Was it hard? How to get into Fantasy Springs on a NORMAL TICKET | Tokyo Disney Sea

  • Опубликовано: 1 янв 2025

Комментарии • 150

  • @itadakimichael
    @itadakimichael 2 месяца назад +22

    Your video was very helpful when I visited Disney Sea in September. Joined the line at 7am and was able to get Frozen Standby when the park opened (early) around 8:40am. Loved the experience. Totally worth it. Pro tip: The line all the way on the right is in the SHADE all morning thanks to the overhead monorail.

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  2 месяца назад +1

      I'm glad you were able to see Frozen! A lot of people were telling me they got in line at 8.30am and missed out in September. It seems that it got easier to get tickets for a bit for Frozen but it's harder again

  • @nich-nk2cr
    @nich-nk2cr 4 месяца назад +18

    FINALLY… the videos are coming

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +3

      Sorry for the wait!

  • @catzix4829
    @catzix4829 4 месяца назад +7

    Your outfits are always soooo gorgeous! 🩷

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +1


  • @omarala7608
    @omarala7608 2 месяца назад +2

    Do we agree that Kimdao is so pretty and positive? Lovely person

  • @lifewithstaph
    @lifewithstaph 4 месяца назад +9

    I think this is why Disney in Japan is way cheaper to enter because if you want to ride rides and get the shortest line you need to pay extra for the DPAs. It’s basically like going to the fair. You pay to get in, but if you want to ride rides you gotta buy tickets for them.

  • @Lafalot54
    @Lafalot54 4 месяца назад +10

    I was at Tokyo Disney for 3 days in July, and I only had the vacation package for fantasy springs on the last day. The first day I was surprised though since we did not have early entry, and showed up to the park right when they opened at like 9am, and we were still able to get a time for rapunzel first thing. I wasn't expecting to be able to get in at all until day 3, but we rode rapunzel and peter pan, and ate at arendell and lookout cookout. We saved snugly duckling and the other 2 rides for day 3. So yes you can get into fantasy springs with a regular park ticket

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +4

      Rapunzel and Peter Pan are quite easy to get on, it’s frozen that gets sold out immediately when the park opens

  • @kenny-my1db
    @kenny-my1db 4 месяца назад +3

    Thank you so much for this! I was stressing about buying a VP for my visit to Disney Sea in October, but now I feel reassured that I can get in with standby or DPA at some point, by just committing and refreshing! 220k yen is just not worth the price for 4 rides, (at least for my stay). Also, seems like it's part of the fun to refresh like you're in a gacha game till you get in!

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +2

      Yeah it’s honestly getting easier so I think you should be ok! I went back in August and got Frozen 3 times!

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      迪士尼樂園還可以 迪士尼海洋這段時間就千祈不要去了
      可惜我付了費入場 ,入到去 我一家竟然一個遊戲都玩不到, 連入去新園區拍張照的資格也沒有!!!!
      我剛剛是在中國的 黃金週和 日本的公眾假期過後的平日星期二去的
      謝謝你的分享, 但我也要分享我的個人感受給讀者們
      一個遊樂場根本就唔應該付了錢不能進去, 你冇能力應付那麼多人你就唔好收我錢入場, 一個普通正常家庭根本就唔會想過去遊樂場支付 遊戲設施任玩的入場券 四萬日元, 竟然一項稍為像樣的機動遊戲都玩不到, 甚至連入去看都不能看?
      他的全名應該叫迪士尼海洋大盜!!! 他招牌上大盜兩個字跌了在地下
      我就是一家大細專成從悉尼飛去日本迪士尼海洋玩, 可以輕鬆容易買到入場券, 但是入到去竟然在app上 用dpa, SP, 什麼40週年的恩物, 所有項目按入去都是not available !!!!!, 這樣我入去究竟是為了什麼? 好了, 女兒喜歡Elsa, 總算可以進去拍拍照, 作個留念, 去到冰雪奇緣園區門口, 竟然說因為我沒有抽到這個遊戲機會, 不單止冇得, 連進入園區影張相都冇資格!?!?!? 咁你為什麼要收我入場券四萬日元? 再退而求其次了, 看看一些Show吧, 竟然一個show available 的選擇也沒有!?!?!?!? 你收我錢入場時有冇跟我說我純粹只是付費入場睇人玩? 世上有這麼好的生意的嗎? 我都想開一間餐廳, 現在我的感受是這餐廳收了每人一萬多yen 跟人家說all you can eat, 收了人全費叫人入餐廳只是站著不準吃, 另外再要每碟菜再收 2000 yen才能吃一碟, 都冇辦法, 上了賊船了, 兒女肚餓.. 當我在錢包拿出 8000 Yen 的時候 , 給人伸手阻擋, 說All You Can eat裏面的2000yen 餐券也賣完了, 我們一家四口什麼都不能吃!?!?!?, 女兒非常肚餓, 也只想看一看食物, 望梅止渴, 竟然說因為我剛剛只是付四萬日元的all you can eat入場券, 沒有再另外購買根本就買不到的額外每人每碟二千元的食物券 ( 除非你一早七點半鐘內排隊購買), 你連看食物是什麼模樣都沒有資格 !?!?!? What the Fun !?!?!?
      現在世界的人是這樣好騙的嗎? 我一家大細入場時沒有跟我說有這些規矩!!! 支付了四萬日元只是入去睇人食嘢 !!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
      我是蠢, 但我不是傻的! 請大家不要再傻了! 不要再浪費錢在這一個垃圾樂園 !!!! 特別是有一家大小的, 只會令你的小朋友失望!!!! 除非你跟著博主這樣一早730am去排隊, 你才會有機會成為他不知有沒有萬分一機會的幸運兒中的其中一位??? 你容納唔到這麼多客人,你就唔好賣門票給人, 你賣門票時候 就為什麼沒有好好說清楚? , 正正常常一家人付了四人入場券四萬元, 入到去竟然連一個show 也不能排隊看!!! 就連舊的機動遊戲也冇得玩, 更加離譜是去新機動樂園影張相都話唔得! 我話不玩了,你退錢我立刻走你又唔退錢! 我確實想問日本有沒有香港的消費者委員會, Sydney 的 Fair trading 這樣的機構可以給我投訴? 這個簡直就是一個垃圾的騙子集團, 大家不要再被這個騙子的美麗童話欺騙了, 簡直就是影響我小朋友的心理成長!!! 簡直可恥!!!!
      我回到悉尼也準備把disney+ 也取消, 不想兒子看到發惡夢!!!!!

    • @liawijaya23
      @liawijaya23 2 месяца назад

      How was it? Did you went already?

  • @dreamyc1012
    @dreamyc1012 4 месяца назад +22

    i would buy the VP cos it's sssssooooo stressful to be doing all the planning and strategizing. Add in 1 or more kiddos and you'll realized that VP is a saver! I would rather save up longer and pay for VP so i can truly enjoy the park. If you have a kid, remember that you're not the only one going through the stress but the little one experience it along with you. Also, if you fail at the end of the day, the disappointment on the face(s) of the little one(s), I just cannot handle it so I would very much prefer to save for longer to get VP.

