Thanks for taking your time to record and post this. Sincerely hope that they don't have another one for awhile. I watched the most recent one on the live stream, the camera wasn't exactly on the car's as they went offline, but you could see that they did. Crazy as it sound's I've wanted a few truck load's of the rock's they put under the railroad ties.
Thanks for taking your time to record and post this. Sincerely hope that they don't have another one for awhile. I watched the most recent one on the live stream, the camera wasn't exactly on the car's as they went offline, but you could see that they did. Crazy as it sound's I've wanted a few truck load's of the rock's they put under the railroad ties.
Good job on the video. Can you imagine the looks on their faces if their work train carrying the panel track and equipment derailed in front of them??
Someone finally knew how to make a train.
NO clean up shown in this video. It DOES show dumping rock and unloading panel rail, only.
As these derailments keep happening here I think it's time to add check rails to Horse Shoe Curve.
Cant wait for the august derailment.
I'm surprised you didn't get chased away for trespassing.