@HAMSTER GOD It depends, there was one that would wander over to one of my family friends houses (to hang with their chickens). He would walk up to you, wait until you looked at him, and then would spread his feathers at you for a moment before lowering them and strutting off. He would actively try to get your attention to do it too. Some peacocks do show off, though this one did seem quite defensive. The one I knew would almost cluck/chirp (it is kind of hard to describe) and would only raise the tail, not fluff all the rest of his feathers too.
@error 404 they asked "why you hate it" and you responded with "cause it's overused" instead of clarifying that you don't hate it, and that the question is incorrect. You agreed with the question, by answering it the way you did. You hate it BECAUSE it is over used, not that you don't hate it.
The reason why the bird displayed his tail feathers was because he felt threatened by the boy that was acting aggressively in the eyes of the bird. When you know birds and have studied, rescue, rehabilitation and release, and bred them over the last 37 years, you come to know their behavior quite well. Birds communicate with their eyes and their body movements. What you or I may never give a thought to doing, those are often fighting words in bird language. You NEVER want to do things like flapping your arms or bobbing your head, nor do you want to make fast moves that can make a bird feel threatened. And as with ALL animals, you NEVER want to approach a bird from above the head. You must always approach from their foot level, so that they do NOT feel threatened. However, keep in mind that NOT all animals wish to have human and/or stranger interactions. Please be respectful at ALL times and you will have a better experience for the both of you.
@@flowersun7879 So what? Kids need to be taught these things or else someone will teach them the hard way and they'll be upset. Just because it's a kid doesn't mean shit. Parents need to teach their kids this early on.
Several comments about the kids behavior. Birds do bird things, kids do kid things. There is a teachable moment here that the magnificent plumage we see is a peacock's "putting up his dukes". It's a defense movement. The parents could let the child know (provided that they know) that the bird is not to be approached and to look with your eyes. The child is excited but meant no harm. It's certainly a lovely sight to see🦚💗😊
There was a teachable moment there that the parents totally missed. When the kid says he wants to kick it. “No Johnny, that is not nice. He’s so beautiful, look at his feathers, etc”. Any of that would have been appropriate, in my opinion. Not letting him approach the peacock in any way would have been the correct “parent” thing to do.
Jacqueline Tees, yescI have. As a kid in Arizona we took a route home from the grocery store and if we hit it just right we'd see the males spread their feathers. Never got tired of seeing them.
According to Treehugger website they are technically white peacocks. Not albinos. Just reporting their input and yes they are gorgeous. Saw one for the first time in Hawaii!
That’s Exactly what I figured the bird was doing 😂 he’s probably very used to humans and has figured out when they gather and annoy him they’ll go away if he flashes some feather and shimmy lol peacocks let you know when they’re genuinely pissed, he just wanted them to piss off 😆
People aren't really upset at the child not knowing how to act around animals, they're annoyed that the parent doesn't say anything, doesn't ask the child to be kinder or stop stamping his feet at it, doesn't say a thing when he's demanding it to fly or says 'kick it'!
I think the kid actually said "shake it". Had to turn my volume all the way up to hear it, but I think he said shake. Anyway, I agree with you. The kid is clearly very young, yet people act like he's supposed to be some bird whisperer. As if all of us didn't do something similar when we were kids. You should've seen me chasing my cat around the house when I was little hahaha The parent maybe should have told him to keep his distance at bit more, but in the end nothing too bad happened aside from the birb getting stressed. Obviously that should be avoided as much as possible, but people are acting like the boy beat it half to death. I'm honestly way more disgusted by the people saying they hope the kid gets "karma". Imagine wishing something bad to happen to a literal child for acting like a child!
@@goathead5073 Growing a back bone has a lot to do with it. Most parents are afraid to discipline their children, and realize they should have done something about it after their child has already grown up. The mother messed up on this one.
@@ateam388 Oh absolutely! I agree with you on this one 100%, I think the original person I replied to meant that the people criticizing the Mom should grow a backbone.
people in these comments, are bullying kid just because he was enjoying his little innocent world. He didnt hurt the bird, he is just happy to see the peacock as meeting peacocks is not frequent and people are accusing him. Peacock was happy too otherwise he wouldnt shown his wings n he would better run away. I too have witnessed a peacock who was dancing in rain n fully spreading his wings thinking he was alone. When i went close to him, he closed his wings and looked shy. I think this peacock is dancing coz he felt safe n friendly vibes from child.
Really? He felt like dancing. Wow, you really need to read a book or look on internet. The peacock felt threatened! Your statement is ridiculous. Geez, are you in 5th grade?
I never tire of watching this. I tend to put it on every few months along with a video of a white peacock that just awes me in its beauty. God sure knows how to ‘wow’ us.
My boss, had a bunch of Peacocks. They would always display their features to impress the female Peacocks. I always liked watching them do it. When Peacocks, feels threatened they also show their feathers. I could tell by the way he was looking around before he opened them he felt threatened by the child. Luckily the Peacock didn't try to attack the child. They are beautiful but also very territorial of their surroundings.
