Thoughts on the actresses planning to wear black dresses to the Golden Globes as a sign of protest? I've seen arguments both for and against and I'd love to know what you Beautiful Bastards think...
The fact that the pizza girl was cool with the joke is basically she has a sense of humor. Sees that whoever asked for it to be written, knew it was a joke. Shouldn't have gotten fired.
honest question, do you think people would be more angry if a man had written the joke instead of a girl? i feel like they would have, but i could be wrong
i respect you so much for bringing up the wrong picture. i wasn’t phased at all about it yesterday, especially since the tragedy overruled the mistake and i had read the description before watching, but it really shows the kind of person you are
She had no point. In reality her issues with things is that she's irrelevant and wants to be included in things. She's actually a part of the problem she's saying everyone else is about. She knew about things and didn't say anything until everyone else started to.
Well it also shows solidarity and support of people who have been sexually harassed. I think it’s less of a bash against the rapists but a show of support for the victims
Imagine being with a group of 11 year old female friends and middle aged dude rocks up with the same joke on the box.. It's creepy man, it's a joke about oral sex. I'm not sure if it should be fine because she was female, or because the kids were male. Sure as a grown ass adult I wouldn't give a toss, and I don't even have kids so I can't really relate to the parents response, but I guess I get it. Dunno man, is there a limit? Holocaust jokes on pizza boxes? 9/11? Rape?
My 11 year old self would've laughed his ass off. " I'm not sure if it should be fine because she was female" no matter if male or female, the joke was hilarious either way.
Jaden Oldfield They asked for a joke and they got one. Eleven year old kids hear that sort of thing all the time at school. Besides with that sort of joke, if you're not old enough to get it, it does matter if someone tells it to you.
DeFranco is the best. Uses the picture of someone with the same name, also in a K-pop band, still calls himself out the next day. 99.9% chance it was one of his staff, but he takes the hit. My news man
Uhh they're going to wear black as a protest?, Isn't black the most common colour at those events? Seems stupid to me they should go for a unique colour if anything or wear a ribbon or something. Are they going to shame anyone not wearing black? Don't most of them have people who pick clothes for them weeks maybe months before the actual event?
It's brilliant. Because now you can say "look at how many people are wearing black, everybody supports our awesome protest", while 75% of those people are just wearing black because it looks good and are not explicitly supportive at all.
What hypocrites they can be, black is the color you whare when somebody die. Is the a sign that they are mourning the dead careers of the ones that did not compromised like they've done?
7 лет назад+163
Meryl Streep called a convicted pedophile a hero. I'm with Rose on this, Meryl is a virtue signaler.
I don't get how people like Emma Stone can say they're against this shit and still work with Woody Allen. It doesn't make a lot of sense. (Edit: also Meryl Streep and Polanski, obviously).
First off, money talks. Secondly, some people will do hella mental gymnastics to separate an artist from their choices. It's not good or right, but it's true.
I hate this "women shouldn't call out other women" mentality in modern, and particularly western, feminism. If a woman happens to disagree with another woman she has every damn right to speak out and say so.
You seem to misunderstand how this movement works. Calling out other women is perfectly acceptable, as long as they are white and republican. Otherwise it's not ok.
Thank you so much Phil for correcting your mistake regarding Jonghyun. I knew that as soon as you relized the mix up, you would acknowledge it and apologize. Good man Philip DeFranco, one of the many reasons we all love and respect you ❤ You did well Jonghyun, rest now ❤
Oceans 8? Another gender-swapped remake? I feel like remaking movies that had male characters and switching them to female characters is just insulting to women. It's like giving them the sloppy seconds of stories, as if they aren't good enough for their own. Why can't we have original stories with great female characters? Give me more Wonder Woman, and less bootlegs like Supergirl. I hate the non-swapped remakes as well, but those are just insulting to everyone.
thetrollcritic I wouldn't call Supergirl a bootleg. She's still an original character and it would be like saying Robin is a bootleg of Batman. It also has very little relation to this Ocean 8 situation, but I see where you're coming from.
Yeaaaaah, I got a very "New Ghostbusters" vibe from the trailer. If its the Nth iteration of an existing IP and the greatest attraction is going to be "now with women!" I don't know that this'll be a movie worth watching.
Good on you, Phil, for owning up to the mistake with the pic of Kim AND for giving the correction at least as much time and exposure as the mistake. All news outlets should strive to do this, for the sake of integrity and trustworthiness.
I cannot for the life of me understand why people would freak out over the Pizza Hut joke. It's just a joke. And it's not like they were young children seeing it, they were teenagers. They'll be fine, middle-aged helicopter mom.
Haha that pizza box joke was funny. That girl shouldn't have been fired at all and the mother shouldnt have posted it on facebook either, if she didnt like the joke she could have just ignored it. Not like it was super offensive or had strong language.
Kraekin [] But it's so fun to get triggered and have someone lose their job, see their sad faces when the only thing that pays their rent is no longer there. Sometimes I get triggered if some employee makes a joke I don't really enjoy. I complain to the manager so that she can give the person a scolding and I can bail out of giving tips.
Liza Koshy videos brought me to RUclips (and indirectly to this show). I think she's incredible and you are so right about her moving mountains, or at least hills right now - fingers crossed it becomes mountains. Thank you for featuring her and her overall dopeness. She deserves the praise.
Something about Meryl Streep doesn't settle with me...all these powerful hollywood actresses who have not been victims of sexual assault are overshadowing the real victims with empty words and promises. I have not seen Meryl Streep or others of her kind actually DO anything, they're all talk. I also think that people like Meryl Streep want all the limelight they can get while the actual victims don't get the attention they deserve. Step off the stage, Ms. Streep, this is not about you, it's about the victims.
I do agree that the victims need more attention. Tho we never know she could of been doing stuff behind the scenes for years. And a lot of people consider Meryl Streep one of the greatest actress of of our time so it would honestly be strange to see someone with that type of influence do nothing at all. Even if all it is wearing a black dress to show solidarity.
I think everyone is well aware of sexual assault. For the past half decade or so we've been hearing all about sexual assault allegations and rape stories. Victims don't need attention; everyone in the west is well aware of the issue. Organizations need money and volunteers. Twitter activism is dumb and often harms a movement more than helps. Everyone and their mother can give attention. Almost everyone can give money and time. It's 1000 times more important that attention, and always will be.
Ani Mkrtchyan, I get the feeling if Meryl Streep and other more famous actresses did nothing you would blast them for that. So maybe she wasn't abused, is there something wrong with her showing solidarity? If they didn't then this movement may have died a slow death, but because it has spread to ALL women with so many voices joining in the movement has continued to gain traction. But also I disagree with your characterization that they are stealing the limelight, that is just your impression.
Meryl Streep is a complete hypocrite lol. She gave convicted rapist of a 13-year old Roman Polanski a standing ovation for his Oscar and said she is "very sorry" Roman is in jail. Guess she doesn't give a fuck about little girls getting raped. She's also recently self-proclaimed to be fighting for equal rights of women in the USA, even though they already have equal rights for decades. So not only is she a hypocrite, but an utter dumbfck as well. I honestly don't understand why anyone would give her any credibility at this point.
Sorry but wearing the most used "color" is not a statement. Using yellow, pink, army green is a statement, but like 1/3 of all the dresses would in any circumstances be black at the award, so nobody would know if it's in sympathy or fashion.
