Starcraft2 planetary fortress rush

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
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  • @RandomGlass
    @RandomGlass 14 лет назад

    Ahahaha as if it isn't bad enough that theres a Planetary Fortress in your base, he starts mining! FANTASTIC!
    Also, I'd suggest walling in your SCVs (@1:07) with a supply depot in the gap between the PF and the racks.

  • @SirPayne
    @SirPayne 14 лет назад

    He knows exactly where he was. This is a 1vs1 map where the bases are at this locations. It's designed that way that the bases are close to each other via air but the usual path between them is U-shaped.
    I Just watched the replay of it, it's a 25 minutes long fight with few units on both sides. In the end the Terran won with some micromanagement.
    The Protoss said later he didn't expect that rush and thought the Terra would fly to the island.

  • @Slangwell
    @Slangwell 13 лет назад +1

    I know hind sight is 20/20...but I love how the toss player was like: "I thought ud do this and this and this so I did this and this..." JUST SCOUT

  • @spille1234
    @spille1234 14 лет назад

    @edi2314 Getting a forge to build cannons is pretty unusual in the early game. Not to mention, that you dont have the resources to do so....But the protoss could have known whats gonna happen when his scouting drone saw the Buildings flying away. The key to prevent this rush is NEVER EVER let the Commandcenter land in your base. Just micro some drones under it.

  • @kathyness1
    @kathyness1 14 лет назад

    @Maurinovsky Indeed, protoss should have kept gathering keep a zelot or two in the mineral line to keep killing the SCV's, let the fortress fire on what it can reach since he now can't move it, then build a stargate and a voidray and you win.

  • @aclock2
    @aclock2 14 лет назад

    You can control nearly unlimited unit. It's maximum 24 units, if you select more than that, it will automatically divined into channels and there are 5 channel at maximum, so you can control at least 120 units at a time ( could be more, I' not sure). Apparently, you won't have the selecting proplem of SC 1.

  • @2Chonky2Furious
    @2Chonky2Furious 14 лет назад

    I feel you on the Wow thing. Though I'd like to say SC2 looks amazing to me. And I'm glad it's a whole lot like SC1. I mean, it's Starcraft. If I wanted to play a different RTS, I'll play a different RTS. But if I want to play Starcraft, why not have it as close to the original as possible, but with a new campaign, new units, new buildings, and a new engine. Sounds good to me.

  • @Musicmaster182
    @Musicmaster182 14 лет назад

    With more then a decade of working on this game, I hope its as amazing as it looks. Mostly psyched about the game editor, I make maps on W3FT and SC1, can only imagine what the new one is like. I remember watching the videos they showed us at Blizzcon of the map editor. It was insane. As for release date Blizzard site says its to be "slated in the first half of 2010" So around summer time / before.

  • @WTFallusernametaken
    @WTFallusernametaken 14 лет назад

    This wouldn't work against another Terran. Once you get that orbital defense on your CC you can't move again while the other terran can float his CC to a blocked off ramp or island to rebuild. He'll have eco advantage and the other terran will have his SCV's further away from the mineral line. You can search for commander center rush and it's one of the videos.

  • @VersionBest
    @VersionBest 14 лет назад

    I can't believe you actually pulled that off.
    Good job man.

  • @neverfearchrisishere
    @neverfearchrisishere 14 лет назад

    its a devastating tactic the first time someone uses it against you. and theres not much to be done once its landed - but after you sit and think about it its dead easy to counter it by placing a unit underneath it stopping it from landing till you can shoot the damn thing down.
    Larger maps and perfect high speed early build order also stops it fairly effectively.
    Basically its only for bashing noobs with.

  • @2Chonky2Furious
    @2Chonky2Furious 14 лет назад

    Also, this was awesome. Totally cheap and I'd get pissed if I was the Protoss, but that's awesome. The SCVs were mining from the toss's main base, that's just hilarious.

  • @mcgoonin
    @mcgoonin 14 лет назад

    @canadiananim8r yeah except for the fact that he left ever last prob on the command center and lost them all the command center was too far away from all the buildings so most likely it was a slow finish off with a couple marrines

  • @davidangel64
    @davidangel64 14 лет назад

    This video is nothing short of art.

  • @pas1349
    @pas1349 14 лет назад

    That was some funny shit dude. I love trying crazy stuff like that out on my buddies just to see if it will actually work.

