Kanji practice for N5 (JLPT) | Reading and writing 107 characters

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 810

  • @lithlith26
    @lithlith26 10 месяцев назад +258

    1st sheet:
    一 one 0:57 | 二 two 01:05 | 三 three 01:12 | 四 four 01:20 | 五 five 01:33 | 六 six 01:46 | 七 seven 01:57 | 八 eight 02:05 | 九 nine 02:12 | 十 ten 02:20 | 百 hundred 02:38 | 千 thousand 02:49 | 万 ten thousand 02:58 | 月 Mon/moon/month 03:08 | 火 Tue/fire 03:17 | 水 Wed/water 03:30 | 木 Thu/tree 03:40 | 金 Fri/gold/money 03:50 | 土 Sat/soil 04:00 | 日 Sun/day 04:09 | 週 week 04:27 | 年 year 04:41 | 今 now 04:53 | 毎 every 05:02 | 午 noon 05:15 | 分 minutes 05:31 | 時 time 05:40 | 間 while/between 05:54 | 人 person 06:09 | 男 man 06:17 | 女 woman 06:40 | 父 father 06:50 | 母 mother 07:00 | 子 child 07:15 | 先 ahead 07:26 | 生 life 07:42 | 友 friend 07:53 | 目 eye 08:03 | 口 mouth 08:15 | 耳 ear 08:25 | 手 hand 08:48 | 足 leg 08:58 | 力 strength 09:09 | 上 up 09:19 | 下 down 09:28 | 左 left 09:42 | 右 right 09:53 | 東 east 10:04 | 西 west 10:20 | 南 south 10:34

    • @boltw.w.w7376
      @boltw.w.w7376 8 месяцев назад +5

      Thankuu so muchh❤❤❤❤love

    • @っっ-y8i
      @っっ-y8i 7 месяцев назад +6

      My gawd! The effort this comment has is mind blowing....

    • @dr.madhuriaglawe1998
      @dr.madhuriaglawe1998 7 месяцев назад +1

      God spelling is Wrong! Lol

    • @dr.madhuriaglawe1998
      @dr.madhuriaglawe1998 7 месяцев назад


    • @vucongat5802
      @vucongat5802 6 месяцев назад +13

      Let me finish your comment:
      2nd sheet:
      10:52 北 north | 11:03 中 inside | 11:13 外 outside | 11:24 前 front | 11:39 後 behind | 11:56 山 mountain | 12:06 川 river | 12:16 花 flower | 12:28 雨 rain | 12:48 空 sky | 13:07 天 heaven | 13:17 気 air | 13:30 大 big | 13:40 小 small | 13:48 新 new | 14:07 古 old | 14:18 高 high | 14:32 安 comfort | 14:46 多 many | 14:57 少 few | 15:17 長 long | 15:31 早 early | 15:43 白 white | 15:53 行 go | 16:06 来 come | 16:27 食 eat | 16:42 飲 drink | 16:57 書 write | 17:14 見 look | 17:26 言 say | 17:45 立 stand | 17:56 出 out | 18:09 入 enter | 18:16 読 read | 18:33 話 speak | 18:54 語 language | 19:07 買 buy | 19:24 聞 listen | 19:43 休 rest | 19:55 牛 cow | 20:12 馬 horse | 20:29 魚 fish | 20:22 駅 train station | 21:01 店 shop | 21:13 会 meet | 21:35 社 shrine/company | 21:46 学 study | 21:58 校 school | 22:14 国 country, kingdom | 22:26 道 way |
      3rd sheet:
      22:45 車 car | 23:00 半 half | 23:10 名 name | 23:21 円 round, Yen | 23:33 何 what | 23:51 電 electricity | 24:09 本 book, root

  • @BaeBibooAreMyBaby
    @BaeBibooAreMyBaby Год назад +1634

    I am a Japanese person living in Japan. However, I don't have many opportunities to write kanji. It's more important to be able to read them than to write them. Please don't give up on learning Japanese just because you can't write kanji. For Japanese people, it's heartening to see others learning Japanese, which is a relatively less common language😊

    • @Youtuber_YusukeFromGermany
      @Youtuber_YusukeFromGermany Год назад +20

      How can I move to japan to live in japan?