In regards to pizza girl, I have two thoughts: 1st there is a certain level of expectation when requesting a joke on your pizza box, I can say 9/10 times if it's a lame little kid friendly joke you're going to be disappointed, you should've known what you were getting yourself into. 2nd you can choose to be offended or not with that joke, imo the mom was 'professionally offended' and made a situation out of nothing. I'm sure she wouldn't have blinked twice if her kid heard that joke at school. I don't get why parents feel the need to shelter kids as they get older, you're just delaying the inevitable.
Penny E Except the customers deliberately asked the employee to write a joke on the pizza box. I think the girl should have asked for more information, like who is the joke to. She might have though the woman would find it funny not realizing it was for young kids. Still the pizza girl went above and beyond to give the customer what she wanted and she got fired for it.
If you really want to protest, don't go. Stop working with anyone shown to be an abuser, stop working with any company that supports them. Stop taking money, stop covering for your buddies.
Wearing black might show solidarity, but it's solidarity between hypocrites who knew what was going on but refused to speak up until someone else did first. It shows solidarity between people who cared more about their jobs than their morals.
I don't think that's true. As it's been said a ton before, many MANY people were scared to speak up since they felt they had absolutely no power, no influence on what would happen. The black shows solidarity between people who felt that they were alone before all of this surfaced.
People need money to survive, sure a single person may be able to last until they find another job. But how about if the person has children or family that depends on your income? Would your morals take precedence to your own family's well-being? It's not so black and white as to speak up against these things ESPECIALLY if they employ you or have the power to make you lose employment.
Yeah these women waited till there career was not in danger. They sat on their ass while other women were assaulted. I don’t feel bad for any women that profited off of that kinda institution.
CaptCorleone Thank you! Finally, someone who said it! 👏 I agree with you. They are hypocrites, especially Jessica Chastain. Her comments in the #MeToo movement is the most hypocritical of all. She’s just like the others who care more about their jobs than their morals. And another point, why tf would you depend on one source of income? Doesn’t matter if you’re single or married with kids, you need to have another income stream in case situations like these happen. What if the likes of Harvey Weinstein sued an actress as an offensive move because she rejected his advances? I understand victims not being able to speak up due to fear but because of employment reasons? That’s just BS.
vi3tlion there are a couple of things wrong with that logic though. First, acting isn't an industry you get into just to get by. For most people it's either a lot of success or failure followed by a career change. If you have people to look after you don't get into acting. Second, what do you do when it's your family being abused? Accepting that kind of situation means that they may we'll find themselves in a bad situation that you helped support.
Seems the pizza hut issue was a major over reaction by all involved, the mum did have a right to "complain" or rather make the pizza hut aware but going to the press is a massive over reaction. Pizza hut sacking someone who probably needs the cash because they damn well arent working there for the career building opportunities is also an over reaction. Its something that could have been solved with a couple of free pizza vouchers and a reprimand to the employee.
Two groups of people order Pizza Hut: families and poor college kids. She had a 50/50 chance of that joke landing. Ultimately, I would blame Pizza Hut for all of it. People ask for jokes all the time - how do they not have any sort of policy for employees to follow? Of course sex jokes going to families would become a problem! But still, if the employee didn't break any rules, she shouldn't be fired.
Paula Zupke Yeah, i could understand maybe disciplining her not to do it again in future, but immediately firing her for something that isn't even breaking a company rule is ridiculous.
An adult had to have approved that purchase. If you're an adult and can't handle a PG-13 joke, maybe you shouldn't be asking for jokes then (or letting a child ask for one on your behalf). People like you who pander to people getting offended makes it more difficult for the rest of us to have fun. So screw her feelings. Pizza Hut can keep doing what they're doing and that crybaby can learn her lesson about asking for jokes when you don't have a sense of humor.
Paula Zupke there shouldn't be a joke system because there's too much room for error. Too many people with too many viewpoints. That said if they wanted to have a joke thing there should be strict and clear policy rather than leaving everything up to the employees interpretation. Not fair to the employees or the customers
Pirate Bear how about if your kid is ordering the pizza and someone does/draws/writes something inappropriate or offensive? Like drawing swastikas or confederate flags or a black person hanging from a noose? Still think no one should be offended? Have a sense of humor. Right? OK.
Why is no one calling out Rose McGowan for her own blatant hypocrisy? It's common knowledge that she willingly accepted $100,000 from Weinstein back in 1997 in exchange for not exposing him after he had assaulting her. She recently claimed she never reported the crime because an attorney told her she "couldn't win the case". Her extreme selfishness and lack of regard for the safety of others allowed Weinstein to victimize dozens of other young actresses over the next 20 years! Knowing this, why is she so lavishly praised for having the "courage" to speak up now (although she STILL hasn't identified Weinstein by name), and being held up as such a "powerful advocate" for sexual assault victims?
That's a common pizza delivery joke.... Almost every single place uses it. I remember seeing a post someone put on instagram with that joke a few years ago. Why is it a big deal now?
That isn't a rule already? Oh yeah right. The rule is: That hot girl you see over there, yeah, somebody is fed up with her bullshit.-->Same principle applies with People getting offended.
Yeah, RUclipsrs just have a much stronger connection versus the connection between you and a celebrity. You usually comment on the video of RUclipsrs you love and most read your comments compared to a celebrity that just doesn't have the time to read through ALL their social media comments simply because they're job doesn't focus around it. RUclipsrs also do a lot more meet ups and cheaper ones too. Not to mention there's a better feeling you get when you meet someone you've supported throughout the years on YT and seen grow in popularity. You don't get the same feeling with celebrities because most never make it as big or get picked up by a record company and you really don't feel as connected
I think the primary problem is that celebrities don't really appreciate their fans as much as RUclipsrs do, for the reasons you previously stated and in general most of them (that I've seen) don't really make an effort too.
RUclipsrs rely on their viewers directly. If they did anything to betray us, they would suffer directly. Celebrities don't need to be popular to have fans. They just need to be celebrities.
Chris Wallace the joke was wildly inappropriate and there worker should be punished. Maybe not fired, but there should at least be some form of punishment.
On the #Metoo thing, I do have to agree that it seems kinda empty. Like "I'm going to an event for an industry where multiple people have been accused of sexual harassment and I'll get publicity and get into an incredibly exclusive event but I'm wearing black because i think this entire industry has a problem!" Like if its so bad, and they care that much, refusing to go would be a lot bigger and more impactful that just wearing black. It definitely feels like a publicity gesture for the celebrities more than anything
I just find it so funny how Meryl Streep and Jessica Chastain want to help the #MeToo movement when they both have worked with Harvey and were well known about his past and were warned. You even had Jessica say that she heard about this but yet said nothing to the public. I agree with Rose 100% on her statement
Correct me if I'm wrong, as i dont have twitter, but didn't Ben Affleck catch a world of hate for virtue signalling after the Harvey Weinstein thing broke because he supposedly knew and did/said nothing. Why is Meryl Streep different... especially after the 'Harvey is God' quote.
Ravi Tolani I don't find either of those things particularly relevant. On the first point I'm egalitarian... On the second, if you're to be respected, your responsibility to be morally and logically consistent is greater, not lessened.
Philip DeFranco owning up and taking accountability for his (and his company's) mistakes (even a very reasonable, understandable mistake) is a refreshing change
Have to say, one of my biggest pet peeves is when people talk about social issues like its an actual war were people will be hurt. Like that actress Amber. You're wearing a black dress, not rushing the shores at Normandy.
Jaysus Christ Peoples' public statements are put on there to be read and judged, but perhaps even celebrities are harsh and judgemental online (or at least more than they would be face to face).
