The 10 Commandments Aren't What You Thought | Parshat Yitro

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 31

  • @TheHonorableBrodude
    @TheHonorableBrodude 8 месяцев назад +1

    Love how you go through the process with curiosity and direction like listening to chavrusas very beautiful thank you 🙏

  • @4real51
    @4real51 7 месяцев назад

    I'm sold

  • @HomeschoolHack
    @HomeschoolHack 7 месяцев назад +1

    As a christian (unfamiliar with much rabinic midrash tbh) I've often heard that both tablets contained all 10 words, and that there were two copies because it was a covenant, one for HaShem and one for Israel (like when partners have a copy of the contract each to which they can be held accountable). Ultimately it's a marriage.

  • @vidacarr9170
    @vidacarr9170 7 месяцев назад

    The Brit (Ashrai ha Devarim) is a covenant between two bodies…so each will have a copy for each party!

  • @danielundseth3100
    @danielundseth3100 7 месяцев назад +1

    I don't know why the second set of luchot are attributed to Moshe because the English text states that YHVH wrote both sets of luchot. The difference is the finger of God was used in the first set but there's no mention of the finger of God nor any mention of Moshe writing them down either.

  • @cesarioserrato5306
    @cesarioserrato5306 8 месяцев назад +2

    Gun powder in the chamber? Without a casing around that gunpowder which makes it a bullet the gun wouldn't even work

  • @danielundseth3100
    @danielundseth3100 7 месяцев назад

    It's true that in a covenant has two identical copies.

  • @4real51
    @4real51 7 месяцев назад

    Would kinda make sense why Moshe broke the tablets as he saw the golden calf. Kinda the first ripping of a contract that we know about

  • @louiskraus3105
    @louiskraus3105 7 месяцев назад

    Maybe it's about reading and doing.

  • @PEACEproject33
    @PEACEproject33 6 месяцев назад

    Verse 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.. verse 4 and 5 are not supposed to be one command. Why would the Most High say dont make idols and then tell us not to bow before what we weren't supposed to make.

    • @jjravl
      @jjravl 4 месяца назад

      he wouldn't. he was also speaking in terms of the other nations --- not to bow to what they have made. you're forgetting that G'D knows all things... and ahab for one married Jezebel who worshipped Ashtoreth, Molech, Ba'al. there are abundant examples of their "idols" the obelisk for example, which sits center of the courtyard of the Vatican, and sits out front of the Washington monuement in Washington DC
      In fact there are 81 pages of examples of the Obelisk in the USA -- where the Obelisk is the specific "idol" which is found at every temple, and altar where children are killed to Molech, for Ashteroth -- also known as Astrarte, Venus, Athena, Lilith, Mithra, and so on... where Ashtoreth is assumed to be a woman, and the divine which posessed Jezebel - the queen married to Ahab, and there is ample archeological history which dates to that era within Judaic history and "she" that divine of the Caananites was worshipped... so... there you go

  • @bookmouse2719
    @bookmouse2719 8 месяцев назад

    Chabad depicts as rectangles, the rest depicts them rounded on top like a heart shape which comes from you shall write them on your heart.

  • @SeanRhoadesChristopher
    @SeanRhoadesChristopher 8 месяцев назад +1

    I wonder why Moses was to provide the two stone tablets rather than HaShem after Israel broke the first covenant?

    • @danielundseth3100
      @danielundseth3100 7 месяцев назад +1

      Yet he didn't write on them either according to the English texts.

  • @YochananBenMiriam
    @YochananBenMiriam 7 месяцев назад

    The 5 and 5 has a Kabbalistic concept that the 5 utterances on the left are a reflection the 5 on the right.
    You shall not murder corresponds to I am the Lord your God. Since we are created in His image, to kill another person diminishes His Supernal image.

  • @PEACEproject33
    @PEACEproject33 6 месяцев назад

    Im Eliyahu Shlomo Benyamin Eli Yehushua

  • @tarjeibjerkedalene
    @tarjeibjerkedalene 8 месяцев назад

    Nice talk. Is it right that the 10 commandments also can be translated the 10 "words"? Can the number 10 be of a qualitative ting also and not just quantity thing? How is the 10 commandments related to Eden?

