The Hunting Ground Official Trailer 1 (2015) - Documentary HD

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    The Hunting Ground Official Trailer 1 (2015) - Documentary HD
    From the team behind THE INVISIBLE WAR, comes a startling exposé of rape crimes on U.S. campuses, institutional cover-ups and the brutal social toll on victims and their families. Weaving together verité footage and first-person testimonies, the film follows survivors as they pursue their education while fighting for justice - despite harsh retaliation, harassment and pushback at every level.

Комментарии • 208

  • @williep5861
    @williep5861 9 лет назад +63

    All alleged rape cases should be adjudicated by the state/federal court system, not by universities. They have a biased stake in the outcome. Universities should assist in collecting and providing evidence to a higher court, and be penalized for not having full transparency in reporting rape allegations to the proper authorities.

  • @g.b569
    @g.b569 9 лет назад +9

    This message needs to be spread. Sexual assault is not a joke or something to be covered up. It is a crime and those out there need justice

  • @TheRepty818
    @TheRepty818 8 лет назад +75

    I'm the first person to tell you that you should take any documentary with a grain of salt. But if you hear a woman claiming that someone covered up her rape, and your first instinct is to jump on her with terms like 'liar' 'skank' 'she was asking for it' and/or 'femanazi', then maybe you need to reevaluate your life choices. Never in my life have I seen people so eager to jump to the defense of possible rapists.
    And I'm not saying all of these guys are guilty. I'm just saying why are you jumping to conclusions based on a trailer.

    • @ds5375
      @ds5375 8 лет назад +2

      +TheRepty818 Maybe because when you do the research you find that in fact the women in question had a very inconsistent and at times contradictory statements . Also any person suspected of potential rape should rightly so be defended against such accusations until guilt is proven, under the scrutiny of evidence in a court under a correctly trained lawyer. Guilt should not be assumed i.e "guilty until proven innocent" -even though that is now the current paradigm within the feminist movement (and also among other institutes), a preemptive verdict should never be corroborated from a documentary saturated with motive.

    • @ds5375
      @ds5375 8 лет назад +2

      I'm not from the states, ...also I never mentioned anything about a pandemic of false accusations? I believe in investigation on a case-by-case basis not adherence to generalities in this context (debating specific examples). Rape and sexual assault is a problem, but the nomenclature of what constitutes sexual assault is too vague i.e "rubbing against your body in a sexual way", "attempted kissing without consent" .
      I can't speak for women in the military indeed however I know the stats drawn from college campuses are fairly misleading and not as "significant" as they are portrayed, for example mainstream outlets report 1:5 women are sexual assaulted at college, but the original report was poorly conducted, sample taken from only two universities, no way of determining whether the accused where even students, bias in data collection methods which was based on an online questionnaire - even the original authors had to step forward and make a public statement that their paper was not representative (see * Time Magazine 'setting the record straight' *). Also watch and read the numerous critiques on The Hunting Ground documentary. "A Closer Look at The Hunting Grounds" - by Emily Yoffe is good. There is also a good critique by Cristina Hoff Summers titled "The Hunting Grounds, Journalism or Sensationalism" (short video) found on *The Factual Feminist* vlog.

    • @TheRepty818
      @TheRepty818 8 лет назад +1

      Dean Sumner No you never actually said pandemic. When you mentioned "the current paradigm within the feminist movement" I assumed you were another one of those guys arguing that "feminism is ruining america" and that "it's easier to be a woman than it is to be a man nowadays." You know, the usual internet troll stuff.
      Anyways, I'm sure the numbers for assaults on campus could be higher or lower than the estimates. And of course a movie should not be used to have a trial via media. But the fact remains that most people have a knee jerk reaction to blame the victim still to this day. Unless the woman was like mother teresa in her personal life, we find reasons to blame her. And people aren't perfect, they make mistakes and do stupid shit, it doesn't mean they deserve to get raped.
      At the end of the day, what we're talking about is human nature. We like to think we know what's going on. Not having the facts doesn't stop us from forming opinions. And once those opinions are formed we stick to them, even when the new evidence suggests that we're wrong, we just ignore it.