What really just blows my mind is that Rose McGowan apparently defended Victor Salva, yet continues to preach and tear down other women who are after the same goal: getting justice. For those of you who don't know, Victor Salva was involved in the making of the Jeepers Creepers (a producer or director?) and he is a CONVICTED child molester. He was sentenced to only 3 years in jail, but only did 15-18 months and then continued to create movies. Sarah Hawkinson did a video about it on RUclips (she's does horror movie reviews and discussed why she wasn't going to watch the 3rd jeepers creepers movie). I checked to see if it was true and Rose McGowan didn't want to get involved with "his business" when asked about it in an interview for a movie of his that she starred in, yet it's different when it comes to Harvey Weinstein. I'm not saying he's any better than a child molester, because both are honestly disgusting monsters. I'm just really dumbfounded with Hollywood and all the hypocrisy that lies in it. Justice for all the women affected by this awful man and justice for the children who were affected by this disgusting predator. Both of them can rot in jail tbh. I'm just sickened by all the grimy shit that goes on in holleywood.
I'm sorry if I sound sexist but I don't think they should remake movies just because the main characters were all male and they want to make one all women. Didn't they learn from Ghostbusters(2016)?
totally legit idiots You are totally right and don't be sorry for your opinions. I also hope you realize that most celebs are dumb not in a biased way but literally dumb they soak up their self righteous acts and ugh it's disgusting anyways goodday
totally legit idiots not sexist its true and the only reason why the female ghostbusters failed was because they all tried to the funny person... But on to the remakes its only happening because of the sjw and I don't think its ever going to stop so buckle up and get ready for a fucked up future where no one can have an opinion and get offended by breathing
I dont think they should either but its things like the marvel universe being 10+ years old now and there still isnt a lead female superhero. Its things like there being no big female directors and stuff like that. Movie remakes like ghost busters are just making the more realistic and important changes more laughabl. I personally don't care too much what gender a main character is but it did feel really cool watching wonder woman.
totally legit idiots The female Ghostbusters was just crappy. I like the idea of a female Ocean's movie. They're fun. The casting just seems bad. I just hope they wrote a fun heist movie.
All girl Lord of the flies? It is not my cup of tea and I'm not feeling guilted into watching it. If they want to make it, let them. Maybe it will find a niche, or maybe it will tank. I'm curious as to what would the narrative be if it tanks? "You are all sexist!" "Women turnout atrocious for female lead movies" "poor decisions all around" "100% rotten tomatoes"
Sad fact is most Americans, like many in comment Section, are more interested in frivolous drama rather than the biggest tax code change in 30 years. One will affect them and hundreds of millions for decades, the other they and most others will forget by next week. Please cover important news more Phil, as boring as it can be sometimes you reach many young people traditional media cannot. I also thank you for your coverage of Net Neutrality over the years. As they say, an informed public is the greatest weapon of democracy.
Between this and the Net Neutrality decision, idk who can claim we live in a democracy anymore. We are an oligarchy, just like Russia whom we love to hate.
I honestly don't care for either Meryl Streep or Rose McGowan, I think they both have let a lot of shady stuff slide for the sake of their careers. I am glad the cesspool that is Hollywood is finally getting cleaned out a little, or at least having a light shines on it, but neither of those women are the heroines of this movement.
Okay, I'm pretty sure I commented on Monday's video thanking you for the mix up because it made me laugh in the face of everything going on. Yet the fact that you immediately corrected that mix up at the very beginning of this video is one of the reasons I respect you and your channel so much. Thanks for addressing it and in such an honest and professional way.
She didn't deserve to get fired for that. The kid asked for a joke, he got a joke. Did Pizza Girl even know it was a 15 year old that ordered the pizza? Besides, a 15 year old probably saw and heard worst things than that joke. How petty can you be to get someone fired over something like that
On the story about the actresses wearing black dresses to award ceremonies, I don’t know a whole lot about thing like to golden globes because I honestly don’t give a shit, but don’t most people who go to those events wear black or dark grey? It would be more of a statement if they wore ...... I don’t know lime green, that seems like it would be more of a statement.
So glad you openly and publicly talked about your mistake yesterday. I was wondering why the video yesterday only had a call out in the description where no one really looks. Good to see you honestly own up to it
I think the pizza girl getting fired was a bit much, this story doesn't seem like something that should have been covered by the news. I do think that it was an inappropriate joke; employees represent the company that hired them, and are expected to act in a way that is generally family-friendly and reflects well on the company (yes, the joke was funny though - but that's not the point). This situation seems to only warrant a call from the mother and a lecture on proper company procedure for the girl, instead it went overboard with the media coverage and the girl got fired. If the mother hadn't complained about it so publicly the girl would likely have learned her lesson anyway and would still have a job.
I love humanity at times. Whenever it is we get together to fight for a common course, it is usually for the small and really silly things. But either way, JUSTICE FOR PIZZA GIRL !
Just Getting By Because you're not specifying the joke, it can be any kind of joke, from g rated to dirty, if you want to limit it to a certain kind of joke, then ask for that kind of joke.
I disagree with Phil saying the mother shouldn't have complained if she didn't want the girl fired. The mother was right to complain so those kinds of jokes don't get written on boxes to other kids and it was just a training opportunity. It was just wrong for Pizza Hut to fire the girl for one mistake. It was pretty funny though.
If that joke was in my pizza box and I knew the person who wrote it was a female. I would call them back and ask her out. Exactly the type of joke I want in my pizza box, it is absolutely hysterical.
I don’t wanna put down women who wear black in protest, it can’t hurt. However when I think of Meryl Streep, I keep remembering her standing ovation to Roman Polanski at the awards(yes it was after he was already convicted). I don’t know if she feels bad about it today, but she surely didn’t feel bad back then.
I'm kinda scratching my head wondering how wearing black is a protest. I mean... black is the most commonly-worn color to formal events. What's the difference between the protesters and the others who just coincidentally decided to wear black? Are the women wearing black participating in the protest whether they know it or not?
Meryl Streep shouldn't be talking, did everyone forgot how she called it a shame that Roman Polanski was arrested and applauded his work the same year at the Golden Globe awards.
#JusticeForPizzaGirl!! You ask for a joke, you get an actual funny joke, then your mom complains about the joke because it was too spicy... I almost feel more sorry for the kid who ordered the pizza than the girl, she can get a new job, he'll always have the mom who got the pizza girl fired.
If they really wanted to protest couldn't they do so by not showing up to the Golden Globes? I'm not saying that's what they should do but wearing black to protest harassment just seems very superficial in this context
Nothing against Liza, but what self respecting RUclipsr would do an interview with the WSJ after they basically caused the adpocalypse with their PDP takedown?
Is it not hypocritical for Rose McGowen to "call someone out" on being silent? Or imply that Meryl Streep knew about it? She herself knew about it and chose to settle silently rather than publicly and that was her choice but she surely can't shame others, those in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks
Hey Phil. On the Amtrak accident you missed that the deadline for those rail safety measures has been extended 3 times, on request of I assume Amtrak. I don't recall who has asked but they did and they got it. To all that I say this, I would be starting a class action because some of the safety equipment is installed on that line but it's not finished. They opened a high speed line without having all the safe guards in place. We're not talikng your run of the mill frieght train speed here, 130 kph is damn ass fast. The word coming out is the engineer was training someone on a high speed line without all the saftey equipment installed. Smart, sorry......Smrt. That kind of shit can not happen, period. This wasn't an accident, this was wreck looking for a place to happen.
