Muslims in India wants everyone else to be secular except themselves, because they still want their Sharia Isn't this deception of the worst kind When they are in majority as in Kashmir, they want to chase out everyone else ... Like it happened to Kashmiri Pandits , and they want a separate country Bharat is still in one piece because it's populated by Hindus in majority from Kanyakumari to the Himalayas Bharat is also secular only due this reason that it has a Hindu majority
@@jkmutendar8820 Hi Jimmy, point taken but say if UK is majority non Muslim then can it be called Muslim? If the population does not matter then what is it that matter in your eyes. Please tell us!
@@bravetruths8213 U.K is historically a christian country, you know that, its flag contains a red cross in the middle to signify it's heritage. It's values are christian and thus it's core identity is christian. Tanzania is 60% christian and 35% Muslim, most of the Muslims are concentrated in the coast. Most of Tanzania government officials, like president, VP, parliament are christian with a few muslims. Nigeria is 53% muslim and 47% Christian, its a interfaith country, which means it cannot be identified as neither christian or muslim.
Hindus wants their kids to be highly educated and have humanity character... Muslim dont mind about how their kids grow... they just want their religion to grow....
Absolute non-sense, majority of Hindus infact are of lower class and subjected to it by the faith, but majority of Muslims are infact midclass, and Education and growth is a tenet of the faith.
what nonsense! so stupid comment. So there are no uneducated hindus and no educated Muslims! How ridiculous but typical of brain dead hindutva zombie logic
1) Namste , subscribe to this channel (Shaswat Bharat)
4 года назад+1
Both Britain and France deserve that since they jacked up islam and played with it. Also read about how European though of Timur or Tamerlane so highly because he stopped ottoman Turks from entering to Europe. So European have history of appeasing Islam.
@Somack Death punishment is enforce in many countries for crimes,if Islam also have why so angry sir,I challenge you read the Quran with open mind and heart,yours all negative views will be changed
@Raghav Ron If one thinks that he got the truth he must wants others also join him,but can't force others,it is not allowed in Islam.I have spend years studying world famous religion as well and that is why i am saying Islam is the truth.Try on;y once reading Quran with open mind and heart.
Not all Muslims moving to US or Europe are running away from Islam - they are there to improve their lifestyles at the same time spreading the religion
They don't like the Islamic "lifestyle" but want to import it into Europe and the USA. How dumb is that idea. Islamic ideology promotes dictatorship and division (SaudiArabia, Iran, Iraq, Libya. Algeria, Somalia, Afghanistan. Egypt etc etc.
If Islam had been about worship and God there had been no problem even with their flaws in the concept of God. But the problem about Islam is their political agenda, killing, conversion, raping and Jijiya. Islam's problem is that they are taking away the individuality of worship by forcing on commands which Hindus do not like at all. Once you believe in God one has to accept as corollary that God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. God is in fact Infinity. Therefore God is in anything and can be thus worshipped in any form. If God is there, He must be powerful enough to take a form or be formless. If God cannot manifest Himself within an idol, how can He be God? Allah had limited His powers by saying that He has sent Muhammad as the last prophet but even God cannot limit His powers by saying He will not send anyone else or that He cannot come up all by Himself. Therefore, Koran cannot be the words of God. Allah does not even understand the love of people if people call Him by a different name. He only understands love when He is called Allah which means He is inferior than men i.e. ignorant. So, Allah cannot manifest Himself in idols, so He is not Omnipresent. He cannot take up forms, so Allah is not Omnipotent. He had again having no powers to send further prophets or to come Himself means He is powerless. Such a person, Allah can never be God. It is therefore understood clearly that Muhammad's Allah is fake. Truth will triumph, not falsity. A logical person will understand the rationale. God cannot be communal or sectarian but Allah is communal and sectarian as He is a God for Muslims and therefore needs conversion. Such a person can never be God. Logic therefore says, Koran is not God's words but the words of Muhammad only. Muhammad in fact lacked the concept of God and therefore limited Allah by all means to the extent of his Limited knowledge. He never met God and all are his own versions not the words of God. Logic confirms this.
Who says Allah is the only true God ? Answer : Mohammed Who says Mohammed is the only true & last prophet of God Answer : Allah This is called circular validation One validating the other to gain legitimacy for both This is what our politicians have been doing for a long time now and improving their image & prospects among the general public Ringing any bells ?
POPAT M was a mental case , suffering from - TLE ( Temporal Lobe Epilepsy ) . Refer to : Download free ebook - Understanding M .... by Dr Ali Sina & Read : Life Alert - the medical case of M .... by Dede Korkut Al Lah was - POPAT M - Epileptic Vision eg Alter Ego ... ( please read above free ebook , only first 10-20 pages at least if you have very less time , to grasp the synopsis ... ) ( Remember - The beautiful mind movie ? John Nash " Alter ego = that prodigal friend ?? ) Similarly , POPAT M ( Alter ego / epileptic vision prodigal friend ) = Al - Lah
@Ali Khan There is ample liberty in Hinduism man. This liberty is the most cherished. Hindus are not required to kill anyone to convert. Even an atheist is welcome in Hinduism. By the by please try to know the meaning of cult and you will understand what it is and which is cult. I will prefer to be an Atheist than worshipping a God who is not for humanity. A God who commands killing for calling Him in a particular name, it is better to be an atheist than rendering obeisance to such God.
@Ali Khan That cause may not be God. This is belief. You may and I may not but for that Islam should not get a right to kill others only for this belief or non belief.
The Gandhis ( rulers of India through Gandhi’s arrogance) were themselves muslims with a Hindu veil . So it’s natural for Rajiv Gandhi to praise the Prophet.
WAVEof HONOUR : There are books written by Smt Krishna Hathi Singh, Smt Vijayalakshmi Pandit and M.O Mathai personal assistant to MrNehru and many more. There are also number of information giving sites in the net. Kindly go through. It’s immaterial whether they are this or that. What role they played in bringing the Nation to the present status is the point to be borne in mind. This is all the result of doings of an idealistic person who lived in an unholy society which manipulated him to their advantage and to the detriment of this Nation.
Criminology M.A. : During the Live tele cast of this lecture, I wrote a comment to the effect that Islam should look inward and reform and move away from violence . Many of the 49 countries in which Islam is the major/principle religion, the governments are taking up de- radicalisation programmes, including Pakistan. However Team MODI will definitely be having suitable answers which we will be seeing in the near future. That’s for my brains.
Dharampal parashar we just need to ban practice of Islam in India constitutionally just the way Nehru band teaching of Hindu scriptures to Hindus constitutionally. And that article 30 still exists.
Absolutely brilliant point and no more charity to their institutions and mosques. Our Hindu priests earn a pittance as compared to the donations they enjoy. All in the garb of being minority and always spewing venom against Hindus and our country. Wrong deeds always have a way to get hit back. All the bloodshed and mayhem they have done in the name of their religion they will face extinction as a cult. It may not happen in our lifetime but they will all get wiped out.
Even if the masjids or madrasas are closed, there are chances that few people will find the truth itself without having Muslim community or any relation. Every person has that curiosity for looking the truth and you cannot stop that. Even the government cannot stop that too. I am happy for whoever introduce globalization as a study. Btw, assalamualaikum 😊
Shas Saha To begin with demand a uniform civil law on the land you live on! If you bifurcate the civil law of matrimony allowing four permissible wedded women for one Muslim man--what do you expect in the end when you are ready to leave this earthly planet to your children 👶 ?? God helps those who help themselves!
Shas Saha ultimately, Islam is a religion of hate ... and is self destructive. It spread by violence, rape and murder, and thus even today that is its defining characteristic. It will die a natural death, there are tons of n”muslims” leaving islam and it is a growing problem for the islamic fundamentalists, but it cannot be stopped.
