A lot of schools in the south tend to be on the older side. Areas just don’t have much money or are on historical towns. I've lived in the south my whole life. My elementary school in Savannah was built in 1902. We had no a/c and our heat came from radiators and the floors were all hardwood. It was pretty cool.
Great explore.
Massive place !
Even a school has that creep vibe when it's abandoned. 👍
Thank you for watching!
Thank you for watching ❤
A lot of schools in the south tend to be on the older side. Areas just don’t have much money or are on historical towns. I've lived in the south my whole life. My elementary school in Savannah was built in 1902. We had no a/c and our heat came from radiators and the floors were all hardwood. It was pretty cool.
Very true! Thank you for watching 😊
This is cool, but what if you went at night?🤔🤔🤔🤨🧐
I would love to go at night but I'd be worried about someone seeing my camera light inside of the building