Very nice and informative video, shows how if you are good and patient and think about your and your opponents straregies you can abuses the smallest of mistakes, very impressive from Faker.
ProjectJamesify its hardcore in regions that are able to take advantage of players fking up like korean challenger. No other region is like this except maybe euw high chall with pros
It's not that you can't come back, it's difficult, but even for Faker it's not the best job, people is always learning and faker even that is the elder of lol can't match em skills.
I think he was too close, he lost his lane after 1st blood, but he still was that far in. If that happens to you, just say fck it, and stay under the turret. And later on you may have a chance to go to top or bot, to get them ahead and get some gold. If your team flames you for loosing lane/turret ignore them, you are doing the best thing you can think of.
Wow! Now i learned, that the minion-aggro only works when enemy champion is near to the minions, so if u keep away him from his minions, you wont get punished from them :)
+IschmarVI Mashups no point and click abilities also generate aggro .eg: Cass e , panth q , gp q etc . They changed that a few months back as far I remember .
THANK YOU for saying what Ekko should have done!!! I always wanted to have some more insights on the losing side. it's easy to aknowledge what made someone win, but not so easy to understand what the loser should have done! Also, I'm waiting for more jungler videos! :D thank you guys you're great
I know. If I play Tahm Kench and I lose against a similar tank support. Then I wonder why it didn't work for me when I harassed more, dealt more and avoided creep aggro yet lost when my adc was dishing consistent damage to the same enemy adc who paused and didn't attack all the time
It’s always an “IF” scenario. People can only assume it will work since the analysis was done post mortem. When facing a player like Faker than can adapt different strategies most of the time to changes in the opponent’s style, it is difficult to assume what is a sure fire way to counter him.
@@wotizlove Eel had replied to your comment. It's his own fault trying to cheater recall .... Ah yes I remember that one the one on the eko using a vs Jaycee mid and losing to fakers 3 step missions
There's a deep science involved, you have to time your clicks perfectly to your heartbeat otherwise it could cause your finger to get 0.2 seconds delayed reaction time, resulting in you getting a quadra instead of a penta thus runing the gameplay experience and essentialy making the champion unplayable
Clicking and maneuvering is actually very important And as i know that this might be a joke, the more straight forward the champion is , the harder it is to play them on high end elo The champions that benefit the most from good clicking and orb walking is actually udyr and skarner , not master yi tho..
THANK YOU for saying what Ekko should have done!!! I always wanted to have some more insights on the losing side. it's easy to aknowledge what made someone win, but not so easy to understand what the loser should have done! Also, I'm waiting for more jungler videos! :D thank you guys you're great
Watching this vid after seeing the newer vids about fakers “secret” techniques really shows that he’s been abusing this for a while and is just so crazy to see how effective they are
This is the best league video I have ever seen and this is what players need to watch! Vast majority of league videos are solely outplays highlights , which bring misconception -with more outplays, the player's skill level is higher. But neglect the outplays only compensate 0.001% of the game.
Man...this is why i still play league. It's such a complex game and u just don't get bored by all these possibilities. And idc about the community, there are still some nice ppl and guys let's be honest: there's a mute button for pings and messages for each player, just don't start to answer and focus on your game. If you keep your focus and you are having a good game, damn that's all I need nowadays when I play league...The guide was really some good content, love it
Ayy, I like your attitude. I don't think the player base is that bad, but I think that the toxic people are just what you notice the most. League is fun as hell and it's ruining my life. XD
TLDR: Step 1: Be in challenger Step 2: Be faker Step 3: Play a perfect game Step 4: Realize your hardstuck in silver and continue to play random champs in random roles ;)
also been playinig random champs and random roles for multiple seasons struggling to climb i feel you lol you can hit plat ez if you just top 2 top 3 in farm every game as a priority/not dying (xp). Also wasting mana in lana is more punishing than people realize cuz thats where a lot of xp leads come thru i think, if you recall less cuz you conserve mana by only aa farming you should be highest xp in game which helps carry a lot
I own all fiddlesticks and leona skins. They're both my top 3 picks in top, jungle, and support. If I can play a champion I'll play them anywhere is the moral of the story, and I genuinely believe it matters more than playing something that is good for the matchup. Hard counters to fiddlesticks in any lane is going to be reliable low cooldown CC, Hard counters to Leona in any lane is going to be high-damage bruisers. If you factor literally only the hard counter in what you pick you can win in any lane in any comp. It's why I play Yorick mid sometimes, because Yorick mid just outright beats multiple mid laners in champ select so it's irrelevant whether Yorick is a good mid laner or not. All this said one may notice a contradiction when I mention hard counters and then saying it doesn't matter what's good for the matchup and that's because I still pick Leona into Bruisers and I still pick Fiddlesticks into Aatrox. Playing the hardest matchup with your highest skill champion is one of the only ways you can progress with that champion, hard stomping 70-80% of games with Diana is fun but it doesn't make me any better at Diana until I stop banning the two champions that counter her. Leona into Darius sounds like a nightmare on paper, he benefits from the sustained fight and has pen to nuke through your W and yet in practice I have defeated many M7 Darius players with my M7 Leona not because Leona is stronger than Darius but because I've played Leona into Darius more times than a Darius has ever played into Leona so I can abuse every small advantage that they've never had to fire a neuron to think about. TLDR: Commit to specific champions and respect that being counter-picked is the most essential element of self-improvement, even in ranked you need to find where your champion can beat it's hardest counter regardless of skill gap which sounds like it's not a feature but in the end all you have to do is solve a few math problems to find where your trade beats theirs by microscopic amounts to rinse and repeat for victory.