  • @staphinfection
    @staphinfection 14 лет назад

    Once the Fortress is done, IT CANNOT FLY ANYMORE.... the counter to this would be to just build on the other side of your base.... or go expand somewhere else. Meanwhile, the terran is starved for minerals since they havent been mining this whole time, just send your troops into his old main base.

  • @WarThemedRevolution
    @WarThemedRevolution 13 лет назад

    @jctregoat The secret is to keep at least one unit under the command center while it is flying. Because then it cannot land.

  • @Paradician
    @Paradician 14 лет назад

    You can see on the minimap, Protoss has another Nexus going up at his natural. The game is 25 minutes long but we only see the first 7. This rush LOST the game against a Protoss who had never seen it before and made so many wrong decisions (Zealots initially attacked the barracks and he pulled probes off the line to attack the PF. If he'd killed the SCVs and gone back to mining until the last moment, it would have been an even easier win for P).

  • @andrewdlee0
    @andrewdlee0 14 лет назад

    It's also likely red would have won since blue had nearly no economy left over and red could build safely out of range of the fortress. The fortress is also in an awkward position and can't lift off so any advantage given by the few surviving SCVs would be downplayed by the inefficient mining. One possible thing for red would be to build cannons just out of range of the fortress to stop blue's expanding also.

  • @ZC.Andrew
    @ZC.Andrew 14 лет назад

    @TruAscendancy very good point! i think he panicked.... or perhaps the terran was building another CC

  • @elitebanktyranny
    @elitebanktyranny 14 лет назад

    lol in the last blizzcast dustin browder was talking about how theyre amazed by some of the strategies the community can come up with on beta
    gg that was awesome

  • @SirMo
    @SirMo 14 лет назад

    SC1 still kicks ass, the closer SC2 is to it the better. Blizz knows what they are doing. Improving on an already awesome game, instead of rebooting and ruining the franchise like Red Alert and Dawn of War devs did.

  • @webguy943
    @webguy943 14 лет назад

    i was assuming T already landed their CC. You can't play "as normal" in this situation since he's doing an all-in strat, which requires u to focus heavily pumping zeals. but yes, putting a unit under the CC to prevent them from landing would be good, but it can only last so long before SCVs/Marines would come and kill the unit.

  • @Hobbe__
    @Hobbe__ 13 лет назад

    1 probe is the counter to a PF rush, just stand under the command center when it tries to land

  • @EastBurningRed
    @EastBurningRed 13 лет назад

    Um pretty sure he won as he had barracks while the other player only had an expo and nothing producing out of the gateways. The proper response is probably not to attack the planetary but just to rebuild at the expo and hold off the marines with the zealots or cannon up at expo. economic advantage still goes to protoss and with it eventually protoss should win

  • @hotstuffwatcher
    @hotstuffwatcher 14 лет назад

    nah im pretty sure purple with the barracks could of taken out whats left of the probes at the expansion plus its gonna be hard to rebuild a base with marines harrassing u with a barrack right next to ur base and theres nothing u could do about it and the pf took out all his pylons and gateways so he cant do anything except build probes and pylons

  • @g0rilas
    @g0rilas 14 лет назад

    This will be the first thing I'll do when I get my hands on the game. Thank you, sir.

  • @wamyx8Nz
    @wamyx8Nz 14 лет назад

    I'm kinda surprised this tactic works. The protoss player had awhile to see that command center coming in. He should've just pulled a couple of probes and moved them under the buildings to stop them from landing. Probes are faster than buildings so it would've been no problem to keep them up there and shaft the terran.

  • @ovr9kwieners
    @ovr9kwieners 13 лет назад

    I hope you know that 3 is the maximum saturation for any gas geyser. Putting an additional worker on a gas which has 3 workers already on it will not increase your gas income.

  • @pat3309
    @pat3309 14 лет назад

    @wamyx8Nz yea but then he would have to devote alot of time preventing the CC to land and neglect his forces, probably leaving him exposed for another UNIT attack.

  • @Wildfire788
    @Wildfire788 14 лет назад

    @Blizzhobbs No, that's why he had to land in the enemy base first.

