@@asifahmad4748 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Shaykh Uthman is too busy to answer comments but he has explained this issue many times. Following a madhhab is not obligated in the Qur’ān or the Sunnah and to ask for evidence of such is like asking where does it say in the Qur’ān or Sunnah that we must study Nahw or Saraf. These are means to get to an end and the end is the following the true Sunnah of Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم
@@ABRAHAM4EVER please remember Shaykh Uthman has a full time job, a family, teaches durūs, so please be patient. Please send him a reminder on WhatsApp and we will also forward your message to remind him إن شاء الله
@@halalmeatshophk Stick to your halal meat shop and leave deen to the knowledgeable people like shaykh uthman. Don’t worry when your ustaad dajjal comes he will cm and buy his meat from you.
السلامُ علیکم Jazakallu Khair, Shaykh. May Allah bless you for having exposed the two extremes of the people (those who are blind in taqleed, and those who are arrogant in the rejection of madhahib). Subhan Allah. اللہ آپکو خیر اور عافیت سے رکھے، اور ہم تمام کو اپنے صحیح دین پر قائم رکھے۔ ہمارے کشمیر اور کشمیری نوجوانوں کے دین کے لیے دعا کی درخواست ہے۔
JazakAllah khair sheikh for uploading this video I’ve been thinking about this question for some time now and couldn’t find a video as good as this one. May Allah Azza wajal bless you and raise your ranks in jannah. Ameen
Sub Han Allah. Indeed this knowledge is the religion, so be careful with regards to the one whom you take your religion from imam ibn sarin Just took notes from your wise words and will make family members understand our faith and manhaj in better way. Wonderful effort may Allah bless you akhi Kareem
Q. Which Mazhab should I follow? A. The community you live with. Simple as that, All four Mazhab are on the right path, just avoid the people who commit shirk and innovation and those who criticise any of the four Imams.
@@Exahax101 As long as we have the righteous Scholars amongst us and we appreciate and respect them, InshaAllah Allah Almighty will help us stay on the right path.
what if a person in his community claim to follow Shafi' mad'hab , but they also practice lot of innovations. what do he do ? how can he learn deen from them, can he not say he doesnt want to follow them, or be a blind follower, thinking they are the scholars and the person is just a common man ? or say he will follow only sunnah of Prophet and the Rulings of Imam Shafi? Do they not call him an innovator in deen, wahhabi etc?
Masha Allah clear to the subject.Looking more into your videos.May Allah bless you with beneficial knowledge and let common Muslims benefit from your simple explanations Insha Allah
Ustad uthman, please if I could humbly request a lot of are uncomfortable with this background music and humming in videos as we just find it very distracting. Please ustad keep to how you make your videos normally where it may be just you and there is no background humming or nasheed, etc. Jazakallahu khayran EDIT: I just noticed your video description and why you had to put the vocals in the background, I am sorry for my ignorance
Masha Allah! May Allah reward you for this immensely beneficial and brief explanation bringing us closer to the sunnah of our beloved Prophet 'Peace and blessing be upon him'. Is there any textual evidences with references about the sayings of the Imams 'May Allah have mercy on them' that the sahih hadith is my madhab or dont follow my fatwa if you find a saheeh hadith? Especially the Hanafi and the Hanbali Fiqh.
Some people fall into extremes when they reject madhahib and say taqleed is haram but they end up doing taqleed of a contemporary scholar anyways and end up making a new Madhab. The madhahib are a means to an end, you learn the matn, chain, and the evidences along with the principles of usul al fiqh, usul al Hadith, and qawaid to eventually be able to make ijtihad yourself.
Brother, I am talking of people who aren't mujtahid and reject taqleed and say it is haram. A layman may ask a scholar but doesn't the scholar solve masial according to the fiqh of Abu Hanifa, Iman shafi etc ?
@@Exahax101 I don't know where you got the concept of Ijtihad and sectarianism from. The prophet (peace be upon him) never asked his followers to do ijtihad, neitherdid he ask them to create schools of thoughts. The hadith is pretty clear: ( لَا تَخْتَلِفُوا فَإِنَّ مَنْ كَانَ قَبْلَكُمْ اخْتَلَفُوا فَهَلَكُوا ) . رواه البخاري. The hadith about Ijtihad says: judges can do Ijtihad, not scholars and average guy. The 4 madahib didn't even agree on the most basic thing: prayers time, eventhough, the prophet already set it clear for them.
