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  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024
  • 다음 링크에 영상 속 표현을 더 자세히 정리하였습니다 👉 • 미드 성난사람들 속 영어회화 필수 표현 ...
    00:00:13 시작 (무자막, 표준발음, 자막, 천천히, 자막 - 총 5회 반복)
    00:00:13 EPISODE 01
    00:22:08 EPISODE 02
    00:44:46 EPISODE 03
    01:04:59 EPISODE 04
    01:30:22 EPISODE 05
    01:53:50 EPISODE 06
    02:18:05 EPISODE 07
    02:35:48 EPISODE 08
    02:54:20 EPISODE 09
    03:07:47 복습 (무자막, 자막 - 총 2회 반복)
    03:07:47 EPISODE 01
    03:15:52 EPISODE 02
    03:24:14 EPISODE 03
    03:31:53 EPISODE 04
    03:41:23 EPISODE 05
    03:50:10 EPISODE 06
    03:59:14 EPISODE 07
    04:05:55 EPISODE 08
    04:12:56 EPISODE 09

Комментарии • 84

  • @LilyEnglishDrama
    @LilyEnglishDrama  8 месяцев назад +30

    00:00:13 EPISODE 01
    00:22:08 EPISODE 02
    00:44:46 EPISODE 03
    01:04:59 EPISODE 04
    01:30:22 EPISODE 05
    01:53:50 EPISODE 06
    02:18:05 EPISODE 07
    02:35:48 EPISODE 08
    02:54:20 EPISODE 09

    • @LilyEnglishDrama
      @LilyEnglishDrama  8 месяцев назад +5

      EPISODE 01
      00:00:16 Just making a return. / make a return: 반품하다
      00:00:30 Yeah, just changed my mind.
      00:00:46 If you're making a return, please be sure to have your receipts ready. / be sure to: 반드시 ~하다
      00:01:10 I'll just keep them, then, yeah?
      00:01:24 There's always something.
      00:01:29 Did something happen at Forsters?
      00:01:45 Oh. No. Everything went great.
      00:02:00 Well, then what's going on? You seem all riled up. / be(get) (all) riled up: 몹시 짜증이 나 있다
      00:02:21 You've got to start focusing on the positive, okay? / have got to: ~해야 한다
      00:02:45 You know, maybe we should start doing the gratitude journals again. / maybe we should: ~하는 게 좋겠다, ~하는 건 어떨까?
      00:03:10 You're still cool with selling it at your store, right, babe? / be cool with: ~에 찬성이다, 좋다
      00:03:29 You see a Forsters receipt anywhere?
      00:03:47 I'm in the middle of a game. / be in the middle of: ~하는 중이다
      00:04:02 Dude, pick up after yourself, man. / pick up after: ~의 뒤처리를 하다
      00:04:28 I'm so sick of smiling, dude. / be sick of: ~에 넌더리 나다
      00:04:44 I just bought this chain for two Gs. / G: 1000달러
      00:05:01 You making that money off crypto? / make money off (of): ~로 돈을 벌다
      00:05:16 I know what I'm doing.
      00:05:27 You promised you wouldn't do that shit.
      00:05:42 That's why I made more than you this week. I don't have to fix toilets. / make: (돈을) 벌다
      00:06:08 You're absolutely right. I didn't think of that. / think of: ~을 생각하다(머리에 떠올리다)
      00:06:23 I'm the owner so there's no one higher up you can speak to…
      00:06:47 They don't feel too out of place in here? / out of place: 제자리에 있지 않은, (특정한 상황에) 맞지 않는
      00:07:08 No, I think it's exactly what the store needed.
      00:07:29 Could we get a photo together?
      00:07:42 Of course. -I got it.
      00:07:59 I've been buying your plants online for years. I just thought I should stop by the store. / stop by: 잠깐 들르다
      00:08:32 Do you happen to have those referrals I was asking about? / do you happen to ~?: 혹시 ~? ▪ referral: 소개, 위탁
      00:08:56 Remember I texted you about those?
      00:09:11 I mean, don't you need like a certification or something?
      00:09:37 You have to fire him after that. He's so annoying. / annoying: 짜증스러운
      00:09:57 Tomorrow's gonna be a really big day because Jordan has finally invited us to her home.
      00:10:31 Amy has been working so hard on this sale, Mom.
      00:10:53 Even if it all falls through, we have everything we need right here, right, guys? / fall through: 완료(실현)되지 못하다
      00:11:24 My folks are having a, you know, having a rough time. / folks: 가족, (특히) 부모
      00:11:46 I feel like they're stuck in Korea 'cause of me. / feel like: ~인 것 같다
      00:12:05 Who knew you could counterfeit baby formula? / counterfeit: 위조하다
      00:12:20 I feel bad about the motel, so I'm gonna give you 20K.
      00:12:42 I'm just asking you, is there any way we can enjoy this meal right now? / is there any way someone can(could) ~?: ~할 방법이 있을까? 혹시 ~할 수 있을까?
      00:13:10 I can't wait to cash out and just stay home with June. / can't wait to: 빨리 ~하고 싶어, ~하는 것이 기대돼 ▪ cash out: 현금화하다
      00:13:32 My boy's picking me up. / pick up: ~를 차에 태우다
      00:13:44 Dude, just get in the car, Paul. -He lives super close.
      00:14:04 I just called about the Summit Drive property. / call about: ~일로 전화를 걸다
      00:14:22 I wasn't sure if this is a landline, so here's my number just in case. / landline: 유선 전화 ▪ just in case: 혹시 몰라서
      00:14:50 You should come to this gallery opening tomorrow night.
      00:15:08 Why were you opening the safe?
      00:15:25 You don't think, like, I should have the new combo? / combo: 비밀번호(=combination)
      00:15:47 What if something bad happens, like someone follows me home or something? / what if: ~면 어쩌지? ~라면 어떻게 될까?
      00:16:13 You know why I didn't tell you.
      00:16:29 Sorry to bother you. I'm a contractor working down the street. / bother: 신경 쓰이게 하다
      00:16:58 Well, I couldn't help but notice that your rooftop conduits don't have supports. / couldn't help but: ~하지 않을 수 없었다
      00:17:27 I'm not trying to make any money off of you. / make money off (of): ~로 돈을 벌다
      00:17:43 You're not some kind of weirdo, right? / weirdo: 괴짜, 별난 사람
      00:17:59 Because if you are, you should know that I own a gun.
      00:18:21 Like I said, miss, I'm just trying to be helpful.
      00:18:42 Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'll be on my way. / I'll be on my way: 갈게요
      00:19:01 Thank you so much for checking out the roof. I really appreciate it. / check out: ~을 확인하다
      00:19:25 Is there anything else you want me to look at while I'm here?
      00:19:40 I gotta redo the roof probably, and then by the time I'm done, I'm running out of money, the kitchen's out of style. / by the time: ~할 때쯤에는, ~할 때까지 ▪ run out of: 다 떨어지다
      00:20:20 Your husband like driving this?
      00:20:36 He actually drives the minivan for the kid and I drive the luxury car for work.
      00:21:08 Do you mind if I use your restroom? / do you mind if ~?: ~해도 될까?
      00:21:24 We should exchange numbers… -I'm late for an appointment right now, so I gotta go. Bye.