Noooo philly I neeed u you’re the only news I listen to on a daily basis!!!!! But I totally understand, Hope you have a great holiday break with your family💟 You deserve a longer break to be honest 😂
Everyone deserves a break over the holidays but I'm gonna miss Phil over the holidays. I miss him on a Sunday knowing there will be a show on Monday, so I don't know how I'm gonna cope 😔
@thepizzagirlstory The girl working there didn't just put the joke there just for laughs...The kid ordering the pizza asked for the joke under "any special instructions" an option on online ordering. So basically she did an awesome job provided exactly what the customer ordered and was shit canned for it. What kind of dumb bumble fuck world are we living in?
Remember kids, Philip DeFranco's name will have a check box next to it to show he's verified. If it doesn't have a sign of verification, don't click on links by impersonators.
The pizza joke was sort of funny, but I was just very embarrassed to have my mom hear it. I don't blame the mom for being upset and calling the pizza place, that was a pretty racy joke. But I think Pizza Hut is the bad guy for firing the girl. This warrants a warning, not losing your job right before Christmas.
Rose McGowan is one of those people that makes others back away when they hear the word ‘feminist.’ One of those people that points and yells ‘complicant’ if you aren’t running around screaming at the top of your lungs. Wearing black and establishing that you haven’t forgotten the cause, that you aren’t just letting it die with a news cycle, is a way to show you’re still committed without having to shove it in everybody’s face and scream at them at all times. The sad reality is doing that is detrimental as after a while people block you out. Change takes time, and people in positions of power who are able should show solidarity at every opportunity. This is one of those opportunities. This is how you get through to people on the fence. There’s a time and a place for different battle styles. This is just a way to handle this front. Chill.
It needs to be said again and again before people stop attacking each other and focus on the problem. Going on too strong for too long just makes people shut it out. We need to stop yelling at each other just because some of us are trying to read the room.
How many are actually real? Not saying they're all fake, just pondering the chances without any bias so don't get triggered. It does happen in the real world after all every now and then
I am a 21-year-old college student, making $15 an hour working for a company as a programming intern, and I will pay more in taxes under this legislation. Many people with more money than me will pay less.
TheKurtPrice :) Great! But yeah, it really bothers me, the direction this country is going in is a bit scary. I'd like to think that America has become a money farm for the rich and powerful. Like an app game. We're an app game to them. It's going to take massive unification to push back. Besides voting and calling to raise hell, I'd like to see what else is in store for us all.
Obama didn’t ask me if I could afford a 6% tax hike but he dumped it on me anyway, any Tax cut is overdue and welcome. I shouldn’t have to pay for those people who can work but would rather sit on their asses and let me pay their way threw life. Let them get hungry and they will figure it out
you do realize the tax cut will mainly be for the rich and for business correct? There will really be no tax cut for the middle class, unless you own a private jet (which will now be tax deductable)
the only way "the vast majority will see a tax cut" is for the rich. It matters because if they already control 50% - 90% of the wealth, why should we just sit back and advocate for them having more? It's not being distributed evenly whatsoever. Also, economics states that there needs to be a strong middle class that is encouraged to spend in order to drive the economy and make it strong. If the middle class is taxed more heavily, they will be less incentivized to spend making the economy weaker. You could argue that we will just have the upper class spend more but they are where they are because they know how to save money and at then end of the day, the only need so many things (millionaires still only need two pillows)
Honestly I think Rose is alienating a large part of the me too movement by saying that if you ever worked alongside one of these horrible men or didn’t speak out bout it then you can’t stand together now. A lot of these women didn’t initially speak out or didn’t know of everyone that was involved. It sucks that there is infighting.
Exactly! What does that say to the women who were too scared? Isn't this whole movement supposed to empower women and tell them you're not alone? But instead she's alienating them.
Women pull together and unite against sexual assault, and the movement starts falling apart because of in-fighting over what dress to wear? That just looks bad for so many reasons.
Thank goodness I knew I was correct on the Jong-Hyun image usage. Thanks Phil for apologising and doing the best you can on your research on what happened.
Thoughts on the actresses planning to wear black dresses to the Golden Globes as a sign of protest? I've seen arguments both for and against and I'd love to know what you Beautiful Bastards think...
Philip DeFranco hi phill
To be honest, how the fuck does wearing black even help this situation
I think vocal protests are more effective, staying silent doesn't really seem like it will do much in the long run
Philip DeFranco i think you should have a Kermit head in the background of every video it really improved scarce's content
I think its better than doing nothing. like you said its a conversation starter in interviews so i dont see anything wrong.
Okay the pizza joke is hilarious
TiaVapes regardless, it was inappropriate for a workplace.
That joke was hilarious and I can’t believe she complained when it was her sons/her who asked for the joke? Wtf?
but the joke was literally delivered to, well , "not-a-workplace"
Someone get this girl a mic and kick amy Schumer off the stage we actually got a funny girl comedian.
Why is everyone in this world now so offended by everything
Not going to lie, that pizza joke was hilarious
I concur
It was exactly what they asked for lmao.
The fact that the pizza girl was cool with the joke is basically she has a sense of humor. Sees that whoever asked for it to be written, knew it was a joke. Shouldn't have gotten fired.
honest question, do you think people would be more angry if a man had written the joke instead of a girl? i feel like they would have, but i could be wrong
6036000 they would. That is why this is funny.
i respect you so much for bringing up the wrong picture. i wasn’t phased at all about it yesterday, especially since the tragedy overruled the mistake and i had read the description before watching, but it really shows the kind of person you are
She had a point though . A real protest would be not going. They go but just have black dresses. Woah.
She had no point. In reality her issues with things is that she's irrelevant and wants to be included in things. She's actually a part of the problem she's saying everyone else is about. She knew about things and didn't say anything until everyone else started to.
Never knew the name for it. Thank you for educating me.
Dueling Fatties her being a hypocrite doesn't make her point invalid, it just makes her one of them
Well it also shows solidarity and support of people who have been sexually harassed. I think it’s less of a bash against the rapists but a show of support for the victims
I don't think not showing up encourages unity and a better future where this can be openly discussed, it would almost be like avoiding the topic.
Phil you didn't give a sexy warning. My mom walked in on me when you were talking about taxes man.
Bornmrpringle Same
Did you have time to pull your pants up?😂😂
The joke on the pizza was hilarious, imagine being with a group of friends and see this in your pizza. That would be awesome 😂
I would have kept the box and framed it!
Imagine being with a group of 11 year old female friends and middle aged dude rocks up with the same joke on the box.. It's creepy man, it's a joke about oral sex. I'm not sure if it should be fine because she was female, or because the kids were male. Sure as a grown ass adult I wouldn't give a toss, and I don't even have kids so I can't really relate to the parents response, but I guess I get it.
Dunno man, is there a limit? Holocaust jokes on pizza boxes? 9/11? Rape?
My 11 year old self would've laughed his ass off.
" I'm not sure if it should be fine because she was female" no matter if male or female, the joke was hilarious either way.
Jaden Oldfield They asked for a joke and they got one. Eleven year old kids hear that sort of thing all the time at school. Besides with that sort of joke, if you're not old enough to get it, it does matter if someone tells it to you.
DeFranco is the best. Uses the picture of someone with the same name, also in a K-pop band, still calls himself out the next day. 99.9% chance it was one of his staff, but he takes the hit. My news man
Uhh they're going to wear black as a protest?, Isn't black the most common colour at those events? Seems stupid to me they should go for a unique colour if anything or wear a ribbon or something. Are they going to shame anyone not wearing black? Don't most of them have people who pick clothes for them weeks maybe months before the actual event?