@@laccess911 First of all it isn't sectarianism. All four madhabs are upon haq and are Ahlesunnahwaljama. They all tried their best to get closer to Quran and sunnah in ijtihadi masials that's why you see difference in opinions. The reason we have to follow any mujtahid is because there aren't solutions for all masial written in Quran and sunnah in detail. One has to derive solutions for masials from Quran and sunnah in the light of Quran and sunnah. We say a mujtahid (who can solve masial in the light of Quran and sunnah) should find the solution for our masials and common people should accept his solutions which he derives. That's the simplest way to get to Quran and sunnah in ijtihadi masials. I will give you an example to make things understandable. For example there is a hadith regarding housefly in which prophet said : The Prophet (ﷺ) said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink) and take it out, for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease." Now this hadith is only for housefly, what if any other insect falls in a drink like spider , bug , mosquito etc. In that case what should we do? Should we take the insect out and drink or should we throw away the drink( tea, water etc) ?? This is where we need to find a scholar (mujtahid) who can derive solution for this masla. Mujtahid derived qaida from this hadith he said , We can take out all those insects whose blood circulatory system is similar to that of housefly's blood circulatory system! Now this masla is solved! We now know which type of insects should we remove and which not. Remember this is an example to make you understand things, there are thousands of masials like this. If there is any other way other than following an opinion of a mujtahid in masials like these then tell us we will follow that way to get to Quran and sunnah!! You people neither can solve masials nor do you do you accept opinion of a mujtahid. To accept the opinion of a mujtahid is the simplest way to get to Quran and sunnah in these types of masials. If there would have been clear hadith regarding which type of insect should we take out and which type of not then we would have followed hadith directly. Then There would have been no need to follow any mujthahid. So following the opinion of mujtahid is just a way to get to Quran and sunnah in masials which aren't explained in detail in Quran and sunnah. If you are a mujtahid (means you can derive solutions of masials by yourself) then there is no need to follow any school of thought because then you can yourself solve ijtihadi masials.
Sheikh Uthman(Hafidhahullah) simplified and explained beautifully. MaSha'Allah, the editing is getting better. Inconsistencies in the background with the speech was a bit irksome. The visuals ought to match the words. Moreover, a deft visual storytelling can compensate for the discrepancies in audio. A simple idea for the brother who's editing, you can use a picture that matches the topic. Then semi blur the background and use a audio spectrum; Just like podcasts or maybe use stock footages that match the rhythm of speech, If possible, In'Sha'Allah. May Allah accept your effort brother. May we get more beneficial videos through this channel. Ameen.
Very great clarification and knowledgeable Please upload this topic in urdu also It helps to people who don't understand English May this beneficial for them Jazakallahu khairan
Assalaamu Alaykum Shaykh, great video! My only feedback is that I feel in many lectures/talks on this subject given in the West especially in America that it speaks more about the Mufti being obliged to follow proofs/evidence. Which is absolutely correct and encourages everyone to study our deen. But the reality in America is maybe 0.0000001 of Muslims are at that level and maybe even less. We should focus on how an everyday Muslim should handle these issues. I know you did in the video but I feel we should emphasis it more. I find it to be a mess when Muslims who dont even know basic arabic pull out hadith and ayat with no understanding of the ruling and condemns traditional opinions held by major scholars for hundreds of years. Of course they belive they are just following the clear daleel. Again just some feedback and again the video was great :) i would have private messaged you if I had your contact. May Allah bless you and your family.
Sir,the problem starts when even after finding a strong hadith against one's madhab, one is so adamant in Taqleed that one rejects the hadith and follows the Mufti or Maulana.
Alhamdulilah, Masha'Allah great knowledge and learning. Liked. Would be good if the vocals was removed or lowered in volume as it does interfere with hearing the sheikh clearly.
I love you for the sake of Allah ya sheikh Uthman. May Allah bless you and rewards you jannal tul Firdaus. Ya sheikh do you have any video related to madhab or authentic hadith regards qunoot during salah fajr? I am from Malaysia and most of us are Syafií madhab so we used to do qunoot in every fajr prayer. But when I look it up in sahih hadith the Prophet Muhammad only do it during some period of time (not all the time). Do you have any explanation for this? it really beneficial for the ummah. Love from Malaysia.