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад +3

      我完全沒有嫌貴, 可惜也只換來一肚氣
      可惜我付了費入場 ,入到去 我一家竟然一個遊戲都玩不到, 連入去新園區拍張照的資格也沒有!!!!
      我剛剛是在中國的 黃金週和 日本的公眾假期過後的平日星期二去的
      謝謝你的分享, 但我也要分享我的個人感受給讀者們
      一個遊樂場根本就唔應該付了錢不能進去, 你冇能力應付那麼多人你就唔好收我錢入場, 一個普通正常家庭根本就唔會想過去遊樂場支付 遊戲設施任玩的入場券 四萬日元, 竟然一項稍為像樣的機動遊戲都玩不到, 甚至連入去看都不能看?
      他的全名應該叫迪士尼海洋大盜!!! 他招牌上大盜兩個字跌了在地下
      我就是一家大細專成從悉尼飛去日本迪士尼海洋玩, 可以輕鬆容易買到入場券, 但是入到去竟然在app上 用dpa, SP, 什麼40週年的恩物, 所有項目按入去都是not available !!!!!, 這樣我入去究竟是為了什麼? 好了, 女兒喜歡Elsa, 總算可以進去拍拍照, 作個留念, 去到冰雪奇緣園區門口, 竟然說因為我沒有抽到這個遊戲機會, 不單止冇得, 連進入園區影張相都冇資格!?!?!? 咁你為什麼要收我入場券四萬日元? 再退而求其次了, 看看一些Show吧, 竟然一個show available 的選擇也沒有!?!?!?!? 你收我錢入場時有冇跟我說我純粹只是付費入場睇人玩? 世上有這麼好的生意的嗎? 我都想開一間餐廳, 現在我的感受是這餐廳收了每人一萬多yen 跟人家說all you can eat, 收了人全費叫人入餐廳只是站著不準吃, 另外再要每碟菜再收 2000 yen才能吃一碟, 都冇辦法, 上了賊船了, 兒女肚餓.. 當我在錢包拿出 8000 Yen 的時候 , 給人伸手阻擋, 說All You Can eat裏面的2000yen 餐券也賣完了, 我們一家四口什麼都不能吃!?!?!?, 女兒非常肚餓, 也只想看一看食物, 望梅止渴, 竟然說因為我剛剛只是付四萬日元的all you can eat入場券, 沒有再另外購買根本就買不到的額外每人每碟二千元的食物券 ( 除非你一早七點半鐘內排隊購買), 你連看食物是什麼模樣都沒有資格 !?!?!? What the Fun !?!?!?
      現在世界的人是這樣好騙的嗎? 我一家大細入場時沒有跟我說有這些規矩!!! 支付了四萬日元只是入去睇人食嘢 !!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
      我是蠢, 但我不是傻的! 請大家不要再傻了! 不要再浪費錢在這一個垃圾樂園 !!!! 特別是有一家大小的, 只會令你的小朋友失望!!!! 除非你跟著博主這樣一早730am去排隊, 你才會有機會成為他不知有沒有萬分一機會的幸運兒中的其中一位??? 你容納唔到這麼多客人,你就唔好賣門票給人, 你賣門票時候 就為什麼沒有好好說清楚? , 正正常常一家人付了四人入場券四萬元, 入到去竟然連一個show 也不能排隊看!!! 就連舊的機動遊戲也冇得玩, 更加離譜是去新機動樂園影張相都話唔得! 我話不玩了,你退錢我立刻走你又唔退錢! 我確實想問日本有沒有香港的消費者委員會, Sydney 的 Fair trading 這樣的機構可以給我投訴? 這個簡直就是一個垃圾的騙子集團, 大家不要再被這個騙子的美麗童話欺騙了, 簡直就是影響我小朋友的心理成長!!! 簡直可恥!!!!
      我回到悉尼也準備把disney+ 也取消, 不想兒子看到發惡夢!!!!!

  • @davnguyen7880
    @davnguyen7880 2 месяца назад +6

    Hi! by any chance did you and your friends use the same account for the disney app? When trying for the standby and DPA ? Thanks!

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      迪士尼樂園還可以 迪士尼海洋這段時間就千祈不要去了
      可惜我付了費入場 ,入到去 我一家竟然一個遊戲都玩不到, 連入去新園區拍張照的資格也沒有!!!!
      我剛剛是在中國的 黃金週和 日本的公眾假期過後的平日星期二去的
      謝謝你的分享, 但我也要分享我的個人感受給讀者們
      一個遊樂場根本就唔應該付了錢不能進去, 你冇能力應付那麼多人你就唔好收我錢入場, 一個普通正常家庭根本就唔會想過去遊樂場支付 遊戲設施任玩的入場券 四萬日元, 竟然一項稍為像樣的機動遊戲都玩不到, 甚至連入去看都不能看?
      他的全名應該叫迪士尼海洋大盜!!! 他招牌上大盜兩個字跌了在地下
      我就是一家大細專成從悉尼飛去日本迪士尼海洋玩, 可以輕鬆容易買到入場券, 但是入到去竟然在app上 用dpa, SP, 什麼40週年的恩物, 所有項目按入去都是not available !!!!!, 這樣我入去究竟是為了什麼? 好了, 女兒喜歡Elsa, 總算可以進去拍拍照, 作個留念, 去到冰雪奇緣園區門口, 竟然說因為我沒有抽到這個遊戲機會, 不單止冇得, 連進入園區影張相都冇資格!?!?!? 咁你為什麼要收我入場券四萬日元? 再退而求其次了, 看看一些Show吧, 竟然一個show available 的選擇也沒有!?!?!?!? 你收我錢入場時有冇跟我說我純粹只是付費入場睇人玩? 世上有這麼好的生意的嗎? 我都想開一間餐廳, 現在我的感受是這餐廳收了每人一萬多yen 跟人家說all you can eat, 收了人全費叫人入餐廳只是站著不準吃, 另外再要每碟菜再收 2000 yen才能吃一碟, 都冇辦法, 上了賊船了, 兒女肚餓.. 當我在錢包拿出 8000 Yen 的時候 , 給人伸手阻擋, 說All You Can eat裏面的2000yen 餐券也賣完了, 我們一家四口什麼都不能吃!?!?!?, 女兒非常肚餓, 也只想看一看食物, 望梅止渴, 竟然說因為我剛剛只是付四萬日元的all you can eat入場券, 沒有再另外購買根本就買不到的額外每人每碟二千元的食物券 ( 除非你一早七點半鐘內排隊購買), 你連看食物是什麼模樣都沒有資格 !?!?!? What the Fun !?!?!?
      現在世界的人是這樣好騙的嗎? 我一家大細入場時沒有跟我說有這些規矩!!! 支付了四萬日元只是入去睇人食嘢 !!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
      我是蠢, 但我不是傻的! 請大家不要再傻了! 不要再浪費錢在這一個垃圾樂園 !!!! 特別是有一家大小的, 只會令你的小朋友失望!!!! 除非你跟著博主這樣一早730am去排隊, 你才會有機會成為他不知有沒有萬分一機會的幸運兒中的其中一位??? 你容納唔到這麼多客人,你就唔好賣門票給人, 你賣門票時候 就為什麼沒有好好說清楚? , 正正常常一家人付了四人入場券四萬元, 入到去竟然連一個show 也不能排隊看!!! 就連舊的機動遊戲也冇得玩, 更加離譜是去新機動樂園影張相都話唔得! 我話不玩了,你退錢我立刻走你又唔退錢! 我確實想問日本有沒有香港的消費者委員會, Sydney 的 Fair trading 這樣的機構可以給我投訴? 這個簡直就是一個垃圾的騙子集團, 大家不要再被這個騙子的美麗童話欺騙了, 簡直就是影響我小朋友的心理成長!!! 簡直可恥!
      我回到悉尼也準備把disney+ 也取消, 不想兒子看到發惡夢!