These guides are great, but they are always considering you play a champ with a lot of harass or waveclear, but what can you do with champs like veigar early game? Just asking
If you understand one side, you should be able to counter it. Champ that lacks either of those mostly have stronger late game. So understand enemy and counter it.
My response to these types of match-ups is usually to farm up and stay safe. If my game plan is to be strong late game, I need to get safely to late game, and have farmed up enough to scale into late game effectively. Of course, always look for opportunities to punish mistakes/greed, failed/spotted jungler ganks, roam around the map, and get other objectives than just your own tower. A lot of players playing harass-heavy champions will get impatient and try to force their harass onto you. That's how they slip up, and you can punish. Likewise, their whole game plan is to punish *your* mistakes, so knowing that, try to go against what they're looking for in your play. Good luck, and have fun!
7:20 “He should’ve just let Jayce push..” But once Jayce realizes that Ekko wants him to push, he’ll freeze the wave. There is nothing ekko could do after all
Not true dude, if ekko would have just stayed back and gotten the xp while jayce could free farm. Jayce would "passive" push his wave slowly. This occurs beacuse as u last hit u are acually pushing the wave slightly. Also if he still traded with jayce as he did in the beginning(but not q the wave), u can see ekkos minions attack jayce. This means ekkos minions is pushing less than the enemys minnions for a couple of seconds. Meaning that whenever jayce and ekko trade beyond that point(behind ekkos minions), the wave will push inn ekkos favor.
Learn the max range of her spells and space properly. Syndra can move while using her skills, that leads her to be able to punish almost all the last hits the enemy goes for. try to hit the wave and the enemy champ if they are pushing with autos. (they tend to do that ) Most syndra players either 1. trade too much and end up pushing the wave into a freeze (gets forced into defense). 2. Trade too little (using Q's on enemy champ only and end up getting out-pushed.) also forces you into defensive play. The best way to play mid is via the jungle matchup. Know what jungle you have and what jungle they have. play apropriate.
this reminds me of the time when Khan did the same thing to Huni's chogath. Also wanna say Jayce is the only champ you can do this with, He has 2 abilities under one slot XD
Lol, old akali was like this, she could only farm with q, live through her passive sustain and shroud, try to look for mistakes just to get a chance to poke... basicaly, she completely plays safe till her power spike, then she starts getting her lead back by getting revenge, she only needed her 2 power spike,her ult but more importantly her revolver to get back in the game...... Or some cc ganks... its a hard time having to farm but if played right after some time of safe playing, you can take back your lane
@@Joker-en3sl AND to make it worse, they removed her double Q proc!!!!! i remember when i would throw Q at them and then back off just until my Q is about to come of CD. then walk up to auto them to proc my first Q. they obviously dont back off as they know i am weak early. then as soon as you proc the first Q, you throw your second and proc it again. that was the sneaky if you could pull it off.
@@kylethomas2760 Yahhh, Id proc the heal on my passive before going in to prep the damage part of her passive, once ypuve proc'ed you q with auto, you have another one to give..... And they say she had no mechanic, braindead champion.
Faker played this absolutely perfect, by the book. Even his character movements were perfect. Not a single minion lost and absolutely demolished Ekko. Congrats.