The amount of knowledge Dr Koenraad has on Asia and especially impact of Islam is commendable. I wish him good health. Have read many of his books from Ayodhya to Decolonisation Hindu mind. All absolutely outstanding.
@@bravetruths8213 and also there is a tsunami of ex muslims which will shake the crippled edifice of Islam, look out for educated ex muslims on YT eg exmuslim sahil, sachwala, apostate prophet, infidel noodle, holy humanist, acts17 apologetics, Adam seeker urdu etc for better understanding.
@@nyulvozul1500 it's an ssue when most of those you listed are agenda fueled charlatans with a sharp tongues. genuine non-Muslims do not refer to themselves as "non-Muslims" but rather state what they currently are.
Yes a horrible thing, infact it's banned in Islam, compulsion is forbidden. That's why Christians still exist in eastern Europe and why multiple faiths exist in South east Asia and even the middle east.
@@ॐIo This "compulsion is forbidden" is actually completely taken out of context. If you read the sentences before and after this statement in the quran you find quite the opposite meaning.
KE aleays calls spade a politically in correct n does not care for fame or fortune...traits of an ideal sanathan yogi in such corrupted times..more power to him!🙏
@@bravetruths8213 Dont bother about me Mr talibaan...why r u so frustrated? You r on a roll ..arent u ?..or is it tthat you guys can never be happy in this world??
First the rule should be 2 children per person at most even if you are a man or woman. No matter how many wives you may have you can't father more than 2 children. No matter how many husbands/partners you have you can only mother only 2 children will take care of the population control
4 года назад+9
Forced to be educated, because the Muslim men are stopping them.
4 года назад+2
@paul w They are! Look up the rate of illiteracy among Muslim vs Non-Muslims/Hindus in India.
@@vandemataram202 bro we have to make the population control law and also if anyone violates by one child he will be penalized that he has to pay the govt more than his income and if he violates with another child then that child is picked up and sent to anadh ashram plus fine. We can do it because we have all the individual information in the name of aadhar. If some leftist journalists come in between just shoot them on the road. We need to be an autocratic nation for a while. No matter what we just need some highly controversial procedures in place for the country to survive for next 20 years then people get used to it and we can relax the rules then
He is right, the intellectuals never criticise Mohammed. They will be critical about Muslim behaviour but they don’t look at some of the things that Mohammed has said. It may be because if anyone dares to criticise the Prophet, then there would be a fatwa on them . Some ex - Muslims talk the truth.
I do not agree with the last statement that 'CAA' was not necessary since the granting of citizenship was already under the discretion of the government. Think for a while that this BJP government gives mass citizenship to persecuted Hindus, Sikhs, Christians from Pakistan today and after 4 years Congress and Trinamool come to power. What will they do? They will use the same gate way to import Muslims from Bangladesh and Pakistan to increase their vote bank. CAA does not allow that to happen since it is specific for non Muslims. Please understand that most Indians accept the Indian Muslims as being Indian citizens but they want them to come under the uniform civil code and be law abiding, throwing away the radicalism. The size and the powers of madrassa and mullahs must be curtailed to achieve that.
@Ali Khan Trigonometry, Basic Algebra, The number system (stolen by Arabs), The value of pie, cosmological distances memorized through Shlokas, Basic Calculus, 0, Chess, World's first international university Taxila (destroyed by lowlife pisslamists), Buttons, Shampoo, Snakes and ladders, Ayurveda (the first medical practice), Yoga(something that will go above your head), First Cataract surgery, First Plastic surgery, Fibonacci Numbers before they got their name, Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism (Hinduism is the mother rof all three), The Pen Drive, The first card game, Cultivation of of Jute and Cotton (Indus Valley), The Pentium chip, Dentistry, First Flush toilets (Indus Valley), First closed sewage system and storm water management system (Indus Valley), Concept of Infinity, Rulers, Crucible steel, Diamond mining, Bose-Einstein condensate, First Microwave and radio wave propagation (Jagdish Chandra Bose) and many more which have been burnt among the 1.5 lakh books that were burnt at Taxila for 6 months. Now, what are your Islamic inventions? Jihad?
@Ali Khan i dont need to prove u anything to an asshole like u...we know our contribution...we are from civilization of science, yoga, knowledge and acceptance.....not like shithole abrahamic cults
This is what Hindus can do. Arrange for ghar wapsi programmes. Set up reconversion process online. Set up sanskrit and priesthood courses online that anyone, dalit, woman, anyone can get certified from.
This is what, I sometimes think.. The number of my Hindu office colleagues have only one child & 70% of the cases girl child(nothing wrong in that). Though they are upper middle class, nobody is going for second child. This is terrible, if we want sustainable Hindu percentage.I understand that cost of living is high in Metropolitan areas, but sheer projection of this scenario in the future gives me shivers.
Although I see opposite trend in India, yet let's assume as you saying Muslims are getting less religious. But don't forget Islam has political aspect too. They are unlikely to detach themselves from Islam' political goal. Jinnah was hardly religious person, yet it didn't stop him spearheading Pakistan movement. Once political Islam subjugates your country, ultimately Arab religion and culture will dominate. So it doesn't help. It would be better if they remain religious but cease to exist as political Muslims. (Again impossible). I see no hope for India unless their demographic expansion is checked.
@@yourikhi communists hate religion. If they were in power they would use mosques and Hindu temples for producing bread and guns snd ban religion. The state is the god in a communist country.
To every Hindu, I constantly say...Read the qu rn cover to cover..Its full of garbage...After reading it ...You cannot be misguided by M who snippet certain verses
@@nehakulkarni5009 Read "Understanding Muhmmad" by Ali Sina Free PDF available on net also subscribe channels of Neraj Atri, Jaipur Dialogue, Sham Sharma Show, Kushal Mehra, Rajiv Malhotra, Sangam Talks also with your family and friends raise awareness about these issues.
India is one of the most densely populated countries of the world and only 10% are Muslims. 90 % are not Muslims. Muslim countries are sparsely populated with only 20 million in Afghanistan with a land mass of 30% of India. SO instead of coming out with bullshit (Cow dung) back it up with facts & figures please. Secondly, the censor in Nigeria shows Muslims being Black African Nigerian immigrating out of Nigeria. Nothing to do with rise in Muslim pop. Or is the truth so much against you hate of Muslims. Just imagine; Without Islam india would still be building sex palaces they were forced to call temples
Every words what he is saying about Muslims, actually I said to someone who was saying that Islam is peaceful and muslims are victims of some people who use Islam for their terrorist activity. In that discussion, I showed him same picture what he is explaining here. Why minor muslims are peacful and why they become intolerate if are in majority..
That's to be said of any group honestly...every group looks out for themselves and effects politics. Some form of power dynamic will always exist, it up to the ones in power to maintain their own moral standards, and right now they're not doing a stellar job of it.
@@ॐIo Is that so? Them why do white people let everyone just move in to their countries even tho the immigration is making their countries much worse? To them we are all humans.
I am skeptical of this outlook, this will make hindus dormant and relaxed again. We have to be prepared for the worst ...this optimism will only damage us
I'm a proud EX Muslim here !!! And i lived in a Muslim country and it was horrible! The best thing i did in my whole life is leaving islam and running away from the Muslim country i was living in
Fact check: Allah has spread out the Earth's surface in relation to us, and He has placed upon it firm mountains, the seas, and life as a mercy for us. For this reason, Allah said: "And (do they not look) at the Earth, how it was spread out flat (sutihat)." [Sûrah al-Ghâshiyah:20] Therefore, the Earth has been made flat for us in regards to our relationship to it to facilitate our lives upon it and our comfort. Till, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout: We said: O Zul Qarnain! Either punish or show them kindness.” (Al-Kahf: 86) Truly scientific. 😶 If a polytheist is not gonna teach you then who????