Yes 🥰. I live near the mountains (Western Ghats). The only problem is they destroy my Garden 😑. But now they're trained not to. I feed them regularly too 👍🏼. They are Lord Murugan's animal. So we are always devoted towards Peacock like Crows (Shani's animal) 👍🏼.
I hate how everyone just blames the child for... Being a kid? Being curious? Did he try to touch the peacock? No, he didn't. Did he try to hurt him? No, he didn't. Did he try to approach him? Yes, he did, and it scared the peacock, but come on. He didn't run up to him, didn't threaten him deliberately. And you're just calling him a brat for being a curious kid. The boy isn't doing anything illegal or wrong. The peacock is not in the cage, as you can see, he's freely walking around. Yes, it got scared, but most animals get scared when they are approached by a person. Does it mean we have to burn people at stake for frightening a bird, which is naturally easily frightened?
Most people aren’t blaming the kid. They’re blaming the parents for not teaching their kid to not startle the peacock. It would be like the parents letting their kid walk up to a rattlesnake because he’s fascinated by it’s rattle.
The easiest way, and less stressful for the peacock, is to just mimic the matting call. Back in the mid 70's this private drive used to open for a few hours on Sundays. They had peacocks in their orange grove, and people would take bread and feed them. One rare time I got to see the females, and I guess it was matting season. I listened carefully, had a week to practice. When we went back I made the matting call, I had a dozen or so peacocks open their tails and start strutting around, and then the rare albino came out strutting. Other people were whining and complaining to me for stealing all of the peacocks from them. Until I said I was trying to get the albino to come out. Some people didn't know about him. The dad next to me asked how I learned to call them, I explained. Then told him it was a lot easier than trying to learn how to call wild turkeys. 🤣🦃 Don't stress the birds out, just use the matting call. It sounds like they are trying to say “elp”. Like help, without the h. High pitched, slightly nasal. Easy peasy. Take care, stay safe, have a nice day. 👵☺️✌️☮️🖖 😷 🙉🙈🙊 🦃
I once went to a petting zoo of sorts that had free roaming peacocks. I has blue hair at the time that was starting to fade to green. They kept following me everywhere like they were trying to figure out if I was one of them.
Fun fact: Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent aren't the only places you can find wild peafowl they can also be found in Africa, the Congo peafowl. The smallest of the peafowl
kid: does weird dance peacock: what the hell bruh! you wanna see dance,here it goes! kid: continues to do it even more weirder and asks the peacock to fly with it peacock: clearly I have the bigger brain!
For your Information, the little boy approaching the peacock is why the bird lifted its feathers & shook. It was protecting itself & it was a show of aggression. These are wild birds. They have a hooked claw on the legs and can & do inflict injuries. Keep away from them! Do Not let children get close to them! Our zoo used to have peacocks. But because parents wouldn't stop their children from attacking the poor birds, they got rid of them. The birds had been at our zoo for 70 years with no problems. I liked these beautiful peacocks as long as they were left alone there hadn't been a problem. What a bummer that because people didn't help protect the birds as well as their own children we lost a precious asset to our zoo.
Man the amount of comments just hating the kid is actually astounding. This is a fucking kid we're talking about here, he's just fascinated by the peacock and means no harm to the animal. Sure he's annoying but he's naive. Unless you're complaining about the parents not doing anything than I 100% agree with you.
It’s our pleasure to share this lucky moment that we witnessed the magnificent beauty of this Peacock showing off...it was a jaw-dropping moment for us and it was a bonus that we captured it 🥰 Enjoy everyone!
Guys I looked it up and peacocks do fan out their tails and shake them slightly when threatened, so it is a possibility it felt uncomfortable and not showing off during mating season. The child didn’t seem to be screaming at it or making sudden movements but the bird might still have felt threatened by the body language.
@@vn1944 if the kid would of stepped up normally it probably would of have the same effect since I also walked up to a peacock before (it was a tamed one never approach a wild one) it also spread out it's tail fathers and tried to look big while taking threatening steps forwards
Awesome... Gorgeous.... Amazing.... blissful sight...🙏🙏 Save our birds ... animals...nature..and earth..to protect ourselves..God created all of them first ...last was human. So this world belongs more to them than humans. Save them to save us.🙏🙏🇮🇳🇮🇳
Peacock is a national bird of India, its feathers were used to write ancient texts and also used as bookmarks. It is believed tht fallen feathers, not taken forcefully, bring good luck when offered to God and Goddess. Peacock dance very elegantly during rainy reason which is also their mating period.
I remember I went to a peacock sanctuary and they shed feathers all over the place.. I remember I took one home, but being 10 years old I lost it :( I'm 20 now, but that was one of the coolest places I've been to in my life! Hopefully I can go again
Lady E Me, They are beautiful. That's a male. In Arizona as a kid we'd sometimes pass a house where a peacock lived with its people. The male always seemed to have its tail feathers spread when we drove by. It was too beautiful for words.
