World's most outstanding homebuilt submarine

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • This is a short film I made about my father's homebuilt submarine project. It is really an outstanding achievement but now the whole project is in danger. Our country does not provide us any help so I am trying my best out in the world... All helps are welcome!!
  • КиноКино

Комментарии • 96

  • @E_Rogal
    @E_Rogal 11 лет назад +3

    2 Things I have allways wanted to build, A Submarine or an Airship, This is a shining example of a beautiful submarine. I allways loved things like this that are hand made, It's not just something that is put on a factory assembly line.

  • @BladeofSorrow7
    @BladeofSorrow7 13 лет назад +3

    I'm sorry this project failed. I was blown away by the creativity and craftsmanship that went into building this.

  • @OtterLakeFlutes
    @OtterLakeFlutes 10 лет назад +2

    it is not a failure it is an inspiration that has taken many thousands on an open-ended adventure. May your future yield fulfillment yet

  • @uzisuicid3
    @uzisuicid3 16 лет назад +2

    First things first, I would like to congratulate to your submarine. The more people read about the better chance you get your project to be successful.
    Geri, mindenekelött gratulálok a tengeralatjáróhoz, amit sikeresen felépítettetek. Minél többen tudnak róla annál jobb az esélye, hogy napvilágot lát a projekted.
    Best wishes, New York
    United States of America

  • @Anonimus3x2
    @Anonimus3x2 12 лет назад +3

    Gratula Gyula! Nagyon drukkolok neked!

  • @Jeenyus1983
    @Jeenyus1983 13 лет назад +1

    Spirit of Jupiter? interesting....Gotta give you props on the perseverance though...Even though I've just clicked a few keys on my laptop to witness 13 years of labor intensive acheivements. I'm deeply sorry that this didnt become a success...I do hope this will become a reality...Thanks...truly...

  • @templar81
    @templar81 11 лет назад +3

    NOW THIS IS IMPRESSIVE! Greetings from Poland - i hope there will be a chance to push forward this exceptionel sub...

  • @teendude16
    @teendude16 16 лет назад +2

    It is BRILLIANT AND YOUR BOTH AGENUIS. Please excuse my spelling. I enjoyed your video. Thanks for posting.

  • @sk8ingonfire
    @sk8ingonfire 15 лет назад +1

    the sub looks excellent ,. im no Engineer
    but .. maybe if u can focus on having more people that enjoy this type of crafting the people will see it through that ur hard work pays off others they will help u ,.!!

  • @Csp499
    @Csp499 16 лет назад +2

    Holy hell, that's amazing!

  • @kjs12224
    @kjs12224 14 лет назад +2

    your father is a genius

  • @LocustsOfSteel
    @LocustsOfSteel 16 лет назад +1

    I just ran into this and the website seems to be down...
    The people who take life into there hands and create wonders like this are the best and most inspiring people on earth, and thus they should be the most eligible to explore every inch of this butiful planet we all live on.
    I'm proud of your father for his creativity, tenacity, obvious intelligence, and his beautiful dream... And your nation should be proud to have him for being a breathtaking symbol of what its people are capable of!

  • @batterygrunt
    @batterygrunt 13 лет назад +2

    Well for my birthday I got a remote controlled submarine.. and lost it.... Just kidding, Sweet job, your dad is brilliant. Stay safe!

  • @treybezy
    @treybezy 16 лет назад

    I agree entirely with Locustsofsteel.
    The gall, intelligence and lack of excuse-ism has resulted in a wonder that most could not even begin to imagine.
    I am indeed proud of your father and for you showing his work in film.

  • @xzqzq
    @xzqzq 14 лет назад +1

    Outstanding !!

  • @nathanamorley
    @nathanamorley 14 лет назад +1

    Can you provide some more details about the boat and its construction?

  • @LocustsOfSteel
    @LocustsOfSteel 16 лет назад +1

    I hope the very best for your under water family project, may it end up successful for you all after all these difficulty's :)
    PS. are there any bed's in it?