    • @LilyEnglishDrama
      @LilyEnglishDrama  8 месяцев назад +3

      EPISODE 02
      00:22:11 Remember that guy I got into that road rage with? Turns out it was a woman. / get into: (특정한 상태에) 처하다 ▪ turn out: ~인 것으로 드러나다
      00:22:37 In your one precious life, what is your plan? / precious: 귀중한, 소중한
      00:22:54 Once you change my passwords back, I'm gonna become a crypto millionaire and travel the world with my boys. / once: 일단 ~하면, ~하자마자
      00:23:33 Honey, you shouldn't be cleaning up another man's piss. / piss: 오줌
      00:23:56 You never know what someone's going through in life. / go through: (힘든 시기를) 겪다
      00:24:15 Why else would he urinate on the floor? / why else: 그 이유가 아니면 왜?
      00:24:31 Did you upset him? / upset: 속상하게 하다, 화나게 하다
      00:24:44 Why are you assuming it's my fault? / assume: (사실일 것으로) 추정하다
      00:25:00 But sometimes you can come across a little cold. / come across: (특정한) 인상을 주다
      00:25:27 George, he ran away smiling. / run away: 달아나다
      00:25:44 Best to let it go. He's already gone. / let it go: 내버려두다, 잊다
      00:26:03 If we pay $80, we can get his address online.
      00:26:21 Are you sure we're at the right address?
      00:26:37 Can I interest you in our best suite? / interest somebody in something: ~에게 ~을 권하다
      00:26:54 We're not trying to stay here. -We're looking for a Daniel Cho. / try to: ~하려고 노력하다, ~하려고 하다
      00:27:17 I took over from the Cho family about a year ago. / take over: 인계받다
      00:27:36 They folded the place because of a police raid. / fold: (사업을) 접다(=close down) ▪ raid: 급습, (경찰의) 불시 단속
      00:27:56 Sorry to hear that.
      00:28:08 You missed the upgrade by a year. -The old one's tougher. / by a year: 1년 차이로
      00:28:29 I think it's going to take me a little longer to pay you back, if that's cool? / pay back: (빌린 돈을) 갚다
      00:28:51 I pissed in her bathroom and now she's writing negative reviews and killing my business. / piss: 오줌을 누다
      00:29:20 Take your time with the money. / take one's time: 천천히 하다
      00:29:32 You should just fold your business. Start a new one. / fold: (사업을) 접다(=close down)
      00:29:49 I can't apply for a new business license. / apply for: 신청하다
      00:30:06 Just do it under someone else's name. Use mine. / under: ~라는 이름으로
      00:30:25 I'll think about it.
      00:30:40 It's nothing like the motel, dude. / nothing like: 전혀 ~같지 않은
      00:30:54 Honey, have you never changed a tire before?
      00:31:10 Junie's gonna be done with school soon. / be done with: ~을 끝내다
      00:31:25 I'll change it for 40 bucks.
      00:31:39 I was thinking we should start a new contracting company.
      00:32:07 You call me lazy like 14 times a day. / lazy: 게으른
      00:32:27 That's just tough love, man. I see you're ready to step up. I can tell. / step up: 나서다 ▪ I can tell: 그래 보여
      00:32:52 You mean that? / (do) you mean it(that)?: 진심이야? ▪ I mean it(that): 진심이야
      00:33:03 Didn't Veronica move to the OC?
      00:33:19 I thought she broke up with you when she got into UC Irvine. / break up with: ~와 헤어지다 ▪ get into: 들어가다
      00:33:40 I wasn't ready. I had to build up the business before I could start a family. / start a family: 가정을 꾸리다
      00:34:09 Naomi, thank you so much for coming over. / come over: (누구의 집에) 들르다
      00:34:26 No worries, of course. / no worries: (고맙다는 말에 대한 대답으로) 별거 아니에요
      00:34:41 George was so pissed. I made us late picking her up and then… / pissed: 잔뜩 화가 난
      00:35:05 Do not beat yourself up over that. / beat oneself up (over): (~에 대해) 자책하다
      00:35:21 We should do this more often. We live so close.
      00:35:39 I just really need this deal to close. / close: 끝내다
      00:35:56 I have been so on edge lately and... / be on edge: 신경이 곤두서 있다
      00:36:13 It must be so nice getting to spend all day at home with Izzy. / get to: ~하게 되다, ~할 기회를 갖다
      00:36:36 When Jordan gets on a roll, she will just text me non-stop. / on a roll: 잘 풀리고 있는
      00:37:00 You're so smart, Amy. No, really. No wonder Jordan loves you. / (It's) no wonder: ~하는 것이 놀랍지 않다, ~하는 것이 당연하다
      00:37:36 I think the place is pretty good for now, but if anything comes up, we'll be sure to give you a call. / come up: (일이) 생기다 ▪ be sure to: 반드시 ~하다
      00:38:10 And if you're around more, you should swing by our church. / swing by: 잠깐 들르다
      00:38:30 The more the merrier. / the more the merrier: (사람이) 많을수록 더 좋다
      00:38:42 He said an Asian couple was looking for you. They looked rich. / look for: 찾다
      00:39:06 Thanks for the heads up. / heads up: 알림
      00:39:17 So tell me, is all of that true or made up? / make up: (이야기 등을) 지어내다
      00:39:41 I'm sure that there's a price.
      00:40:00 Sorry. Gotta put my foot down. / put one's foot down: 결연한 태도를 취하다, 단호하게 거절하다
      00:40:17 Thank you so much for having me, but I should be leaving. Cheers. / thank you for having me: 초대해줘서 고마워 ▪ cheers: 건배, 안녕, 잘가, 고마워
      00:40:41 There's millions of dollars on the line. / on the line: 위태로운
      00:40:57 It's like you have no awareness of how much I have on my plate right now. / have a lot on one's plate: 할 일이 많다
      00:41:24 You are obsessed with money. / be obsessed with: ~에 집착하다
      00:41:41 George, I didn't grow up the way you did. Okay?
      00:42:03 Do you ever notice how it's only people who have money that think money isn't important?
      00:42:36 The Buddha is only the Buddha because he was a prince first, right? He had stuff to renounce. / renounce: (특권·권리를) 포기하다
      00:43:08 If money is gonna drive us apart, then I renounce. / renounce: (특권·권리를) 포기하다
      00:43:29 He pissed in the house that I bought, all by myself. That house that I don't even get to enjoy because I'm always busy working. / (all) by myself: (남의 도움 없이) 혼자 ▪ get to: ~하게 되다, ~할 기회를 갖다
      00:44:13 So I'm gonna find you and take what little you have. / what little you have: 당신이 가진 적은 것