Islam is problem for this countries, now tell me what is wrong with this people:- 1)France 2) India 3) Sri lanka 4) Myanmar 5) China 6) Britan List is soo long 3
Thank you so very much.. many blessings to this hero, to Dr Elst... 😇 There is only one last thing I can add to this wonderfully and painfully truth-filled video... "If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize." - George Orwell - Also, as a Hungarian, knowing my own people's history, I am more than aware how true this George Orwell quote is... Wakey wakyy Dear Humanity.. it is never to late to wake up from your nap... Freedom is knocking on your door as we speak... 💞💞💞💞
Nathuram godse was a intelligent and a patriot who understood more than others what harm Gandhi was doing by his stupidly. Gandhi was a self obsessed man who loved the image of a saint.andwas doing immense harm to both Hindus and muslims and the country.nathuram godse fascinated Gandhi not caring about himself.look objectively and you will realise godse was a hero who did what had to be done.
About half of Iranians are atheists now . The wave of leaving Islam is still too low and small . Give it a few years and muslims are going to start coming out . I hablve never met an ex muslim personally but I have seen many on the path to it , the best example being my best friend who is a muslim but also a good thinker . Even if you don't meet anyone personally , you will find them a lot on social media . Just search for Indian ex muslims on RUclips , Facebook.
Yeah and many of them are fake ex muslim as well... Trying there best to fool new Muslim... I'm not saying that there are no ex muslim...but lots of them are fake
If a Muslim has the knowledge of his Islam My personal understanding is he or she may not believe in any other religion then Islam. This is my knowledge. And what I understand from Quran.. If Islam don't make sense to someone.. How can other make sense. Hindu have god's who are weaker then the devil's. So the creation is more powerful than the creator. Jews knew that Jesus's Will come And when Jesus came they did not accept him.. only because he was not in their favour. Or maybe because his birth was a miracle birth. From the birth till the last day.. Jesus has shown all the miracle's that Moses has shown.. some are More powerful then the other still the Jews did not accept him.. Unfortunately The Christian s Has made him the begotten son ( physical son of God) They read in their books.. Our father. I myself cannot do anything.. And Many way s Jesus claim s that he is ONLY a massager.. The Buddhist. They know that the founder was a primce.. a god fearing Man.. Still they worship him ( as a god )
I see many Urban settled Hindus or Dharmic faiths commenting here. We have lost 40% of our people and people to Islam from the Bharat before Islam came into existence and it is essential that we protect Bharat from further erosion to Jiahdis who are bent on Islamizing India and the world. It is essential that we ensure the population of people belonging to Dharmic faiths do not decline anymore. Hence, I request all educated people commenting here to build a good career/business, financial security, get married before 30, bring up two good children, help the children get settled well, pass your Dharmic heritage to the children and grand children. At least, I am doing this. I am seeing that many Urban Hindus are getting settled late in career, and thus limiting to one child and that shall bring disaster to the Dharmic Samaj. Jai Hind.
On Islam’s inability 47:30 to produce thinkers/innovators/contributors etc. It may also be due to an underlying fear of education leading people away from Islamic ideas/tenets which prevents Islamic societal support of education or the nurturing of’Higher Order Thinking Skills’.
Thank you Dr Elst on your concept of waning of all religious influence globally including Islam, specially in perspective of impending contraction of world wide population.
This is because CP, Rob Christian, Sam Shomoun, Al Fadi had exposed them to the world. In our neighbouring countries, Indonesia I watch many channel where they have turned to Christ also. Praise the Lord, halleluyah. Jesus is the way to Salvation, no other.
Don't worry many of us here in Philippines is reverting to Islam... So it's 50/50..some leave in Indonesia some converting in other country... Majority of Islamic teacher here are 3 sisters and parents are revert as bye bye to some... And hello to some... 😊😊😊
Dr Elst you are absolutely correct and open about Islamic doctrine and its consequences. I wish more Hindu spokesman would follow your eminent suggestions.
The difference between fall of Catholicism is that there might is ostracisation, but it was not about the brotherhood, and was not fixated with blasphemy and apostacy law. Thats the main reason why people are stuck in Islam.
Dr. Elst, some 20 years or so later, the West not only became secular, it stopped reproducing itself. Germany is literally dying out. All Western countries are, for that matter, not reproducing themselves. Traditional religions. of which Islam is one, are more likely to reproduce themselves. (In the USA, Novus Ordo Catholics do not reproduce themselves and are hardly believers. This is not true of traditional Catholics, e.g., those attending the Latin Mass. The end point of the modern world and its "modern" ideology in the West culminates in a demographic suicide. Sorry, but that is the way it is. Catholicism did not just collapse. There are some 200 to 300 years of history, intensifying in th late 19th Century and more so in the 20th Century and full-steam in the 21st Century., that has led to the secularization of Catholicism, embodied in Pope Francis, who is but a symptomatic occurrence. I could detail this, but not in a comment. Thank you for you very informative presentation, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Leonard Wessell (kret.) Bonn, Germany
⭐JESUS IS COMING VERY VERY VERY SOON!🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺 The return of Jesus is at hand! JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! 📖 John 14:6 says, " Jesus says, 'I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES UNTO THE FATHER (in Heaven) BUT BY ME'. JESUS CHRIST is the only, true way to Salvation! It’s the free gift of GOD to all those who believe and trust Him! SALVATION! is the redemption of one’s soul from eternal destruction after death of man, on this earth, by the cleansing of the blood, and by the death and power of resurrection of Jesus Christ 📖Acts.4:12 says. Salvation is found in no one else (except Jesus Christ), for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." How is SALVATION gifted to man? For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. 📖John 3:3 says, Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except a man be Born Again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. How can a man be BORN-AGAIN? To be Born-Again in spiritual sense, is to die to our old sinful nature and be born-again in the spirit, to be holy, righteous with a new nature in Christ Jesus. 👉To be born-again, we need to repent & confess our sinful past for a holy future. What is repentance? 👉 REPENTANCE! Everyone born into this world is a Born-sinner. Human nature is a sinful nature. Sin in us has defiled us and has separated us from the Holy God! We have to repent for all the unholy, lawless transgressions of God’s commandments done willfully or unknowingly, in order to obtain mercy and grace so that we might not be judged and fall into condemnation, the condemnation of eternal hell. 📖 Acts.3:19 says,..✔️Repent, then, and turn to GOD, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the LORD What is confession of sins? 👉 CONFESSION! The guilt of sin and it’s condemnation is rolled away if one truly regrets his sinful past and confesses them in the presence of Jesus Christ. 📖Romans.10:9 &10 ✔️That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. 📖 1 John, 1st chapter & verse 9 says.. ✔️If we confess our sins, He (Jesus Christ) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins(every sin)... The sole purpose of sending Jesus Christ into this world more than 2020 ago is this👇 📖John.3:16-17 says " 👉 GOD so loved the world (us) that He (Father GOD) gave His only begotten Son to die for us ( our redemption ), that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish (in hell) but have everlasting life. 👉 GOD has not sent His Son to condemn the world (us), but the world (we) through Him (Jesus Christ) might be saved. ⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩ Dear Bro/Sis.🙏🏼, You may be of any race, religion or creed. Rich or poor. White or black or brown. You may be the least sinner or the worst sinner on earth. You may leading the worst of immoral life against the principles of the Almighty GOD. God is concerned about your future and not your past. All He asks you is to repent and confess your sins to obtain mercy and have a secured and a blessed hope! 📖 Hebrews.10:17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ If you say this small prayer with faith…👇 “ LORD JESUS, I am a sinner, I have committed so many sins knowingly and unknowingly. Have mercy on me. Please forgive my every sin with your precious, Holy blood shed on the cross to save me. I believe you died on the cross, you were buried and rose again the third day for my justification. I believe you are the Almighty GOD! Accept me as your child. Help me to lead a holy life. Fill my heart with joy, give me heart to seek you. In Jesus precious name, I ask and believe. Amen!🙏🏼 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 👆 If you have said this prayer, I can assuredly tell you that you are a new creation. You are Born-Again in the spirit through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. 📖 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 👉 Be Holy as the LORD your GOD is Holy! ⏩FORSAKE SIN! 📖Proverbs.28:13 says..✔️He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. 👉📖Mark.16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not 📌shall be condemned ⏩Read the Bible 📖⏩Know the Truth⏩Go to a Christ centered Church⏩Be Baptized⏩Be Blessed! ⏩May the Holy Spirit GOD lead you & guide you!🙏🏼 👉 Be prepared for the RAPTURE! ( Return of Jesus Christ. THE JUDGE ) May the Lord richly bless you,🙏 📢 Please SHARE & SPREAD this GOSPEL 📖 to the WORLD 🌏▶️
The discussion about Islam, Quran, Hadees among the general public should be encouraged. Let the people know the true reality, what they stand for and what they are propagating
Every time I listen to Koenraad Elst's lecture I get little bit more wiser. Wow!!!! I wish every Historian had thrown up BS communism into the trash & became little bit more like Koenraad Elst.