I wanna see what the players do after the lane is over. I enjoy the lane analysis but would be more to learn if we could see what they decide to do next.
@@alessandrochrystian5139 i can tell u what they do to end the game but keep it a secret pls... they dont throw their lead to allow the enemy to get back into the game and they get objectives to close out the game. sometimes, and here it gets really crazy, they even go to other lanes with their lead to kill them too. mindblowing huh.
3:32 This wasn't Q buffer Flash. It was a non buffered Q-Flash. A buffer is when the game record an early input and execute it slighly later, wrong choice of word.
Its sad i can only pay via credit card even with paypal because i was really eager to get a subscription on your site, please update via this platform if you guys get access to more ways of payment. Thanks in advance
Having ADD, other educational league channels get too distracting for me. This is slow, calm and relaxed and works really great in my situation. Keep it up.
You should make a video around game plan. You usually say "Here are our missions for the game", but you never cover all the things we could do and their pro/cons.
After like 6 months off of league, i believed i had lost all the toxicity that I've had gotten from league, feeling refreshed i went back to play one game, cuz y not, just felt like having a go at it again........ended up with a afker and a feeder in that game. :(
4:20 he switched to hammer form attempting to do it before his auto attack reach wiki so that he could get the extra ding from the auto attach that he already did from switching
Its almost always more efficent to not push the lane early. Especially when u are playing meele vs ranged, and jayce is ranged, also has the burst of an assassin. Every match up against pantheon looks like this one. He is harassing u while u cant come close to the minions and cant really fight back. Ekko should have know how to play match ups like this since he is challanger but meh. Of course if camille wouldnt gank ekko, he would have been in a a bit better situation but it was obvious that she will gank lvl 2 mid , every camille is doing that on every elo idk why he really pressed this q. This strategy is nothing new or special for most of players from avarage platinum.
I clearly remember that dopa once picked kassadin versus Fizz, and after the Fizz auto attacked the first minion,he claimed he won the game and it really did! This is the skill level of a real good player is.
It's not about Camille camping on mid, but about setting up the ganks. If you're the jungler and see an enemy on low hp, I think it's obvious to go and grab an assist or a kill. Really nice strategy, always try to predict the opponent's aim, and if you have advantage, use it.
As someone who struggles against lane bullies quite often, it's good to get a tidbit of advice on what to do to try an alleviate dying so much. Not exactly the answer I wanted to hear though, since I hate the idea of losing out on a ton of CS while my enemy lamer gets to farm uncontested. Then by the time I get a chance to farm he's either already beating my ass in lane and/or roaming and getting fed off ganks.
Such small decisions can make or break a game. Like your jungler deciding not to gank the whole game or being ahead of your laner all game just for your team to feed and you lose anyways. Totally agree
Funny when this vid was released i was about to eat and wanted to watch something good, then went into skilled capped just to find a video with my sempai as the main character, perfection!
It’s always an “IF” scenario. People can only assume it will work since the analysis was done post mortem. When facing a player like Faker than can adapt different strategies most of the time to changes in the opponent’s style, it is difficult to assume what is a sure fire way to counter him. Best way is to play Faker one on one, same champions and don’t tell him your strategies then use your advice to win against him.
If you let jayce push as ekko then the wave will eventually bounce ending up in a potential freeze anyway and you'll either get poked out or end up a ton of cs anyway. Lane's like this, where you lose the all in and also are able to get poked out feel unplayable
i dont know if any1 notice how Faker actually first Q then Flash and flash canceled the animation of Q and after flash Q was casted thats a better way to cast ability without giving chance to the enemy to react fast enough and in the most cases you have to be very accurate and confident
i saw something simular to this from dopa's guide to lane against fizz as tf. never push at level 1, and let the wave push to the front of the tower and then freeze it at the perfect place. the moment u push the wave and let it freeze at enemy tower, it's game over
Here's a dose of Faker to keep you going through the long, Faker-less October! Apdo, Rookie or Caps for next mid lane youtube release???
Very nice and informative video, shows how if you are good and patient and think about your and your opponents straregies you can abuses the smallest of mistakes, very impressive from Faker.
I wish you would make jungler videos. I'm a jungler, so most of your videos about minion waves don't apply to me.
more faker please :3
Man he used 1 Q and lost the game
League is hardcore nowadays
in ranks below korean challenger shit like this won't happen.