Im pretty sure we all know why the peacock opened it's tail. And that is cause it feels threatened by the people, especially the boy who is slowly walking to get a closer look. If you look closely, after it opened it's tail, you would notice that its trying to scare the people, cause that's how their tails work, its so that every predator that tries to eat them, will get scared cause of it's tail. So basically, they don't open their tails for show, they open it for defense, in hopes that the predator or any threatening being will leave them alone. And keep in mind that a lot of animals, even when they don't bite or hurt, still won't want any human contact cause they fear for the worse. So please, remember to respect the animals and their natural habitat. Yes, some animals have their instincts of trusting humans, but sometimes it's cause of their ancestors of some sort. But it's important to know that a lot of animals don't like human interaction so we should respect that.
Funny how they stretch their feathers like that to appear bigger and scare other animals, but with humans it achieves the opposite effect and we look at them and gather around them. The peacock is probably pretty confused as to why his amazing defense doesn't work.
That's actually not what peacock tails are for, the ones with the big tails and all the beautiful colors are actually the males, and the whole purpose of the display is to attract a mate. With many animals with sexual dimorphism (That's when the males look a lot different from the females), typically the males have various ways to stand out in order to better attract a female of the species. When a peacock fans out his tail, he's saying "Hey baby, forget all those other losers, check me out!"
This reminds me of my time as a volunteer at the local zoo, there were several peacocks including albinos that free roamed but were constantly chased by visitors in some cases people plucking out tail feathers before a volunteer or zookeeper could intervene, there were signs everywhere telling people to leave the peacocks alone including pictures for kids and non english speakers. I was always scared there'd be an attack and the birds would be blamed
Weird. Our local zoo had free roamers too, but we never had any problems with folks chasing them. They were able to fly away when they needed to. Zoo volunteer solidarity~
@@TigStripe ours could fly and liked to hangout on roofs but we also had sections of paths that were covered by trees or had awnings that the peacocks loved walking around under during the hit months
Yeah but how often to you just come across a peacock? Who's gonna spend their life reading up on how animals show stress when chances are you simply won't meet one outside a zoo or something? Especially if its not a hobby or a job to them, if it doesn't directly relate to their personal life there's plenty the avg Joe won't know. We just gotta tell the people around us what those feathers mean. And encourage them to do same.
@@jheanie6812 I'm sorry, but respect goes beyond humans. You don't do this to cats or dogs, either. There's no special training for respecting animals. "How often do you come across a peacock?" How incredibly selfish. An animal deserves respect, whether you have experience with it or not. CLEARLY, one does not agitate animals just to see their plumage. Do you know how long those claws are on a bird? People get attacked by chickens doing stuff like this. You don't need to know peacock language to not be a jerk. Additionally, why would you test the boundaries of an animal you don't know about? This all screams entitlement Children getting attacked by animals can almost always be chalked up to lack of education on the animal. If you decide to be around animals, (yes, even at the zoo), one would think that stepping to them is a no-no, right? You wouldn't do it to an animal your size, I bet. . One would assume that the parents care enough about the child to TEACH them to respect animals. The fact that this child was stomping and getting closer means the kid is being threatening, and every single adult there literally let this happen. Why? Because they are also selfish; they'd put their child in danger to see a peacock do what it does. I bet they would be "so surprised" if the bird attacked, as is the sad story of the put down family cat or dog that was constantly harassed by a child who literally didn't understand, and the adults didn't care enough to teach. People need to realize they aren't the only living creatures here, and making ridiculous excuses like "but they don't know about peacocks" you know a shitty child behavior, though, don't you??? Why is it so hard for people to just stop taking things? You don't need to see the peacock do this, we have the internet! Put a forest cam if you want to see them in nature, but stop forcing everyone to do their little monkey dance for you.
@@justjess6636 Yeah keep talking like you wouldn't want to observe a rare creature... Hey it's okay to be curious, even they are curious themselves. You know about all the videos of animals getting very close to humans thus scaring them? Curiosity is natural, and you have 60% chance of being a hypocrite by saying that you wouldn't approach it.
Peacock is trying to be intimidating
Humans:- aw so beautiful.
and some ppl say there is no God.
I love God, people, animals and mostly all of God's amazing creations.
Peacocks 🦚 are amazing 👏
@@lovealways2609 I'm an atheist but we all have different beliefs
@Lluvia Calderon so what?
@Lluvia Calderon This is a reply section MADE for replying. No need to be rude buddy
That's what my boyfriend always says about me :'v
Peacock- so you came here to battle... FEAST YOUR EYES!!!
Should be careful, can attack anytime.
@@natureandlife2255 ruclips.net/video/5L6u1-x9ggI/видео.html
Read that in Tony Baker's voice over.
Peacock diary entry: "Today I was confronted by bright sneakers so I had to show them who is boss"
🦚 Diary entry: Then for good measure I made sure to turn around and make it clap just like my friend, Sean Paul, said.
