Just because he didn't do one of those regular Katadyn that you usually see in competition some have criticize him. He did awesome. You just need to understand...
My bro, you know the weirdest part? I also used to thought it has repetitive movements, when watching, thats the impression, but now, practicing it, I think it is one of the coolest katas to practice, because of the variety of movements!!! It may not seem like it, but pay attention, most movements don't repeat themselves, there are feal movements that repeat during the whole kata, like the double strike at the beggining and nihon zuki's in general.
Good video 💥💥💥
Good video!💥💥💥
please can you explain the meaning of the word OHAN ? Thank you very much !!
You got the skill....
Here because of jesse enkamp 😀😀
Thanks for coming !!
Good step
Wow nice ❤️👏
So active 🙌
He's so professional!)😀😀😀
No shit sherlock
Like it))👍 so healthy!😉
Strong man💪
Good kata
like this))👍 so healthy😉
Just because he didn't do one of those regular Katadyn that you usually see in competition some have criticize him. He did awesome. You just need to understand...
Very similar to paiku of Shito ryu
Because it is of the same style.......
very strong, it's amazing.
Véase a mitad de velocidad. Espantoso. A dónde va el kárate de competición...
Negeriku yg makin kacau, rakyat susah, hidup susah, dicekik pajak, uang digarong penguasa, penguasa makin menzalimi rakyat, pajak melangit, yaa Alloooh tumpaslah negeri ini sekalian kami tdk tahan dg kezaliman rezim ini...!!!
His kata is too dramatic. I don't like it.
I dont like the Kata itself.its very repetetive. I just dont see the need for more Kata.
My bro, you know the weirdest part? I also used to thought it has repetitive movements, when watching, thats the impression, but now, practicing it, I think it is one of the coolest katas to practice, because of the variety of movements!!! It may not seem like it, but pay attention, most movements don't repeat themselves, there are feal movements that repeat during the whole kata, like the double strike at the beggining and nihon zuki's in general.
¡Qué kata tan fea!
Solo porque no lla entiende. Posiblemente gano por eso Mismo. No era Bonita, pero si efectiva y practica. Solo Los jueces saben porque gano.
Good video! 💥💥💥
Strong man 💪