    • @LilyEnglishDrama
      @LilyEnglishDrama  8 месяцев назад +2

      EPISODE 03
      00:44:48 Sounds like a rough night. / sound like: ~처럼 들리다, ~ 것 같다
      00:45:00 I mean, we've had bad fights. It's been a while. / bad: 심한
      00:45:25 I don't understand why she was so angry.
      00:45:43 No, and like I said, that was totally out of line. / out of line: 선을 넘은
      00:46:07 But it won't happen again.
      00:46:21 But all those things she said can't be coming out of nowhere. / out of nowhere: 갑자기, 난데없이
      00:46:48 You know, my dad held a lot in. / hold in: (감정을) 억누르다, 참다
      00:47:04 He'd just bottle up everything inside until it just exploded out at once. / bottle up: (감정을) 억누르다 ▪ at once: 즉시, 동시(한꺼번에)
      00:47:37 It's hard to admit, but I think that growing up with my parents taught me to repress all my feelings. / repress: (감정을) 억누르다, 탄압하다
      00:48:16 It all comes down to parents and I'm excited to dig into that. / come down to: ~으로 귀결되다 ▪ dig into: 파헤치다
      00:48:42 But I don't wanna live like that anymore.
      00:48:56 Why is this place so clean?
      00:49:09 Where you going? What's with all the new clothes and shit? / what's with ~?: ~은 왜 그러는(하는) 거야?
      00:49:29 If you see something you like, you go get it.
      00:49:48 It's not done yet. -Mommy has to head to a meeting. / head: (특정 방향으로) 가다(향하다)
      00:50:11 You know, pretty soon I'll get to spend every day with you all the time. / get to: ~하게 되다, ~할 기회를 갖다
      00:50:41 Amy, we don't have to live in fear of that handyman. / in fear of: ~을 두려워하여
      00:51:03 If I see him around, I'm gonna rough him up. / rough somebody up: ~를 두들겨 패다
      00:51:22 Have you ever been to China?
      00:51:37 Once when I was 6.
      00:51:50 Next time you're there, you have to check out the beaches of Sanya. / check out: ~을 확인하다, (흥미로운 것을) 살펴보다
      00:52:16 Why don't you stick around for a while? We'll continue this when I get back. / stick around: (어떤 곳에서) 가지 않고 있다, (어떤 곳에) 머무르다
      00:52:40 I'll be back soon. Make yourself at home. / make yourself at home: 편안하게 있어
      00:52:57 How are you feeling? You doing okay?
      00:53:15 Think I just needed a good cry or something. / good: 실컷 ▪ have a good cry(laugh): 실컷 울다(웃다)
      00:53:33 I'm sorry, I didn't know what that was about.
      00:53:51 You don't have to apologize.
      00:54:05 Will we be seeing you regularly?
      00:54:21 We've been meaning to get someone to fix this. / have been meaning to: ~하려고 했었다
      00:54:36 It's nothing. It was the least I could do.
      00:54:52 So, what brought you down to Orange County? / what bring(brought) you ~?: ~에는 무슨 일로 왔어?
      00:55:11 Are things slow this time of year? / slow: 한산한 ▪ this time of (the) year: 매년 이맘때
      00:55:30 We could have you do some repairs around here.
      00:55:51 I hate having to put her feelings before mine all the time. / all the time: 내내, 줄곧
      00:56:18 Old people are stupid like that, taking it out on us because they regret their life decisions. / take it out on: ~에게 화풀이를 하다
      00:56:54 What else do you hate? / what else: 그 밖에 또 무엇
      00:57:07 No one's ever asked me that before.
      00:57:25 I wish I could just, like, do nothing all day.
      00:57:50 Not have to worry about money.
      00:58:04 What about you, Paul? What do you hate?
      00:58:22 If I'm being real with you... kind of hate my brother right now. / real: 진실된
      00:58:53 Is this about the Mia photo?
      00:59:09 Babe, I swear there was nothing to it.
      00:59:30 I never pictured myself being a stay-at-home dad. / picture: ~를 상상하다(마음속에 그리다)
      00:59:55 Well, keep in mind, Mr. Cho, you don't have the best credit. / keep in mind: 명심하다
      01:00:16 How long would it take for me to be approved for a mortgage?
      01:00:36 Would they be able to get a loan? -We can look into it. / get a loan: 대출을 받다 ▪ look into: 조사하다, 들여다보다
      01:00:59 Jordan, this isn't what we discussed.
      01:01:15 I had no intention of staying on. / have no intention of: ~할 의도가 전혀 없다 ▪ stay on: (예상보다 오래 또는 남들이 다 떠난 뒤에도) 계속하다 (계속 남아 있다)
      01:01:31 Well, I was planning on spending time with my family. / plan on: ~할 예정이다
      "01:01:50 But it's not up to me. It's the board. / be up to: ~에 달려 있다 "
      01:02:09 So just trust me. You're gonna thank me later.
      01:02:35 How much will the materials cost?
      01:02:50 You know, if I was guessing, 100K, 120K, give or take. / give or take (something): (~의) 차이는 있을지 몰라도(얼추)
      01:03:17 She just showed up at my house, unannounced. / show up: 나타나다 ▪ unannounced: 미리 알리지 않은
      01:03:35 Does a Kayla Lexington work here? / a: (사람의 이름 앞에 쓰여) ~라는 사람
      01:03:52 No, I've never heard of her. / I've never heard of: ~에 대해 들어본 적 없다
      01:04:06 Here, take this, on the house. / on the house: 무료(서비스)로 제공되는
      01:04:21 I guess I didn't want you to know who I really am.
      01:04:41 Anyway, I know this isn't what you expected.

