Absolutely delightful 6 hours of video watching. The train driver deserves a medal, this is such a good insight into life at 3900/4000 ASL in Bolivia. Not to mention his commentary that is lighthearted and entertaining. Would be interesting to see the same vice versa during a different season at some stage….well done Rail Relaxation…❤
@IntheNeverNever Thank you very much for your compliments. It was a delightful ride. I did the return trip, in the same week... From December to March the season changes, there is more rain, but I don't know if it changes that much in the high Altiplano...
Fue recordar mis viajes a Chile en vacaciones Está vez en primera clase , con todos los recursos en pantalla , cuenta kilómetros , mapa de trayecto , altímetro..., magnífico trabajo alta calidad de imagen Perfecta descripción del trayecto en subtitulos adicionales Disfruté mucho del viaje Saludos desde Bolivia Muchas gracias por compartir 😊
@elararanda Gracias por sus cumplidos. Me alegro de que le haya gustado el billete de primera clase para este maravilloso viaje.😊 Le deseo una Feliz Navidad.
The Altiplano is incredible. The entire trip was above the normal pressurisation altitude of an airliner - 250 metres higher than this train and the oxygen masks drop automatically. Beautifully filmed, by the way.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support! 😊 I’m glad you enjoyed the video. I do apologize for the slightly tilted camera angle-I’ll make sure to improve that in future recordings. Thanks for your understanding!
Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras y tu apoyo! 😊 Me alegra que hayas disfrutado del video. Disculpa por el ángulo ligeramente inclinado de la cámara-me aseguraré de mejorarlo en futuras grabaciones. ¡Gracias por tu comprensión!
GRACIAS,POR ESTE HERMOSO VIAJE,sin lugar a dudas fue increíble,tanto el viaje,como el pensar,como fue trazado ese trayecto y cuanto esfuerzo demandó,una buena aventura,genial sería si eso pudiera hacerse de forma turística,agregando algunas pequeñas zonas de descanso y servicios. Gracias una vez más.❤❤❤❤
An amazing ride through a desolate landscape, thank you for taking me along, really interesting where people would get off and on in the middle of nowhere.
Felicitaciones por un gran trabajo de filmación y edición de un trayecto sin duda, épico. Un paisaje sobrecogedor en el cual la presencia humana es mínima y las distancias parecen no terminar. La historia de este trazado ferroviario ha pasado por muchas vicisitudes por diferencias entre dos naciones hermanas como lo son Chile y Bolivia y su mantención es difícil por su topografía.
@juanvidelaramos9428 Muchas gracias por su comentario. Disfruté filmando este viaje a través del duro paisaje. Soy consciente de que el mantenimiento de los raíles es muy difícil. Espero que esta línea se mantenga operativa y que tal vez llegue a estarlo hasta el final en Chile. Es muy importante para la gente que vive allí.
Wow!! Incredible views, a sense of remoteness that is unimaginable where I live (northeast US). Great to see these railways in sparsely populated and beautiful regions. I'm surprised the people and animals have enough to drink, the land and the "rivers" look so dry... Maybe someday I will make it to Bolivia. 👏👏
Espectacular los videos de este tramo y poder conocer esta parte de Bolivia. Los cab ride siempre tienen la mejor vista. He recorrido este país por rutas que van paralelo a las trazas ferroviarias que están en la zona de Uyuni hacia la frontera con Chile (Avaroa-Ollague) y también el que va de Puerto Suarez hacia Santa Cruz. Increíble el estado de las vías que seguro deben tener como cien años ya. Al menos le dan aun un uso social y es increíble que no haya desaparecido como en otros países. Los ferrocarriles han desarrollado los países en Latinoamérica y espero que le den importancia nuevamente. Saludos!!
@alemikelj Gracias por su comentario. Yo también he viajado en los otros dos ferrocarriles, pronto podremos ver los videos de los viajes en taxi por esas partes de Bolivia también.
Schier unglaublich, wenn ich es vor 40 Jahren nicht selbst gesehen hätte! - It would be almost unbelievable if I hadn't seen it myself 40 years ago! - ¡Sería increíble si no lo hubiera visto yo mismo hace 40 años!
@montgomeryscott1656 It is incredible. The first part was a bit different, with a lot of dogs, and this second part, with a lot of llamas, alpacas, vicunhas...
Super Video with fantastic landscapes, thanks also to the use of the drone, thank you, I hope in the future you can do a follow up to the end of the railway in Arica 👏👏👏👏👏
@gisismobawelt9855 Oh, I do too. The continuation is out of service. Just a short last part down to Arica is covered by a tourist service, but there are not many trips, just approx one a month. I will try to cover it on my next trip to South America.
These are mostly alpacas (you can tell them apart by shape of the head), also as I understand alpacas are better for making clothes and other textiles due to different fleece.
Such a stark landscape, yet there is life: vicuna, llama, and alpaca. In spite of its severity, there is beauty in its grandeur. I can't imagine living in such a harsh environment. It must be a hard life. I really enjoyed the drone shots. I'd like to see more of those. Thanks for the video.
Maybe the question is not correct, but I will ask it anyway. What is the cost of travel along this entire route? To what extent can local residents afford to use such transportation or is it a luxury for them? Может вопрос не корректный, но все же я его задам. Какова стоимость проезда по всему этому маршруту? Насколько местные жители могут себе позволить пользоваться такими перевозками или это для них роскошь?