ProjectJamesify its hardcore in regions that are able to take advantage of players fking up like korean challenger. No other region is like this except maybe euw high chall with pros
@FLyin' ImpacT that is just the basics though?
It's not that you can't come back, it's difficult, but even for Faker it's not the best job, people is always learning and faker even that is the elder of lol can't match em skills.
I think he was too close, he lost his lane after 1st blood, but he still was that far in. If that happens to you, just say fck it, and stay under the turret. And later on you may have a chance to go to top or bot, to get them ahead and get some gold. If your team flames you for loosing lane/turret ignore them, you are doing the best thing you can think of.
Actually, Ekko could've avoided this by not playing against Faker
NoubyScrub That's my strategy. I suck so bad at the game, that Faker couldn't even throw his way down to my elo.
Faker hasn't won a single game against me, I'm so gud at this game
I won’t even wind up “against” Faker anyway. Support main ftw, keep me out of that mid chaos (until I roam)
.-. That’s rude u know?
I am god, Faker is not a god. He is a demigod. He is the son of a friend of mine, a god from Korea...........................
*ekko uses q*
faker: aight gg
Kaito il is ait bot aight
basically dopa but 6 years late
ya, not like the camile ganked his ass twice in 1 minute lol
Ekko: *presses Q*
Faker: omae mou shindeiru.
What's that actually mean?
@@jemson3810 you're already dead
It's famous meme of Japanese anime "Hokuto no Ken".
When you try to meme but you're actually retarded lmao
You killed a meme that was already dead
I often also get a 3 Level Lead in 3 Minutes
when my enemy laner is afk
So do I... when playing intro bots.
Look for koreaning Draven drdisrespect
followed by a remake
Still don't think I could hit lvl 3 that quick just farming lmao
Holy shit this is actually level 1 vs level 4 I never seen this before that's actually incredible and sick.
Faker is playing an obnoxious game, and I love him for it. Can't help but feel really bad for the Ekko, and really excited for Faker.
@@Shrooblord Yeah I feel the same way. But in the end its a game and its art how Faker creates greatness.
Fuck ekko
Even more incredible when it's KR high Challenger
So sick that I puked
Right thing to do: "Gave up whatever cs he needed"
Teammates: your losing cs, lets FF
Wow! Now i learned, that the minion-aggro only works when enemy champion is near to the minions, so if u keep away him from his minions, you wont get punished from them :)
skoooter2 same thing works with towers
I actually learned this from playing gangplank if i ulted under enemy tower it still wouldnt aggro me or having a heavy lead poking with q
they changed how minion and turret agro worked a while ago
Reading patch notes is always helpful
Also, only auto attacks generate aggro.
+IschmarVI Mashups no point and click abilities also generate aggro .eg: Cass e , panth q , gp q etc . They changed that a few months back as far I remember .
THANK YOU for saying what Ekko should have done!!! I always wanted to have some more insights on the losing side. it's easy to aknowledge what made someone win, but not so easy to understand what the loser should have done! Also, I'm waiting for more jungler videos! :D thank you guys you're great
What time did they talk about that?
@@armughanaslam 7:14
Stfu noob
I know. If I play Tahm Kench and I lose against a similar tank support. Then I wonder why it didn't work for me when I harassed more, dealt more and avoided creep aggro yet lost when my adc was dishing consistent damage to the same enemy adc who paused and didn't attack all the time
It’s always an “IF” scenario. People can only assume it will work since the analysis was done post mortem. When facing a player like Faker than can adapt different strategies most of the time to changes in the opponent’s style, it is difficult to assume what is a sure fire way to counter him.
1 Q = cost the whole game
league is so hard to master
When you say it that way. Man, pros are scary.
Yes because its faker you won't see someone punishing you like this on solo q even in high elos
That would usually only happen in super high ranks like this game.
1 cannon = cost the whole game too lol
I hope this concept applies to all Nasus players.
Man i feel bad for ekko like thats tilting as hell lol
It's his own fault, trying to cheater recall against bullies is so dumb
@@ceramiceel1 did you just reply to a 1 yr old comment?
@@King-eo7fn lmao
@@King-eo7fn dude will get the notification anyway so why not pick up the conversation
@@wotizlove Eel had replied to your comment.
It's his own fault trying to cheater recall ....
Ah yes I remember that one the one on the eko using a vs Jaycee mid and losing to fakers 3 step missions
if SKT had a jngler like this we would have seen Faker on Worlds...