It's brilliant. Because now you can say "look at how many people are wearing black, everybody supports our awesome protest", while 75% of those people are just wearing black because it looks good and are not explicitly supportive at all.
What hypocrites they can be, black is the color you whare when somebody die. Is the a sign that they are mourning the dead careers of the ones that did not compromised like they've done?
Meryl Streep called a convicted pedophile a hero. I'm with Rose on this, Meryl is a virtue signaler.
Well said
McGowen knew about what was happening and said nothing about it til it was the "thing to do".
They're all virtue signalers. Rose too.
And called Weinsteen god
We stand with Pizza Girl
my local pizza girl is hot as hell !
Didn't Meryl Streep call Harvey Weinstein a god and the punisher. oh and hows your friend Roman Polanski Meryl?
Oliver Queen 🖐🏼
I don't get how people like Emma Stone can say they're against this shit and still work with Woody Allen. It doesn't make a lot of sense. (Edit: also Meryl Streep and Polanski, obviously).
repellomuggletumify yeah for people like Emma who has work for him many times recently I really don't understand the sudden change.
MewSakura12 to fit in further there brownie points and career it's smart pr
its always money.Dare I say if Weinstein 's stuff was not leaked , the status quo would not have changed at all
First off, money talks. Secondly, some people will do hella mental gymnastics to separate an artist from their choices. It's not good or right, but it's true.
repellomuggletumify well said.
I hate this "women shouldn't call out other women" mentality in modern, and particularly western, feminism. If a woman happens to disagree with another woman she has every damn right to speak out and say so.
You seem to misunderstand how this movement works. Calling out other women is perfectly acceptable, as long as they are white and republican. Otherwise it's not ok.
Ironically, they practice the opposite of what they preach.
Chilly Jack
Women, individuals? 😱 My dear Lord no, of course we're a hive with one unified and single view.
(Mandatory disclaimer:^above is sarcasm)
The joke was hilarious, but unprofessional. Fired for it? Overkill. Maybe Papa John's will hire her.
tika2407 I completely agree,joke was funny however that was not the right place for it. But she should not have been fired
tika2407 they did ask for a joke
Maybe she wasn't fired but transferred to another area of pizza hut outlet. Who knows.
honest question, do you think people would be more angry if a man had written the joke instead of a woman? would it seem more aggressive or whatever?
Thank you so much Phil for correcting your mistake regarding Jonghyun. I knew that as soon as you relized the mix up, you would acknowledge it and apologize. Good man Philip DeFranco, one of the many reasons we all love and respect you ❤
You did well Jonghyun, rest now ❤
Oceans 8? Another gender-swapped remake?
I feel like remaking movies that had male characters and switching them to female characters is just insulting to women. It's like giving them the sloppy seconds of stories, as if they aren't good enough for their own. Why can't we have original stories with great female characters? Give me more Wonder Woman, and less bootlegs like Supergirl.
I hate the non-swapped remakes as well, but those are just insulting to everyone.
The insult is giving Rinanna a shot at acting (again).
thetrollcritic I wouldn't call Supergirl a bootleg. She's still an original character and it would be like saying Robin is a bootleg of Batman. It also has very little relation to this Ocean 8 situation, but I see where you're coming from.
thetrollcritic also charlie angels is a movie I liked I love a remake of that film
This comment didn't go where I was expecting. You're right, we need more original content in general. Especially for women 👍
Yeaaaaah, I got a very "New Ghostbusters" vibe from the trailer. If its the Nth iteration of an existing IP and the greatest attraction is going to be "now with women!" I don't know that this'll be a movie worth watching.
Good on you, Phil, for owning up to the mistake with the pic of Kim AND for giving the correction at least as much time and exposure as the mistake. All news outlets should strive to do this, for the sake of integrity and trustworthiness.
I cannot for the life of me understand why people would freak out over the Pizza Hut joke. It's just a joke. And it's not like they were young children seeing it, they were teenagers. They'll be fine, middle-aged helicopter mom.
Haha that pizza box joke was funny. That girl shouldn't have been fired at all and the mother shouldnt have posted it on facebook either, if she didnt like the joke she could have just ignored it. Not like it was super offensive or had strong language.
Kraekin [] But it's so fun to get triggered and have someone lose their job, see their sad faces when the only thing that pays their rent is no longer there. Sometimes I get triggered if some employee makes a joke I don't really enjoy. I complain to the manager so that she can give the person a scolding and I can bail out of giving tips.
Liza Koshy videos brought me to RUclips (and indirectly to this show). I think she's incredible and you are so right about her moving mountains, or at least hills right now - fingers crossed it becomes mountains. Thank you for featuring her and her overall dopeness. She deserves the praise.
Something about Meryl Streep doesn't settle with me...all these powerful hollywood actresses who have not been victims of sexual assault are overshadowing the real victims with empty words and promises. I have not seen Meryl Streep or others of her kind actually DO anything, they're all talk. I also think that people like Meryl Streep want all the limelight they can get while the actual victims don't get the attention they deserve. Step off the stage, Ms. Streep, this is not about you, it's about the victims.
I do agree that the victims need more attention. Tho we never know she could of been doing stuff behind the scenes for years. And a lot of people consider Meryl Streep one of the greatest actress of of our time so it would honestly be strange to see someone with that type of influence do nothing at all. Even if all it is wearing a black dress to show solidarity.
I think everyone is well aware of sexual assault. For the past half decade or so we've been hearing all about sexual assault allegations and rape stories. Victims don't need attention; everyone in the west is well aware of the issue. Organizations need money and volunteers. Twitter activism is dumb and often harms a movement more than helps. Everyone and their mother can give attention. Almost everyone can give money and time. It's 1000 times more important that attention, and always will be.
Ani Mkrtchyan, I get the feeling if Meryl Streep and other more famous actresses did nothing you would blast them for that. So maybe she wasn't abused, is there something wrong with her showing solidarity? If they didn't then this movement may have died a slow death, but because it has spread to ALL women with so many voices joining in the movement has continued to gain traction. But also I disagree with your characterization that they are stealing the limelight, that is just your impression.
Meryl Streep is a complete hypocrite lol. She gave convicted rapist of a 13-year old Roman Polanski a standing ovation for his Oscar and said she is "very sorry" Roman is in jail. Guess she doesn't give a fuck about little girls getting raped.
She's also recently self-proclaimed to be fighting for equal rights of women in the USA, even though they already have equal rights for decades. So not only is she a hypocrite, but an utter dumbfck as well. I honestly don't understand why anyone would give her any credibility at this point.
Sorry but wearing the most used "color" is not a statement. Using yellow, pink, army green is a statement, but like 1/3 of all the dresses would in any circumstances be black at the award, so nobody would know if it's in sympathy or fashion.
In regards to pizza girl, I have two thoughts: 1st there is a certain level of expectation when requesting a joke on your pizza box, I can say 9/10 times if it's a lame little kid friendly joke you're going to be disappointed, you should've known what you were getting yourself into. 2nd you can choose to be offended or not with that joke, imo the mom was 'professionally offended' and made a situation out of nothing. I'm sure she wouldn't have blinked twice if her kid heard that joke at school. I don't get why parents feel the need to shelter kids as they get older, you're just delaying the inevitable.
also, if it was a kid, it most likely did not understand it
That pizza story is bullshit. Poor girl probably delivered 50 pizzas to stoners before that one and thought that would get a good chuckle.