@Dmitry-o4p It is a good question. A journey costs 13 bolivianos, it is approx. 1.8 eur and it is a mean of transport that is primarily used by the local community.
Me encanta ver el altiplano soy de un pueblo que pasa por la Estación de ferrocarril se llama Pando antes de Calacoto me encanta ver y recordar antes los tenes paraba en cada Estación no gustaba ver cuando de niños gracias por mostrar el altiplano saludo
Hi, absolutely wonderful journey, in fact it's a rail adventure. In reality it looks quite dangerous especially the danger of falling rocks, never mind the various animals in the open range. Track maintenance must be a nightmare. Both the driver and passengers are extremely brave. Thank you for this insight. Regards, Barry.
- le genre de paysages que j’aime (bien sauvage ! ) - l’arrêt à la demande est un vrai service pour la population, c’est bien. - merci pour les vues par drone qui donnent un autre regard sur le paysage.
Como disfrute de esos viajes, de La Paz a La Estacion Camacho y a pie a Rosario, el río Mauri y sus boferales donde pastaban llamas alpacas ovejas y unos chapusones en el río Mauri, los viajes a Charaña a la feria de Tripartitos, Bolivia, Chile Y Perú recuerdos hermosos
Good shots with the drone (and amazing documentation, who could distinguish vicuñas and alpacas?). I guess we all here watch this video at higher speed for long stretches, 1.25 or 1.5. An idea to consider would be you doing this for all of us and indicating it on the corner, slowing down to normal speed only for the highlights
I am glad that you enjoyed this journey. I think I did that in one video, where the speed was really low...but there is still an option for you to decide either to watch it on higher speed...but, anyway, thank you for your suggestion.
Fabulous journey.... Part 1&2... Not one for people who are in a great hurry.... Two trains per week in each direction means you'd better not miss it! The track looks exceedingly dodgy in places with many rotten sleepers... It's a good job the axle weight of the ferrobus is very light, or it would probably spread the track...
I expected that due to lithium deposits and mining railways in Bolivia might be in better shape, but it seems that still no serious production has started. Maybe then these lines will get upgrades - in Brazil we can see meter-gauge railways carrying millions of tones of ore and other cargo for VALE (great videos here on the channel) so just modernization of these lines might be enough - concrete sleepers, new continuous welded rails, long passing loops, 8-axle locos, not too complicated but modern traffic control and these lines can be brought to much better condition.
Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt! Zum Glück hat die Kamera einen Bildstabilisator... Ganz super Video, vielen Dank! Und die Drohnenbilder sind natürlich genial als Ergänzung. Ich vermute, einige Halte waren extra nur für die Drohne (zum Starten oder Landen)?
Amazing video with Part 1. I can't remember a cab ride with dogs chasing the train, passengers getting on wherever, and being stopped by herds of animals. I do think previews are getting a little long. Overall, a wonderful set of videos.
Gracias por El video y por los datos que se indican en el. Bonito e interesante itinerario en cabina en el árido altiplano boliviano. Sin embargo desde 1.22 el paisaje cambia y desaparecen las inmensas llanuras. La vía ferrea discurre en parte con un río a su derecha y montañas a ambos lados. El paisaje es agreste. Es interesante ver el efecto de la erosión en la cadena montañosa de la izquierda. Lástima del final se vislumbraba al fondo unas montañas muy interesantes.
Ha ha ha - that is how hated Pacers are. No, this is literally based on Mercedes light utility truck chassis (LO-914), which were basis for many vehicles produced in South America by various Mercedes partners (primarily in Brazil and Argentina). So some of these ended up converted to a railbus (funny how it still has a MERCEDES LO-914 TURBO INTERCOOLER sticker on the windshield).
@footballreview2020 Hola amigo. No hay servicio en la ruta. Sólo una pequeña parte desde Arica está operativa, con tren turístico que circula sólo una o dos veces por semana durante el verano. Tenía esto en mente, lo filmaré en mi próximo viaje a Sudamérica.
David Sousa made a journey of almost 300 km on a yellow and blue box that speeds along the spectacular scenery of the Mauri river among Andean populations and alpacas who park themselves on the tracks, as if they wanted to be the protagonists of the scene! Alpacas, llamas, dogs and the surrounding nature in an arid Andean plateau where the canyons describe a landscape that is sometimes desolate and sometimes spectacular! Too bad the line is unused until La Paz. Nice drone footage from above of this blue and yellow box with a powerful Mercedes engine that seems to never stop! It would be nice to see how the line climbs up the Chilean side and then reaches Arica. I took inspiration from your video to read the history of the Bolivian railways. There are only two sections and the other is located in the eastern Llanos beyond the Andean Cordillera. It would be nice to cross it! Or maybe take a cabride to Lake Titicaca! However, truly breathless line! a 300 km travel without stopping on a 4000 m plateau asl! Well done! Mercedes engines rules everywhere! DAVID TOO!