Wolf7Husky Bengi :(
We would have seen SKT in worlds not only Faker ;)
You have a point. Hahaha bring bengi back skt pls.
Chris Evonie Estrella He's already there. Bring him back as a player.
Ekko: plays
I’m about to end this man’s career
You'd think as long as this meme has been out it would've died by now, but its still holding up surprisingly well
Ekko: presses Q
Faker: omae mou shindeiru.
I can't get 3 levels lead even on intro bots.. :)
You should watch the video to find out how
It's easy and also the same tip to get out of iron, turn on your monitor.
@@RyZeDHD Y so rude for
@@mavow_ he’s gay.
I just lost a bots begging game
Faker's teammates could have used these videos.
that's why they have coaches.
do some featuring tryndamere and master yi on how to efficiently right click.
There's a deep science involved, you have to time your clicks perfectly to your heartbeat otherwise it could cause your finger to get 0.2 seconds delayed reaction time, resulting in you getting a quadra instead of a penta thus runing the gameplay experience and essentialy making the champion unplayable
yall are wildin'
@@BustedZ2 Autism 😆😂 I like it xD
@@BustedZ2 you're right I am a Master Yi main. One mistake of my auto attack can result to a quadra kill instead of penta haha
Clicking and maneuvering is actually very important
And as i know that this might be a joke, the more straight forward the champion is , the harder it is to play them on high end elo
The champions that benefit the most from good clicking and orb walking is actually udyr and skarner , not master yi tho..
Why am i just now discovering this channel? I feel like ive missed so many school days!!
play league in challenger is like playing high elo chess matches...
Long Nguyễn Ngọc you literally have to think through every single move you make
even worse probably
@@imslickzz1630 yeah is like, i will bait him to use his Q, turns out he reads your mind
THANK YOU for saying what Ekko should have done!!! I always wanted to have some more insights on the losing side. it's easy to aknowledge what made someone win, but not so easy to understand what the loser should have done! Also, I'm waiting for more jungler videos! :D thank you guys you're great
Oh boi, my favorite RUclips series got a new vid! Thanks for uploading, always appreciate it! Keep going
Loool your name and profile pic...
Watching this vid after seeing the newer vids about fakers “secret” techniques really shows that he’s been abusing this for a while and is just so crazy to see how effective they are
“Have a jungle camp ur lane to get a 3 level advantage”
Well okay, but the jungle and even fiddlesticks played a big part too tbh
Him dodging the second Q was crucial also, he didn't take a lot of extra damage and had enough hp to keep harassing
ekko has to go afk so he avoide getting an depression
This is the best league video I have ever seen and this is what players need to watch! Vast majority of league videos are solely outplays highlights , which bring misconception -with more outplays, the player's skill level is higher. But neglect the outplays only compensate 0.001% of the game.
Man...this is why i still play league. It's such a complex game and u just don't get bored by all these possibilities. And idc about the community, there are still some nice ppl and guys let's be honest: there's a mute button for pings and messages for each player, just don't start to answer and focus on your game. If you keep your focus and you are having a good game, damn that's all I need nowadays when I play league...The guide was really some good content, love it
Ayy, I like your attitude. I don't think the player base is that bad, but I think that the toxic people are just what you notice the most. League is fun as hell and it's ruining my life. XD
@@21area21 Uh, feelsmaybeokayman? :D
nothing really complex happened in this clip tho
Step 1: Be in challenger
Step 2: Be faker
Step 3: Play a perfect game
Step 4: Realize your hardstuck in silver and continue to play random champs in random roles
also been playinig random champs and random roles for multiple seasons struggling to climb i feel you lol you can hit plat ez if you just top 2 top 3 in farm every game as a priority/not dying (xp). Also wasting mana in lana is more punishing than people realize cuz thats where a lot of xp leads come thru i think, if you recall less cuz you conserve mana by only aa farming you should be highest xp in game which helps carry a lot
I own all fiddlesticks and leona skins. They're both my top 3 picks in top, jungle, and support. If I can play a champion I'll play them anywhere is the moral of the story, and I genuinely believe it matters more than playing something that is good for the matchup. Hard counters to fiddlesticks in any lane is going to be reliable low cooldown CC, Hard counters to Leona in any lane is going to be high-damage bruisers. If you factor literally only the hard counter in what you pick you can win in any lane in any comp. It's why I play Yorick mid sometimes, because Yorick mid just outright beats multiple mid laners in champ select so it's irrelevant whether Yorick is a good mid laner or not. All this said one may notice a contradiction when I mention hard counters and then saying it doesn't matter what's good for the matchup and that's because I still pick Leona into Bruisers and I still pick Fiddlesticks into Aatrox. Playing the hardest matchup with your highest skill champion is one of the only ways you can progress with that champion, hard stomping 70-80% of games with Diana is fun but it doesn't make me any better at Diana until I stop banning the two champions that counter her. Leona into Darius sounds like a nightmare on paper, he benefits from the sustained fight and has pen to nuke through your W and yet in practice I have defeated many M7 Darius players with my M7 Leona not because Leona is stronger than Darius but because I've played Leona into Darius more times than a Darius has ever played into Leona so I can abuse every small advantage that they've never had to fire a neuron to think about.