  • @xxwzaebd
    @xxwzaebd 16 лет назад +1

    Great. Impressive.

  • @zoesdada8923
    @zoesdada8923 6 лет назад +2

    Hey! Answer us guy! What's up with this boat? Is she still on the water or what's the deal?

  • @akeeperofoddknowledge4956
    @akeeperofoddknowledge4956 6 лет назад +1

    Absolutely amazing !!!

  • @Gordon_89
    @Gordon_89 10 лет назад +2

    Klaus Doldinger's music fits perfectly

  • @titsmcgee512
    @titsmcgee512 13 лет назад +1

    Happy Birthday!

  • @rwhendrix
    @rwhendrix 16 лет назад +1

    Amazing machine!

  • @rwhendrix
    @rwhendrix 14 лет назад +1

    Thats really an amazing machine!

  • @supressorgrid
    @supressorgrid 15 лет назад +2

    Are you aski ng for investors or a bailout?

  • @lancelot1953
    @lancelot1953 13 лет назад +1

    On surface, you use diesel engine to provide propulsion via generator/electric motor (more powerful) & recharge batteries. Upon diving, diesel is secured, generator disengaged, air intake & exhaust ducts are closed. For automatic operation, a snorkel system may be used, cooling heat exchangers closed, all hatches secure. Flood the ballast tanks, in WWII, these doubled up as fuel tanks, start your dive, trimming as you go. Batteries then power the electric motors (linked to the prop)

  • @ineedaname30
    @ineedaname30 12 лет назад +2

    What hapend to it you must tell me please!

  • @icouldntmakeupaname2
    @icouldntmakeupaname2 14 лет назад +1

    thats epic!!!

  • @soixe1997
    @soixe1997 14 лет назад +1

    does it work. if so that is very impressive

  • @kwokwing
    @kwokwing 15 лет назад +1

    The one in this world could help you must be rich, advantagous, - like Mr. Richard Bansion - Boss of Virgin Group UK.

  • @DeafFret
    @DeafFret 15 лет назад +1

    The music is some kind of funked up cover of the theme music from Das Boot. Where did u get it? It sounds great!

  • @val5214
    @val5214 13 лет назад +1

    will this be eventually sold if you don't use it?

  • @loufalce
    @loufalce 15 лет назад +1

    I want one!

  • @Dirty.Delicate
    @Dirty.Delicate 13 лет назад +1

    its great . :]

  • @VodkaFanClub
    @VodkaFanClub 15 лет назад +1

    Not so long ago the answer seemed to be an investor, but now it's rather a bailout. However I don't think that anyone would put money into this thing, especially in our country, Hungary. The political and financial situation is kind of terrible here, the future of this sub is quite doubtful..

  • @VirtualSuperSoldier
    @VirtualSuperSoldier 10 лет назад +3

    Kickstarter is an option for you. They DO NOT only allow commercial products. People are getting art installations funded there for God's sake! You'll have to offer incentives though. Like maybe a framed copy of the plans to high donators, or just really nice photos and such.

    • @zoesdada8923
      @zoesdada8923 6 лет назад

      VirtualSuperSoldier a two day trip in the sub, a framed piece of machinery such as a bolt and a t shirt.

  • @jennyinthepark
    @jennyinthepark 14 лет назад +1

    Epic. Subs are cool.

  • @wesleypipes120
    @wesleypipes120 12 лет назад

    best home built ever! Is it still in commision? where can interrested people see her?