Because they realize the message to Mohamed was not given by Angel Gabriel but by ???.Mohamed subsequently showed doubts himself but the movement by then had grown up so successfully that Mohamed was advised to be quiet...Islam did rise.and rise to this day .
Elst brings this up at the very end. Absolutely agree that CAA could have and should have been avoided. Everything that CAA intended to achieve (give citizenship to non-Muslim persecuted in muslim majority countries Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh) was possible and achievable quietly without any CAA type law. Amit Shah did not anticipate the raucous and agitation caused by the Islamists and their political backers from within and without. Shah was calculating only the political gains and increase in support for BJP from broader Hindu population. Unfortunately, the more important goal of soon enacting law for the National Population Registration or NPR has now become very uncertain and politically charged.
Yes everything you say are true, when we were kids schooling in the 60s, in our history books say people here came yunan in China, but that all are are right. Respect for your knowledge on history.
Muslims in India wants everyone else to be secular except themselves, because they still want their Sharia
Isn't this deception of the worst kind
When they are in majority as in Kashmir, they want to chase out everyone else ... Like it happened to Kashmiri Pandits , and they want a separate country
Bharat is still in one piece because it's populated by Hindus in majority from Kanyakumari to the Himalayas
Bharat is also secular only due this reason that it has a Hindu majority
If the ratio was vice versa in India
ie. Muslims 85 % & Hindus, Sikhs etc 15 %
This 15 % would have been forced to do Sunnath long time back
@@Kanthavel.KV.Chennai.Bharat yep that's true
@#JusticeforRamlingam # Felt very sorry for Ramalingam, Its unfortunate that his murder did not bring about an awakening in Hindus of Tamil Nadu
@@Kanthavel.KV.Chennai.Bharat it would have been a
See when their population becomes 50 percent they ask for it
"People tend to prefer not to live in Muslim countries. Even Muslims prefer to live in non-Muslim countries." Tells you everything you need to know.
so why are you lot in Dubai, Malaysia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Indonesia ..... and now going to Turkey??????
@@bravetruths8213 he didn't go lol
@@bravetruths8213 Tanzania and Nigeria are not Muslim countries, they just have a large Muslim population
@@jkmutendar8820 Hi Jimmy, point taken but say if UK is majority non Muslim then can it be called Muslim? If the population does not matter then what is it that matter in your eyes. Please tell us!
@@bravetruths8213 U.K is historically a christian country, you know that, its flag contains a red cross in the middle to signify it's heritage. It's values are christian and thus it's core identity is christian. Tanzania is 60% christian and 35% Muslim, most of the Muslims are concentrated in the coast. Most of Tanzania government officials, like president, VP, parliament are christian with a few muslims. Nigeria is 53% muslim and 47% Christian, its a interfaith country, which means it cannot be identified as neither christian or muslim.
Hindus wants their kids to be highly educated and have humanity character... Muslim dont mind about how their kids grow... they just want their religion to grow....
Bro why i agree?
Absolutely correct
Absolute non-sense, majority of Hindus infact are of lower class and subjected to it by the faith, but majority of Muslims are infact midclass, and Education and growth is a tenet of the faith.
what nonsense! so stupid comment. So there are no uneducated hindus and no educated Muslims! How ridiculous but typical of brain dead hindutva zombie logic
Yes, Islam is a very big problem in India.
@Ali Khan Hinduism was born in Hindustan. India is Hindu. Hindu is India. Use your brains.
@Ali Khan then leave India goto the place where Islam took birth.
@@fishyfishFISHFISHY That's Right 👍
@Ali Khan A crazy Muslim.
Not only in india but in the world and to the whole humanity.
France is the most secular country..... now paying price for it's increased Muslim population.
1) Namste , subscribe to this channel (Shaswat Bharat)
Both Britain and France deserve that since they jacked up islam and played with it.
Also read about how European though of Timur or Tamerlane so highly because he stopped ottoman Turks from entering to Europe. So European have history of appeasing Islam.
Allahuakbar sheeskebad
They should not loot Muslim Africa then should they
Check your facts ... Muslim population in France is 5%
Islamophobia is A Nonsense Term, Absolutely True 💯 Mr Koenrad, Fully Agree with you 👍 Sir
most of comments here shows Islamophobia is true
@Somack Death punishment is enforce in many countries for crimes,if Islam also have why so angry sir,I challenge you read the Quran with open mind and heart,yours all negative views will be changed
@Raghav Ron If one thinks that he got the truth he must wants others also join him,but can't force others,it is not allowed in Islam.I have spend years studying world famous religion as well and that is why i am saying Islam is the truth.Try on;y once reading Quran with open mind and heart.
@@usmani790 The biggest fraud in history is Islam, Qurand, Allah Shaitan aka Muhammad Atankvadi.
@@usmani790 Islam is humanity phobic in itself
Many m want to runaway to get into a secular country, and when they get into secular country ,they immediately become religious.
Why hasn't Dr Elst gotten Padma Shri . He deserves it.
It is only for congress
1) Namste , subscribe to this channel (Shaswat Bharat)
...may be because BJP has also not dared to give award to him because he openly opposed RSS on its views on islam and christianity.
Are you mocking. Or are you serious?
@@noorudheenpalakkeezhil9380 Both
Not all Muslims moving to US or Europe are running away from Islam - they are there to improve their lifestyles at the same time spreading the religion
@Your Nightmare Nothing new, Muslims are blessed indeed
1) Namste , subscribe to this channel (Shaswat Bharat)
Ban islam
Yes, but they could go to 60 Muslim majority nations. They could have avoided the secular countries.
They don't like the Islamic "lifestyle" but want to import it into Europe and the USA. How dumb is that idea.
Islamic ideology promotes dictatorship and division (SaudiArabia, Iran, Iraq, Libya. Algeria, Somalia, Afghanistan. Egypt etc etc.