@wladislaw79 😊Thank you for your comments. I love the research you do with every new line on the channel...we will see some more Bolivian landscapes soon...there are not many passenger services operational in the country, some of them stopped running during the epidemic and never started again...but all of them are essential to the local people in this beautiful, but harsh environment. There are always lots of animals around. Near the settlements, the dogs are like cows in India.. they are everywhere...😊
Vou assistir, por partes, este vídeo de Rail Relaxation, daqui da cidade de Jaboatão dos Guararapes, região metropolitana do Recife, estado de Pernambuco-Brazil. Assisto por partes, como já escrevi, no dia 16/12/2024, ás 15:37 minutos, Segunda-Feira, com tempo nublado, mais o sol está forte e não chove no momento. Bolívia. A paisagem deste lugar, onde o trem bus passa, me parece um lugar onde foi filmado, filmes americanos de faroeste... O ambiente tem muita aparecia do deserto americano. Você só ver pastagem seca sem arvore...Alias só um pé de arvore neste deserto da Bolívia.
Part 1 was great, so I'm looking forward to Part 2. Got the cricket on the radio, Australia vs. India (two great teams), it's 39 degrees Celsius or 102 degrees Fahrenheit outside, and the air conditioner is keeping it cool inside.🥶 Okay friends, lets all see some more of beautiful Bolivia.😄
@@RailRelaxation This was day 2 of a 5 day test match. Australia are in a good position, but it is still anyone's match. 🦗+🦇=🏏 (cricket + bat = cricket bat) 🤣
Part two has some of the most breath taking landscape! After I watched it the first time I had to go back again to watch the railroad stuff. The rocks at 1:54:29 look like giant men. (use some imagination) If there is a geology major in this group, could you please tell me what is the deep brown/purple rock at 2:49:36. Thank you David! 💯💥💯
@shytoad130 You are very welcome. It was my pleasure to film that very interesting journey. There is another geological question, I hope there is someone with that knowledge around that can answer. Best regards.
@lordeisschrank Many people depend on this means of transport and that kind of service, on-demand stop and drop off. The area is very sparsely populated.
@martinrosenberg7490 Thank you. There are just two passenger trains per week. I do not have the information about the cargo trains on that line. I only know that the line isn't operational until the end. It would be very nice to see the c continuation one day.
Prelepo, divje in zelo prazno. Ni se čuditi, zakaj. Prebivalcev naj bi bilo manj kot 13 milijonov, ozemlje pa ima skoraj 1,1 milijona kvadratnih kilometrov. Bolivija je najbolj bogata od sosednjih Peruja in Čila. Čile ima malo manj kot 20 milijonov prebivalcev na ozemlju, 0,76 milijona kvadratnih kilometrov. Peru pa je še prostranejši od Bolivije in meri 1,285 kvadratnih km in okoli 36 milijonov prebivalcev. V vojnah s Perujem in Čilom v 19. stoletju je Bolivija izgubila dostop do obale. Zdaj se nekaj pogajajo, ker ima Bolivija ogromno bogastvo poleg nafte tudi dragocenih kovin, pa tudi kulturne dediščine izginulih pradavnih civilizacij ob katerih zgradbah in okrasju človek osupne. Že dolgo sem iskal posnetke železniških poti v teh treh državah. Najtopleje se zahvaljujem za ta čudoviti posnetek. Ta predelani avtobus za vožnjo po železniških tirih sem že videl v nekem filmu na RTV SLO 1. Glede na vse bogastvo bi Bolivija zlahka imela najmodernejšo železnico in vlake. Občudujem ljudi, ki stojijo na planjavi, kjer ni nobene postajne strukture in ki so do tja hodili gotovo 10 km. Sicer pa sem se že iz drugih posnetkov prepričal, da so zelo vzdržljivi in izjemni hodci, vajeni gorskih strmin in sprememb temperature. Lep pozdrav ljudem Bolivije in vsem, ki spremljate ta YT kanal iz Slovenije.
@janezblond5335 Pozdravljeni. Pokrajina v Boliviji je prekrasna, železniške poti so redke , kot v vseh ostalih južnoameriških državah (glede na velikost). Žal so nekatere v zadnjih nekaj letih postale neaktivne, oziroma po njih ni potniškega prometa, vendar sem na svoji poti konec lanskega leta uspel posneti še nekaj delov, ki bodo kmalu dostopni na kanalu. Lep pozdrav!
I think these are (mostly or even all) alpacas - llamas have longer heads (bit more horse/donkey-like) and different wool/fleece. Also, llamas are quite bigger (though it's hard to estimate absolute size from the video). Alpacas are also more docile and live in herds, while llamas are bit more solitary and adventurous (maybe something similar to sheep/goat difference).
Прочёл комментарий ниже и вспомнил назревший во мне вопрос. Почему вы обычно едете в сторону от тёплого к холодному? Вот в этом конкретном случае логичнее было бы ехать от чилийской границы через Ла-Пас в край диких обезъян на северо-восток)
@@RailRelaxation iI've seen a video similar to this,one it was out of the north side of Bolivia. The train (it was a train) because it was hauling about 6 cars. What caught my attention was that I joined my grand mother on her long journey from New York to La Paz. She took a ship fro New York then to Panama City then flew to Arica where we met her took a train (she was in the sleeper car). That journey was done in January of 1957.
@@1DLflyer There were many more trains operating in all South America, in the last years there is a decline of the railways, lots of the trains just stopped running. I recently got to know that the only passenger train in Uruguay, that I had luck to filme it this October, was cancelled and there are no passenger trains at all in Uruguay. It is sad, because the railway traffic should be the transport of the future not of the past.