TLDR: Commit to specific champions and respect that being counter-picked is the most essential element of self-improvement, even in ranked you need to find where your champion can beat it's hardest counter regardless of skill gap which sounds like it's not a feature but in the end all you have to do is solve a few math problems to find where your trade beats theirs by microscopic amounts to rinse and repeat for victory.
Faker:Im gonna end this man's whole career
This is prlly one of the best analytical videos ive ever seen
Man, that Ekko must be very pissed
7:41 he drew a happy face under the light.
These guides are great, but they are always considering you play a champ with a lot of harass or waveclear, but what can you do with champs like veigar early game? Just asking
Veigar has a lot of harass /waveclear
Just don't die early
If you understand one side, you should be able to counter it. Champ that lacks either of those mostly have stronger late game. So understand enemy and counter it.
My response to these types of match-ups is usually to farm up and stay safe. If my game plan is to be strong late game, I need to get safely to late game, and have farmed up enough to scale into late game effectively. Of course, always look for opportunities to punish mistakes/greed, failed/spotted jungler ganks, roam around the map, and get other objectives than just your own tower. A lot of players playing harass-heavy champions will get impatient and try to force their harass onto you. That's how they slip up, and you can punish. Likewise, their whole game plan is to punish *your* mistakes, so knowing that, try to go against what they're looking for in your play. Good luck, and have fun!
Hey we're actually doing Apdo as Veigar next, if enough people ask for it here on our pinned comment, we'll release it on RUclips as well :)
OMG that gragas gank baited ekko and he died right as the wave was finally crashing to him. How brutally tragic.
4:27 thats probably what ekko thought that moment
Thank you so much for including the "how he should have played in response to this losing situation" portion of the video!
In summary, have your jg successfully gank twice before 3 minutes and your jg and support gank at 4 minutes.
Because you set up the Play yourself? ¿The laners set ganks not the junglers btw.
Yes, actually. Playing with a team with communication and teamwork. Setting up the lane so their gank is successful does work pretty well too though.
As apdo once said when he did the tf vs fizz guide "when fizz started attacking the minion, i already won lane"
Getting a lead in lane, happens about 70% of the time. Converting it into a win is the hard part (for me atleast).
“He should’ve just let Jayce push..”
But once Jayce realizes that Ekko wants him to push, he’ll freeze the wave.
There is nothing ekko could do after all
Not true dude, if ekko would have just stayed back and gotten the xp while jayce could free farm. Jayce would "passive" push his wave slowly. This occurs beacuse as u last hit u are acually pushing the wave slightly.
Also if he still traded with jayce as he did in the beginning(but not q the wave), u can see ekkos minions attack jayce. This means ekkos minions is pushing less than the enemys minnions for a couple of seconds. Meaning that whenever jayce and ekko trade beyond that point(behind ekkos minions), the wave will push inn ekkos favor.
Could you do some content with Syndra? In the vid you said she's one of the best lane bullies, but i allways end up playing her really defensive ^^
Learn the max range of her spells and space properly. Syndra can move while using her skills, that leads her to be able to punish almost all the last hits the enemy goes for. try to hit the wave and the enemy champ if they are pushing with autos. (they tend to do that ) Most syndra players either 1. trade too much and end up pushing the wave into a freeze (gets forced into defense).
2. Trade too little (using Q's on enemy champ only and end up getting out-pushed.) also forces you into defensive play.
The best way to play mid is via the jungle matchup. Know what jungle you have and what jungle they have. play apropriate.