    • @hooleeshiet3687
      @hooleeshiet3687 Год назад +53

      ​@@RUclipsr_YusukeFromGermanyofc you must have money

    • @gaijin_simar
      @gaijin_simar Год назад +40

      @@RUclipsr_YusukeFromGermany I think You can go by aeroplane ?

    • @ineedeldenring6807
      @ineedeldenring6807 Год назад +10

      ​@@RUclipsr_YusukeFromGermanyfind a job there

    • @govtjobtricks
      @govtjobtricks Год назад +5

      Please come to India ❤ there are better opportunity.

  • @Alina-fy7nm
    @Alina-fy7nm Год назад +169

    Please never stop making these videos !! (JLPT N5-N1) You help so many people with these videos! ありがとうございます❤

  • @Gabsanlia
    @Gabsanlia 5 месяцев назад +29

    2nd sheet:
    北 kita= north 10:51 中naka= inside 11:03 外 soto= outside 11:13 前 mae= Front/before 11:24 後 ato= behind/later 11:38 山 yama= mountain 11:57 川 kawa= river 12:07 花 hana= flower 12:17 雨 ame= rain 12:28 空 sora= sky 12:43 天 ten= heaven 13:07 気 ki= air 13:19 大 dai= big 13:31 小 shō= small 13:40 新 shin= new 13:49 古 ko= old 14:08 高 kō= high 14:19 安 an= comfort 14:33 多 ta= many 14:47 少 shō= few 14:57 長 chō= long 15:17 早 sō= early 15:31 白 shiro= white 15:44 行 gyō= go 15:54

    • @gutsygutsy433
      @gutsygutsy433 2 месяца назад +1

      Very Helpful ,thank you

    • @muhammadjeff8571
      @muhammadjeff8571 10 дней назад +1

      夫 is husband
      天 is heaven

    • @Gabsanlia
      @Gabsanlia 10 дней назад +1

      @@muhammadjeff8571 Thanks for telling me, I forgot I made this comment

  • @anuththaragunarathna2127
    @anuththaragunarathna2127 Год назад +107

    wow the way you write the kanji letters are beautiful

  • @ttylbrb
    @ttylbrb Год назад +218

    me, as a chinese learning kanji and realising i know nearly 80% of these characters: i see this as an absolute win!!!

    • @somerandomguy340
      @somerandomguy340 9 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah i noticed the same thing

    • @happycook6737
      @happycook6737 8 месяцев назад +7

      Did you learn simplified Chinese characters or traditional?

    • @j.thomas1420
      @j.thomas1420 3 месяца назад

      Just be careful about the stroke order that may be different from chinese.

    • @MeowCockadoodledoo
      @MeowCockadoodledoo 3 месяца назад

      yeah yeah yeah...pls brag more when you can actually speak Japanese

    • @Enryu_CZX
      @Enryu_CZX 2 месяца назад

      You're good in english

  • @clydedo5098
    @clydedo5098 Год назад +228

    One of the most useful video about Japanese language and its kanji.
    It's crystal clear. Thank you so much!

    • @Alena_Halo8723.
      @Alena_Halo8723. Год назад +2

      Chinese and Japanese are actually so close btw the writing of flower is 花 in chinese but japanse is same[sound CN: Hua]

    • @rave123456v
      @rave123456v Год назад

      @@Alena_Halo8723. As someone who studied Japanese in depth Flower or Hana is can be written similar but also very different for these reasons.
      Chinese use Hanzi Japanese use Kanji therefore there's modifications to the symbols they also have different meanings as the meaning of symbols change over time or new sound words are used over time especially in Japanese. Also in Japanese there is at least 3 different sounds for one word example shichi sound is used for Seven in this video however Nana can also be used for Seven as well.