The pizza story is bullshit. That is what we get when this PC culture gets out of hand, like it is out of hand today.
Penny E Except the customers deliberately asked the employee to write a joke on the pizza box.
I think the girl should have asked for more information, like who is the joke to. She might have though the woman would find it funny not realizing it was for young kids.
Still the pizza girl went above and beyond to give the customer what she wanted and she got fired for it.
4:23 Good shit bud
If you really want to protest, don't go.
Stop working with anyone shown to be an abuser, stop working with any company that supports them. Stop taking money, stop covering for your buddies.
Wearing black might show solidarity, but it's solidarity between hypocrites who knew what was going on but refused to speak up until someone else did first. It shows solidarity between people who cared more about their jobs than their morals.
I don't think that's true. As it's been said a ton before, many MANY people were scared to speak up since they felt they had absolutely no power, no influence on what would happen. The black shows solidarity between people who felt that they were alone before all of this surfaced.
People need money to survive, sure a single person may be able to last until they find another job. But how about if the person has children or family that depends on your income? Would your morals take precedence to your own family's well-being? It's not so black and white as to speak up against these things ESPECIALLY if they employ you or have the power to make you lose employment.
Yeah these women waited till there career was not in danger. They sat on their ass while other women were assaulted. I don’t feel bad for any women that profited off of that kinda institution.
CaptCorleone Thank you! Finally, someone who said it! 👏
I agree with you. They are hypocrites, especially Jessica Chastain. Her comments in the #MeToo movement is the most hypocritical of all. She’s just like the others who care more about their jobs than their morals.
And another point, why tf would you depend on one source of income? Doesn’t matter if you’re single or married with kids, you need to have another income stream in case situations like these happen. What if the likes of Harvey Weinstein sued an actress as an offensive move because she rejected his advances? I understand victims not being able to speak up due to fear but because of employment reasons? That’s just BS.
vi3tlion there are a couple of things wrong with that logic though. First, acting isn't an industry you get into just to get by. For most people it's either a lot of success or failure followed by a career change. If you have people to look after you don't get into acting.
Second, what do you do when it's your family being abused? Accepting that kind of situation means that they may we'll find themselves in a bad situation that you helped support.
I love Liza. That makes me super happy. I love how you love your job. That is what I call living your best life. ✨
Seems the pizza hut issue was a major over reaction by all involved, the mum did have a right to "complain" or rather make the pizza hut aware but going to the press is a massive over reaction. Pizza hut sacking someone who probably needs the cash because they damn well arent working there for the career building opportunities is also an over reaction. Its something that could have been solved with a couple of free pizza vouchers and a reprimand to the employee.
Then again, its just a pizza delivery job. She could just become a Lift/Uber driver and make more money, they did her a solid.
From the sound of it the press came to her after the story blew up online.
Well, she could work for a competitor and make more money. In my area, pizza hut pays the worse.
Two groups of people order Pizza Hut: families and poor college kids. She had a 50/50 chance of that joke landing. Ultimately, I would blame Pizza Hut for all of it. People ask for jokes all the time - how do they not have any sort of policy for employees to follow? Of course sex jokes going to families would become a problem! But still, if the employee didn't break any rules, she shouldn't be fired.
Paula Zupke Yeah, i could understand maybe disciplining her not to do it again in future, but immediately firing her for something that isn't even breaking a company rule is ridiculous.
Pizza Hut should just have some policy like "you a customer gets offended by a joke, not our problem if you don't laugh."
An adult had to have approved that purchase. If you're an adult and can't handle a PG-13 joke, maybe you shouldn't be asking for jokes then (or letting a child ask for one on your behalf). People like you who pander to people getting offended makes it more difficult for the rest of us to have fun. So screw her feelings. Pizza Hut can keep doing what they're doing and that crybaby can learn her lesson about asking for jokes when you don't have a sense of humor.
Paula Zupke there shouldn't be a joke system because there's too much room for error. Too many people with too many viewpoints. That said if they wanted to have a joke thing there should be strict and clear policy rather than leaving everything up to the employees interpretation. Not fair to the employees or the customers
Pirate Bear how about if your kid is ordering the pizza and someone does/draws/writes something inappropriate or offensive? Like drawing swastikas or confederate flags or a black person hanging from a noose? Still think no one should be offended? Have a sense of humor. Right? OK.
Merry Christmas to
Everyone in Philly-Land!
Peggy Hill My man
Why is no one calling out Rose McGowan for her own blatant hypocrisy? It's common knowledge that she willingly accepted $100,000 from Weinstein back in 1997 in exchange for not exposing him after he had assaulting her. She recently claimed she never reported the crime because an attorney told her she "couldn't win the case". Her extreme selfishness and lack of regard for the safety of others allowed Weinstein to victimize dozens of other young actresses over the next 20 years! Knowing this, why is she so lavishly praised for having the "courage" to speak up now (although she STILL hasn't identified Weinstein by name), and being held up as such a "powerful advocate" for sexual assault victims?
the US government is the funniest and scariest reality tv show in the world
Can't wait for season 20 when they might recast the lead
That's a common pizza delivery joke.... Almost every single place uses it. I remember seeing a post someone put on instagram with that joke a few years ago. Why is it a big deal now?
It's 2017, nearly 2018. Can't have any fun stuff in this world that isn't censored or immediately punished.
I guess its like rule 34 for things now: If it exists someone, somewhere is offended by it.
That isn't a rule already? Oh yeah right. The rule is: That hot girl you see over there, yeah, somebody is fed up with her bullshit.-->Same principle applies with People getting offended.
Yeah, RUclipsrs just have a much stronger connection versus the connection between you and a celebrity. You usually comment on the video of RUclipsrs you love and most read your comments compared to a celebrity that just doesn't have the time to read through ALL their social media comments simply because they're job doesn't focus around it. RUclipsrs also do a lot more meet ups and cheaper ones too. Not to mention there's a better feeling you get when you meet someone you've supported throughout the years on YT and seen grow in popularity. You don't get the same feeling with celebrities because most never make it as big or get picked up by a record company and you really don't feel as connected
I think the primary problem is that celebrities don't really appreciate their fans as much as RUclipsrs do, for the reasons you previously stated and in general most of them (that I've seen) don't really make an effort too.
RUclipsrs rely on their viewers directly. If they did anything to betray us, they would suffer directly. Celebrities don't need to be popular to have fans. They just need to be celebrities.
'There's a time and a place for everything' - Oh? You mean like asking the person who delivers your pizza to tell you a joke?
Chris Wallace the joke was wildly inappropriate and there worker should be punished. Maybe not fired, but there should at least be some form of punishment.
On the #Metoo thing, I do have to agree that it seems kinda empty. Like "I'm going to an event for an industry where multiple people have been accused of sexual harassment and I'll get publicity and get into an incredibly exclusive event but I'm wearing black because i think this entire industry has a problem!" Like if its so bad, and they care that much, refusing to go would be a lot bigger and more impactful that just wearing black. It definitely feels like a publicity gesture for the celebrities more than anything
I just find it so funny how Meryl Streep and Jessica Chastain want to help the #MeToo movement when they both have worked with Harvey and were well known about his past and were warned. You even had Jessica say that she heard about this but yet said nothing to the public. I agree with Rose 100% on her statement
Correct me if I'm wrong, as i dont have twitter, but didn't Ben Affleck catch a world of hate for virtue signalling after the Harvey Weinstein thing broke because he supposedly knew and did/said nothing. Why is Meryl Streep different... especially after the 'Harvey is God' quote.
obviously because 1st she is women .. 2nd she is more respected ..
