got more details of the correct LEDs to get, so I can order the right ones
Hi Patrick. I will have a dig through my eBay history and find the exact ones that I have used and get back to you 👍
@@AidansRailways thanks that would be great
Hi. I can’t find the exact supplier but these are the same. I hope this helps.
@@AidansRailways thanks for getting back to me, do you know what size resistors the ones you use are
Hi. Thanks for the video. Very useful. Do you know the voltage of these LEDs?
Hi Will. I’ll try and find the packaging. Sadly the eBay shop I purchased them from seems to be hard to track down. If you look in the comments for this video I’m pretty sure I posted a link for someone else. Stay safe Will 👍
Thanks for thos great mod tried a pre soldered board i found but didnt work out for me will give this a shot prob work my lima hst to so bonus im thinking 12v leds for dcc running that will be experiment thanks again
Need to research this a bit more as i dont wanna blow me decoder up lol great for dc running tho
*_Hi Darryl, thank you for the kind words. As in the video this was an experiment that thankfully worked and has proven quite popular. As for using this idea with dcc, a possible solution would be to use led's rated at a higher capacity ie 15v etc. Good luck and thank you again._*
@@AidansRailways many thanks
I followed the instructions but can’t get the lights to work. I don’t have a rolling Road so I can’t test. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong, wrong lights? wrong polarity?
Sadly unless I was physically able to see the wiring I am not sure what can be wrong
Yes indeed this is much easier to do & far more economical...
Great mod......
thank you
you can improve on the effect if you do something little bit less intuitive
build a small box out of black 1 mm thick polystyrene so light can't escape it, feed your leds inside and install ir on the other end of the body
then run fiber optic conductors used for house decoration from the box to each lightin frontright behind the headlights lenseswhere in real life model color bulbs would be, you can make lights bi directional and light for each color can come out from a different part of the front lamps, you can mix and match fiber optic thickness
ont tip about lights though, use warm white leds or place yellow polariser in front of the leds if they are too blue
Hi . Thank you for commenting with all this information. Weirdly enough I have done something very similar to your comment when I built a HST-E full set. As I am sure you are aware the lighting formation and position on the front of the HST-E would have proven quite difficult with just led's. I used fibre optic wire from a cheap toy. Thank you for watching and getting in touch. Cheers
@@AidansRailways i have this model on N scale but sadly unmotorised and it just caught my eye . and i am building polish eu07 based on class 83 right now. as you may guess N scale is twice as small as H0 or 00 so i strictly can't use full blown leds (smd if i'm lucky)
i always liked intercity class 43, even though it never came close to where i live :P