@@beberivera7011 😂
Peacocks are aggressive, territorial, and easily stressed. I wouldn't get too close...js
@HAMSTER GOD enough scared to attack
Not all of them i was able to feed a wild one with my hands
@HAMSTER GOD It depends, there was one that would wander over to one of my family friends houses (to hang with their chickens). He would walk up to you, wait until you looked at him, and then would spread his feathers at you for a moment before lowering them and strutting off. He would actively try to get your attention to do it too. Some peacocks do show off, though this one did seem quite defensive. The one I knew would almost cluck/chirp (it is kind of hard to describe) and would only raise the tail, not fluff all the rest of his feathers too.
@positivebird is respawing Ofc, but surely you don't think that it only has one purpose right?
Ysrs child is a bit silly they will attack when hen is sitting on eggs
I hate this meme but it fits here.
Peacock: *opens feathers for an intimidation display*
Human: "so pretty"
Peacock: 🦚 "Am I a joke to you??"
@error 404 hating things because they are popular cliche
Like a gorilla pounding its chest.
@error 404 they asked "why you hate it" and you responded with "cause it's overused" instead of clarifying that you don't hate it, and that the question is incorrect. You agreed with the question, by answering it the way you did. You hate it BECAUSE it is over used, not that you don't hate it.
@error 404 regardless of whether English is your first language, you clearly understood the question
The reason why the bird displayed his tail feathers was because he felt threatened by the boy that was acting aggressively in the eyes of the bird. When you know birds and have studied, rescue, rehabilitation and release, and bred them over the last 37 years, you come to know their behavior quite well. Birds communicate with their eyes and their body movements. What you or I may never give a thought to doing, those are often fighting words in bird language. You NEVER want to do things like flapping your arms or bobbing your head, nor do you want to make fast moves that can make a bird feel threatened. And as with ALL animals, you NEVER want to approach a bird from above the head. You must always approach from their foot level, so that they do NOT feel threatened. However, keep in mind that NOT all animals wish to have human and/or stranger interactions. Please be respectful at ALL times and you will have a better experience for the both of you.
I agree
You might not realize but that is a kid
No shit
@@flowersun7879 So what? Kids need to be taught these things or else someone will teach them the hard way and they'll be upset. Just because it's a kid doesn't mean shit. Parents need to teach their kids this early on.
I never realized that the feathers aren't actually their tail. They're attached at the midsection.
Yes me too 🤔
Yeah same
Peacock: *sees light-up sneakers*
Peacock: “So anyway, I started being fabulous-“
From the front: dazzling iridescent beauty
From the back: big derpy chicken
Sassy Flamboyant Turkey
Several comments about the kids behavior. Birds do bird things, kids do kid things. There is a teachable moment here that the magnificent plumage we see is a peacock's "putting up his dukes". It's a defense movement. The parents could let the child know (provided that they know) that the bird is not to be approached and to look with your eyes. The child is excited but meant no harm. It's certainly a lovely sight to see🦚💗😊
Thanks, didn’t know that was a defense reaction. Thought it wanted to mate with the kid 😂
@@DennisCNolasco LMAO
There was a teachable moment there that the parents totally missed. When the kid says he wants to kick it. “No Johnny, that is not nice. He’s so beautiful, look at his feathers, etc”. Any of that would have been appropriate, in my opinion. Not letting him approach the peacock in any way would have been the correct “parent” thing to do.
@@AnasCreativeCorner Agreed. But he would've learnt his lesson if he went near with wrong intentions.
(First hand experience)
I like that peacocks rotate around 360 degrees to humans when the open their feathers
They do that cause they are scared and try to tell u to back off
All oof them do that
No this is a display for the females.
@@ophadamia2579 there are many pattern of thats ,and this is when they feel annoyed
“A wild peacock has appeared!”
You use… *Approach!*
Peacock used : “Open Feathers”
*Your DEFENSE has lowered!*
this need to be the best comment
@@michaeljacksong totaly
For the longest time I’ve thought that ho-oh was based on a peacock
Let's get this guy top
Like Pokemon 😁
I think the magnificence of these birds is underrated. Have you ever seen an albino peacock? They are majestic!
Jacqueline Tees, yescI have. As a kid in Arizona we took a route home from the grocery store and if we hit it just right we'd see the males spread their feathers. Never got tired of seeing them.
@@lindahull5793 Whu.... this reads to me like you were about to drive into the peacocks ahah
According to Treehugger website they are technically white peacocks. Not albinos. Just reporting their input and yes they are gorgeous. Saw one for the first time in Hawaii!
Are there black peacocks? I’ve seen videos of albino ones but haven’t seen black ones. I think I saw a black lion before.
Peacock is trying to scare them, doesn't realize we see it as beauty in motion
That’s Exactly what I figured the bird was doing 😂 he’s probably very used to humans and has figured out when they gather and annoy him they’ll go away if he flashes some feather and shimmy lol peacocks let you know when they’re genuinely pissed, he just wanted them to piss off 😆
People aren't really upset at the child not knowing how to act around animals, they're annoyed that the parent doesn't say anything, doesn't ask the child to be kinder or stop stamping his feet at it, doesn't say a thing when he's demanding it to fly or says 'kick it'!
