If Mr. Egg changes his style as a professional host like these by lowering his tone and less stuttering because he is a media between the guest and the audience that he can prepare and practise his script instead of like that in interviewing artistes or talk shows or radio broadcasting where one might have to improvise, it could express his versatility. Of course some people will like no matte what.....
想請問醫生, 早兩年有過乳癌, 係屬於HR+, 雖然已經做哂所有療程, 所以都係等捱過5年大關, 想問下醫生如果唔食雞, 冇咁多雌激素, 平日做多d運動咁係咪就冇咁易復發?😵😵😵 有冇d咩方法可以預防復發? 效果係點? 醫生可唔可以講多少少?🙏🙏
家姐舊年年頭發現有HR+乳癌 明明先做完哂手術🥲 但今年檢查嘅時間就發現復發 肺都見到有事唔係話早期乳癌會易醫啲咩??😿醫生可唔可以講下咩係HR+/HER-乳癌?點解咁場仗咁難 🥺🥺
If Mr. Egg changes his style as a professional host like these by lowering his tone and less stuttering because he is a media between the guest and the audience that he can prepare and practise his script instead of like that in interviewing artistes or talk shows or radio broadcasting where one might have to improvise, it could express his versatility. Of course some people will like no matte what.....
AI = Arimidex
AI = Aromatase Inhibitor
有3隻藥,分別為 Femara,Aromasin,Arimidex