Seeing Weelz expressing all these emotions is so funky looking. I only ever image her as happy, but that confused one is perfection, haha. Looking forward to seeing the rest you create :) 🤍
thanks! there were a couple where I was like i can't imagine Weelz like this. but then as I drew them I imagined scenarios in my head in which she would. it was really fun!
Eyebrows are so crucial for expressions. I'm so obsessed with my eyebrows that I sometimes wake up from sleep just to check my eyebrows, because once I had a nightmare that my eyebrows got stuck to my pillow! It was so horrible that I didn't sleep all night.
@@drawingwiffwaffles you inspirerd me to practise drawing and make a comic ( in the video where you read your comic) and to make caracter cards/sheets so thank you!🤗
I haven't seen her draw Wheelz in SOOO long! It was nice to see her again. Fun fact: Wheelz was the first thing I drew when I got my first sketchbook :)
Tip for all fellow artists drawing expressions!: The eyebrows and the mouth are the most important parts for expressing different emotions, as they are the most changeable and thus most central to interpretation by anyone looking at your art! After nailing that, the subtle differences come from skin crinkles and creases, stretch and squash of the face, and angling up and down the face, which all establish different tones and intensities for what may otherwise seem two similar-looking expressions. Of course, Rin has got it down in OODLES, and we adore you for all your videos! They always brighten my day
But what if you can't figure out how the eyebrows should look to get the expression you want? If they're just a little bit off it can completely change the expression you're going for. Also, I'm curious if you've heard this before. I found that the eyebrows seem to line up with the top of the ears. This has helped me immensely when trying to figure out where the eyebrows should be placed and prevents them from being too high or too low on the face.
@@blueflare3848 Indeed they can if they are in a different place to what you're going for! I always find it really useful to use references of human emotions (there are plenty available on Google Images!) to familiarise myself with the key elements of the most important expressions. However, I also find those, and more complex emotions that draw from more than one expression at once, are always best to work out by pulling the expression in a mirror, and figuring out from there the shapes of the facial features. And, I have heard something similar about the eyes lining up with the ears, but I'm very glad you found a reference point of your own that has helped you! A huge element of making art is finding simplifications and tricks that improve how easy it is to produce and reproduce certain subjects!
"It feels like everyone has drawn this, but if everyone has done it why haven't i?" -from waffles in a video I forgot which one lol. Love you waffles! 💜💜
i was literally looking for a template like this the other day to use as a warmup with 1 of my OCs 😳 ive been drawing a lot of character sprites, so the same character but with different expressions, and i feel like for me SO MUCH of the expressions is in like the hands and body
Ya know just one day ago I thought to myself : "Damn ya really got to work on your facial expressions" and just one day later Rin blesses me with this video ! Thanks Waffles !
I really love these sorts of stream of consciousness drawing videos as an artist who isn't that confident in his ability, because we get to hear the sort of things that go through your head and it's super helpful!
I know you don't want to do one for each of your OC's but I would actually love to see the other two in the Wheelsiverse get an expression sheet. Maybe you could find a shorter one, or like, make a shorter one and put them both in one video? IDK but I really enjoyed this. It helped me a lot. It would also be fun to later make a full drawing of each of them, or all three in one, with your favourite expression. ♡ just some ideas, but no pressure. I enjoyed this enough that I have no qualms if it's all we get. You could even just colour one in from each page ^-^.
The video just started, but I’m pretty sure this is going to be really helpful to me! I’m not very good at facial expressions yet. But I’ve been watching your videos for a while now and I can see that I’ve improved so much since I started. Thanks for always being so helpful and inspiring!
I’m definitely going to try this challenge now. I also think it would be interesting if you tried it with your Roswell characters sometime, just cause their style is so different and I remember your question of whether to give them eyebrows or not! Thanks for another great video! 😊
This is actually really helpful because I've been needing to practise facial expressions myself 😊! Keep up the great inspiring work fellow artist 🖌🎨✍✏📒
It's been a while since i visited your channel you cheer me up and you make me laugh and I like to draw while your video is in the background you play a big part in my art journey so thank you ❤
Thank you so much! I really love & admire how you bring your art to life and define them with their expressions so thanks for sharing these helpful tips. 😊💖
I love your drawings. You have taught me so much, and I am truly grateful. You are a light in my darkness. I am fighting reflex sympathetic neurovascular dystrophy. It's like muscular dystrophy except it affects my nerves instead of my muscles. It is extremely painful at times, but your videos help me focus, and that is such a blessing to me. So thank you for being a light that shines bright!!!
