I received a pair of the p14 cams as a gift and after putting batteries in 1, the led display just flashes 00000. Even in the off position. Any chance of helping me fix it? I own 2 of these and the 2nd one works great. I have tried new batteries and new SD card. Still flashes 00000 in any position of setting on the dial.
On my camera, i get NOCArd. no matter what i do, there is no countdown and when i switch between the settings on the arrow button, the display shows 00000 and then delay 30 and then NOCArd. i read it as no card. and ive checked, its using the same card it always done, the cards look fine and functions on the computer just perfectly. is the camera broken?
You simply need to format your SD card. Also when you reinsert your SD card, make sure the camera is off. Then power on. To reformat your SD card via mac.... Applications
How can you make it so the videos have a date and time stamp on them? When I import the videos it gives an incorrect date and time in the details of the file but is not on the videos as it is on the photos?
good helpful video but the music is over the top. Is there any way to shorten the 30 sec delay? SO much can happen/be missed with an animal passing by in 30 sec
Sad that neither the video or manual actually cover all the needed information. They have to be used together. The manual was a bit vague about using the "custom" setting to set the date and time. The video does not explain all the options (such as how to delete the SD card). They need a longer video that covers the complete set-up.
Deer tracks all over my bait piles. No pictures being taken. Nothing at night or day. The Green light on test mode only comes on when I'm 2 feet away. Only pictures are from me changing out the SD card when I'm right next to it. If you are thinking about buying this product think again. Spend the extras $30 and get a better brand
Ah...there is a "Complete Instructions" video that actually tells you everything that you need to know. Why this video is the one linked to with the QR code is beyond me.
The absolute BEST. Thank you. I've had mine in a drawer for 5 years. Thanks again.
Exactly what I needed. Had this thing in a drawer since 2016.
Thanks for making this video, I'm a huge fan of your cameras.
Great. The manual I had had no setup instructions. I may now be able to get it right.
the manual that comes with it is useless so this video sure helped
super helpful and straight to point thank you :) you da best
That was exactly what I was needing
Thanks for the helpful vid!
I received a pair of the p14 cams as a gift and after putting batteries in 1, the led display just flashes 00000. Even in the off position. Any chance of helping me fix it? I own 2 of these and the 2nd one works great. I have tried new batteries and new SD card. Still flashes 00000 in any position of setting on the dial.
On my camera, i get NOCArd. no matter what i do, there is no countdown and when i switch between the settings on the arrow button, the display shows 00000 and then delay 30 and then NOCArd. i read it as no card. and ive checked, its using the same card it always done, the cards look fine and functions on the computer just perfectly. is the camera broken?
You simply need to format your SD card. Also when you reinsert your SD card, make sure the camera is off. Then power on. To reformat your SD card via mac.... Applications
This was directed towards olle andersson only haha. @@andrewrollins4898
Roger that!@@andrewrollins4898
How can you make it so the videos have a date and time stamp on them? When I import the videos it gives an incorrect date and time in the details of the file but is not on the videos as it is on the photos?
Thanks this helps alot
good helpful video but the music is over the top. Is there any way to shorten the 30 sec delay? SO much can happen/be missed with an animal passing by in 30 sec
good info for 1st time user
Sad that neither the video or manual actually cover all the needed information. They have to be used together. The manual was a bit vague about using the "custom" setting to set the date and time. The video does not explain all the options (such as how to delete the SD card). They need a longer video that covers the complete set-up.
Hello, any advice on putting in new batteries and getting 888888 but when put on custom and pressing the down arrow nothing happens? Help!
Any update on this? Same issue but no one replied to your comment and the website isn't helpful.
I have a question:
How far is the camera activated?
so i cant set my camera date and time with no card in the camera?
no card on both cams. Formatted the cards to MS-Dos. Idk what to do
My camera's LCD screen shows nothing and isn't taking pictures. Lights not blinking. Can you help? Thank you in advance
How do you change AM to PM, and vice versa on STC-P14?
Go into time mode and press enter to set time then press again to set AM or PM, when "A" or "P" flashes then select up or down
mine works fine
When I turn on the camer I get only NOCArd and a pic of the battery level. :-/ What am I doing wrong?
R Smith I'm having this same issue, did you fix yours?
Richard Mason did you install your sd card first?
mined is not working, freezes, and or goes to solid 888888 when trying to set up, i like this camera, how ever its failing me
Why won't it take night pictures?
Problems with these cameras,and what to do.
I can't get mine to take colored pictures why's that
esceque l ont peut avoir le vidéo et les instruction en francais
I bought one and it never would work, I called stealth and basically told me I was S.O.L.... idk I got one though..... Worst 70$ I ever spent!
Deer tracks all over my bait piles. No pictures being taken. Nothing at night or day. The Green light on test mode only comes on when I'm 2 feet away. Only pictures are from me changing out the SD card when I'm right next to it. If you are thinking about buying this product think again. Spend the extras $30 and get a better brand
Bait hunting = gay
@@charbelassaf5582 bait hunting = success
Ah...there is a "Complete Instructions" video that actually tells you everything that you need to know. Why this video is the one linked to with the QR code is beyond me.
Rob Garren where did you find that video? TIA.
It popped up as a suggestion after I watched the short version.
291k means something is wrong with the instruction manual
En español por fabpr
'so quickset 1, you didn't set anything or tell us what the setting is for!!! WTH??
not user friendly
Mind just sow oooooo