Just practice to harass your opponent with your dark spear and dodge what ever ability he have to win your..
Man I didn't realize how old this video was until I saw the fiddle crow man I miss that ability
this reminds me of the time when Khan did the same thing to Huni's chogath. Also wanna say Jayce is the only champ you can do this with, He has 2 abilities under one slot XD
This is such a good commentary, I learned so much in those 8 minutes.
remember when the game used to be simple fun? yeah that was 2011
The best channel to learn league, I love it guys !
"Echo loses to Jayce, so he should have just farmed at tower until level 7" That sounds fun
Games against faker are like that when he plays perfectly
Lol, old akali was like this, she could only farm with q, live through her passive sustain and shroud, try to look for mistakes just to get a chance to poke... basicaly, she completely plays safe till her power spike, then she starts getting her lead back by getting revenge, she only needed her 2 power spike,her ult but more importantly her revolver to get back in the game...... Or some cc ganks... its a hard time having to farm but if played right after some time of safe playing, you can take back your lane
@@Joker-en3sl AND to make it worse, they removed her double Q proc!!!!! i remember when i would throw Q at them and then back off just until my Q is about to come of CD. then walk up to auto them to proc my first Q. they obviously dont back off as they know i am weak early. then as soon as you proc the first Q, you throw your second and proc it again.
that was the sneaky if you could pull it off.
@@kylethomas2760 Yahhh, Id proc the heal on my passive before going in to prep the damage part of her passive, once ypuve proc'ed you q with auto, you have another one to give..... And they say she had no mechanic, braindead champion.
Faker played this absolutely perfect, by the book. Even his character movements were perfect. Not a single minion lost and absolutely demolished Ekko. Congrats.
Yea it’s easy when every game your mid laner afks for 5minutes
It's crazy how Faker processes this much information in a few seconds
I wanna see what the players do after the lane is over. I enjoy the lane analysis but would be more to learn if we could see what they decide to do next.
thats called macro play,seadch and you can find it.
I know what that is. Does'nt change the fact that it would be interesting for these specific games.
I wanna see it too man, what they do after taking advantage, what they do to finish the game, etc.
@@alessandrochrystian5139 i can tell u what they do to end the game but keep it a secret pls... they dont throw their lead to allow the enemy to get back into the game and they get objectives to close out the game. sometimes, and here it gets really crazy, they even go to other lanes with their lead to kill them too. mindblowing huh.
3:32 This wasn't Q buffer Flash. It was a non buffered Q-Flash. A buffer is when the game record an early input and execute it slighly later, wrong choice of word.
I'm not interested in watching Worlds because of Faker's absence.
Please stop.
TheWalkthroughOfLife wait why is he not going to?
Skt lost the korean regionals so there are 3 other kr teams at worlds with a current 1-4 record.
Fakers play is boring as fuck in competitive, and it'd be nice to see teams other than SKT compete against eachother in the finals
Whatever, this game is dying anyway.
Ekko could've avoided losing lane by shutting down his computer, when he saw he was facing faker in loading screen.
Love the vids :D So happy i signed up to your website managed to help me so much.
Glad to hear it!
I am learning a lot by watching your videos. Keep up the good work!
Its sad i can only pay via credit card even with paypal because i was really eager to get a subscription on your site, please update via this platform if you guys get access to more ways of payment. Thanks in advance
rutger de boer whaddayamean, you wanna pay cash?
Having ADD, other educational league channels get too distracting for me. This is slow, calm and relaxed and works really great in my situation. Keep it up.
He lost when he pick ekko vs jayce...
must be nice to have a cam babysit you even when you're pushed and ekko is backing
Actually, Ekko could've avoided this by not playing against Faker :v
yup just dodge the game, save uyrself this misery for -3 lp
Thank you for this. These tips really help me in my games pls never stop making these vids
You should make a video around game plan. You usually say "Here are our missions for the game", but you never cover all the things we could do and their pro/cons.
After like 6 months off of league, i believed i had lost all the toxicity that I've had gotten from league, feeling refreshed i went back to play one game, cuz y not, just felt like having a go at it again........ended up with a afker and a feeder in that game. :(
Woah woah woah, lets give some credit to the jungles smh.....never gettin credit for the kills but all the credit for the loss🤦🏻♂️
4:20 he switched to hammer form attempting to do it before his auto attack reach wiki so that he could get the extra ding from the auto attach that he already did from switching
"How to lvl 3 in 3m?"