@allelopath Thank you very much for your support.
Absolutely delightful 6 hours of video watching. The train driver deserves a medal, this is such a good insight into life at 3900/4000 ASL in Bolivia. Not to mention his commentary that is lighthearted and entertaining. Would be interesting to see the same vice versa during a different season at some stage….well done Rail Relaxation…❤
@IntheNeverNever Thank you very much for your compliments. It was a delightful ride. I did the return trip, in the same week... From December to March the season changes, there is more rain, but I don't know if it changes that much in the high Altiplano...
Fantastic ride. 👏What a desolate yet somehow magical landscape. Stunning aerial shots. Thanks for the video.
Glad you enjoyed it. It is a magical journey, takes you to a completely new world.
Hard to produce anything due to the low temperature, but people have llamas alpacas and cows, and 🐏 sheeps
Thanks for the additional drone views ♥
Our pleasure!
This video is a gem
@acratatube Thank you!
Desde el Ecuador con amor. Los queremos mucho bolis son nuestros hermanos gemelos
@javierlopezladrondeguevara4265 Saludos
Another heartfelt thank you for posting this. Just what I needed as an enjoyable respite during the stress of the Holidays.
@OldGeezerstoolbox Glad you enjoyed it! Happy New Year!
Fue recordar mis viajes a Chile en vacaciones
Está vez en primera clase , con todos los recursos en pantalla , cuenta kilómetros , mapa de trayecto , altímetro..., magnífico trabajo alta calidad de imagen
Perfecta descripción del trayecto en subtitulos adicionales
Disfruté mucho del viaje
Saludos desde Bolivia
Muchas gracias por compartir 😊
@elararanda Gracias por sus cumplidos. Me alegro de que le haya gustado el billete de primera clase para este maravilloso viaje.😊 Le deseo una Feliz Navidad.
Thanks for all your really interesting rides! Always very well done. Cheers. Greetings from Tucson.
@AZqyc Glad you like them! Thank you very much of your donation.
The Altiplano is incredible. The entire trip was above the normal pressurisation altitude of an airliner - 250 metres higher than this train and the oxygen masks drop automatically.
Beautifully filmed, by the way.
@cr10001 Thank you very much. It is a harsh environment. Actually, I had some altitude related insomnia when I was there.
Kolejny ciekawy film kolejowy z Boliwii. Fajnie się ogląda i można się zrelaksować ❤😊🎉
@ukaszsylwia3725 Thank you.
Absolutely enjoyed both parts of the trip! Desolate but beautiful scenery. Thank you for posting.
@moosetraxx83 You are welcome. I loved it too.
Vamos por la segunda parte, excelente Raíl Relaxation!!!!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support! 😊 I’m glad you enjoyed the video. I do apologize for the slightly tilted camera angle-I’ll make sure to improve that in future recordings. Thanks for your understanding!
Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras y tu apoyo! 😊 Me alegra que hayas disfrutado del video. Disculpa por el ángulo ligeramente inclinado de la cámara-me aseguraré de mejorarlo en futuras grabaciones. ¡Gracias por tu comprensión!
GRACIAS,POR ESTE HERMOSO VIAJE,sin lugar a dudas fue increíble,tanto el viaje,como el pensar,como fue trazado ese trayecto y cuanto esfuerzo demandó,una buena aventura,genial sería si eso pudiera hacerse de forma turística,agregando algunas pequeñas zonas de descanso y servicios.
Gracias una vez más.❤❤❤❤
@nanoventura8212 De nada. Me encantó filmarlo.
Ojalá habilitarán nuevamente el tren por charaña era muy lindo viajar de Chile llegar y cambió de tren 🛤 a Bolivia de niña 👧 disfrute 🎉
@juracoramirez6881 It would be very nice to be able to travel from Bolivia to Chile.
The best cab ride , watching from Singapore 😊
@johnnyxiv Thanks for watching! Greetings from Singapore.
Hallo bang Singapura
1:35:57 Llamas in the river, what a beautiful sight! 🥰
@OmniaInNumerisSitaSunt 😄
As cab rides go, that was very special. Thank you so much 👍
@iantaf5559 Glad you enjoyed it.
An amazing ride through a desolate landscape, thank you for taking me along, really interesting where people would get off and on in the middle of nowhere.
Glad you enjoyed it. That is so true, it is amazing to see where and how people are living there in that harsh climate and high altitude.
Ova brda od kamenja, nestvarno. Super video, uživam.
@denisserblin Super!
Felicitaciones por un gran trabajo de filmación y edición de un trayecto sin duda, épico. Un paisaje sobrecogedor en el cual la presencia humana es mínima y las distancias parecen no terminar. La historia de este trazado ferroviario ha pasado por muchas vicisitudes por diferencias entre dos naciones hermanas como lo son Chile y Bolivia y su mantención es difícil por su topografía.
@juanvidelaramos9428 Muchas gracias por su comentario. Disfruté filmando este viaje a través del duro paisaje. Soy consciente de que el mantenimiento de los raíles es muy difícil. Espero que esta línea se mantenga operativa y que tal vez llegue a estarlo hasta el final en Chile. Es muy importante para la gente que vive allí.
That is a very intersting ride! Thanks for sharing!
It was my pleasure.