With regard to reciting Du’ā’ al-Qunūt in every Fajr Salāh then there is no Sahīh Hadīth to prove this. What is established from Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم is that recited the al-Qunūt at times of calamity with words that were appropriate to the situation. He recited al-Qunūt in Fajr and in other prayers, praying against Ra’l, Dhakwān and ‘Usayyah for killing the innocent Qur’ān teachers that were sent to teach them. And it was proven that he prayed in Fajr prayer and other prayers for the weak and oppressed believers, that Allāh would save them from their enemies. But he did not do that all the time. The Rightly-Guided Khulafa after him followed the same practice. It is better for the Imām to limit al-Qunūt to times of calamity, following the example of Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم , as it was proven that Abu Mālik al-Ash’ari said: “I said to my father, ‘O my father, you prayed behind Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم and behind Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmān and ‘Ali (may Allāh be pleased with them). Did they recite al-Qunūt in Fajr?’ He said, ‘O my son, this is a newly-invented matter.’” (Musnad Ahmad classed as Sahīh in al-Irwā’, 435).
@@MasjidRibat بارك الله فيك ya Sheikh, now I am confident that I am closely following the sunnah. When I pray Fajr I don't recite Qunoot because of this. Thank you so much ya Sheikh. Another question, do you know any sahih hadith mention the exact word for Qunut teaches by Rasulullah SAW? for the Qunut calamity? I try to find it in www.sunnah.com but I couldn't. The Qunut that teaches from our Ustaz it seems not from sahih hadith and it is a made up/daif hadith.
@@TheBlackCaptain1990 With regards to the Qunūt for calamity then this is Sahīh: اللهم إنا نستعينك ونؤمن بك ، ونتوكل عليك ونثني عليك الخير ولا نكفرك ، اللهم إياك نعبد ، ولك نصلي ونسجد ، وإليك نسعى ونحفد ، نرجو رحمتك ونخشى عذابك ، إن عذابك الجدَّ بالكفار مُلحق ، اللهم عذِّب الكفرة أهل الكتاب الذين يصدون عن سبيلك
Reference: رواه البيهقي 2/210 وصححه الألباني في الإرواء 2/170 وقال الألباني : ( هذه الرواية ) عن عمر في قنوت الفجر ، والظاهر أنه في قنوت النازلة كما يُشعر به دعاؤه على الكفار .
As Salāmu Alaykum May Allāh increase the sheikh in knowledge I would respectfully request for the one who edits the video to remove the background effects of the man Jazakallahu khayran.
ماشاء اللہ Very beneficial video this video also cleared so many concepts doubts plz sir make this video also in urdu language it will be more beneficial for many people Pls it's my humble request to you sheikh Because in India pak Bangladesh only few people are known to English language
The scholors can be categories into mujthahid mutlaq, mujthahid maslak, mujthahid mas'ala. Awaam can be into muthabi(the one who knows the methodologies of mujthahid and not capable to do Ijthihaad) and muqalid(who only knows the ahkam for the action) .
هل تستطيع أن تكتبها بالعربي أخي؟ العلماء: مجتهد مطلق، مجتهد مسلك؟؟❓ ، مجتهد مسألة؟ العوام: متبع (الذي يعرف طرق الاجتهاد لكنه لم يصل مرتبة الاجتهاد)، مقلد (الذي لا يعرف سوى الأحكام). بارك الله فيك أخي
Jzkh for the good and informative content. But please don't use background music (sound) in your videos. It just distracts. A great lesson doesn't need anything else than the knowledge which is being given. We only seek the Ridha of Allah. May Allah always purify our intentions. Aameen
Kindly let me know if there is original recording of this. Without the music and unnecessary hymmms in the back. Not sure how one can concentrate with that going.
قال بعضهم في الحنابلة: الحَنْبَلِيّونَ قَومٌ لَا شَبِيْهَ لَهُمْ فِي الدِّيْن و الزُّهْدِ و التَّقْوَى إِذَا ذُكِرُوا أَحْكَامُهُم بِكِتَابِ اللهِ مُذْ خُلِقُوا وبالحَدِيْثِ و مَا جَاءَتْ بِهِ نُّذُرُ
Assalamu alaykum brother hope your well and family I live in the uk and a lot of people say women's salah is different to a man but i can't find anything from the prophet Muhammad pbuh please can you do a talk on this Insha'Allah
I think he has. Look it up in his channel, he gave a talk about how to pray i think he said in it that there is no difference and also you can look it up on islamqa website.
JazakAlla khair sheikh this was excellently explained, may Allah reward you. One question I have is regarding the madhab of ahlul hadith found majorly in Pakistan and i find it a bit different to the one followed in Saudia as they say ahlul hadith is a separate madhab on its own and there are books on it too. I find them a lot more closer to truth but seeing major scholars in the past calling themselves hanbali, shafi etc and the ahlul hadith here saying you dont have to follow any madhab. My knowledge on ahlul hadith and the madhahib is close to 0 so if you could please clarify what exactly their stance is?