Your version of incredulous is my favourite, reminds me of when someone is happily surprised and like snorts, and opens their mouth. Quite a weird emotion. And you got al lot of practice
Hey Rin! I actually quit drawing for a couple of months or so, and only recently i've decided to start drawing again because of your videos and my passion for art all in general. Your videos are extremely helpful for my journey of improving my art and I thought I might tell you that, your truely my inspiration and I highly appreciate everything you do, have a nice day!
I’m super inspired, and I’m about to try it with my own character!! I love how all of yours fit together in the grid, it’s so satisfying to me^^ You’re great at expressions!
I would honestly have this on my wall, this is amazing! You always inspire me, no matter how long it's been I always come back and get ready to draw again😂🥰
I love these. Your art is so distinct to me. I think triumph and pleased are swip swapped for me. To me, being triumphant is more of a confidence thing, and she looks more confident in the pleased drawing. And the triumphant drawing looks more like she's pleased with a dad joke she just made.
ok but when it was the angry square and waffles saying she has a crush….CAN WE MAKE HER CRUS BE DEX (the one with the skateboard) why do i see them being so cute together- OMG and her being surprised is her finding dex hanging out with a boy like getting ice cream omg like the kid drama in the neighborhood aesthetic is GIVING ME SO MUCH JOY…..ik u said comics aren’t ur thing but i would love to see a comic with this scenario
Omg I’m kinda early! I love your videos so much I was recently in the hospital and diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and you are all I watched! You make my mood so much better!
I'm pretty good at drawing emotions, even if my proportions aren't always right. Many find this incredibly difficult, even if they are otherwise very good at drawing. I'm a little proud of that. ^^
i broke my ankle yesterday and i was upset but when i watch your videos it makes me forget the pain and it makes me happy, i love your art, im inspired by you
I remember the first expressions challenge you did! It was the video that introduced me to your lovely channel. Thank you for being an inspiration for me all these years 🤗🥰
Its really weird seing other artists(and some that i look up to alot) struggle with expressions that i dont struggle at all on- Very interesting very cool Your videos always make my day btw
Honestly I found this channel like today so I don’t know much about the characters but weelz looks very cool and awesome lookin (idk how to express it) It’s nice seeing characters in different emotions like if it was concept art!
Seeing Weelz expressing all these emotions is so funky looking. I only ever image her as happy, but that confused one is perfection, haha. Looking forward to seeing the rest you create :) 🤍
thanks! there were a couple where I was like i can't imagine Weelz like this. but then as I drew them I imagined scenarios in my head in which she would. it was really fun!
@@drawingwiffwaffles | aw, that sounds like a whole lot of fun. Perhaps you can draw those scenarios out one day 😌🤍
Its very good
Especially when Weelz was “drunk”…
but i like the wtf one lol
Eyebrows are so crucial for expressions. I'm so obsessed with my eyebrows that I sometimes wake up from sleep just to check my eyebrows, because once I had a nightmare that my eyebrows got stuck to my pillow! It was so horrible that I didn't sleep all night.
oh my word! what a nightmare! that would be awful! so glad it was just a dream.
O . O
YESSSS!!! I literally _can not_ draw facial expressions... this was very helpful for me! I will definitely try this challenge! 💕
i think you'll find the challenge very helpful to push you out of your comfort zone!
@@SweetTreatStudio iilo sketchbook!
@@drawingwiffwaffles you inspirerd me to practise drawing and make a comic ( in the video where you read your comic) and to make caracter cards/sheets so thank you!🤗
Drawing wiff waffles inspired me to draw 😋 ☺
Rin's videos:
The iconic claps, rin's fun voice, tapping on the table, spark of inspiration, and an amazing artsy buddy! 💖
Yass the best partner you could ask for!
So glad you approve of me. haha I can't change. XP 💜
@@powergirls1466 couldn't have said it better!
@@drawingwiffwaffles haha we like you the way you are! 💖💖
How does confused look like??
Also Rin: Confused about how confused looks like
Rin: Adds questioning mark
And there you go
cue the triumph drawing XP
@@drawingwiffwaffles lmao
That question mark was Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!
that - i - NEVER THOUGHT THAT OMG that is so smart!!!!!!
i was waiting for like a big blocky question mark but it was just ?
I haven't seen her draw Wheelz in SOOO long! It was nice to see her again. Fun fact: Wheelz was the first thing I drew when I got my first sketchbook :)
Aawww! :)))
Tip for all fellow artists drawing expressions!: The eyebrows and the mouth are the most important parts for expressing different emotions, as they are the most changeable and thus most central to interpretation by anyone looking at your art! After nailing that, the subtle differences come from skin crinkles and creases, stretch and squash of the face, and angling up and down the face, which all establish different tones and intensities for what may otherwise seem two similar-looking expressions.
