How Do I Know I'm Saved?

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Dr. Steven J. Lawson explains what it means to know if you've been saved.
    Full Sermon:

Комментарии • 46

  • @elijahibukunoluwaoluwatosi1096
    @elijahibukunoluwaoluwatosi1096 2 года назад +6

    Thanks so much for this cut-out from the teaching of today. It's a pure fact for those who know and also for those who would listen with an open heart, truthfully checking inward to know and decide if it's happened in them or not. As for me, it gracefully happened on the 20th of July 2017, and ever since, it's not been the same after any sin, my heart becomes restless, but I thank God that immediately I ask for forgiveness, my heart almost instantly calms down in faith that I've been forgiven. May God continually bless Pastor/Teacher Steven J. Lawson.

  • @_JesusIsLord_
    @_JesusIsLord_ 2 года назад +2

    He is a warrior of the Lord! Look at him! Look at what the Lord has done with this man and give praise to the Lord of the undefinable universe, JESUS CHRIST!

  • @HowAboutThat224
    @HowAboutThat224 Год назад +2

    I am thankful for this man. Three years ago, I heard a clip from him on Wretched Radio. It confused me so much... but led me down a path of learning about Calvinism, Lordship Salvation, Bible corruptions etc. Because of this man, I learned him and so many like him are wolves in sheep's clothing. I know the true depths of the heresy of Calvinism and their gaslighting. Because of this man, I became a King James Bible believer and learned to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15). This man and so many like him are so dangerous. They tickle the ears of the self righteous. He subtly teaches works for salvation. Calvinism is Gnosticism and teaches another Jesus, Spirit and Gospel. Thank you for this man. God used this man in my life, for me to learn the truth. What is evil, God used for good.

    • @William18791
      @William18791 10 месяцев назад +1

      Calvinism emphasizes God’s sovereignty. Reformed just means Biblical. There’s more than 1 good Bible translation. There’s corrupt stuff life the passion, but it doesn’t mean all versions that aren’t the KJV are heretical

    • @Garlicbreadsupremacist631
      @Garlicbreadsupremacist631 Месяц назад

      ​@@William18791so hang on, how is something specifically reformed by scripture gnosticism?

  • @cdarling369
    @cdarling369 2 года назад +1


  • @paulrivalto1974
    @paulrivalto1974 4 месяца назад

    1 John 2:3-5, John 14:15, John 17:3, Matthew 7:13-23. Period! Word of God truth!

  • @mrsheehy9896
    @mrsheehy9896 10 месяцев назад

    Please pray about monetizing the video so much. 11 minutes into this and there’s been three ads. The skipping out disrupts the connection to our Bluetooth while the families trying to listen and eat breakfast makes it really hard to listen.

  • @LittleLattes
    @LittleLattes 2 года назад +2

    Where can we find the whole sermon? Thank you for sharing !

  • @tomlangley2229
    @tomlangley2229 5 месяцев назад

    For a better understanding of God's word I recommend "The Mystery" by Joel Finck or "Things That Differ" by Cornelius Stam.

    • @paulrivalto1974
      @paulrivalto1974 3 месяца назад

      @tomlangley2229- How about " Grasping God's Word " by J. Scott Duvall & J. Daniel Hayes as well as the follow-up book " Living God's Word " Then Tally Ho the Fox by Herb Hodges as well as " Fox Fever " and " Fox Food "

    • @tomlangley2229
      @tomlangley2229 3 месяца назад

      @@paulrivalto1974 Hi Paul, The key to understanding the Bible is to realize that it presents two separate and distinct belief systems, Judaism and Christianity. All the Bible is FOR us, but it is not all written specifically TO and ABOUT believers today. Not paying attention to this principle is what's responsible for most of the confusion in our churches today, especially in the realm of salvation. Faith has always been required for salvation, but not apart from works. It was only when Paul was given the special series of revelations that he calls the "mystery" that God revealed that today He would not require obedience to the Law, but simple faith in Christ's work on the cross. There are other books that explain this distinction between Judaism in the Bible and Christianity, but "Things That Differ" by Cornelius Stam (founder of Berean Bible Society) and "The Mystery" by Joel Finck (Parsons Publishing Company) I think are the best books I've seen. The way we know we are saved is to take God's word for it. He says thru Paul that if we will simply trust in Christ's death, burial and resurrection as payment for our sins that we are saved and indwelt by the Holy Spirit the moment we believe. How do we know we are saved? God says you are. Our faith is in God's word to US. One doesn't find salvation by faith alone except in Paul's writings. An interesting study is to contrast Acts 3:21 and Romans 16:25. "That which was spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began' is not the same as "that which kept secret since the world began.