Assalam Alaikum Sheikh lots of love and prayers from Al Hind 🇮🇳 can you please upload these kind of videos in Urdu so that we can show these videos to our parents. Jazak Allah Khaer.
@@OneMessageFoundation Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah, You can use a free software like Audacity and easily remove the background noise. Link to Audacity: www.audacityteam.org/download/ Link to on how to remove background noise in Audacity: ruclips.net/video/bur7PJrvKgQ/видео.html&ab_channel=MikeRussell
From whole umma only .000001% people took the approach of Shaykh and All other 99.99999% muslim researched and concluded that they are on right path to follow the madhab.
To those who think madahib are needed and differences in opinions are a blessing, please read the prohet's hadith: ( لَا تَخْتَلِفُوا فَإِنَّ مَنْ كَانَ قَبْلَكُمْ اخْتَلَفُوا فَهَلَكُوا ) . رواه البخاري
The likely reason to practise a madhab is istiqomah in our amal. It is a fact in some issues, a madhab is more strict than the other madhab. If a madhab does not provide a solution, then we may refer to the other madhab for the solution.
MAY Allah increase in knowledge and understanding . You are upon the path of the salaf . Love you for the sake Allah bro .may Allah protect you.
حياكم الله و بياكم و جعل الجنة مأوانا و مأواكم
@@MasjidRibat did you bring any proof from the quran and sunnah to follow a madhab? I must have missed it
@@MasjidRibat because I'm sure you studied under my teachers teacher the hafiz, zubair ali zai may Allah azawajal have mercy upon him.
@@asifahmad4748 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Shaykh Uthman is too busy to answer comments but he has explained this issue many times. Following a madhhab is not obligated in the Qur’ān or the Sunnah and to ask for evidence of such is like asking where does it say in the Qur’ān or Sunnah that we must study Nahw or Saraf. These are means to get to an end and the end is the following the true Sunnah of Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم
@@asifahmad4748 Shaykh Uthman did sit with and study with Shaykh Zubair AliZai
I have found this extremely beneficial, May Allah reward you all
بارك الله فيك
@@MasjidRibat why do you not bother to reply back to someone who sents you a message on Whatsapp seeking help and knowledge ?
@@ABRAHAM4EVER please remember Shaykh Uthman has a full time job, a family, teaches durūs, so please be patient. Please send him a reminder on WhatsApp and we will also forward your message to remind him إن شاء الله
@@ABRAHAM4EVER how to message them via WhatsApp? Can you please share me their number brother.
@@MasjidRibat How to connect to Sheikh on WhatsApp?
Very very beneficial, this video cleared up so much for me! Allah protect this great Shaykh
بارك الله فيك
@@MasjidRibat sheikh plz is video ko urdu me bhi bana dijiye plz🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
@@Limra-perfumes إن شاء الله
@@MasjidRibat how can I ask questions to sheikh uthman
Really miss sitting & benefiting with Shaykh Uthman حفظه الله
بارك الله فيك
Beautifully explained
Been waiting 40 years for a video like this
Your words are inspiring
Stick to your halal meat shop and leave deen to the knowledgeable people like shaykh uthman. Don’t worry when your ustaad dajjal comes he will cm and buy his meat from you.
This was great clarification for me.
This video should be seen by every seeker of holy knowledge
Brilliant must watch for our ummah.
Jazak Allah sheikh
السلامُ علیکم
Jazakallu Khair, Shaykh.
May Allah bless you for having exposed the two extremes of the people (those who are blind in taqleed, and those who are arrogant in the rejection of madhahib). Subhan Allah.
اللہ آپکو خیر اور عافیت سے رکھے، اور ہم تمام کو اپنے صحیح دین پر قائم رکھے۔
ہمارے کشمیر اور کشمیری نوجوانوں کے دین کے لیے دعا کی درخواست ہے۔
Jazak Allahu khayr for breaking this down this was a very confusing subject matter
Jazakallahukhairan ! This was very informative. Allahmma Barik Lakum
I listen to this a few times and every time I get more benefits
alhamdulillah, best explanation and suggestin i've ever heard.
may allah give barakah in your ilm and deen shaikh.
may allah protect you
Jazakallahu khairan Shaykh. Amazing explanation.
الله يحفظك يا شيخ ويعطيك العافية والثبات .