    • @ds5375
      @ds5375 8 лет назад +1

      +TheRepty818 There are different types of lies, these are lies, damned lies and statistics. A new study found that a more reliable stat is not 1:5 but 1:50.
      I would consider myself an opponent to the new wave of feminism that is sweeping the UK and US because it fails to address real problems and re-directs resources into a more bourgeois utility. In many cases it further marginalizes and promotes gender and class segregation, especially within this intersectional privilege theory which now groups, sub groups, and subdivides society into neat boxes in short , it makes minorities were there are non.
      When someone challenges these views they are quickly labeled a misogynist or a hate speech peddler- a phenomena seen in idealistic zealots, the fanatics who scream "blasphemer!" against those who stand against their faith. Look at many of the "debates" with those who stand against feminism, and watch as they cant even get their points across amidst the jeering, cursing and condemnation of "off our campus! take your hate speech home!" etc. This brand of feminism advocates censorship of free speech behind the umbrella of political correctness and hate-crime. (see the way twitter and facebook give in to these demands, also some forms of trigger warning).
      Now to clarify: I don't think that females have it much better than men in modern society. But I think that amidst modern feminism, males, (esp white males) are quickly becoming under-represented and in many ways demonized for the fact of them alone being white and male, the irony of this racist and sexist idealism which aims to address those very facts is almost unimaginable. Many feminists highlight the inequality in non white, female and gender fluid settings while ignoring the inequality that plague their counterparts. e.g it is known women are much more likely to be sexually assaulted then man, but if you expand the scope of violent assault crime, then it is men who are the under-privileged here, approx twice as likely to be victims of serious assault than women both in serious violent assault, or bullying and threats, not to mention serious violence of themselves (see suicide rates among genders).
      By broadening these criteria we see many examples of inequality on both sides of the coin - whatever your class, gender, sexuality, religion, race. And until this new wave of feminism stops shuffling people around into pigeon holes, redirecting the force of activism into fanaticism and until they treat people as people should be treated (free of bias, stereotypes and addressing the cause, rather than channel efforts into condemnation of consequences). Then I can only frown at this wobbly ideology and anticipate its collapse as the hypocrisy, the victim-guilt complex and in some cases internalized racist, and classist values come tumbling down, and the movement has a revaluation of their values, this is when a better, more evolved version of feminist will emerge.

    • @TheRepty818
      @TheRepty818 8 лет назад +1

      Dean Sumner I can't speak to feminism in the UK because I've never been there, but that doesn't really describe feminism in the US at least not in the mainstream. Gender and race here have been described as a spectrum and we've really pushed to stop labeling and dividing people in general. The problem is people have it really good here in the US and feel the need to be important or have a cause. Lots of really young kids decided to make that cause feminism or racism so they take to the internet and post all sorts of stuff. While much of it is very thoughtful and well written, there are a number of really loud obnoxious voices who claim they represent the cause, when they really don't. The problem is sometimes the people posting these things are not informed enough to have examined the issue fully and put out half baked ideas or theories.
      Meanwhile white males who also have the same need to feel important and have a cause read this and feel marginalized because the article was written by a 14 year old who doesn't understand the roots or the definition of the word. So they also hop onto tumblr, blogs, and other forms of social media to spread the "poor disenfranchised white male" blogs.Unfortunately all of this divisiveness does nothing to help out anyone. The feminist bloggers don't realize that spreading anger without doing the research and their divisive language just pushes people away from their cause instead of towards it. And as far as the men's rights advocates go... Sometimes they make sense, but lots of them make pretty ridiculous claims. I understand that the feminist discussions or discussions of racism may make them uncomfortable but it's virtually the only situation that their group is ever at a disadvantage. Life certainly isn't easy being a white male. Everyone has hardships. But it's pretty hard to show evidence that it actually makes life harder, or that you're more disadvantaged than others.
      I kinda hate that the internet has become a group of people shouting "hey hey hey It's harder to be me than to be you!!"