Of course, Rin has got it down in OODLES, and we adore you for all your videos! They always brighten my day
But what if you can't figure out how the eyebrows should look to get the expression you want? If they're just a little bit off it can completely change the expression you're going for. Also, I'm curious if you've heard this before. I found that the eyebrows seem to line up with the top of the ears. This has helped me immensely when trying to figure out where the eyebrows should be placed and prevents them from being too high or too low on the face.
@@blueflare3848 Indeed they can if they are in a different place to what you're going for! I always find it really useful to use references of human emotions (there are plenty available on Google Images!) to familiarise myself with the key elements of the most important expressions. However, I also find those, and more complex emotions that draw from more than one expression at once, are always best to work out by pulling the expression in a mirror, and figuring out from there the shapes of the facial features. And, I have heard something similar about the eyes lining up with the ears, but I'm very glad you found a reference point of your own that has helped you! A huge element of making art is finding simplifications and tricks that improve how easy it is to produce and reproduce certain subjects!
Rin should draw her hands as a character. They're the most expressive things I've seen! 😂
Ohh agree. That would be awesome!
Yessss please
I swear Rin’s hands are more expressive than my face.
good idea! 🤣🤣
🤣 😂
I always have quite a hard time to draw good expressions, so you will really help me with this, Rin. Thank youuu
we can figure it out together!
Hi Rin 😊
This is soo helpful considering the fact that all my characters have the same expression at all times.
i mean, it happens. hahah
Waffles:“This is a HB pencil nothing special “
HB pencil: “😤 have you seen what we’ve done together 😡”
"It feels like everyone has drawn this, but if everyone has done it why haven't i?" -from waffles in a video I forgot which one lol. Love you waffles! 💜💜
I said that? hahaha XP
It was the 3lbs of art supplies palletful packs video where she drew a girl with a rose
@@elliesaurusart1202 yeeah I remember the drawing but I didnt remember the name
@@sushiscribbles1875 fair fair
Yayyyy I love having you as an artsy buddy and drawing along!! It's just so fun and enjoyable! Thank you rin! 💕💕
i'm honored to be your drawing buddy! 💜
i was literally looking for a template like this the other day to use as a warmup with 1 of my OCs 😳 ive been drawing a lot of character sprites, so the same character but with different expressions, and i feel like for me SO MUCH of the expressions is in like the hands and body
i think this would be perfect for that!
I love how inspirational your videos are! It’s raining, it’s dark, it’s 3.30pm … oh yeah it’s Scotland! 🤦🏻♀️
Anyway thank you Rin 🎨💜
Ya know just one day ago I thought to myself : "Damn ya really got to work on your facial expressions" and just one day later Rin blesses me with this video !
Thanks Waffles !
I really love these sorts of stream of consciousness drawing videos as an artist who isn't that confident in his ability, because we get to hear the sort of things that go through your head and it's super helpful!
you inspire me so much to draw everyday! whenever I watch your videos I just want to sit down and draw along with you 💜💜
i'm so happy to hear that! thank you! 💜
@@drawingwiffwaffles awweee you're welcome 💜
I know you don't want to do one for each of your OC's but I would actually love to see the other two in the Wheelsiverse get an expression sheet. Maybe you could find a shorter one, or like, make a shorter one and put them both in one video? IDK but I really enjoyed this. It helped me a lot. It would also be fun to later make a full drawing of each of them, or all three in one, with your favourite expression. ♡ just some ideas, but no pressure. I enjoyed this enough that I have no qualms if it's all we get. You could even just colour one in from each page ^-^.
The video just started, but I’m pretty sure this is going to be really helpful to me! I’m not very good at facial expressions yet. But I’ve been watching your videos for a while now and I can see that I’ve improved so much since I started. Thanks for always being so helpful and inspiring!
ah! thats wonderful to hear! keep it up! hope you can take something away from this video! i'd be so happy.
I’m definitely going to try this challenge now. I also think it would be interesting if you tried it with your Roswell characters sometime, just cause their style is so different and I remember your question of whether to give them eyebrows or not! Thanks for another great video! 😊
Seeing all the expression together is so awesome. I feel like when a illustration is complete it all comes together!
Yay! I’ve been waiting for this kind of a video since a long time! This is gonna help me improve my art so much! Thank you so much Rin! 💜💜
Ah so so glad to hear that! 💜 hope its everything you hoped itll be!