  • @schazers1
    @schazers1 13 лет назад

    i cracked up when you started mining his minerals lol

  • @Jenkins157
    @Jenkins157 14 лет назад

    but the game wasnt over, you can tell in the replay that Protoss had an expansion and red didn't quit so cant say if the guy lost or not

  • @DanBarzhard
    @DanBarzhard 14 лет назад

    This is a once in a million strategy. Plus, if the toss player just sends a probe and expands at the bottom of the map GG for terran

  • @Youngbucker09
    @Youngbucker09 14 лет назад

    so sad that people haven't heard of starcraft and brood wars
    such amazing games.

  • @wytrokit
    @wytrokit 14 лет назад

    Very close. Almost was a planetary fail. I don't think this will be a rush to patchfix. Seems very counterable. Great job. That was a ballsy move.

  • @mysticookiebear
    @mysticookiebear 14 лет назад

    I honestly just started tearing up....beautiful

  • @ebutuou123
    @ebutuou123 14 лет назад

    i would love to see in the later game someone build like 5 command centers with planetary fortresses and drop them in someones base. that woudl be SWEET.

  • @robbiekuipers
    @robbiekuipers 13 лет назад

    Tis happened to me a while ago.
    Except he failed.
    He land the thing into my base, when i had a few zerglings and a queen already, and i could quickly create some more zerglings after that, and finish off the things this way.

  • @Pacacoca
    @Pacacoca 14 лет назад

    @ale03000 read the chat of the opponent at the end. He says that he saw the buildings flying but didnt think he would make that rush xD

  • @SirPayne
    @SirPayne 14 лет назад

    Yes, if he would have pumped Zealots instead teching this strat would not have been so successful. Especially the choke point is too huge too block. The Toss got suprised when the buildings landed on his side :P If he expect that he could have countered it.

  • @onlynumbersas
    @onlynumbersas 13 лет назад

    @loboxja actually it is root league, below dirt league.

  • @Condeycon
    @Condeycon 14 лет назад

    The game isn't out but the open beta has started so this footage is most likely from that.

  • @MathStringInputOutpu
    @MathStringInputOutpu 13 лет назад

    you know, you don't usually rush with the command center you start with to ensure that you can continue the game if the rush fails.

  • @Senae
    @Senae 14 лет назад

    @azndrummerboi if you look at the minimap the opponent made an expansion, and he didn't have enough resources to really do anything.

  • @Yuicy
    @Yuicy 14 лет назад

    @RtdXyron, SC1 has a lot of ridiculous things that you wish they would do better, but you don't really blame them when you see how long it has been going on. In SC2 they have already fixed little things that aren't even suppose to be that hard to maintain in SC1 but unfortunately they are (for example. Pathfinding is quite pain in the ass from time to time). These two Starcraft games are going to play so differently from one another.

  • @And1Li
    @And1Li 14 лет назад

    he did scout watch mini-map and the fow disappear around 0:19 from protoss direction and then you see an scv leaving around 0:30
    also this is a replay so you see what's happening from both players point of view

  • @gooboberti
    @gooboberti 14 лет назад

    Real Time Strategy, RTS game. Other games in this genre include Warcraft 1, 2, 3; and the Command and Conquer series

  • @Yuicy
    @Yuicy 14 лет назад

    Why wouldn't people be anxious about it? Just like you said yourself, you liked Diablo 2 (like i did) and you are waiting for new content, characters and whatnot that comes out in Diablo 3 when it's released. It will bring you something new to the games universe. That same goes to Starcraft as well. People are waiting to see its story to progress and new units and strategies it will bring within. Hours of exciting gameplay when people actually know how it's played. People love the franchise.

  • @Zaljinzoo
    @Zaljinzoo 14 лет назад

    "Ahahahaha!" Laughs two guys watching this when all of a sudden a Planetary Fortress breaks in and attack them
    Planetary Rush, it's only funny when it happens to someone else!

  • @CoreMarine
    @CoreMarine 14 лет назад

    @staphinfection Not unless the Terran player still has workers then he can leech off the minerals from the enemy base.

  • @YOUchris15
    @YOUchris15 14 лет назад

    @Kozimierz thats why he built a planetary fortres right when he landed.. look dude

  • @kingkongbassbeat
    @kingkongbassbeat 14 лет назад

    @Wasavirgin112 I've noticed its been towards Protoss , but those were the games I was in. But with how the patches nerfed zerg alot I'll guess terran and toss.