    • @LilyEnglishDrama
      @LilyEnglishDrama  8 месяцев назад +1

      EPISODE 04
      01:05:02 Thanks again for driving me. Ubers were surging. / surge: 급등하다
      01:05:24 I uber everywhere, so I'm usually in the back. / uber: 우버를 타다
      01:05:43 Which one is your place? / place: 집
      01:05:55 You have to go back. My bad. / my bad: 내 잘못이다
      01:06:18 So, you wanna hang out this week? / hang out: 놀다, 어울리다, 시간을 보내다
      01:06:35 I have to go to Vegas for work.
      01:06:55 Could you do me a favor and just not like tell anybody about this?
      01:07:18 Are you sure I can park here?
      01:07:31 Totally. You might get a ticket, though. / though: (문장 끝에 와서) 그렇지만(하지만)
      01:07:51 I was thinking I was gonna call that road rage lady and apologize.
      01:08:16 I mean, God blessed me with this church gig. / gig: (특히 임시로 하는) 일(직장)
      01:08:34 What would Jesus do, you know?
      01:08:49 I gotta make things right with Paul too. / gotta: ~해야 한다(=have got to) ▪ make things right: 바로 잡다
      01:09:04 All he cares about lately is that Kayla chick. / care about: ~에 마음을 쓰다, ~에 관심을 가지다 ▪ lately: 최근에
      01:09:22 Everything you need for the church.
      01:09:38 So we can steal all this and pocket the church money? / pocket: 호주머니에 넣다
      01:09:56 We should take this too, man.
      01:10:10 It's gonna be a family trip and it's gonna be fun, okay?
      01:10:29 Do we have any candy to bribe her? / bribe: 뇌물을 주다, 매수하다
      01:10:42 Maybe we just don't go to Vegas.
      01:10:56 You gotta go. / gotta: ~해야 한다(=have got to)
      01:11:07 I'll hold down the fort. / hold (down) the fort: (남을 대신해서) 자리를 지키다, 일을 봐 주다
      01:11:21 We'll do our family trips when you iron out the deal. / iron out: 다림질하다, (문제를) 없애다, 해결하다
      01:11:40 How did I not know you have connections like this? / connections: 인맥, 연줄
      01:11:58 Can I borrow your truck?
      01:12:10 What do you need my truck for?
      01:12:25 She hit you up for your credit card numbers yet? / hit somebody up for something: ~에게 ~을 달라고 부탁하다
      01:12:39 Why don't we celebrate the new job? / why don't we : ~하는 게 어때?
      01:12:57 I'm so sorry your family couldn't come.
      01:13:14 We usually bribe her with candy, but the doctor said to cut down on her sugar. So... / bribe: 뇌물을 주다, 매수하다 ▪ cut down on: ~을 줄이다
      01:13:41 I need to let loose behind closed doors. / let loose: (통제를 받지 않고) 마음대로 하다, 제멋대로 되다 ▪ behind closed doors: 비공개로, 비밀리에
      01:13:58 They don't like to see me enjoying myself.
      01:14:18 That's why I have to dress down for conferences. / dress down: 편하게 입다(↔dress up:갖춰 입다)
      01:14:38 But doesn't that get tiring? / tiring: 피곤하게 만드는
      01:14:52 Yes, it's exhausting. / exhausting: 진을 빼는, 기진맥진하게 만드는
      01:15:08 The board wants to meet by the Jacuzzi to go over things. / go over: 검토하다, 살펴보다
      01:15:30 We should leave them to it. All the wives are going to a show later. / leave: (관리·처리 등을) 맡기다
      01:15:54 Paul took the keys.
      01:16:10 All that shit we took is still in the truck.
      01:16:27 So you got to meet the board? / get to: ~하게 되다, ~할 기회를 갖다
      01:16:40 We didn't have time for that tonight.
      01:16:53 Well, you'll find a window soon. / window: (잠깐 동안의) 기회
      01:17:09 It's good you're getting in good with them. / in good with somebody: ~와 잘 지내는
      01:17:25 I bet they're gonna let you cash out. / I bet: 확신하다, 장담하다
      01:17:40 I support you either way. / either way: (둘 중) 어느 쪽이든
      01:17:54 I'll for sure try to come home early. / for sure: 확실히, 틀림없이 ▪ try to: ~하려고 하다
      01:18:09 Love you. Get lots of rest, okay?
      01:18:27 You didn't tell your brother or anything?
      01:18:44 I barely even talk to him. / barely: 거의 ~ 않다
      01:18:59 I was thinking of putting on a movie. / I was thinking of -ing: ~할까 했다(생각 중이었다)
      01:19:16 We're pulling up to Vegas. / pull up to: 차를 ~에 세우다
      01:19:29 He used to look up to me. / used to: 예전에는 ~ 했다, ~하곤 했다 ▪ look up to: 존경하다
      01:19:42 You know he was making fun of you, right? / make fun of: ~을 놀리다
      01:19:59 You ever put Skittles in Coke?
      01:20:14 I came up with this as a kid. / come up with: 생각해내다
      01:20:28 I wasn't sure if it was even real.
      01:20:47 I have this faint memory of going to China when I was 6 and eating one. / faint: 희미한
      01:21:18 You must be pretty rich to be living like this, huh?
      01:21:39 Well, I'm about to be. / be about to: 막 ~하려는 참이다, 곧 ~할거다
      01:21:52 I'm about to sell my business for $10 million. / be about to: 막 ~하려는 참이다, 곧 ~할거다
      01:22:17 I would have studied plants.
      01:22:32 What does that even feel like?
      01:22:47 I have to decide if it's worth working nonstop for another five years. / be worth -ing: ~할 가치가 있다
      01:23:16 What do you say now? / what do you say ~?: ~은 어때? ~은 어떻게 생각해?
      01:23:28 You sound like my brother. / sound like: ~처럼 들리다, ~ 것 같다
      01:23:44 I didn't mean it like that. You're like the opposite.
      01:24:05 He works so hard for everyone but himself, and I see how unhappy he is. / but: ~ 외에
      01:24:43 I'm not spending all night knocking on doors.
      01:25:01 I gotta look for Paul. / look for: 찾다
      01:25:14 I gotta find which room he's in.
      01:25:29 Thank you for taking the couch.
      01:25:45 No worries. I get it. / no worries: (고맙다는 말에 대한 대답으로) 별거 아니에요
      01:26:01 I could just leave now.
      01:26:13 Feel free to hang out for as long as you want. / feel free to: 편하게 ~하다, 마음대로 ~하다 ▪ hang out: 시간을 보내다, 놀다, 어울리다
      01:26:30 My brother's gonna be so pissed I took his truck. / pissed: 잔뜩 화가 난
      01:26:50 You're gonna be able to accomplish whatever you put your mind to. / put one's mind to: 마음을 먹다
      01:27:14 Don't let your brother get you down, okay? / get somebody down: ~를 우울하게 만들다
      01:27:31 Oh, now he shows up. / show up: 나타나다
      01:27:44 You wouldn't be here without me. You're pathetic. / pathetic: 불쌍한, 한심한
      01:28:08 How do we get to the garage? / get to: ~에 도착하다
      01:28:21 I was up at 6 a.m. every single morning making deliveries all by myself. / make a delivery: 배달하다 ▪ (all) by oneself: 혼자, 도움을 받지 않고
      01:28:59 I'm just wondering what you would do in my shoes. / in one's shoes: ~의 입장에서
      01:29:16 I was sitting in my car, and all of a sudden, this woman just starts honking at me. / all of a sudden: 갑자기 ▪ honk: (자동차 경적을) 울리다
      01:29:47 I don't know why he's so mad about a truck.
      01:30:05 Hands on your head. Turn around.