JazakAllah khair sheikh for uploading this video I’ve been thinking about this question for some time now and couldn’t find a video as good as this one. May Allah Azza wajal bless you and raise your ranks in jannah. Ameen
check this out about thanvi
Jazakallah khair
MashAllah TabarakAllah feek, You're a real inspiration Shaykh Uthman
May Allah protect you Sheikh
check this out about thanvi
@@gletkinrubashov1111 yes they are corrupt sufis
Jazak Allahu khairan
Anyone who thinks following a madhhab in fiqh is "shirk", is very uninformed about the meaning of shirk
رفعك الله يا شيخ عثمان وبارك فيك في علمك
حياكم الله و بياكم و جعل الجنة مأوانا و مأواكم
Sub Han Allah.
Indeed this knowledge is the religion, so be careful with regards to the one whom you take your religion from imam ibn sarin
Just took notes from your wise words and will make family members understand our faith and manhaj in better way.
Wonderful effort may Allah bless you akhi Kareem
بارك الله فيكم جميعا وجزاكم الله كل خير
The best i have ever heard to understand the subject. May Allah increase your knowledge.
Top advice, Allah guide us and keep us on the truth. Ameen.
Asalaamu alaykum. JazaakAllahu khair, this was very informative.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
بارك الله فيك وإياكم
Great video. Answers many questions of the laymen. may Allah protect Abu Yusuf
Q. Which Mazhab should I follow?
A. The community you live with.
Simple as that, All four Mazhab are on the right path, just avoid the people who commit shirk and innovation and those who criticise any of the four Imams.
In 4 lines you summarized the whole talk! 😊
@@Exahax101 As long as we have the righteous Scholars amongst us and we appreciate and respect them, InshaAllah Allah Almighty will help us stay on the right path.
what if a person in his community claim to follow Shafi' mad'hab , but they also practice lot of innovations. what do he do ? how can he learn deen from them, can he not say he doesnt want to follow them, or be a blind follower, thinking they are the scholars and the person is just a common man ? or say he will follow only sunnah of Prophet and the Rulings of Imam Shafi?
Do they not call him an innovator in deen, wahhabi etc?
Im the 1000th like. Wow! It was like this video was waiting for me to like it.
The content was important and needed. As far as the background noise it may be preferable over singing. Allah knows best.
جزاك اللهُ خيرًا
Jazakallah khoir from indonesia
May Allah reward you
Jazakallahu khairan
Very beneficial and explained in simple words. Jazakallah khairan.
Very informative JAKHAIR
Mashallah beautifully clearly explained about madhabs
Very beautifully explained
this is Amazing
thank you so much
ماشاء الله
Brilliantly put, it's unfortunate that a lack of 'understanding' has made people hysterical.
Masha Allah clear to the subject.Looking more into your videos.May Allah bless you with beneficial knowledge and let common Muslims benefit from your simple explanations Insha Allah
Mashallah sheikh you explained this so clearly
Love from West London 😍💗sheikh farooq
Much love for our brothers and sisters watching from the UK
beautifully explained Ma-sha-Allah...
Very well and easily explained.
MashaAllah very well explained. Please remove the background music for better concentration
I like this channel because its add free.
Love from Afghanistan
Ustad uthman, please if I could humbly request a lot of are uncomfortable with this background music and humming in videos as we just find it very distracting. Please ustad keep to how you make your videos normally where it may be just you and there is no background humming or nasheed, etc. Jazakallahu khayran
EDIT: I just noticed your video description and why you had to put the vocals in the background, I am sorry for my ignorance
Masha Allah!
May Allah reward you for this immensely beneficial and brief explanation bringing us closer to the sunnah of our beloved Prophet 'Peace and blessing be upon him'.
Is there any textual evidences with references about the sayings of the Imams 'May Allah have mercy on them' that the sahih hadith is my madhab or dont follow my fatwa if you find a saheeh hadith? Especially the Hanafi and the Hanbali Fiqh.
Some people fall into extremes when they reject madhahib and say taqleed is haram but they end up doing taqleed of a contemporary scholar anyways and end up making a new Madhab.
The madhahib are a means to an end, you learn the matn, chain, and the evidences along with the principles of usul al fiqh, usul al Hadith, and qawaid to eventually be able to make ijtihad yourself.
Only ignorant people do that! If someone isn't mujtahid it is necessary for him to follow any school of thought!
@@Exahax101 ? No aami is part of a madhab. He does Taqleed of his local imam not Abu Hanifa رحمه الله he doesn’t even know what Abū Hanifa said
Brother, I am talking of people who aren't mujtahid and reject taqleed and say it is haram.
A layman may ask a scholar but doesn't the scholar solve masial according to the fiqh of Abu Hanifa, Iman shafi etc ?