If Islam had been about worship and God there had been no problem even with their flaws in the concept of God. But the problem about Islam is their political agenda, killing, conversion, raping and Jijiya. Islam's problem is that they are taking away the individuality of worship by forcing on commands which Hindus do not like at all. Once you believe in God one has to accept as corollary that God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. God is in fact Infinity. Therefore God is in anything and can be thus worshipped in any form. If God is there, He must be powerful enough to take a form or be formless. If God cannot manifest Himself within an idol, how can He be God? Allah had limited His powers by saying that He has sent Muhammad as the last prophet but even God cannot limit His powers by saying He will not send anyone else or that He cannot come up all by Himself. Therefore, Koran cannot be the words of God. Allah does not even understand the love of people if people call Him by a different name. He only understands love when He is called Allah which means He is inferior than men i.e. ignorant. So, Allah cannot manifest Himself in idols, so He is not Omnipresent. He cannot take up forms, so Allah is not Omnipotent. He had again having no powers to send further prophets or to come Himself means He is powerless. Such a person, Allah can never be God. It is therefore understood clearly that Muhammad's Allah is fake. Truth will triumph, not falsity. A logical person will understand the rationale. God cannot be communal or sectarian but Allah is communal and sectarian as He is a God for Muslims and therefore needs conversion. Such a person can never be God. Logic therefore says, Koran is not God's words but the words of Muhammad only. Muhammad in fact lacked the concept of God and therefore limited Allah by all means to the extent of his Limited knowledge. He never met God and all are his own versions not the words of God. Logic confirms this.
Who says Allah is the only true God ?
Answer : Mohammed
Who says Mohammed is the only true & last prophet of God
Answer : Allah
This is called circular validation
One validating the other to gain legitimacy for both
This is what our politicians have been doing for a long time now and improving their image & prospects among the general public
Ringing any bells ?
POPAT M was a mental case , suffering from - TLE ( Temporal Lobe Epilepsy ) .
Refer to :
Download free ebook - Understanding M .... by Dr Ali Sina &
Read : Life Alert - the medical case of M .... by Dede Korkut
Al Lah was - POPAT M - Epileptic Vision eg Alter Ego ...
( please read above free ebook , only first 10-20 pages at least if you have very less time , to grasp the synopsis ... )
( Remember - The beautiful mind movie ? John Nash " Alter ego = that prodigal friend ?? )
Similarly ,
POPAT M ( Alter ego / epileptic vision prodigal friend ) = Al - Lah
@Ali Khan There is ample liberty in Hinduism man. This liberty is the most cherished. Hindus are not required to kill anyone to convert. Even an atheist is welcome in Hinduism. By the by please try to know the meaning of cult and you will understand what it is and which is cult. I will prefer to be an Atheist than worshipping a God who is not for humanity. A God who commands killing for calling Him in a particular name, it is better to be an atheist than rendering obeisance to such God.
@Ali Khan So is God. God cannot come from nothing. That is the problem with God.
@Ali Khan That cause may not be God. This is belief. You may and I may not but for that Islam should not get a right to kill others only for this belief or non belief.
If we want humanity boycott Islam
@Ali Khan islam is terrorism
Bunch of Bigots speaking.
If we want humanity boycott andh bhakt.bhakt is like cancer.
Now they are pretending to be hindu for grls:видео.html
@@786humaira1 don’t want to worship a Pedo sorry
The Gandhis ( rulers of India through Gandhi’s arrogance) were themselves muslims with a Hindu veil . So it’s natural for Rajiv Gandhi to praise the Prophet.
@Ali Khan : If Allah is the only God , then who created infidels!
WAVEof HONOUR : There are books written by Smt Krishna Hathi Singh, Smt Vijayalakshmi Pandit and M.O Mathai personal assistant to MrNehru and many more. There are also number of information giving sites in the net. Kindly go through. It’s immaterial whether they are this or that. What role they played in bringing the Nation to the present status is the point to be borne in mind. This is all the result of doings of an idealistic person who lived in an unholy society which manipulated him to their advantage and to the detriment of this Nation.
Criminology M.A. : During the Live tele cast of this lecture, I wrote a comment to the effect that Islam should look inward and reform and move away from violence . Many of the 49 countries in which Islam is the major/principle religion, the governments are taking up de- radicalisation programmes, including Pakistan. However Team MODI will definitely be having suitable answers which we will be seeing in the near future. That’s for my brains.
Namste , subscribe to this channel (Shaswat Bharat)
True. Duratma Gandhi and Casanova Nehrudeen were jihadis.
Dharampal parashar we just need to ban practice of Islam in India constitutionally just the way Nehru band teaching of Hindu scriptures to Hindus constitutionally. And that article 30 still exists.
Absolutely brilliant point and no more charity to their institutions and mosques. Our Hindu priests earn a pittance as compared to the donations they enjoy. All in the garb of being minority and always spewing venom against Hindus and our country. Wrong deeds always have a way to get hit back. All the bloodshed and mayhem they have done in the name of their religion they will face extinction as a cult. It may not happen in our lifetime but they will all get wiped out.
@Ali Khan mulle bhaag
@Ali Khan what the fuck that shitty quran is....thoooooooo h.....thooo...allah p b aur quran p b
1) Namste , subscribe to this channel (Shaswat Bharat)
As a first step, close down _all_ madrasas and masjids, permanently.
But, can our government do it?
Robin Sharma problem is government is still pumping money in these madarsas
Robin Sharma first step go see a doctor
Barzaboy yes, but only if your mom leaves him first.видео.html
Even if the masjids or madrasas are closed, there are chances that few people will find the truth itself without having Muslim community or any relation. Every person has that curiosity for looking the truth and you cannot stop that. Even the government cannot stop that too. I am happy for whoever introduce globalization as a study. Btw, assalamualaikum 😊
This sends shiver down my spine. And the dreadful part is Indians won't be able to do a thing about it. 😔
Shas Saha To begin with demand a uniform civil law on the land you live on! If you bifurcate the civil law of matrimony allowing four permissible wedded women for one Muslim man--what do you expect in the end when you are ready to leave this earthly planet to your children 👶 ?? God helps those who help themselves!
Shas Saha ultimately, Islam is a religion of hate ... and is self destructive. It spread by violence, rape and murder, and thus even today that is its defining characteristic.
It will die a natural death, there are tons of n”muslims” leaving islam and it is a growing problem for the islamic fundamentalists, but it cannot be stopped.
Yes. At last Islam will prevail. Inshallah.
Sasa Gem islam is already failing . Just look at the kids of the latest generation.
@@greymanBB I don't see that on current trend. Maybe few here and there. They always have the numbers.
India should take positive steps to flush secularirm down the pan
Secular is Sickular.
Islam is a terrorist cult.
Yellaw hu fuckbar is good for nothing.
The amount of knowledge Dr Koenraad has on Asia and especially impact of Islam is commendable. I wish him good health. Have read many of his books from Ayodhya to Decolonisation Hindu mind. All absolutely outstanding.
Even hitler had his fake knowledge against Blacks and Jews. You call it knowledge but I call it fake
Ok so he has knowledge, so he must be able to explain why Hinduism tells people to drink cow pee and Islam forbids itвидео.html
@@bravetruths8213 and also there is a tsunami of ex muslims which will shake the crippled edifice of Islam, look out for educated ex muslims on YT eg exmuslim sahil, sachwala, apostate prophet, infidel noodle, holy humanist, acts17 apologetics, Adam seeker urdu etc for better understanding.
@@nyulvozul1500 it's an ssue when most of those you listed are agenda fueled charlatans with a sharp tongues. genuine non-Muslims do not refer to themselves as "non-Muslims" but rather state what they currently are.
We never want islam in india.....we want india in its pure vedic sanathan form , peaceful and prosperous
Boycott halal products
Imagine forcing your religion on others with no proof your religion is true
Yes a horrible thing, infact it's banned in Islam, compulsion is forbidden. That's why Christians still exist in eastern Europe and why multiple faiths exist in South east Asia and even the middle east.
@@ॐIo This "compulsion is forbidden" is actually completely taken out of context. If you read the sentences before and after this statement in the quran you find quite the opposite meaning.