    • @cesarioserrato5306
      @cesarioserrato5306 8 месяцев назад +2

      It is wrongly translated in English as 10 commandments. It really does translate as the ten words

    • @AlephBeta
      @AlephBeta  8 месяцев назад +2

      Correct. The _Aseret Hadibrot_ are better translated as "Ten Utterances," which is a lot more accurate description of what they were. We refer to them as commandments just so we don't confuse people.

    • @AlephBeta
      @AlephBeta  8 месяцев назад +1

      Of course. All numbers in Hebrew have symbolic meaning. There were 10 plagues, 10 things God said in creating the world, etc.

  • @joushanahshaonschlesinger2363
    @joushanahshaonschlesinger2363 8 месяцев назад

    עוד אפשרות שזה באמת יותר לפי הדעה השנייה. כמו הכתובה שזה שניהם שונים המתאחדים, וגם הדברות שהם 5 יותר על הקשר עם אלוקים, ו5 יותר על בין אדם לחברו, כלומר כל אחד נותן את המקום שלו הלוח שלו לייצר כתובה אחת ואיחוד בין אלוקי ואנושי.

  • @PEACEproject33
    @PEACEproject33 6 месяцев назад

    The Mandela effect was created cause one day I would return

  • @MsARC
    @MsARC 7 месяцев назад

    It’s so offending that both of you insist on referring to the “10 commandements ” instead to use the real meaning of Aseret HaDevarim, misinterpreted as “commandements ”. It is a very big difference between words and commandments 🤔. Aseret HaDevarim or the Greek "deka logue" , or Latin "decem verba" concept implies a deeper understanding. In this way we find them described in the Torah and not as commandments.
    The misinterpretation, influenced by King James for political motives, neglects the deeper concept of HaShem granting us free will rather than simply issuing commands.
    Is somewhere presented truth instead of perpetuating misleading translations that confine us to societal brutal rules?

  • @CovMixMultofIsrael
    @CovMixMultofIsrael 7 месяцев назад

    The obvious fact that the '10 Words' (commandments) ARE THE COVENANT or 'Marriage - I DO' between those who desire to walk with YHWH in as close of a relationship as a Man and Wife traverse through life, this is as plain of a reading of the text as there can be. Why 'christianity' wants to define it as some burdensome list of things which we are not capable of doing - ie calling YAH (and thus Yashua) a liar? That is the 'blindness which has, in part, come over all Israel' (Rom 11:25). Why 'judaism' feels like YAH needs help defining this list of mitzvot to the Nth 'split hair', I have no clue. It has NOT brought forth their Nth erroneous Mashiach (see Messiah Texts by Raphael Patai, et al). HaShem would have put in ANY additional 'fences' needed, if there were any. How did the first 'midrash' work out (Gen 3:3)?
    All throughout scripture and the apostolic letters, man is shown to be abhorrently incapable of leaving His Perfect Word (Spoken, Written and In The Flesh) in it's pristine form, walk it out to the best of their understanding, repenting (t'shuvah') as needed (as His Spirit Convicts) and being renewed each day.
    YHWH bless and keep you, and yours.

  • @PEACEproject33
    @PEACEproject33 6 месяцев назад

    Yo this is BS two months ago I found the 11

  • @gapfenix
    @gapfenix 8 месяцев назад +1

    ~@10:00 It's interesting that the subject on question supports one of our beliefs within my SDA Church. When Judgement Day comes to humankind; a copy of the 10 Commandments will be in front of each person summoned before our Lord JC. Then He will be a Judge... for now He is a Lawyer; take His services asap. The other copy are the tables within the Arc of the Covenant that hasn't found so far.

    • @marchess286
      @marchess286 8 месяцев назад

      I'm glad you joined us for this broadcast.

  • @danielundseth3100
    @danielundseth3100 7 месяцев назад

    How big would tbe two luchot have to be to fit all ten commandments on each one?

    • @DanahC
      @DanahC 7 месяцев назад

      Small enough to fit in the Ark of The Covenant