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      迪士尼樂園還可以 迪士尼海洋這段時間就千祈不要去了
      可惜我付了費入場 ,入到去 我一家竟然一個遊戲都玩不到, 連入去新園區拍張照的資格也沒有!!!!
      我剛剛是在中國的 黃金週和 日本的公眾假期過後的平日星期二去的
      謝謝你的分享, 但我也要分享我的個人感受給讀者們
      一個遊樂場根本就唔應該付了錢不能進去, 你冇能力應付那麼多人你就唔好收我錢入場, 一個普通正常家庭根本就唔會想過去遊樂場支付 遊戲設施任玩的入場券 四萬日元, 竟然一項稍為像樣的機動遊戲都玩不到, 甚至連入去看都不能看?
      他的全名應該叫迪士尼海洋大盜!!! 他招牌上大盜兩個字跌了在地下
      我就是一家大細專成從悉尼飛去日本迪士尼海洋玩, 可以輕鬆容易買到入場券, 但是入到去竟然在app上 用dpa, SP, 什麼40週年的恩物, 所有項目按入去都是not available !!!!!, 這樣我入去究竟是為了什麼? 好了, 女兒喜歡Elsa, 總算可以進去拍拍照, 作個留念, 去到冰雪奇緣園區門口, 竟然說因為我沒有抽到這個遊戲機會, 不單止冇得, 連進入園區影張相都冇資格!?!?!? 咁你為什麼要收我入場券四萬日元? 再退而求其次了, 看看一些Show吧, 竟然一個show available 的選擇也沒有!?!?!?!? 你收我錢入場時有冇跟我說我純粹只是付費入場睇人玩? 世上有這麼好的生意的嗎? 我都想開一間餐廳, 現在我的感受是這餐廳收了每人一萬多yen 跟人家說all you can eat, 收了人全費叫人入餐廳只是站著不準吃, 另外再要每碟菜再收 2000 yen才能吃一碟, 都冇辦法, 上了賊船了, 兒女肚餓.. 當我在錢包拿出 8000 Yen 的時候 , 給人伸手阻擋, 說All You Can eat裏面的2000yen 餐券也賣完了, 我們一家四口什麼都不能吃!?!?!?, 女兒非常肚餓, 也只想看一看食物, 望梅止渴, 竟然說因為我剛剛只是付四萬日元的all you can eat入場券, 沒有再另外購買根本就買不到的額外每人每碟二千元的食物券 ( 除非你一早七點半鐘內排隊購買), 你連看食物是什麼模樣都沒有資格 !?!?!? What the Fun !?!?!?
      現在世界的人是這樣好騙的嗎? 我一家大細入場時沒有跟我說有這些規矩!!! 支付了四萬日元只是入去睇人食嘢 !!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
      我是蠢, 但我不是傻的! 請大家不要再傻了! 不要再浪費錢在這一個垃圾樂園 !!!! 特別是有一家大小的, 只會令你的小朋友失望!!!! 除非你跟著博主這樣一早730am去排隊, 你才會有機會成為他不知有沒有萬分一機會的幸運兒中的其中一位??? 你容納唔到這麼多客人,你就唔好賣門票給人, 你賣門票時候 就為什麼沒有好好說清楚? , 正正常常一家人付了四人入場券四萬元, 入到去竟然連一個show 也不能排隊看!!! 就連舊的機動遊戲也冇得玩, 更加離譜是去新機動樂園影張相都話唔得! 我話不玩了,你退錢我立刻走你又唔退錢! 我確實想問日本有沒有香港的消費者委員會, Sydney 的 Fair trading 這樣的機構可以給我投訴? 這個簡直就是一個垃圾的騙子集團, 大家不要再被這個騙子的美麗童話欺騙了, 簡直就是影響我小朋友的心理成長!!! 簡直可恥!!!!
      我回到悉尼也準備把disney+ 也取消, 不想兒子看到發惡夢!!!!!

  • @shademar3
    @shademar3 4 месяца назад +5

    For solo traveller this sounds extremely tedious. Couldn't book the hotel either because it's always fully booked... Hopefully next year this will be free entry like Harry Potter in USJ

  • @TheGraduate702
    @TheGraduate702 Месяц назад

    Wow. You’re all dressed so elegantly to the parks 😮

  • @diningwithderek
    @diningwithderek 4 месяца назад +3

    Yes!!!! I've been excited to see this one since you mentioned it on the vlog channel. Hope everything is going ok for you!

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +3

      everything is good! Sorry it's been so long since I've uploaded on here!

  • @estelleo703
    @estelleo703 4 месяца назад +1

    I love the outfits. I hope I can find something as nice for my Japan trip next year.

  • @ebsfunland8666
    @ebsfunland8666 3 месяца назад +2

    I love Disney sea I went a couple of days ago. I’m in my dream holiday Japan. And yesterday I got to see Mount Fuji.

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      可惜我付了費入場 ,入到去 我一家竟然一個遊戲都玩不到, 連入去新園區拍張照的資格也沒有!!!!
      我剛剛是在中國的 黃金週和 日本的公眾假期過後的平日星期二去的
      謝謝你的分享, 但我也要分享我的個人感受給讀者們
      一個遊樂場根本就唔應該付了錢不能進去, 你冇能力應付那麼多人你就唔好收我錢入場, 一個普通正常家庭根本就唔會想過去遊樂場支付 遊戲設施任玩的入場券 四萬日元, 竟然一項稍為像樣的機動遊戲都玩不到, 甚至連入去看都不能看?
      他的全名應該叫迪士尼海洋大盜!!! 他招牌上大盜兩個字跌了在地下
      我就是一家大細專成從悉尼飛去日本迪士尼海洋玩, 可以輕鬆容易買到入場券, 但是入到去竟然在app上 用dpa, SP, 什麼40週年的恩物, 所有項目按入去都是not available !!!!!, 這樣我入去究竟是為了什麼? 好了, 女兒喜歡Elsa, 總算可以進去拍拍照, 作個留念, 去到冰雪奇緣園區門口, 竟然說因為我沒有抽到這個遊戲機會, 不單止冇得, 連進入園區影張相都冇資格!?!?!? 咁你為什麼要收我入場券四萬日元? 再退而求其次了, 看看一些Show吧, 竟然一個show available 的選擇也沒有!?!?!?!? 你收我錢入場時有冇跟我說我純粹只是付費入場睇人玩? 世上有這麼好的生意的嗎? 我都想開一間餐廳, 現在我的感受是這餐廳收了每人一萬多yen 跟人家說all you can eat, 收了人全費叫人入餐廳只是站著不準吃, 另外再要每碟菜再收 2000 yen才能吃一碟, 都冇辦法, 上了賊船了, 兒女肚餓.. 當我在錢包拿出 8000 Yen 的時候 , 給人伸手阻擋, 說All You Can eat裏面的2000yen 餐券也賣完了, 我們一家四口什麼都不能吃!?!?!?, 女兒非常肚餓, 也只想看一看食物, 望梅止渴, 竟然說因為我剛剛只是付四萬日元的all you can eat入場券, 沒有再另外購買根本就買不到的額外每人每碟二千元的食物券 ( 除非你一早七點半鐘內排隊購買), 你連看食物是什麼模樣都沒有資格 !?!?!? What the Fun !?!?!?
      現在世界的人是這樣好騙的嗎? 我一家大細入場時沒有跟我說有這些規矩!!! 支付了四萬日元只是入去睇人食嘢 !!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
      我是蠢, 但我不是傻的! 請大家不要再傻了! 不要再浪費錢在這一個垃圾樂園 !!!! 特別是有一家大小的, 只會令你的小朋友失望!!!! 除非你跟著博主這樣一早730am去排隊, 你才會有機會成為他不知有沒有萬分一機會的幸運兒中的其中一位??? 你容納唔到這麼多客人,你就唔好賣門票給人, 你賣門票時候 就為什麼沒有好好說清楚? , 正正常常一家人付了四人入場券四萬元, 入到去竟然連一個show 也不能排隊看!!! 就連舊的機動遊戲也冇得玩, 更加離譜是去新機動樂園影張相都話唔得! 我話不玩了,你退錢我立刻走你又唔退錢! 我確實想問日本有沒有香港的消費者委員會, Sydney 的 Fair trading 這樣的機構可以給我投訴? 這個簡直就是一個垃圾的騙子集團, 大家不要再被這個騙子的美麗童話欺騙了, 簡直就是影響我小朋友的心理成長!!! 簡直可恥!!!!
      我回到悉尼也準備把disney+ 也取消, 不想兒子看到發惡夢!!!!!

  • @Xx1melody1xX
    @Xx1melody1xX 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank you so much for this video! It was super helpful, very excited to visit DisneySea soon ☺️ also your outfits are lovely!!

  • @katiea617
    @katiea617 4 месяца назад +4

    Thanks for sharing!! I’m going in October! How do you know what time the park actually opens if the website was wrong ? I think I heard you say they website said it opened at 9am but it actually opened at 8:30?

