I thought he showed every possible other move. The only other winning variations would require blunders by black. For example black promoting while the rook is still on a file or the interesting White Rf7+, B Kg6, W Kf8, B Kh7 followed by white promotion with a double check, followed by checkmate. White wins but you have to assume no mistakes by black.
Now...where do these problems come from? Who is creating them?! Fascinating stuff!
Great fun. Keep it up !
Appreciate it! I'm always trying to come up with new puzzles.
Nice one. I wasn't even close to solving it.
Thank you ☺
I solved it by playing against stockfish 8 after a number of false starts. Thanks for posting.
One of the rare occations I could solve the puzzel, thank you.
Good puzzle. I feel like I should have solved it but didn't.
it is ok try previous
Rf7 then Rf1
That sequence of moves wasn't the only way for white to win.
What are the other sequences that i didn't mention?
I thought he showed every possible other move. The only other winning variations would require blunders by black. For example black promoting while the rook is still on a file or the interesting White Rf7+, B Kg6, W Kf8, B Kh7 followed by white promotion with a double check, followed by checkmate. White wins but you have to assume no mistakes by black.