  • @Urobot
    @Urobot 14 лет назад

    i bet the protoss scout was like "WTF IS HE DOING" when he saw the command center lifting off

  • @thebigDnowyall
    @thebigDnowyall 14 лет назад

    i like how the protoss just says all this stuff and you ignore him

  • @bashlol
    @bashlol 14 лет назад

    LOL, had he had a few zeals, wudda been a complete WRAP for that terran

  • @Yuicy
    @Yuicy 14 лет назад

    Yes, that's actually pretty cool as you can decide if you want to research detection or static defenses for your Command Center. No more little zergling harassments for your expansions that are far away from your main base. And yes you are quite cool, that comment of yours sums the whole new Planetary Fortress thing pretty well.

  • @KaxGaming735
    @KaxGaming735 14 лет назад

    I agree. Most people here don't have any ideas about how great this game is or how great the SCI was and it still is...
    They say that WoW is the worlds most playable game...
    If that is so then why aren't they sending it on Tv like SCI in korea ?
    SCI & SCII Most popular games evar.

  • @Limrasson
    @Limrasson 14 лет назад

    But it would be more realistic if you could land building on at least small and medium units and smash them. That's what the terrans probably would do with anything or anyone who's trying to sit on their landing direction!

  • @pkerofsara1
    @pkerofsara1 14 лет назад

    @ossigor1 can play games like starcraft on xbox360. like comand and conquer tiberium sun. one of the games were for xbox360. its not that actually hard. but its a bit more complicating then on PC.

  • @L4DWonton
    @L4DWonton 14 лет назад

    Clearly, this strategist is way ahead of his time.

  • @ImJTHM
    @ImJTHM 14 лет назад

    Just imagine what the engineer inside were thinking.
    Commander: Men! We are going to drop our command center directly into the center of the enemy base! You will then begin building a random ass cannon, and mounting it on the roof! Then we will win, somehow!
    Engineers: O_o

  • @jonasrnn9731
    @jonasrnn9731 14 лет назад

    @theescrappy1 Place a worker underneath it and it can never land.. He even scouted it taking off.

  • @halogamer2000
    @halogamer2000 14 лет назад

    He already had a second base being built to the left of his main, those workers.

  • @SirMo
    @SirMo 14 лет назад

    Exactly, removing the aspects of macro from an RTS is a step backwards. DoW2 did is and it was a complete let down.

  • @Animeman553
    @Animeman553 14 лет назад

    If you made a battle(.)net account and opted for the StarCraft II beta, then Blizzard will e-mail the account linked to your battle(.)net account giving you a CD Key to access the beta. They're doing three beta phases, so if you didn't get into this one, there are two more.

  • @POTATO12345
    @POTATO12345 14 лет назад

    no, just send a zealot to attack command center while it's in the air. it'll stand underneath and the thing will never be able to land.

  • @Cheezwise
    @Cheezwise 14 лет назад

    LOL nice work and you get his minerals while shooting good job hahaha.

  • @QuakinginFEAR
    @QuakinginFEAR 14 лет назад

    Nah, thors need a buff so they can kill void rays in two hits too.

  • @Animeman553
    @Animeman553 14 лет назад

    Awesome quality, what recording software do you use?

  • @trueStatic
    @trueStatic 14 лет назад

    If he'd just kept a probe under the cc the guy would've been screwed D: Oh well. Was too awesome to watch. Good cheese.

  • @YeOldeHobo
    @YeOldeHobo 14 лет назад

    There is not a thing in the history of forever that could be more watered down than Halo Wars.

  • @rubiksbillli
    @rubiksbillli 14 лет назад

    Once you plantetary fortress you cannot lift anymore. judging by the place you put your CC you'll have a hard time gathering minerals. Now there's still a lot of the replay left to rush so I cannot say that you won or loss. You won is the toss does not have 400 minerals. There's a small chance of having you lose but I am curious to see what happens.
    @Bashman20 it's not really imba. I would'v handle the situation differently and countered this - that toss player just scrubbed.

  • @xealiot
    @xealiot 14 лет назад

    this is more random than the Cannon rush by Protos
    so random.....i like it!!

  • @sidclemens
    @sidclemens 13 лет назад

    @jonleu thats why he replaced his barracks I guess.