  • @GoblinCrew
    @GoblinCrew Год назад +28

    I'm a native English speaker diving into learning Japanese, and these videos help me so much alongside my classes. Thank you!! 🎉

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +4

      I'm glad! Thank you too for your kind words and support!😊❤️

    • @dynosii
      @dynosii 10 месяцев назад +1

      why do you wanna elarn japanese

  • @callistabilqis9547
    @callistabilqis9547 2 дня назад +1

    Arigatou Gozaimasu..
    Saia adalah orang indonesia yang sedang belajar bahasa jepang. Bisa dikatakan masih 1:100 untuk sekarang.

  • @kymara-tshan
    @kymara-tshan Год назад +119

    I recently moved to Japan...
    I was having difficulty with the language..
    So I started studying it, but I didn't understand anything..
    Especially since I don't speak English very well..
    But when I got acquainted with your channel, I benefited a lot..
    And especially when you wrote the kanji..
    It was very relaxing
    I really thank you from my heart❤

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +25

      Thank you for your heartfelt and warm comment. I'm truly delighted to have been of help to you. Learning Japanese can be challenging, and I understand that there might be difficulties along the way. Please do your best to enjoy your time in Japan. I respect your efforts in a foreign land and am cheering for you from the bottom of my heart💗

    • @therealkingBv
      @therealkingBv Год назад +3

      hey man, sorry to bither you, may i ask how you moved to japan?i mean, are you studing or working or something like that, i would love to move to japan and im looking for different ways to make it

    • @dynosii
      @dynosii 10 месяцев назад +1

      why do you wanna move to japan

    • @Corvus007
      @Corvus007 6 месяцев назад +1

      you dont need to learn English to live in Japan lol

    • @LunaR34
      @LunaR34 2 месяца назад

      Dude how survive in japan if don't know 日本語 and speak english not very well 😅

  • @iwanarya4779
    @iwanarya4779 18 дней назад +2

    the First time when I am seeing how to writing kanji for the Beginner...its very more benefit for me...thank alot minnasan

  • @patate4558
    @patate4558 3 месяца назад +3

    i just started learning kanji these past 6 days and i have memorized 40 of them! i mainly use your videos to study cs i really love how straightforward it is! thankyou for the videoss :D

  • @oneulblossom
    @oneulblossom Год назад +7

    ive been learning japanese on and off, based on where i live they dont do courses/classes for it. so thats why im self-studying i find your videos very very helpful so thank you so much!

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +1

      I'm delighted that you're utilizing the videos and finding them helpful! 😊❤️ Thank you for the wonderful comment! 💐

  • @Plush..does_art
    @Plush..does_art Месяц назад +1

    I went from using ur channel to memorize hiragana, then katakana, and now kanji! Thank you for ur videos!

  • @nikore777
    @nikore777 Год назад +62

    最近日本語を勉強し始めたのですが、この種のビデオがとても役に立ちます。作ってくれてありがとう! ❤

    • @gracesaladaga8238
      @gracesaladaga8238 Год назад

      Hi you might want to visit my small channel I'm learning japanese too

  • @Giyu_slxyer
    @Giyu_slxyer Год назад +16


  • @paganavenger8920
    @paganavenger8920 Год назад +14

    Thank you so much for writing these characters down, it was so worth it.

  • @patw1687
    @patw1687 Год назад +4

    Thanks for the video. It's helpful to see someone writing the kanji characters.

  • @bluealien-mae
    @bluealien-mae Год назад +8

    I'm planning on taking this test sometime next year and this has been super helpful! thank you so much! 😊

  • @peteynum1
    @peteynum1 11 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for making this video...I'm visiting Japan for 3 months this year, and doing my best to learn as much as I can. I'm learning from New Zealand :)

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  11 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you for watching the video! 💐 Your kind words brightened my day. That's wonderful that you're visiting Japan for three months, and I'm sure your dedication to learning will make your journey amazing! 🌸🇳🇿🇯🇵

    • @peteynum1
      @peteynum1 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @rongr6959
    @rongr6959 Год назад +9

    Thank you for your creation. This video has helped me a lot. I don‘t know how to start with Chinese characters in the beginner stage. I hope you can continue to create such videos.