  • @tiborfarkas1011
    @tiborfarkas1011 Год назад

  • @BryanChandler1905
    @BryanChandler1905 Год назад +1

    I was raised in a conservative Christian home. I’m 17, but I’m concerned about my salvation. I don’t remember when I was saved. I’m scared about this, because I’m afraid of the thought of going to hell. I for a fact that I’m a sinner who deserves to go to hell, and that Christ is the only way to heaven. I hate my sun. Does that mean I’m not saved?

    • @wojo9732
      @wojo9732 Год назад

      You hate the sun? It gives us light!

    • @Giani5171
      @Giani5171 5 месяцев назад

      ​i think the meaning is i hate my son?😮

    • @siegfriedbartel7122
      @siegfriedbartel7122 4 месяца назад

      That you are that concerned about your sin, darkness, evil, in the members of your body and your still old a VERY GOOD SIGN that you are born of/from God...that God dwells in your human spirit...that there is no residue of any sin in your spirit because God dwells now in your spirit. If you were not saved, you would not even worry, be concerned, think nothing about God, would not really be anxious about salvation in the first place....❤😅

    • @nightsky5882
      @nightsky5882 3 месяца назад

      @@siegfriedbartel7122Bible verses for what you said?

    • @paulrivalto1974
      @paulrivalto1974 3 месяца назад

      The Gospel " Good News " John 3:3-5, John 3:16-18, John 6:65, John 14:6.... Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, 2 Corinthians 5:21...... What One Must Surrender Too, In order to be saved - Repent - Luke 13:3&5, Confess and Believe: Romans 10:9-10,..... 1 John 2:3-5, John 14:15, John 17:3, Matthew 7:13-23...... These verses are the truth of God too lead all to the place where one can be saved! Then Christ will do the saving! Confess and Believe and the promise is " you will be saved. " Romans 10:9-10. I pray for your understanding and Holy Spirit conviction as to your need of Christ!!

  • @marybeavon6580
    @marybeavon6580 3 месяца назад

    Should ask the question “How do I know I am united to Christ?

    • @paulrivalto1974
      @paulrivalto1974 3 месяца назад

      @marybeavon6580 - Are you a Blood-bought, born-again, child of Jehovah God? 1 John 2:3-5, John 14:15, John 17:3 & Matthew 7:13-23..... will let you know from scripture truth! I pray that you are and will be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. If scripture truth affirms that you are in Christ then pray each day this prayer from Ephesians 1:16-23. A prayer the apostle Paul was used to praying for the saints at Ephesus!

  • @kevinclint7588
    @kevinclint7588 2 года назад +1


  • @jamesthompson545
    @jamesthompson545 2 месяца назад

    But I can’t be saved if lm not elect, right? So no matter what I do, if God doesn’t do it for me, then I’m eternally doomed, correct? 1:26

    • @blizzard1646
      @blizzard1646 2 месяца назад

      ALL can be saved that means everyone. God did not die just for some of us to be saved but for all. He wouldn’t be a just God if not.