  • @billthekid2417
    @billthekid2417 3 года назад +5

    (...) megnéztem magam itt 15 év után... Ott vagyok a tengeralattjáró tornyában tele kétes érzésekkel és vágyakkal. Csodálatos és magasztos érzés volt az a nap... a Magyar Zászló lobogott a szélben és bent a hajóban a szonár-erősítőjén keresztül a "Titánok" című zene dübörgött ezer watton... A rakparton nem volt éljenző tömeg. A tévések akik kijöttek a vízretételre a felvett filmet sohasem adták le... a rádió nem mondta be.. a Jégtörők hiába nyomták a kürtöt a hajókon bajtársiasságból, egyedül voltam, még csak egy csónakos sem volt, akik biztosíthattak volna. A feleségem még a gyerekeimet sem engedte el ide, hogy ne mulasszanak az iskolából... "A magyaroknak nem kell a dicsőség!" mondta a stáb vezetője. Mindez miért? A válasz egyszerű; a munkám eredményét nem engedtem át egy "híres" izraeli mérnöknek...a feleségem nem bocsájtotta meg, hogy nem tettem pénzzé a tudásom, később el is vált tőlem. A Flottilla letagadott és gyűlöltté tett, a valamikori tisztek még attól is féltek, hogy szóba álljanak velem. Itt véget ért egy férfi igaz szerelme és munkájának gyümölcse, a Hazám nevében(!) árultak el...és ennek még most sincs vége. Kitaszítottként és számkivetettként élni a saját hazámban csak azért, mert hűséges voltam érte, nem váltam árulóvá és végig kitartottam a tengeralattjáró ügye mellett, melyet a Hazám védelmére terveztem... Keserű dolog, de egyetlen magyar tengeralattjáró parancsnokként, ki Magyar Zászló alatt még idegen vizeken is hajózott, mégis azt mondom, hogy megérte! Embernek és magyarnak maradni mindenáron! Ezt üzenem minden bajtársamnak és férfinak! Isten áldja Magyarországot!

    • @SalaKaland
      @SalaKaland Год назад +1

      Kedves Gyula ! Ennyi idő igazán hallani Ròlad végre! Már rég elkeveredett a szamod,címed. Személyesen csak egyszer találkozhattunk,de sosem felejtenek el. Kő lenne újra ! Isten Áldjon !

    • @billthekid2417
      @billthekid2417 Год назад +1

      @@SalaKaland Kedves S.A.! Mint írtam, minden megváltozott, a telefonszámom, lakcímem, email-em... A kapcsolatunk egyetlen módja, hogy kapjak valamilyen elérhetőséget a részedről. Köszönettel; Gyula

    • @SalaKaland
      @SalaKaland Год назад

      Írtam mail címet,de folyamatosan törli. Gyere a csatornamra kérlek! Köszönöm.

    • @SalaKaland
      @SalaKaland Год назад

      @@billthekid2417 Várom,hogy írj !

    • @SalaKaland
      @SalaKaland Год назад +1

      Szia Gyula ! Remelem minden rendben ban. Kérlek jelentkezz !

  • @airpcg05
    @airpcg05 13 лет назад

    Your Sub looks like the sub off of 20,000 Leagues under the Sea starring Kirk Douglas.

  • @traumadoc13
    @traumadoc13 15 лет назад +1

    Did you get an answer to this?

  • @ToolsAreToys
    @ToolsAreToys 12 лет назад

    Very nice, but will it blend?

  • @Rapeattack
    @Rapeattack 16 лет назад

    You can drive tourists around in lake Balaton earning millions! Or is it to shallow, i think so? Very, very impressive.Or Going up and down Donau river. It would be a great attraction in Budapest. Totaly shure about that.

  • @d_o_u_g_h_n_u_t8063
    @d_o_u_g_h_n_u_t8063 10 лет назад +1


  • @kekecpekec123
    @kekecpekec123 12 лет назад +1

    @kekecpekec123 and how in the world did you get the funds for something like this

  • @kierannproust8288
    @kierannproust8288 7 лет назад +1

    bravo class

  • @TonyNL87
    @TonyNL87 13 лет назад +1

    WTF... A DIESEL ENGINE IN A SUBMARINE??? and what about the exhaust?? I read that he also use electro.. but are these electro motors for under water??? and the diesel for on the water surface? and how do you stop getting water in your diesel engine??

  • @francescodellamorte9788
    @francescodellamorte9788 7 лет назад +5

    13 years to build
    that's faster than the Brits

    • @P.B0209
      @P.B0209 3 года назад +1

      Built by one man bro...