*90% CS*
Moving to one side of the lane to push the laner to the other, closer to your jungler, is a real eye opener... genius
Its almost always more efficent to not push the lane early. Especially when u are playing meele vs ranged, and jayce is ranged, also has the burst of an assassin. Every match up against pantheon looks like this one. He is harassing u while u cant come close to the minions and cant really fight back. Ekko should have know how to play match ups like this since he is challanger but meh. Of course if camille wouldnt gank ekko, he would have been in a a bit better situation but it was obvious that she will gank lvl 2 mid , every camille is doing that on every elo idk why he really pressed this q. This strategy is nothing new or special for most of players from avarage platinum.
Watching videos like this really highlight the gap in skill between the best and those playing at high elo
bc he's a god
hes just abusing d1 player in kr
I clearly remember that dopa once picked kassadin versus Fizz, and after the Fizz auto attacked the first minion,he claimed he won the game and it really did! This is the skill level of a real good player is.
It's not about Camille camping on mid, but about setting up the ganks. If you're the jungler and see an enemy on low hp, I think it's obvious to go and grab an assist or a kill.
Really nice strategy, always try to predict the opponent's aim, and if you have advantage, use it.
great video mate! you made some things clear that i knew existed but didnt understand completely! :P
This is art...
Very well explained by the way.
The thing is that your jg will never gank, while enemy's jg will babysit u and even help enemy fix the lane
Imagine getting pushed in, but being the one that gets ganked. So much for that level 2 gank Faker warded against.
This channel is so good, I'ld never think in those things
As someone who struggles against lane bullies quite often, it's good to get a tidbit of advice on what to do to try an alleviate dying so much. Not exactly the answer I wanted to hear though, since I hate the idea of losing out on a ton of CS while my enemy lamer gets to farm uncontested. Then by the time I get a chance to farm he's either already beating my ass in lane and/or roaming and getting fed off ganks.
Am I the only one that's triggered that the character count doesn't go up while letters are typed in?
Such small decisions can make or break a game. Like your jungler deciding not to gank the whole game or being ahead of your laner all game just for your team to feed and you lose anyways. Totally agree
I *LOVE* your videos, so helpful and you are great at explaining. Keep it up!
I feel like I should be ashamed watching these videos for free
4:19 Thank god, I'm on Plat where I will never have someone diving me like this at lvl 1/2
This analysis is so deep i can hear her screaming
Bad joke?
“Lands an empowered shock blast plus an auto attack for some nice harass”
The thing you said about ekko roaming around 7:30 faker would not let him do that he would still harass him so it was gg from the beggining
Funny when this vid was released i was about to eat and wanted to watch something good, then went into skilled capped just to find a video with my sempai as the main character, perfection!
found your channel. LOVE UR STUFF!! Gna binge watch till i get out of B1 AHAHAA great stuff!!
Faker be like in a chess match that didn't even begin: "Check mate"
It’s always an “IF” scenario. People can only assume it will work since the analysis was done post mortem. When facing a player like Faker than can adapt different strategies most of the time to changes in the opponent’s style, it is difficult to assume what is a sure fire way to counter him.
Best way is to play Faker one on one, same champions and don’t tell him your strategies then use your advice to win against him.
8:35 And that's why I don't usually trust the Internet guide on Gragas when they want to use Predator.
If you let jayce push as ekko then the wave will eventually bounce ending up in a potential freeze anyway and you'll either get poked out or end up a ton of cs anyway. Lane's like this, where you lose the all in and also are able to get poked out feel unplayable
i dont know if any1 notice how Faker actually first Q then Flash and flash canceled the animation of Q and after flash Q was casted thats a better way to cast ability without giving chance to the enemy to react fast enough and in the most cases you have to be very accurate and confident
Ekko: uses Q
Faker: So you have chosen death.
i saw something simular to this from dopa's guide to lane against fizz as tf. never push at level 1, and let the wave push to the front of the tower and then freeze it at the perfect place. the moment u push the wave and let it freeze at enemy tower, it's game over
Great analysis! Definitely learned something new!
Actually gives tips for the enemy🤩 that's what makes this channel stand out above the rest
so next time boys, if an enemy mid-jungle duo abuses that to your midlaner.... dont just "omg noob ekko feeder uga-buga report him"
Ekko: I'm gonna use q for the first time in the entire game
Faker: Lmao you lost