  • @menx64
    @menx64 Год назад +9

    I knew them all and readings. Feels good! Thanks!

  • @CringeSamurai
    @CringeSamurai 23 дня назад +2

    Me coming back here feels like I've maxed out all my stats and came back to the tutorial... holy shit this is so easy...

  • @gutsygutsy433
    @gutsygutsy433 2 месяца назад +6

    I tried studying kanji but I always stopped in the middle of it because It is so difficult to memorize and takes too much time that weakens my motivation and determination to consistently study the language ,but thank you so much to your channel , this system of learning is so amazingly very USEFUL for me. Analyzing the strategy of learning Kanji : using the sense of "Sight " meaning the familiarity of how it looks is First and foremost significantly helpful because Kanji looks like a painting or drawing for non japanese speakers and writing is just the next step. In my own opinion, this is magnificenty effective way to study this language. If you don't mind, Learn Japanese channel Creator, could you please try to insert the other ONreading and Konreading of each Kanjii as well, so while repeatingly watching your channel we can memorize it all at once ,Like for instance : one /ichi/ HI totsu/tsuetachi or two/ ni /FU tatsu/ or person/hito/nin/jin. To whoever wants to learn this language , I strongly suggest to try this technique for your journey to learn Kanji. Kudos to this " Learn Japanese Channel creator ", From the bottom of my heart ,this is truly appreciated. More power to the Genius creator of this :) Thank you so very much!

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much for your wonderful comment! I’m really happy to hear that. I’ve always wanted to create videos that include both the On-reading and Kun-reading, but I’ve been too busy to focus on it. Your comment has inspired me to definitely make one in the future. It may take some time to complete, but please look forward to it!

    • @gutsygutsy433
      @gutsygutsy433 2 месяца назад +1

      @@LearnJapaneseChannel My pleasure and again Thank you as well.

  • @AsianEnvoy
    @AsianEnvoy 7 месяцев назад +3

    This really help me. Since im in a japanese school i really need to learn kanji and i found this video and it really helped me to start learning some kanji😊

  • @gorusan4795
    @gorusan4795 11 месяцев назад +4

    He estado buscando una lista de los kanji N5 y está es por mucho la mejor y más ordenada, muchas gracias por el esfuerzo!!
    La forma tan perfecta de escribir que se muestra me relaja ❤❤❤

  • @theserulesoflife
    @theserulesoflife Год назад +3

    I don’t think I’ll ever memorize them all and I heard I should know around 2,000 to read a majority of Japanese but I’m going to try!! I’ve ALMOST memorized Hiragana so Katakana is next then kanji.
    Thanks for this video. It’s very helpful. I love you wrote it, said it and even put the hiragana down. I’m saving this video and will come back later once I’ve mastered Hiragana and Katana.
    Thank you very much!

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад

      Thank you for the wonderful comment! I'm really glad you find it helpful.😊❤️

    • @Punkologist
      @Punkologist 3 месяца назад

      I am 3weeks in. I have hiragana down and about half of katakana. Kanji just seems like an impossible task at this point.. especially as this video has different words for some of things than what I have learnt so far. (4 is よん isn't it? not し) and 7 I learnt was なな

  • @user-ls6wq4xe4p2
    @user-ls6wq4xe4p2 7 месяцев назад +3

    일본어 강의 영상 올려주셔서 대단히 감사합니다! 덕분에 일본어 공부하는데 많은 도움이 되고있습니다. 실례가 안된다면 한가지 청이 있는데 양식에 영어 없는 버전 업로드 가능할까요??!!