  • @Wanderingacrossoceans
    @Wanderingacrossoceans 4 месяца назад +6

    I want to go but it seems so complicated and stressful to do anything. 🙈

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      I can easily book a disneysea entry ticket online. I am forced to download the Disneyland app enter disneysea park, which is undesirable and the app is not useful. I cannot book shows or restaurants or rides before entering the Disneysea park. I arrived at 9.40am (park opens at 9am), and tried to book a show. We managed to book one show. I keep trying to book another show for the next 4 hours (even wanting to pay 2000 yen per show) - none is available except tower of terror. We need a pass to join a queue to a show - we can't even pay to get a pass! Disneysea, how is this possible? I feel cheated paying 10,900 Yen to enter the park and all I can do is to watch the crowd as I cannot get a pass to the shows or rides or eat a meal. I tried to enter a restaurant at 11am hoping to beat the crowd, and was told the queue wait is 1 hour! Not enough food outlets. Long queue even to buy popcorn.
      Moving around the park is extremely difficult as the app is not responsive, poor directions, and not easy to use, very slow to load a page on the app. Overall - a very very very disappointing experience. Definitely dont waste your money coming to Tokyo Disneysea.

  • @brandontownsend6955
    @brandontownsend6955 3 месяца назад

    Thanks for the planning guide. Just the info I was looking for, much appreciated. 🎉

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      迪士尼樂園還可以 迪士尼海洋這段時間就千祈不要去了
      可惜我付了費入場 ,入到去 我一家竟然一個遊戲都玩不到, 連入去新園區拍張照的資格也沒有!!!!
      我剛剛是在中國的 黃金週和 日本的公眾假期過後的平日星期二去的
      謝謝你的分享, 但我也要分享我的個人感受給讀者們
      一個遊樂場根本就唔應該付了錢不能進去, 你冇能力應付那麼多人你就唔好收我錢入場, 一個普通正常家庭根本就唔會想過去遊樂場支付 遊戲設施任玩的入場券 四萬日元, 竟然一項稍為像樣的機動遊戲都玩不到, 甚至連入去看都不能看?
      他的全名應該叫迪士尼海洋大盜!!! 他招牌上大盜兩個字跌了在地下
      我就是一家大細專成從悉尼飛去日本迪士尼海洋玩, 可以輕鬆容易買到入場券, 但是入到去竟然在app上 用dpa, SP, 什麼40週年的恩物, 所有項目按入去都是not available !!!!!, 這樣我入去究竟是為了什麼? 好了, 女兒喜歡Elsa, 總算可以進去拍拍照, 作個留念, 去到冰雪奇緣園區門口, 竟然說因為我沒有抽到這個遊戲機會, 不單止冇得, 連進入園區影張相都冇資格!?!?!? 咁你為什麼要收我入場券四萬日元? 再退而求其次了, 看看一些Show吧, 竟然一個show available 的選擇也沒有!?!?!?!? 你收我錢入場時有冇跟我說我純粹只是付費入場睇人玩? 世上有這麼好的生意的嗎? 我都想開一間餐廳, 現在我的感受是這餐廳收了每人一萬多yen 跟人家說all you can eat, 收了人全費叫人入餐廳只是站著不準吃, 另外再要每碟菜再收 2000 yen才能吃一碟, 都冇辦法, 上了賊船了, 兒女肚餓.. 當我在錢包拿出 8000 Yen 的時候 , 給人伸手阻擋, 說All You Can eat裏面的2000yen 餐券也賣完了, 我們一家四口什麼都不能吃!?!?!?, 女兒非常肚餓, 也只想看一看食物, 望梅止渴, 竟然說因為我剛剛只是付四萬日元的all you can eat入場券, 沒有再另外購買根本就買不到的額外每人每碟二千元的食物券 ( 除非你一早七點半鐘內排隊購買), 你連看食物是什麼模樣都沒有資格 !?!?!? What the Fun !?!?!?
      現在世界的人是這樣好騙的嗎? 我一家大細入場時沒有跟我說有這些規矩!!! 支付了四萬日元只是入去睇人食嘢 !!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
      我是蠢, 但我不是傻的! 請大家不要再傻了! 不要再浪費錢在這一個垃圾樂園 !!!! 特別是有一家大小的, 只會令你的小朋友失望!!!! 除非你跟著博主這樣一早730am去排隊, 你才會有機會成為他不知有沒有萬分一機會的幸運兒中的其中一位??? 你容納唔到這麼多客人,你就唔好賣門票給人, 你賣門票時候 就為什麼沒有好好說清楚? , 正正常常一家人付了四人入場券四萬元, 入到去竟然連一個show 也不能排隊看!!! 就連舊的機動遊戲也冇得玩, 更加離譜是去新機動樂園影張相都話唔得! 我話不玩了,你退錢我立刻走你又唔退錢! 我確實想問日本有沒有香港的消費者委員會, Sydney 的 Fair trading 這樣的機構可以給我投訴? 這個簡直就是一個垃圾的騙子集團, 大家不要再被這個騙子的美麗童話欺騙了, 簡直就是影響我小朋友的心理成長!!! 簡直可恥!!!!
      我回到悉尼也準備把disney+ 也取消, 不想兒子看到發惡夢!!!!!

  • @Nella_roxy14
    @Nella_roxy14 3 месяца назад

    Hi Kim I always love watching you're vlogs ❤❤❤

  • @誰人能夠定錯對
    @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад +1

    I can easily book a disneysea entry ticket online. I am forced to download the Disneyland app enter disneysea park, which is undesirable and the app is not useful. I cannot book shows or restaurants or rides before entering the Disneysea park. I arrived at 9.40am (park opens at 9am), and tried to book a show. We managed to book one show. I keep trying to book another show for the next 4 hours (even wanting to pay 2000 yen per show) - none is available except tower of terror. We need a pass to join a queue to a show - we can't even pay to get a pass! Disneysea, how is this possible? I feel cheated paying 10,900 Yen to enter the park and all I can do is to watch the crowd as I cannot get a pass to the shows or rides or eat a meal. I tried to enter a restaurant at 11am hoping to beat the crowd, and was told the queue wait is 1 hour! Not enough food outlets. Long queue even to buy popcorn.
    Moving around the park is extremely difficult as the app is not responsive, poor directions, and not easy to use, very slow to load a page on the app. Overall - a very very very disappointing experience. Definitely dont waste your money coming to Tokyo Disneysea.

  • @evolutionkakumei
    @evolutionkakumei 4 месяца назад

    Thanks Kim for this video. Long time subscriber. I'm taking my wife and daughter to Tokyo Disney Sea in March of 2025 and this is helping me a lot to understand what I'll be up against.

  • @the_real_keroppi
    @the_real_keroppi День назад

    do we have to pay for DPA?

  • @TywYoyo
    @TywYoyo 3 месяца назад +2

    Hi Kim! Thank you for providing us with superb information. It's really useful for beginner like me. I will be visiting Disney Sea for the first time this March, hoping to get a room in fantasy spring hotel. But seems like that it would be hard since it sold out fast. Some quick question, I noticed that you return to your hotel to get breakfast after you check in to the Disney sea, to get DPA, etc. Does it mean that we can go in and out the Disney sea many times as long as we have the ticket?