Wow!! Incredible views, a sense of remoteness that is unimaginable where I live (northeast US). Great to see these railways in sparsely populated and beautiful regions.
I'm surprised the people and animals have enough to drink, the land and the "rivers" look so dry...
Maybe someday I will make it to Bolivia.
@ursusarctos59 It is a beautiful country. Altiplano is a hard environment to live, when I was there it was a dry season.
Un grand merci pour ce très beau voyage et cette belle aventure dans un paysage magnifique.
@yougos100 You are welcome.
Bolivia!, wow, que paisajes tan maravillosos.
@elvis141171 Veramente.
Espectacular los videos de este tramo y poder conocer esta parte de Bolivia. Los cab ride siempre tienen la mejor vista. He recorrido este país por rutas que van paralelo a las trazas ferroviarias que están en la zona de Uyuni hacia la frontera con Chile (Avaroa-Ollague) y también el que va de Puerto Suarez hacia Santa Cruz. Increíble el estado de las vías que seguro deben tener como cien años ya. Al menos le dan aun un uso social y es increíble que no haya desaparecido como en otros países. Los ferrocarriles han desarrollado los países en Latinoamérica y espero que le den importancia nuevamente. Saludos!!
@alemikelj Gracias por su comentario. Yo también he viajado en los otros dos ferrocarriles, pronto podremos ver los videos de los viajes en taxi por esas partes de Bolivia también.
Schier unglaublich, wenn ich es vor 40 Jahren nicht selbst gesehen hätte! - It would be almost unbelievable if I hadn't seen it myself 40 years ago! - ¡Sería increíble si no lo hubiera visto yo mismo hace 40 años!
@montgomeryscott1656 It is incredible. The first part was a bit different, with a lot of dogs, and this second part, with a lot of llamas, alpacas, vicunhas...
fabuleux paysage de laltiplano merci beaucoup pour la 2 eme partie
@guygodemont3258 You are very welcome. Very nice landscape indeed.
Super Video with fantastic landscapes, thanks also to the use of the drone, thank you, I hope in the future you can do a follow up to the end of the railway in Arica 👏👏👏👏👏
@gisismobawelt9855 Oh, I do too. The continuation is out of service. Just a short last part down to Arica is covered by a tourist service, but there are not many trips, just approx one a month. I will try to cover it on my next trip to South America.
Bella anche questa seconda e ultima parte.
Grazie per tutto, e ancora complimenti!
Buona giornata.
@DavideZerillo Grazie. Buona serrata.
@RailRelaxation Di niente, figurati.
Do the llamas ever ride on the train roof?
@markvogel5872 😂
These are mostly alpacas (you can tell them apart by shape of the head), also as I understand alpacas are better for making clothes and other textiles due to different fleece.
Such a stark landscape, yet there is life: vicuna, llama, and alpaca. In spite of its severity, there is beauty in its grandeur. I can't imagine living in such a harsh environment. It must be a hard life.
I really enjoyed the drone shots. I'd like to see more of those. Thanks for the video.
Well said! It is a harsh environment but I think people over there is very well adopted, and yes, I plan to do more and more shots with the drone.
...a fantastic journey on the edge of reality...
@dragicevicgeorges-dorde8225 Oh, yes, our reality. It is hard to live up there.
Super Video! Thanks!
@rostilembe You are welcome.
Maybe the question is not correct, but I will ask it anyway. What is the cost of travel along this entire route? To what extent can local residents afford to use such transportation or is it a luxury for them?
Может вопрос не корректный, но все же я его задам. Какова стоимость проезда по всему этому маршруту? Насколько местные жители могут себе позволить пользоваться такими перевозками или это для них роскошь?
@Dmitry-o4p It is a good question. A journey costs 13 bolivianos, it is approx. 1.8 eur and it is a mean of transport that is primarily used by the local community.
Me encanta ver el altiplano soy de un pueblo que pasa por la Estación de ferrocarril se llama Pando antes de Calacoto me encanta ver y recordar antes los tenes paraba en cada Estación no gustaba ver cuando de niños gracias por mostrar el altiplano saludo
@martacazana2692 Gracias por su comentario. Me alegro de que te haya gustado el vídeo y hayas recordado tu infancia.
Hi, absolutely wonderful journey, in fact it's a rail adventure. In reality it looks quite dangerous especially the danger of falling rocks, never mind the various animals in the open range. Track maintenance must be a nightmare. Both the driver and passengers are extremely brave. Thank you for this insight. Regards, Barry.
@barringtonw2 I agree with you, it is a real rail adventure. Exciting and beautiful adventure.
Ojalá vuelvan los trenes, así si regreso a Bolivia!!!!
@yolandamarcacoronel5371 👍
@@RailRelaxationfelicitaciones por su buen trabajo!!!
@yolandamarcacoronel5371 Gracias.
- le genre de paysages que j’aime (bien sauvage ! )
- l’arrêt à la demande est un vrai service pour la population, c’est bien.
- merci pour les vues par drone qui donnent un autre regard sur le paysage.
@elisetaragnat7663 You are welcome. This service is extremely important for the local population.
So interesting, wonderful Journey
@pranowobaris94 Thank you.
RailRelaxation very good
Beautiful drone views
@cordialifetecchie Many thanks!
Vielen Dank für die tollen Aufnahmen!
Mich würde mal interessieren wie oft die Strecke befahren wird.