@Lightbringer I mean if you want to morph history...
Wow he is so knowledgeable about history. Respect. 🙏
KE aleays calls spade a politically in correct n does not care for fame or fortune...traits of an ideal sanathan yogi in such corrupted times..more power to him!🙏
@Ali Khan haha
get a life and talk to someone instead of to yourself Your hate generation machine will soon run out of fuel.
@@bravetruths8213 Dont bother about me Mr talibaan...why r u so frustrated? You r on a roll ..arent u ?..or is it tthat you guys can never be happy in this world??
@@pduttagupta is that it, personal attack and dismissal. I thought you lot said you had substance
@@bravetruths8213 u get what u give get respect u hv 2 0give as well
Muslim girls should be educated in proper way
First the rule should be 2 children per person at most even if you are a man or woman. No matter how many wives you may have you can't father more than 2 children. No matter how many husbands/partners you have you can only mother only 2 children will take care of the population control
Forced to be educated, because the Muslim men are stopping them.
@paul w They are! Look up the rate of illiteracy among Muslim vs Non-Muslims/Hindus in India.
Nothing will work...I think
@@vandemataram202 bro we have to make the population control law and also if anyone violates by one child he will be penalized that he has to pay the govt more than his income and if he violates with another child then that child is picked up and sent to anadh ashram plus fine. We can do it because we have all the individual information in the name of aadhar. If some leftist journalists come in between just shoot them on the road. We need to be an autocratic nation for a while. No matter what we just need some highly controversial procedures in place for the country to survive for next 20 years then people get used to it and we can relax the rules then
He is right, the intellectuals never criticise Mohammed. They will be critical about Muslim behaviour but they don’t look at some of the things that Mohammed has said.
It may be because if anyone dares to criticise the Prophet, then there would be a fatwa on them . Some ex - Muslims talk the truth.
Bro, listen patiently to Saifudin Ibrahim, David Wood, Jay Smith and Christian Prince. Was’salam
Okay, let us come on an open ZOOM call with India where we criticise Hinduism and you criticise Islam. A Challenge!
Each and every educated muslim of india should think seriously deep from their heart about their remaining muslim
They will never leave, islam has a strong grip on them and they fear the punishment of leaving from Allah
I hv and love being Muslim but wonder how you lot did not arrest one hindu for rape and murder in Gujarat or Kashmire
Get it right that when American bombs fall on Syria Libya Iraq Lebanon Somalia Yemen Afghanistan … then ordinary people will hv to run
I do not agree with the last statement that 'CAA' was not necessary since the granting of citizenship was already under the discretion of the government. Think for a while that this BJP government gives mass citizenship to persecuted Hindus, Sikhs, Christians from Pakistan today and after 4 years Congress and Trinamool come to power. What will they do? They will use the same gate way to import Muslims from Bangladesh and Pakistan to increase their vote bank. CAA does not allow that to happen since it is specific for non Muslims. Please understand that most Indians accept the Indian Muslims as being Indian citizens but they want them to come under the uniform civil code and be law abiding, throwing away the radicalism. The size and the powers of madrassa and mullahs must be curtailed to achieve that.
Established Islam 1400 years ago.
Invented for human 💣💣💣🔪🔪🗡🗡⚔⚔🧨🧨.
They invented nothing...
@Ali Khan Trigonometry, Basic Algebra, The number system (stolen by Arabs), The value of pie, cosmological distances memorized through Shlokas, Basic Calculus, 0, Chess, World's first international university Taxila (destroyed by lowlife pisslamists), Buttons, Shampoo, Snakes and ladders, Ayurveda (the first medical practice), Yoga(something that will go above your head), First Cataract surgery, First Plastic surgery, Fibonacci Numbers before they got their name, Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism (Hinduism is the mother rof all three), The Pen Drive, The first card game, Cultivation of of Jute and Cotton (Indus Valley), The Pentium chip, Dentistry, First Flush toilets (Indus Valley), First closed sewage system and storm water management system (Indus Valley), Concept of Infinity, Rulers, Crucible steel, Diamond mining, Bose-Einstein condensate, First Microwave and radio wave propagation (Jagdish Chandra Bose) and many more which have been burnt among the 1.5 lakh books that were burnt at Taxila for 6 months.
Now, what are your Islamic inventions? Jihad?
@Ali Khan list is too long u r studying mathematics because of hindus...bloody ignorant
@@indicrevival883 He's studying terrorism not mathematics
@Ali Khan i dont need to prove u anything to an asshole like u...we know our contribution...we are from civilization of science, yoga, knowledge and acceptance.....not like shithole abrahamic cults
This is what Hindus can do. Arrange for ghar wapsi programmes. Set up reconversion process online. Set up sanskrit and priesthood courses online that anyone, dalit, woman, anyone can get certified from.
This is what, I sometimes think.. The number of my Hindu office colleagues have only one child & 70% of the cases girl child(nothing wrong in that). Though they are upper middle class, nobody is going for second child. This is terrible, if we want sustainable Hindu percentage.I understand that cost of living is high in Metropolitan areas, but sheer projection of this scenario in the future gives me shivers.
U r right brother v should make people more aware
HIndu women are becoming feminist, thats why they prefer not to have kidsвидео.html
I agree 100% with him
Although I see opposite trend in India, yet let's assume as you saying Muslims are getting less religious. But don't forget Islam has political aspect too. They are unlikely to detach themselves from Islam' political goal. Jinnah was hardly religious person, yet it didn't stop him spearheading Pakistan movement. Once political Islam subjugates your country, ultimately Arab religion and culture will dominate. So it doesn't help. It would be better if they remain religious but cease to exist as political Muslims. (Again impossible). I see no hope for India unless their demographic expansion is checked.
Agree 100 % ....described very precisely.
@That Sports Guy
World opinion regarding it must change if this thing ever has to happen. A single country can't do much.
Problem is political left and communists all over the world...
People like Justin Trudeau are danger to western and Indian civilisation..
@@yourikhi communists hate religion. If they were in power they would use mosques and Hindu temples for producing bread and guns snd ban religion. The state is the god in a communist country.
To every Hindu, I constantly say...Read the qu rn cover to cover..Its full of garbage...After reading it ...You cannot be misguided by M who snippet certain verses
Namste , subscribe to this channel (Shaswat Bharat)
@@bubunbubun7602 I will do, I also upload videos..If you have time..Take a look
@@nehakulkarni5009 Read "Understanding Muhmmad" by Ali Sina Free PDF available on net also subscribe channels of Neraj Atri, Jaipur Dialogue, Sham Sharma Show, Kushal Mehra, Rajiv Malhotra, Sangam Talks also with your family and friends raise awareness about these issues.
@@SaurabhSingh-zv1kf I have a few ish lamic videos uploaded too...have a look when you have time
@@SaurabhSingh-zv1kf The Prophet of Islam said, "We are an illiterate nation"видео.html
India should study Nigeria Muslim population grows from 30 to 51 % currently
India is one of the most densely populated countries of the world and only 10% are Muslims. 90 % are not Muslims. Muslim countries are sparsely populated with only 20 million in Afghanistan with a land mass of 30% of India. SO instead of coming out with bullshit (Cow dung) back it up with facts & figures please. Secondly, the censor in Nigeria shows Muslims being Black African Nigerian immigrating out of Nigeria. Nothing to do with rise in Muslim pop. Or is the truth so much against you hate of Muslims. Just imagine; Without Islam india would still be building sex palaces they were forced to call temples
Looking forward!!!
I like dr Elst he speaks frankly not like politicians.
Every words what he is saying about Muslims, actually I said to someone who was saying that Islam is peaceful and muslims are victims of some people who use Islam for their terrorist activity. In that discussion, I showed him same picture what he is explaining here. Why minor muslims are peacful and why they become intolerate if are in majority..
do you know any Muslims?