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      可惜我付了費入場 ,入到去 我一家竟然一個遊戲都玩不到, 連入去新園區拍張照的資格也沒有!!!!
      我剛剛是在中國的 黃金週和 日本的公眾假期過後的平日星期二去的
      謝謝你的分享, 但我也要分享我的個人感受給讀者們
      一個遊樂場根本就唔應該付了錢不能進去, 你冇能力應付那麼多人你就唔好收我錢入場, 一個普通正常家庭根本就唔會想過去遊樂場支付 遊戲設施任玩的入場券 四萬日元, 竟然一項稍為像樣的機動遊戲都玩不到, 甚至連入去看都不能看?
      他的全名應該叫迪士尼海洋大盜!!! 他招牌上大盜兩個字跌了在地下
      我就是一家大細專成從悉尼飛去日本迪士尼海洋玩, 可以輕鬆容易買到入場券, 但是入到去竟然在app上 用dpa, SP, 什麼40週年的恩物, 所有項目按入去都是not available !!!!!, 這樣我入去究竟是為了什麼? 好了, 女兒喜歡Elsa, 總算可以進去拍拍照, 作個留念, 去到冰雪奇緣園區門口, 竟然說因為我沒有抽到這個遊戲機會, 不單止冇得, 連進入園區影張相都冇資格!?!?!? 咁你為什麼要收我入場券四萬日元? 再退而求其次了, 看看一些Show吧, 竟然一個show available 的選擇也沒有!?!?!?!? 你收我錢入場時有冇跟我說我純粹只是付費入場睇人玩? 世上有這麼好的生意的嗎? 我都想開一間餐廳, 現在我的感受是這餐廳收了每人一萬多yen 跟人家說all you can eat, 收了人全費叫人入餐廳只是站著不準吃, 另外再要每碟菜再收 2000 yen才能吃一碟, 都冇辦法, 上了賊船了, 兒女肚餓.. 當我在錢包拿出 8000 Yen 的時候 , 給人伸手阻擋, 說All You Can eat裏面的2000yen 餐券也賣完了, 我們一家四口什麼都不能吃!?!?!?, 女兒非常肚餓, 也只想看一看食物, 望梅止渴, 竟然說因為我剛剛只是付四萬日元的all you can eat入場券, 沒有再另外購買根本就買不到的額外每人每碟二千元的食物券 ( 除非你一早七點半鐘內排隊購買), 你連看食物是什麼模樣都沒有資格 !?!?!? What the Fun !?!?!?
      現在世界的人是這樣好騙的嗎? 我一家大細入場時沒有跟我說有這些規矩!!! 支付了四萬日元只是入去睇人食嘢 !!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
      我是蠢, 但我不是傻的! 請大家不要再傻了! 不要再浪費錢在這一個垃圾樂園 !!!! 特別是有一家大小的, 只會令你的小朋友失望!!!! 除非你跟著博主這樣一早730am去排隊, 你才會有機會成為他不知有沒有萬分一機會的幸運兒中的其中一位??? 你容納唔到這麼多客人,你就唔好賣門票給人, 你賣門票時候 就為什麼沒有好好說清楚? , 正正常常一家人付了四人入場券四萬元, 入到去竟然連一個show 也不能排隊看!!! 就連舊的機動遊戲也冇得玩, 更加離譜是去新機動樂園影張相都話唔得! 我話不玩了,你退錢我立刻走你又唔退錢! 我確實想問日本有沒有香港的消費者委員會, Sydney 的 Fair trading 這樣的機構可以給我投訴? 這個簡直就是一個垃圾的騙子集團, 大家不要再被這個騙子的美麗童話欺騙了, 簡直就是影響我小朋友的心理成長!!! 簡直可恥!!!!
      我回到悉尼也準備把disney+ 也取消, 不想兒子看到發惡夢!!!!!

  • @theneverlandpixel
    @theneverlandpixel 3 месяца назад

    What an awesome video. I'm going to Japan next April! I will try to stay at Fantasy Springs Hotel when I go.

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      迪士尼樂園還可以 迪士尼海洋這段時間就千祈不要去了
      可惜我付了費入場 ,入到去 我一家竟然一個遊戲都玩不到, 連入去新園區拍張照的資格也沒有!!!!
      我剛剛是在中國的 黃金週和 日本的公眾假期過後的平日星期二去的
      謝謝你的分享, 但我也要分享我的個人感受給讀者們
      一個遊樂場根本就唔應該付了錢不能進去, 你冇能力應付那麼多人你就唔好收我錢入場, 一個普通正常家庭根本就唔會想過去遊樂場支付 遊戲設施任玩的入場券 四萬日元, 竟然一項稍為像樣的機動遊戲都玩不到, 甚至連入去看都不能看?
      他的全名應該叫迪士尼海洋大盜!!! 他招牌上大盜兩個字跌了在地下
      我就是一家大細專成從悉尼飛去日本迪士尼海洋玩, 可以輕鬆容易買到入場券, 但是入到去竟然在app上 用dpa, SP, 什麼40週年的恩物, 所有項目按入去都是not available !!!!!, 這樣我入去究竟是為了什麼? 好了, 女兒喜歡Elsa, 總算可以進去拍拍照, 作個留念, 去到冰雪奇緣園區門口, 竟然說因為我沒有抽到這個遊戲機會, 不單止冇得, 連進入園區影張相都冇資格!?!?!? 咁你為什麼要收我入場券四萬日元? 再退而求其次了, 看看一些Show吧, 竟然一個show available 的選擇也沒有!?!?!?!? 你收我錢入場時有冇跟我說我純粹只是付費入場睇人玩? 世上有這麼好的生意的嗎? 我都想開一間餐廳, 現在我的感受是這餐廳收了每人一萬多yen 跟人家說all you can eat, 收了人全費叫人入餐廳只是站著不準吃, 另外再要每碟菜再收 2000 yen才能吃一碟, 都冇辦法, 上了賊船了, 兒女肚餓.. 當我在錢包拿出 8000 Yen 的時候 , 給人伸手阻擋, 說All You Can eat裏面的2000yen 餐券也賣完了, 我們一家四口什麼都不能吃!?!?!?, 女兒非常肚餓, 也只想看一看食物, 望梅止渴, 竟然說因為我剛剛只是付四萬日元的all you can eat入場券, 沒有再另外購買根本就買不到的額外每人每碟二千元的食物券 ( 除非你一早七點半鐘內排隊購買), 你連看食物是什麼模樣都沒有資格 !?!?!? What the Fun !?!?!?
      現在世界的人是這樣好騙的嗎? 我一家大細入場時沒有跟我說有這些規矩!!! 支付了四萬日元只是入去睇人食嘢 !!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
      我是蠢, 但我不是傻的! 請大家不要再傻了! 不要再浪費錢在這一個垃圾樂園 !!!! 特別是有一家大小的, 只會令你的小朋友失望!!!! 除非你跟著博主這樣一早730am去排隊, 你才會有機會成為他不知有沒有萬分一機會的幸運兒中的其中一位??? 你容納唔到這麼多客人,你就唔好賣門票給人, 你賣門票時候 就為什麼沒有好好說清楚? , 正正常常一家人付了四人入場券四萬元, 入到去竟然連一個show 也不能排隊看!!! 就連舊的機動遊戲也冇得玩, 更加離譜是去新機動樂園影張相都話唔得! 我話不玩了,你退錢我立刻走你又唔退錢! 我確實想問日本有沒有香港的消費者委員會, Sydney 的 Fair trading 這樣的機構可以給我投訴? 這個簡直就是一個垃圾的騙子集團, 大家不要再被這個騙子的美麗童話欺騙了, 簡直就是影響我小朋友的心理成長!!! 簡直可恥!!!!
      我回到悉尼也準備把disney+ 也取消, 不想兒子看到發惡夢!!!!!

  • @pinoypride004
    @pinoypride004 4 месяца назад +2

    Omg a Zimmerman dress at Disney 😍😍 I aspire to be you ❤

  • @yudisembada6807
    @yudisembada6807 17 дней назад

    Hi kimdoo .. quick few question Made me curious .. when we want to enter fantasy spring.. should we Made stand by pass or DPA .. how to made it when i have already ticket from klook ? And how all participant in my group can enter that fantasy spring in same time ?

  • @_rheapauline
    @_rheapauline 2 месяца назад

    Hi Kim, thanks for this well detailed video. However, I can’t follow some of the shared information 😅 it’s overwhelming hahaha, can I confirm if my understanding was right that you purchased a DisneySea ticket and solely spent your day for Fantasy Springs? If I wanted to ride attractions at Disney Sea aside from Fantasy Springs, I should do it on another day? Thank you!