  • @mcgoonin
    @mcgoonin 14 лет назад

    @DarkIce3495 no one is paying 300 for a beta key anymore since gamestop had the free beta key with pre order of SC2, but before that the people that would pay that had either had a problem or money to burn on stupid things

  • @alien3000ful
    @alien3000ful 14 лет назад

    ohohohoho maaan that was sick. I would have never thought of that lol

  • @TheMdlukas
    @TheMdlukas 13 лет назад

    the who fought against you was like , oh everything is perfect.... WTF command center , you must be kidding me? , its about 24 seconds after the pwnage begins..

  • @sg-hunter
    @sg-hunter 14 лет назад

    @roryjai if he does land and start building it will be a real pain in the ass if it finishes. why not just go all in vs his all in build and end it decisively?
    also my suggestion was for when the CC does land really. preventing it from landing is the best option but it wont always happen that way.

  • @Casprizzle
    @Casprizzle 14 лет назад

    they have a lot of new stuff and most of the old units got new abilities. I think they did a good job and I been a fan of starcraft since 2000 :/

  • @TheStealthFire
    @TheStealthFire 14 лет назад

    its hilarious how quickly it all happened
    can planetary fortresses still attack while airborne?

  • @Ianthe22
    @Ianthe22 14 лет назад

    It may be good in some situations to take over resources and block, though the cannon doesnt look that strong.

  • @IAmUh
    @IAmUh 13 лет назад

    What if it really shot that fast, that'd be beast... btw the only reason he pulled this off is because its on Scrap Station. try it on Monsoon and see the results. And btw, he didn't win... He lost, watch it closer at the end.

  • @kyuketsukiii
    @kyuketsukiii 14 лет назад

    That's unique but I imagine it's just as he says. If a good player spots an ebay really early like that they should just pump zealots.

  • @jrpg20
    @jrpg20 14 лет назад

    So I think the guys at SC4A are going to be all over this CC GG indeed

  • @sheebox
    @sheebox 14 лет назад

    @Kelberoth oh i see i thought its a 3 player map (the resources at the bottom i thought was a base area) ah then he did a good job.

  • @assholus228
    @assholus228 14 лет назад

    @kathyness1 the nexus will die before then, but expand outside and save zealots would be best option

  • @sonneh88
    @sonneh88 14 лет назад

    @TageMasterz argo0's right dude, look at it. Yeah the video ended, but the replay wasn't even half way, and the 'toss player moved his base already.

  • @ScriptorEye
    @ScriptorEye 14 лет назад

    this strategy could be good if you close the entrance of his base with your command center and your racks

  • @Naruto0519
    @Naruto0519 14 лет назад

    @smokenfly514 That entirely depends on the rest of your computer specs.

  • @SoulCalibrator
    @SoulCalibrator 14 лет назад

    @MrTheflowerman plenty of people played it. and it was good. it just wasn't as well received as warcraft was

  • @RtdXyron
    @RtdXyron 14 лет назад

    yeah i know but this one looks exactly like SC1 which is a good game but atm they need to focus on D3 and maybe WC strategy game like WC4 or sumtin... not WOW or SC2

  • @XReflection
    @XReflection 14 лет назад

    @canadiananim8r I'm prety sure he won, lol The toss player had no probes and probably didn't have enough min to build another nexus anyway. Still pretty early in the match, hence the rush

  • @armaniac661
    @armaniac661 13 лет назад

    I NEVER THOUGH this might work... but it's hilarious : D
    gj, dude

  • @MyCailou
    @MyCailou 13 лет назад

    if you have scouted youve just have to put an probe "under" the cc by attack it

  • @772ggb
    @772ggb 14 лет назад

    i love those sounds the ships make when they lift off.. 0:47 - 0:54

  • @saintsatan
    @saintsatan 14 лет назад

    they featured this map on a battle report on blizz dude. its a 2 player map. so if youre not here, youre there.

  • @MichaelNauss
    @MichaelNauss 14 лет назад

    @agro0 sure he did thats so easy to beat. you just move your base leavineg a few stalkers at the old minerals to kill any scvs

  • @zporkz
    @zporkz 14 лет назад

    Hahaha, that's kind of funny. I've never been good at these games, but I think I'd be crying a lot.

  • @POTATO12345
    @POTATO12345 14 лет назад

    true, it might be overkill tho. its prob easier to just get a stalker out and kill it that way, at least then if he tries to run you can chase it