That's to be said of any group honestly...every group looks out for themselves and effects politics. Some form of power dynamic will always exist, it up to the ones in power to maintain their own moral standards, and right now they're not doing a stellar job of it.
@@ॐIo Is that so? Them why do white people let everyone just move in to their countries even tho the immigration is making their countries much worse? To them we are all humans.
Very wise man, thanks sir for such an insightful talk
An eye opening video. Professor elst very learned man.
Sugar coating, that izlam use religion of peace, is bizarre. Read their book. You'll understand. It's everything but peace
India should make a law for Muslims . After second child born in Muslim family should be taken by Indian government and train them to become army.
Namste , subscribe to this channel (Shaswat Bharat)
Cannot compromise with national security but taking people in mass like that.
I am glad that such discussions are happening....
China's one child policy for a few years should be better twmporarily
I am skeptical of this outlook, this will make hindus dormant and relaxed again. We have to be prepared for the worst ...this optimism will only damage us
Prithviraj Chavan was defeated due to this lack of knowledge of koo ran and complacency about motivation of the enemy
He is a great scholar
I have a great respect for him
I Left Islam
Lucky person. Only lucky and wise person will get a chance to do that. All the best
Finally Allah gave you right path. Congratulations. Welcome back to humanity
@Azmath hussain Khan ex Muslims are dangerous to Islam. Even Muhammad knew that
Mohammed created Allah.
He was the L Ron Hubbard of the 6th century. A con artist.
1-The Immunity against the religious ideologies
2-islam is political
Wonderful . Cold analysis . Could be quite prophetic.
cold calculated and crap
The problem lies in Islamic teachings.
No, the problem lies among the followers. The revelation as it is perfect.
Very knowledgeable person.
I'm a proud EX Muslim here !!! And i lived in a Muslim country and it was horrible! The best thing i did in my whole life is leaving islam and running away from the Muslim country i was living in
Read concept of
Der ul Islam
Der ul herb
Der ul sulah
Ali Khanвидео.html 😂😂🤦♂️
Ali Khan
Tu yahi man
That Farishta is sitting on your left & right shoulders
Earth is flat
Life start's after death
😂😂 chutiye sale akal ke Dushman
Fact check:
Allah has spread out the Earth's surface in relation to us, and He has placed upon it firm mountains, the seas, and life as a mercy for us. For this reason, Allah said: "And (do they not look) at the Earth, how it was spread out flat (sutihat)." [Sûrah al-Ghâshiyah:20]
Therefore, the Earth has been made flat for us in regards to our relationship to it to facilitate our lives upon it and our comfort.
Till, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout: We said: O Zul Qarnain! Either punish or show them kindness.” (Al-Kahf: 86)
Truly scientific. 😶
If a polytheist is not gonna teach you then who????
Factually Hindu
Ali Khan
Tere ghar me baccha paida hoga wo v RSS propaganda 🤣🤦♂️
Chutiye sale
Islam is problem for this countries, now tell me what is wrong with this people:-
2) India
3) Sri lanka
4) Myanmar
5) China
6) Britan
List is soo long
हमको चाहिए शुद्धि आंदोलन
इस्लाम ,कुरान का आतंकवाद दिन-प्रतिदिन ग्रोथ रेट फैलाया जा रहा है जो विश्व जनजीवन के लिए बहुत बड़ा खतरा है ।
Thank you so very much.. many blessings to this hero, to Dr Elst... 😇
There is only one last thing I can add to this wonderfully and painfully truth-filled video... "If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize." - George Orwell -
Also, as a Hungarian, knowing my own people's history, I am more than aware how true this George Orwell quote is...
Wakey wakyy Dear Humanity.. it is never to late to wake up from your nap... Freedom is knocking on your door as we speak...
Nathuram godse was a intelligent and a patriot who understood more than others what harm Gandhi was doing by his stupidly. Gandhi was a self obsessed man who loved the image of a saint.andwas doing immense harm to both Hindus and muslims and the country.nathuram godse fascinated Gandhi not caring about himself.look objectively and you will realise godse was a hero who did what had to be done.
Anybody who wants to understand how Islam operates please read Ambedkar’s views on Islam
The one word which has destroyed India more than anything or anyone ever has is "SECULARISM".
"Very serious constitutional discriminations against hindus"
Can you please make a lecture on this?
yes of course and include in it how Indian Army murders and rapes Kashmires
जय सिया राम !!!
Islam and humanity can't go together
A thoughtful analysis having very important information.
Indeed and yes
Naive to think Islam can be tamed....
With guns it can if they try nonsense take them out
Well, I have not seen a single Muslim leaving Islam.
About half of Iranians are atheists now . The wave of leaving Islam is still too low and small . Give it a few years and muslims are going to start coming out . I hablve never met an ex muslim personally but I have seen many on the path to it , the best example being my best friend who is a muslim but also a good thinker . Even if you don't meet anyone personally , you will find them a lot on social media . Just search for Indian ex muslims on RUclips , Facebook.
Yeah and many of them are fake ex muslim as well... Trying there best to fool new Muslim... I'm not saying that there are no ex muslim...but lots of them are fake
If a Muslim has the knowledge of his Islam
My personal understanding is he or she may not believe in any other religion then Islam.
This is my knowledge.
And what I understand from Quran..
If Islam don't make sense to someone..
How can other make sense.
Hindu have god's who are weaker then the devil's.
So the creation is more powerful than the creator.
Jews knew that Jesus's Will come And when Jesus came they did not accept him.. only because he was not in their favour. Or maybe because his birth was a miracle birth.
From the birth till the last day..
Jesus has shown all the miracle's that Moses has shown.. some are More powerful then the other still the Jews did not accept him..
The Christian s
Has made him the begotten son ( physical son of God)
They read in their books..
Our father.
I myself cannot do anything..
And Many way s Jesus claim s that he is ONLY a massager..
The Buddhist.
They know that the founder was a primce.. a god fearing Man..
Still they worship him ( as a god )
Thoughtful speaker.
His works puts ignorance into darkness..
Dr. Koenraad you are so right.
I see many Urban settled Hindus or Dharmic faiths commenting here. We have lost 40% of our people and people to Islam from the Bharat before Islam came into existence and it is essential that we protect Bharat from further erosion to Jiahdis who are bent on Islamizing India and the world. It is essential that we ensure the population of people belonging to Dharmic faiths do not decline anymore. Hence, I request all educated people commenting here to build a good career/business, financial security, get married before 30, bring up two good children, help the children get settled well, pass your Dharmic heritage to the children and grand children. At least, I am doing this. I am seeing that many Urban Hindus are getting settled late in career, and thus limiting to one child and that shall bring disaster to the Dharmic Samaj. Jai Hind.
On Islam’s inability 47:30 to produce thinkers/innovators/contributors etc. It may also be due to an underlying fear of education leading people away from Islamic ideas/tenets which prevents Islamic societal support of education or the nurturing of’Higher Order Thinking Skills’.
Thank you Dr Elst on your concept of waning of all religious influence globally including Islam, specially in perspective of impending contraction of world wide population.
If we want a better world, everyone should have the right of freedom of speech, freedom to love, its time for politicians to protect democracy.
This is because CP, Rob Christian, Sam Shomoun, Al Fadi had exposed them to the world. In our neighbouring countries, Indonesia I watch many channel where they have turned to Christ also. Praise the Lord, halleluyah. Jesus is the way to Salvation, no other.
Don't worry many of us here in Philippines is reverting to Islam... So it's 50/50..some leave in Indonesia some converting in other country... Majority of Islamic teacher here are 3 sisters and parents are revert as bye bye to some... And hello to some... 😊😊😊
David Wood (Acts 17 Apologetics) and Apostate Prophet have been doing a great job too.