  • @leafranken935
    @leafranken935 Год назад +5

    先生ありがとうございま す❢ とてもいいです。日本語のがくせいです。私は、かんじあまりかきません。先生のレッスンは、いいです。

  • @Uzzu_13
    @Uzzu_13 Год назад +3


  • @dedicatedsimpxx
    @dedicatedsimpxx 10 месяцев назад +3

    so glad I stumbled upon this channel, such a useful video. どうもありがとうございます。。

  • @JessicaDian
    @JessicaDian Год назад +20

    Please make for other levels too, I love it and thanks so much

  • @RaigyoEcU
    @RaigyoEcU Год назад +8

    I've been studying on my own for almost a month, hoping to finish with N5 by the end of the month

  • @umayanganiperera4264
    @umayanganiperera4264 Год назад +4


  • @jessicaramos6975
    @jessicaramos6975 7 месяцев назад +2

    I was thinking how to study kanjis and this is an awesome idea, thanks.

  • @chari9094
    @chari9094 6 дней назад +1

    Estaba buscando una lista para aprender kanjis
    Y creo que he encontrado la mejor

  • @-..Fishy..-
    @-..Fishy..- Год назад +8

    As a chinese i can say that some character are same and the meaning too but the pronouns are differents and more easier

  • @Matthew-pn1qu
    @Matthew-pn1qu Год назад +2

    Your handwriting is amazing! I am jealous.

  • @jingweiliu4779
    @jingweiliu4779 Год назад +3


    • @Benefit.Xuan1021
      @Benefit.Xuan1021 Год назад +1


  • @中国-t3k
    @中国-t3k Год назад +28

    thanks for sharing the sheets, I needed them. I also subscribed because your video is very neat and straight to the point. I dont care about their readings for now because I have to put the image of the stroke and its writing into my brain so I will remember what they look like, then I can easily memorize the readings easily when I recognized the kanji.

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +8

      Thank you for your very nice comment. What you are saying is exactly the purpose and most effective use of this video. First of all, memorizing the shape, stroke order and meaning of kanji as an image, this is the most important thing. At this point, you don't need to worry so much about how to read. The most efficient way to learn how to read is to learn the words together when you learn them.

  • @richardm4706
    @richardm4706 4 месяца назад +1

    This helps me fix my stroke order errors. Thank you.

  • @gracesaladaga8238
    @gracesaladaga8238 Год назад +3

    Thanks for sharing
    Can't wait to be in Japan for the second time.
    It's very useful information. Still studying now japanese especially kanji .

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +1

      Thank you for the wonderful comment. I'm delighted that you have a love for Japan. 💓

    • @gracesaladaga8238
      @gracesaladaga8238 Год назад +2

      @@LearnJapaneseChannel yeah.naze nara modoritai desu

  • @bunnyrblxx
    @bunnyrblxx 2 месяца назад +3

    Disclaimer: For learners, 4 (shi) can also be yon. Seven can be nana. Nine can be ku

  • @pregrine361
    @pregrine361 Год назад +1

    I have been learning japanese and this... this is so useful

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад


  • @mistechus
    @mistechus 5 месяцев назад +5


  • @sajibchandra9399
    @sajibchandra9399 10 месяцев назад +1

    Really your teaching system is very attractive

  • @aitaya
    @aitaya Год назад +10

    Thank you so much for this video, so helpful. I included it in my weekly routine for Japanese learning.