  • @everydaywithtess
    @everydaywithtess 9 лет назад +58

    "Oh, you plagiarized? Expelled."
    "Oh, you sexually assaulted someone? It's okay, we'll cover it up lol."

    • @beethovensfidelio
      @beethovensfidelio 3 года назад

      Plagiarism is easier to prove than sexual assault.

  • @kkmarie2176
    @kkmarie2176 9 лет назад +79

    this gave me chills, this is a topic that needs to be spoken about more often. it is awful that colleges are covering this up, blaming the victim and other bullshit. it is never the victims fault.

    • @kkmarie2176
      @kkmarie2176 9 лет назад +7

      ***** oh my fucking god are you serious maybe men should keep their dicks in their pants, this won't happen as much than

    • @kkmarie2176
      @kkmarie2176 9 лет назад +6

      ***** oh my god its funny how you think what you're saying is okay and makes prefect sense. it doesn't its awful that you think this, rape is a crime, it is illegal. men can control themselves.

    • @vietorkoreen
      @vietorkoreen 8 лет назад +2

      +Michaela Furgat I wouldn't say never. That's just naïve.

    • @txJoJo55
      @txJoJo55 8 лет назад +2

      +juki0h YOUR stupidity boggles the mind

    • @meteorhammer913
      @meteorhammer913 8 лет назад +1

      I agree 100% Michaela. Sometimes the victim is not the accuser, but the accused. Accusations of rape does not make a person a rapist. Rape is taken very serious. Allegations alone destroy a mans life, even if he is innocent.
      People need to stand up to those that wrongfully accuse a person. Those that make false accusations are hurting real victims and are making a mess of a system designed to protect victims of rape.
      This is where the whole issue starts, yet people are not addressing.

  • @nickpost7307
    @nickpost7307 9 лет назад +16

    really proud of Lady Gaga for partaking in this project

  • @mirser4912
    @mirser4912 9 лет назад +14

    It's about time we give this issue it's well deserved attention! Women have and are suffering in institutions of higher learning, which should be a symbol of enlightement and truth, but which have instead gone out of their ways to suppress the truth and leave many young women to silently suffer... Men need to join this campaign and be valuable allies to women who are trying to speak for themselves and those too beaten up by the system to speak for themselves...

    • @jinjitronic7457
      @jinjitronic7457 9 лет назад +3

      Mir Ser
      Suffering with all the safe spaces? How about no opposing opinions being allowed? What about all the scholarships women get and men don't? What about men's rights to a fair trail being shit all over?
      With 2/3 of campus population being female you would be out of your mind to think that women are being shit on.

  • @tiw3
    @tiw3 9 лет назад +15

    Only a small percentage of rape accusations are false. That's a FACT. Don't ignore the problem, rape is a horrendous crime and even the most talented, respectful, smart man/athlete/father/husband/businessman can be rapists

    • @eoghan4378
      @eoghan4378 8 лет назад

      +tiw3 We don't know the percentage of false rape accusations there are. To portray it differently is lying.

    • @krypton1286
      @krypton1286 7 лет назад +1

      You forgot Women

    • @JUSTFUN-xp7oi
      @JUSTFUN-xp7oi 2 года назад

      No one is ignoring that fact
      But that small percent you say
      Is ESSENTIAL to be aware of because she victims of false allegations are effected to the nth degree
      Due process is essential
      Confidential names from the public and social media ban until and if they are found guilty

  •  9 лет назад +28

    Music by Lady Gaga

    • @StarWarsThrowbacks
      @StarWarsThrowbacks 9 лет назад +8

      I'm sure she'd want her fans to watch this documentary because it's an important topic, not because she worked on a song for the film.

    •  9 лет назад +1

      Ana Graciela Exiga I agree!! :)

    • @chromatica863
      @chromatica863 9 лет назад +3

      Ana Graciela Exiga She was a victim of a rape herself.

    • @GagaFanMonster
      @GagaFanMonster 9 лет назад +1

      just one song. and not the music you hear on this video. just one song.