Dr Elst you are absolutely correct and open about Islamic doctrine and its consequences. I wish more Hindu spokesman would follow your eminent suggestions.
Excellent video, very informative, Thanks Dr. Elst.
Read "secrets of Sanatan Dharma" available on Amazon and Kindle
@Raghav Ron Hello idol worshipper
@Raghav Ron who
Islam is to humans what rabies is to dogs
Is lam is a mental disease
Dr. Elst thank you for your work- very grateful Indian
The difference between fall of Catholicism is that there might is ostracisation, but it was not about the brotherhood, and was not fixated with blasphemy and apostacy law. Thats the main reason why people are stuck in Islam.
His analysis is very coherent and point wise study and broad based study over a long period is good.
Classical explanation
Islam is like a jail for Muslims they must leave it and join our beautiful Hinduism we’ll make India great🚩🕉🙏🏻
Dr. Elst, some 20 years or so later, the West not only became secular, it stopped reproducing itself. Germany is literally dying out. All Western countries are, for that matter, not reproducing themselves. Traditional religions. of which Islam is one, are more likely to reproduce themselves. (In the USA, Novus Ordo Catholics do not reproduce themselves and are hardly believers. This is not true of traditional Catholics, e.g., those attending the Latin Mass. The end point of the modern world and its "modern" ideology in the West culminates in a demographic suicide. Sorry, but that is the way it is.
Catholicism did not just collapse. There are some 200 to 300 years of history, intensifying in th late 19th Century and more so in the 20th Century and full-steam in the 21st Century., that has led to the secularization of Catholicism, embodied in Pope Francis, who is but a symptomatic occurrence. I could detail this, but not in a comment.
Thank you for you very informative presentation,
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Leonard Wessell (kret.)
Bonn, Germany
So much we can relate in today's world 👍
Muslims hating our best PM Modiji 🙏🏻
Not all but Pakistanis & some Indian..
Dr. Elst deserved the prestigious Indian awards, Maybe Padma Shri, I hope the government considers him. He is an encyclopedia of religious studies.
we need a talk on sanskrit grammar as well
The return of Jesus is at hand!
📖 John 14:6 says,
JESUS CHRIST is the only, true way to Salvation! It’s the free gift of GOD to all those who believe and trust Him!
SALVATION! is the redemption of one’s soul from eternal destruction after death of man, on this earth, by the cleansing of the blood, and by the death and power of resurrection of Jesus Christ
📖Acts.4:12 says.
Salvation is found in no one else (except Jesus Christ), for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved."
How is SALVATION gifted to man?
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.
📖John 3:3 says,
Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except a man be Born Again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
How can a man be BORN-AGAIN?
To be Born-Again in spiritual sense, is to die to our old sinful nature and be born-again in the spirit, to be holy, righteous with a new nature in Christ Jesus.
👉To be born-again, we need to repent & confess our sinful past for a holy future.
What is repentance?
👉 REPENTANCE! Everyone born into this world is a Born-sinner. Human nature is a sinful nature. Sin in us has defiled us and has separated us from the Holy God!
We have to repent for all the unholy, lawless transgressions of God’s commandments done willfully or unknowingly, in order to obtain mercy and grace so that we might not be judged and fall into condemnation, the condemnation of eternal hell.
📖 Acts.3:19 says,..✔️Repent, then, and turn to GOD, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the LORD
What is confession of sins?
👉 CONFESSION! The guilt of sin and it’s condemnation is rolled away if one truly regrets his sinful past and confesses them in the presence of Jesus Christ.
📖Romans.10:9 &10
✔️That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
📖 1 John, 1st chapter & verse 9 says..
✔️If we confess our sins, He (Jesus Christ) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins(every sin)...
The sole purpose of sending Jesus Christ into this world more than 2020 ago is this👇
📖John.3:16-17 says "
👉 GOD so loved the world (us) that He (Father GOD) gave His only begotten Son to die for us ( our redemption ), that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish (in hell) but have everlasting life.
👉 GOD has not sent His Son to condemn the world (us), but the world (we) through Him (Jesus Christ) might be saved.
Dear Bro/Sis.🙏🏼, You may be of any race, religion or creed. Rich or poor. White or black or brown. You may be the least sinner or the worst sinner on earth. You may leading the worst of immoral life against the principles of the Almighty GOD. God is concerned about your future and not your past. All He asks you is to repent and confess your sins to obtain mercy and have a secured and a blessed hope!
📖 Hebrews.10:17
And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
If you say this small prayer with faith…👇
“ LORD JESUS, I am a sinner, I have committed so many sins knowingly and unknowingly. Have mercy on me. Please forgive my every sin with your precious, Holy blood shed on the cross to save me. I believe you died on the cross, you were buried and rose again the third day for my justification. I believe you are the Almighty GOD!
Accept me as your child. Help me to lead a holy life. Fill my heart with joy, give me heart to seek you.
In Jesus precious name, I ask and believe. Amen!🙏🏼
If you have said this prayer, I can assuredly tell you that you are a new creation. You are Born-Again in the spirit through the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
📖 2 Corinthians 5:17
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
👉 Be Holy as the LORD your GOD is Holy!
📖Proverbs.28:13 says..✔️He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not 📌shall be condemned
⏩Read the Bible 📖⏩Know the Truth⏩Go to a Christ centered Church⏩Be Baptized⏩Be Blessed!
⏩May the Holy Spirit GOD lead you & guide you!🙏🏼
👉 Be prepared for the RAPTURE! ( Return of Jesus Christ. THE JUDGE )
May the Lord richly bless you,🙏
📢 Please SHARE & SPREAD this GOSPEL 📖 to the WORLD 🌏▶️
Well they want to leave their countries so that they can make other countries like their country lol !!
The discussion about Islam, Quran, Hadees among the general public should be encouraged. Let the people know the true reality, what they stand for and what they are propagating
jai hind ,sanatan he dharm hai
Extremely hounest and wise man.
Islam will come to end because of its own internal .contradictions .
People should share this. It's a great truth.
Every time I listen to Koenraad Elst's lecture I get little bit more wiser. Wow!!!! I wish every Historian had thrown up BS communism into the trash & became little bit more like Koenraad Elst.
Because they realize the message to Mohamed was not given by Angel Gabriel but by ???.Mohamed subsequently showed doubts himself but the movement by then had grown up so successfully that Mohamed was advised to be quiet...Islam did rise.and rise to this day .
He was the L Ron Hubbard of the 6th century.
Elst brings this up at the very end. Absolutely agree that CAA could have and should have been avoided. Everything that CAA intended to achieve (give citizenship to non-Muslim persecuted in muslim majority countries Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh) was possible and achievable quietly without any CAA type law. Amit Shah did not anticipate the raucous and agitation caused by the Islamists and their political backers from within and without. Shah was calculating only the political gains and increase in support for BJP from broader Hindu population. Unfortunately, the more important goal of soon enacting law for the National Population Registration or NPR has now become very uncertain and politically charged.
For most poeple of various religions have no problem with practicing yoga and meditation techniques but except "Peaceful people of the world".
Leave Islam to be human
We already had the partition of India in 1947. Muslims according to the premise of the partition cannot stay in India.
Naṭarāja: Pādādikeśa Varṇanam (Description from Head to Toe), Dr. R. Nagaswamyвидео.html
Koenraad saheb is truly a vidvan
Jyot Purohit an honest scholar 👨🏫. Busy transmitting wisdom to the stragglers
Yes everything you say are true, when we were kids schooling in the 60s, in our history books say people here came yunan in China, but that all are are right. Respect for your knowledge on history.