If i had nickel for every time a sonic player SD'd using homing attack at a major, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
@@janswhatsupdocagreed. It is pretty obvious Ken is taking notes on Sonix's gameplay; which is reasonable, he wants to reach the top with his fave character. Sonix haters just hating for the sake of hating at this point.
If i had nickel for every time a sonic player SD'd using homing attack at a major, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
Ken was gonna lose anyway, most likely way he couldve won was gonna be cheesing the shit out of kameme
@@caoinhnamkhanh2795I honestly have no clue how Ken loses with this character at all it’s a fucking anomaly
Haha, but what about if it were Bayo? Then you’d have like a dollar
You'd have a lot more than 2 nickels lol
"Kameme on fire using Freeze" heh
Sonic and Chris settling a dispute.
I love how Ken uses sonic, not constantly camping and spin dashing and being a simp like sonix
True, even tho Ken occasionally does camp.
Hate to break it to you but they both play exactly the same every sonic does
Also coming from guy with japan bias
@@janswhatsupdocagreed. It is pretty obvious Ken is taking notes on Sonix's gameplay; which is reasonable, he wants to reach the top with his fave character. Sonix haters just hating for the sake of hating at this point.
Kameme the goat for making this mid tier work having to rely on nair 1&2 into anything just to close out a stock at 100% is traumatizing
lol Mid tier XD
mid tier...
...mid tier: Hell no
Well, he’s listed as high tier in the official smash ultimate list he’d definitely be top 20 if the rest of the world weren’t sleeping on him
Imagine thinking Sora is mid tier 💀