  • @cheche833
    @cheche833 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @zaheer_.abbas_official
    @zaheer_.abbas_official 6 месяцев назад +2

    It's very helpful for new students👩‍🎓

  • @Tomaunmomentoyrelajate
    @Tomaunmomentoyrelajate Год назад +1

    Thanks for the information, this help me a lot to learn, i'm begginer with japanese

  • @Yashi391
    @Yashi391 3 месяца назад

    i first was scared but 107 characters is much less than i expected. that motivated me even mor now

  • @円周率8桁言えます
    @円周率8桁言えます Год назад +187


    • @위험해
      @위험해 Год назад +9


    • @DoD-p9q
      @DoD-p9q Год назад +25


    • @y____-----___----__---_--
      @y____-----___----__---_-- Год назад +3


    • @김재민-l6g
      @김재민-l6g Год назад +8


    • @billyhiggins1908
      @billyhiggins1908 Год назад +5

      American here, this is so helpful. Love learning Japanese. For instance, I learned that 並びに、及びsimilar to and, or in English. にもかかわらずwas hard to grasp in the beginning but reading Japanese newspaper, magazines, and manga really helped. Back to the basic approach 何事も基本、基礎が大事ですね頑張ります🙏🙆💯🎶🙋

  • @ShiwaToriBaasan
    @ShiwaToriBaasan 11 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for the video. Could you please explain how do you choose which reading to say while writing the kanjis?
    For example why do you say しょう while writing 生 and not せい or なま?
    Or さき while writing 先 and not せん?
    Thank you.

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  11 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you for watching the video! 💐
      Due to the video's length, I could only introduce one reading for each kanji.
      Therefore, I chose the most common reading or the one most likely to appear in exams.
      Ideally, when writing a kanji like "生," I should convey all readings like "しょう," "せい," and "なま," but some kanji have numerous readings. I hope you understand.😊

  • @kaapiljain5378
    @kaapiljain5378 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for the video it will make it easy to learn Japanese for I ll go to Japan🇯🇵

  • @LeonMaughan-y4t
    @LeonMaughan-y4t 8 месяцев назад +1

    Patients, precise, brilliant......sensi.....domo arigato

  • @DananjayaHettiarachchi-x9u
    @DananjayaHettiarachchi-x9u Месяц назад +1

    So beautiful way your writing thank you.

  • @Sakura-zu4rz
    @Sakura-zu4rz Год назад +4

    I haven't had any fun lately, 😭 so it was fun. You bring me joy!❤

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +3

      There are times like that, aren't there?😭 I am so glad you enjoyed this video. 💗May this enjoyment lead to an even more enjoyable future!🥰

  • @junaidywijaya6413
    @junaidywijaya6413 7 месяцев назад +2

    Hi 先生, thank you for your lesson, i know that if you write a single kanji you usually read them in 'kunyomi' but there is 'onyomi' also, please read them in both, that would be helping me so much, ありがとうございます!

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  7 месяцев назад

      Ok, I'll make an improved version of this video someday. Also, if you're interested in a different series, I have videos on my channel explaining both on'yomi and kun'yomi readings, so please check them out! 😊💐

    • @junaidywijaya6413
      @junaidywijaya6413 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@LearnJapaneseChannel of course! in fact i'm currently watching your video 😆. Thank you 先生!

  • @leonildeamorim1482
    @leonildeamorim1482 Год назад +8

    ¡¡¡¡La práctica hace la perfección!!!!

  • @paolacantarero624
    @paolacantarero624 Год назад +3

    Gracias gracias,justo lo que estaba buscando y gratis.❤

  • @Godwilldotherest
    @Godwilldotherest Год назад +10

    Thanks! Chinese use 9 boxes in the square for practicing writing and Japanese use 4 boxes in the square as such.

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +3

      Oh, really? That's very interesting, 9 squares would allow me to practice with more detail and awareness.

