I've never taken apart a controller before but I didn't want to buy another one. The left thumbstick was acting haywire and causing the right stick to move when it wasn't supposed to. The buttons weren't responsive as they should be. This totally helped me now it's working perfectly.
Holy crap. Where your get your tools? Seen your ps3 slim cleaning and looks like you use the same tools. I want it all exactly like you do then I'll clean my controller first before I do my slim lol
And my start button doesn't work on the controller. Think just a cleaning will do the trick? It doesn't look damaged or smashed in, just doesn't work when I press it . Any ideas
Hello there, firstly thank you for watching. l got all my tools from ebay and amazon Some times it could be alot of dust and dirt gets in the buttons and make it feel sticky but no harm in cleaning it first
Oh nice. Ok those tools look easier to use then the typical shorter handle ones. Ima look for them on there then which is my typically go to buying sites anyway 😂 👍👍👍
It might have some crude behind the button and on the pad as well making it hard to make contact Only solution l would recommend is to give a clean hope this helps and sorts the problem out for you 😀
I've never taken apart a controller before but I didn't want to buy another one. The left thumbstick was acting haywire and causing the right stick to move when it wasn't supposed to. The buttons weren't responsive as they should be. This totally helped me now it's working perfectly.
That's great. I'm glad it helped you out 😃 and thank you for the lovely messages 😊
Looks brand new! Well done ❤️
Thanks buddy 😀
Nice job man
You mind link the products you are using?
I wanna fix my PS3 controllers
Holy crap. Where your get your tools? Seen your ps3 slim cleaning and looks like you use the same tools.
I want it all exactly like you do then I'll clean my controller first before I do my slim lol
And my start button doesn't work on the controller. Think just a cleaning will do the trick? It doesn't look damaged or smashed in, just doesn't work when I press it . Any ideas
Hello there, firstly thank you for watching. l got all my tools from ebay and amazon
Some times it could be alot of dust and dirt gets in the buttons and make it feel sticky but no harm in cleaning it first
Oh nice. Ok those tools look easier to use then the typical shorter handle ones. Ima look for them on there then which is my typically go to buying sites anyway 😂 👍👍👍
Good Video
Thank you 😃
very very very goooooooood
Thanks buddy 👍
good job
Thank you 😀
Hi whats your thoughts on the joy sticks lifting like id need push them back down, whats the issue there please
I don't think it's a issue just how they are to be fair and it don't seem to affect the game play either
What type of screw drivers do you need?
Without looking, l can't remember but if you get the screws drivers set from amazon you have all the screws bits you need
Is the water on the taper regular water?
I used regular water thank you for watching 😃
The start button on my ps3 controller has to be practically crushed to respond. Any advice on what the problem most likely is and the solution?
It might have some crude behind the button and on the pad as well making it hard to make contact
Only solution l would recommend is to give a clean hope this helps and sorts the problem out for you 😀
@@techrestoread thank you👍
the only issue with this controller is tiny for who have big hands
and triggers are really dumb
I've always found the controller's alright, but thinking about my hands are of average size 😃
Thank you 😀