  • @beautyqueen-jv2io
    @beautyqueen-jv2io 9 лет назад +24

    disappointing to include Erica kinsman in this film alongside more than likely real rape victims. the woman tried to extort her accuser for millions goodness sakes. She changed her story so many times including saying she thought she was drugged (no evidence of drugs) then saying she thought she hit her head (no evidence of that either). Then her story is just she was soo drunk when her friends said she was perfectly fine. she said anything she could to try to make it seem as if she was unaware of what she was doing. I read the full police report with an open mind hoping she was telling the truth, but theres a reason 3 different entities found her story to be complete bs. willie meggs has fully persecuted fsu football players in the past and has one of the best reputations against taking down athletes. he is one of the toughest we have ever had in the state of florida and he spent weeks combing through her story. ppl have been put in jail over less evidence this case had and the reason there were no charges is bc there was no rape. Read the full police report ppl and stop listening to her incompetent attorney that is also her aunt and her lies. Love how she was hiding her other black football player from the police until they forced her to give his name (she probably knew it wld make the whole "im an innocent white girl viciously attacked by a black man" angle go to shit). It truly disgusts me women like her make it hard for actual victims to get taken seriously.

  • @bfp.7286
    @bfp.7286 11 месяцев назад +2

    Alguém sabe onde posso encontrar esse documentário traduzido p português?

  • @graemes2773
    @graemes2773 9 лет назад +7

    "He said, she said" without the "he said." What about the guys side of the story? No doubt at least some of these are false allegations. For example:
    Here is Jameis Winston’s account of Erica Kinsman's accusations since the film doesn’t bother to tell it.

    • @LRenee86
      @LRenee86 9 лет назад +7

      Another man pulling the "wrongfully accused card". How can you know for sure when most cases aren't even properly investigated, evidence ignored, or the victim is blamed or too scared to report. I really hope you don't have daughters or sisters but if you do, ask them when the first time a man intruded upon them. Every girl has had unwanted contact from a man. Sometimes its small and she can laugh it off. Other times it is so painful that the memories haunt her for life. There is a problem with how rape cases are handled all over this world. It needs to change and these serial predators need to be locked away!

    • @LRenee86
      @LRenee86 9 лет назад +8

      I'm sorry but your comment sickens me . . why do so many of you men think women are just making up rape allegations. You have no idea what kind of courage it takes to report this type of crime. What if your daughter or sister or someone you were close to was raped and her attacker said she "wanted it rough" or just flat out denies it and calls her the liar. Watch "The Invisible War" and listen to those women stories and tell me if you think they are lying.

    • @karmicobsession1636
      @karmicobsession1636 9 лет назад +3

      Sorry Renee but Erica is a liar!! She claims she didnt know him, they figures out that was a lie!! She claimed she was raped in a dorm room 2 years ago, but now she was raped in a bathroom at the bar. She also claimed she got hit in the head and now her story is she was drugged. I used to be on her side but now I don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth. I still think Winston has terrible character and is morally repugnant.

    • @LRenee86
      @LRenee86 9 лет назад +1

      ***** Okay you are talking about one case, and unless you were an eye witness you have no idea what you are talking about. There is a huge problem with how rape investigations are handled, that is why 80% of women do not report. They know that they will be blamed for the crime and that little to no justice will be served and their life will be destroyed and called a liar, slut, drunk, irresponsible, etc.

    • @karmicobsession1636
      @karmicobsession1636 9 лет назад +1

      I agree about all of those thing but in this case she is a liar. same with you your believing what she says and you weren't there either. But I'm only talking about ONE CASE!!! not others lets get that straight right now!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @diegocastillo3243
    @diegocastillo3243 9 лет назад +9

    Don't just watch the movie because a Gaga song is played at the end. Watch it because it's an important topic

  • @miltonaristagutierrez3873
    @miltonaristagutierrez3873 9 лет назад +34


  • @mynameispaul0530
    @mynameispaul0530 8 лет назад +4

    The woman in question (Willingham) never mentions she brought out cocaine, she tells multiple stories about the night in question, and the movie says something about drinks being drugged…even though there was zero evidence to support that. The case didn’t hold up in court, but he was convicted of “non-sexual touching” in order to break the 11-1 deadlock. So the one holdout is the only reason he got any type of conviction. Truth.