Ravi Tolani I don't find either of those things particularly relevant. On the first point I'm egalitarian... On the second, if you're to be respected, your responsibility to be morally and logically consistent is greater, not lessened.
Philip DeFranco owning up and taking accountability for his (and his company's) mistakes (even a very reasonable, understandable mistake) is a refreshing change
Have to say, one of my biggest pet peeves is when people talk about social issues like its an actual war were people will be hurt. Like that actress Amber. You're wearing a black dress, not rushing the shores at Normandy.
Jaysus Christ
Peoples' public statements are put on there to be read and judged, but perhaps even celebrities are harsh and judgemental online (or at least more than they would be face to face).
I'm stealing that joke
What really just blows my mind is that Rose McGowan apparently defended Victor Salva, yet continues to preach and tear down other women who are after the same goal: getting justice. For those of you who don't know, Victor Salva was involved in the making of the Jeepers Creepers (a producer or director?) and he is a CONVICTED child molester. He was sentenced to only 3 years in jail, but only did 15-18 months and then continued to create movies. Sarah Hawkinson did a video about it on RUclips (she's does horror movie reviews and discussed why she wasn't going to watch the 3rd jeepers creepers movie). I checked to see if it was true and Rose McGowan didn't want to get involved with "his business" when asked about it in an interview for a movie of his that she starred in, yet it's different when it comes to Harvey Weinstein. I'm not saying he's any better than a child molester, because both are honestly disgusting monsters. I'm just really dumbfounded with Hollywood and all the hypocrisy that lies in it. Justice for all the women affected by this awful man and justice for the children who were affected by this disgusting predator. Both of them can rot in jail tbh. I'm just sickened by all the grimy shit that goes on in holleywood.
Wow. I didn't know. What a disappointment.
I'm sorry if I sound sexist but I don't think they should remake movies just because the main characters were all male and they want to make one all women. Didn't they learn from Ghostbusters(2016)?
totally legit idiots You are totally right and don't be sorry for your opinions. I also hope you realize that most celebs are dumb not in a biased way but literally dumb they soak up their self righteous acts and ugh it's disgusting anyways goodday
totally legit idiots not sexist its true and the only reason why the female ghostbusters failed was because they all tried to the funny person... But on to the remakes its only happening because of the sjw and I don't think its ever going to stop so buckle up and get ready for a fucked up future where no one can have an opinion and get offended by breathing
I dont think they should either but its things like the marvel universe being 10+ years old now and there still isnt a lead female superhero. Its things like there being no big female directors and stuff like that. Movie remakes like ghost busters are just making the more realistic and important changes more laughabl. I personally don't care too much what gender a main character is but it did feel really cool watching wonder woman.
totally legit idiots The female Ghostbusters was just crappy. I like the idea of a female Ocean's movie. They're fun. The casting just seems bad. I just hope they wrote a fun heist movie.
All girl Lord of the flies? It is not my cup of tea and I'm not feeling guilted into watching it. If they want to make it, let them. Maybe it will find a niche, or maybe it will tank. I'm curious as to what would the narrative be if it tanks? "You are all sexist!" "Women turnout atrocious for female lead movies" "poor decisions all around" "100% rotten tomatoes"
Sad fact is most Americans, like many in comment Section, are more interested in frivolous drama rather than the biggest tax code change in 30 years. One will affect them and hundreds of millions for decades, the other they and most others will forget by next week. Please cover important news more Phil, as boring as it can be sometimes you reach many young people traditional media cannot. I also thank you for your coverage of Net Neutrality over the years. As they say, an informed public is the greatest weapon of democracy.
Null_Mage it's to late for us
Between this and the Net Neutrality decision, idk who can claim we live in a democracy anymore. We are an oligarchy, just like Russia whom we love to hate.
I honestly don't care for either Meryl Streep or Rose McGowan, I think they both have let a lot of shady stuff slide for the sake of their careers. I am glad the cesspool that is Hollywood is finally getting cleaned out a little, or at least having a light shines on it, but neither of those women are the heroines of this movement.
Okay, I'm pretty sure I commented on Monday's video thanking you for the mix up because it made me laugh in the face of everything going on. Yet the fact that you immediately corrected that mix up at the very beginning of this video is one of the reasons I respect you and your channel so much. Thanks for addressing it and in such an honest and professional way.
She didn't deserve to get fired for that. The kid asked for a joke, he got a joke. Did Pizza Girl even know it was a 15 year old that ordered the pizza? Besides, a 15 year old probably saw and heard worst things than that joke. How petty can you be to get someone fired over something like that
I've said things worse than that and I'm only a year older than the kid.
I hope that pizza girl gets a job as Wendy's social media team
On the story about the actresses wearing black dresses to award ceremonies, I don’t know a whole lot about thing like to golden globes because I honestly don’t give a shit, but don’t most people who go to those events wear black or dark grey? It would be more of a statement if they wore ...... I don’t know lime green, that seems like it would be more of a statement.
So glad you openly and publicly talked about your mistake yesterday. I was wondering why the video yesterday only had a call out in the description where no one really looks. Good to see you honestly own up to it
That Pizza Hut joke is absolutely hilarious.
Meryl Streep called Harvey Weinstein "god", so Rose was not off base
Sal Minella seriously!!
Jesus Christ. These Phillip Defranco bots are out of hand!
tell me about it. It's practically a war of attrition at this point
As a active member of the military I have watched this show religiously, seriously phil you're the best.
that joke on the pizza box is awesome lol
Humstuck I texted it to a friend as soon as I heard it
I think the pizza girl getting fired was a bit much, this story doesn't seem like something that should have been covered by the news. I do think that it was an inappropriate joke; employees represent the company that hired them, and are expected to act in a way that is generally family-friendly and reflects well on the company (yes, the joke was funny though - but that's not the point). This situation seems to only warrant a call from the mother and a lecture on proper company procedure for the girl, instead it went overboard with the media coverage and the girl got fired. If the mother hadn't complained about it so publicly the girl would likely have learned her lesson anyway and would still have a job.
Meryl streep knew what he did just like she knew what Roman Polanski did.
I'd love to know where she said this.
I love humanity at times. Whenever it is we get together to fight for a common course, it is usually for the small and really silly things. But either way, JUSTICE FOR PIZZA GIRL !
Yeah... if you want a G-rated joke, ask for a G-rated joke!!!
Willy Lamb, I agree.
How about, if you want an X rated joke, ask for an X rated joke. Why is a dirty joke the default? You don`t think that children eat pizza!
Just Getting By that's just it... It's a joke. Get over it.
G for gynocologist.
Just Getting By Because you're not specifying the joke, it can be any kind of joke, from g rated to dirty, if you want to limit it to a certain kind of joke, then ask for that kind of joke.
I disagree with Phil saying the mother shouldn't have complained if she didn't want the girl fired. The mother was right to complain so those kinds of jokes don't get written on boxes to other kids and it was just a training opportunity. It was just wrong for Pizza Hut to fire the girl for one mistake. It was pretty funny though.
If that joke was in my pizza box and I knew the person who wrote it was a female. I would call them back and ask her out. Exactly the type of joke I want in my pizza box, it is absolutely hysterical.
Been a good year Phil! Enjoyed watching the content and seeing this channel grow!
Skip to 4:00 that’s when the Hollywood stuff ends
I don’t wanna put down women who wear black in protest, it can’t hurt. However when I think of Meryl Streep, I keep remembering her standing ovation to Roman Polanski at the awards(yes it was after he was already convicted). I don’t know if she feels bad about it today, but she surely didn’t feel bad back then.
jinsay2 And people who still work with Woody Allen.
seems like every week is a show that consists of reading celebrity tweets now.