Three times a week in each direction. Occasional cargo train per month and it is not operating down to Arica.
@@ZvonimirZelenika Thank you for the answer!
I thought so, since the rail bus didn't return until the next day.
Como disfrute de esos viajes, de La Paz a La Estacion Camacho y a pie a Rosario, el río Mauri y sus boferales donde pastaban llamas alpacas ovejas y unos chapusones en el río Mauri, los viajes a Charaña a la feria de Tripartitos, Bolivia, Chile Y Perú recuerdos hermosos
Wow what a trip and all those Alpaker's lovely UK viewer
@petersmith6903 It is beautiful. Really something totally different.
Good shots with the drone (and amazing documentation, who could distinguish vicuñas and alpacas?). I guess we all here watch this video at higher speed for long stretches, 1.25 or 1.5. An idea to consider would be you doing this for all of us and indicating it on the corner, slowing down to normal speed only for the highlights
I am glad that you enjoyed this journey. I think I did that in one video, where the speed was really low...but there is still an option for you to decide either to watch it on higher speed...but, anyway, thank you for your suggestion.
At the on demand stop at 200.4 Km, you can see on of the volcanoes vent off dead centre of picture.
@foxstrangler 😊
@Gerbengiorgio True.
A. Strange but intriguing land thanks
@GordonShuffell It is different. Very beautiful but harsh.
Fabulous journey.... Part 1&2... Not one for people who are in a great hurry.... Two trains per week in each direction means you'd better not miss it! The track looks exceedingly dodgy in places with many rotten sleepers... It's a good job the axle weight of the ferrobus is very light, or it would probably spread the track...
I expected that due to lithium deposits and mining railways in Bolivia might be in better shape, but it seems that still no serious production has started. Maybe then these lines will get upgrades - in Brazil we can see meter-gauge railways carrying millions of tones of ore and other cargo for VALE (great videos here on the channel) so just modernization of these lines might be enough - concrete sleepers, new continuous welded rails, long passing loops, 8-axle locos, not too complicated but modern traffic control and these lines can be brought to much better condition.
Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt! Zum Glück hat die Kamera einen Bildstabilisator... Ganz super Video, vielen Dank! Und die Drohnenbilder sind natürlich genial als Ergänzung. Ich vermute, einige Halte waren extra nur für die Drohne (zum Starten oder Landen)?
@blasiuskaktus7005 Hello. You are right. 😊
Lo estoy disfrutando recién.
@juanvidelaramos9428 Bien.
Grat ride!!
@genenonya8458 It really is. Thank you for your comment.
Amazing video with Part 1. I can't remember a cab ride with dogs chasing the train, passengers getting on wherever, and being stopped by herds of animals. I do think previews are getting a little long. Overall, a wonderful set of videos.
@jimcolleran1804 Thank you for your comment.
Segunda parte cenário lindo,parabéns.
Fiquei imprecionado com tanta vida a esta altitude
Gracias por El video y por los datos que se indican en el. Bonito e interesante itinerario en cabina en el árido altiplano boliviano. Sin embargo desde 1.22 el paisaje cambia y desaparecen las inmensas llanuras. La vía ferrea discurre en parte con un río a su derecha y montañas a ambos lados. El paisaje es agreste. Es interesante ver el efecto de la erosión en la cadena montañosa de la izquierda. Lástima del final se vislumbraba al fondo unas montañas muy interesantes.
@javierguidounicaud6621 Sí, al final del viaje el tiempo ha cambiado.
Superbe vidéo ( France )😊❤
@patrickvieux5194 Merci. Greetings to France.
At 1:55:09 theres a sleeper/rail tie dropped on a gully bridge.
Question. What do you use to get the GPS track to show progress along the route?
@andrewclarkehomeimprovement I extract data from the GoPro camera with Telemetry Overly.
@RailRelaxation brilliant, thanks. I'm wanting to do something similar for my channel.
@user-tw5il9hc9s Obrigado. Realmente.
Is that vehicle related to the British Pacer rail cars?
Ha ha ha - that is how hated Pacers are. No, this is literally based on Mercedes light utility truck chassis (LO-914), which were basis for many vehicles produced in South America by various Mercedes partners (primarily in Brazil and Argentina). So some of these ended up converted to a railbus (funny how it still has a MERCEDES LO-914 TURBO INTERCOOLER sticker on the windshield).
Is like the polar express ❤❤ david I wish you a lovely evening 😊
@JoshHodginsTrains I wish you a nice evening too.
@RailRelaxation they should run a steam train on this line
Bom dia, gostei muito do seu canal
@danieldias3604 Bom dia. Bem vindo ao canal.
A vista aérea me faz entender que este veículo é muito mais um bonde do que um trem.
@jorgezacharias4447 Na verdade este veiculo é um ônibus que foi transformado para andar em trilhos.
Hola amigo nuevamente. Pregunta...¿Pudo hacer el tramo sobre Chile entre Visviri y Arica?
@footballreview2020 Hola amigo. No hay servicio en la ruta. Sólo una pequeña parte desde Arica está operativa, con tren turístico que circula sólo una o dos veces por semana durante el verano. Tenía esto en mente, lo filmaré en mi próximo viaje a Sudamérica.
@@RailRelaxation Excelente!!