    • @LilyEnglishDrama
      @LilyEnglishDrama  8 месяцев назад +1

      EPISODE 05
      01:30:25 How far you headed? / head: (특정 방향으로) 가다(향하다)
      01:30:38 It's nice to have a riding partner today.
      01:30:56 I'm just going to prison for the both of us, and that's what you brought?
      01:31:19 I just made a quick stop. / make a quick stop (at): (~에) 잠깐 들르다
      01:31:32 I tried to tell the cops it wasn't all you, but they wouldn't believe me. / try to: ~하려고 하다
      01:31:59 You're hanging out with the husband now? / hang out with: 놀다, 어울리다, 시간을 보내다
      01:32:16 I introduced myself as Zane.
      01:32:30 Here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna finish working at the church, and then I'm gonna cash that check. / cash: 수표를 현금으로 바꾸다
      01:33:06 What did I tell you about the gun?
      01:33:19 Fine. I'll put it back in the car. / put something back: ~을 다시 제자리에 갖다 놓다
      01:33:35 I got into UT Austin as well. / get into: 들어가다 ▪ as well: 또한, 역시
      01:33:54 We're just here to get paid, man.
      01:34:10 I heard that you guys started working for Isaac about two years ago.
      01:34:35 He's been doing that since we were kids.
      01:34:50 She upgraded her security system, but, you know, I got in before, I can get in again.
      01:35:15 We could say we're contractors.
      01:35:30 I already did that one.
      01:35:43 What did you have in mind? / have in mind: 염두에 두다
      01:35:57 Thanks for coming, man. I know it was short notice. / short notice: 촉박한 통보
      01:36:16 Man, dude, thanks for having me. /
      01:36:31 I normally have to lead praise band rehearsal, but I have a day off. / have a day off: 하루 휴가를 얻다
      01:36:58 Sweetie, we don't do that. Okay? That's not how we greet new guests. / greet: 맞다, 환영하다
      01:37:25 Don't shoot the messenger, but I think there's a leak in your plumbing. / don't shoot the messenger: 엉뚱한 사람(나쁜 소식을 전한 사람)에게 화풀이 하지 마 ▪ leak: 누출
      01:37:53 I gotta call Amy. She handles all the house stuff. / gotta: ~해야 한다(=have got to) ▪ handle: 다루다, 처리하다
      01:38:19 Let's do some research. / do research: 조사를 하다
      01:38:32 Not a problem at all. I'm already on it.
      01:38:49 Looking up plumbers right now. / look up: (정보를) 찾아보다
      01:39:01 There's no bad way of interpreting art. / interpret: 해석하다, 이해하다
      01:39:17 Say whatever comes to mind. / come to mind: 생각이 떠오르다
      01:39:32 I don't know, it kind of makes me feel sad.
      01:39:57 I don't know, I'm just, like, going off the top of my head. / off the top of my head: 생각나는 대로, 지금 떠오른 생각인데
      01:40:22 Sometimes I just feel like a fraud, you know? / fraud: 사기, 사기꾼
      01:40:48 I'm so glad I met you, man.
      01:41:05 I've been kind of lonely lately. / lonely: 외로운
      01:41:22 My wife's been so busy making all these big life decisions without me. / be busy -ing: ~하느라 바쁘다
      01:41:46 I gotta make a quick call, if that's cool? / make a quick call: 잠깐 통화를 하다
      01:42:04 Dude, plan's off. Okay? I don't have time to explain. / off: 취소된
      01:42:26 There's nothing worth stealing here.
      01:42:41 We're not robbing this house. / rob: 털다, 도둑질하다
      01:42:55 We recommend you get out immediately, so we can take care of it, if you'd like. / take care of: ~을 돌보다, ~을 처리하다
      01:43:23 I appreciate all the info, but I'm gonna get a second opinion. / info: 정보(=information) ▪ get a second opinion: 다른 사람의 의견을 들어보다
