Took me 8 years to get completely adjusted to transitioning to a new country and become comfortable again. By year eight, I had a college degree, a CPA license, my own house, 2 children and my own computer business. That was in 1977 when I moved to US for first year of collage and in those days, we didn't have computer and even a long distance call would cost a lot and so we only wrote letters. The first 3 nights I cried until my pillow case was all wet but by day 4, I decided it was a waste of time to cry, complain or even talk about how much I missed home. I went to the library and checked out a bunch of books to read and watched every English TV show that was available. Within a year my oral and written skills was proficient enough to find any jobs. My advise to all new immigrants, stop complaining and focus your time on learning English and technical skills to get a better job and better future. Stop dreaming, don't expect everything to be rosy after 1-2 years because your immigration journey is just starting.
好耐冇見!! Ok😊👌
Took me 8 years to get completely adjusted to transitioning to a new country and become comfortable again. By year eight, I had a college degree, a CPA license, my own house, 2 children and my own computer business. That was in 1977 when I moved to US for first year of collage and in those days, we didn't have computer and even a long distance call would cost a lot and so we only wrote letters. The first 3 nights I cried until my pillow case was all wet but by day 4, I decided it was a waste of time to cry, complain or even talk about how much I missed home. I went to the library and checked out a bunch of books to read and watched every English TV show that was available. Within a year my oral and written skills was proficient enough to find any jobs. My advise to all new immigrants, stop complaining and focus your time on learning English and technical skills to get a better job and better future. Stop dreaming, don't expect everything to be rosy after 1-2 years because your immigration journey is just starting.
It will take time to get used a different lifestyle, culture, weather etc. Thanks for your genuine sharing💖
移居不棄養,對毛孩負責任 👍 👍 👍
請問移民要帶幾錢先夠用? ,及每隻貓機票加雜費,打針要預計多少錢一隻?
想問下…邊間讀美甲課程?thanks so much !!!🙏🏻
Hi 陳律師, 唔知有冇興趣拍下啲有關法律既題材?
Hi, 遲啲會有多啲有關法律題材嘅影片, stay tuned!!😀
@@opheliachan 其實我相信唔少移英既香港人都遇到唔少不同類型既法律問題, 如果能夠開設一個平台提供呢方面既諮詢服務, 可以更直接幫到。