On becoming more religious = should I abandon my old friends?

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 23

  • @mlandry1993
    @mlandry1993 12 лет назад +18

    Rest in Peace Ronen, I will always use your videos to help me become a better jew.

  • @arual1969
    @arual1969 13 лет назад +6

    To his family especialy his children please continue your fathers work for your lineage is of a great man of god, and as rowen would say god bless you all

  • @nefrinhayat
    @nefrinhayat 12 лет назад +5

    I am a Muslim and still I could relate to what he is saying. hehe...I so could see myself in what he was describing about people who become religious.

  • @ArtsyTraveler90
    @ArtsyTraveler90 15 лет назад +2

    I so needed to hear this. You`re a very wise man, Ronen.
    Thanks for the video.

  • @clva8691
    @clva8691 6 лет назад +5

    But if someone is truly corrosive to your spirit, you have got to let them go.

  • @ieoo8283
    @ieoo8283 5 лет назад +3

    *DIVINE* 💞

  • @stars1836
    @stars1836 12 лет назад +2

    you don't need to abandon old friends. True, there are some things you might want to pass on like going to a non-kosher restaurant or a bar. You can still be friends in general.

    • @TheSealOfTheRose
      @TheSealOfTheRose 7 месяцев назад

      I do not consider it wrong or prohibited to go to a bar. Provided their is not a lewdness un tznius women or that only drink a kosher drink and eat no food.

  • @yaronmelo
    @yaronmelo 10 лет назад +4

    What I like on you is that you are proud to be Jew and Zionist, you love Zion (Israel) and in your videos you teach that, To be jew it doesn`t mean to wear in black, ... what about Aliah?

    • @matthewpettipas8233
      @matthewpettipas8233 7 лет назад

      Being a real Jew is about having respect for others, obviously you don't got that, just saying.

    • @matthewgordonpettipas6773
      @matthewgordonpettipas6773 2 года назад

      @@matthewpettipas8233 Oh boy, did I say that? I know this is old but I want to apologize for my ignorance at the time.

  • @hoshoshussain7768
    @hoshoshussain7768 10 лет назад +3

    Amm let me know what u think i am a muslim girl and i loved ronen 5 years ago of course he was dead at that time and it was the ever frist time i ever love a jew (am palestinian, my dad was killed by a jew solder) and i underdtand its forbeden for me to love marrige etc a jew but i really loved him and i still do and not as a brother, so unswer 2 qustions
    1 why did god took him b4 i tell him that i love him? 2 do u think u can choose who u will fall in love with?

  • @meirwise1107
    @meirwise1107 7 лет назад +1

    Tinok she'nishba means a kidnapped baby who didnt know he was Jewish. This does not apply to those who know they are Jewish but are just lax in practice.

  • @yosefchabad
    @yosefchabad 15 лет назад +1

    wow man right now i am on the same boat

  • @matthewpettipas8233
    @matthewpettipas8233 7 лет назад +2

    I love this video, but I must disagree with once a Jew always a Jew. The Torah is clear if you do not keep the commandments, you aren't Jewish. Judaism is purely a religion, not an ethnicity or anything else. May you rest in peace Ronen, I know Hashem has taken you home and you are still alive in spirit.

    • @gideon497
      @gideon497 2 года назад

      This is just not true. You will ALWAYS stay Jewish no matter your actions

    • @matthewgordonpettipas6773
      @matthewgordonpettipas6773 2 года назад +1

      @@gideon497 If that's your opinion, I respect that, just stating how I personally understand Torah. You're free to disagree and believe otherwise.

    • @TheSealOfTheRose
      @TheSealOfTheRose 7 месяцев назад

      Your have a very strange understanding if u may say so, as the Torah and all Rabbinc thought has always been that a person born of a Jewish mother is a Jew, regardless of Observance. That is why any jew above 13 can be counted in a minyan regardless of observanse. There are of course certain thingd he is prohibited from doing, involving himself in the production of kosher wine is one example. As for being an ethnicity or a religion Judaism does not neatly fit into modern terms and definitions. We are Am Yisroel. The nation of Israel, that is not to be confused with the modern state of Israel. In ancient times all nations had their own religion, before Alexander exported Greek paganism all over, which later became Roman, later Christianity, Islam ect. Prior to that, the Egyptians had their religion, the babylonians had theirs, and so on. The Hebrews were no acception. If you were to explain to a person from antiquity the separate of religion and state he would not understand what you were talking about. Thus then as now an Ivri, born of Ivri parents is an ivri, a Yehudi, if he doesn't do what he is supposed to he is still a Jew. Just as an American who broke U.S law remains an American.

  • @matisyahup613
    @matisyahup613 15 лет назад +1

    I think that old friends who are not shomer mitzvos should be given a testing period. Meaning that you give them a chance to accept it and if they continue to make fun of what your doing that who needs them? All my buds now are religious guys and I am much closer to them since our relationships revolve around learning and farbrengin w each other, as spiritual friends. true rayim. My old friendships were paper thin, im am much happier now without them than i was wih them.

  • @McDanMan84
    @McDanMan84 Год назад

    This dudes high as sht

  • @lubaman451
    @lubaman451 8 лет назад +2

    Wow gorgeous !!!! 😘😘😘😘

  • @hoshoshussain7768
    @hoshoshussain7768 10 лет назад

    Amm let me know what u think i am a muslim girl and i loved ronen 5 years ago of course he was dead at that time and it was the ever frist time i ever love a jew (am palestinian, my dad was killed by a jew solder) and i underdtand its forbeden for me to love marrige etc a jew but i really loved him and i still do and not as a brother, so unswer 2 qustions
    1 why did god took him b4 i tell him that i love him? 2 do u think u can choose who u will fall in love with?