      01:43:51 I don't think we've ever met, but we've spoken over the phone.
      01:44:16 I haven't been here in a while. Is it always like this? / in a while: 한동안
      01:44:39 A bunch of people just quit. The acquisition news got out, and everyone's looking for jobs. / a bunch of: 다수의 ▪ acquisition: 습득, (기업) 인수 ▪ get out: 알려지다
      01:45:17 I was actually just talking to George about his glazing techniques the other day. / the other day: 며칠 전에
      01:45:43 Is there a restroom nearby? -Oh. Yeah. It's right around the corner.
      01:46:11 I didn't know you were coming by. / come by: 잠깐 들르다
      01:46:26 You know, Fumi, it's been so hectic lately. / hectic: 정신없이 바쁜
      01:46:44 These plumbers did stop by the house, but I fixed it all by myself. / stop by: 잠깐 들르다 ▪ (all) by oneself: 혼자, 도움을 받지 않고
      01:47:10 Just calling to chat.
      01:47:28 I'm sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. Busy day. / get back to: ~에게 나중에 다시 연락하다
      01:47:46 Were you able to get that loan from your daughter-in-law?
      01:48:05 We were supposed to speak earlier today. I had to reschedule. / be supposed to: ~하기로 되어 있다
      01:48:31 I have to say, things are not looking good. / I have to say: 이 말은 꼭 해야겠는데, 정말로, 솔직히 말해서 ▪ things: 형편, 상황
      01:48:50 I can go to his place and pick some other pieces to sell.
      01:49:11 Can't you just get your sugar mama to help you out?
      01:49:32 I'll pay it back, ASAP. / pay back: (빌린 돈을) 갚다 ▪ ASAP: 가능한 빨리(=as soon as possible)
      01:49:49 I know I have it in me to be a millionaire like you in no time. / in no time: 곧
      "01:50:13 You make it sound like what I achieved was easy. / sound like: ~처럼 들리다, ~ 것 같다 ▪ achieve: 달성하다, 성취하다 "
      01:50:32 If you don't want to give me the money, you can just say so.
      01:50:51 I just got nominated for next year's People to Watch in Calabasas Style, and I was hoping that you could write a recommendation letter. / I was hoping: ~했으면 해서요
      01:51:36 I didn't hear that. Can you say that again?
      01:51:51 I know a neighbor who drives a white SUV. It could be her.
      01:52:21 But do you have proof? / proof: 증거
      01:52:38 No, but I have a hunch. / hunch: 예감
      01:53:03 I'm actually up for next year's People to Watch. / up for: (후보로) 고려되고 있는, (어떤 활동을) 기꺼이 하려고 하는
      01:53:24 I bet it's worth so much. / I bet: 확신하다, 장담하다
      01:53:36 I know who lives there.

  • @eddylee8889
    @eddylee8889 6 месяцев назад +7

    자도 재미있게 본 작품인데 좋은자료입니다

  • @chunsokpak3652
    @chunsokpak3652 6 месяцев назад +6

    좋은자료 너무너무 감사드립니다.

  • @johnwhite3387
    @johnwhite3387 2 месяца назад +1

    오~공부하기 너무 좋아요~

    • @오리순둥이
      @오리순둥이 Месяц назад

      이 영상을 어떤식으로 활용?하여 공부하시나요?

  • @kimtaewoo9069
    @kimtaewoo9069 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @Joohn_Mexikong
    @Joohn_Mexikong 2 месяца назад

    감사해요!!!! 와 매일 와서 봐야지!!

  • @suemysterious247
    @suemysterious247 6 месяцев назад +3

    감사합니다 !!

  • @Agaridieter
    @Agaridieter 2 месяца назад

    넘 유용 해요 감사합니다❤

  • @Agaridieter
    @Agaridieter 2 месяца назад

    표현이 완전 실생활이에요 😊😊

  • @아무개-k9j
    @아무개-k9j 6 месяцев назад +5

    진짜최고다... 제발좀 더 해주세여 제발 부탁드립니다 ㅠㅠ

  • @따뜻한코코아-t4q
    @따뜻한코코아-t4q 7 месяцев назад +5

    좋은 영상 감사드립니다. 문장도 노트에 직접 적고 pdf로 만들어서 보는 편인데 정리하려면 오래 걸리거든요. 정말 감사합니다.

