It's still more fish oriented than the 405 Conquest from Boston Whaler. That thing is: wife first, entertaining second, sunbathing third and fish fourth. If I had the money, the Pursuit would have to be my choice because the Mrs wants to do the great loop, and I want to fish all the spots along the great loop. Lol Lucky for me, she also likes to fish almost as much as she likes eating fresh fish. So she's willing to compromise, but right now, our modest budget has us looking at a gently used Trophy T25 pilothouse and only dreaming of something like this.
Wow! That thing kicks the absolute mess out of the 405 Conquest! I wonder how it compares on price point to the Conquest?
Ya, this is wife first fish second
Sometimes that's the only option for some lol
It's still more fish oriented than the 405 Conquest from Boston Whaler.
That thing is: wife first, entertaining second, sunbathing third and fish fourth.
If I had the money, the Pursuit would have to be my choice because the Mrs wants to do the great loop, and I want to fish all the spots along the great loop. Lol
Lucky for me, she also likes to fish almost as much as she likes eating fresh fish. So she's willing to compromise, but right now, our modest budget has us looking at a gently used Trophy T25 pilothouse and only dreaming of something like this.
I’ve got more cockpit space on my 22 footer than this 40+ foot beast!
Sure you do. 🙄🤡
There certainly are options for that if it's what you desire on your boat ;)