  • @RedFoxOne.
    @RedFoxOne. 14 лет назад +2

    you need a large fund raising

  • @RedFoxOne.
    @RedFoxOne. 14 лет назад +2

    That is to bad about the sub i wish i was rich i would sponcer it.

  • @Minong_Manitou_Mishepeshu
    @Minong_Manitou_Mishepeshu 4 года назад

    Why not use Kevlar or steel reinforced concrete for sub hulls? Save alot of work and money on traditional welded steel alloys.

  • @ginoginoako
    @ginoginoako 13 лет назад +1

    @RadioflyerGeri - i'm pretty sure the Colombian drug lords would want to finance this :)
    Seriously though your dad is one good engineer and mariner to do this...

  • @chuanist
    @chuanist 13 лет назад

    the website named at the end of the video is not legit. It leads to a message telling you that you have "Won" an "exclusive gift".

  • @12ock
    @12ock 15 лет назад +1

    the background music is the "da boot"

  • @dynagravitomagnetic
    @dynagravitomagnetic 14 лет назад +1

    its the hunley!

  • @Jimpiedepimpie
    @Jimpiedepimpie 11 лет назад

    Kickstarter is only for commercial products, not projects.

  • @TonyNL87
    @TonyNL87 13 лет назад

    Stupid question.... there is a submarine car that has also fuel engine for land....and electro for under water.... well if they can stop the water of getting in the engine than these people will know it to:p

  • @mariahhaarstick591
    @mariahhaarstick591 2 года назад


  • @dannyfubar3099
    @dannyfubar3099 7 лет назад

    Riki Tiki Kool!

  • @lasse7564
    @lasse7564 14 лет назад +1

    U call THAT a short video.

  • @WallesWillerWalla
    @WallesWillerWalla 13 лет назад

    The project sadly seems to be down :(
    I'm just wondering, whats the song? I remember it from something, is it Jean Michel Jarre?

  • @insanemidgetmadness
    @insanemidgetmadness 14 лет назад


  • @ransom1wi
    @ransom1wi 14 лет назад

    @rockstar9003 its from the movie das boot

  • @mariahhaarstick591
    @mariahhaarstick591 2 года назад


  • @Rapeattack
    @Rapeattack 16 лет назад

    You dont have any water around you so a submarine isnt nedeed anyway. Hard to get funding for it then. Using it in Danube must also be hard because of heavy traffic. The short watersight wont make it better. Take it to the mediterrainian! Not cheap.Miracles still happens!

  • @giuseppemeloni5743
    @giuseppemeloni5743 8 лет назад +2

    hey! i'm a sailor from sardinia and i'm actually searchin' a way to help the project! please let me know how the sub is now!

    • @ultramarinus2478
      @ultramarinus2478 8 лет назад

      +Giuseppe Meloni : Interesting sub and nice movie. Crossing fingers for the originator, but i am also little concerned, how many people naivly BELIVE to somethink, they just listened in youtube and ends by "send me money".

    • @bendemaka4378
      @bendemaka4378 8 лет назад +1

      I am building one for long range cruising, for plans and more info please contact me. Thank you

  • @toecuttergpx
    @toecuttergpx 14 лет назад +1

    you should try a tv show in holland or germany, its fuck awsum what your dad made in holland the goverment would give you money if you did a thing like this

  • @redwolfmotovlogsandstuff7302
    @redwolfmotovlogsandstuff7302 10 лет назад +1

    i noticed his designs were very boxy this doesn't help you in the water im afraid and you have no bulkheads thus another problem with safety and you only have one hull you need to make an outer hull to withstand pressure so the inner hull doesn't take in all the stress you can also store fuel there and some extra ballasts, the propeller seems a bit out of place to, most submarines have it put directly aft on the ship not below and aft i think that the angle would put unneeded stress against the engine and would most likely be a liable cause for mechanical issues and i see all this tech in side the sub it looks clean but as my grandfather says "the more the wires the more the fires" any ways i wish you and your father start back on this just cause one thing doesn't work doesn't mean you need to stop there and call it quits continue improving your design making different blue prints along the way so you can track your progression best of luck