David Sousa made a journey of almost 300 km on a yellow and blue box that speeds along the spectacular scenery of the Mauri river among Andean populations and alpacas who park themselves on the tracks, as if they wanted to be the protagonists of the scene! Alpacas, llamas, dogs and the surrounding nature in an arid Andean plateau where the canyons describe a landscape that is sometimes desolate and sometimes spectacular! Too bad the line is unused until La Paz. Nice drone footage from above of this blue and yellow box with a powerful Mercedes engine that seems to never stop! It would be nice to see how the line climbs up the Chilean side and then reaches Arica. I took inspiration from your video to read the history of the Bolivian railways. There are only two sections and the other is located in the eastern Llanos beyond the Andean Cordillera. It would be nice to cross it! Or maybe take a cabride to Lake Titicaca! However, truly breathless line! a 300 km travel without stopping on a 4000 m plateau asl! Well done! Mercedes engines rules everywhere! DAVID TOO!
@wladislaw79 😊Thank you for your comments. I love the research you do with every new line on the channel...we will see some more Bolivian landscapes soon...there are not many passenger services operational in the country, some of them stopped running during the epidemic and never started again...but all of them are essential to the local people in this beautiful, but harsh environment. There are always lots of animals around. Near the settlements, the dogs are like cows in India.. they are everywhere...😊
Me gustaría ver un recorrido de mi querido Chile que sea de Santiago hacia el sur justamente hasta Temuco 😄
Chile esta en mis planos
Çok ilginç ve güzel bir video olmuş. Elinize emeğinize sağlık 👏👏👏 Peki bu hatta bu otobüs tren hergün düzenli çalışıyor mu ?
@turkiyedemiryollarvetrenleri1 Thank you. It only runs twice a week.
Vou assistir, por partes, este vídeo de Rail Relaxation, daqui da cidade de Jaboatão dos Guararapes, região metropolitana do Recife, estado de Pernambuco-Brazil. Assisto por partes, como já escrevi, no dia 16/12/2024, ás 15:37 minutos, Segunda-Feira, com tempo nublado, mais o sol está forte e não chove no momento. Bolívia. A paisagem deste lugar, onde o trem bus passa, me parece um lugar onde foi filmado, filmes americanos de faroeste... O ambiente tem muita aparecia do deserto americano. Você só ver pastagem seca sem arvore...Alias só um pé de arvore neste deserto da Bolívia.
@marcosantonio1006 Realmente, a paisagem parece aquela nos filmes americanos de far oeste..
So nice videos
RailRelaxation very good
einfach ein Bus umgebaut und auf Schienen gesetzt genial
Yes, it is just an old Mercedes bus...and it works very well.
최고의 기차여행입니다.
@isis7989 Thank you.
Assistindo no Brasil Rio de Janeiro
@paulocesaroliveira Grande abraço ao Rio!
Me gusta mucho viajar en el avión ✈️✈️✈️
Part 1 was great, so I'm looking forward to Part 2.
Got the cricket on the radio, Australia vs. India (two great teams), it's 39 degrees Celsius or 102 degrees Fahrenheit outside, and the air conditioner is keeping it cool inside.🥶
Okay friends, lets all see some more of beautiful Bolivia.😄
@martythemartian99 Perferct conditions I am sure you enjoyed the run. Who won the cricket?
@@RailRelaxation This was day 2 of a 5 day test match. Australia are in a good position, but it is still anyone's match. 🦗+🦇=🏏
(cricket + bat = cricket bat) 🤣
@martythemartian99 Thank you. Let the best win😄
@@RailRelaxation That was a great journey. We had lots of rain here, so the cricket match was a draw.
Cuando se filmó? Ya avilitaron el ferrocarril?
@yolandamarcacoronel5371 Se rodó en noviembre.
Ist there any goods traffic on this route?
@ottilieblanco8116 I am not sure if there is.
Part two has some of the most breath taking landscape! After I watched it the first time I had to go back again to watch the railroad stuff. The rocks at 1:54:29 look like giant men. (use some imagination) If there is a geology major in this group, could you please tell me what is the deep brown/purple rock at 2:49:36. Thank you David! 💯💥💯
@shytoad130 You are very welcome. It was my pleasure to film that very interesting journey. There is another geological question, I hope there is someone with that knowledge around that can answer. Best regards.
Y buen domingo.
@javierguidounicaud6621 Gracias. Buen domingo!
Olá Amigo! Como conseguiu usar o drone estando dentro TREMBUS ?E se possível qual o modelo do drone? Abraço
@LUIZCARLOSSILVA4489 Olá, amigo. Filmei com o drone DJI Mini 4 Pro. Filmar assim, foi uma operação um pouco complicada, mas deu certo.
Parese mexico o el lejano oeste. Muy lindo viaje
@Djlaz-gml Gracias.
so surreal... particularly how many people get on and off in completely random locations in the middle of nowhere
@lordeisschrank Many people depend on this means of transport and that kind of service, on-demand stop and drop off. The area is very sparsely populated.
44:23 what was that little critter that ran off to the right? Another amazing video! Thank you
Looks like some kind of bird?
@ I can agree with that.
The bird you’re referring to is likely a tinamou, which is similar to the spot-winged wood quail. It can often be seen running in Bolivia.
@ awesome! Thank you for letting me know. It makes sense to be similar to the quail. That is what it reminded me of.
