Kumkum Da - about Guru and disciple, position of Bhagavatam, story of Chota Haridas, his guru etc.

  • Опубликовано: 15 фев 2022
  • Private talk at my gurubhais house Kumkum Da in Navadwīp on the 15. February 2022.
    He spoke about what is a true follower of guru, what to do if a issue arises and the guru is not anymore physical present to ask him, what is the position of the Srimad Bhagavatam, what to do if someone wants to misguid you and how to recognize it, the story of Chota Haridas in Caitanya Caritāmṛta and what is the lesson from it for us, real and false vairāgys (renounced people), glories about our beloved Gurudeva Sadhu Baba, Sitanath (Advaita Prabhu) and his family/lineage, gurukripa etc.
    Kumkum Da is initiated in the Advaita Parivar of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
    Our website:

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