  • @uiuu403
    @uiuu403 2 месяца назад

    와 감사합니다 죽이네요

  • @visualrising777
    @visualrising777 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @user-dq4bn8nt7m
    @user-dq4bn8nt7m 3 месяца назад

    이런거 아주 좋습니다
    요새 나오는 인기ㅜ드라마도 만들어서ㅠ올려주세요

  • @icisicis5607
    @icisicis5607 4 месяца назад +1

    반복도 적당해서 공부하기 딱 좋은 영상이에요 감사합니다

  • @nuup3705
    @nuup3705 2 месяца назад


  • @benonchalant
    @benonchalant 8 месяцев назад +17

    성난 사람들 너무 재밌게 봤는데, 이렇게 잘 정리해주는 채널은 릴리님이 유일하신 것 같습니다 항상 감사히 잘 보고 있습니다 ! 나중에 길모어걸스편도 보고싶어요 !

    • @LilyEnglishDrama
      @LilyEnglishDrama  8 месяцев назад +5

      저희 채널 좋아해주셔서 감사드려요. 길모어걸스도 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 기대해주세요😀

  • @좋아요-g1y
    @좋아요-g1y 3 месяца назад

    드라마채널은 있는 줄 몰랐다가 건너왔어요. 매일 반복해야겠네요.

  • @realnrock
    @realnrock 4 месяца назад

    감사합니다!!! 영어공부도하고 ㅎㅎㅎ드라마도 보고 넘 좋아용

  • @wlee7687
    @wlee7687 3 месяца назад +4

    와 이거 진짜 ... 엄청난 노고가 들어갔을것같은데 진짜 감사히 보겠습니다.

  • @winter7656
    @winter7656 Месяц назад +1

    선생님 혹시 이 문장들을 pdf로 제작해서 판매할 생각은 없으신가요?🥹판매하신다면 바로 구매각인데ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • @qazwsxedcrfv-i1y
    @qazwsxedcrfv-i1y 6 месяцев назад

    감사합니다. 구독합니다. 혹시 영셀던도 가능할까요?😅

  • @janghomichaelhong7069
    @janghomichaelhong7069 4 месяца назад +25

    지금까지 봐왔던 회화 프로그램 중에서 가장 능률적이고 효율적으로 짜여진 최고의 프로그램 입니다. 그동안 있었던 다른 프로그램의 단점들을 잘 파악하셔서 개선하신 것 같습니다. 진심으로 감사드립니다. 꼭 성공하세요.

    @OOISOK 3 месяца назад

    와... 진짜 정성 대단

  • @peacockkoo3882
    @peacockkoo3882 5 месяцев назад

    Amazing, it’s useful for everyone

  • @sehoseong
    @sehoseong 2 месяца назад

    너무 훌륭한 자료 감사드립니다. 배경화면을 좀 더 덜 흐리게 처리하면, 저작권에 걸리나요? 배우들의 입모양을 보면 더 도움이 될 것 같습니다.

  • @jkim3273
    @jkim3273 3 месяца назад

    영 문장앞에 한글로 한번 말씀해주셨다면 더 좋을거같아요

  • @shinandy2552
    @shinandy2552 5 месяцев назад +4

    좋은 자료 정말 감사 합니다. 도움 많이 됩니다. 구독과 좋아요, 알림으로 보답합니다. 앞으로 더 많이 만들어 주세요! ^^

  • @modigliani512
    @modigliani512 5 месяцев назад

    제가 딱 원하는 정리가 여기 다 들어가 있어서 좋습니다. 공부 잘 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

  • @cheonwoongnoh4876
    @cheonwoongnoh4876 4 месяца назад +4

    집중해 모든 문장 따라 말하며 10시간 넘게 봤는데, 영어가 전반적으로 크게 향상되었습니다. 마지막에는 한국어로 번역하려는 습관도 자연스레 사라지기 시작했습니다. 남은 영상도 모두 보려고요. 진심으로 감사합니다!

  • @sunabellyline
    @sunabellyline 6 месяцев назад +2

    쉐도잉은 아직 못하지만 일단 무작정 외워보려고여^^ 문장 하나하나가 다 외우고싶을만큼 재미있고 편집이 너무 마음에들어요 공부욕구뿜뿜 감사합니다😊

  • @hamter_Kong
    @hamter_Kong 6 месяцев назад +3

    ㅁㅊ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 경이롭다 고맙습니다 진찌

  • @오렛바이
    @오렛바이 4 месяца назад


  • @행복한제이-y2d
    @행복한제이-y2d 6 месяцев назад +1

    저 이 미드 정말 재미있게 봤어요. 좋아하는 배우가 출연하기도 하고요. 프렌즈 등 기타 인기 있는 미드 들 봤지만 저한테는 지루했는데 딱 좋아하는 미드 올려 주셔서 감사해용 😆

  • @big_nameboi4937
    @big_nameboi4937 5 месяцев назад

    정말 소중한 자료네요. 이렇게 꼭꼭 짚어주지 않으면 절대 알수없을 표현들인데, 자주보고 익숙해져야겠습니다. 꾸벅😊
    혹시 시간되시면 superstore 도 생각해 주세여 ㅎㅎㅎ

  • @CoreAmerika
    @CoreAmerika 6 месяцев назад +2

    와 좋은자료 너무나 감사합니다.
    스크립트 스스로 만들어서 외우는 중입니다.

  • @jkim7427
    @jkim7427 6 месяцев назад +1

    구독 알림설정 했어요.감사합니다❤ 다음 영상도 기다릴께요!