Maybe also can be Puna Tinamou
How Long this rail connection will exist? Rail replacement must be unbelievable expensive.
@ottilieblanco8116 I hope it will exist for a long time. The connection is crucial for the local community.
Las 🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙 llamas jajaja 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤
@MiguelNavarreteCruz Muchas llamas, alpacas e vicunhas...
yo camine' en tren cuando era en carbon era muy lindo se debia abilitar otra vez ase para viajar la paz charaña viseversa
@eusebioalcon801 estaría bien.
Ausgezeichnet!! Danke sehr. Ein schönes Video, aber es gibt keine anderen Züge entlang der Strecke. Warum?
@martinrosenberg7490 Thank you. There are just two passenger trains per week. I do not have the information about the cargo trains on that line. I only know that the line isn't operational until the end. It would be very nice to see the c continuation one day.
@@RailRelaxation Thank you. I have just read that there are no trains running in the Chilean sector.
@АндрейАбдулин-ч8г Thank you.
Prelepo, divje in zelo prazno. Ni se čuditi, zakaj. Prebivalcev naj bi bilo manj kot 13 milijonov, ozemlje pa ima skoraj 1,1 milijona kvadratnih kilometrov.
Bolivija je najbolj bogata od sosednjih Peruja in Čila. Čile ima malo manj kot 20 milijonov prebivalcev na ozemlju, 0,76 milijona kvadratnih kilometrov.
Peru pa je še prostranejši od Bolivije in meri 1,285 kvadratnih km in okoli 36 milijonov prebivalcev.
V vojnah s Perujem in Čilom v 19. stoletju je Bolivija izgubila dostop do obale.
Zdaj se nekaj pogajajo, ker ima Bolivija ogromno bogastvo poleg nafte tudi dragocenih kovin, pa tudi kulturne dediščine izginulih pradavnih civilizacij ob katerih zgradbah in okrasju človek osupne.
Že dolgo sem iskal posnetke železniških poti v teh treh državah. Najtopleje se zahvaljujem za ta čudoviti posnetek.
Ta predelani avtobus za vožnjo po železniških tirih sem že videl v nekem filmu na RTV SLO 1.
Glede na vse bogastvo bi Bolivija zlahka imela najmodernejšo železnico in vlake.
Občudujem ljudi, ki stojijo na planjavi, kjer ni nobene postajne strukture in ki so do tja hodili gotovo 10 km. Sicer pa sem se že iz drugih posnetkov prepričal, da so zelo vzdržljivi in izjemni hodci, vajeni gorskih strmin in sprememb temperature.
Lep pozdrav ljudem Bolivije in vsem, ki spremljate ta YT kanal iz Slovenije.
@janezblond5335 Pozdravljeni. Pokrajina v Boliviji je prekrasna, železniške poti so redke , kot v vseh ostalih južnoameriških državah (glede na velikost). Žal so nekatere v zadnjih nekaj letih postale neaktivne, oziroma po njih ni potniškega prometa, vendar sem na svoji poti konec lanskega leta uspel posneti še nekaj delov, ki bodo kmalu dostopni na kanalu. Lep pozdrav!
LLAMA traffic jam @1:36:40
@mizzougrad001 Indeed. I have never seen so many llamas together...
I think these are (mostly or even all) alpacas - llamas have longer heads (bit more horse/donkey-like) and different wool/fleece. Also, llamas are quite bigger (though it's hard to estimate absolute size from the video). Alpacas are also more docile and live in herds, while llamas are bit more solitary and adventurous (maybe something similar to sheep/goat difference).
¿ Alguien tiene información sobre la geología del valle del rio Mauri ?, es un paisaje muy fragmentado, parecen rocas sueltas.
@HubertBrown-rl2wo Thank you for watching.
Регулярно встречаются по пути футбольные школы, и больше ничего .. . Не эти ли индейцы разбили кавалерию Писарро?
Прочёл комментарий ниже и вспомнил назревший во мне вопрос. Почему вы обычно едете в сторону от тёплого к холодному? Вот в этом конкретном случае логичнее было бы ехать от чилийской границы через Ла-Пас в край диких обезъян на северо-восток)
There are not many lines to cover in this part of the South America.
Llamas in the rivera 😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅
@MiguelNavarreteCruz ❤
Y en el tren 😅
@MiguelNavarreteCruz 👍e ferrobus?
Drop off stop 🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑😅😅
@MiguelNavarreteCruz Drop-off stops are essential on this journey.
Que tristeza mas grande la pobreza de Bolivia, no poder tener un buen ferrocarril hacia Arica
14/12/2024 11;24
Für den Algorithmus - for algorithm.
@@RailRelaxation iI've seen a video similar to this,one it was out of the north side of Bolivia. The train (it was a train) because it was hauling about 6 cars. What caught my attention was that I joined my grand mother on her long journey from New York to La Paz. She took a ship fro New York then to Panama City then flew to Arica where we met her took a train (she was in the sleeper car). That journey was done in January of 1957.
@@1DLflyer There were many more trains operating in all South America, in the last years there is a decline of the railways, lots of the trains just stopped running. I recently got to know that the only passenger train in Uruguay, that I had luck to filme it this October, was cancelled and there are no passenger trains at all in Uruguay. It is sad, because the railway traffic should be the transport of the future not of the past.