@@Exahax101 I don't know where you got the concept of Ijtihad and sectarianism from. The prophet (peace be upon him) never asked his followers to do ijtihad, neitherdid he ask them to create schools of thoughts. The hadith is pretty clear:
( لَا تَخْتَلِفُوا فَإِنَّ مَنْ كَانَ قَبْلَكُمْ اخْتَلَفُوا فَهَلَكُوا ) . رواه البخاري.
The hadith about Ijtihad says: judges can do Ijtihad, not scholars and average guy.
The 4 madahib didn't even agree on the most basic thing: prayers time, eventhough, the prophet already set it clear for them.
@@laccess911 First of all it isn't sectarianism. All four madhabs are upon haq and are Ahlesunnahwaljama. They all tried their best to get closer to Quran and sunnah in ijtihadi masials that's why you see difference in opinions.
The reason we have to follow any mujtahid is because there aren't solutions for all masial written in Quran and sunnah in detail. One has to derive solutions for masials from Quran and sunnah in the light of Quran and sunnah. We say a mujtahid (who can solve masial in the light of Quran and sunnah) should find the solution for our masials and common people should accept his solutions which he derives. That's the simplest way to get to Quran and sunnah in ijtihadi masials.
I will give you an example to make things understandable. For example there is a hadith regarding housefly in which prophet said :
The Prophet (ﷺ) said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink) and take it out, for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease."
Now this hadith is only for housefly, what if any other insect falls in a drink like spider , bug , mosquito etc. In that case what should we do? Should we take the insect out and drink or should we throw away the drink( tea, water etc) ?? This is where we need to find a scholar (mujtahid) who can derive solution for this masla. Mujtahid derived qaida from this hadith he said , We can take out all those insects whose blood circulatory system is similar to that of housefly's blood circulatory system! Now this masla is solved! We now know which type of insects should we remove and which not. Remember this is an example to make you understand things, there are thousands of masials like this. If there is any other way other than following an opinion of a mujtahid in masials like these then tell us we will follow that way to get to Quran and sunnah!! You people neither can solve masials nor do you do you accept opinion of a mujtahid. To accept the opinion of a mujtahid is the simplest way to get to Quran and sunnah in these types of masials.
If there would have been clear hadith regarding which type of insect should we take out and which type of not then we would have followed hadith directly. Then There would have been no need to follow any mujthahid. So following the opinion of mujtahid is just a way to get to Quran and sunnah in masials which aren't explained in detail in Quran and sunnah. If you are a mujtahid (means you can derive solutions of masials by yourself) then there is no need to follow any school of thought because then you can yourself solve ijtihadi masials.
Original video without the background sound, would be very grateful, thank you so much in advance!
Sheikh Uthman(Hafidhahullah) simplified and explained beautifully.
MaSha'Allah, the editing is getting better. Inconsistencies in the background with the speech was a bit irksome. The visuals ought to match the words. Moreover, a deft visual storytelling can compensate for the discrepancies in audio.
A simple idea for the brother who's editing,
you can use a picture that matches the topic. Then semi blur the background and use a audio spectrum; Just like podcasts or maybe use stock footages that match the rhythm of speech,
If possible, In'Sha'Allah.
May Allah accept your effort brother. May we get more beneficial videos through this channel. Ameen.
بارك الله فيك
Subhan Allah..Allah akbar
May Allah bless us knowledge. And save us from any madzab other than islam
Very great clarification and knowledgeable
Please upload this topic in urdu also
It helps to people who don't understand English
May this beneficial for them
Jazakallahu khairan
Thank you so much sheikh for this video but the background music is bothering
Assalaamu Alaykum Shaykh, great video! My only feedback is that I feel in many lectures/talks on this subject given in the West especially in America that it speaks more about the Mufti being obliged to follow proofs/evidence. Which is absolutely correct and encourages everyone to study our deen. But the reality in America is maybe 0.0000001 of Muslims are at that level and maybe even less. We should focus on how an everyday Muslim should handle these issues. I know you did in the video but I feel we should emphasis it more. I find it to be a mess when Muslims who dont even know basic arabic pull out hadith and ayat with no understanding of the ruling and condemns traditional opinions held by major scholars for hundreds of years. Of course they belive they are just following the clear daleel. Again just some feedback and again the video was great :) i would have private messaged you if I had your contact. May Allah bless you and your family.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I appreciate and agree with your feedback
BarakAllahu feekum brother. This video was beneficial. However next time pls do not put any background noise and music. Its annoying.