    • @davidaucoin7317
      @davidaucoin7317 Месяц назад

      @@blizzard1646 The best way to know if you are saved is does God answer your prayers. If he does than you are saved because God doesn't answer the prayers of those he is not the lord of. Notice I didn't say God doesn't answer the prayers of those he is not the God of or savior. Why don't people just go to the cross and see what the thief did that saved him and see if that lines up with what Romans 10:9 said that needed to be done to be saved and have you done what Romans 10:9 said to do and what the thief on the cross that got saved did.
      So lets take a look at romans 10: 9 what did Paul say had to be done. Romans 10:9 says if you confess Jesus as lord with your mouth you will be saved. Now go to Luke 23:42-43 of the KJB and see that the thief that got saved said what Romans 10:9 said has to be done which is the thief addressed Jesus as Lord prior to asking to be remembered when the lord Jesus comes into his kingdom.
      We see that there is complete agreement between Romans 10:9 and Luke 23:42 and 43.Thus we see that anyone who calls Jesus lord publicaly will be saved. Thus the answer to the question how do I know if I am saved is Have you prayed to the Lord Jesus using these words Dear Lord Jesus it is the desire of my heart for you to become the lord of my life.Thank you Lord Jesus. It is then a done deal.However know this that people don't loose out on heaven because they have unconfessed sins because Jesus was the perfect lamb that takes away the sins of the world therefo everyone's sins believers and unbelievers sins have already been paid for. What keeps people out of heaven is their never haven asked the Lord Jesus to become their lord. God does not want people in heaven who don't want Jesus to be their lord and prove it by not accepting the Lordship of the lord Jesus Christ in their Earthly life. If you don't feel that the lord Jesus hasn't been answering your prayers it is becuse he is not your lord. He is only the lord of those who do as Romans 10:9 directs and the the thief on the cross did which was to publicaly call Jesus Lord. You must publically confess Jesus as lord.As soon as you do he becomes your lord and now because he is your lord he has the responsibilty to answer all of your prayers. the promise he makes is that he will supply all of your needs upon your request that he do so. Therfor I conclude Just do what the thief on the cross did and Paul the great apostle said and simply call Jesus Lord publically and then you will see see the Lord Jesus start answering your prayers and then you will know not only that Jesus Christ is lord but that he is your lord and you will have the blessed assurance that you are saved.
      Ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ

    • @oracawa
      @oracawa 16 дней назад

      I have also thought this way. I believe you would be saved because this would not be an issue for an unregenerate person.

  • @davidaucoin7317
    @davidaucoin7317 15 дней назад

    There is one sure way to know if you are saved and that is have you done what Romans 10:9 said to do namely "If you confess Jesus as lord with your mouth publicly you will be saved Notice the operative word is Lord, not God,not Jesus,not misieah,not the Christ, not even as savior. The word must be Lord and spoken publicly. For absolute proof go to Luke 22,42-43 KJB and there we see that the thief called Jesus lord before asking for salvation thus Jesus's lordship comes ahead of of savior and thus comes ahead of salvation. as Romans 10:9 said. Anyone disagreeing with this must know they are contradicting the Holy Ghost who empowered the thief to use the word lord when no one else was calling Jesus lord not even his disciples until after the resurrection and Paul the great apostle in Romans 10:9. Why Lord? Because the word lord means one with authority. Jesus is not the lord of everybody. Only those who have confessed Jesus as lord have Jesus as their lord. It is the same with lawyers. Unless you have hired a particular attorney to be your attorney you have no lawyer. So also is it with lords. If you haven't confessed Jesus as lord publicly Jesus is not your lord and you are not saved. The reason the thief addressed the lord Jesus to be his lord the Lord Jesus would not have had the authority to grant salvation or anything else to the thief.
    Once you have called Jesus lord publicly you can pray to your lord Jesus Christ and he will answer. The surest way to know if you are saved is has the lord Jesus answered any of your prayers?. If not then you need to say this prayer. "Dear Lord Jesus it is the desire of my heart for you to become my lord. Thank you lord Jesus. Now the Lord Jesus has the authority to answer your prayers and when he does you have your proof that you are saved and you now have an obligation to tell others of how God has answered your prayers. In so doing you are glorifying God which is the reason you were created.
    Ambassador For Christ
    David AuCoin

  • @medusa210562
    @medusa210562 Год назад +3

    What he is saying about children conversion is not right. I gave my life to God when I was 12.
    I realised man was helpless and sinful.
    Part of sanctification is a daily conversion a daily baptism of the holy Spirit a daily growth in knowledge. In fact the closer you get to God the more you see your faults.

    • @elizabethflores1952
      @elizabethflores1952 Год назад +2

      Check back at 8:12 when he explains what you stated. He is not saying a child cannot be converted; he explained there.

    • @bry440
      @bry440 Год назад

      I'm sort of jealous about you being converted at the age of 12 lol I was getting scared of all those weird false Hell testimonies digging a deeper hole for myself.

    • @Psalm119-50
      @Psalm119-50 4 месяца назад +1

      Listen again!

    • @RedLegPiper
      @RedLegPiper 14 дней назад

      False. The more satan makes you see your sin and faults. The Holy Spirit doesn't convict. That's satan making you feel unloved, unworthy, unsavable, and your sin.
      The Hily spirit REMINDS us who we are in Christ.
      Saved. Loved. Redeemed. Secured.
      The Bible shows us God No longer remembers our sin. He cannot and will not convict us of something he no longer remembers.
      Isaiah 43:25 says, "I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.
      Stop looking at our unrighteousness works and our sin and look to Jesus who already bore that transgression and penalty.