  • @saritashrestha268
    @saritashrestha268 Год назад +2

    Thank you so much very important khanji ❤😊

  • @RajiaSultana-zx2ng
    @RajiaSultana-zx2ng 4 месяца назад +5

    I started recently, i am a 8th grader and i want to do my Higher Education in japan. so i am Learning the languege.hope fully i can learn this in 6 months or so beacuse i need good grades in upcoming exam so i will take it easy 🎇

    • @md.ashaduzzaman7977
      @md.ashaduzzaman7977 4 месяца назад

      I'm in 10th grade. The board exam is knocking at the door. But here I am learning Japanese hoping to do higher studies in Japan😊

    • @RajiaSultana-zx2ng
      @RajiaSultana-zx2ng 4 месяца назад

      @@md.ashaduzzaman7977 good luck🎆

  • @alhmeanzxxy
    @alhmeanzxxy Год назад +3

    Thank you so much. We love this video. ❤❤❤

  • @prasadsase9251
    @prasadsase9251 9 месяцев назад +1

    WOW : Its very nice attempt. Kindly make it for N2 also Please....Please....Please😊

  • @eviee9543
    @eviee9543 Год назад +1

    thank you! I was looking for this, I wanted to see how a native would write the kanji I’m learning

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +1

      Your kind words make me very happy. I'm glad I could be of help. Thank you!

    • @eviee9543
      @eviee9543 Год назад

      @@LearnJapaneseChannelyour welcome! 😊

    • @eviee9543
      @eviee9543 Год назад

      @@LearnJapaneseChannel may I ask, when writing kanji does it have to be perfect? Like those flicks when writing the kanji?

  • @shinichikudo8073
    @shinichikudo8073 Год назад +20

    Thank You So Much!!!! I always wanted to learn Japanese... I tried to learn kanji some 3 years ago then i gave up because it was too hard for me to learn as there were lots of reading and meanings... Now i will begin to learn it once again 🎉since you have given only important readings and meaning it would be easy to memorize them this time ! Thank You SO Much :|

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +5

      I am glad you are pleased! Thank you very much. The icon is cute, Conan-kun.✨

    • @shinichikudo8073
      @shinichikudo8073 Год назад +1

      ​@@LearnJapaneseChannelThank You So Much Sensei for your cute words!!
      I am so sorry I didn't seen reply earlier !

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +1

      It's totally fine. 😊Thanks!💐

    • @shinichikudo8073
      @shinichikudo8073 Год назад +1

      @@LearnJapaneseChannel Arigatou Sensei!! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)

  • @catadiptricflare
    @catadiptricflare 10 месяцев назад +1

    finally i can write all n5 words before see them i think i can start now with n4 kanjis

  • @xuanMo-xd1ds
    @xuanMo-xd1ds 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @JadonSchintu
    @JadonSchintu 7 месяцев назад +1

    thank you soo much! i watched this video to learn japanese!

  • @labla8940
    @labla8940 Год назад +1

    ありがとぼくunderstand this was helpful, most are the first syllable of the name I just learned Like ku kuchi

  • @rosybanerjee1884
    @rosybanerjee1884 Год назад +3

    Thank you for the class🙇‍♀️....please help us by making separate video on Kanjis important for JLPT N4 too. 🙂

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +2

      Thank you for your request😊N4 is being made now. Please wait a little longer.😉

    • @rosybanerjee1884
      @rosybanerjee1884 Год назад +2

      @LearnJapaneseChannel your writing is so perfect...specially the strokes!

  • @nilimadharkar5127
    @nilimadharkar5127 Год назад +2

    Thank you very much Sir
    It is very easy to learn & usefull

    • @astrar7
      @astrar7 6 месяцев назад +1

      that's a woman

  • @kavaianimu4631
    @kavaianimu4631 Год назад +38

    thanks for the video, learning kanji is hard but also rewarding :)

  • @ManushriMurugaKumar
    @ManushriMurugaKumar Год назад

    You should do a video like asking questions from this video. So it’s easier to like practice, after watching the video….. honestly love this video. Just giving a suggestion.

  • @CaregiversTouch
    @CaregiversTouch 7 месяцев назад +1

    Im a Filipino with background of Chinese language mandarin...it helps me alot learning Japanese.

  • @mlatfakmaym
    @mlatfakmaym 7 месяцев назад +1

    提供してくれたものに感謝します ❤

  • @PraveenkumarGCE
    @PraveenkumarGCE 6 месяцев назад +2

    Hello there, thanks for helping me.❤

  • @babyz-my5wg
    @babyz-my5wg Год назад +1

    as a chinese its simpler for us, but some is a little different in the character. we still need to remember them..

