Great review old son 👌 Love your bullshit. My partner & I have just brought a Broozer each. Agree with everything you said about the helmet.
My first helmet. Pretty good fit, I got a Large. The chin bar, well I thought I would take it off more, but in reality, its fiddly to get on and off with gloves on. A proper modular helmet is more practical when you want to talk to someone without whipping the lid off. Also the visor, the way it slips up inside the helmet, I am forever cleaning the inside. It just seems to smeer ANY fog all over the inside of the visor when I lift the visor up and down. Fogging: easy to crack a small gap in the visor, usually clears up fogging my glasses quite quickly. Swapping visor from clear to tint is super easy to do without any tools. Sound, I thought there was a bad whistle in mine, but I just snugged the visor down a bit more to quiet it. Wind noise, I don't have any other helmets to compare it with, but I can barely hear the pipes over the wind roar at 110kph plus. If you have comms as well, (Ive fitted a Packtalk Slim) the only place I can get the speakers to fit is behind the chin straps as they anchor far up inside the cheek, so audio quality is muffled. Boom mic ends up quite close to my top lip. Glasses: nice slot to fit the arm of my glasses in, so a definite win there. However, it looks just so bad-ass with the tinted visor when I catch my reflection in a window I can almost ignore the things I don't like about it 8)
its great for long rides. changes in weather is where it shines. pop of the front or open the vents and your golden. or if your me in the heat fully open face is very comfortable.
Great review old son 👌
Love your bullshit.
My partner & I have just brought a Broozer each.
Agree with everything you said about the helmet.
thank you very much 🙏 yeah I'm definitely no BS here mate.
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the review, and awesome that you both love the helmet
My first helmet. Pretty good fit, I got a Large. The chin bar, well I thought I would take it off more, but in reality, its fiddly to get on and off with gloves on. A proper modular helmet is more practical when you want to talk to someone without whipping the lid off. Also the visor, the way it slips up inside the helmet, I am forever cleaning the inside. It just seems to smeer ANY fog all over the inside of the visor when I lift the visor up and down. Fogging: easy to crack a small gap in the visor, usually clears up fogging my glasses quite quickly. Swapping visor from clear to tint is super easy to do without any tools. Sound, I thought there was a bad whistle in mine, but I just snugged the visor down a bit more to quiet it. Wind noise, I don't have any other helmets to compare it with, but I can barely hear the pipes over the wind roar at 110kph plus. If you have comms as well, (Ive fitted a Packtalk Slim) the only place I can get the speakers to fit is behind the chin straps as they anchor far up inside the cheek, so audio quality is muffled. Boom mic ends up quite close to my top lip. Glasses: nice slot to fit the arm of my glasses in, so a definite win there. However, it looks just so bad-ass with the tinted visor when I catch my reflection in a window I can almost ignore the things I don't like about it 8)
Love the little write up here bro. Always good to see someones take on something I review .
I love this helmet!
Will be comfy for longer rides? Thank you for the review.
its great for long rides. changes in weather is where it shines. pop of the front or open the vents and your golden.
or if your me in the heat fully open face is very comfortable.
and your very welcome for the review. thankyou for the comment and for tuning in my friend
James Franco in a helmet 😊😊😊😊😊😊
Terrible helmet for its price