Plain and like rooted but flexible and segmented. Tendon connectivity from toes to finger tips allows proper muscle relaxation while maintaining root and intent. When using the tendon body system, isolated muscle usage is minimized because the whole body is acting as one. This allows muscles to contract slightly to draw tendons and allows muscle relaxation to maximize oxygen supply and minimizes lactic acid buildup and muscle fatigue and failure. The same technique/skiilset that can be utilized by full body movement can be expressed with just the fingers. one part is the same as the whole. This is the bamboo temple jooklum qigung 108 tendon body system.. It has some similarities to tai chi but mostly just the internal chigung work
i see kim kashkashian, i click
I just love her!! ❤❤❤
Plain and like rooted but flexible and segmented. Tendon connectivity from toes to finger tips allows proper muscle relaxation while maintaining root and intent. When using the tendon body system, isolated muscle usage is minimized because the whole body is acting as one. This allows muscles to contract slightly to draw tendons and allows muscle relaxation to maximize oxygen supply and minimizes lactic acid buildup and muscle fatigue and failure. The same technique/skiilset that can be utilized by full body movement can be expressed with just the fingers. one part is the same as the whole. This is the bamboo temple jooklum qigung 108 tendon body system.. It has some similarities to tai chi but mostly just the internal chigung work