  • @midulmidul7397
    @midulmidul7397 11 месяцев назад +2

    Ms. you are great ❤😮 you had helped a lot.🎉

  • @SauravYonzan
    @SauravYonzan Год назад +1

    its really helpful for me ありがとうございますせんせい❤❤❤

  • @minderri25
    @minderri25 Год назад +4

    This is super helpful. Many thanks!

  • @이땡꿀
    @이땡꿀 Год назад +7

    너무 유용해요 열심히 공부하겠습니다❤

  • @krystalshephard4095
    @krystalshephard4095 Год назад +2

    I knew most of them...looks like a still have a few to learn.😊

  • @snoopyzen5128
    @snoopyzen5128 Год назад +12

    this is helpful for self studying thank you ❤

  • @manusridhar5188
    @manusridhar5188 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thank You for making this video!!!!

  • @akiyajapan
    @akiyajapan Год назад

    Blank sheets, arigatou gozaimasu! I was about to ask and then saw the link to Google drive. Very helpful, just like the video! These are 100% of the N5 kanji, ne? I will test on them in a couple of weeks!

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад

      I'm glad I could be of help! Yes, it is said that there are approximately 100 Kanji characters that appear in N5, and these are the most likely ones. However, the JLPT does not officially announce the Kanji that will appear on the test, so the contents may be somewhat interchangeable. Also, there are many more ways to read than what is shown in this video.

  • @kuronvega4085
    @kuronvega4085 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @seankc007
    @seankc007 Год назад +3


  • @坂井泉水-p9e
    @坂井泉水-p9e Год назад +2

    台灣人です 字體綺麗 🤗👍✍ ありがとうござんす

  • @mm-doctorryanadrianphillip1550
    @mm-doctorryanadrianphillip1550 Месяц назад +1

    This is Very Helpful Thankks

  • @Tatiana44447
    @Tatiana44447 Год назад +3

    Gracias❤ me gusta la explicación y la pronunciación no se que haría sin tu ayuda 😅

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +1

      Estoy feliz de poder ayudar ☺️ Gracias por tus amables comentarios ❤️

  • @angelaho7249
    @angelaho7249 Год назад

    Thank you so much for the video and also the practise sheets.

  • @trustkim5901
    @trustkim5901 Год назад +6

    글자너무 예쁘게 잘쓰신다 ~~

  • @jayshreesheth3590
    @jayshreesheth3590 Год назад

    Explaining in a very easy way so that any one can understand. Thanks 🌹

  • @eigowa_wairudo
    @eigowa_wairudo Год назад +1

    thanks, it means a lot for me, it motivate me to learn kanji. ありがとうございました

  • @traywaters1575
    @traywaters1575 9 месяцев назад

    Amazing video! Making flash cards with this video

  • @User_Noproblem
    @User_Noproblem Год назад +1

    私は韓国人ですけど、恥ずかしいけど 한자를 자세히는 잘 わからないので 한자 공부도 할 겸 日本語も べんきょう하고 있습니다.

  • @matthewchoa2254
    @matthewchoa2254 3 месяца назад +1

    It was difficult too. But i learn how to memorize hiragana and katakana well and romajii. So good. I want to study JPLT5. JPL5 is good enought to study.❤

  • @rasisl1949
    @rasisl1949 Год назад +2

    Thanks for the video .
    Pls upload N4 level as well 🙏

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +2

      Thank you! I just finished shooting it and am editing it now. Please wait a little longer.

    • @rasisl1949
      @rasisl1949 Год назад

      @@LearnJapaneseChannel ok thak you..❤️
      From Sri Lanka...

    • @LearnJapaneseChannel
      @LearnJapaneseChannel  Год назад +1

      Sri Lanka! ❤️ I'm so happy, thank you!