Thank you! That's exactly what I made my channel for. I don't teach anymore, but I loved making videos for my students. I figured other teachers could also benefit from them. I love being creative.
Se for esta a tradição pq só falam em coelhos e ovos?O q ovo tem a ver com coelho?Segundo diz na Bíblia ,Cristo,nosso cordeiro pascal o símbolo certo seria o cordeiro!!!Vcs já pesquisaram o porquê do coelho e os ovos?Na saída do Egito,que animal foi sacrificado?O coelho ou cordeiro,pelo qual,os primogênitos do povo de Israel foram poupados?O sangue de qual deles foi passado nas portas dos israelitas?
First of all, I don't speak Portuguese. I can Google though. A lot of Easter traditions in English-speaking territories come from Germanic spring customs. Those come from pagan fertility celebrations. The Goddess of Spring is Ostara, or Oester, and Easter comes from her name. Her animal is the rabbit, as it's very fertile, and her symbol is the egg, as it has a sun inside. Nothing to do with Christianity. Christianity incorporated these more ancient traditions to erase the old pagan traditions and also to feel more comfortable to those they converted or forced to convert.
Very good summary of Easter customs, thanks.
Great job! Good for my intermediate ESL students from around the world!
Thank you! That's exactly what I made my channel for. I don't teach anymore, but I loved making videos for my students. I figured other teachers could also benefit from them. I love being creative.
I'm planning my next videos, but I'm a bit unsure as to what to make them on. Is there something you would like to see?
Vim pela atvdd da escola e n tô entendendo ND 🙄
Só tenho legendas em espanhol. Talvez o nível seja muito alto para você.
@@EnglishforAdults eu quero ver esse de espanhol 😁
@@EnglishforAdults de espanhol eu entendo mais
Ative as legendas em espanhol então.
Se for esta a tradição pq só falam em coelhos e ovos?O q ovo tem a ver com coelho?Segundo diz na Bíblia ,Cristo,nosso cordeiro pascal o símbolo certo seria o cordeiro!!!Vcs já pesquisaram o porquê do coelho e os ovos?Na saída do Egito,que animal foi sacrificado?O coelho ou cordeiro,pelo qual,os primogênitos do povo de Israel foram poupados?O sangue de qual deles foi passado nas portas dos israelitas?
First of all, I don't speak Portuguese. I can Google though. A lot of Easter traditions in English-speaking territories come from Germanic spring customs. Those come from pagan fertility celebrations. The Goddess of Spring is Ostara, or Oester, and Easter comes from her name. Her animal is the rabbit, as it's very fertile, and her symbol is the egg, as it has a sun inside. Nothing to do with Christianity. Christianity incorporated these more ancient traditions to erase the old pagan traditions and also to feel more comfortable to those they converted or forced to convert.