  • @OkiDingo
    @OkiDingo 3 месяца назад

    Was this a weekend or weekday? We’ll be there on Thursday

  • @Mimpfen
    @Mimpfen 4 месяца назад

    Hi Kim! Is your code only for tickets to Disney or can I use it for other things on Klook? I'm going to Japan in two months so trying to get myself some ticks for Universal in Osaka, and other stuff in Tokyo ☺

  • @pattypan
    @pattypan Месяц назад

    Can you really back to the hotel with normal ticket??? How ?? I dont know before 😮 can you tell me?

  • @rheaangela9288
    @rheaangela9288 4 месяца назад +1

    33:10 oh so i need to book their hotel to be able to buy the 2man 5sen ticket onedaypass. My other question is how much is the hotel stay if i just want to spend one day at disneysea?

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад

      The cheapest room at the Fantasy Springs hotel is ¥70,000 a night but it can fit 4 people so you can split the room cost. We got that room for next month but you have to buy the fantasy springs 1 day pass on top of that

  • @iyapot14
    @iyapot14 Месяц назад

    Hello! Did you all register your tickets to the account of each member of the group? Im going with a group next month and I really want us to be able to go to Fantasy springs

  • @MexipinoVlogsRj
    @MexipinoVlogsRj Месяц назад

    What month did you go? 🫶

  • @nerdgurl402
    @nerdgurl402 4 месяца назад +1

    This video was so helpful. I think I’m going to try for the vacation package and minimize the stress but it’s good to know other options are available to try and get in.

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +1

      Yeah! That or Fantasy Springs hotel since you can buy the 1 day fantasy springs pass

  • @dexmah91
    @dexmah91 Месяц назад

    Where you bought your dress

  • @narminisaeva9349
    @narminisaeva9349 2 месяца назад

    Hi! Going to Japan tomorrow and trying to understand the Disney system, thanks for video! Can someone explain to me though: the time on standby pass is the time when I should enter the area or when I should stand to queue at the attraction?

  • @tdrdash
    @tdrdash Месяц назад +1

    You know how to play the TDR game well

  • @matthewyim7651
    @matthewyim7651 Месяц назад

    Is there a way to ensure your CC works?!?

  • @linnhtetkyaw9375
    @linnhtetkyaw9375 2 месяца назад +1

    We r planning to go to Disney Sea in November.
    When u buy DPA or Standby ticket, one account can buy 2 additional ticket for the family ( same account with 2 added family member on one phone ) so that I can get there and que while family members can stay at hotel.
    Why u need to buy another ticket one day pass of fantasy spring ticket ? I thought Disney sea ticket can be used for the Disney Fantasy Spring ? Thank

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      I can easily book a disneysea entry ticket online. I am forced to download the Disneyland app enter disneysea park, which is undesirable and the app is not useful. I cannot book shows or restaurants or rides before entering the Disneysea park. I arrived at 9.40am (park opens at 9am), and tried to book a show. We managed to book one show. I keep trying to book another show for the next 4 hours (even wanting to pay 2000 yen per show) - none is available except tower of terror. We need a pass to join a queue to a show - we can't even pay to get a pass! Disneysea, how is this possible? I feel cheated paying 10,900 Yen to enter the park and all I can do is to watch the crowd as I cannot get a pass to the shows or rides or eat a meal. I tried to enter a restaurant at 11am hoping to beat the crowd, and was told the queue wait is 1 hour! Not enough food outlets. Long queue even to buy popcorn.
      Moving around the park is extremely difficult as the app is not responsive, poor directions, and not easy to use, very slow to load a page on the app. Overall - a very very very disappointing experience. Definitely dont waste your money coming to Tokyo Disneysea.

    • @waraynon8699
      @waraynon8699 Месяц назад

      Hi it’s November,have been to Disney already?I want to know too if it’s possible to get DPA & standby passes using other member of the Group’s phone?thanx

  • @waraynon8699
    @waraynon8699 24 дня назад

    Hi Kim did u just say only 1 person should make a group on the app?then how come other of ur frend were still able get a passes to Frozen?

  • @emmalouise6529
    @emmalouise6529 4 месяца назад

    Nice Kim! Super useful. 😊 Can you tell me which day you were there? Weekend or weekday?

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад

      This day was a weekend!

    • @emmalouise6529
      @emmalouise6529 4 месяца назад

      @@kimdao Thanks Kim! ❤️

  • @lsl2510
    @lsl2510 4 месяца назад +1

    Any way for us to save our credit card details prior to entering disneysea?

  • @echo1eyesonly13
    @echo1eyesonly13 4 месяца назад

    Hello Kim. Is it September 4th there yet? I'm not sure with the time difference, but if so I'd like to Wish You A Happy Birthday. May all your wishes come true. 🎂

  • @nancywibowo8632
    @nancywibowo8632 3 месяца назад +1

    Can I booking vacation package without stay at fantasy spring hotel?Thanks

  • @deRegilUribe
    @deRegilUribe Месяц назад

    Hi! I have a question, so if you get one stand by pass in the morning you cab try to get another one in the afternoon? Cuz in the app it says that you can’t re entrey Fantasy Springs.

  • @Tee23qu
    @Tee23qu 2 месяца назад

    How many days would you suggest for disneysea?? Is one day enough?

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      I can easily book a disneysea entry ticket online. I am forced to download the Disneyland app enter disneysea park, which is undesirable and the app is not useful. I cannot book shows or restaurants or rides before entering the Disneysea park. I arrived at 9.40am (park opens at 9am), and tried to book a show. We managed to book one show. I keep trying to book another show for the next 4 hours (even wanting to pay 2000 yen per show) - none is available except tower of terror. We need a pass to join a queue to a show - we can't even pay to get a pass! Disneysea, how is this possible? I feel cheated paying 10,900 Yen to enter the park and all I can do is to watch the crowd as I cannot get a pass to the shows or rides or eat a meal. I tried to enter a restaurant at 11am hoping to beat the crowd, and was told the queue wait is 1 hour! Not enough food outlets. Long queue even to buy popcorn.
      Moving around the park is extremely difficult as the app is not responsive, poor directions, and not easy to use, very slow to load a page on the app. Overall - a very very very disappointing experience. Definitely dont waste your money coming to Tokyo Disneysea.

  • @vikirose
    @vikirose 3 месяца назад +1

    Do you think they’ll change the process later? I hope it’s not like this permanently.

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      I can easily book a disneysea entry ticket online. I am forced to download the Disneyland app enter disneysea park, which is undesirable and the app is not useful. I cannot book shows or restaurants or rides before entering the Disneysea park. I arrived at 9.40am (park opens at 9am), and tried to book a show. We managed to book one show. I keep trying to book another show for the next 4 hours (even wanting to pay 2000 yen per show) - none is available except tower of terror. We need a pass to join a queue to a show - we can't even pay to get a pass! Disneysea, how is this possible? I feel cheated paying 10,900 Yen to enter the park and all I can do is to watch the crowd as I cannot get a pass to the shows or rides or eat a meal. I tried to enter a restaurant at 11am hoping to beat the crowd, and was told the queue wait is 1 hour! Not enough food outlets. Long queue even to buy popcorn.
      Moving around the park is extremely difficult as the app is not responsive, poor directions, and not easy to use, very slow to load a page on the app. Overall - a very very very disappointing experience. Definitely dont waste your money coming to Tokyo Disneysea.

  • @cmmv2015
    @cmmv2015 3 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for the tips!
    (The code is not working for the tickets though🤔)

  • @joeford6592
    @joeford6592 4 месяца назад +2

    Love your videos

  • @crazytalk84
    @crazytalk84 3 месяца назад

    So wait at the beginning you can leave the park and come back??

  • @HawaiiJapan808
    @HawaiiJapan808 4 месяца назад +1

    how do the passes keep showing up? i thought once theyre gone its full?

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +2

      They add more and people cancel throughout the day. I went back earlier this month and managed to get on Frozen 3 times despite it being all gone in the morning

    • @HawaiiJapan808
      @HawaiiJapan808 4 месяца назад

      @@kimdao ah ok. Well i went and got a vp so im not going to deal with that madess. They have made it no fun and confusing. I couldn’t imagine doing it with small kids. Thanks for your helpful videos.