I think the kid actually said "shake it". Had to turn my volume all the way up to hear it, but I think he said shake.
Anyway, I agree with you.
The kid is clearly very young, yet people act like he's supposed to be some bird whisperer. As if all of us didn't do something similar when we were kids. You should've seen me chasing my cat around the house when I was little hahaha
The parent maybe should have told him to keep his distance at bit more, but in the end nothing too bad happened aside from the birb getting stressed. Obviously that should be avoided as much as possible, but people are acting like the boy beat it half to death.
I'm honestly way more disgusted by the people saying they hope the kid gets "karma". Imagine wishing something bad to happen to a literal child for acting like a child!
He said "shake it" not kick it. Listen to the video again.
@slate grey I mean, having a backbone has nothing to do with expecting parents to actually parent their kids.
@@goathead5073 Growing a back bone has a lot to do with it. Most parents are afraid to discipline their children, and realize they should have done something about it after their child has already grown up. The mother messed up on this one.
@@ateam388 Oh absolutely! I agree with you on this one 100%, I think the original person I replied to meant that the people criticizing the Mom should grow a backbone.
Kid: Shake it
Peacock: *You're not the boss of me now, and you're not so big*
This is the 1st time I've seen the backside of a peacock with its feathers displayed. Interesting!
people in these comments, are bullying kid just because he was enjoying his little innocent world. He didnt hurt the bird, he is just happy to see the peacock as meeting peacocks is not frequent and people are accusing him. Peacock was happy too otherwise he wouldnt shown his wings n he would better run away. I too have witnessed a peacock who was dancing in rain n fully spreading his wings thinking he was alone. When i went close to him, he closed his wings and looked shy. I think this peacock is dancing coz he felt safe n friendly vibes from child.
Really? He felt like dancing. Wow, you really need to read a book or look on internet. The peacock felt threatened! Your statement is ridiculous. Geez, are you in 5th grade?
The child literally said "kick it".
I love how peacocks are like BASK IN MY GLORY and act as if some feathers just made them so powerful
Can’t tell me god isn’t the greatest artist ever
If by "God" you mean Evolution...
@@bluesorcerer83 people have religions, and you should respect it crackhead
@@bluesorcerer83 If "evolution" is correct then how did everything start? Before the big bang before atoms before everything, think about that
@@bluesorcerer83 was it a lion who started the big bang?
@@bluesorcerer83 who started the evolution
"Hey kid, *wanna see what a real man can do?* "
(Flexes feather sheild)
Only God can make something so glorious out of something so small a scared. God is truly AMAZING. God Bless
The chances of being killed by a peacock are low but never zero
never ever heard sumbody being killed by. a peacock...
@@MekoTM But is never zero.
@@MekoTM A man in Thailand was killed by a peacock. Also two children in the U.S. were sent to the hospital because of a peacock.
@@MekoTM Yeah, but why test fate? Getting attacked by a bird isn't fun. Do you know long those claws are? That's their weapons.
Theyre vicious
The ladies were impressed. Mission accomplished.
Peacock: spreads and rattles big colorful feathers to intimidate the hairless apes
Humans: awww so pretty
Peacock: wait that's illegal
The thumbs down was an accident. Sorry. I tired to click read more (mobile)
Oh my Lord in heaven, every animal you made, truly a master piece. 🙏👍💐🌹
Truly Yahweh is great
God doesn't exist
Peacock: Witness my beauty, Pheasant!
The peacock is showing off its greatness and magnificent feathers to the lowly humans.
I never tire of watching this. I tend to put it on every few months along with a video of a white peacock that just awes me in its beauty. God sure knows how to ‘wow’ us.
Peacock , “I’m going to open my feathers so they could back up”
Them , “ohhh”
I feel so bad for that peacock a little bit
He looks like a biblically accurate angel
Such a beautiful creature.
P.s. not the human kid, but the peacock.
Normally you make the plot twist as a way to twist the plot, but you said "I like water, I mean water not gatorade"
@@unlimon6382 humans are creatures so he is technically correct. But i also see your point.
My boss, had a bunch of Peacocks. They would always display their features to impress the female Peacocks. I always liked watching them do it.
When Peacocks, feels threatened they also show their feathers. I could tell by the way he was looking around before he opened them he felt threatened by the child. Luckily the Peacock didn't try to attack the child. They are beautiful but also very territorial of their surroundings.
The peacock's feather's before opening: stay 6 feet away from me
Amazing bird with amazing feathers😍😍😍😍😍😍 love from India its our national bird ❤️😍💜💜💙💚💛🧡
Your comment has more colours than the colours present on the feathers of peacock . ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Love back at you.
Hi from USA.
Greetings from the USA!
Our national bird is the Bald Eagle. Benjamin Franklin wanted it to be the turkey. Awesome either way.