Sir,the problem starts when even after finding a strong hadith against one's madhab, one is so adamant in Taqleed that one rejects the hadith and follows the Mufti or Maulana.
yes i agree later on this Problem came in to Scholars of almost every madhhab
Asalamu alykum Sheikh! Could you upload a video on 3 rakah witr salah??
See Sheikh Assim al Hakeem.
@@stonerosesuk video link pls
i want to learn fiqh and everything you have.. kindly make videos contiusly pls ...
Jazakallah uncle.. I was very confused.. 🤯
Brother if you can't remove the background music, a minimizing the volume further would be very beneficial. Jzk
Bro this is not music but vocals...
Alhamdulilah, Masha'Allah great knowledge and learning. Liked. Would be good if the vocals was removed or lowered in volume as it does interfere with hearing the sheikh clearly.
Read the description brother
I love you for the sake of Allah ya sheikh Uthman. May Allah bless you and rewards you jannal tul Firdaus. Ya sheikh do you have any video related to madhab or authentic hadith regards qunoot during salah fajr? I am from Malaysia and most of us are Syafií madhab so we used to do qunoot in every fajr prayer. But when I look it up in sahih hadith the Prophet Muhammad only do it during some period of time (not all the time). Do you have any explanation for this? it really beneficial for the ummah.
Love from Malaysia.
May Allāh love you as you love me for His sake
With regard to reciting Du’ā’ al-Qunūt in every Fajr Salāh then there is no Sahīh Hadīth to prove this. What is established from Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم is that recited the al-Qunūt at times of calamity with words that were appropriate to the situation. He recited al-Qunūt in Fajr and in other prayers, praying against Ra’l, Dhakwān and ‘Usayyah for killing the innocent Qur’ān teachers that were sent to teach them. And it was proven that he prayed in Fajr prayer and other prayers for the weak and oppressed believers, that Allāh would save them from their enemies. But he did not do that all the time. The Rightly-Guided Khulafa after him followed the same practice. It is better for the Imām to limit al-Qunūt to times of calamity, following the example of Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم , as it was proven that Abu Mālik al-Ash’ari said: “I said to my father, ‘O my father, you prayed behind Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم and behind Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmān and ‘Ali (may Allāh be pleased with them). Did they recite al-Qunūt in Fajr?’ He said, ‘O my son, this is a newly-invented matter.’” (Musnad Ahmad classed as Sahīh in al-Irwā’, 435).
@@MasjidRibat بارك الله فيك ya Sheikh, now I am confident that I am closely following the sunnah. When I pray Fajr I don't recite Qunoot because of this. Thank you so much ya Sheikh.
Another question, do you know any sahih hadith mention the exact word for Qunut teaches by Rasulullah SAW? for the Qunut calamity? I try to find it in www.sunnah.com but I couldn't. The Qunut that teaches from our Ustaz it seems not from sahih hadith and it is a made up/daif hadith.
@@TheBlackCaptain1990 With regards to the Qunūt for calamity then this is Sahīh:
اللهم إنا نستعينك ونؤمن بك ، ونتوكل عليك ونثني عليك الخير ولا نكفرك ، اللهم إياك نعبد ، ولك نصلي ونسجد ، وإليك نسعى ونحفد ، نرجو رحمتك ونخشى عذابك ، إن عذابك الجدَّ بالكفار مُلحق ، اللهم عذِّب الكفرة أهل الكتاب الذين يصدون عن سبيلك
رواه البيهقي 2/210 وصححه الألباني في الإرواء 2/170 وقال الألباني : ( هذه الرواية ) عن عمر في قنوت الفجر ، والظاهر أنه في قنوت النازلة كما يُشعر به دعاؤه على الكفار .
Please visit fan page of Mufti Uthman ibn Farooq
Jazakallahu Khaira. I would suggest to please make videos without background sound, I found it really disturbing.
Intellectual bayan
The background nasheed is making it hard to listen properly the lecture which is why we are here.
As Salāmu Alaykum
May Allāh increase the sheikh in knowledge
I would respectfully request for the one who edits the video to remove the background effects of the man
Jazakallahu khayran.
ماشاء اللہ
Very beneficial video this video also cleared so many concepts doubts plz sir make this video also in urdu language it will be more beneficial for many people
Pls it's my humble request to you sheikh
Because in India pak Bangladesh only few people are known to English language
I think ahle hadees manhaj is the best way to follow islam.
The scholors can be categories into mujthahid mutlaq, mujthahid maslak, mujthahid mas'ala.
Awaam can be into muthabi(the one who knows the methodologies of mujthahid and not capable to do Ijthihaad) and muqalid(who only knows the ahkam for the action) .
