Thanks. If possible, please spend one episode in the 60s San Francisco serial killer ‘Zodiac’ who still has not been identified ( he probably may have passed away by now )
Jack The Ripper. East End White Chapel. Now it is part of the busy commercial area after the development of the Canary Wharf. Could he be Queen Victoria doctor ???
Thanks. If possible, please spend one episode in the 60s San Francisco serial killer ‘Zodiac’ who still has not been identified ( he probably may have passed away by now )
為什麼所有的案件也是下集先,上集後,使聽眾不是能順序聽? 可否安排得好些,萬分感謝!
不再upload 舊片了?
Horrific case
Yes. Peter Jack Sutcliff the Yorkshire ripper 1984.
剛剛聽完啦內心園加一起走過的日子 普通話同埋粵語嘅版本呀互相專插並精彩🍭 好隨機播放手機嘅媒體庫播放清單100個嘅危險人物商業導航手機 導航聲音版本👍
Jack The Ripper. East End White Chapel. Now it is part of the busy commercial area after the development of the Canary Wharf. Could he be Queen Victoria doctor ???
🍭 好恐怖呀🤩
唔使講咁多啦無需要太多無需要講太多 全因為佢全賴有佢害我幾堅 有時間我聽下張國榮先生全賴有你 歌曲video🤩
Bus no.15 will take your there where the murder took place from Trafalgar Square London.
It is believed that the killer had a carriage. He should be well off. The movie From Hell starring Johnny Depp is an interesting watch.
0:56 😊😊😊😊😊
有一啲人用英文留言為何點解我留言格式冇翻譯 問題在於有人作弊 暗地裏放下並非手機裝置 我係手機youtube嚟㗎嘛 又係你 🤩
你好扮哂叔叔😍米而為可以過骨下載Google play付款遊戲入我張先生手機上綱月結單今雲親自到電訊商家門巿付款交手機上綱月費張先蟲😭
1982 Hong Kong butcher is a taxi driver.
many thought he was a medical doctor because he did it neatly
派來馬仔陸續增加 威脅恐嚇偷窺我手機鍵盤準管來吧 個人身份已經徹底崩潰被盜用再冇任何可以值錢嘅東西畀佢盜用或者偷走🤩 要改文字有得佢改咁鍾意改 預咗會被改我唔去修正🍭
想做咩呀 想非法操作呀🤩 想攞下台街呀想攞返啲face呀絕對唔會畀你你已經盜用緊我手機網絡數據每一秒鐘 返返去 探索頁面攞走你申請頻道標籤🤩
咪撚扮曬手機網絡老闆啦 小朋友 未夠18歲 非法建立 手機youtube探索頁面 一路下載一用一路盜用手機數據 打遊戲game🤩
好有返嚟聽危險人物商業電台 聲音導航版本 梗係啦走咗走有雌性命 有人係盜用身份非法開設點解一句聲都唔出呀 用文字呀嘛 好似你想挑戰我手機帳號持有人資格你都打出四個 我冇手機 你冇手機喺我手機網絡做乜撚嘢呀我又唔認識你 扮曬叔叔 🤩
嗰個男主持, 講嘢都幾差, 內容編排混亂