Peacockis amazingly proud showing his GOD given beauty feathers to the world...
God doesn't exist
Perhaps the best designed or grandest bird on Earth? Incredible.
I am from India, and I have many peacocks around my house, daily I give them food, water, grains.
Yes 🥰. I live near the mountains (Western Ghats).
The only problem is they destroy my Garden 😑. But now they're trained not to. I feed them regularly too 👍🏼.
They are Lord Murugan's animal. So we are always devoted towards Peacock like Crows (Shani's animal) 👍🏼.
@@jamesmaccalman7692 Awee.... cute ❤️❤️
@@jamesmaccalman7692 in my home also many times they eat small plants saplings so I have to keep an eye on them
I hate how everyone just blames the child for... Being a kid? Being curious? Did he try to touch the peacock? No, he didn't. Did he try to hurt him? No, he didn't. Did he try to approach him? Yes, he did, and it scared the peacock, but come on. He didn't run up to him, didn't threaten him deliberately. And you're just calling him a brat for being a curious kid.
The boy isn't doing anything illegal or wrong. The peacock is not in the cage, as you can see, he's freely walking around. Yes, it got scared, but most animals get scared when they are approached by a person. Does it mean we have to burn people at stake for frightening a bird, which is naturally easily frightened?
I agree!
Exactly like how is it the kids fault you would have done the same thing as a child so they shouldn't act like they are better
Peacock: I am NOT a one trick pony...
Kid: starting expectantly...
Peacock: Okay fine! Just this once!
What exquisite plumage! That was his way of telling everyone to "back off".
People are so lucky to see dazzling displays of nature. Meanwhile when I saw a peacock he was just running around screeching
Man, why is everyone hating on a kid being fascinated in a bird. Can you all just chill?
Most people aren’t blaming the kid. They’re blaming the parents for not teaching their kid to not startle the peacock. It would be like the parents letting their kid walk up to a rattlesnake because he’s fascinated by it’s rattle.
The easiest way, and less stressful for the peacock, is to just mimic the matting call.
Back in the mid 70's this private drive used to open for a few hours on Sundays. They had peacocks in their orange grove, and people would take bread and feed them. One rare time I got to see the females, and I guess it was matting season. I listened carefully, had a week to practice. When we went back I made the matting call, I had a dozen or so peacocks open their tails and start strutting around, and then the rare albino came out strutting. Other people were whining and complaining to me for stealing all of the peacocks from them. Until I said I was trying to get the albino to come out. Some people didn't know about him. The dad next to me asked how I learned to call them, I explained. Then told him it was a lot easier than trying to learn how to call wild turkeys. 🤣🦃
Don't stress the birds out, just use the matting call. It sounds like they are trying to say “elp”. Like help, without the h. High pitched, slightly nasal. Easy peasy.
Take care, stay safe, have a nice day.
👵☺️✌️☮️🖖 😷 🙉🙈🙊
The feathers be like: 6 FEET DISTANCING.
I once went to a petting zoo of sorts that had free roaming peacocks. I has blue hair at the time that was starting to fade to green. They kept following me everywhere like they were trying to figure out if I was one of them.
God is wonderful
God doesn't exist
God has given every thing beautiful things on earth 🌎...
We humans should take care of them ...
Fun fact: Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent aren't the only places you can find wild peafowl
they can also be found in Africa, the Congo peafowl. The smallest of the peafowl
U mean peacocks too right?
Why are you e v e r y w he r e
You find them in the Uk too
Pretty common in the uk mainly on Brownsea Island or wandering around but peacocks can fly so yeah
@@Sleepyaliencats peacocks is just the name for a male peafowl. Peafowl is their actual name
kid: does weird dance
peacock: what the hell bruh! you wanna see dance,here it goes!
kid: continues to do it even more weirder and asks the peacock to fly with it
peacock: clearly I have the bigger brain!
They know they're beautiful
For your Information, the little boy approaching the peacock is why the bird lifted its feathers & shook. It was protecting itself & it was a show of aggression. These are wild birds. They have a hooked claw on the legs and can & do inflict injuries. Keep away from them! Do Not let children get close to them! Our zoo used to have peacocks. But because parents wouldn't stop their children from attacking the poor birds, they got rid of them. The birds had been at our zoo for 70 years with no problems. I liked these beautiful peacocks as long as they were left alone there hadn't been a problem. What a bummer that because people didn't help protect the birds as well as their own children we lost a precious asset to our zoo.
Can we...can we please ignore the kid and focus on witnessing something like this,and how lucky the mom was to catch it in film?
God really outdone himself when he made the peacock
That’s absolutely gorgeous,WOW,💕💕
Peacocks are gorgeous, our zoo has a male white peacock that roams free and let me tell you, when he spreads his tail it's BREATHTAKING.
Birb: *trying to scare humans*
People: "wowww so pretty"
Peacock: opens feathers cuz feeling threatened / to scare away predators
Humans: aww so cute can I pet it
What a beautiful bird
Man the amount of comments just hating the kid is actually astounding. This is a fucking kid we're talking about here, he's just fascinated by the peacock and means no harm to the animal. Sure he's annoying but he's naive. Unless you're complaining about the parents not doing anything than I 100% agree with you.
