Suffering Pain and Loss in Christian Theology with Karen Kilby

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @centreforfaithenrichment5959
    @centreforfaithenrichment5959 8 лет назад +5

    Brilliant! So full of insight. Thank you, Dr Kilby.

  • @neilhasid3407
    @neilhasid3407 7 лет назад +4

    The presence of Christ in a hospital room with a child dying of bone cancer is, I fear to say, of little comfort to his parents. The presence of suffering and loss in this world is ubiquitous. It is ultimately a mystery, in a world called good by the creator, who gave His only son for all of us. A brilliant talk by Dr. Kirby

  • @peacematters7835
    @peacematters7835 4 года назад

    1]WHAT DOES ONE MEAN? - LORD JESUS prayed that we should be one, just as the father and Jesus are one, this does not mean WE,GOD AND JESUS are only one person:- [john 17;11,21-23 ]...that they may be one as we are one [john 17:21-23 ]...that they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us AND [gal 3:28]there is neither Jew nor Greek nor free...male nor female but ye are all one in Christ Jesus 2]who is our GOD? AND WHO IS HIS SON? :- [act 3:13]The GOD of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob has glorified his SON JESUS ]. act 5:30The god of our fathers raised up Jesus...[31] him hath God exalted with his right hand.... act 4:24-30].... God ....the people..gathered together against the LORD and against his Christ..and of a truth against thy holy child Jesus We have ONE GOD,the Father OF whom are all things, and we IN him, and ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, BY whom are all things,and we BY him [cori8:6 ;eph4:4,5; col1:12-18;heb1:1-3]. GOD is our heavenly father who is in heaven[Mat 6:9,5:45] LORD Jesus was with GOD before the world was made[john 1:2,17:5,24] Jesus is the [one and] only BEGOTTEN SON of GOD [john 3:16,18;1john 4:9]. 3] Why was Jesus sent to the world?:-GOD sent his SON into the world [ john 3:17, 8:42, 5:24, 11:42, 15:2416:25,1john 4:9,19]as a propitiation[1john 2:2,4:10;rom 3:25] to give forgiveness of sins[acts 5:31,13:38-39,26:18; rom3 :25,8:3;1john 4:10].we are reconciled to GOD by the death of his SON [rom 5:10,1pet 3:18]having made peace through the blood of his cross[col 1:20;rom 5:1-10] 4 ]who raised Jesus from the dead?:- GOD THE FATHER raised up our LORD JESUS from the dead[acts 2:23,24,33, 5:30-32,13:37-39;rom 6:4,10:9,4:24]. 5] where is Jesus now?:- LORD JESUS is seated at the right hand of GOD THE FATHER[rom 8:34,acts 7:55-56]and intercedes for us[1john 2:1,rom 8:34]. 6]GOD OUR FATHER has appointed his son as the HEIR of this world [heb 1:2; rom 8:17 ] 7] God is going to judge this earth through his SON LORD JESUS [ rom 2:16; acts 17:24-31,john 5:22 ]. 8]We should honor the SON even as we honor the FATHER[john 5:23,1john 2:22-25 ,17:3 ]. 9] [1john 2:22]....he is antichrist that denieth the Father and the SON [1JOHN 4:2-3]Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come of the flesh is of God....and every spirit that confesseth that spirit of antichrist 10]if we say GOD and JESUS is only one person,you cannot say GOD SENT HIS SON TO SAVE THE WORLD