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад

      Yeah I definitely recommend that or Fantasy Springs hotel if you have kids. I’m looking forward to going next month and not having to do this haha

  • @dinushamadushani3999
    @dinushamadushani3999 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi. If we have all the tickets in one app, Can other app holders also try for passes or does the person who holds all the tickets has to try. Please answer as I am going to Disney sea tomorrow with a normal ticket . Thank you

    • @minitooru
      @minitooru 3 месяца назад +1

      Hello! I am planning to visit Disney Sea next month and have this same question . From your experience were you able to find the answer? (I am traveling with 3 others and wonder if they will be able to help try for the passes as well, or will it have to only be one person?) I’d really appreciate your help on this answer if possible so much, thank you:)

    • @Iss2004
      @Iss2004 2 месяца назад

      Yes please what happened please let me know. I am going next month.

    • @liawijaya23
      @liawijaya23 2 месяца назад

      Update too pleasee

    • @dandeetagayuna1681
      @dandeetagayuna1681 2 месяца назад

      Update pls..thank you

    • @waraynon8699
      @waraynon8699 Месяц назад

      @@minitooruhi please may we know the update please?thanx

  • @annonymous3750
    @annonymous3750 4 месяца назад

    Hi kim, quick question tho.. how can you enter and scan your ticket.. then you went back to your hotel?
    Can we go in and out the park once we scan our ticket?

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад

      Yes you can! The staff will stamp your hand so when you go back into the park you scan your ticket again and show your stamped hand

  • @goodlifebdg
    @goodlifebdg 4 месяца назад

    This “day pass” is not for people who do not stay at disney hotels ?

  • @amaanmahmood9493
    @amaanmahmood9493 4 месяца назад

    Are you able to enter Fantasy Springs multiple times if you have multiple DPA or standby ticket? Even if they are at different times of the day?

  • @clowve
    @clowve Месяц назад

    How you able to scan 3x QR tickets on separate phones?

  • @nurinafhareza260
    @nurinafhareza260 2 месяца назад

    Did you buy another ticket to go in after your breakfast?

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      I can easily book a disneysea entry ticket online. I am forced to download the Disneyland app enter disneysea park, which is undesirable and the app is not useful. I cannot book shows or restaurants or rides before entering the Disneysea park. I arrived at 9.40am (park opens at 9am), and tried to book a show. We managed to book one show. I keep trying to book another show for the next 4 hours (even wanting to pay 2000 yen per show) - none is available except tower of terror. We need a pass to join a queue to a show - we can't even pay to get a pass! Disneysea, how is this possible? I feel cheated paying 10,900 Yen to enter the park and all I can do is to watch the crowd as I cannot get a pass to the shows or rides or eat a meal. I tried to enter a restaurant at 11am hoping to beat the crowd, and was told the queue wait is 1 hour! Not enough food outlets. Long queue even to buy popcorn.
      Moving around the park is extremely difficult as the app is not responsive, poor directions, and not easy to use, very slow to load a page on the app. Overall - a very very very disappointing experience. Definitely dont waste your money coming to Tokyo Disneysea.

    • @waraynon8699
      @waraynon8699 Месяц назад

      No she didn’t buy another ticket,the staff will put some stamped on ur hand so u are allowed to go out the park and comeback later on.

  • @kenkwok83
    @kenkwok83 3 месяца назад

    When was this? Is it still really difficult to get fast passes at the start of November ?

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  3 месяца назад

      This was filmed in June. I went last week and it’s easier, you don’t have to get there super early but Frozen does run out quickly so you still want to try get there before opening to get the pass for it

    • @kenkwok83
      @kenkwok83 3 месяца назад

      @@kimdao I have 2 toddlers: 2 year old and a 5 year old. I’m heading there first week of November. I’m really worried that it might not be practical waiting with the kids. It really looks like insanity. I hope the kids don’t get disappointed. This is their first flight out of singapore.

    • @kristinesinajon1206
      @kristinesinajon1206 2 месяца назад

      @@kimdaowhat time do you arrive?

    • @JiggingtonSawface
      @JiggingtonSawface 2 месяца назад

      so these days tangled and peter pan or not as busy as when you went in June (going tomorrow with no vacation package and arriving at the gate at 6)

  • @jonelletama6945
    @jonelletama6945 2 месяца назад

    How much was the taxi from the Sheraton Hotel to DisneySea?

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      可惜我付了費入場 ,入到去 我一家竟然一個遊戲都玩不到, 連入去新園區拍張照的資格也沒有!!!!
      我剛剛是在中國的 黃金週和 日本的公眾假期過後的平日星期二去的
      謝謝你的分享, 但我也要分享我的個人感受給讀者們
      一個遊樂場根本就唔應該付了錢不能進去, 你冇能力應付那麼多人你就唔好收我錢入場, 一個普通正常家庭根本就唔會想過去遊樂場支付 遊戲設施任玩的入場券 四萬日元, 竟然一項稍為像樣的機動遊戲都玩不到, 甚至連入去看都不能看?
      他的全名應該叫迪士尼海洋大盜!!! 他招牌上大盜兩個字跌了在地下
      我就是一家大細專成從悉尼飛去日本迪士尼海洋玩, 可以輕鬆容易買到入場券, 但是入到去竟然在app上 用dpa, SP, 什麼40週年的恩物, 所有項目按入去都是not available !!!!!, 這樣我入去究竟是為了什麼? 好了, 女兒喜歡Elsa, 總算可以進去拍拍照, 作個留念, 去到冰雪奇緣園區門口, 竟然說因為我沒有抽到這個遊戲機會, 不單止冇得, 連進入園區影張相都冇資格!?!?!? 咁你為什麼要收我入場券四萬日元? 再退而求其次了, 看看一些Show吧, 竟然一個show available 的選擇也沒有!?!?!?!? 你收我錢入場時有冇跟我說我純粹只是付費入場睇人玩? 世上有這麼好的生意的嗎? 我都想開一間餐廳, 現在我的感受是這餐廳收了每人一萬多yen 跟人家說all you can eat, 收了人全費叫人入餐廳只是站著不準吃, 另外再要每碟菜再收 2000 yen才能吃一碟, 都冇辦法, 上了賊船了, 兒女肚餓.. 當我在錢包拿出 8000 Yen 的時候 , 給人伸手阻擋, 說All You Can eat裏面的2000yen 餐券也賣完了, 我們一家四口什麼都不能吃!?!?!?, 女兒非常肚餓, 也只想看一看食物, 望梅止渴, 竟然說因為我剛剛只是付四萬日元的all you can eat入場券, 沒有再另外購買根本就買不到的額外每人每碟二千元的食物券 ( 除非你一早七點半鐘內排隊購買), 你連看食物是什麼模樣都沒有資格 !?!?!? What the Fun !?!?!?
      現在世界的人是這樣好騙的嗎? 我一家大細入場時沒有跟我說有這些規矩!!! 支付了四萬日元只是入去睇人食嘢 !!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
      我是蠢, 但我不是傻的! 請大家不要再傻了! 不要再浪費錢在這一個垃圾樂園 !!!! 特別是有一家大小的, 只會令你的小朋友失望!!!! 除非你跟著博主這樣一早730am去排隊, 你才會有機會成為他不知有沒有萬分一機會的幸運兒中的其中一位??? 你容納唔到這麼多客人,你就唔好賣門票給人, 你賣門票時候 就為什麼沒有好好說清楚? , 正正常常一家人付了四人入場券四萬元, 入到去竟然連一個show 也不能排隊看!!! 就連舊的機動遊戲也冇得玩, 更加離譜是去新機動樂園影張相都話唔得! 我話不玩了,你退錢我立刻走你又唔退錢! 我確實想問日本有沒有香港的消費者委員會, Sydney 的 Fair trading 這樣的機構可以給我投訴? 這個簡直就是一個垃圾的騙子集團, 大家不要再被這個騙子的美麗童話欺騙了, 簡直就是影響我小朋友的心理成長!!! 簡直可恥!!!!
      我回到悉尼也準備把disney+ 也取消, 不想兒子看到發惡夢!!!!!