The parent was taking the video to capture a rare moment of his son enjoying a peacock encounter in a petting zoo. Check 1:15 too
@@kexodexo2970 Ohh okay, that makes sense. I thought someone else was recording.
That peacock's tail is just amazing.
The bird is a nicer person than the unpleasant child.
@@meeshrosenberg1983 ruclips.net/video/5L6u1-x9ggI/видео.html
Yet did he do what he said he wanted to do?
@@butterflyvlogs944 thanks so much for the link mate I really liked it, so pretty art
Peacocks are NOT nice. Ever.
The world's most beautiful bird
Beautiful. Another wonderful creation
Yup! Hi Diane!!👍😊
Their feathers before they spread look like a fancy robe.
They are so pretty and I love when they turn around and pose for everyone 😁❤
Thank you for posting this. What a beautiful bird! I too would love the experience of being in person and have the Peacock show off his feathers.
It’s our pleasure to share this lucky moment that we witnessed the magnificent beauty of this Peacock showing off...it was a jaw-dropping moment for us and it was a bonus that we captured it 🥰 Enjoy everyone!
@@kexodexo2970 try teaching your kid some manners next time......
@@grimsobad8545 can we not just admire the beauty without talking about the child for once?
WOW, absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!
This is the most beautiful bird in the world.
I still can't believe that bird is real wow.
Honestly I can't either. Mother nature does have its ways and knows how to surprise us :)
Guys I looked it up and peacocks do fan out their tails and shake them slightly when threatened, so it is a possibility it felt uncomfortable and not showing off during mating season. The child didn’t seem to be screaming at it or making sudden movements but the bird might still have felt threatened by the body language.
It was threatened by approaching steps
@@basespeedpaintyt6348 the kid was hitting the groud pretty hard when stepping closer so you're probably right :)
@@vn1944 if the kid would of stepped up normally it probably would of have the same effect since I also walked up to a peacock before (it was a tamed one never approach a wild one) it also spread out it's tail fathers and tried to look big while taking threatening steps forwards
@@basespeedpaintyt6348 oh I see... The kid did get too close to it, then
@@vn1944 yh but to call it abuse and accuse the boy and parents of being terrible ppl is going to far
Peacock : *TA DAAA *
Feast your eyes on all that it is 👀
I didn't realize the span of his feathers. Absolutely gorgeous 🦚🦚
Breathtakingly beautiful!! And to think God said, I know every feather on every bird!! Wow!👍♥️🎚
If this peacock joins the Miss Universe..she nailed the best costume.
I don't know if you know this but only the male ones are colorful like that the female peacocks are brown and boring so it is a he
Peahens don't have big colourful shiny feathers.
Kinda like "oh ok, just this once"
Isn't it a line in Into the Spiderverse?
It does almost feel like he was doing it as a crowd pleaser...but its likely there were too many people and it was scared.
Exactly 😂😂😂😂
Awesome... Gorgeous.... Amazing.... blissful sight...🙏🙏 Save our birds ... animals...nature..and earth..to protect ourselves..God created all of them first ...last was human. So this world belongs more to them than humans. Save them to save us.🙏🙏🇮🇳🇮🇳
God doesn't exist
Amazing demonstration. Thanks for being respectful in approaching the bird.
Child: "Now fly!"
Peacock: "Am I a joke to you?"
Peacock is a national bird of India, its feathers were used to write ancient texts and also used as bookmarks. It is believed tht fallen feathers, not taken forcefully, bring good luck when offered to God and Goddess. Peacock dance very elegantly during rainy reason which is also their mating period.
Okey 🙄
I remember I went to a peacock sanctuary and they shed feathers all over the place.. I remember I took one home, but being 10 years old I lost it :( I'm 20 now, but that was one of the coolest places I've been to in my life! Hopefully I can go again
I'm muslim and that sounds pretty cool. I'm guessing the bookmarks were also from fallen feathers?
@@naylisyazwina6836 yes fallen feathers were used for everything, bcos forcefully taken contains blood stains good for nothing
@@ashutosmisraa he was just saying
Peacocks are some of the most beautiful birds on planet earth! That was so captivating! Thank you for sharing it💯💯👍🏻👍🏻😉❤️😊
Lady E Me, They are beautiful. That's a male. In Arizona as a kid we'd sometimes pass a house where a peacock lived with its people. The male always seemed to have its tail feathers spread when we drove by. It was too beautiful for words.
As a guy, I wish I was that confident! 😂👏
Gay for sure.
Wow....superb display of beauty !! Nice !!
The peacock spreading its tail is the equivalent of T-posing for people
That makes so much sense....
Well that's why it's our national bird 🇮🇳!A country with beautiful colours just like peacock!!!