Going into this, I already know they’ll look awesome. I really look up to your art, the emotions are so expressive 🥰
you are so kind! thank you! 💜💜
@@drawingwiffwaffles no problem at all ^w^ you always inspire me to draw 💕
I can just picture one of my ocs in this:
Wow this is so helpful most of my characters have either a happy face or a serious face so this inspires me to try new expressions!
thats about where I was. hahaha
This is actually really helpful because I've been needing to practise facial expressions myself 😊! Keep up the great inspiring work fellow artist 🖌🎨✍✏📒
i hope you'll give it a try! its the perfect opportunity to try something new!
This is totally gonna help me with my art! Thanks for making this! I really enjoy your videos and you inspire me so much!
you're welcome! hope it is as helpful as you'd hoped it'd be!
Omg...Finally a RUclipsr (artist) who is teaching facial expressions...tq so much....Taking so much notes from you
It's been a while since i visited your channel you cheer me up and you make me laugh and I like to draw while your video is in the background you play a big part in my art journey so thank you ❤
💜💜 i'm so happy to hear that. keep bringing your wonderful art into the world!
Ur art work is so so good, I love seeing weelz in all these different expressions keep up the good work!
Omg why have I been waiting for this. Can’t wait to watch. (Bc every waffles video is the best)
ah you are so kind, Fatima!
@@drawingwiffwaffles omg did THEE waffles her SELF REPLY on MY COMMENT!?!? smack down the best day
Hi good evening! Totally made my night when you posted!😊
Hope it leads to a good morning as well! 💜
Thank you so much! I really love & admire how you bring your art to life and define them with their expressions so thanks for sharing these helpful tips. 😊💖
The eyebrows really give life to characters! Thank you for this video 💓💓
I think Flirty, sarcastic, irritated, and wtf are my favorite 😂. Their all so good !!
I love your drawings. You have taught me so much, and I am truly grateful. You are a light in my darkness. I am fighting reflex sympathetic neurovascular dystrophy. It's like muscular dystrophy except it affects my nerves instead of my muscles. It is extremely painful at times, but your videos help me focus, and that is such a blessing to me. So thank you for being a light that shines bright!!!
I believed you dropped this this 👑
5 hands!
Edit: I underestimated your ability to add hands to facial expressions 😂.
This was great. I loved the irritated one most.
This vid is rad getting to see all these different expressions and how u go about portraying them 💖
Finally, a challenge I can do while drawing my many original characters! Thank you, Rin! :)
Your my favorite artist ahhh! ❤️
I'm flattered. thank you Lorena! 💜
Your version of incredulous is my favourite, reminds me of when someone is happily surprised and like snorts, and opens their mouth. Quite a weird emotion. And you got al lot of practice
Hey Rin I am so inspired by your work and I started watching ur vids amonth ago and I started getting into art thank you!
I love the irritated one, she's so adorable!
I love your channel so much. Your videos are always so fun and you never fail to make my day better! So thank you!:)
Hey Rin! I actually quit drawing for a couple of months or so, and only recently i've decided to start drawing again because of your videos and my passion for art all in general. Your videos are extremely helpful for my journey of improving my art and I thought I might tell you that, your truely my inspiration and I highly appreciate everything you do, have a nice day!
Thank you so much for making these videos, it always makes me feel better when i am having a bad day!
hope you have more and more good days!
This is the BEST Weelz has ever looked, what a glow up! 🤩
Good for her👍🏼
I’m super inspired, and I’m about to try it with my own character!! I love how all of yours fit together in the grid, it’s so satisfying to me^^
You’re great at expressions!
Are you kidding me?! Another video this week? What a treat! :D Thanks for all your hard work to share these with us!
You did really good with this sheet. It was fun to see all the expressions appear.
As someone who has recently been trying to learn expressions, I am very excited to watch this video
This video is made for me ! Thanks !!! This will be helpful to get out of my comfort zone!
Yayy! Your videos always make the day better!😄
I'm so glad! 💜💜💜
I would have guessed 10... I like he end, "Am I done?!" This will be fun to do on an OC, maybe emoji style. I'll turn mine into stickers 🤗❤️👍🏽💯
Your so talented and awesome, I just started watching you again and I don't know why I stopped.
I would honestly have this on my wall, this is amazing! You always inspire me, no matter how long it's been I always come back and get ready to draw again😂🥰
This video inspired me to do the 25 expressions challenge. I always get inspired when I watch your work. Thank you so much Drawing wiff Waffles!
I love these. Your art is so distinct to me.
I think triumph and pleased are swip swapped for me. To me, being triumphant is more of a confidence thing, and she looks more confident in the pleased drawing. And the triumphant drawing looks more like she's pleased with a dad joke she just made.
hahaha i appreciate your input! valid point!