  • @mentonerodominicano
    @mentonerodominicano 9 лет назад +7

    It is beyond me why these women have been wronged so much. What is this lack of common sense? If someone gets raped you find the perpetrator and prosecute them, not cover up for them.

    • @MrBobDobolina
      @MrBobDobolina 2 года назад +1

      Oddly, these women went to the university instead of the police. The police do not have the authority to arrest or prosecute anyone.

  • @JunkanooBob99
    @JunkanooBob99 9 лет назад +5

    Well the good thing about this documentary is that it will teach high profile athletes and men in general to not put themselves in situations that could be construed as a sexual assault. Women have the ultimate power when it comes to
    such allegations.

    • @jinjitronic7457
      @jinjitronic7457 9 лет назад

      Kevin T I'm going to start filming all sexual encounters and getting a signature for consent before sticking my dick in another crazy sociopathic woman.

    • @jasdiasgudigas
      @jasdiasgudigas 8 лет назад

      Lmfao, I'm not making a porno, don't worry!

  • @Johngoodman454
    @Johngoodman454 4 месяца назад +1

    Uk Lexington Kentucky does this to kids😢

  • @emiliobello2538
    @emiliobello2538 2 года назад +3

    RIP Radius

  • @the57student
    @the57student 9 лет назад +5

    The Duke Lacrosse team is really going to hate you for making this movie. Brian Banks will probably be angry too.

  • @harryseldon6712
    @harryseldon6712 7 лет назад +3

    The following links cover the main two accusers in this movie. The two women used are both clearly false accusers, these are the best they could find. What does this tell you about campus accusers in general?

    • @harryseldon6712
      @harryseldon6712 7 лет назад +1

      Link 1:
      Link 2:

    • @shesrightyo
      @shesrightyo 3 года назад


  • @queenaf8501
    @queenaf8501 9 лет назад +7

    Queen Gaga

  • @Olamchesed
    @Olamchesed 9 лет назад

    It's an extremely tragic situation. Parties with hormonal young drunk men at a fraternity can be a very dangerous situation. People need to be aware of this. Of course, people want to party, but there is the risk people need to consider there. There needs to be more Security at the fraternities, and around the campus in general to protect the students.

    • @jasdiasgudigas
      @jasdiasgudigas 8 лет назад

      Try saying no? I bet every allegation of rape was regret afterwards cause these bitches didn't have the balls to say no to consensual sex. None of them were forcefully raped. If they were forced? Then the man should rightfully be sent to a supermax.

  • @briannemorris5432
    @briannemorris5432 9 лет назад

    This not only happens in the states.

  • @xophyecoronel3419
    @xophyecoronel3419 9 лет назад

    is there a release date for the film yet?

    • @fordalol
      @fordalol 9 лет назад

      i just read on tumblr its March 20, 2015 :)

  • @FluoxetinaBelcher
    @FluoxetinaBelcher 9 лет назад

    I just got chills, this looks great!

  • @MrBobDobolina
    @MrBobDobolina 2 года назад +1


  • @luisina3194
    @luisina3194 8 лет назад

    Excelente documental!

  • @RideMyBMW
    @RideMyBMW 8 лет назад

    no fu%$in WAY am I sending my kids to college....' cept Pepperdine U. n thats it.

  • @RedPanda-cs3fk
    @RedPanda-cs3fk 20 дней назад +1

    hah! prolly bunch of Bryce Walkers. you know, typical sport jocks who think they can get away with everything cos they got a lot of money and they're the star players of the sports in the university lol.
    Bryce Walker is a character in 13 reasons why who is a sport jock who gets away with all the atrocious BS he and his minions does because he's rich

  • @jinjitronic7457
    @jinjitronic7457 9 лет назад +1

    I'm sorry in advance for your head.