هل تستطيع أن تكتبها بالعربي أخي؟
العلماء: مجتهد مطلق، مجتهد مسلك؟؟❓ ، مجتهد مسألة؟
العوام: متبع (الذي يعرف طرق الاجتهاد لكنه لم يصل مرتبة الاجتهاد)، مقلد (الذي لا يعرف سوى الأحكام).
بارك الله فيك أخي
Jzkh for the good and informative content. But please don't use background music (sound) in your videos. It just distracts. A great lesson doesn't need anything else than the knowledge which is being given. We only seek the Ridha of Allah. May Allah always purify our intentions. Aameen
Kindly let me know if there is original recording of this. Without the music and unnecessary hymmms in the back.
Not sure how one can concentrate with that going.
قال بعضهم في الحنابلة:
الحَنْبَلِيّونَ قَومٌ لَا شَبِيْهَ لَهُمْ فِي الدِّيْن و الزُّهْدِ و التَّقْوَى إِذَا ذُكِرُوا
أَحْكَامُهُم بِكِتَابِ اللهِ مُذْ خُلِقُوا
وبالحَدِيْثِ و مَا جَاءَتْ بِهِ نُّذُرُ
Salam aleykum ya sheikh.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
The music is so distracting, I have a problem of concentrating. Please have it like your other videos without the qaswida please
Assalamu alaykum brother hope your well and family
I live in the uk and a lot of people say women's salah is different to a man but i can't find anything from the prophet Muhammad pbuh please can you do a talk on this Insha'Allah
I think he has. Look it up in his channel, he gave a talk about how to pray i think he said in it that there is no difference and also you can look it up on islamqa website.
Here is a good resource: m.ruclips.net/video/RnLoU3ngSpI/видео.html
As far as I know , there is no difference.and allah knows the best
Yes there's no difference. Prophet Muhammad SAWS has said pray as you have seen me praying and applies to both men and women
JazakAlla khair sheikh this was excellently explained, may Allah reward you. One question I have is regarding the madhab of ahlul hadith found majorly in Pakistan and i find it a bit different to the one followed in Saudia as they say ahlul hadith is a separate madhab on its own and there are books on it too. I find them a lot more closer to truth but seeing major scholars in the past calling themselves hanbali, shafi etc and the ahlul hadith here saying you dont have to follow any madhab. My knowledge on ahlul hadith and the madhahib is close to 0 so if you could please clarify what exactly their stance is?
Other people are complaining about humming. I find more distracting the pictures. I covered screen so I could concentrate on what he was saying.
Assalam Alaikum Sheikh lots of love and prayers from Al Hind 🇮🇳 can you please upload these kind of videos in Urdu so that we can show these videos to our parents. Jazak Allah Khaer.
Salaam, sheikh Uthman how can I get hold of you brother.
What is calling the hand?
The background sound was not necessary and did not help at all.
Would it be possible to remove the humming?
And the images shown seem to be of no relevance.
Both are distracting
جزاك الله خيرا
We had to put background vocals to control the background noise in this audio.
@@OneMessageFoundation background noise is better than musical vocals barakallahu feek, there are also software that you can use to reduce noise
@@Fiji_water_man it is not musical vocals. It is just humming.
Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah,
You can use a free software like Audacity and easily remove the background noise.
Link to Audacity:
Link to on how to remove background noise in Audacity:
Great video. Audio is not clear
I want to study my own madhab how should I start?
What is your Madhhab?
@@MasjidRibat hanafi
From whole umma only .000001% people took the approach of Shaykh and All other 99.99999% muslim researched and concluded that they are on right path to follow the madhab.
Masha Allah, this is by far, I think, the best video on madhaahib
To those who think madahib are needed and differences in opinions are a blessing, please read the prohet's hadith:
( لَا تَخْتَلِفُوا فَإِنَّ مَنْ كَانَ قَبْلَكُمْ اخْتَلَفُوا فَهَلَكُوا ) . رواه البخاري
Whyyy add background vocals? 😿
Yeah, i never like the humming in the background, it's annoying. The Voice of the shaykh is enough.
We had to put background vocals to control the background noise in this audio.
@@mohammedraihan9309 Easier for YOU but for others they’d rather have the humming than the background noise.
Can I post this video on my channel..... Very beneficial.
Background sound name ???
The likely reason to practise a madhab is istiqomah in our amal. It is a fact in some issues, a madhab is more strict than the other madhab. If a madhab does not provide a solution, then we may refer to the other madhab for the solution.
The you're following your nafs. If some madhab is strict with something you're searching for ease that's the reason one has to be firm on one Madhab.