@@drawingwiffwaffles you're so amazing at drawing. The fact that you could do any of these is amazing to me. Kudos to you.
ok but when it was the angry square and waffles saying she has a crush….CAN WE MAKE HER CRUS BE DEX (the one with the skateboard) why do i see them being so cute together- OMG and her being surprised is her finding dex hanging out with a boy like getting ice cream omg like the kid drama in the neighborhood aesthetic is GIVING ME SO MUCH JOY…..ik u said comics aren’t ur thing but i would love to see a comic with this scenario
So cool and helpful! Thanks, Rin!
Really cool 😍❤️ You inspire me everyday! Thank you so much! Love your videos! Have a nice day Rin! ✨
Your style is so inspiring and satisfying! I love your work :)
used to watch your old 25 expressions video on repeat so I was so happy to see you do it again!! thank you for the video :D 💜
Aah so excited new post!!
hope you enjoy the newest video! 💜
@@drawingwiffwaffles I did it was amazing :)
Thank you SO much for inspiring me to start drawing. Watching your videos while drawing is now one of my main hobbies ^-^
Im really bad at facial expressions so I'll try to do this challenge asap! This will be very helpful since the video is made by Rin ofc 😌💖
hope you find it fun and helpful!
@@drawingwiffwaffles tysm Rin!!!
I literally haven't even watched this yet but I know It'll be amazing as usual!
ah thank you! 💜
Omg I’m kinda early! I love your videos so much I was recently in the hospital and diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and you are all I watched! You make my mood so much better!
As soon as I see it I watch. no excuses.
I'm pretty good at drawing emotions,
even if my proportions aren't always right.
Many find this incredibly difficult, even if they
are otherwise very good at drawing.
I'm a little proud of that. ^^
you should be! you have your strengths and thats a beautiful thing! i'm so proud of you!
I’m so excited for this video! 😍
Hope you like it! 💜💜
Hi waffles ! Hope you have a great weekend ! Can’t wait to watch this video I love your work
Thank you Miranda! 💜
the amount of joy this brings me is ✨incredulous✨ this turned out so good!!! i love watching your videos they bring me so much inspiration and joy :))
Yay!! 😊 This is going to be cool.
thank you!!! this was very helpful, and it helped improved my bland facial expressions when i draw.
glad to be helpful in some way. 💜
Awww ❤️ love weelz, love the challenge, love your artwork, love your personality, loved this video!
I remember when you designed wheels the first time on this channel and now it's fun to see how much she's become part of this channel
i broke my ankle yesterday and i was upset but when i watch your videos it makes me forget the pain and it makes me happy, i love your art, im inspired by you
The veracity of your creativness is unexplainable.
Thank you so so much... i'm not really expressive with my art... so this really helped, definitely gonna try this challenge soon :)
You are such a great artist and you have inspired me so much! ♥️💕😌
I can’t wait to do this challenge! Btw I love your art Style
waffles your art is so amazing and you give me good tips that can help my art work
i haven’t even watched the video yet and i can tell it’s gonna be good
ah thank you! really hope you enjoy!
@@drawingwiffwaffles tysm for replying!!
I love this video!! It's so unique from anything you have done before 😉
Amazing! I did this a few years ago and when i saw this i was surprised! Love all of your videos !
ahh! how much did you enjoy it?
I remember the first expressions challenge you did! It was the video that introduced me to your lovely channel. Thank you for being an inspiration for me all these years 🤗🥰
These all turned out so fun!
you have such good vibes 🤍🤍🤍🤍 i love your art so much
Upir Talent is Definitely On Display ~
Love The Nails To Boot ~
The sad one has different vibes it’s so cuteee ✨😭 once again fin did a amazing job :)))
Oh this was SO MUCH FUN to watch!!! I'm very tempted to do this with my own characters lol
YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!! facial expressions !!!!!!! Thank you !!!!!! Thank you sooooo much !!!!! This is so much btw !!!!!!! I'm EXCITED !!!!!!!!!
Just seeing this video made my day so much better. Thanks Rin ♥
Its really weird seing other artists(and some that i look up to alot) struggle with expressions that i dont struggle at all on-
Very interesting very cool
Your videos always make my day btw
Honestly I found this channel like today so I don’t know much about the characters but weelz looks very cool and awesome lookin (idk how to express it)
It’s nice seeing characters in different emotions like if it was concept art!
I've been watching you ever since I was 9 and you have taught me to draw by my feelings, thx, also Merry Christmas!!!
Thats a real challenge. Love it.
OMG love this every time I see a new drawing wiff waffles video it gives me inspiration.