  • @patrickkovac1291
    @patrickkovac1291 9 лет назад

    Where is Lady Gaga song?

  • @tomleykisfan7280
    @tomleykisfan7280 8 лет назад +3

    'The Hunting Ground' crew caught editing Wikipedia to make facts conform to film..
    Ref: -

  • @SilentGirlNxcj
    @SilentGirlNxcj 8 лет назад

    i thought fiona belli :(.

  • @mastergwonam3516
    @mastergwonam3516 8 лет назад +6

    What pisses me off is that women always reject the "creep", who is often a socially inept guy that is quite harmless, for the guy who is smooth and charming and always ends up being the one who perpetrates these supposed "rapes" against these supposed "women" (more like little girls if you ask me). To catch a victim, you have to know how to manipulate them. Predators are always the most likable people in the eyes of their victims, until it's too late. The most caring and honest guys I've ever met were "weirdos" because they do what's right, not what society tells them. Women should start dating those guys instead of the bad boy thugs who they think will save the day, but in reality don't give a fucking shit about them.

  • @TheodoreG3
    @TheodoreG3 9 лет назад

    Who is that beautiful woman at the very start of the trailer??? Anyone??

    • @kirklanddoncaster4342
      @kirklanddoncaster4342 9 лет назад +2

      Theodore Grimes I don't know. But her accusation was false. She reported made it up because her boyfriend liked a white woman.

    • @TheodoreG3
      @TheodoreG3 9 лет назад

      Kirkland Doncaster How did you find that out?

    • @kirklanddoncaster4342
      @kirklanddoncaster4342 9 лет назад

      I had seen a video earlier before I watched this about different false allegation cases. Don't quote me on it though.

    • @TheodoreG3
      @TheodoreG3 9 лет назад

      yea yea no, I was just wondering

  • @JUSTFUN-xp7oi
    @JUSTFUN-xp7oi 2 года назад +1

    Can we get a documentary on the effects and numbers and devastation of stigma of false allegations please?

  • @shesrightyo
    @shesrightyo 3 года назад +4

    Ban alcoholics from college and naive drunk girls from hanging around the males

    • @kyralamfers7702
      @kyralamfers7702 3 года назад +3

      Naive drunk girls aren't the problem. It's the messed up men who encourage them to drink and look at that as an opportunity to use them that is the problem. And it's sentences like the one that you commented that bring victims to their knees begging for forgiveness for something that isn't their fault. Its sentences like those that make the hurt and used believe that they are no longer worth anything than what has happened to them.

    • @shesrightyo
      @shesrightyo 3 года назад +1

      @@kyralamfers7702 stop letting things happen to you. So called independent strong educated women cant be this native, childlike and if you cant make your own decisions stay the hell away from strange men or dates !!! Children stay home dont go to mens homes at night or daytime. It's called prevention!!!

    • @shesrightyo
      @shesrightyo 3 года назад

      But no you want to party so hard and so irresponsible and no accountability what so ever to protect your own body as a grown azz woman. Protect yourself!!!!

  • @love_England
    @love_England 6 лет назад

    I thought it was a trailer for the Capcom game Haunting Ground(Demento)😂

  • @lecrescentcity8778
    @lecrescentcity8778 9 лет назад +1


  • @rlentnot
    @rlentnot 7 лет назад +1

    No evidence, no conviction. That's how the law works. If you refuse to answer questions that lead to the assault then how can charges be made? Convenient how you neglect to report on how the school board plays judge and jury prior to evidence and fair hearing.

  • @patrickwallace8391
    @patrickwallace8391 8 лет назад +4

    Left Propaganda Documentary! I wonder how these young adults that are fed this will react when they get in to the real world and see it's not what they were force fed. When rape does happen (sadly it does) Bill Porter is spot on.

  • @gauge6513
    @gauge6513 8 лет назад +1

    This documentary is heavily slanted. It's feminist propaganda.

  • @waitnotable
    @waitnotable 4 года назад

    13 reasons to not live in usa