I am going to miss you on the break, I hope you enjoy your break with your family though Phil.
Keep up the great work.
Can we get a Gofundme for Pizza girl? Give her a nice Holiday Bonus or something. That joke was top notch humor dammit.
You know what could be an amazing protest? Not showing up at all. Not a single damn woman at all seen at the event.
I'm kinda scratching my head wondering how wearing black is a protest.
I mean... black is the most commonly-worn color to formal events. What's the difference between the protesters and the others who just coincidentally decided to wear black?
Are the women wearing black participating in the protest whether they know it or not?
Merry Christmas and wicked ass new year Phil!!!!! Thanks for everything you do for us i appreciate it.
Meryl Streep shouldn't be talking, did everyone forgot how she called it a shame that Roman Polanski was arrested and applauded his work the same year at the Golden Globe awards.
You ask for a joke, you get an actual funny joke, then your mom complains about the joke because it was too spicy...
I almost feel more sorry for the kid who ordered the pizza than the girl, she can get a new job, he'll always have the mom who got the pizza girl fired.
If they really wanted to protest couldn't they do so by not showing up to the Golden Globes?
I'm not saying that's what they should do but wearing black to protest harassment just seems very superficial in this context
Crazy year Sir. Thank you for your perspective. Happy holidays.
Nothing against Liza, but what self respecting RUclipsr would do an interview with the WSJ after they basically caused the adpocalypse with their PDP takedown?
This tax plan does not only reduce taxes on the rich.. it reduces taxes on everyone. Unless you have a HUGE home with property taxes over 10000$
That has been my go to pizza joke for years, lol classic!!
Someone buy PizzaGirl her own PizzaHut!
I actually clicked on Liza’s Beats ads every time it popped up on instagram. I haven’t bought the trash headphones but I loved the ad.
Is it not hypocritical for Rose McGowen to "call someone out" on being silent? Or imply that Meryl Streep knew about it? She herself knew about it and chose to settle silently rather than publicly and that was her choice but she surely can't shame others, those in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks
Hey Phil. On the Amtrak accident you missed that the deadline for those rail safety measures has been extended 3 times, on request of I assume Amtrak. I don't recall who has asked but they did and they got it. To all that I say this, I would be starting a class action because some of the safety equipment is installed on that line but it's not finished. They opened a high speed line without having all the safe guards in place. We're not talikng your run of the mill frieght train speed here, 130 kph is damn ass fast. The word coming out is the engineer was training someone on a high speed line without all the saftey equipment installed. Smart, sorry......Smrt. That kind of shit can not happen, period. This wasn't an accident, this was wreck looking for a place to happen.
Thank you for including the Jonghyun picture mistake in this video
Noooo philly I neeed u you’re the only news I listen to on a daily basis!!!!!
But I totally understand, Hope you have a great holiday break with your family💟
You deserve a longer break to be honest 😂
Everyone deserves a break over the holidays but I'm gonna miss Phil over the holidays. I miss him on a Sunday knowing there will be a show on Monday, so I don't know how I'm gonna cope 😔
Lol so Meryl Streep is outraged over Weinstein but had no problem giving Roman Polanski a standing ovation
@thepizzagirlstory The girl working there didn't just put the joke there just for laughs...The kid ordering the pizza asked for the joke under "any special instructions" an option on online ordering. So basically she did an awesome job provided exactly what the customer ordered and was shit canned for it. What kind of dumb bumble fuck world are we living in?
Reporting on the pizza hut story was stellar
Idc about Liza Koshy nor do I watch her YT channel but congratulations to her.
Remember kids, Philip DeFranco's name will have a check box next to it to show he's verified. If it doesn't have a sign of verification, don't click on links by impersonators.
The pizza joke was sort of funny, but I was just very embarrassed to have my mom hear it. I don't blame the mom for being upset and calling the pizza place, that was a pretty racy joke. But I think Pizza Hut is the bad guy for firing the girl. This warrants a warning, not losing your job right before Christmas.
Thank you Phil for respecting our love for Jonghyun!
Rose McGowan is one of those people that makes others back away when they hear the word ‘feminist.’ One of those people that points and yells ‘complicant’ if you aren’t running around screaming at the top of your lungs. Wearing black and establishing that you haven’t forgotten the cause, that you aren’t just letting it die with a news cycle, is a way to show you’re still committed without having to shove it in everybody’s face and scream at them at all times. The sad reality is doing that is detrimental as after a while people block you out. Change takes time, and people in positions of power who are able should show solidarity at every opportunity. This is one of those opportunities. This is how you get through to people on the fence. There’s a time and a place for different battle styles. This is just a way to handle this front. Chill.
Leah Ocarina thank you so much for saying that.
It needs to be said again and again before people stop attacking each other and focus on the problem. Going on too strong for too long just makes people shut it out. We need to stop yelling at each other just because some of us are trying to read the room.
How many are actually real? Not saying they're all fake, just pondering the chances without any bias so don't get triggered. It does happen in the real world after all every now and then
I am a 21-year-old college student, making $15 an hour working for a company as a programming intern, and I will pay more in taxes under this legislation. Many people with more money than me will pay less.
TheKurtPrice And that's the problem.
Well it isn't like I was saying that was the solution lol.
TheKurtPrice My apologies, I didn't mean for you to see it that way. What I should have said is that that's a good summarization of what will happen.
lol no problem! Glad that others agree.
TheKurtPrice :) Great! But yeah, it really bothers me, the direction this country is going in is a bit scary. I'd like to think that America has become a money farm for the rich and powerful. Like an app game. We're an app game to them. It's going to take massive unification to push back. Besides voting and calling to raise hell, I'd like to see what else is in store for us all.
Joke = Funny
Mom = Salty
DeFranco = Discussing
Obama didn’t ask me if I could afford a 6% tax hike but he dumped it on me anyway, any Tax cut is overdue and welcome. I shouldn’t have to pay for those people who can work but would rather sit on their asses and let me pay their way threw life. Let them get hungry and they will figure it out
you do realize the tax cut will mainly be for the rich and for business correct? There will really be no tax cut for the middle class, unless you own a private jet (which will now be tax deductable)
the only way "the vast majority will see a tax cut" is for the rich. It matters because if they already control 50% - 90% of the wealth, why should we just sit back and advocate for them having more? It's not being distributed evenly whatsoever. Also, economics states that there needs to be a strong middle class that is encouraged to spend in order to drive the economy and make it strong. If the middle class is taxed more heavily, they will be less incentivized to spend making the economy weaker. You could argue that we will just have the upper class spend more but they are where they are because they know how to save money and at then end of the day, the only need so many things (millionaires still only need two pillows)
Honestly I think Rose is alienating a large part of the me too movement by saying that if you ever worked alongside one of these horrible men or didn’t speak out bout it then you can’t stand together now. A lot of these women didn’t initially speak out or didn’t know of everyone that was involved. It sucks that there is infighting.
Exactly! What does that say to the women who were too scared? Isn't this whole movement supposed to empower women and tell them you're not alone?
But instead she's alienating them.
Women pull together and unite against sexual assault, and the movement starts falling apart because of in-fighting over what dress to wear? That just looks bad for so many reasons.
Thank goodness I knew I was correct on the Jong-Hyun image usage. Thanks Phil for apologising and doing the best you can on your research on what happened.