  • @sewingwithggb256
    @sewingwithggb256 4 месяца назад

    I have a fantasy springs hotel reservation so I can buy the one day fantasy springs pass.Please do a video about your stay. I want to know how early you can arrive at the hotel check in day and buy the pass thanks love your channel

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +1

      Yes will do! I will most likely post it on Instagram/tiktok first!

  • @malibautista7721
    @malibautista7721 4 месяца назад

    Do you have to make reservations for all rides? You can't just make line?

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +1

      Yeah, you can’t line up normally you must have a pass

    • @omarala7608
      @omarala7608 2 месяца назад


  • @Lalalafun888
    @Lalalafun888 3 месяца назад

    Hi is it allowed to re-enter the disneysea park with regular ticket ? Cuz u back to the hotel for breakfast

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  3 месяца назад

      Yes, you will be able to go back in if you leave

    • @pattypan
      @pattypan Месяц назад

      @@kimdao with normal one day pass???

  • @jasoline22
    @jasoline22 4 месяца назад

    Is it true that once you enter the fantasy springs area, you are not allowed to re-enter if you leave?

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +1

      yes that's true. We were able to go in again because we had multiple passes

    • @irishmejia8949
      @irishmejia8949 4 месяца назад

      ⁠Where can we purchase the multiple passes for fantasy spring?

  • @Jonathanest90s
    @Jonathanest90s 3 месяца назад

    I can’t to check out FS!

  • @tohjeffrey9578
    @tohjeffrey9578 4 месяца назад

    Are selfie sticks allowed in disneysea?? thanks!

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +1

      Ah no unfortunately not

    • @OkiDingo
      @OkiDingo 3 месяца назад

      @@kimdaoor no, fortunately! Lol

  • @NicoleRodriguez411
    @NicoleRodriguez411 4 месяца назад

    If I buy the park tickets for my group in my own phone, can they still have access to the App on their own phones so they can help me get passes?
    Or only the person who bought the tickets have access to the app?

    • @cecemark
      @cecemark 4 месяца назад +1

      Everyone will still have access to the app. My husband booked a restaurant reservation for our group and I booked rides.

    • @NicoleRodriguez411
      @NicoleRodriguez411 3 месяца назад

      @@cecemarkcool, thank you so much!

    • @liawijaya23
      @liawijaya23 2 месяца назад

      ​@@cecemarkhow? Do you scan qr ticket on 1 phone? Then scanning it all again on other phone?

  • @zeeshan9548
    @zeeshan9548 4 месяца назад

    Great video

  • @PoshPaperCreations
    @PoshPaperCreations 4 месяца назад +1

    Love this video! It’s SO much to learn before going! QUESTION: is their an ALL DAY (UNLIMITED) PREMIER ACCESS PASS?

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад

      Yes! You can only buy it if you stay at the fantasy springs hotel. It’s included in the vacation package too

  • @emtasmic
    @emtasmic 4 месяца назад

    Seems a waste of money to just go to the park get tickets for fantasy springs then leave the park and go back later. Most people are going to spend the whole day in the park. Also DPA does not always sell out right away. Some passes for certain rides don’t sell out till gone 10am and then some pop up during the day.

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +4

      Like I said, we only wanted to go to Fantasy Springs and didn’t care for much of the rest of the stuff in the park. We’ve been many times to DisneySea. By all means if you want to stay in the park then stay, we chose not to until it was our time to enter.

  • @MishyNZ
    @MishyNZ 4 месяца назад

    Hi Kim, we are having trouble creating a group with our tickets for tomorrow, when i send the link to my partner it just opens up a website telling him to download the app when he already has. Any ideas of why this happens?

    • @MishyNZ
      @MishyNZ 4 месяца назад

      Never mind 😂 it looks like when I scanned his ticket on, it made his own group so I had to remove him from his own group to be added to mine haha. Thanks for the awesome vid! Fingers crossed we have some luck tomorrow!

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад +1

      Oh yes you can only be in 1 group at a time haha, glad you worked it out and good luck! Book your tickets as soon as you get inside and you should be good!

    • @waraynon8699
      @waraynon8699 Месяц назад

      @@MishyNZhi may I know if we are 4 in a group can everyone of us can get DPA pass?or just only one of us? For example I booked 1 DPA and 1 standby for 4 of us.can my daughter get as well DPA and standby?hope to hear from u.appreciate it 😊

  • @miyoshifw27
    @miyoshifw27 3 месяца назад

    Just curious, where did you buy those gorgeous headbands? I don't think I saw any of those in any stores inside Disneysea. Espesially the last one with the blinking blue lights

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  3 месяца назад +1

      The one with the lights is actually from Hong Kong Disneyland! The Anna and Rapunzel ears are from Fantasy Springs but they’ve been sold out for a while

    • @誰人能夠定錯對
      @誰人能夠定錯對 2 месяца назад

      I can easily book a disneysea entry ticket online. I am forced to download the Disneyland app enter disneysea park, which is undesirable and the app is not useful. I cannot book shows or restaurants or rides before entering the Disneysea park. I arrived at 9.40am (park opens at 9am), and tried to book a show. We managed to book one show. I keep trying to book another show for the next 4 hours (even wanting to pay 2000 yen per show) - none is available except tower of terror. We need a pass to join a queue to a show - we can't even pay to get a pass! Disneysea, how is this possible? I feel cheated paying 10,900 Yen to enter the park and all I can do is to watch the crowd as I cannot get a pass to the shows or rides or eat a meal. I tried to enter a restaurant at 11am hoping to beat the crowd, and was told the queue wait is 1 hour! Not enough food outlets. Long queue even to buy popcorn.
      Moving around the park is extremely difficult as the app is not responsive, poor directions, and not easy to use, very slow to load a page on the app. Overall - a very very very disappointing experience. Definitely dont waste your money coming to Tokyo Disneysea.

  • @Виктория-г7ч9т
    @Виктория-г7ч9т 4 месяца назад

    Hello. I didn't understand some of the details. Is 't DPA free in disnay sea and I shoul bought it? Shouf I pay for DPA with a credit card? Coud I buy a DPA at the ticket office by cach?

  • @justanerdyhobbitgirl
    @justanerdyhobbitgirl 3 месяца назад

    They don't let you sit down? I have dysautonomia, so standing for so long isn't good for me... but I'm not registered as disabled. 😢

    • @kristinesinajon1206
      @kristinesinajon1206 2 месяца назад

      Getting a collapsible stool might be helpful for you.

  • @tapuchan200
    @tapuchan200 4 месяца назад

    We have the same problems using our credit cards on the Tokyo Disney app (Japan and US cards).

    • @kimdao
      @kimdao  4 месяца назад

      yeah I'm not sure why, I have 2 Japanese credit cards from different banks and both don't work on the app or on the website, i have to buy my tickets on Klook. However my Australian credit card did work for DPA when I went 2 weeks ago but didn't work on this day so.. not sure what is up with that

    • @nich-nk2cr
      @nich-nk2cr 4 месяца назад

      @@kimdao proof that japan can't endorse digital payment ;)

    • @tohjeffrey9578
      @tohjeffrey9578 4 месяца назад

      On credit cards, can you show how to set up the credit cards in the app? I did that in apr when I went Disneyland but I can't find the options in the app now. Going again in a few months time, this time to Disney sea. Thanks!

  • @chihiro1131
    @chihiro1131 3 месяца назад

    Do share kansai airports sky museum

  • @echo1eyesonly13
    @echo1eyesonly13 4 месяца назад

    Why would they put Bologna of all things on a hamburger?

    • @daynafonokalafi4859
      @daynafonokalafi4859 4 месяца назад +1

      🤪In Japan they put a lot of random things in their food.... for example CORN is super popular.

  • @ebsfunland8666
    @ebsfunland8666 3 месяца назад

    Oh yeah, and I subscribe to your channel I just now

  • @RizChannel81
    @RizChannel81 2 месяца назад

    Their website is not good!!!