    • @J_D_Sisson
      @J_D_Sisson 10 лет назад +5

      grey wolfs is clearly someone who knows nothing about submarines.
      " you have no bulkheads thus another problem with safety" --only large submarines tend to have 'em, besides, you can't tell from the video if it has bulkheads or not.
      "you only have one hull you need to make an outer hull to withstand pressure so the inner hull doesn't take in all the stress" --utter rubbish. You only need one hull and even most Nuclear submarines are of a single hull design. On double hulled structures, the outer hull is not load baring at all; it's only purpose is to provide a hydrodynamic free-flooding space for equipment stowed outside the pressure hull.
      "the propeller seems a bit out of place to, most submarines have it put directly aft on the ship not below and aft i think that the angle would put unneeded stress against the engine and would most likely be a liable cause for mechanical issues" --you can put the propeller wherever the hell your design requires it to be. This particular vessel has it in a similar place as diesel electric subs from between WWI and the late 1960s would have it.
      "and i see all this tech in side the sub it looks clean but as my grandfather says 'the more the wires the more the fires'" --Clearly, you've never been on board a submarine.
      "i wish you and your father start back on this just cause one thing doesn't work doesn't mean you need to stop there and call it quits continue improving your design making different blue prints along the way so you can track your progression" --Um, why? They've successfully designed a 20m vessel with a 6000-mile range. That's pretty damn patronising as well, coming from someone who knows nothing about submarines or marine architecture.

    • @redwolfmotovlogsandstuff7302
      @redwolfmotovlogsandstuff7302 10 лет назад

      Cybjon i was waiting for you to show up i appreciate you correcting my bait comment :D

  • @jrmarino
    @jrmarino 13 лет назад +1

    No way home built!

    • @P.B0209
      @P.B0209 3 года назад +1

      built by one man.

  • @JaleelJohanson62
    @JaleelJohanson62 9 лет назад +2

    Arm it and search and destroy multi-million dollar 69 Phoenix 1000 luxury submarines. lol
    Seriously, nice build!

    • @spartan117m15
      @spartan117m15 9 лет назад +1

      Imagine the guy in this thing and it was armed lol "Ping ping biatch" *BOOM*

  • @FallenShadowmaster
    @FallenShadowmaster 12 лет назад

    Hi Geri, can you sell the boat? Can you sell the construction planes? Can you provide me a valid email?

  • @alexanderrad3458
    @alexanderrad3458 10 лет назад

    what are some of its stats?

    • @DerKrawallkeks
      @DerKrawallkeks 10 лет назад +2

      20 Meters long, 20 tons, 260HP, Diesel-electric drive, ~20m³ water displacement. Just watch the video carefully

    • @shipwreckchannel9368
      @shipwreckchannel9368 8 лет назад +1

      +DerKrawallkeks doe anyone know what music this is ?

    • @DerKrawallkeks
      @DerKrawallkeks 8 лет назад

      Yea, it's from the movie 'Das Boot', I think the main theme

    • @richardturner6981
      @richardturner6981 7 лет назад

      This is the theme music from the film Das Boot

  • @ultramarinus2478
    @ultramarinus2478 8 лет назад

    Interesting sub and nice movie. Crossing fingers for you, but i am also little concerned, how many people naivly BELIVE to somethink, they just listened in youtube and ends by "send me money".
    For what regular sub(marining)-enthusiast on net may know, you may be some Ugandan hacker, who only found old documentary somewhere, made a nice movie and now is draining money from naive and "rich" people from all around the world. Do not saying that dark view HAS to be truth, but in todays world full of beheadings, crossing-punishments and burning peoples to the death ("only" by terrorist scum, but all arround the word in comparision to 1980s) what harm will a little scam do? I suppose to you to really start kickstarter campaign, get attention of some documentarists (BBC, National Geographic type of documentarists - dont mind from wich country) and make your dream into live.

  • @zoesdada8923
    @zoesdada8923 3 года назад

    Yet another zombie channel