  • @miyoungchai8782
    @miyoungchai8782 5 месяцев назад

    와우 정말 감사합니다. 감동이에요

  • @nolgaemitv
    @nolgaemitv 6 месяцев назад +27

    안녕하세요? 혹시 저작원 협의 어떻게 하는지 여쭤봐도 될까요? 좋은 자료 감사드립니다. 공부에 큰 도움 되네요 ^^;

    • @TedY-y9h
      @TedY-y9h 6 месяцев назад +5

      영상을 다 보여주는게 아니라서 괜챦은 걸로 압니다

    • @JPM_MS
      @JPM_MS 6 месяцев назад +7

      변호사한테 물어보세요 만들어주는 사람에게 감사하단말만하지 ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @TedY-y9h
      @TedY-y9h 6 месяцев назад +23

      @@JPM_MS 뭐에 그리 화가 났어요?

    • @nolgaemitv
      @nolgaemitv 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@TedY-y9h 답변주셔서 감사합니다 ^^

    • @adiosm57
      @adiosm57 4 месяца назад

      ​@@TedY-y9h답변 안 달리는 이유가 있겠죠?

  • @아몬드-r8s
    @아몬드-r8s 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @JPM_MS
    @JPM_MS 6 месяцев назад +3

    와 영상 죽인다 감사합니다

  • @HyunilMoon-l4p
    @HyunilMoon-l4p 4 месяца назад


  • @iwannafly-v7m
    @iwannafly-v7m 6 месяцев назад +1

    오늘 구독하고 잘보고 있어요. 근데 무자막 부분을 한두번 더 반복하면 좋을거 같아요.

  • @둘이꼬미
    @둘이꼬미 6 месяцев назад

    good 시간있을때 봐야겠네요 감사합니다

  • @정조연-z2d
    @정조연-z2d 6 месяцев назад +3

    정말필요했던자료인데 감사합니다

  • @밤이-z2r
    @밤이-z2r 4 месяца назад

    12:05 첫째날 공부

  • @Vivian-b3b
    @Vivian-b3b 6 месяцев назад +1

    넘 재밌네요

  • @paxbrief
    @paxbrief 5 месяцев назад

    밴쿠버.. 그립네요

  • @붕굴러차기
    @붕굴러차기 6 месяцев назад

    너무 감사하게 연습하고 또 연습하고 있는데, 이 좋은 황금 같은 자료로 어떻게 공부하는 것이 기장 효율적일까요?
    저는 일단 한글 자막을 포스트잇으로 붙히거 스크립트 안보고 몇번을 트라히 해보지만 도저히 귀에 들어오지 않아 스크립트를 보고나면 이해가되아사 다시 듣거 따라해봄니다. 30번씩… 다른방식으로 공부하시는 분들 공유부탁드립니다.

    @GUANGNYUN 5 месяцев назад +1

    구독하고 막 시작하였습니다. 그런데 8:37 이부분 한글 번역이 맞지 않는거 같은데 확인 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

  • @chanced1240
    @chanced1240 3 месяца назад


  • @백-k3j
    @백-k3j 2 месяца назад

    단어 뜻을 영어로도 적어주세요 한국말 번역보다 뉘앙스를 더 잘알게. 이거 볼 사람 정도면 영어뜻 읽는게 더 와다을듯해요

  • @user_sjdifjekx
    @user_sjdifjekx 5 месяцев назад

    저어겐 너무 빠른데요, 당최 어떻게 들리게 할수 있을까요..ㅜ

    • @mahatmagandhi8662
      @mahatmagandhi8662 3 месяца назад

      받아쓰기하세요 계속

    • @행복한제이-y2d
      @행복한제이-y2d 3 месяца назад

      빠르면 수준에 안 맞는 거니 좀 더 쉬운 걸로 연습해보시고 넘어오시거나 아니면 배속을 느리게 해보세요

  • @eunguel1112
    @eunguel1112 5 месяцев назад +1

    영상 정말 감사드려요. 문장을 pdf로 받을 수 없을까요? 중간 문장을 보려면 좀 힘드네요.

  • @naji604
    @naji604 4 месяца назад +1

    문장들이 전혀 평생 안쓸 문장들이 대부분임..뭐 단어야 바꿔서 응용할수도 있겠지만..굳이 그렇게까지 초보가 바꿔서 공부할정도가....'자기가 딴남자 오줌 치우고 있으면 안되는데..'이런 문장들은 뭔지...좀 걸러서 실생활에 진짜 써먹고 들을 문장들이여야하는데 그냥 문장 숫자만 채우기 급급한..............

    • @MusicFactory-rg4sb
      @MusicFactory-rg4sb 3 месяца назад

      이렇게 실생활에 유용한 문장들이 넘쳐나는데.. 뭐가 그리 화가 나셨어요?

  • @Isjegfkskkrhj
    @Isjegfkskkrhj 5 месяцев назад +3

    굳이 한국인 발음은 안 넣으셔도....

    • @huiral
      @huiral 4 месяца назад +3

      굳이 이런댓글 안다셔도.....

    • @Isjegfkskkrhj
      @Isjegfkskkrhj 4 месяца назад +1


  • @arukon7777
    @arukon7777 5 месяцев назад

    앞에 인트로도 필요없이 바로 에피소드 들어가면 안될까요??
    그리고 표준발음 영상나올때 까맣게 배경나오고 자막나오는데 그냥 영상에 정지 해놓고 3~5번 영상처럼
    정지화면에 자막나오면 안될까요?? 이게 계속 보다보면 눈이 피로해집니다.
    앞으로 만드실때 3,4,5번 반복되는 영상처럼 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
    참고로 성우목소리가 영상의 목소리보다 많이 큽니다...ㅠㅠ

  • @lala-kim
    @lala-kim 8 месяцев назад +3

    감사합니다 ❤

  • @jacksparrow9740
    @jacksparrow9740 5 месяцев назад


  • @권승안-h8b
    @권승안-h8b 6 месяцев назад


  • @pillsangsung5090
    @pillsangsung5090 5 месяцев назад +3

    힘든 작업이셨을텐데 정리 감사합니다! 잘 사용하겠습니다.