Im pretty sure we all know why the peacock opened it's tail. And that is cause it feels threatened by the people, especially the boy who is slowly walking to get a closer look. If you look closely, after it opened it's tail, you would notice that its trying to scare the people, cause that's how their tails work, its so that every predator that tries to eat them, will get scared cause of it's tail. So basically, they don't open their tails for show, they open it for defense, in hopes that the predator or any threatening being will leave them alone. And keep in mind that a lot of animals, even when they don't bite or hurt, still won't want any human contact cause they fear for the worse. So please, remember to respect the animals and their natural habitat. Yes, some animals have their instincts of trusting humans, but sometimes it's cause of their ancestors of some sort. But it's important to know that a lot of animals don't like human interaction so we should respect that.
Funny how they stretch their feathers like that to appear bigger and scare other animals, but with humans it achieves the opposite effect and we look at them and gather around them. The peacock is probably pretty confused as to why his amazing defense doesn't work.
Proud as a peacock 🦚 he is such a beauty wants the girls to look at him ❤❤❤ a stunner
That's actually not what peacock tails are for, the ones with the big tails and all the beautiful colors are actually the males, and the whole purpose of the display is to attract a mate. With many animals with sexual dimorphism (That's when the males look a lot different from the females), typically the males have various ways to stand out in order to better attract a female of the species. When a peacock fans out his tail, he's saying "Hey baby, forget all those other losers, check me out!"
Sketchers: *lights up*
Peacock: So I started flexing....
I hope these beautiful birds never get endangered
I used to be scared of peacock feathers because they looked like eyes to me, but I can see now that they’re very beautiful
Suddenly everyones an expert and a bird being scared is cruelty of the highest degree.
Bet they would of watched it too though -.-
This reminds me of my time as a volunteer at the local zoo, there were several peacocks including albinos that free roamed but were constantly chased by visitors in some cases people plucking out tail feathers before a volunteer or zookeeper could intervene, there were signs everywhere telling people to leave the peacocks alone including pictures for kids and non english speakers. I was always scared there'd be an attack and the birds would be blamed
Weird. Our local zoo had free roamers too, but we never had any problems with folks chasing them. They were able to fly away when they needed to. Zoo volunteer solidarity~
@@TigStripe ours could fly and liked to hangout on roofs but we also had sections of paths that were covered by trees or had awnings that the peacocks loved walking around under during the hit months
These are the coolest birds on this planet. I’m so grateful for them 😍
Very beautiful presentation. Thank you.
Beautiful bird makes loud and scary sounds.
It’s a lovely display of feathers but goddamn leave the bird alone.
Humans really need better understanding that we aren't the only creatures who feel uncomfortable or stressed. Leave the bird alone.
Yeah but how often to you just come across a peacock? Who's gonna spend their life reading up on how animals show stress when chances are you simply won't meet one outside a zoo or something? Especially if its not a hobby or a job to them, if it doesn't directly relate to their personal life there's plenty the avg Joe won't know. We just gotta tell the people around us what those feathers mean. And encourage them to do same.
@@jheanie6812 I'm sorry, but respect goes beyond humans. You don't do this to cats or dogs, either. There's no special training for respecting animals.
"How often do you come across a peacock?" How incredibly selfish. An animal deserves respect, whether you have experience with it or not. CLEARLY, one does not agitate animals just to see their plumage. Do you know how long those claws are on a bird? People get attacked by chickens doing stuff like this. You don't need to know peacock language to not be a jerk. Additionally, why would you test the boundaries of an animal you don't know about? This all screams entitlement
Children getting attacked by animals can almost always be chalked up to lack of education on the animal. If you decide to be around animals, (yes, even at the zoo), one would think that stepping to them is a no-no, right? You wouldn't do it to an animal your size, I bet. .
One would assume that the parents care enough about the child to TEACH them to respect animals. The fact that this child was stomping and getting closer means the kid is being threatening, and every single adult there literally let this happen. Why? Because they are also selfish; they'd put their child in danger to see a peacock do what it does. I bet they would be "so surprised" if the bird attacked, as is the sad story of the put down family cat or dog that was constantly harassed by a child who literally didn't understand, and the adults didn't care enough to teach.
People need to realize they aren't the only living creatures here, and making ridiculous excuses like "but they don't know about peacocks" you know a shitty child behavior, though, don't you??? Why is it so hard for people to just stop taking things? You don't need to see the peacock do this, we have the internet! Put a forest cam if you want to see them in nature, but stop forcing everyone to do their little monkey dance for you.
@@justjess6636 VERY well said.
@@justjess6636 Yeah keep talking like you wouldn't want to observe a rare creature... Hey it's okay to be curious, even they are curious themselves. You know about all the videos of animals getting very close to humans thus scaring them? Curiosity is natural, and you have 60% chance of being a hypocrite by saying that you wouldn't approach it.
@@justjess6636 very well said! RESPECT applies to every living things!
I've never before realized how geometrically perfect those blue circles are arranged on the feathers... nature is amazing ... 💚
So beautiful. That was done especially for the kid.